Boot Camp Runners
by: Peter
(© 2007 by the Author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the
author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...
We were thirteen weeks into basic training and I was getting
hornier by the day; almost by the hour if I let myself think about it, which was
most of the time. The nights were the worst, lying in my bunk after a shower
with time to let my thoughts drift. Sleeping naked was permitted but I couldn't
do it unless I slept on my stomach. I needed a pair of shorts to keep my hardon
restrained. I was ribbed more than once by guys who walked past my bunk in the
morning and saw my shorts tented.
I remembered the lecture from the First Sergeant on our first day. "Keep your hands above your waist except to wipe your ass, tie your boots and take a piss and don't shake your dick more than twice or you're playing with it."
It was getting so bad that I was actually taking the risk of shaking it a lot more than twice and even milking it a few times when nobody was looking. It was the closest thing I could get to jacking off.
There just wasn't any safe place to do it. It was weird how the diet and training affected us differently. Most of the guys complained that they hadn't had a hardon since they started basic training. There was a rumor that they put salt-peter in the food to prevent the men from getting erections. If they were, it wasn't affecting me one dam bit. If I could only jack off! But that was a big NO-NO in the army. They didn't just frown on it, it was tantamount to an admission of being gay and that got you in real big trouble. Their philosophy was; why would you get a hardon around a bunch of other guys if you weren't gay? Hello! I got a hardon when I was alone, and I wasn't queer for myself. Well, maybe a little; queer enough to want to jack off.
Not that every guy in the barracks and the corporals and the sergeants never jacked off. But there wasn't a speck of privacy. It was un-natural, a hundred men isolated from women for four months and expect them to forget they had testosterone. I thought it would be a healthy thing to let a guy jack off freely now and then to get rid of the pressure and make easier for him to concentrate on training.
More often than not I woke up with a hardon and had to walk through the barracks with my cock swaying back and forth like a battering ram. I didn't even bother trying to cover it up with a towel around my waist; it would've looked like I was carrying a tent in front of me. It happened to some of the other guys, too, but as far as I could tell I had the biggest cock in the whole damned barracks so I got a lot of ribbing about it. Guys ducked out of the way when I walked by.
"Goddam, Gordon, are they feeding you a special diet? I haven't had hardon for three months and yours hasn't gone down," one of the guys complained.
"I wanta know what you're eating to make it so goddamn BIG," said another.
"I guess it's all in the genes," I said modestly as I walked past them to my own bunk. "Hell, I'm sleeping on it to keep it from getting any bigger."
"The hell; your humping your mattress."
Cold showers didn't work. Sometimes taking a piss brought down a morning hardon or at least turned it to hard rubber instead of solid steel.
One of the other guys was complaining about his own agony. "Shit, if I could just find a place to jack off!" Billie Brown moaned.
"There are places," Travis Mitchell said.
"Where?" Billie asked.
"You just gotta know where to look," Travis said.
Travis was a man's soldier and a woman's dream. He was male and muscle personified. He was built to a fault, and so damned good looking he turned guys' heads. He wasn't a huge bodybuilder type; he was about my size...five-ten, one-eighty-five with a body that the Greeks would've called classic. He was solid muscle. His stomach was tight as a drum.
Even his butt muscles rippled and flexed when he walked.
"Where, man, tell me," Billie begged.
"If I told you, you'd be there all the time. Find your own place,"
Travis said.
"I'm thinking about cutting a hole in my mattress and sleeping on my stomach," another guy said.
"Now there's a place for you, under his bunk," Travis told Billie. "Just crawl under there when he's sleeping on his stomach and jack off to your heart' s content while he fucks your face."
"Fuck you," Billie growled.
"Don't you wish."
I said Travis was a man's soldier. He endured the training better than most, but so did I. I was in exceptionally good shape, too, from all the weightlifting I did in high school and that one year of college. I could've been on my way to being a bodybuilder if I hadn't joined the army.
Travis was a little sharper in the head than me. It might take me a couple of minutes longer to figure something out, like disarming a mine. He heard the directions and saw the demonstration once and did it. The physical part of it that brought most of the guys down was a piece of cake for us.
It both impressed the cadre and pissed them off. If they asked for fifty pushups we were well on our way to a hundred before they stopped us. If they wanted a hundred sit-ups we strived for at least two hundred, but they wouldn't give us time to do them. While some guys struggled to do pull-ups at the bars just outside the mess hall, Travis grabbed the bar and counted them out at one-second intervals. Sometimes he showed off by adding one-arm pull-ups. Once when the corporal was berating a man for not being able to perform the requisite dozen pull-ups before getting into the mess hall, Travis did his own twelve and kept right on going to do twenty-six before the corporal stopped him.
"There, I did mine, and his and his and his," he said, pointing to the guys around him.
It pissed the corporal off and he ordered him to do another dozen pull-ups. He did them, no sweat.
We happened to end up on the same line at chow one day, out on maneuvers.
"Well, here's Mr. Hardon himself," he joked.
"Yeah, look who's talking."
"I get a hardon. You get a HARDON!" he said, laughing. "Looks like we have got the same problem, though."
"Worse than most," I said. "You said you're doing something about it. Are you, or were you just shitting the guys?"
"Wanta come running with me tonight?" he asked with a cocky grin.
"Depends on how far you're running."
"Nothing you can't handle," he said.
He was a physical nut. After a grueling day of training, after he ate and showered, he would lie down for a short rest then go off running. It was no wonder you couldn't pinch any fat on him. He must have had about a minus-four percent body-fat. After chow, we showered and took a short rest, then changed into our PT shorts and jockstraps.
"Where're you going?" Billie asked.
"Running with Travis. If I can keep up with him," I replied. Billie didn't even offer to go; he knew he couldn't keep up with us.
There was a ten-mile running course with quarter, half and full-mile markers but we took off down a narrow dirt road. It was a nice easy pace, quiet and peaceful in the early evening sun. I was able to carry on a conversation without gasping for air. I wanted to work the conversation around to sex; or our lack of it, and what could be done about it. I had a feeling Travis had the answer.
"When you asked me if I wanted to come running with were telling me something, right?"
"I was if you're serious about getting your rocks off. And if you keep your mouth shut," he said.
"Yes, and yes. No, HELL yes, and yes."
I guess we'd run for about six miles when he turned off onto another narrower road that was overgrown with trees and grown over with grass. I was guessing the run was about over. We went around a bend and Travis stopped, still running in place. I bent over with my hands on my knees, sucking in air. Travis leaned his butt back against what was left of an old concrete wall.
"Are we done?" I asked.
"Half way. We gotta run back," he said.
"Man, I'm in good shape, but fuck, don't you ever run down?"
He just laughed as he casually groped the front of his shorts.
"I love it out here on nights like this, when the moon is out and there's a soft, warm breeze," he said. He groped harder. "Dam, it gives me a hardon."
"Running this far would make most guys stay limp," I said.
"Not me, man. Any kind of physical exertion gets the old testosterone pumping," he said. "Hell, you're the one always running around with a big hardon at the end of the day."
"Not after running twenty miles," I said.
"We barely made six," he said. "Well, this is what we came for," he said as he shoved his hand down inside his shorts and hauled out his cock. He shoved the waistband of his shorts down under his balls and began stroking his cock, which was already hard.
"Shit, you don't waste any time with that thing, do you?" I said.
"It's been like this for the last hundred yards. It knows where it's headed," he said with that same mischievous smile "This is were you come?" I asked, trying not to ogle his manhood.
"Hey, I don't go running just for the cardio," he said. Then he asked, "Are you gonna do it?"
