( Danny and His Dad )
by: Peter
(© 2007 by the Author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the
author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Danny awoke in the night to the squalor of the tiny apartment
he shared with his mom and dad and younger brother and sister, Adam and Lisa.
Adam was eleven, Lisa was six. Danny had just turned eighteen. He took the
cushions from the couch and quietly crawled out the window onto the fire escape
landing. The night was warm but not hot--perfect for sleeping. But Danny wasn't
sleepy. He had too much on his mind and nobody to take it to.
The rooftops of the city spread out as far as the eye could see--high above the
squalor of the neighborhood below. How did this happen, he asked himself for the
hundredth time. One day they were living in a nice house in the suburbs of Fort
Wayne and days later they were walking into a dump of an apartment in Columbus,
Ohio. He didn't believe the place even belonged to the slim ball who was
charging them rent. Once inside the door of the apartment it was as if the rest
of the world around them didn't exist
He didn't fully understand how it happened that his dad lost his job; only that
there had been massive layoffs which missed his dad at first, but then the big
distribution center closed down completely. After the closing, his dad worked at
odd jobs as a day laborer but it wasn't enough to keep their heads above water.
They used up all the money they had been saving to buy the house they lived in.
When his parents began to sell off their furniture and other possession, Danny
knew they were headed for real problems that not even his dad could handle.
Adam and Lisa knew something was seriously wrong but Danny didn't think they
really understood that they wouldn't be coming back to the house and their
friends and school; not till they were loading what they could into the van and
driving off. One final nail in the family coffin was that they couldn't make the
payments on the van either. Knowing this, his dad drove them as far as he could
till the day the next payment was due, which happened to be Columbus, Ohio.
Being an honorable man, he would not drive it a day more. He called the credit
union where it was financed and told them where the van could be picked up. It
was there close by, that they found the small apartment on the top floor had
once been old transient hotel and left the van on the street.
Gazing out over the urban landscape, Danny longed for their old house where the
back yard gave way to dense woods with a creek. He longed for his old friends,
especially Jock. But the thing he hated the most was his little sister and
brother not being in school, around other kids. His mom made the place into a
home despite the squalor in the neighborhood that rivaled scenes he'd seen on TV
movies, and tried to keep up their studies as best she could but it wasn't
school and being around other kids.
Adam and Lisa were turning into little zombies. They ate and stared out the
windows. They didn't play and it wasn't a neighborhood where they should be
going out to make friends. Danny hated it for himself too, but it was more
important for them to be in school. He was old enough that he had to be thinking
beyond school, to helping support the family. Rent was first. After that came
food and they only prayed that no one got sick. To be on the safe side, Danny
located a free clinic close by. He managed to bring in a few dollars doing odd
jobs on the streets but it wasn't enough to help out all that much.
With his experience, his dad managed to find work in the warehouse district
unloading and loading trucks. Danny gazed up at the sky and let his mind wander
back. To Fort Wayne; to Jock and the camping trips they used to go on. Dam, he
missed him.
The last trip they took before his world fell in made Danny wonder if his
feelings didn't run deeper than merely the ten-year friendship they shared. It
wasn't so much different from other camping trips; they laughed and told dirty
jokes and went swimming and played grab-ass. Except that last time when they
were together playing grab-ass, coming out of the creek naked, something
happened. They grabbed and got hold of each other's manhood and found themselves
not letting go. Why, he didn't know; they just held on.
"Hey, are we getting weird or what?" Danny said but still without letting go of
Jock's manhood. He wasn't going to let go till Jock did.
"It don't feel weird," Jock said, and he didn't let go either. "If we don't let
go, you know what's gonna happen."
"Yeah, my cock's gonna get hard," Danny said.
"It already is," Jock said.
"Yeah, so is yours." Then, as if on cue, they both let go at the same time and
straightened up. Their cocks stuck out like big rubber hoses.
"There ain't no pussy out here," Jock observed. "What the fuck are we gonna do
with these things?"
Danny had a strange feeling what he wanted to do to Jock's big cock but he
couldn't say it. Hell, he couldn't even think it! Where did it come from,
anyway? He hoped it didn't show on his face. To cover his thoughts, he said,
"Jack `em off, I guess."
Jock nodded. "Sounds like a plan." And with that Jock reached out and took hold
of Danny's cock again!
Danny was stunned. He'd thought they would just jack off, not do it to each
other. But Jock's hand was wrapped around his cock and pumping it back and
forth. Danny swallowed so hard he was sure Jock could hear it, as he reached out
for Jock's cock. Jock was BIG. Nine inches, probably, and so big around, he
couldn't even get his hand all the way around it. It felt good in his hand. Too
good. The feel of the big, warm, live cock throbbing in his fist fueled the
other thoughts that tried to creep into his mind. Shit, he couldn't! He couldn't
do that! Jock would kill him if he even tried! And why would he even want to?
Jock moved up beside him and put one hand on his butt to pull them closer while
he jacked his cock with the other. "I sure hope nobody comes along," he said,
looking around.
"If they do, they can do it for us," Danny said.
Jock laughed. "Yeah...maybe more, even."
"Maybe more than jack us off. You ever had your cock sucked?"
"No," Danny replied, surprised. Had Jock had his sucked? He had to know. "Have
He was shocked again. "When? Who?"
"For a couple of months now," Jock said.
"Who? Who's doing it?" Danny asked anxiously.
Jock laughed again. "The neighbor man."
"Right," Danny scoffed. "Believe it if you want to," Jock said with a shrug.
"On which side," Danny asked. "Not that old slob across the alley."
Jock laughed. "I wouldn't let that old fart near me," he said. "Naw, it's the
guy on the other side of us."
"Rick Sandler? The guy from the gym?"
"Come on, now I know you're lying. That guy's a stud. He runs a gym, for
chrissakes." But Jock didn't look like he was lying. "Tell me again. Rick
Sandler is sucking your cock."
"Regular," Jock replied.
Danny shook his head. "I'd have to see it to believe it," he said.
"Maybe that could be arranged. I could ask him if he'd be interested in two guys
at the same time."
"Shit, he's got a gorgeous wife. What's he doing sucking cock?"
Jock chuckled. "Yeah, he's mentioned her, too," he said with a knowing grin.
"Mentioned her, how so?" Danny asked.
"He's hinted that he would like to arrange for me to take care of her, too,
along with him."
Danny looked at Jock's face. "You're not kidding about any of this," he said.
"You'd know if I was," Jock said. "Look, man, can we stop talking? You've had me
close a half dozen times, then you say something and I gotta say something back
and it breaks my concentration. Let's just jack off, okay?"
They didn't say anything else, and Jock worked up to his climax pretty quick.
Danny's cock was so hard in Jock's fist that it ached but he didn't feel close
to cumming. He didn't want to shoot his load yet anyway. He wanted to keep doing
it. But Jock was a no-nonsense guy and as far as he was concerned, they were
just jacking off so they could cum.
"Shit, your hand feels good," Jock said in a raspy voice.
"Yeah, so does yours," Danny said.
"You can pump it harder," Jock said hoarsely. "Real hard...yeah, slam your fist
against my balls. Aww, yeahhh, like that...Ohhh...Ohhhh...Ohhhhh!"
Jock's breath started coming in raspy gaps, his nostrils flared and his muscles
tensed. "I'm gonna...ccummmmmm!" he half cried as his hips lurched forward,
forcing his cock through Danny's fist. Suddenly his cock jolted in Danny's fist
and swelled even bigger, then exploded. Danny felt the stuff spurting up through
his cock and the next instant it went sailing out in a long, thick rope. It
arched upward and out about six feet at least, then downward to splatter on the
ground. Another followed even before the first one landed, then another, and it
kept coming till Danny wondered where it was all coming from, and if he was
going to stop. Finally, after six or eight blasts, the stuff started spurting
out in smaller amounts till it boiled out the end of his cock and down over
Danny's knuckles.
"Geezuss, Mother-fuckin' Shit!" Jock gasped as his body still lurched out of
control. "Fuck, my hand never felt that good!"
In the middle of his own climax, Jock had slowed down jacking Danny's cock and
Danny wondered if he was going to finish him off. Danny shoved his cock back and
forth through Jock's fist a couple of times to kick-start the action.
"Yeah, I gotta finish you off too," Jock gasped as he started jacking Danny's
cock again.
Danny put his arm across Jock's back and held onto his shoulder for support as
his climax overtook him. He went out of control worse than Jock did, sending
powerful spurts of cum to match Jock's distance, even if he didn't match his
great volume. They clung together and helped each other stumble back against a
"Man--that was something else!" Jock said.
"Yeah," Danny agreed. Even with his lust satisfied there was still a strong
sense of desire burning in him from Jock's naked body pressing against his own.
Jock's cum lay in streaks across the ground in front of them. His own glistened
like tiny diamonds in the soft light but Jock's was so thick it clung to the
grass and leaves like a long, white snake.
"Man, you really shoot," Danny said.
"It was your hand that did it," Jock said.
Afterwards it was as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened between them.
It never happened again; as if they both thought it wasn't something a couple of
eighteen-year-olds should be doing. As much as Danny wanted it to and wanted to
talk about it, they never spoke of it, and then Danny's world fell apart.
Now, lying on the fire escape landing he pretended that his fist was around
Jock's cock. He worked his hand up and down the tall, stiff shaft, closer and
closer to a much-needed cum. Godd, he needed to jerk off so bad! He needed to
shoot a big load so his balls wouldn't ache from being so full. Mann, he needed
"UUUhnnnhhnnn," he moaned softly as his climax overtook him. He glanced aside at
the window then let it happen. His cum shot straight up in the air about four
feet and another shot up past the first one coming down. It landed on his chest,
the second on his belly. The third and fourth landed right on his face before he
shifted the angle of his cock. Finally, it was boiling up out of his cock and
running down over his knuckles.
"Fuck, what mess," he murmured as he milked his cock and snapped his hand over
the side of the landing. He swiped the stuff off his chest then carefully swiped
it off of his face. When he got some in his mouth he paused as the taste
permeated his taste buds. It'd been a long time since he'd gotten a taste of his
own cum. He remembered that it always tasted terrible, but now it didn't. Not
this time. He flicked his tongue out to clean off his lips and savored the
taste. Then he slid the glob of cum down his face and into his waiting mouth and
licked his fingers off. He shivered inside as he wallowed the stuff around in
his mouth then swallowed the warm nectar. He wondered what Jock's cum would
taste like. He wondered if Jock was still getting blowjobs from the neighbor
guy; or if it was all just a big story. Or was he fucking the guy's wife?
He finished just in time. He heard the sound inside of his dad going out the
door. Danny felt guilty, much like a little boy, lying out on the landing
jacking off while his dad was working two damned jobs to support them. He could
sense his family falling apart. His mom and dad both did everything they could
to hold things together but Danny could feel their frustration that it wasn't
enough. His brother and sister acted like brats sometimes, wanting things they
were no longer able to afford. Other times they acted like little zombies.
Besides his daytime job at the dock, his dad sometimes went back to the docks to
work a night shift loading trucks ready for deliveries the next morning. He
wouldn't let Danny come with him like he used to when he worked at the old
distribution center. Danny suggested that maybe he could go with him some time
and maybe get some work down at the warehouses but his dad cut him short every
time and he refused to let him come with him. "The warehouse docks are no place
for an eighteen year old," he told him.
His dad's answer didn't surprise him but there was something in his tone and the
way he cut him off so curtly. And he never talked about work. When his mom would
ask how work went he said "okay" or when she asked what he did, he replied
"unloaded trucks" and that was the end of it. It was almost like he was ashamed
of what he was doing. Danny's days were uneventful. Some days he made ten
dollars making deliveries for a local market, plus some tips, then spent the
rest of the time hanging out on the street.
Despite the squalor there was something exciting about being on the street;
better than being in the apartment. And if there was an opportunity to get some
work he wanted to be there. Also, he didn't want to be at home at lunchtime
because his mother would insist he eat lunch and there wasn't that much food to
go around. He might steal an apple from a fruit stand to tide him over till they
could all set down to supper. He found, too, that if he kept on the move he was
sometimes tired enough that he could get to sleep and get away from it all at
least for the long, dark hours of the night. And he jacked off. He was becoming
intimate friends with his fist. It was the only friend he had. He was surprised
and embarrassed when his dad mentioned it to him.
"Dan, I know how the hormones are raging through your blood at your age and I
know you have to relieve the tension but be a little more careful, and a little
quieter out there on the fire escape. You don't want your mother or your brother
and sister to hear you."
"Yes, sir," he croaked, his face warm with embarrassment.
"It's nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed of, son," his dad went on.
"Just keep it down when you...well, when you're finishing up."
"Yes, sir."
Danny saw his dad in a whole different light after that. He felt closer to him,
like for the first time, his dad truly understood him. One night when his dad
left for his night job, Dan sneaked out of the apartment and followed him. He
thought that if he just showed up maybe his dad would change his mind and let
him work alongside him if the could get hired. He slipped in and out of doorways
to stay hidden as he followed his dad down the dark streets. Warehouse row was a
dozen blocks deeper into the industrial area of the city, the streets lined with
old brick warehouse buildings and abandoned factories that had been turned into
warehouses. But Danny didn't see any sign of business. No trucks being loaded or
He held back as he saw his dad turn into a dark doorway and a minute later the
door opened and he went inside. Through frosted windows, thick with grime and
dirt, he saw a dim light come on. He didn't know what to think. There were no
trucks to be unloaded or loaded out and the place seemed to be deserted for the
night. He waited in the doorway across the street, confused and bewildered and
hurt that his dad would lie to him and his mother about what he was doing. He
was fearful now of what his dad might be doing for the extra money he brought
home. Maybe it was nothing. Maybe he was just going back to do janitor work and
didn't want to admit it to the family. Or maybe it was drugs.
Danny waited in the doorway for nearly an hour before he saw the warehouse door
open again. His dad came out buttoning up his jeans as if he'd just taken a
piss. He paused at the top of the stairs brushed one hand down over the front of
his jeans then headed back in the direction of the apartment. Danny slipped over
to another street and ran home so he would be in bed when his dad got home.
Something was amiss in his dad's story. Why would he lie? Was he doing something
illegal? Knowing where the warehouse district was now, Danny went there the next
day. Sure enough there was his dad with some other men, unloading a semi. He had
his shirt off and his muscles bulged and glistened in the warm morning sun.
Danny was proud that his dad was in better shape than some of the younger guys
on the dock. He felt ashamed of himself for doubting his dad. He probably just
went back at night to talk to somebody about the job, his supervisor maybe. But
he left almost every night, supposedly to work at the warehouses; and it didn't
One night after supper and a short time spent with the family, his dad left the
apartment for his other work. Again, Danny sneaked out and followed him. His dad
didn't go all the way to the warehouse district this time. He walked only eight
or nine blocks before he stopped at an alley. He leaned back against the brick
wall and cocked his foot back against the wall as if he were waiting for
someone. Maybe he just had to get away by himself to think, like Danny liked to
go out on the fire escape to be in his own little world. Danny lurked in the
darkened doorway across the street, watching and waiting and wondering what was
going on. He wondered again if his dad was into something illegal; like dealing
drugs! It was impossible to believe; he didn't think his did would even know how
to deal drugs. But times were desperate.
After a few minutes another man came walking down the street. The two men nodded
and the stranger turned into the alley. His dad looked all around, brought his
foot down from the wall and disappeared into the alley as well. It was drugs,
Danny thought with horror! But as the moments passed, he realized that they were
in the alley much longer than it would take to make a drug drop. Well over a
half hour. He began to worry that something terrible had happened. Maybe his dad
was met in the alley by a gang of thugs. He could take care of himself, but not
if the others had guns or knives. There was no gunshot, but he could've been
overpowered if there were enough of them, maybe hit in the head, or they could
have a knife. Danny's imagination ran wild and he was about ready to run across
the street to see if his dad was all right. Suddenly the man came out of the
alley, spitting and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Then his dad
came out of the alley. He paused and looked all around like last time, then
headed down the street. But he wasn't going into the direction of the apartment.
Danny lurked in and out of the doorways to follow him for several more blocks,
into a seedy neighborhood of run-down bars and pool halls and liquor stores with
their partially burned out neon signs. Danny watched his dad take up his stance
as before, one foot cocked back against the wall, where he waited and watched up
and down the street. Soon, a big black car pulled up to the curb. His dad shoved
himself away from the wall and walked over to the car. He bent down at the
window for a moment then climbed into the back of the car and it drove off.
Danny felt the grip of terror in his guts. His dad was into it deeper than he
thought if somebody like that drove up to pick him up in a fancy car. He didn't
know whether to rush home or wait around. If the car dropped his dad off back at
the apartment, he would find Danny's bed empty. He made his choice; he would
take his chances and wait for the car to return. He waited for over two hours.
Finally, the big car drove up and his dad got out. He turned and leaned back
down to the window to say something then the car drove off, but not before
something was tossed out of the window.
Danny flattened himself against the wall in the doorway to see which way his dad
went this time. He was heading back towards the apartment. Danny knew he had to
get home before his father did but first he wanted to see what was tossed out
the car window. He felt it might hold a clue. He waited till his dad was out of
distance to recognize him then rushed across the street. There wasn't anything
there. Not even any litter, which was unusual. Then he saw something, hanging
over the edge of the curb. He reached down to pick it up. It was a huge condom!
The biggest condom he'd ever seen, and it was full of cum, still warm to the
He stood there holding it for a brief moment while his mind went from numb to
shock as his brain opened up and the light came on. It took a moment but
everything was suddenly adding up. His dad coming out of the warehouse buttoning
up his jeans. The guy coming out of the alley spitting and wiping his mouth. And
now this...a used, cum-filled condom tossed out of the window just after his
father had exited the limo. His dad was selling himself! He was having sex for
Suddenly he realized that he had to get home before his dad. For some reason he
jerked out his handkerchief and wrapped the condom in it. Then he slipped over
to another street and ran like hell. He was safe in bed only moments before his
dad came in. He couldn't sleep. He was still reeling to the core from the jolt
that his dad was actually having sex with other guys for money and he felt
guilty that he was part of the reason for it; another mouth to feed. As he lay
in the dark, gazing up at the ceiling, the images of his father floated across
his brain. He wasn't just having sex; he was doing it with guys! Danny felt
guilty and confused and stunned but he took some strange refuge that it wasn't
Danny followed his dad two more nights to confirm his suspicions. They were
confirmed beyond any doubt. He followed him to the warehouse as well as a couple
of times in the alley with different men. Danny wondered if his mother knew, or
even suspected. Surely, she didn't. He couldn't think of any way to ask her and
if he did, his dad would kill him. Meanwhile, he felt more and more guilty about
what his dad was doing to keep the family afloat while he did nothing. It was
partly his fault. He wasn't doing enough to help out and he was another mouth to
feed. He vowed that he would find more steady work and take the pressure off of
his dad.
Over the next several days the idea of finding work began to take on a new
meaning. It developed gradually, like a chicken embryo inside its shell, till it
took on the aspects of a conscious decision. It was all so ludicrous. His dad
was out selling himself for sex while he was lying out on the fire escape
jacking off like a little boy. He was wasting what he could be getting paid for.
But he didn't know how to get started and he was scared to strike out on his
own. He had trouble even putting a name to it; male prostitution. How could it
have possibly come to this, he wondered; just eighteen years old and he was
considering becoming a male prostitute, selling himself for sex. But that's what
his dad was doing to help feel the family and he couldn't let him shoulder that
responsibility alone. He pondered it for days, not whether to do it but how to
go about it, where to go, wondering what those other men might want him to do.
The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. Till, finally, one
night out on the fire escape landing, an idea came to him.
It would mean confronting his dad, though, and he didn't know yet how he would
do that. He didn't even want to think about his dad's reaction to such an idea.
But it gnawed at him till he finally found the courage to act. He took the
straightforward approach, just like his dad had taught him to tackle anything.
That night after supper, after spending time with the family, as he always did,
his dad got up to "go to work" for a few hours. Danny followed him out into the
"Let me go with you," he said. Despite the many times he had rehearsed this
moment, he was so scared that his voice was shaky and weak. His dad turned
around with a look of displeasure and impatience.
"I've told you, you can't work on the docks," he said.
"I can do the work you're doing," Danny said, suddenly more emboldened. His dad
looked at him, a little confused, as if he were wondering if perhaps Danny might
really know what kind of work he was doing. Danny decided to strike again while
the iron was hot. "I know what you're doing, dad, and I can do it. I'm old
enough," he said flatly.
"Just what is it that you know I'm doing?" his dad snarled.
"Do you want me to say it?"
"No," Jim said, shaking his head with a wary eye on the apartment door. "Just
get back in the apartment."
"I've seen you come out of that warehouse and out of the alley and I saw you
getting out of that big black limo."
"So?" his dad said, his tone belligerent now that he'd been found out. "Those
were business deals, on the side, to pick up extra money."
"No, dad, I found the condom somebody threw out the window as the car drove off
that night. Do you want me to go on?" Danny asked.
Jim's facial expression changed. "No," he said, shaking his head. "I don't
believe you followed me and spied on me," he said with disappointment.
"I'm sorry, Dad, I just wanted to come to work with you, on the docks," Danny
"Just get back in the apartment," Jim said with disgust.
"We could work as a team, Dad," Danny went on. "We could bring home maybe twice
whatever you're making."
"Are you out of your mind!" Jim hissed. He grabbed Danny's arm and pulled him
half way down the hall, out of earshot of the apartment door. "Do you hear what
you're saying? Do you really know what I'm doing?" Jim exclaimed.
"Dad, I'm eighteen years old, I know about shit like that."
"Knowing about it is one thing....this is not jacking off out on the fire escape
landing, boy."
"I know you're selling yourself, dad, and I've got what guys like that are
willing to pay for, same as you," Danny cut in.
"We all sell ourselves one way or another, anybody who draws down a paycheck,"
Jim said. "I go to work all day unloading and loading trucks, I'm selling my
muscles, because that's all I've got."
"I've got muscles, too," Danny said.
"Get back in the apartment," Jim said coldly. "And don't ever mention this
again. Do you understand?"
Danny knew the tone. He obeyed his father. He muttered a "Yes, sir" and went
back inside but his resolve was still strong. He mulled it over in his mind for
days, and he didn't jack off for all of those nights. That just wasn't important
anymore. Somehow, the way his dad mentioned it made him feel ashamed for doing
it. Surprisingly, his dad acted as if nothing had been said and he was thankful
for that. More than anything in the world, he wanted them to remain a family and
he would do anything it took, just like his dad was doing. One evening when he
was helping take the garbage to the curb Danny asked, "Dad, does mom know?"
Jim turned to him with an incredulous look. "Are you crazy? Of course she
doesn't know. And you're not going to tell her!"
"No, I would never do that," Danny said. "I wouldn't even know how. But I've
thought it over some more and I.... I'm coming with you, Dad."
"I told you never to speak of this again," his dad said.
But Danny ignored him, "You can take me with you or I'll follow you and you'll
have to deal with me on the spot, but I'm coming." He was thankful that the
words were out but his insides were tied in knots, waiting for his dad's
"Don't even think about it," Jim warned in an even tone.
"Or, I'll strike out on my own," Danny went on. Waiting for his dad's reaction,
he half expected to get a fist in his jaw that would land him on the other side
of the street.
"You would disobey me?" Jim said.
"Yes, sir, in this case. I can do my part," Danny said.
Finally, Jim heaved a sigh. "Look, Danny, the work on the docks isn't steady.
I'm only doing this till I can find a steady second job that pays more than
peanuts. I've got to get us out of this place. Your mom is doing the best she
can, but it's tearing me up inside, seeing her and you kids....."
"I'm hardly one of the kids anymore," Danny cut in. "Just let me help get us out
of this."
"No. Not that way. What kind of man lets his son earn money doing what I'm
doing? Hell, I would rather beg on the street."
"No, you wouldn't. You don't have it in you to beg or take charity. If you did
you would be begging instead of doing what you're doing. So stop treating me
like a kid. For the last time, dad....if you don't take me with you, I'll do it
on my own. Which is it going to be?"
"Goddamit, who raised you?" Jim exclaimed in desperation.
"I'm looking at him," Danny said. "You know damned well if it was your dad and
you were my age you would do the same thing."
Jim sighed again. "Yeah, maybe I would. But my dad wouldn't be in this
predicament." He looked away with a sigh, and then threw his hands up in
helpless frustration. "I ought to just kick your ass and beat some sense in your
head, but I can see you're not going to listen. Okay. I'll tell your mother
you're coming with me."
"Are we going tonight?" Danny asked.
"No. We have to soften your mother up to the idea of you working on the docks
with me. She's not going to like it."
His Mom didn't like it but she didn't voice any protestations. She gave his dad
that tight-lipped look of disapproval and said, "Well, you do whatever you think
you have to do." And they left the apartment together the next night.
"Okay, if you're gonna do this, you do exactly as I say," Jim said.
"Yes, sir."
Danny felt a little sorry for his dad, that he had forced him into bringing his
son along, but he didn't feel guilty for putting him in that situation. If
anything, he felt strangely proud to be walking alongside his dad down the dark
street to go to work with him. And he was a little excited about the sex part of
it. At the edge of the warehouse district his dad slowed his walk and stopped
when he came to an alley.
"We just hang around here till somebody comes along," he said as he leaned back
and cocked his foot up against the wall as Danny had seen him do before.
Danny did the same thing. His heart pounded with excitement as they waited. It
all seemed so surreal; where they were, why they were there, being with his dad
and knowing what he, or they, would be doing in a short time if somebody came
along. It was barely five minutes before a man came sauntering down the sidewalk
from another direction.
"How're you doing?" the man asked, eyeing both of them.
"Okay," Jim replied.
"Looks like you could be doing better than okay," the man said, his eyes openly
raking up and down both of them. "Just out for a walk?" he asked, "Or are you
down here on business?"
"Both, maybe," Jim said.
The man looked all around. "It doesn't look like there're any businesses open,"
he said.
Jim just looked at him. Danny waited with a shortness of breath to see how it
would play out.
"Maybe you would like to do some business?" the man asked.
"Depends on what you've got in mind," Jim said.
"Depends on what you've got to offer," the man said.