"Oh, hell, yeah," I said as I shoved my shorts and jock down to free my own cock. It wasn't quite hard but it was getting there. My cock didn't snap to like a lot of guys, I guess because it was so damned big it took awhile for that much blood to get down there.
"You've got the biggest fuckin' cock I ever saw, except on a horse," Travis said. He laughed. "No wonder you get winded, hauling all of that around."
We were quiet for a moment and the only sounds were the night noises; the crickets and maybe animals moving around through the brush.
Travis shoved his shorts and jock down and took them off. He was naked except for his running shoes.
"I like being naked out here," he said.
"Aren't you afraid someone might come along?"
"Who the hell would come along here at this hour? Besides, if they did, I could outrun them before they could see who it was. Go ahead, take yours off," he said.
I stripped off my shorts and jockstrap so I was as naked as he was.
"Feels good, don't it?"
"Yeah," I had to admit. It felt good. But it wasn't just being naked that felt good. It was being naked with Travis, and that scared me.
Hell, I got naked back in the barracks all the time, but this was different. It was just me and only one other soldier, who happened to be the studliest soldier on the base. Besides being naked, alone with another guy, we were jacking off; something forbidden by the army.
Travis was watching me and I began to wonder what he might be thinking....wondered if it was akin to the strange thoughts creeping into my head.
"Shit, you dam near need two hands," he said.
"Is that an offer? Do you wanta lend me one of yours?" I joked. I didn't know where that came from but the words were out before I knew it and I prayed that he knew I was only joking. IF I was only joking.
I wasn't sure myself, and I couldn't explain the lump in my throat.
"I guess we could trade hands, if you want to," he said.
I watched in horror as Travis reached out for my cock. I gasped when he wrapped his hand around it and I tried to swallow the lump but it was stuck there, blocking my air.
"Fuck, I can't even get my hand around it," he said.
I swallowed again but I couldn't speak. I was numb at the feel of the guy's big, strong hand slowly pumping my cock.
"I haven't done this since I was a little boy, with the neighbor kid," he said. He looked up from my cock in his hand and must have seen the funny look on my face. He stopped moving his hand but didn't let go of my cock.
"Hey, are you okay with this? I mean, I didn't mean anything by it, except two buddies helping each other out. If you don't wanta do it....."
I grabbed his hand before he could let go of my cock to let him know that I wanted him to keep jacking me off. With one heroic effort I gulped down the frog in my throat so I could speak.
"I'm okay with it," I said, almost in a gasp. I coughed to clear my throat. "More than okay with it." I reached out for his cock. It was hot, and hard as steel.
"Awwhh," he moaned softly as he bore his cock through my fist like he was fucking my hand. "How come another guy's hand always feels better?"
"How many other guys' hands have been wrapped around this?" I asked.
"A few," he replied.
I paused in my hand motions, taken aback for a second.
"A few? Guys from the barracks?"
"No. Shit, no. Guy's I've met in bars and places. Haven't you ever got in close like this with another guy?"
"No," I said, although I didn't know exactly what he meant by in close.
"Not even as a kid?"
"Yeah, I played around with a couple of other kids, but they weren't guys, they were kids."
His cock felt good in my hand. Too good, maybe. So goddamn hard and so hot and alive, it was throbbing and quivering in my hand and I got the feel of his warm, slick ball juice coming out of the wide slit. I swallowed to soothe my parched throat, surprised to gulp down a mouthful of spit. Why was my mouth watering?
"Does my hand feel better than yours?" he asked.
"Oh, yeah," I said. "But then, I've been so desperate for some relief, I guess anybody's hand would feel good."
Travis stepped around in front of me and took both of our cocks in his two hands to jack them off together. I put my hands on my hips and watched him.
"Dam, you're huge! Look at that, you're a good inch bigger than me."
"That don't take anything away from your cock," I said. "I think you're thicker."
"I need another pair of hands here," he said.
I reached down and wrapped my hands around both of our cocks along with his and we jacked off together.
"The goddamned army would be smart to stop being so fuckin' homophobic and just let guys do this," he said.
"Maybe they're afraid they would do more than just jack off," I said.
"Well, if they did, it's between the two guys doing it. You know, any port in a storm. Confining a bunch of guys to an army base without women is not natural, so what would it hurt if guys helped each other out, like we're doing. Do you feel like there's anything wrong with what we're doing?"
"No," I said. "And even if I did, I would still do it. There's just so much a guy can take."
I took hold of his wrists to stop his motions. "I don't wanta come yet," I said hoarsely.
Travis laughed. "You just want relief, huh? Right," he chided me.
"If you're holding off from coming, you're getting more out of it than relief. You're enjoying it."
"Hell, yeah, why not make it last as long as we can? Do you want to just shoot off and head back?"
"No. Hell, no."
Travis was more right than he knew. I was enjoying it immensely.
Not just our hands wrapped around our cocks together; I was enjoying Travis. His naked, muscular body. I let go of our cocks with one hand and without thinking, I touched his chest. He looked up at me with a funny look but he didn't say anything and I brushed my fingers across his broad chest to the other side.
"You've got great pecs," I said, my voice strangely hoarse, like the frog was returning.
With his tacit approval, it seemed perfectly natural to let my hand move down his rock-hard abs. Hell, why not? What could be un-natural about feeling the guy's muscles when I had his cock in my other hand?
"Fuckin' great abs, too," I said. "Shit your stomach feels like a steel plate."
He laughed softly and thanked me again. "Your hand feels good," he said.
"Which one?" I quipped.
"Both of them." His voice was hoarse too. He let go of our cocks with one of his hands and flattened it over my right pec. "Not so bad yourself," he said. He smashed his hand hard against my muscle and ground it around. "Dam nice tits, too."
"Thanks...I guess," I said. I'd never had anybody compliment my tits before.
"I wish I had big tits like yours. I think it's a sign of raw virility to have a pair of headlights sticking out like that."
"Shit, I don't have anything you ought to be wishing for," I said.
"Not with a body like yours."
"Hell, every guy in the barracks wishes he had your cock," he said.
"Tell me who, he can have it," I said.
"You know what I mean."
"Yeah, and every guy in the barracks wishes he was built like you are," I said.
We were quiet again, jacking each other's cock now as we felt each other's muscles. I was weakening inside; everything in me was crying out to succumb to the strange feelings I was having. Only fear held me back.
Fear of what Travis would think or say or do if I...
"Hey, we ought to go into town together when they decide to give us passes," he said. "Pick up a couple of chicks."
"I'm gonna need more than one chick when they turn me loose," I said.
Travis laughed and squeezed my cock. "Man, you are in bad shape, shit, your cock just bolted hard as steel just talking about chicks."
"I've got testosterone boiling through my veins," I said.
I heard Travis swallow hard as he watched his hand moving on my cock. My one hand was down around his hip now, my fingers touching the curvature of his butt. It was solid, too. Suddenly, Travis reached down and cupped my balls with his other hand.
"Hung like a horse, balls like a bull," he said.
"Yeah, think of what a package I would be if I had your muscles to go along with it," I said.
"You're a fuckin' package already, without my muscles. You've got plenty of muscles of your own."
"I'm not as hard and ripped as you are."
"I could help you get that way," he said.
"Okay, how? When?"
"Starting in the morning. Stick beside me. At breakfast tomorrow, and every other meal, you eat what I eat. And there's exercise movements you can do all day to get your muscles hard and ripped."
Travis pushed both of our cocks upward and moved in closer to smash them between our stomachs. My hands naturally moved around his hips to pull him tighter against me and he flexed his butt muscles for me.
"Dam, your ass feels like two bowling balls," I said. I started to move my hands down the side of his thighs but caught myself.
"Go ahead and feel my legs," he said.