Danny wondered why they didn't just come out with it; have the guy say what he
wanted and his dad either agree to it or not. He hoped he agreed to it. He was
excited as hell about the prospect of it all; watching his own dad get his cock
sucked by this guy, or even more exciting, getting his own cock sucked, right
there in front of his dad. After a short hesitation, without a word, his dad
turned into the dark alley. Danny followed close behind him. Half way down the
alley, out of the ring of light from the security light on the side of the
opposite building, Jim stopped. They stood in the shadows again and Jim leaned
back against the building with both feet planted on the ground, wide apart.
Danny did the same.
"Is this a package deal?" the man asked as he walked up to them.
"Maybe," Jim said. "Both costs double, though."
Danny was surprised at his dad's cool, matter-of-fact manner that he was
offering himself, and him, his own son, to this man for money. It was so far out
of character for him that he wouldn't have recognized him in the dark alley.
"What's double?" the man asked.
"A hundred bucks," Jim said.
"Geezusss!" the man swore. "I can get it for twenty."
"I guess they know what they're worth," Jim said coolly.
Danny was surprised too. He had no idea it would be that much; that anybody
would pay that much money to suck another guy's cock. He hadn't really thought
about it till the man asked, but then he figured it would be only ten or twenty
bucks that his dad would ask for.
"Take it or leave it," Jim said as he shoved himself away from the building as
if to leave. Danny shoved away from the building too, but the man stopped them.
"Wait. Okay." He stepped in closer and clasped his hands tightly around the
front of Jim's jeans. Danny watched in total shock. He couldn't have imagined in
a million years his dad letting a guy touch him like that. Then the man reached
over for Danny's crotch. He jumped at his touch but quickly relaxed. His dad
reached over and grabbed the man's wrist.
"I just wanta make sure you've got the money," he said.
"Sure." The man dug into his pocket and brought out some folded bills. He peeled
off two twenties and a ten and handed then to Jim. "Fifty is all I've got."
"That'll get me, not him," Jim said as he stuffed the money into his pocket.
"Why not the kid?" the man asked.
"Because I said so. I told you a hundred bucks," Jim replied. He leaned back
against the wall to let the man continue groping him. He groped Danny, too,
taking his time, as if he were relishing the feel of Danny's crotch. Danny liked
how it felt, too, and his cock was responding fast. He wished the man would just
take his cock out, at least for a look or a feel. He was anxious to see what it
felt like to have his cock sucked. But the guy had only paid fifty bucks and
that was for his dad.
Jim let him undo his jeans. He was struggling inside the fly when Jim grew
impatient, undid the top button of his jeans and pulled the zipper down. The
white of his briefs showed brightly in the soft light. The man rubbed his hand
over the bulging briefs.
"Feels like this just might be worth fifty bucks," the man said.
Danny felt a strange perversion wanting to see his dad's cock. He'd never seen
him with a hardon but he knew he was big, and he often wondered how big he got
when he was hard. As the man was digging his hand inside the briefs, Jim grew
impatient and shoved his jeans and shorts down. His cock swung up free and hung
in a wide arch out from his loins--a long way out.
"Wow!" the man gasped.
Danny almost said "Wow" too, but he stifled it. His dad really was BIG. There
was something weird about being impressed by the size of your dad's cock. Jim
lifted his cock in the palm of his hand and held it out to the guy.
"Damn, that's nice," the man said, wrapping his hand around it. Then he reached
over and squeezed the front of Danny's jeans again. "I wanta see what he's got."
"Fifty bucks gets you what you've got in your hand."
"Maybe just a feel in the raw? Maybe I can afford both of you next time," the
man pleaded.
"When you come back with the money," Jim said. He let the guy grope Danny's
crotch for a minute then reached over and grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand
away. Danny wished he would let him do more than feel. He wanted the guy to take
his cock out and get a good look at it. But he was getting a good feel, running
his hand up and down the long, lump inside his jeans.
"I want you next time," he told Danny. Then he turned back to Jim.
Danny watched with great anticipation. The man wet his lips as he went to his
knees, and slowly slid them around the head of his dad's cock. Jim wasn't able
to stifle his moan of pleasure as the man slid his mouth down onto his cock. The
man moaned too. Danny's cock throbbed painfully inside the confines of his
shorts. Jim put his hands on the back of the man's head and began sliding his
cock in and out of his mouth, fucking his face.
"Uummmmppphh.....OOogggmmmppphhhh!" he choked around the thick cock before he
could get off of it. "Take it easy, don't choke me with it. Let me suck it."
Jim removed his hands and placed them on his hips and let the man suck his cock.
He glanced at Danny and their eyes met for a split second. Danny wasn't sure
what he saw before his dad looked away. He'd never seen that look before. He saw
the face but it wasn't his father's eyes. Jim laid his head back against the
wall and closed his eyes. Danny could see his chest heaving and hear his
breathing. The man got off his cock again.
"Don't cum yet," he said.
"Don't worry, you'll get your money's worth before I go off," Jim assured him in
a surly tone. He sounded almost angry. He clasped his hands around the man's
head and began fucking his mouth again. "You wanted cock, mister, that's what
I'm gonna give you. You like it, getting your mouth fucked. Admit it."
Danny was stunned again to hear his dad talk that way. He had seldom heard him
use even a curse word; he couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth now.
The man couldn't admit to anything. He was too busy trying to suck cock and keep
from choking on the thrusting meat. He was slobbering and gasping and he had to
use both hands around Jim's thighs to keep some control over Jim's hips.
Suddenly, Jim stopped forcing him and put his hands on his hips again. He rocked
back and forth on the balls of his feet, using more gentle strokes. The guy
sucked him slow and deep, like he wanted to. Jim let him have his way for a few
minutes then he grabbed his head and began fucking his mouth real hard again.
"Yeah, take it," he growled as he buried his cock all the way in the man's
throat. "Take that big fucking cock!" He smashed the man's face against his
loins and twisted his hips around as he plowed his cock deep in his throat. "Godd,
yeah, swallow it! Eat that big fuckin' cock!"
Danny was mesmerized, and stunned at the way his dad was acting and talking.
He'd never imagined he could talk like that and he certainly never thought his
father to be so ruthless. He obviously didn't give a dam about the guy on his
knees. Then Danny saw that the man had his own cock out and was jacking it
furiously as he snorted and choked on his dad's cock. He WAS liking it. He was
getting off on the rough treatment his dad was giving him, and his dad knew it
and was giving him exactly what he wanted.
Jim took turns force-fucking the man's mouth and then easing off and letting him
do it nice and easy. The guy didn't seem to mind. He took a short break, licking
the head of Jim's cock while he pumped it in his fist.
"If you want my load, better get back on it, and don't stop," Jim said.
The man stopped, gasping, and said, "Yesss...give it to me....I want your hot
load!" Then he gobbled Jim's cock again.
Jim clasped his hands around his head again and started fucking him hard. He
plunged his cock forward like a pile driver, held it deep and tight and twisted
his hips around, then pulled out, only to drive it back in again. He paid no
attention to the man's choking and gagging and gasping pleas. He was fucking his
mouth with a vengeance. The man went off before Jim did. He squealed and Danny
saw him lurch and then caught a glimpse of the white streak that shot out from
between his legs and disappeared into the dark of the night and splattered on
the ground. Jim kept fucking his face unmercifully, snorting in breaths of air
and cursing under his breath. Suddenly he was trembling and his hips were
lurching around and Danny knew his dad was cumming. At the last second his dad
pulled his cock out of the man's mouth and held his head back a few inches away
from it.
"Open up, give me a target," he told him as he pumped his cock.
"Give it to me! Let me suck it!" the man whimpered as he tried to capture the
quivering cock again with his mouth.
"You can suck it," Jim told him as he kept pumping his cock. "You can suck it
dry." But he kept jacking it off himself with the man's face held about eight
inches back. The man whimpered with excitement and anticipation as he kept
pumping his own cock even though he had just shot off his load. Danny held his
breath, waiting to see his dad shoot. He wanted to take his own stiff cock out
and jack off but he didn't dare. It would look boyish, and besides, his dad
might get pissed if he let the guy even see his cock without paying. Suddenly
Jim seemed to freeze for a second, then a spurt of cum shot out of his cock in a
long, thick rope and sailed straight into the guy's mouth.
"UUUhhnnnnhhh!" the man groaned loudly as his mouth was filled with hot, thick
cum. He kept groaning over and over again, almost going into ecstasy with each
spurt of cum. Danny stood there with his jaw dropped. He'd never seen anything
like it. His dad was shooting off like a horse! It just kept shooting. Some of
it splattered on the man's face and in his eyes and in his hair.
Suddenly Jim grabbed his head again and shoved his cock in his mouth, all the
way to the hairs and twisted his butt around in circles. "Okay, suck it," he
told him. "Suck it dry. Get your money's worth."
The man squealed and whimpered and choked and gagged but Jim kept fucking his
mouth and pumping hot come down his throat. Danny wanted to try to stop him
before he choked the guy to death but he held fast. Any interference would
probably bring a backhand across his face. Not that his dad was violent, but
Danny had never seen him in this state of surly excitement.
Gradually, Jim slowed his twisting around and stopped with the man's face
smashed into his hairs. Then he removed his hands from his head and held them
out, as if to say, Okay, I'm done, you can get off. The man pulled back off of
the still-hard cock with a gasping, whimpering moan. He rested back on his
haunches, gasping for air as he swiped the cum off his face. Danny was
dumbfounded when he licked his fingers off.
"Goddam!" he swore softly. "That was incredible! Geezusss, you're not only hung
like a horse, you cum like a stallion."
"Just giving you your money's worth," Jim said as he pulled his shorts and jeans
up. Danny reached out to help steady the man on his feet when he tried to get
up. Jim started to walk away and Danny let go of the guy and rushed after him.
It was like another world outside the alley. Even the air smelled fresher.
They walked briskly for several blocks, neither of them speaking. Danny was
afraid to speak and he wished his dad would say something. He wanted to tell him
how impressed he was the way he shot off, how proud he was of his huge cock but
it wasn't something a guy told his dad. Finally, he found the courage to break
the silence.
"You were awfully rough on that guy, Dad," he said timidly.
"He got what he wanted," Jim said rather sullenly.
"I thought you were going to choke him to death."
"I gave him what he wanted," Jim said again, more curt this time.
"Are we going home now?" he asked timidly.
"But I'm still...." He cut himself off when his dad stopped in his tracks.
"What you saw back there was something no boy should ever see. I'm so damned
ashamed of myself for even taking you with me, let alone thinking you could do
it, too. I know you can't ever forget what you saw back there, but for the
record, let's try to put it behind us, okay?"
"Sure, but what about....?"
"Next time?" Jim cut in. "There's not going to be a next time. Not for you. And
don't even think about striking out on your own. You start bringing in extra
money, you'd better have a paycheck stub to back it up," he added as he walked
away again.
"How come you wouldn't let the guy do me?" Danny asked.
"Geezusss, Dan, weren't you listening?!" Jim bellowed angrily.
"Sorry, dad, I just thought...I was right there, with you, I might as well have
made some money, at least once."
"He made his choice," Jim said.
"What if he had picked me first?" Danny asked as they walked on.
"I don't know," Jim said.
"That would have changed everything, wouldn't it? If he had chosen me instead,
you would've let me, right?"
"Sad to say, I probably would have," Jim said sadly.
"I shouldn't say this Dad, but that was the most exciting thing I ever saw. I
couldn't help wondering how it felt."
Jim stopped again. "Look, let's make this simple. I let a man suck my cock.
There's no excitement, no feeling. I rented my body out for a few minutes. He
got some pleasure out of it and I got fifty bucks for it. It's the money. End of
"It could've been twice as much money if he had it," Danny said.
"Yeah, an extra fifty bucks in my pocket would make me feel a whole lot better,"
Jim said in a surly tone. "Look, you're eighteen years old, you're my son, and
I'm shit for a father. I'm asking you, Danny--forget this night ever happened."
"You know I can't do that, but we don't have to talk about it anymore if you
don't want to," Danny said.
"That'd be good," Jim said. Suddenly he put his arm around Danny's shoulder and
pulled him in tight. "Son, all I want you to do is be a kid. I want you to lay
out there on the fire escape landing and jack off like any other kid, and dream
of better things to come. Just put all of this out of your mind."
But Danny wasn't able to get it out of his mind and he wanted to talk about it.
He wanted to go with his dad again and do his part. More, he wanted to get his
cock sucked in the worst way, and if he could pick up some big bucks along the
way, that would be just fine. The relationship between them as father and son
changed forever that night. Danny saw his dad in a completely different way, and
he knew his dad was eaten up with guilt that he had exposed him to it, and
almost exposed him to worse.
Jim went out almost every night to his "other job" but he wouldn't let Danny go
with him. Instead, he found odd jobs on the street. Danny's mom began to show
signs of relief, visible in her smile and her demeanor, that they were doing a
lot better than keeping their heads above water with the extra money he was
bringing in. She began looking in the papers for an apartment, near a school,
and for jobs that she could apply for. That ate at his dad, too, and he told her
he could make it by himself, working two jobs.
"You can't work two jobs forever," she told him one night when they were talking
about it at supper. "You're doing more than your share, and even Danny brings
home a few extra dollars now and then."
"And you're doing your part, taking care of us and making a home in this dump
I've landed us in," Jim said.
She smacked her hand on the table and her eyes sparked with anger. "Don't you
ever dare to call our home a dump!" she said. "It doesn't matter where we live
as long as we're together. Don't you ever say that again!" With that, she left
the table.