I ran my hands freely down his thighs, squeezing the hard muscles. I sort of crouched down to reach to his knees and his cock poked up at my chest, between my pecs.
"Go can feel my calves. They're like baseballs," he said.
It was a natural progression to move from the crouch to a squat in front of him. I moved my head to the side to avoid his manhood.
He was right, his calves were like baseballs. I squeezed the hard muscles and stayed in the squat as I moved my hands back up his thighs and wrapped them around his hard butt.
"Your hands feel good on my ass," he said.
"Your ass feels good in my hands," I said. Fuck, where did that come from! Dam, I was sounding like I was making it with some chick.
"Hey....stud....would it be....taking things too far if we....took things....a little farther?" he asked.
"How far?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.
"Whatever you want to do...while you're down there...," he said, letting his voice trail off.
The situation was getting scary. My thighs burned under the strain of holding the squat position. I tried to straighten but my legs were trembling so bad they wouldn't work. Travis saw that I was trying to stand and he cupped his hands in my armpits and pulled me to my feet. I half-wished he hadn't. Something inside of me wanted me to be on my knees in front of the muscular stud.
"Sorry," I mumbled.
"It's okay, man," he said. He swallowed, hard, an audible gulp.
"I'll do you first," he said as he went to his knees in front of me. "I don't know what I'm gonna do with this big fucker, but I'll try." With that, he warped his mouth around the head of my cock!
"Awwwhhhhhh!" I cried aloud as he began sucking my cock.
"Hey, not so much noise," he said as he fisted my slick cock. Then he went back down on it.
I rested my butt back against the wall before me legs collapsed completely and sat there gaping down in total shock at the handsome head moving back and forth at my crotch. I put my hands on his shoulders and dug my fingers in the hard muscles. I stared in disbelief. Nobody back at the barracks would believe this! I didn't' believe it. The battalion stallion was on his knees sucking my cock! I couldn't believe it and I was seeing it...feeling it.
"Aww, Geezusss, Travis!" I moaned softly.
He got off. "I guess that means I'm doing okay."
"Aww, fuck, you're doing more than okay," I said. "Fuck, I never felt anything like it in my life!"
He chuckled and went back to sucking my cock while I tried to claw my way up out of the stupor of disbelief. I wondered if this was the first time he'd ever done this. It sure felt like he had some experience, but then I didn't know what inexperience felt like. Maybe it came natural, once you had your mouth around a cock. Maybe I would be just as good as it. I know it was feeling incredible, especially the underside of my cockhead sliding back and forth across his tongue, and the way he slathered his tongue all around the head, like he was licking a big lollipop. Maybe he would wonder the same thing about me when I...I balked at the thought, even though I knew, now, I would do the same for him if he asked me to again.
Maybe he had asked me; he'd said he was doing me first. First meant there was a second, and I was going to be the second one on my knees taking my turn at his cock. Well, I owed him that. Yeah, I was going to suck cock!
Horrified as I was at the notion of doing such a thing, my mouth was watering and I was anxious to drop down to my knees and try it.
Travis sucked me like he was doing more than just helping out a buddy. He was slobbering and making a lot of noise and moaning around my cock like he was enjoying it. He got off of my cock again.
"Hey, don't go off in my mouth," he said.
"Okay," I said hoarsely. I started to reach down and bring him to his feet, to trade places with him but he was back on my cock too quick and I didn't want to stop him. I put my hands loosely around his head and pumped my cock in and out of his mouth. He dropped his hands to his sides and let me fuck his mouth. Finally, I pulled back and eased his head back.
"Getting close?" he asked.
"Yeah, too close for comfort," I said.
"Do you wanta try it?" he asked, looking up at me.
He stood up and I dropped down.
"You oughta be able to handle me okay, I did okay with that big horse cock of yours."
I wet my lips and slid them over the head of his cock, without hesitation, like I was following an order.
"Ohh, fuckkkkk!" he cried softly as he began humping my face.
I kept my hands on his hips to keep him from getting out of control and ramming his cock down my throat. He kept trying but I was scared to let him do it. I didn't know how much damage he could do. I kept thinking that if his cock wasn't so hard, I might be able to take it all the way.
Geezuss, why would I want to? Why was I doing this in the first place.
Yeah, I owed him...right! For the moment I took comfort that he had gone first and I was repaying a debt. Travis pulled his cock free.
"Hey, let's do this at the same time," he said.
With his help I struggled to my legs were still trembling...and grabbed up my shorts and jockstrap and followed him further down the road. We went around behind the concrete barrier where there was a lot of tall grass.
"This is a good place," he said as he began trampling the grass down to make a bed of sorts. I helped him till we had a circle big enough to lie down.
"Go ahead, lay down," he said.
I laid down first, which put him on top. He lay astraddle me in a sixty-nine position. I loved the position. His powerful, smooth thighs on either side of my head, his big cock and balls looming over my face. I had to pull his cock down and had my mouth open to take it when he took mine and a groan came out. As he started sucking me, I took his cock in my mouth. It was only natural for him to bear down with his hips, like he was fucking a girl, and his cock bore right into my throat! I was shocked how easily it slipped through and buried itself deep in my throat. It must be the different position we were in, I thought. His cock, aimed this way, conformed to the curvature of my throat, and there I was getting my throat fucked for the very first time. I guess part of it was because he was sucking me at the same time and that sort of swept me up in it so I would do about anything to return the pleasure.
We went at it for too long, I thought. I glanced at my watch at one point and we'd been gone from the barracks for over two hours. But I couldn't bring myself to stop or say anything. Right then, I was ready to go till the sun came up. It was the most incredible feeling; I constantly felt like I wanted to come but I easily held it off. Godd, it was good.
Not just getting my cock sucked; I liked the feel of his cock in my mouth, and the taste of it, and the feel of his muscles rippling over me. Travis raised up.
"I told you not to go off in my mouth. I changed my mind," he said. "I'm so fuckin' hot I wanta see it all the way to the finish. Is that okay? You don't have to take my load if you don't want to."
"No, it's okay. I'll try it if you do," I said.
"Okay, let's try to work it up at the same time. I'm just gonna keep sucking and you ease me off when you get close till you're ready, then really give it to me, so I'll know you're ready to come."
We worked like a team; Sarge would be proud of our teamwork. I had to ease him off a couple of times till he started getting wild and thrashing his hips around and fucking my throat like it was a hot pussy and then the way he was groaning I figured he was getting close.
"I'm gonna come!" he hissed then went back down on my cock.
I think we shot off at the exact same split second. His cock bolted even harder, if that was possible, then exploded in my mouth. He shot come that splattered against the roof of my mouth with such force I imagined my head was thrown back. It was hot and thick but I couldn't taste anything till there was so much of it that it covered my tongue and I got my first taste of come. I couldn't decide whether I liked it or not, but it didn't matter. It was Travis' come shooting out of his beautiful, hard cock and I didn't care what it tasted like. I was blasting Travis's tonsils and he was choking and sucking and gobbling my cock like he was hungry for come. I figured he was probably just trying to get through it, like I was. My mouth was filling up and if he didn't stop and pull his cock out I was going to have to start swallowing the stuff. I didn't know if I could do that. Then I felt and heard Travis swallowing my load. He gulped and sucked and swallowed and sucked harder to get it all out of my cock. I was still holding his load, wallowing it around his cock, but it was starting to run out the corners of my mouth and down my face.
"Swallow it. It's not so bad," he told me.
I had to do what he said; I had no choice. My mouth was full of come and there was more still coming. I relaxed my throat muscles and let the stuff slide down my gullet. He was still coming and he shoved his cock down my throat to expel several more shots. I started choking but he didn't raise up. I was determined to finish him off right like he did me. I choked and gagged but fought it down till he rested his pubes gently on my face with his big cock buried deep in my throat. His cock lost some of its hardness and he settled down enough that I could lie there and hold his cock in my throat with ease and continue to gulp and swallow his come around it. Travis rolled to one side and we lay there, trying to catch our breath. Finally he raised up, propped up on one arm.
"Fuck, that's worse than running five miles," he said, almost gasping. He ran his hand up and down my leg. "You okay, buddy?"
"Yeah," I said weakly. "As okay as can be expected anyway."
"That was something."
"Yeah, it was," I agreed.
He sat up with his legs crossed and pulled me up. "Do you believe what we just did?"
"It hasn't soaked in yet," I said.
He shook his head in disbelief, laughing. "We came out here to jack off. We just sucked each other's cocks. We ate each other's come."
"The army would never approve," I said.
"Fuck the army."
"You talk big, sitting out here in the ass end of nowhere behind a concrete barrier," I said.
"I guess we'd better get back," he said. He stood up and put his hand down to pull me to my feet.
"We're not running back, are we?" I asked.
"We'll probably have to crawl back," he said, laughing.
We put on our jocks and running shorts and I followed Travis in a trot. I wasn't sure my legs were going to hold up but I had to keep up with him.
"Hey, I liked what we did back there," Travis said as he trotted along the moon-lit road.
"I would be lying if I didn't say I did too," I said.
"Wanta do it again sometime?"
"Yeah," I said.
"You ever do anything like that before?" he asked.
"No. Hell, it never entered my mind. Oh, the jacking off part, but not the rest," I said. "Was that the first time you ever did that?" I asked.
"Yep." He turned to me with a big grin. "If you're thinking I was too good at it to be my first time, you were pretty damned good at it, too."
"It was my first time," I assured him.
"I feel sorry for those poor slobs back in the barracks," he said, laughing.
"They're tossing and turning or lying there squeezing their hard cocks, just dying to jack off and we're gonna go back completely satisfied and rearing to go tomorrow."
"I just hope my legs work tomorrow," I said.
I slept good that night.
Travis and I went running almost every night. And almost every night we sucked each other off and I slept good. Man, I was even developing a taste for his come! We were on our nightly run, feeling fresh and rejuvenated after a shower, chow and a rest. We loped alongside our own shadows in the full moon.
"I wanta fuck you tonight," Travis said.
As my foot next hit the ground I froze on the spot like I'd been turned into a pillar of salt. Travis was several paces ahead of me before he noticed that I'd stopped dead in my tracks. He turned around and trotted backwards.
"What!" I exclaimed as I resumed my pace.
Travis laughed, still running backwards till I caught up with them, then he turned and we ran side by side again.
"I wanta fuck you when we get out to the wall."
"Right. In your dreams," I said, shrugging it off with my tone.
But I didn't know if I had done that; I couldn't tell if he was joking around or if he was serious. Now I was a little tense about even going to the wall. Still, I followed his lead when he turned down the narrow road alongside the wall. He led the way further down the road than any time before, stopping in a clump of trees at the end of the wall.
"We need to make a new place, just in case somebody sees the grass trampled down back there," he said as he shoved his shorts and jockstrap down.
I was hesitant but I got naked with him; I couldn't shake his remark about wanting to fuck me. We moved in close and took hold of each other's cocks. Travis was the first on his knees, as he often was, and started sucking my cock even before it was fully hard. I wanted to sixty-nine but I rested my butt back against the wall to enjoy Travis's mouth. There was plenty of time for a sixty-nine. He acted like he was hungry for my cock and really hot for my body. He ran his hands up and down my legs and reached up to squeeze my pecs and wrapped his arms around my waist to squeeze my butt muscles. He kneaded them like they were a couple of big tits. He drew one hand back and shoved it between my thighs to grab my butt, and with both hands, he pulled my butt apart and dug his fingers deep between the muscles. Using spit that ran down my cock and balls, be slicked up between my buns all the way in to my asshole. I liked the feel of his finger rubbing around my asshole. He used more spit and soon had my butt was all wet and slick and he was pushing against my hole with his fingers. It was feeling so good back there that I didn't try to stop him when he worked a finger through my hole. He probed and wriggled it around inside me and probed deeper till pretty soon I couldn't help squirming around on his finger. Then he gave me a second finger and wriggled them around in opposite directions. He was touching everywhere, places that I didn't even know I had feelings. And he never let up on my cock. God, he acted like he was starving for it. He moved off of my cock to catch his breath.
"Fuck, you've got a big cock! I love it!" he said as he continued to move his fingers around deep in my ass. "How's my fingers feel?"
"Good," I admitted, sounding a little out of breath.
"I thought so, the way you were squirming around on them," he said, laughing softly. He went back to work on my cock and with his fingers. Maybe this was what he meant about fucking me; with is fingers. I didn't mind. I only wished his fingers were longer. I longed to see how what feelings I had deeper in my ass. After awhile he backed off of my cock and pulled his fingers out of my ass.
"Turn around," he said.
I hesitated but when he stayed down on his knees, I turned around with my butt to his face. He went to work on my butt again, squeezing and kneading the muscles and generally making me feel good, and I was waiting for him to shove his fingers in me again. Shit, my ass was itching for them. I was stunned when I felt his mouth on my butt. I snapped my head around to see him kissing my butt. I felt his tongue, then, licking my butt, all around and across the crevice to the other side. Then back again, only he dipped deeper into the crevice each time he crossed over.
"Bend over," he whispered.
I bent over, afraid to believe what I was thinking. Afraid, but anticipating, almost breathless. Suddenly he buried face in my butt. I cried out softly from his hot breath. He began licking the inner slopes of my butt.
"Ohhh...Awww, Travis...w--what're you doing?" I gasped.
"A real man don't fuck what he don't eat first," he said.
It was an off-hand remark that I took as a joke, even though he was lapping his tongue deeper...deeper...pulling my butt apart...
"Aaawwwhhhhhh!" I cried out as he began tonguing my asshole.
"Awww, fuck, Travis...," I almost whimpered.
"Yeah, we're gonna get around to that," he said.
I still took it as him joking around. He lashed at my asshole, like he was scrubbing it with his tongue. I bent over as far as I could with my feet set wide apart. I wanted to give him all the room he needed. He pulled my butt wider apart; so wide that I felt the night air on my gaping asshole. Then he bore his tongue through my hole and lashed around inside.
"AAAWwhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhh...Ohhhhhhhh...Ohhhhhh, fuck, man....!"
He tongue-fucked me for a moment then tongued my ass while he used his fingers inside me. He went back and forth, using his fingers, then his tongue inside my ass. I let myself get so caught up in it that I didn't know he stood up till I felt the heat of his cock against my butt.
I started to straighten up but he pushed me back down.
"Come on, you liked it," he said.
"Yeah....yeah, your fingers, and Geezusss, your tongue....but not....not this... not the real thing," I said. I wasn't exactly begging, I was just telling him I didn't want to get fucked for real. But no matter what I thought or said, my asshole was calling me a liar. It wanted something longer than his fingers. Fuck, I wanted his cock.
"There's no substitute for the real thing," Travis told me as he pushed the head of his cock against my asshole.
I don't know why I stayed bent over with my legs spread out like an invitation. I could have simply straightened up and moved away from him. But his cock was feeling good probing at the muscles of my asshole and I was stupid enough to think that this was as far as he would go. I couldn't believe that he really wanted to shove his cock in me.
Hell, it wouldn't fit anyway.