Jim looked down at his plate then glanced at Danny. The look in the man's eyes
sent chills down his spine. Suddenly he stood up, toppling his chair when he
shoved it back, and followed his wife. A moment later, he heard his mother
crying and his dad trying to console her. His mother's words still rang in his
ears; "even Danny brings home a few extra dollars now and then." Well, Danny
could be bringing home a hell of a lot more extra dollars. And by Godd, he was
going to!
He followed his dad out the door one night when he was leaving for work. They
were half way down the hall before his dad stopped. "Where're you going?" he
"With you," Danny said.
"Like hell you are," Jim said.
"Like hell, I AM." Danny barked. He thought for a moment that his dad might hit
"Okay, I knew you wouldn't give up the idea," Jim said as he walked away with
Danny in tow. When they were out on the street he went on. "There's stuff you
need to know. Number one, the reason I held the guy back from you the other
night was, he didn't have another fifty bucks. He wanted a freebie. I hate to
say it, but you were bait. He was so hot for you, he was drooling. We'll see him
again, and he'll have the fifty bucks, guaranteed; maybe a hundred. Number two,
I screwed up."
"How?" Danny asked.
"When the guy went off first, I should have stopped. He was satisfied; I could
have saved the goodies for another customer. But he had me so hot I couldn't
hold back."
"I'm glad you didn't." Jim glanced around at him with a curious scowl.
"Actually, it was a pretty incredible sight, Dad," Danny said. "And besides, you
were still hard after you went off. You could've serviced another guy."
"Yeah, I...I was...I guess I could've."
"I do that all the time...stay hard after I go off," Danny said, and it was a
warm feeling to be able to talk to his dad like that.
That second night out together, Danny got his initiation. It was about nine when
they left the apartment.
"Now don't go doing anything stupid. Stay close, and follow my lead," Jim told
his son as they headed for the warehouse district.
They took up their post as before, near the alley. Two men walked by on their
way to the pool hall up the street.
"That would have been interesting....two of them," Danny remarked. He knew by
his dad's scowl that it was the wrong thing to say. Another guy came toward
them. It was only his silhouette, but by that, it was obvious that he was well
built, and by his walk, he was young. As he drew closer, it was equally obvious
that he was a bodybuilder, about twenty or so. He stopped.
"Hey," he greeted them.
"How you doing?" Jim said.
"Okay. Are you guys together? Waiting on someone?"
"We're together," Jim said. "Waiting on someone? No, no one in
all depends."
"On what?"
"On who comes along," Jim replied.
Danny could understand why his dad was being coy and evasive with this guy. He
wasn't the type to be prowling the streets for his pleasure. He was
good-looking, and the way he filled out his clothes, he could get his pleasure
about anywhere he wanted it. Danny thought his dad might be thinking the guy was
a cop.
"I came along....any chance that you were waiting on me?" the youth said.
"That depends on why you're down here," Jim said.
"Looking for some action," the guy said. Bingo! Danny couldn't believe it, but
there it was. "My name's Tuff," the youth went on, putting out his hand.
"Good name," Jim said. "My name's Jim. This is my son, Danny." They all shook
"Your son, huh? For real? That's cool," Tuff said. "How much are we talking?" He
held up his hand, laughing. "I know, it depends on what I want. The works.
Anything and everything you guys do. Maybe even things you haven't done; you
could practice on me."
Danny was wondering if the guy was on something.
"How long do you want us for?" Jim asked.
"Till I get my rocks off," Tuff replied.
"One fifty," Jim said.
"Okay," the youth said without hesitation.
Jim moved away from the wall. "Where to? Have you got a place?" he asked.
"There's a place I know, down the alley."
They walked with the bodybuilder into the dark alley, past the soft glow of the
security light, at the spot where they'd been the night before, and turned into
an adjoining alley. He led them through a narrow opening behind a wall that
closed the alley off at one end; the other end was the solid brick. In the soft
darkness, Tuff peeled off his shirt. His muscular upper body fairly exploded out
of the narrow waist of his jeans. Danny was awed by his muscles.
"You guys wanta get out of your clothes?"
"You want us naked?" Jim asked.
"Yeah. It's safe here. I've used this place before."
Danny waited till his dad started to undress then followed his lead.
"I gotta ask this," Jim said. "How come a good-looking young stud like you is
prowling around this neighborhood paying for it?"
"I like men. Real men--studs. This is the best place to find real men. I can't
come on to guys at the gym," he said.
Danny was so excited he was almost shaking. He couldn't believe he was stripping
down in a dark alley with his dad and this stranger.
Tuff was naked first, standing there in his socks and hiking boots looking like
a god. Danny had always admired his dad's body, but Tuff made them both look
pretty ordinary--except in the manhood department. It was him that was ordinary
there. Maybe it was his size....two-fifty; Danny guessed...that made his cock
look smaller. The guy was impressed when Jim took off his shorts.
"I rest my case," he said, eyeing Jim's cock. Danny lagged behind, to follow his
dad's lead. Jim slipped his work boots back on, like the bodybuilder. Danny
straightened from taking off his jeans and shorts at the same time and stepped
back into his boots as well.
"Geezusss! Like father like son!" Tuff exclaimed. He reached out for both cocks.
"Fuck, I hit the jackpot tonight," he said as he pumped their cocks. "Shit I
can't even get my hand around either one of them."
"Think your mouth is going to fit around ˜em?" Jim asked.
"Oh, yeah," Tuff said. He squatted down on his haunches, his own cock sticking
out between his thighs about seven inches. He wasn't huge in length, but he was
thick as a wrist. "Turn around," he told them. They turned around and Tuff
started squeezing their butts. "Damn! Nice!" he said in a whisper. "Fuck, you
only see butts like this in the gym."
Danny felt Tuff's hand on his lower back, pressuring him to bend over. Terror
gripped his guts as he imagined in a flash what the guy might want to do. He
felt safe that his dad wouldn't let it happen, but the very idea of having a
big, thick cock shoved in his ass scared him. But when he glanced over his
shoulder, Tuff was still down on his haunches. He began playing with Danny's
butt with both hands, squeezing the taut muscles, pulling them apart. Suddenly
Danny felt something hot and wet and alive on his ass.
"Ohhhhhhh," he cried out softly. It took him a second to realize that the big
bodybuilder was tonguing his ass! "Awww...Awwwhhhhh!"
Jim straightened to watch while he slowly pumped his own huge cock. Tuff reached
out with a hand around his thigh and pulled him in close where he could easily
get to Jim's cock as well as tongue Danny's asshole. Danny was going nuts. He'd
never imagined anyone would do this, or that he even had feelings in his ass but
this guy was finding them. He still hadn't had his cock sucked, though, and he
wished Tuff would go down on him so he would at last find out what it felt like.
Then Danny saw his dad bend over and Tuff left his butt for his dad's. As his
dad had done, Danny moved in close to them so the bodybuilder could reach his
"Yeah, bring that big hunk of meat here," Tuff said as he pulled Danny in and
wrapped his mouth around his cock.
"OHHHH!" Danny exclaimed with surprise. Tuff's tongue was lashing all around the
head of his cock, causing his legs to tremble. "Ohhh, My Godd!"
He couldn't believe anything could feel so wonderful. Then Tuff went back to
tonguing his dad's ass, leaving Danny's legs shaking. He took turns. He pulled
them both in and tried to suck both of their cocks at the same time but they
were too big. Danny trembled with excitement at the feel of his cock against his
"Which one of you wants to eat my ass?" Tuff asked. Danny froze inside. His dad
glanced at him, then at Tuff. It was obvious that he hadn't expected this.
"You said anything for my hundred and fifty bucks," Tuff reminded them.
Danny didn't believe for a minute that his dad would do such a thing nor would
he expect or even let him tongue the bodybuilder's ass.
"I'm clean," Tuff said. "Squeaky clean--cleaner than any pussy. If you don't
want to do it, its only going to be a hundred bucks," he added.
Still, Jim hesitated. "Not in front of my son," he said finally, in a hoarse
"Let him do it, then," Tuff said.
"No," Jim said quickly. "No, I..." He glanced at Danny. "I'll do it...if you're
"I just got out of the shower at the gym."
Danny stood mesmerized watching his dad squat down behind the hunky bodybuilder
and begin kissing his butt muscles. He watched him pull them apart and bury his
face between them and then Tuff let out a moan and he knew his dad was tonguing
his asshole. Tuff reached back with his hands around Jim's head to smash his
face into his butt while Danny stroked his own cock. Tuff straightened and
looked over his shoulder. "You do it now," he said to Danny.
"No," Jim cut in. "No, I'll do it."
"I want him to do it," Tuff said. "I never had a teenage boy eat my ass."
"No," Jim said again. "You said one of us."
"I'll do it," Danny cut in.
"," Jim said.
"I can do it, dad," he said. "If you can do it, I can." He quickly averted the
pained look in his dad's eyes as he lowered himself to his haunches behind the
muscular bodybuilder. He saw his dad look away as he pulled the man's butt apart
to bury his face between them. He licked the inner slopes of the man's solid
butt muscles, searching unhurriedly for the pit. He was somehow surprised to
find him so smooth, with a hint of stubble, like he shaved his ass. He started
and jerked back a little when he touched the man's asshole, felt it alive and
clenching. Then he stuck his tongue out again and began licking it. It was a
heady experience, imaginable in his young mind, almost like an out-of-body wasn't him performing the act but he was getting the pleasure
from it. Yes, pleasure. Fuck, how do you get excited over tonguing another guy's
ass? He pulled the taut muscles apart and tried to drive his tongue through the
hot hole. The bodybuilder reached back and stretched his hole open for him.
"Ohhhh...ohhh, Geezusss, he's good," Tuff said. "Shit, he's doing it like he
likes it. Aww. Fuck, yeah, get that tongue in there...ohhhh, yeah, real deep!"
Danny was surprised that he did like it. It was a surprising and awesome thing
that he couldn't believe he was doing and he didn't understand why it was so
exciting, but he liked tonguing the man's asshole.
"Get down there and suck my cock while he's eating my ass," Tuff told Jim.
"No," Jim said.
"You said..."
"I know what I said," Jim cut in. "You can get off sucking my cock, or his, and
I'll settle for a hundred bucks."
Danny was somehow disappointed that the bodybuilder accepted the deal. He
straightened and turned around and went quietly to his knees and started sucking
Danny's cock again, switching back and forth to his dad's. Danny and his dad
both shot off within seconds of each other. Tuff knelt in front of them with his
face tilted up and his mouth open, begging and whimpering for their loads. He
squealed and whimpered like a girl when they blasted his face with their hot
cum. It almost made Danny sick, the way he was acting, except that he was so
muscular and studly good looking.
Afterwards, they got dressed in silence. The bodybuilder gave Jim two fifties
and left the alley shirtless; he had to use his T-shirt to wipe all the cum off
his face. Danny and Jim started down the street.
"Hey," Tuff called out. They turned around. "Thanks. It was great. I wanta do it
again sometime."
Jim didn't say anything, he just turned and walked on with his son by his side.
"I'm sorry, son," he said quietly.
"For what?"
"For doing what I did; and for putting you through it, allowing you to..."
"You didn't put me through anything, dad," Danny cut in.
"I tongued a guy's asshole! I let you tongue a guy's asshole."
"It wasn't so bad, after I saw you do it," Danny said. "He was clean as hell. In
fact, it was sort of exciting; he was really clean, and smooth, like he shaved
or something. It wasn't so bad."
"Yeah, he was...clean....and smooth...I think he shaved," Jim said. "But I don't
want you to do this again."
"That horse is already out of the barn, Dad," Danny said.
"Well, we're gonna put it back in."
"He's long gone, dad. And I...I don't want to stop. It was pretty incredible,
getting my cock sucked, and his tongue sure felt good."
"It's not going to stop there," Jim said. "You heard what he wanted us to do.
The tables are gonna turn one of these days, and I....I don't want you there for
what I might have to do."
"Does that mean you're gonna suck cock one of these days?" Danny asked bluntly.
"Even if a guy offered you a thousand bucks to suck his cock, you wouldn't do
"I would," Danny said.
Jim stopped in his tracks and gaped at his son. "Geezuss, what have I done?" he
"I think I could've done it tonight if you hadn't stopped me. We could be going
home with fifty more bucks."
Jim scoffed and strode off with Danny at his side.
In bed that night, Danny lay in the darkness pondering what had transpired. He
couldn't get all up tight over it like his dad. Getting his cock sucked was
pretty incredible, and it was an easy way to make money. And tonguing the guy's
ass...well, there was a strange thrill to that, too.
Despite his dad's protests they went out night after night, plying their trade,
father and son, side by side. Danny was insatiable. He didn't want to go home.
He could get a hardon and go off three or four times. One night he went home
with two hundred dollars that he'd earned himself, just from getting his cock
"We're going to jack our price up," Jim said one night as they were walking
"How much?"
"Double, at least," Jim said.
"Can we get it?'
"Everybody seems to get real excited that we're a father and son team. I think
they really go for a teenager. I figure that's worth some extra bucks, too.
We're going to raise our price and get off the streets."
"Off the streets? How?"
"I don't know for sure. But we're going to just wait around for a few nights and
see if that guy comes by in the limo."
"Yeah, he must have plenty of money," Danny said.
"And connections. He knows people who have money."
Their first night out was dry, partly of their own choice. They hung around for
two hours and turned down several propositions but the limo never showed.
Same the second night.
"We're loosing money, Dad, waiting around for that guy," Danny said.
"If we can make contact, we'll more than make it up," Jim said.
"Let me do a couple while we're waiting. I'm good for three or four times,"
Danny said.
Jim reluctantly agreed. It was like they were more business partners now than
dad and son when they were out. While Danny took a guy into the alley, Jim stood
watch for the limo. Danny serviced three guys but the limo never showed.
"Well, at least we made a hundred and fifty bucks," Danny said, handing the
money to his dad.
"YOU made a hundred and fifty bucks," his dad said, handing it back to him.
Danny gave it back to him. "I can't be handing over a hundred and fifty bucks to
Mom; she'd want to know how I got that kind of money."
"Yeah, you're right," Jim said as he took the money back.
"You know what the irony is?" Danny said, laughing. "I got paid good money for
what I would be wasting out on the fire escape landing."
The third night they were standing around in the front of the pool hall when Jim
saw the headlights set in the wide, classy front of a vehicle, moving slowly
down the street. "I think that's him," he said.
"Is it the same car?"
"I don't know. It don't matter. If he's down here, driving slow like that, he's
The limo pulled over to the curb and the rear window went down.
"Good evening, gentlemen," the person inside said.
"Hey," Jim said as he moved away from the wall and walked over to the car. He
put a hand discreetly on Danny's stomach to tell him to stay put.
"Nice night for a ride," the man said.
"Yeah, but we're on foot," Jim said.
"That could be remedied, couldn't it?"
"What about the boy? Are you together?" the man asked.
"Yes. He's my son," Jim said.
"I love that fantasy," the man said with a soft laugh.
"It's no fantasy. He IS my son," Jim said. "You can ask him."
"Let's meet him." Jim waved for Danny to come over. "I believe you. He walks
like you and he looks like you." He leaned toward the window to look Danny up
and down. "Is this your dad?"
"Yes, sir."
"How long has he been your dad?" the man asked.
Danny looked at Jim, confused.
"Eighteen years," Jim said. "Barely eighteen. He just had a birthday a couple of
weeks ago."
It was longer than that but Danny knew his dad was baiting the guy with his age.
"Why don't you both get in and let's go for a ride and see if we can work
something out."
They climbed in the back and sat on the jump seats facing the wide rear seat.
The man was young and handsome and well dressed in a silk shirt and dark slacks.
Although not a bodybuilder, he filled out his shirt nicely with a gym-built
body. Danny wondered, like the bodybuilder, Tuff, why the guy was cruising
around to pay for sex. He also wondered what a guy his age did to be so rich. He
assumed drugs.
"My name is Rich," he said, putting out his hand.
"Jim. This is Danny."
"Come over and sit on the seat beside me, Jim and Danny."
They moved across to sit on either side of him. Rich pushed a button and leaned
up to the bar that was opening in front of them. "Let me fix you a drink," he
said. "What's your preference?"
"Whiskey, straight," Jim said.
"And what about your boy?"
"Ask him," Jim said.
Danny was more than a little surprised that his dad was letting him drink; even
order his own. He didn't know what to ask for so he asked for whiskey, too. They
settled back in the wide, spacious seat with their drinks.
"Now, tell me, what can I expect for the good money I plan to lay out?" Rich
"Depends on how much good money you plan to lay out," Jim said.
"I can see you're not a novice at the trade," Rich said, laughing.
"I've been at it awhile. He just started," Jim said. "The father-and-son team
brings a premium, of course."
"Of course. I just happen to have a thousand dollars left over, burning a hole
in my pocket. What will that buy me?"
Danny almost gasped. A thousand dollars! He was stunned at his dad's reply.
"It'll get you one of us," Jim said.
"Why would I want only half of a father-and-son team? Let's cut to the chase.
Two thousand gets me anything I want."
"No weird shit, like whips and stuff," Jim said.
"Nothing that weird, I don't go for that myself. No, just plain, down-home sex."
Danny couldn't believe his ears. Two thousand dollars! With the money they had
already saved, they could move out of the apartment right away; maybe into a
house, and the kids could go to school. HE could go to school, finish his senior
year. Jim looked at Danny. "What do you think son?"
"I'm good to go," Danny said.
"You remember that bodybuilder," Jim reminded him.
"Yeah. Nothing I can't handle," Danny said.
"Okay, two thousand," Jim agreed in a cool tone.
"Then let the games begin. Why don't we start by all taking off our clothes?"
"We're going to do it right here in the limo?" Jim asked, surprised.
"It adds to the excitement, having sex while you're driving around the city.
Don't worry; nobody can see us unless we put the windows down."
They stripped down completely, including Rich. Danny was impressed with the
guy's build--muscular, but not bulky. More like a very well built swimmer. He
had abs to die for.
"Put your socks and boots back on for me," Rich told them and he rummaged around
in their clothes for their caps. "And wear these."
They put their boots on and donned their baseball caps. Rich folded the jump
seats up, creating space in the back of the limo the size of a small room. He
got on his knees in front of them and began licking Danny's boots. "Damn, you
guys are hung!" he exclaimed. "My father like son. How big do those
things get?" he asked, eyeing their big cocks hungrily.
"You'll find out soon enough. Him sooner than me," Jim joked, nodding to Danny.
Danny looked at his dad with a shrug. While the guy was licking Danny's boots,
one then the other, moving up his bulging calf muscles, Jim pulled on his own
cock, causing it to swell out and grow longer. When Rich got up to Danny's knees
he practically made love to them.
"Fuck, you've got sexy knees," he said. When he started to move up the inside of
Danny's thighs, Jim stopped him with his hand on his head.
"What?" Rich asked with an unpleasant scowl.
"Finish shinning his boots," Jim said.
"Yes, SIR," Rich said, and bent down to begin licking Danny's boots again.
Danny around at the tight, tough grin on his dad's face.
Rich fairly slobbered all over Danny's boots to obey Jim's order. Then he looked
up and asked, "Now, can I move further up?"
When his dad nodded, Danny spread his legs out wide. His cock stood straight up,
almost touching his stomach, balls hanging heavy on the seat. "Balls like a
fuckin' bull," Rich moaned. He licked up the underside of his cock and lapped
the precum oozing and running down over the head. He pulled the huge cock
downward, looking at Jim. "Shit, man, you sure did a job producing this big
stud," he said, and then he wrapped his mouth around Danny's cock.
"UUhhnnnnn," Danny moaned softly, laying his head back on the seat. He hunkered
his butt out on the edge of the seat to give the guy all the room he wanted,
hoping he might go for his ass. Rich moved his mouth up and down the thick
shaft, forcing the blunt heard hard against the opening of his throat. He slid
his arm under Danny's thighs and lifted his legs up on his shoulders, then took
Danny's hands and placed them on his head. Danny looked at his dad and Jim
nodded and motioned for him to force him down on his cock. Danny wrapped his
legs around the man's head and pushed his head down. His cock burst through the
tight opening of his throat and sank all the way into his throat.
"UUmmmpphhhggghhhh," Rich choked.
"Awwwww," Danny cried softly. "Awwww, he took all of it! He's got my cock all
the way in his throat!"
"You're not going to find many guys who can do that," Jim said. He held his head
down till Rich was fighting frantically to be released. Danny let his head loose
and he rose up with a choking gasp.
"Motherfuck, kid, you trying to kill me? That's a fuckin' lethal weapon, buried
in somebody's throat."
"Sorry, I thought that's what you wanted," Danny said.
"I did," Rich said with a grin. "Just give me a break to breath now and then."
He went back down on the big cock and Danny got his head in a leg lock again and
forced his mouth all the way down. He held him hard for a moment till he started
choking then let him up. The man smiled his approval, wiping his mouth with the
back of his hand and went right back down on it. Danny didn't realize it at
first that Rich was probing his ass with his fingers, using the spit that ran
down his cock. He realized, then, why getting his cock sucked felt so wonderful;
Rich's finger was doing good things deep inside him. Rich reached over to jack
Jim's cock with his other hand. After awhile he rose up and pushed a button on
the armrest. Half of the top of the car rolled back, revealing the night sky
with the city lights, and a gentle waft of breeze blew in. "Stand up and enjoy
the view," he told Danny.
Danny stood up through the opening, exposed to the night nearly to his waist. It
was breathtaking, not just the view but the exhilaration of being naked and half
of that nakedness sticking out of the top of the limo while the other half.....
"Awwhhhhhh," he cried out when Rich took his cock in his mouth again.
"Yeah, tell the world what's happening," Rich told him.
"I'm getting my cock sucked," Danny said.
"They can't hear you," Rich said as he shoved a glass of whiskey up through the
hole. Danny downed the whiskey in one gulp and dropped the glass back inside.
"Tell `em," Rich said. "Yell it out loud and clear."
"I'm getting my cock sucked!" Danny yelled louder, waving his arms. People
stopped to gape at him. Some, those who believed him, gave him a thumbs up' and
whooped and yelled at him. "Fuckin' go for it, stud!" one guy called out.
Suddenly, Danny gasped aloud as he felt Rich's, or somebody's tongue lashing at
his ass. He jutted his hips back and the hands pulled his butt muscles apart and
the tongue was shoving inside his asshole. "Tell them what's happening now,"
Rich said.
"I'm getting my ass tongued! A guy's got his tongue in my ass!" he yelled.
He heard Rich, or both of them laughing inside the car. "I wanta fuck him," he
heard Rich say.
"No," Jim said quickly.
"I think we agreed to anything for my two thousand bucks," Rich reminded him.
"He's not clean; he didn't come prepared for that," Jim said.
"Well, we can fix that." Rich told his driver to find a drugstore.
"What're we doing?" Danny asked as he came back down into the limo when it
pulled up in front of a drug store. The driver was already out of the limo,
heading into the drugstore.
"I wanta fuck you," Rich said. "Your dad said you didn't come prepared for it.
We're going to take care of that."
Danny didn't understand exactly what the guy meant, but the idea scared him.
"No, I don't think he can do it," Jim said. "He's never done it before. You can...fuck me."
Danny gaped at his dad, his mouth dropped.
"Sure, both of you, but I want his cherry ass first," Rich said.
The driver came back from the drug store and drove off in search of a motel.
When he had a room he came back and handed the key to Rich then drove around in
back to park in front of the room. Rich handed the key and the package from the
drugstore to Jim.
"Go get yourselves prepared, while I have another drink," he said.
Still confused, Danny followed his dad into the motel room. "What...does
he...mean, get prepared?" he asked. "I don't know what all's going on, dad."
"He wants to fuck you," Jim said. "But you're not going to do it."
"But you said he could do it to you."
"Yeah, I said it, but we don't have to do it," Jim said. "We can call it off
right here and now."
"There's two grand at stake," Danny said. He could tell his dad hadn't expected
this, but also that he hadn't made up his mind for certain. For that kind of
money he thought he would actually let the man fuck him.
"It's not worth two grand. In case you hadn't noticed, he's no midget, son. He
could really hurt you."
"He would hurt you too," Danny said.
"That don't matter, I don't want you getting hurt. Fuck, I wish I'd never gotten
you involved in this."
"But I am. And two grand...hell, dad, I'll just guzzle some more whiskey and I
won't feel anything."
"I don't know if that'll work. I've never done it before either," Jim said.
"I'm gonna do it," Danny declared, reaching for the package.
"No. I'm going to tell the guy the deal's off, see if I can get a few hundred
bucks for what we've already done, then we're going home."
"Dad, its two thousand dollars. It'll put us awfully close to getting us out of
that apartment won't it?" Danny said. He took out one of the tall, green and
white boxes. "What is this and how do you use it?"
Jim shrugged and motioned to the bathroom. Soon they were ready and waiting for
Rich to come into the room. But the driver came in instead. "Rich wants you back
in the limo," he said.
"Why don't he just come in here where we've got a bed?" Jim asked.
"He wants to do it in the limo," the driver said.
Jim put his hand on Danny's shoulder. "You're not going to do this," he said.
"I'll go with him, but I'm getting you a cab home."
"No. No, we can't pass up that kind of money, dad. That can get us out of the
apartment. If you want to get a cab, okay, but I'm getting back in the limo."
Once more, Danny's stubborn will prevailed and they went back out to the limo.
"Ahh, nice and flushed out for me, huh?" Rich said.
"Yeah," Jim said sullenly.
"Strip down again," Rich said.
When they were naked again, Rich went to work on Danny's ass with his tongue and
his fingers. He quickly had the boy squirming around on his hand and moaning and
tossing down more whiskey. "Don't get drunk and pass out on me," Rich joked.
"Don't worry, you'll get your money's worth," Danny said bravely.
Rich bent him over the back seat on his hands and knees and knelt behind him.
"Look, why don't you fuck me?" Jim said.
"I want this boy's cherry," Rich said.
"You can have mine. I'm cherry, too," Jim said.
"No kidding! Fuck, you guys are a dream come true," Rich said. "But I want your
son first." He chuckled softly. "Fuck, even saying it sounds sexy. I'm gonna
fuck your son, while you watch, then I'm gonna fuck you while your son watches.
What a fuckin' turn-on! Here, get him ready," he said, handing Jim a bottle of
lubricant without the cap.
"My cherry is no big deal, but his virginity commands a premium. An extra five
hundred," Jim said.
Rich reared back with a scowl on his face. "Don't try to cop a deal with me at
this stage of the game," he said.