I should've gotten a clue when he used spit to lube up his cock and my ass so his cock slid all around the deep crevice. When the spit wore off he coughed up some more onto his fingertips to use to lube my asshole. He easily shoved two, then three fingers inside me, probing around like he was searching for something. A couple of times I wanted to tell him he'd found it when he touched a certain spot in there. Then he pulled his fingers out and replaced them with his cock.
"Don't, man," I said in a weak voice. But he didn't stop. "Don't do this, Travis," I said, but hell, I didn't even believe myself; how could I expect him to believe me.
"You can take it, like a man," he said.
"Maybe I could, but I don't wanta do this," I said.
"Your asshole is calling you a liar, and you're still standing there bent over with your ass sticking out at me," he said.
Yeah, he saw right through me. He wasn't stopping and I wasn't trying to stop him. He wanted me to be a man about it I couldn't be anything less.
"I'm gonna slip it in. It might hurt a little at first, but you can handle a little pain. After that, I'll stop if you want me to."
He paused and in that split second I was scared he wouldn't do it.
"Okay," I said softly.
He put pressure behind his cock and the head bore into the pliable muscles between my buns, hard against my hole. He worked and probed and nudged his cockhead against my asshole and I could feel it giving way and it was feeling good. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.
Suddenly the head popped through my hole and I gasped so hard I was unable to cry out. It hurt so bad I thought I was seeing stars and I thought I might pass out. My mouth was moving but no sound came out.
Shit, he was ripping me apart! His cock throbbed hotly just inside my ass and I couldn't help that it was squeezing around the head.
"Shit, you're tight," he said. "And hot. And alive."
I held onto the wall with white knuckles, my eyes shut tight and my teeth clenched. My Godd, I never felt such excruciating pain in my life! Travis was holding still but his cock throbbed hard inside me.
It was like a gentle, pulsating, internal massage. I wanted to scream for him to take it out but I didn't want to be a pussy about it. Gradually, as the pain began to subside, I was able to relax my ass muscles. Travis sensed that I was relaxing and he shoved his cock in deeper. I gasped but there was no reason to cry out. It hurt a little, but it was a numb hurt.
By the time he had his cock buried to the hilt it didn't hurt at all.
"Fuck, you took it," he said. He pulled back and slowly buried his cock in me again. I let out a moan instead of a gasp. Yeah, it felt good. His cock was reaching places I only wished his fingers or his tongue could reach. He slid his cock in and out of me a couple of times then paused.
"Do you want me to stop?"
Yeah, I wanted him to stop because I was a guy and I wasn't built for this, but I didn't say it. I took a lot of guts to reply the way I did, but I said, "No....go ahead and do it."
"If it starts hurting again, just let me know," he said, and with that he started fucking me.
It felt wonderful beyond belief. The pleasure was as intense as the pain I'd felt before. My head was spinning with disbelief.
If anyone had said only hours before that I would be doing this, I would've laughed or punched his lights out. The pleasure soaked in and permeated my muscles long before the reality penetrated my mind. It was happening and I was feeling it happen, yet I couldn't bring myself to believe it. I had to tell myself before my mind would process the reality of it.
"I'm getting fucked," I thought. "I've got a big, hard, hot cock sliding in and out of me. I'm getting my ass fucked, and it's feeling good!" Okay, I made my admission. It was out of the way and I was able to concentrate more on what was happening behind me....deep inside me...all through my body. Oh, Geezuss, it felt good!
Travis was a master cocksman. So good, I had to wonder how many other times he had done many other guys from the barracks he had fucked. He knew right where to aim his cock, where to probe, where to bury it so that it made me feel like I wanted to cry out with sheer pleasure. His best movement was when he shoved his cock all the way in then twisted his hips around in circles. Making his cock lob around inside me like that, there wasn't anyplace he didn't reach or touch.
"How're you doing, buddy?" he asked me in a hoarse voice.
"Okay....okay," I replied. For some reason I tried to mask my pleasure.
"Just okay? Shit, I always get better than just okay,"
Travis joked. Just then he did that move, rammed his cock in me and twisted it around.
"OHhh...Ohhhh...Ohhhhhh...Awww, man you're gonna make me come doing that."
He laughed. "That's what I like to hear, that I'm making you feel good," he said.
Very quickly he set a pace, alternating between long-cocking me and burying his cock and twisting it around. He had me on the brink for a second or two, then he would stop twisting and long-cock me for awhile. But every stroke of his big cock drove me a little bit higher than before till I felt like I was constantly on the verge of coming. I no longer worked to hold back because it didn't feel like it was ever going to let loose. I was almost whimpering by the time the dam broke. It was a neck-jerking, wide-eyed come; my head jerked back and my eyes popped with the incredible pleasure that suddenly swept through me.
"Oh, Travis....Ohh, Man...I'm gonna come!"
He kept right on fucking me as if he didn't hear me.
Seconds later I blasted my load all over the wall. It came so hard that the impact of it made my hips lurch forward and my cock trembled from it.
I couldn't even cry out; my cries were choked in my throat and I couldn't breath.
"I'm gonna shoot in you," Travis announced.
I couldn't say anything. It wasn't a question anyway. He was just telling me what he was going to do, just like he told me he was going to fuck me and he was, and now he was going to blast his load of hot come way up inside me. By the time he worked up his load I was a trembling mass, moaning and whimpering in my lust. Suddenly I felt the liquid heat of his come shooting deep inside me and it happened all over again for me.
It was even more intense than the first time. I didn't shoot as much, but my cock went through the motions. It felt like Travis had set off a bomb inside of me. My cock bolted and quivered and I could feel even more come shooting out while he filled me with his come. I could feel his sweat dripping on my back where he was bent over me, and felt his legs begin to tremble.
Finally, he had to pull out before his legs gave way. When his cock was out of me I maneuvered myself around and collapsed to the ground, leaning against the wall, in my own come that had run down the rough stones. My legs were cocked up and I could feel his come running out of my gaping ass, my sphincter muscle clenching, trying to stem the flow of the precious nectar. Travis sat down beside me, his chest heaving to catch his breath. It was another moment of total disbelief.
"Goddam, that was hot!" Travis said.
I didn't say anything. I just sat there staring off into the soft night with his come still draining out of my asshole.
"Hey, stud, you okay?" he asked.
"I don't believe I let you do that to me," I said "Believe it. You wanted it."
"Did I? Did I say that?"
"Hey, I asked if you wanted me to stop. You explicitly said no," he said.
He was right. But he had asked me after he had pushed me past the point of no return. I didn't know whether to be angry or ashamed.
I couldn't latch onto any emotions.
Travis stood up and put his hand down to pull me to my feet. As I steadied myself he pulled me in against him, smashing his hard muscles against mine. I could feel the slickness of his cock against my thigh.
"You are one hot mother-fucker," he said as he put his hands up around my neck.
I instinctively stiffened my neck...I didn't know why....but he pulled my face toward his and then I knew why. Before I knew what was happening he was kissing me. I think I recoiled. Certainly I didn't kiss him back. Not at first anyway. I just stood there and let him do it, just like I'd let him fuck me in the ass. His lips slid against mine and his tongue flicked across my lips and I let out a tiny whimper.
He moaned and forced his tongue between my slack lips. I groaned then, too, as his tongue lashed about inside my mouth, doing battle with my own tongue. And suddenly, I was kissing him back! It was the most passionate kiss I ever had.
"Goddam, you are sexy!" he said as he broke away, his hands still wrapped around my neck. Then he stroked my face. "Yes, sir, till I can get a pass and get my hands on a woman, you're gonna do just fine."
Then he abruptly stepped away from me and retrieved our clothes. He tossed my jock and shorts to me.
"Think you're going to be able to run back?" he asked.
"I can if you can," I said. I was suddenly angry over the way he was treating me. I was going to do just fine as a substitute for a woman?
We started out running but Travis slowed as we got to the road. "I'm throwing in the towel. I'm walking," he said.
It was a long run; it was an even longer walk. Neither of us said anything for a long time. I wouldn't have then but Travis reached out and grabbed my ass.
"Motherfuck! You've got a great ass. Hell, I'm gonna get a hardon just looking at it, now."
I sort of moved away from him but he grabbed me by the arm and stopped me.
"Hey, what're you pissed about? You liked it as much as I did," he said.
"Yeah....yeah, I know...I couldn't help it once you got started," I said.
"So if I got you started again, you wouldn't be able to help it again and you would like it again," he said.
"You can be happy and proud that you busted my cherry, but don't expect me to be your regular piece of ass," I said as I started walking again.
"Are you still going to go running with me?" he asked. "I mean, we can still do the other, can't we? Come on, don't take that big, beautiful cock away from me."
Travis had a way about him. Just hearing him say it made me tingle down in my balls and I knew I would let him have my cock as long as he wanted it.
"Come on, we can still do the other, right?" he persisted.
"Sure. My big beautiful cock is yours anytime you want it," I said.
"Oh, Man, thanks!"
He seemed satisfied and I was over my mad spell, and happy to be walking beside the big stud, and content knowing that I had his load still in me.
So I went running with him again. And he fucked me again. I happened just like the first time. He was sucking my cock....really moaning and slobbering over it.... and working his spit-slick fingers between my buns at the same time. I tried to stop him in my mind but it was no use. When he shoved his fingers inside me and started dancing them around on my love nut, I knew I was his. And just like the first time I turned around when he told me to and bent over the wall when he told me so he could eat my ass and pretty quick he had me so hot and ready that I was about to beg him to shove his cock in me.
I didn't have to, of course. He knew exactly when to do it, how deep to go, how to move it around...he played me like a fine violin and he had me singing like a fine violin. To hell with it, I didn't try to fight my emotions. I just let it feel good. He was delighted when I began shoving my butt back onto his cock and I think at that moment he knew I was his.
It became a ritual. We went running together and every time, I made up my mind that was all we were going to do, but I followed him at the turn off and we went down to the wall and I was powerless but to let him do what he wanted to do; fuck me. I was in denial; I knew full well what he wanted and I went running with him because I wanted it to.
A forced march led the whole company down that narrow road one day, past the crumbling wall and I saw how it was streaked and stained with all of the loads of come that I had shot on it. I wondered if anyone else noticed. If they did, would they know what it was? I didn't think so.
But I did and Travis did and it would be our secret all through the rest of basic training.
I got the surprise of my life one night after a grueling day at the rifle range. We even smelled like gunpowder, but Travis said he was going to skip his shower. That in itself opened up a whole new window of pleasure for me, for I secretly loved him all sweaty, and the run would only add to it. We were going at a good pace down the same road, heading, I knew, to the same place and I was firm in my resolve that I wouldn't let him fuck me even though my asshole was itching at the thought of his bug cock driving into me and I knew I would. I didn't know why I kidded myself.
"Do you wanta fuck me tonight?" he asked without breaking stride.
I stopped in a moment of total surprise. I put my hands on my hips and gaped at him several yards ahead of me where he hadn't stopped as quick.
"What did you say?"
"Do you want to fuck me tonight?" he repeated.
"Don't fuck with my head, Travis," I said.
"It's not my head I'm talking about."
I continued to gape at him in disbelief. I was still more or less getting over the realization that I was letting him fuck me, and now this.
"Are you turning me down?" he asked, laughing.
"No," I said quickly. "No, I'm just having trouble processing what you said."
"Well when it soaks into that thick head of yours, you can catch up with me at the wall," he said as he trotted off.
I was so numb from shock that I wasn't even aware of my legs propelling me after the big stud. I ran faster, wanting to watch his tight, round butt flex inside his running shorts but he was faster and too far ahead. I didn't catch up with him till the wall. Travis was squatted down on his haunches with his back to the wall, catching his breath. When I approached he reached one arm out around my leg and pulled me to him.
"Did you make up your mind yet?" he asked.
"Yeah....Hell, yeah," I said. "Who wouldn't want to plug that tight, muscle-butt of yours?"
Travis nonchalantly stood up and shoved his shorts and jock down. "Don't forget the rules, you don't fuck what you don't eat," he said as he turned and bent over the wall.
He needn't have reminded me. My mouth was watering even as he turned around to show me his bubble-round, tight, muscular butt. I knelt down with my hands clasped around the twin mounds and buried my face between them. I whimpered with pleasure at the man-musky aroma of the day's sweat, and the wet of the fresh sweat that had trickled down his spine. I was glad he hadn't showered before we ran. Godd, he smelled wonderful! Like a hundred worn jockstraps. I lapped my tongue between his butt and he jutted his hips back at me. I pulled his butt apart and licked the hair crack.
"That taste good?" he asked over his shoulder.
"Mmm-Huunnhh!" I moaned.
"If you wanta get a real taste, you gotta pull `em apart and dip your tongue in the honey-pot, where all that nice, musky sweat is stored up," he said.
The way he put things sent chills down my spine. I pulled his asshole open and drove my tongue through it.
"Awwwhhhh....Awww, yeah....that's where it's at! Go deeper...fuck me with your tongue!"
I ate his ass like I hadn't had chow for a week, till his wide-spread legs were shaking.
"Enough," he gasped. "I can't take any more."
When he raised up I didn't know if we were quitting; that maybe he'd changed his mind, because he didn't tell me to fuck him. But then he bent over with is feet planted as wide as he could, an open invitation.
"You've got a wicked tongue, buddy, but I want the real thing now.
Give me your cock. Fuck me."
Shit, I couldn't believe it was Travis saying it. I stood up and spat in my hand and lubed up my cock. I spat again and worked a couple of fingers in his ass. He was already well-lubed from my drooling mouth. I set the head of my cock against his hot hole and took hold of his hips.
"I know this is gonna hurt like hall," he said, "but I don't want you to stop, even if I yell."
"Don't yell," I said.
"If I do I'll muffle it," he said.
It was so damned macho of him to freely admit that it was going to hurt and he was going to take it anyway. I knew the feeling, only I wasn't so macho about it. I was scared witless every time when Travis shoved his cock in my ass.
I pushed and he held fast so the only place for any give was his pliable ass. I grunted a moan when the head of my cock popped through his asshole. He gasped, a lot louder. I checked my entry for a second, but not long enough for him to get used to the pain. I was too selfishly anxious, and I think I wanted to give him a taste of what he'd given me all those times. I shoved deeper and he let out a low, loud moan that a passer-by could have heard if we weren't so far out in the boonies.
"Awwww, Geeezusssss!" he swore through clenched teeth, tossing his head back.
"Shit! You're gaining more of my respect the deeper you go," he said.
I didn't ask if he wanted me to stop or if I was going too deep. There was one objective; to bury my cock to the hairy hilt in my buddy's ass. One mission; to fuck his eyeballs out like he had done to me so many times. It wasn't a revenge thing. I wanted to fuck him and show him how great it felt. He finally shoved back, forcing my cock all the way in till his butt muscles were smashed and clenching hard against my loins.
"Fuck!" he swore loudly. "Goddam! You've got a cock on you!"
"Yeah, tell me about it," I scoffed.
"Go ahead, fuck me," he said.
Geezuss, he was such a stud. I pulled back till his asshole was squeezing around the rim of my cockhead, then I shoved back in.