"You might be the one with the money, but we've got the merchandise," Jim said.
Rich thought for a moment the nodded. "Okay, five hundred, but you gotta get him
ready for me, with your tongue."
"I can do that," Jim said without hesitation. He knelt down on the floorboard
behind Danny and pulled his butt apart and buried his face in his ass.
"Ooooaaawwwwwhhhhh!" Danny cried out, tossing his head back. "Awwwhh,
Dad....Dad, your tongue feels great!"
Jim tongued the boy's ass till Rich thrust the bottle of lubricant at him,
unable to wait any longer. He took the bottle and obediently squeezed the thick,
slick lube onto his fingers then probed at Danny's ass. Danny relaxed with
complete trust in his dad.
"Uhnnn," Danny gasped when his dad shoved his finger in.
"Tell me when it feels okay," Jim said. He hated himself but he was thankful for
the chance to get his son ready for the guy. After a moment or two, Danny
started squirming around on his finger.
"Okay, dad. I think I'm ready." Godd, he was ready for something!
With that Rich nudged Jim out of the way and rose up and aimed his cock between
Danny's buns.
"Take it easy with him," Jim said.
Rich put some pressure on. Scared, Danny reached out for his dad's hand, and Jim
squeezed it.
"You can yell all you want to, it's okay, I don't mind. The limo is pretty much
sound-proof," Rich said.
The hot cock pushed and prodded at the pliable muscle around his asshole and for
a moment, Danny thought Rich was in him and it wasn't feeling so bad. Then
suddenly he felt the most excruciating pain he'd ever felt as his asshole burst
apart and was spread open by the thick, hot cock. It hurt so bad he couldn't
even cry out. All he could do was suck in his breath and squeeze his dad's hand,
and smash his face into the leather seat to stifle his pain.
"Take it easy on him," Jim told Rich again.
"Hey, he's a virgin, it's gonna hurt a little," Rich said.
Slowly, the big cock sank into Danny's ass, deeper and deeper, sliding over the
spot that felt so good when his dad used his fingers. After a moment it started
to feel good, even through the pain. It wasn't hurting from going in so deep,
the pain was caused from his asshole being stretched so tight by the man's
girth. He clenched his teeth and tightened his asshole as hard as he could,
trying to stretch it and work through the pain as he was slowly impaled on the
long cock. In a moment he felt Rich's hairy loins pressing against his spread
butt. He was all the way in!
"Fuck, boy, you took that real good for a virgin," Rich said. "I'm gonna fuck
you now. Geezuss, am I gonna fuck you!"
"Take it easy," Jim told him yet again.
The pain was subsiding but Danny braced himself for the worst. He half expected
to feel his asshole tear apart all the way in but it didn't happen. The big cock
pulled out, rubbing over the tender spot again that felt so good, then sank back
in. It was only a half dozen probes before the pain was gone completely and it
was feeling strangely wonderful. "Ohhh....Ohhhh....awwwhhhhh...," he moaned
softly. He didn't know if his dad expected him to act like he was liking it but
couldn't help himself.
"That feeling good?" Rich asked.
"It don't hurt anymore," Danny said.
Rich laughed. "Yeah, it's feeling good. You like it. You like being fucked."
"Are you okay?" Jim asked him quietly.
"Yeah...yeah, I'm okay, Dad....Goddd, I didn't know it would feel like this. Is
it supposed to feel so good?"
"It's okay if it does," Jim said.
Rich fucked him hard. Not mercilessly, but with hard, determined strokes that
plunged his cock deep in his ass like a pile driver. So hard that the limo
rocked when they were stopped at a light. Danny clawed at the leather seat and
groped for his dad's hand.
"Hey, Danny, give your dad some head while I fuck you," Rich said.
"No. You don't have to do that," Jim said.
"I wanta see the boy suck his dad's cock," Rich insisted.
Ignoring Jim's protests, Danny was already leaning over his dad's thigh in
search of his cock. Without the slightest hesitation, he gobbled it like a
hungry wolf, like he'd been doing it for years.
"Aww, Danny...Awhh Son," Jim moaned as he helplessly thrust his cock up into the
boy's mouth. Danny moaned and whimpered with pleasure as he sucked his dad's
cock and got fucked by Rich. Fuck, he needed some more whiskey.
"Hey, boy," Rich said, smacking him on the butt. "Stand up and tell the world
what's happening to you now."
Danny let his dad's cock go and scrambled to his feet. He grabbed the bottle of
whiskey from the bar and guzzled it till his dad took it away from him. Then he
poked his head and shoulders up through the roof, not as high as before because
Rich was shoving his cock back in him again.
"Awwhhhhh....Awwwwwhhhhh, I'm getting my ass fucked!" he yelled.
"Danny," Jim barked. "Shit, you're going to get yourself arrested."
"Not in my limo, he won't," Rich said. "It wouldn't matter if your son was ten
years old."
Danny yelled and moaned and tossed his head around in the cool night air as Rich
pounded his ass with his hot cock. He could hear Rich and his dad talking.
"You ever fuck your boy?" Rich asked.
"No. Hell no," Jim replied.
"I wanta see you fuck him," Rich said.
"No. Hell, I can't do that," Jim said.
"Hey, if you knew how this feels, you wouldn't hesitate," Rich said. "And he
likes it. You can tell he likes it."
Danny's asshole was suddenly empty and clenching at the air.
"Come on...give it to him," Rich was saying.
Danny poked his head down inside. "Go ahead, dad, go ahead and do it, I'm okay
with it now."
"I'm too big," Jim said, in a pained voice.
"I can take it," Danny said bravely.
"Your boy is a real trooper," Rich said. "Go ahead; show him what a real man's
cock feels like."
"Geezuss son, what're we doing!" Jim mumbled as he got up and maneuvered himself
up through the moon-roof behind Danny.
Danny felt the heat of his dad's cock pressing against his gaping hole then the
head burst through and he was filling him to capacity, stretching his asshole
terribly with the thick girth.
"Ohhhh, fuck yeah...OHhhh, shit!" Danny groaned into the night air.
"Is that hurting?" Jim asked as he paused.
"Nothing I can't handle," Danny said. Then he yelled out, "Now I'm getting
fucked by my own dad!"
"Danny, shut up!"
Laughing with glee, Rich handed another glass of whiskey up through the opening.
Danny grabbed it and downed it in one gulp. It burned all the way down but once
it hit bottom it felt good and within minutes, he was feeling the effects of it.
"Awwwhhhhhhh," he gasped suddenly when he felt his cock being enveloped in
Rich's mouth. "Awww Aww, I'm getting my cock sucked and my ass fucked at the
same time!" he yelled out.
Rich paused. "Pace yourself so we don't stop at lights," he told his driver.
Then he went back to sucking Danny's cock.
"If you like this, son, why don't we get back in the limo where we can do it
right," Jim said, his voice hoarse with lust.
"I like it up here," Danny said. "Your cock feels great, Dad, and I like us
pressed together like this, out in the open where everybody can see us."
"That's what I'm afraid of, everybody seeing us," Jim said. "Come on, we're
getting back inside."
Jim squeezed down through the opening first then brought Danny down into the
limo. Danny splayed across the wide seat with one leg over the edge; his knee on
the floor and his legs spread wide apart to welcome his dad's thrusting hips.
"Aww, yeah, it....God, that feels good. Fuck me...fuck, me, Dad."
"Fuck, this is hot, seeing you getting fucked by your own dad," Rich said.
Suddenly, it wasn't about Rich or the twenty-five hundred dollars. It was
between father and son; their love for each other, now manifesting itself in
their mutual lust in the most unusual circumstances.
"Listen, I'm not gonna be able to keep doing this...not without cumming's
feeling too damned good," Jim said.
"Go ahead, give it to him...give him your load," Rich said.
Jim fucked him hard for the next couple of blocks, using full-cock strokes; so
hard that the limo bounced on its springs.
"Oh, Geezuss,'re pounding me a new asshole....OHhhh....Ohhhh, you're
gonna make me cum too!"
"Yeah, shoot it Son. Let's do it together," Jim said hoarsely.
"Ohhh, this is so fucking hot!" Rich gasped, as he jacked himself off and ran
his hands over their bodies. Suddenly he stood up astraddle Danny and thrust his
cock in Jim's face. "Suck it....suck it while you fuck your boy."
Without hesitation or even thinking, Jim gobbled his cock and began sucking it.
His breath was ragged and he was gasping and Danny was whimpering and groaning
as they worked up to the ultimate explosion.
"Awwgghhhh!" Jim cried around Rich's cock as he began pumping his load deep in
his son's bowels.
"Awww, Dad...yeah I can feel it! Aww, shoot it in me--you're gonna make me cum
too." Danny felt the heat of his dad's cum spurting deep in his guts and it
triggered his own climax. His cock bucked and swelled under him and exploded all
over the expensive leather seats. He heard his dad choking and he wondered if
Rich was giving him his load in his mouth. The limo crawled slowly for a couple
of blocks before any of them were relaxed and able to speak.
"Motherfuck! That was the most incredible sex I ever had," Rich said,
"Me too," Danny said. "Fuck, dad, I had no idea getting fucked could feel so
Jim lay slumped in the corner of the seat, feeling terrible. Rich poured them
all another drink. Jim grabbed the glass and gulped it down and Danny wondered
if he was washing down the taste of Rich's come. When Danny reached for the
bottle, Jim blocked him from taking it.
"He's had enough," he said.
"It's not like it's going to impair his performance," Rich scoffed.
"You want another drink?" Jim asked.
"Hell, yes," Rich said. "He's a teenager; he can keep it up all night."
"Yeah, I can," Danny said. "So can he."
Jim poked him but it was too late. He knew the boy's bragging had only committed
them to more. They drove around the city for another hour of sex and two more
climaxes before Jim declared that they were finished and told Rich he had his
money's worth.
"I certainly can't argue that," Rich said as he dug into his pants pocket and
brought out a wad of money. "Fifties okay?"
"Yes," Jin said.
As they were getting dressed the driver drove them back to the spot where he'd
picked them up.
"Look, I have friends who would love to meet up with you two," Rich said. "We
have private parties where we like to have young studs serve hor-d-voures and
drinks, if you would be interested."
"That's all? Just serve?" Danny asked.
"That's for starters," Rich said.
"Where does it finish?" Jim asked.
"Depends on who's having the party. Sometimes they have an old-fashioned orgy
with dozens of naked guys in piles and you won't know who's doing what to you,
or care. Sometimes it's more discreet, where you simply make contacts with the
guests for later times. Often times they have photo shoots where everyone brings
their cameras and take pictures of the young male guests. They also organize
manhunts and other sports events."
"Yes. They go to one of their private estates and turn several young men loose
in the wilderness and hunt them down, like animals."
"It's not an actual hunt, then," Jim said.
"No, it's paint-ball hunting. Except the penalty for being hit isn't simply
being out of the game. There are other more severe consequences for being hit; I
don't have to explain that. They tell me it stings a little when one of the
paint balls hit, but it's nothing, the participants tell me. It pays well," he
went on. "And you two could pull down some big tips besides."
"We'll think about it," Jim said.
"Where can I contact you?" Rich asked.
"Same way you contacted us tonight," Jim said.
"All right. I'll look forward to meeting up with you again."
Jim and Danny got out of the car and headed back to the apartment. "Are you
okay, Son?" Jim asked.
"You're walking funny, are you sure?"
"I just had two big cocks plow me in the ass; you'd walk funny, too. But it's
okay. It don't hurt, it just feels strange...empty, more than anything," Danny
"I hate myself for tonight," Jim said.
"I wish you would lay off the guilt trip, Dad. I handled it okay, and we came
away with two and a half grand."
"Yes, but I have to ask myself what price I'm willing to put on my own Son."
"A high price. This is premium beef," Danny joked.
They walked a few more yards while Danny was trying to work up the courage to
ask the big question, when suddenly his dad put his arm across his shoulder and
pulled him into a small, all-night café. They went to a far window booth looking
out onto the street.
"I'm guessing you worked up an appetite. I sure did," Jim said.
"Yeah, I could eat," Danny said.
They gave their orders then sat in silence for several minutes.
"Look, I don't like the way this is gonna sound, but I'm proud of you, Son."
Danny smiled, beaming with pride.
"Not proud of what we're doing, but I'm damned proud of the way you've stepped
up the plate."
"I'm surprised to hear you say that. You weren't going to let me," Danny said.
"You weren't going to take no for an answer. I decided it would be better to
have you with me than striking out on your own like you said you were going to
"Well, you might not like the way this is gonna sound, but I have to admit, Dad,
I sort of like this gay sex thing." He knew instantly from the look on his dad's
face that he'd said the wrong thing
"I wish you hadn't said that."
"What's wrong with calling it what it is?"
"I just never put a name to it. I've worried about what I might be drawing you
into. I mean, you used to be real popular with the girls, and rightfully so, and
now you don't ever see a girl."
"How do you know I don't see girls?" Danny asked with a sly grin.
"Have you?" Jim asked.
"No," he admitted "But that doesn't mean I don't think about girls all the time.
Don't worry, Dad, I'm not turning gay. Like you said one time, it's the money,
nothing else." He paused then went on. "Can I ask you something, Dad?"
"Did you...take Rich's load?"
"I thought so."
"I hope you're not disappointed," Jim said.
"I was a little surprised, that's all," Danny said.