"Awwwhhh...Ohhhhh, yeah....go deep," he cried softly.
I went as deep as I could, but I think Travis could have taken more if I had it to give. I fucked him hard. Not brutally, but with power. I wanted him to know there was a soldier pounding his ass, just like he had showed me.
"Ohhh....Ohhhhh....Ohhhh....Awwwhhh....," he cried out, bent over the wall with is head hanging.
I fucked him damn near over the wall. I fucked him off balance and had him hanging over the wall as I pounded his tight, hard ass.
"Do you want my load inside you?" I asked.
"Yeah, but you're not gonna come yet, are you?" he asked over his shoulder.
"Hell, no, I just wanted to know," I said.
Travis surprised me when he said he wanted it from the front. I pulled out and backed up, thinking we would get on the ground. Instead, he turned around and backed up onto the wall and lifted his legs up for me to catch. I let his legs rest on my shoulders and entered him again.
"Awwwooohhhhhh!" he cried out as I went back in. "Awww, you go in even deeper this way," he said.
"Yeah, I can feel it too," I said. I loved fucking him from the front, like a woman. I liked watching his bulging abs balancing him on the wall, and his shoulders muscles and arms bulging as he held on.
"Fuck, is this what it feels like when I fuck you?" he asked, lolling his head back.
"Better," I said.
"You're bragging," he said.
I bore my cock in deep and twisted my hips around in circles, making my cock lob around inside him, just like he did me. "Am I?" I asked.
"OOhhhhhhhhhhhh!" he yelled.
"Shhh. You're gonna bring the whole company running."
"You know what? I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck they all come out and gather around and watch."
"Yeah, you do," I said. I fucked him for longer than I thought I could, it was feeling so good. I thought I'd fucked him enough, that we ought to get back. I thought we needed to get the hell out of there before somebody who had heard us came up on us. I didn't try to hold off; I worked it up.
"I'm gonna come in about a minute," I told him.
He grabbed his cock for the first time and began pounding it furiously. "Do it, man," he whispered. "Fuck my goddamn load out of me."
I fucked both of our loads out of us. I lost mine first and that triggered his.
"Ohh...Oh, fuck....I can feel it!" he gasped as I began shooting my load deep inside him. "Awwwwhhhh, fuck, that feels so good!"
I'd barely finished when his asshole suddenly tightened then loosened with the convulsions of his climax and then he was spurting out great, long ropes of come all over himself.
There was nothing lovey about it. I got my rocks off, he shot his load and we were both satisfied. We'd gotten what we came for and it was time to go back to being soldiers again. We got dressed and headed back, at a good pace but not a run.
"Man, that was something," he said.
"Yeah, it sure was. You surprised the hell out of me when you asked if I wanted to fuck you," I said.
"Why should you have all the fun?" he joked.
"I thought you were having some fun when you fucked me," I said.
Basic training ended and Travis and I were assigned to different duty stations. He was being sent to Fort Carson, Colorado, I was going to Fort Knox, Kentucky. There was a big party in the barracks to celebrate the end of basic and the sergeants and NCOs all joined us. They treated us like regular guys for the first time. I guess we won their respect by taking all the shit they dished out. I enjoyed the party and Travis acted like he was, but I was trying to figure out some way of just the two of getting together for our own little going-away party. It turned out that Travis was thinking the same thing. We cleaned up the mess in the barracks about midnight and a lot of the guys were passing out on their bunks. Travis and I met out at the trash bin, hauling out the beer cans.
"I would like to get together one more time," he said quietly.
"I was thinking the same thing," I said.
"Yeah, I know. How do we do it?"
"I don't know, but I've gotta have that tight ass of yours one more time," I said.
"And I want your cock one more time."
"Gordon! Mitchell! Report to the orderly room!"
The voice boomed out from behind the trash bin, scaring us both out of our wits. It was Sgt. Williams, our field sergeant and drill instructor.
"Oh, Geezuss," Travis whispered, his voice filled with fear. ` We were both scared as we followed Sgt. Williams to the orderly room across the company street from the barracks. I knew, and he knew that we were toast. We would probably both be sent to Leavenworth and spend the next twenty years in the stockade. Or, get out asses tossed out of the army as undesirables.
"Corporal, take a walk," Williams told the night orderly.
The corporal made a hasty exit and Sgt. Williams locked the door then walked around to sit at the desk. He took a pad out of the desk drawer and wrote out two passes.
"Here, you've got till 0600 hours to get your sorry asses back here if there's anything left of them," he said as he handed one pass to me and one to Travis. "I suggest you go just off base to one of the One-Hour motels," Williams added.
I was stunned speechless, as was Travis. I looked at him, then at Sgt. Williams. Travis looked at Williams, then at me. We were both dumbfounded.
"What? You think you're the first two guys to fall in love in basic training?" Williams said.
"We' love," Travis said.
"Okay, basic training infatuation; the results are the same," Williams said.
"Sarge, thanks for passes, but I....I don't understand," I stammered. "You could have us both..."
"Yeah, I could have your asses in a sling if I wanted to,"
he said. "But what good would that do? I've invested too dam many weeks of my valuable time turning you two into the best goddamn soldiers I've seen come through here in a long time. I'm not going to throw all that away. This don't-ask-don't-tell policy is a bunch of horseshit. You know what? I've turned a few tight asses myself, and I've had some really hot, educated mouths around my cock, but that don't make me gay. And even if it did...well, I'm not asking because I don't give a shit. So go get it out of your system, say your good-byes and be back here before 0600 hours, ready to ship out."
"Yes, Sergeant," we said in unison.
"By the way, wear civies," he said.
We checked into the Westwinds Motel, about two blocks down the street from the main gate. We walked on past the motel for a couple of blocks then went back. We didn't want to give anybody that might be watching the idea that we were going on pass to a motel together. We wanted it to look like we were returning off pass. It worked. The motel clerk smiled when we came in.
"Don't tell me, you've got till six o'clock left on your pass and you're not going to waste a minute of it," he said.
"You got it right," I said.
"You wanta go out and find your own entertainment?" the guy asked. "Or I could have a couple of real beauties sent around."
"No, we'll find something," Travis said.
Luckily, our room was around in back of the motel, out of sight of the office so the clerk couldn't see that we didn't leave the room. Travis double-locked the door and began taking off his clothes. I did the same and he didn't take his eyes off of me. He had a hungry look.
"If anybody had told me four months ago that I would be stripping down to climb into bed with another guy, I would've punched his lights out," Travis said.
"You probably still would if anybody said that to you," I said.
I wasn't taking my eyes very far off of him, either. I loved the way his muscles stretched and rippled and bulged and flexed when he moved; even when he breathed. When he straightened from taking off his shorts and his big cock swung out all rubbery, my asshole tightened. Shit, it was going to feel good, having that big nine-incher sliding in my ass.
I felt a pang of sadness that after these few hours together, I might not ever feel those hard, hot inches again. I might not ever get fucked again.
"Sgt. Williams was awfully understanding," Travis remarked.
"Yeah, he surprised the hell out of me. Shit, I could see us both being handcuffed and tossed in a truck headed for Leavenworth," I said. Then I felt a sudden tremor or fright that made my breath tight and I could feel the blood drain out of my face.
"Oh, Geezuss!" I gasped.
"What's the matter?"
"What if he set us up?"
Now Travis started to turn pale as he realized what I was thinking. He glanced at the door as if he expected it to be broken down at any second. We both hesitated. We were already naked with hardons, which would be pretty hard to explain.
"We didn't even get two beds," he said "Maybe we ought to wait a little bit, see if anybody shows up," I said.
"And if they do? What's our explanation?" he asked.
"Well, we sure as hell can't explain this," I said, motioning to our hard cocks. "But your shorts back on, and your T-shirt."
We scrambled into our shorts and T-shirts then Travis was dragging a blanket and pillow off the bed.
"What're you doing?" I asked.
"Making it look like one of us is sleeping on the floor,"
he said.
Even with the drapes carefully closed and the window locked and the door double bolted, we sat apart; me on the bed and Travis in a chair, watching television.
"This is fuckin' crazy," Travis said after about a half hour. He stood up and picked up the chair.
"What're you going to do?" I asked.
He set the chair squarely in front of the door with the back forced under the doorknob. Then he grabbed the other chair and put it against the first. Then he pulled the small table over and stacked it on top of the chairs. For good measure, he wedged the luggage stand into the pile.
"Is that going to do any good, if the MPs come knocking on the door?" I asked.
"They can't bust it down," he said. "It buys us some time."
"Yeah, but how do we explain that we had the door barricaded?"
"Tell `em we got in an argument with a bunch of guys and they said they would get us."
"That's pretty lame," I said.
He looked at me for a moment, then came toward me. "I don't give a dam how lame it sounds, it's the best I can come up with. And I'll be damned if I'm going to spend our last few hours together, staring across the room at each other." With that, he peeled off his T-shirt and shoved his shorts down and stepped out of them. I did the same and we moved against each other. His warm, smooth muscles felt good against my own, and his big cock stuck up at a sharp angle, throbbing against mine between our bellies.
"I don't want to sound selfish, but I want you to fuck me first," he said.
"Only if you fuck me second," I said.
Sgt. Williams didn't set us up. We spent over four hours fucking ass and sucking cock and ass and generally enjoying each other's bodies. It was, and still is, the most incredible sex I ever had.
The next morning we were forced to go our separate ways. Being marched off in different directions, we couldn't look back, but I felt his presence reaching out to me and hoped he could feel mine. In those moments, I realized that I had come to love the guy. I wasn't IN love with him, but I loved him, like a soldier loves another soldier. Okay, maybe it was more than that, but I couldn't ever tell him that. I didn't even admit it to myself.
We kept in touch. Wrote now and then and called even less. We got together once after that. I got some leave time and he got some leave time and we meet half way in between. He drove; I took the bus. He picked me up at the bus station and drove to a classy resort motel on a lake where he'd already gotten a room. A suite, actually. We were both in uniform and we checked in as brothers.
"It's not the Westwinds, but it'll have to do," Travis joked as he opened the door to the spacious suite.
I laughed. "You remembered the name of that motel, too?"
"How could I forget it?" He walked over and opened the drapes at a window looking out over the lake. "We don't have to bar the doors and windows this time," he said.
"You know, thinking back on it, I think that was part of the excitement," I said.
"Maybe. But I want to enjoy it a little more relaxed this time."
And we did. I think we did more than have sex. I think we made love. I thought it at the time strongly enough that I found the courage to tell Travis what I had thought that night in the Westwinds, and the realization that came over me when we were marching off in different directions.
We were lying in the aftermath of the fourth time; the second time I'd fucked Travis and there was come all over him. Mine was inside his ass.
"I'm going to say something you might not like," I said.
"Why wouldn't I like it?"
"Well, I don't know how you're going to handle it. But I'm going to say it anyway."
"I love you, Travis," I said, my voice strong but husky.
"Hey, I love you, too, man," he said, without a second's hesitation.
I gave him a surprised look.
"I was going to tell you that back at the Westwinds, but I was afraid of how you would take it," he said.
"It don't mean we're in love with each other. I just means there's a stronger bond than you would have with another guy," Travis went on.
"What if I said I want to kiss you?" I said.
"I gather not like a brother," he said.
"Why don't you let me show you and let you decide," I said.
As I raised up and leaned over him I was swept with a lustful emotion at the sight of his come streaked and pooled all across his belly and pecs and his neck. It was thick, still clinging like glue.
"You really shot off a load," I remarked.
"That's your fault," he said. "That big ram-rod of yours forced it out of me."
"Can I have it?" I asked.
He gave me a questioning look, as if he didn't understand.
I leaned down and dipped the tip of my tongue into the pool of warm come in his navel.
"Oh, Man," he said softly.
I glanced up at him as I dragged my tongue in the deep ridges of his abs, scooping more of his thick come.
"Ohh, Mannnn," he gasped again.
I was scooping it up in my mouth like syrup. There was a lot of it. By the time I had cleaned off his pecs I had a mouthful. I was heading for his neck and working up the courage to do what I wanted to do.
I kissed his neck and sucked the glob of come into my mouth. My face was over his, about six inches apart. Our eyes met and I tried to convey what I was thinking; I couldn't speak, not without swallowing the come, and I didn't want to do that. I was hesitant, scared to move. I couldn't tell by his eyes if he got my message till he spoke.
"Yeah....okay....I'll try it," he whispered in a husky tone, then he parted and wet his lips.
I leaned down and touched my lips gently to his. His were parted in a welcoming gesture, and he flicked his tongue over mine. When I let my lips go slack, his come ran into his mouth. He moaned and whinnied with excitement and shoved his tongue up into my mouth to lap his own warm nectar off of my tongue. I let him have all but the taste, which lingered deliciously. It was awful but yet wonderful in taste. Wonderful, I think, because it was Travis's come.
We kissed....I think Travis kissed me first, then suddenly he rolled us over so his face was over mine and he gave me his come back. We rolled over and over and sucked his come back and forth till we had swallowed it and only the taste remained in our spit, then we exchanged that.
I was gasping from excitement and our cocks were so hard again they felt like steel. Mine ached; I was sure Travis's hurt, too. We broke apart and sucked in fresh air. We lay for a long time, side by side, facing each other, with my head on his muscular arm.
"Travis, have you ever done this with anybody else?" I asked.
"No. No, I don't think it could ever reach this level with anybody else," he replied.
"I'm fighting it, you know," I said.
"Fighting what?" he asked.
"Being IN love with you."
"Why fight it?" he said. "What's it going to hurt if we're IN love for these few days? When we walk out the door and go our separate ways again, it's going to be like it was before; two soldiers loving each other like soldiers do."
"I don't know if I can reign it in like that," I said.
"You have to," he said. "What's it going to do for you, to carry those feelings and emotions with you?"
"I wish I could be as strong as you are," I said. I smacked his hard abs then rubbed my hand over the deep ridges of muscle, still sticky from his come. "Physically as well as emotionally," I added.
"You are. I've tried to see if I could force you off when you're pounding that big cock in my ass, and I can't. You've got incredible power in your thighs and your butt and your abs when you're fucking me."
"Hey, I didn't mean to be raping you," I joked.
"Go ahead, rape me," he said with a grin. "Just like I'm gonna do you."
"Are you serious? You want it again already."
"Yeah, but I want you to use a condom a couple of times,"
he said.
I scowled, confused.
"I want to save some of that stuff and take it with me," he said.
I scowled even more. "You're gonna take a condom full of my come with you?"
"It's gonna get pretty raunchy, don't you think?"
"It'll be gone before it gets raunchy," he said.
"Gone? What're you going to do with it?" I asked.
"Eat it, on the drive back."
"You are getting weird, Travis."
"Then I'm going to wash and dry the condom and keep it," he went on.
I dug out one of his extra-large condoms. "How full do you want it?" I asked as I rolled it down the shaft of my cock.
"Full. Then use another one," he said. "I'm gonna be awfully hungry on the way back."
He lifted his legs up in the air then laid them on my shoulders. I shoved my cock slowly into his ass and began pumping it to fill the condom for him.
The End
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Posted: 02/06/15 rp