"I was surprised at a lot of things that happened tonight," Jim said.
"Are YOU disappointed?" Danny asked.
"No, why would I be disappointed in you?"
"For getting fucked."
"I was one of the guys who fucked you," he said. "I should feel shame more than
"Don't feel either," Danny said. "I don't know why, and I still don't think it's
supposed to feel good, but I think I got a pretty good idea what a girl feels
like now, when she gets fucked."
"Except girls are built for it," Jim said.
"It felt like I'm built for it, too," Danny said. "Are we going to meet Rich
again, for one of his parties, or a hunt?"
"I don't know. It sounds like something that could get out of hand, even more
than this did tonight."
"It couldn't get any more out of hand than tonight," Danny said, laughing. Then
he asked, "How are you going explain two and a half thousand dollars to mom?"
"I'm not," Jim said. "I'm going to open a bank account that only you and I will
know about. When it gets built up, I'll tell her I bought a lottery ticket and
"How much are you going to let it build up?"
"I was thinking enough to make a sizeable down payment on a house."
"She will be so happy to get out of the apartment," Danny said.
One night some weeks later they met a guy who made the deal then gave them a
card and told them to come to that address in twenty minutes. Jim was hesitant
at first, but it was close by. They walked the few blocks past the warehouses to
a seedy tenement building and climbed the stairs to the third floor. He knocked
on the door but no one answered. He knocked again and tried the door. It wasn't
locked so he opened and went through, cautiously to be sure. Inside was a small
cubicle, barely lit enough to see the several small holes and two larger holes
cut out of the walls.
"What the heck is this?" Danny whispered, looking all around.
Just then a hand appeared through one of the smaller holes, and an open mouth at
the other.
"I think I just figured it out," Danny said.
Jim was already undoing his jeans, and Danny followed his dad's lead. They
shoved their shorts and jeans down and stepped up to the holes. Immediately a
mouth closed around Danny's cock, causing him to moan and press his body against
the wall. That was all that happened; they got their cocks sucked through the
glory holes and when they'd both dropped their loads, a hand came through with
some folded bills.
Another time, Jim went out on his own, adamant that Danny would not come alone.
"Why, what's so different about this time?" Danny asked.
"He wants an older guy, that's all," Jim said.
"My feelings are hurt," Danny joked.
Jim "worked" all night that night. Danny was getting worried, and was lying
awake out on the fire escape, watching for his dad. When he saw him coming down
the street he rushed down to meet him.
"Where the heck have you been?"
"Come on, even I couldn't last this long," Danny scoffed.
"It was weird," Jim said.
"Weird, how so?"
"I didn't tell you, but he was into the slave thing. That's the reason I went
alone; he wanted an older master."
"What happened? What'd you do?"
"It was weird, that's all," Jim said.
"You're not going to tell me about it?"
"Sometime, maybe," Jim said.
"Sometime, for sure," Danny said.
"Okay, but right now, I gotta get up to bed. Has your mom been awake?"
"She was for awhile, pacing, but I convinced her that you were all right and
that I would go check on you if you didn't come home soon."
"I called Rich back, just to check in with him," Jim said.
"Oh, yeah?" Danny said excitedly.
"He's got something lined up for us if we're interested."
"Are we interested?" Danny asked.
"If you wanta do it. Its one of those parties; they want us to serve drinks and
stuff. Of course, you know that won't be the extend of it."
"It probably wouldn't pay much if it was," Danny said.
"Well, if we wanta do it, all we have to do is show up. I've got the date and
time and the address," Jim said.
The Hunt
The hunt began at 6:00 a.m on someone's twenty thousand acre estate. There were
four of the hunted, including Jim and Danny. There was also a muscular, cute
college boy, about 20 and a well-built construction worker, about 35. They were
out-numbered, by design, by eight wealthy hunters gathered from across the
country with one who had come all the way from Germany for the event. Jim and
Danny were picked up well before daylight by Rich's limo. The other two hunted
were already in the limo.
"Hey, two more suckers," the construction worker said as Jim and Danny climbed
in the back. "Name's Jake," he said, putting out his hand.
"Jim. This is Danny."
"Christian," the college boy said.
"Are we all fuckin' nuts or what?" Jake said.
"I need the money, for tuition," Christian said.
"Yeah, we need the money, too," Danny said.
"Well, the money's good, but I'm in it for the thrill, too. I think as a Marine,
I can out-smart these guys," Jake said.
"You're in the Marines? What if they find out about your little venture?"
Jim asked.
"I'm not on active duty," Jake said.
"Oh, ex."
"There's no such thing as an ex-Marine," Jake stated.
"Have any of you guys ever done this before?" Christian asked.
"No," Jake replied.
"No," said Jim.
Dawn was breaking by the time they were delivered to a heavily wooded area miles
from Columbus. The hunters were already there, checking their guns and gear. The
hunted were taken to the side and given instructions.
The rules were simple; try to evade the hunters. They were required to strip
down to their boots and socks and given a twenty-minute head start before the
hunters came after then. At the end of the course, several miles into the woods,
there were markers. Each of the hunted had to make it through the course, grab a
marker and make his way back, or evade the hunters for three hours. If he made
it without being hit there was a two thousand dollar bonus. Get hit, and pay the
consequences. The consequences weren't spelled out but everyone had a pretty
good idea what they were; get hit and you were turned into a sex slave for the
hunter who brought you down.
The four stripped down and were given pouch loin clothes to put on. Danny was
proud that he and his dad were built better than the other two; and proud that
they noticed.
"Looks like you don't miss any workouts," Jake told Danny.
"I used to have a gym membership," Danny said.
"You keep in shape with work, I can tell," he said to Jim.
"Yeah, looks like you do, too," Jim said.
"Most of this is left over from the Marines," Jake said, indicating his naked
They didn't remark on each other's manhood although they all noticed each other.
The hunters noticed, though, with lewd smiles and remarks. It was hard not to
notice Danny's pouch protruding under the loincloth. His dad made a damned good
bulge, too. They all did. At the marked time they were turned loose like four
animals in the forest. They ran down the slope through the thick stand of trees
and were quickly out of sight from the drooling hunters. Christian took off up a
hill to the left. Jake ran straight ahead.
"We should stick fairly close together," Jim told Danny as he slowed to talk.
"Keep just enough distance so we can separate and divert them if they get too
Danny knew his dad was only trying to stay close enough to keep an eye out for
him. It was one time when he didn't mind his dad being so protective. He didn't
know what these men were capable of if he got caught. They ran down into a gully
for quite a ways till Jim went up the side.
"Let's get out of the gully; they're going to be expecting us to follow it," he
said. "You veer off to the left. Stay within hearing distance but keep silent
unless you need me."
Danny ran a dozen yards and paused to see if he could hear his dad's footsteps
in the dried leaves. He could; he was too close. He ran a short distance farther
till he couldn't hear anything but his own footsteps but felt he was within
calling distance. His heart raced as he zigzagged through the trees, pausing now
and then behind a tree to listen for anyone coming up behind him. The twenty
minutes of head start hadn't passed but he didn't know if he could trust the
hunters to wait their full twenty minutes.
Jim decided he was going to try to out-wait them instead of trying to evade them
for the allotted three hours. A hundred yards deeper in the woods, he found a
huge fallen tree. The heavy branches held the trunk up off the ground a couple
of feet and there were leaves and brush and limbs blown up under it. He dug the
brush out to create a hiding place then crawled in and pulled the limbs and
leaves in around him. It was dark under the tree trunk. If he hadn't disturbed
the brush too much, he wouldn't be found. He wondered where Danny was. Close, he
Danny kept running. He couldn't find anyplace to hide. His only choice was to
get to the marker and make his way back. His blood rushed when he heard the
yelling of the hunters far behind him as they were turned loose on them. If he
could find the markers, he would circle around the perimeter, go in behind them
and head back the way he came. It was so simple that maybe they wouldn't think
of it.
Jim heard the muffled voices of the hunters and fought to lie perfectly still.
One slight move would make a rustling sound and he would be found. He was
counting on that bonus, and if Danny made it, they could walk away with fourteen
thousand dollars, plus tips if the hunters were feeling generous.
Danny made it to the end of the course and found the markers; bright orange
flags tacked to a tree. He grabbed one and ran toward the perimeter of the
course. He tucked the flag down inside his loincloth so it wouldn't be seen. He
figured the hunters hadn't counted on any of them being that smart. A sense of
fright surged through him when he heard the rustling of someone moving through
the trees close by. Too close. He caught a glimpse of bare muscle and recognized
Christian. Danny ran faster to put distance between them. Two of them would make
more noise than one. A bare dozen yards later he heard the pop of a gun and a
yelp of pain.
"I got one!" somebody yelled.
"Yeah, a nice, smooth, young buck," another said.
They were so close that Danny could hear the normal tone of the second man's
voice. But they'd shot Christian so that would keep their attention for a while.
He slowed to a careful pace, hoping to make less noise as he moved away from
them. He felt he had gone a safe distance when he heard the faint cry from the
direction of the college boy. God, what were they doing to him? When he was a
safe distance away from them he broke into a run.
Jim jumped at the sound of the paint gun. It was too close for comfort. But the
yelp told him that they had hit somebody so that would keep their attention away
from him for a while. He prayed it wasn't Danny who they had shot.
Danny's heart was thudding in his chest and he was getting winded. He paused
behind a big hollow tree to catch his breath, working to keep his breathing
silent. Suddenly he heard crackling of leaves underfoot. Someone was sneaking up
on him! Running would make noise that would give him away. He slipped into the
hollow of the tree where it looked like lightning had struck it. He felt safe
but he knew it was a false safeness; like a little boy hiding under a blanket
and thinking nobody could see him. They were sure to check out something as
obvious as a hollow tree. He held his breath as the footsteps came closer.
Probably only one, for there was no talking. He heard the hunter approach the
tree and move past it. He was about to let out a quiet sigh of relief when the
footsteps stopped. He held his breath till he had to let it out. The footsteps
were coming closer again. Closer. Right up to the tree. There was quiet, and
then he heard the guy taking a piss on the other side of the tree. He closed his
eyes in thanksgiving. He heard the sound of a zipper and the footsteps moved
away. Damn, that was close!
Suddenly, the hunter stopped again and Danny heard him coming back. He had no
doubt seen the hollow of the tree and it was instinctive to check it out. The
next moment Danny found himself staring into the barrel of a paint gun.
"Well, well, look what we have here," the man said, holding the gun steady at
Danny's chest.
Danny felt the life drain out of him. There went the bonus. And now he would
face the consequences of being caught.
"Step out of the tree," the man said.
Danny turned sideways and stepped out. The man saw the flag sticking out of his
"You were on your way back already--very impressive. Most guys don't make it to
the markers."
"For all the good it did me," Danny said.
"Okay, technically, I'm supposed to shoot you so you're splattered with paint.
But it's gonna hurt this close up. I'm going to give you a running start to put
a little distance between us."
"But don't plan on getting away. You won't. I'm a very good shot," the hunter
added. "Take off."
Danny took off in a sprint, zigzagging back and forth and dodging behind trees.
He knew what a deer felt like being stalked and chased. But as long as he wasn't
shot, he wasn't caught and he still hoped he could evade the hunter. One shot
rang out and he wasn't hit. He heard the man swear. He made it another dozen
yards when the second shot rang out. A split second later he felt the sting in
his lower back.
"AAHH!" he cried out in pain. It stung like hell. But the pain didn't last long.
He stopped and waited for the hunter to come up and claim his kill.
"Good try," the man said.
"Not good enough," Danny said. "What do we do now?"
"First, I'll take the flag," he said as he reached out and pulled the red flag
out of Danny's loincloth. "Goddam, you fill that thing out good," he said.
"It's a little small on me," Danny said.
"The hell. I saw you when you were putting it on. Don't blame the tight fit on
the loincloth. You're hung like a horse."
"So, what now?" Danny asked again. He didn't want to sound arrogant but he
didn't want to sound afraid either.
The hunter was taking a rope out of his game pouch. "Well, first we tie you down
so you can't get away."
"I won't try to get away," Danny said.
"I don't know that. Besides, its part of the sport," the man said with a grin.
He looked all around. "Over here's a good spot."
Danny obediently followed him several yards through the trees. A good spot for
what, he wondered. Surely he wasn't going to tie him up and leave him. But he
wouldn't try to run; that would only get him another hit by a paint ball.
"Lie down on your back, between those two saplings," the man said.
Danny did as he was instructed. The leaves crushed under him and made a rough
bed. The man knelt down and tied the rope around his right wrist and pulled his
arm straight out and tied the other end to the sapling. Then he secured his left
arm to the other sapling.
"You're not going to tie me down and leave me like this, are you?" Danny asked.
"No, of course not. Why would I leave a good-looking young buck for someone else
to claim? No, I'm sticking right here with you." He unrolled another length of
rope and tied it around Danny's right ankle. He took out his knife and cut the
rope and tied the other piece to his left ankle. Then he tossed one end of the
rope over a low-hanging limb of another tree and pulled his leg straight up and
"I couldn't get away with just my hands tied," Danny said.
"It's not just about you not getting away," the man said as he tossed the end of
the other rope over the limb and pulled his other leg up.
Danny lay spread-eagle with his legs spread out wide, straight up. He didn't
have the courage to ask what all it was about. He was pretty sure. He was more
sure when the man started taking off his clothes.
"Have you ever been fucked, kid?" the man asked.
"Once or twice."
"Did you like it?"
"I don't remember."
"If you don't remember, you're the same as cherry," the man said with a wide
Danny watched as piece by piece of clothing the man bared his body. He was
muscular and tan except for a very narrow strip around his hips. His cock hung
out about six inches and Danny wondered if it would get any bigger when it was
hard. Some guys didn't, he knew. They just got hard and stayed the same size. He
hoped that was the case with this guy.
"I'm gonna fuck you," the man declared. "But you came prepared for that, right?
I mean, they told you to prepare yourself for anything."
"Yes. I don't suppose there's anything I can do or say to talk you out of it,"
Danny said.
"No, there isn't. You're the trophy. You know what they do with hunting
trophies. They stuff them." He laughed softly. "You're gonna get stuffed with
eight inches of thick, hot cock." He laughed again. "It'll give you a chance to
remember if you like it or not."
The guy pulled on the ropes to tighten them and bring Danny's legs as high as he
could. Then he took a tube from his hunting jacket and lubed up his cock, then
Danny's asshole. He stood behind him and was aiming his cock when another hunter
came up.
"Damn! You got the young one," he said.
"Yeah, I was just ready to stuff and mount him," the other guy said.
"Fuck, what a prize! I don't think anybody's still got the construction worker.
They got the college stud right off. Lot of good his education did him," he
"This young buck had one of the flags when I nailed him, he was on his way
back," Danny's captor said. They were talking about him like he wasn't there, or
like he actually was a young deer or something; not human. The man kept probing
at his asshole with his fingers.
"How about his dad? Has anybody got a good shot at him?"
"Naw, it's like he vanished in thin air." The man turned his attention back to
Danny. He took a wide stance and planted the head of his cock against his
asshole. Firmly on target, he shoved, hard, without mercy.
"Awwhhhhhh!" Danny cried out. "Awwohhhhhhhh!" The man sank his cock in to the
hilt, at such an angle that it felt like his insides were being dislocated and
completely rearranged.
"Aw, fuck, man, you ought feel this. He's got the tightest, hardest ass I ever
"How about sharing your kill, then?" the other man said.
"Yeah, you can have a crack at him as soon as I'm done," the man said, and
started fucking him.
The other guy started undressing. He was in good shape, a little hairy but it
only made him look super-manly. He didn't wait his turn at Danny's ass. He knelt
astraddle his head and forced his cock in his mouth. Danny sucked his cock as
best he could from the awkward angle. Then the guy turned around and sat on his
face. He had no choice but to tongue his ass.
Jim heard Danny's outcries but he didn't move. Then there were only loud moans
and he figured he was okay. He was caught, but he was okay. It was terrible,
having to lie there perfectly still under the log and hear his son cry out with
pain, knowing he was being used by the hunters. But it would be futile to crawl
out of his hiding place and charge them like a bull. He would be splattered with
pain balls, and there would go the rest of their bonus. Danny had already
forfeited his two thousand dollar bonus. Besides, Jim had a plan.
He let enough time pass so the men would be fully engrossed in enjoying their
kill then he clawed the leaves away from his face and crawled out from under the
log. He could see Danny on a gentle slope some distance away, drawn and
quartered and being fucked brutally while another guy sat on his face. But he
was prepared for any eventuality, and he was taking it like a man. Jim crouched
down as he looked all around, then took off through the woods. If they heard
him, at least he had a head start; they would have to get their clothes and
their guns. He was surprised to find that he was so close to the flags. He
snatched one off its post and stuffed it in his loincloth and circled back.
There were at least three of the hunters occupied; two with Danny, and the
college kid had been hit. There might be another guy with the college kid,
sharing him like they were sharing Danny. If the construction worker hadn't been
shot, that meant there were still four hunters out there looking for naked meat
on the hoof. Jim moved from one tree or log to another, then crouched down to
wait and listen. When there was no sound he headed for the next position. After
a half hour or so he was within sight of the starting point. There were four
guys standing around; the organizer, with two of the hunters, and the naked
construction worker all talking and laughing. Apparently he had made it back
unharmed. Jim gauged the distance and the situation carefully. He decided to
seek cover along the fence line where he could crawl in the brush if they looked
around. And the fence extended well past where the men were standing. He heard
an outcry from the woods and froze. He couldn't tell if it was Danny and he
listened for another cry. It came again, but it wasn't Danny. It was the college
kid. He wondered what they were doing to him. Finally, he was parallel with the
group, well hidden in the brush. When it was safe to move again he rose up from
his crouch and moved another eight or ten yards. That's when somebody spotted
"Hey, there's the other guy...the young kid's dad!" one of the hunters exclaimed
as he jerked his gun off his shoulder. But the organizer stopped him.
"Sorry, he's in the safe zone. In fact, he's well past it. He's home free," the
organizer said. He waved to Jim. "It's okay to come on in. You're home free!" he
called out to him.
Jim walked down the slope and back up the other side to where the men were
gathered around. He saw the way they watched him, especially the two hunters,
but also the construction worker. He pulled the flag out of his loincloth and
handed it to the organizer. "Here, I guess you want this."
"No, you can keep it as a souvenir."
"Congratulations," the construction worker said as he and Jim shook hands. Jim
noticed again how the man looked him up and down, his eyes lingering on his
"Where the hell did you vanish to?" the hunter asked. "I've never had anybody
disappear on me like that."
"The old marine survival skills kicked in," Jim said.
"You are both to be congratulated," the hunter said. "It's always the hardest to
bag the old bucks."
Jim glanced at his watch. "They've got both of the boys. How much longer are
they going to be out there?" he asked.
The organizer looked at his watch. "They've got about another hour to enjoy
their kill," he said.
"Another hour!"
The organizer held up his hand. "Hey, you need to forget he's your son out
there. They're not going to hurt him, beyond the normal course of events."
He held a beer out to him. Jim took the beer and they waited. Every once in
awhile, there was a yowl or a cry from deep in the woods but then it was quiet
again. He wondered how man times they would fuck Danny. He was glad that the
other hunters weren't out there sharing in the kill.
"Well, you two have earned your bonuses," the organizer said.
"And our respect, along with a nice tip," one of the hunters said.
"You could earn an even larger tip from me," the other hunter said with a smile.
"How's that?" the construction worker asked.
"Well, we can go put the jump seats down in the limo and have plenty of room to
stretch out...see what develops."
"Oh, you wanta do what you didn't get to do because I made it back," the
construction worker said.
"Precisely. Except you get call the shots instead of me."
The other hunter looked at Jim.
"I do it for a living, and not just for the tips," Jim told him as nicely as he
"Fair enough. I had a thousand dollars in mind for a tip. I could be persuaded
to cough up another thousand with some action that you denied me with your
survival skills."
"Okay, for the remainder of the hour, till they're done in the woods," Jim said,
nodding toward the limo. That was thirteen thousand that he'd made on his own.
Plus five thousand that Danny would make, plus his tips. It was going to be a
good day for the old bank account.
"Do you mind if we make it a foursome in the limo?" the other hunter asked.
His fellow hunter looked at Jim. "You got any objection?"
"No, not at all," Jim said.
The two hunters went to get undressed. Jim and the construction worker lingered
around the limo, already naked, and waited on them.
Jake put out his hand. "Thanks for jacking my bonus up for me back there."
"You look like you're worth it," Jim said.
"You're definitely worth it," Jake said. "Hey, do you really do it for a living?
Have sex with guys, I mean?"
"And your son, too?"
"Yeah, we work together."
"Fuck, how old is he? He's built and hung, but he doesn't look eighteen in the
"It's not his face they're interested in," Jim said. "But he is eighteen,
otherwise he wouldn't be here."
The man shifted his weight, his big cock dangling loosely over his balls. "Look,
I'm straight, but all this has got my curiosity so churned up....."
"You're going to have your curiosity satisfied in the limo in a minute,"
Jim cut in.
"What're they going to want to do?" Jake asked. "I mean, I know they're all gay
so they're going to want to suck our cocks, but what else?"
"Man, they're not really going to try to fuck us," the man said. "I don't think
I could handle it. That's how I got through the course....gut fear of having my
ass reamed."
"Well, you don't have to do it now, but I don't know how it'll affect your bonus
if you don't."
"Are you going to let them fuck you?"
"Not them. Just the one guy," Jim said.
"You're really going to let him fuck you in the ass?"
"Yeah. It's not all that bad once you've done it a few times. In fact, you can't
help yourself, it starts feeling pretty good. You have to decide....and pretty
quick...if a little pain is worth a couple of grand."
"Fuck, man, I've been shot in the chest, and stabbed in the leg and
shoulder....I guess it couldn't be any worse than that," Jake said.
"Exactly, this pain is going to be mostly in your head, and its short-lived,"
Jim told him.
The two men opened the door on the other side of the limo and beckoned the two
men inside. Jake and Jim crawled in and slouched back in the rear seat. The two
hunters didn't waste any time getting on their knees to service them. Jim didn't
know for certain whether Jake had ever had sex with a guy but he was moaning and
yelling and carrying on something awful when the hunter started sucking his
cock. He really went nuts when the guy started fingering his ass. Jim submitted
when his hunter told him to turn around on his knees in the seat. Determined to
impress Jake, he took it like a man, with barely a wince, and only groans of
pleasure followed as the guy fucked him.
"Hey, stud, how about you assuming the position like your buddy," the hunter
told Jake.
Jake thought about it for moment, then got into position.
"This is gonna fuckin' hurt a lot more than you let on, ain't it?" he said to
"Nothing a Marine can't handle," Jim said.
An hour later, Jake and Jim crawled out of the limo. Jake stumbled and Jim
grabbed his arm to steady him.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, but I think I'm going to be walking funny for a day or two."
"It wasn't so bad, was it?" Jim said.
"Naw, hell the guy wasn't built very big. Felt like I had the doctor's finger in
my ass. I would sure hate to have that horse cock of yours buried in my ass,
"Damn, and I was looking forward to it," Jim joked. Jim looked at his watch as
they walked up to the organizer.
"Where're the great white hunters?"
"Recuperating in the limo," Jim said.
The organizer looked down at Jim's fluffed up cock. "Yeah, I can see why they
would have to."
Jim looked at his watch again then looked toward the woods.
"They're coming out," the organizer said.
"Does that mean we can get dressed?" Jake asked.
"Yeah. Unless you want to make yourself available to any of the other hunters,"
he said.
Jake hesitated till he saw Jim go for his clothes. While he was dressing Jim
watched for the others to come out of the woods. It seemed to take a long time
for them to come into sight but it was a great relief when they did. Danny
seemed okay, laughing and talking with the two hunters.
"Your boy seems okay," the organizer said.
The college boy came out in the tow with four hunters. "I'm surprised he can
still walk," the man said.
Jim could tell that Danny was none the worse for wear except for the blotches of
paint on his body. The organizer cleaned the paint off of both of the boys and
they got dressed. Then it was time to settle up. The organizer counted out five
thousand dollars in fifties and hundreds to Danny and the college boy and seven
thousand to Jim and Jake.
"Gentlemen, you can settle your tips," he told the hunters.
The two hunters each gave Danny a thousand dollars. Danny watched in awe as one
of the hunters counted out another three thousand dollars in his dad's hand.
Then the hunters walked back to their limo and the hunted to theirs.
When they were on their way back, the organizer asked, "Is everyone okay?"
"Yeah," they all replied.
"Is anyone interested in doing this again?" he asked.
"Yeah," they all replied, except the college boy.
"I'll have to think about it," he said. "They really did a number on me."
Jim and Danny were let off first. They stood and watched the limo drive off.
"That was an experience I'll never forget," Danny said.
"Did they hurt you?"
"No more than it had to," he said. "I handled it, Dad. I couldn't do otherwise
with that kind of money on the line. We ended up with, what...sixteen thousand
"Yeah, it's gonna fatten up the bank account real nice," Jim said.
They didn't wait till they had all the money to buy a house. Jim wanted to get
his family out of the run-down neighborhood and himself and his son out of the
business of selling their bodies as soon as he had a good full-time job. He made
up a story that Danny corroborated, that he had won a small lottery which was
enough to make a good down payment on a house. So they went looking. They
settled on a big two-story house in a nice suburb of Columbus with good schools.
Danny had never seen his mother so happy as when she went through the house, and
later when they had to buy all new furniture and appliances. It erased all the
guilt and made him know that what he had done with his dad was right.
Jim also bought a car and found a job as a warehouse manager for a food
distribution company. He was allowed to hire Danny part time as well. Danny
settled into school in the fall for his senior year and tried out for and made
the football team, and was still able to put in a few hours at the warehouse. He
met a girl, Jodi, and made new friends. Jodi was from an upscale neighborhood on
the north side of Columbus; her father was an investment banker. Still with the
stigma of the old apartment, Danny didn't feel comfortable in her surroundings
or around most of her friends. But Jodi was crazy about him; more specifically,
she was crazy about him physically. He didn't have his own car yet, so she came
to pick him up for their dates and let him drive. It felt awkward to him, being
picked up instead of picking up the girl but she almost made it sound like he
was doing her the favor by going out with her. It was barely a month into their
relationship before she gave herself to him. It happened in a field on the hood
of her sports car, with her spread out across the hood and Danny standing on the
front bumper for leverage to drive his cock into her hot, eager pussy. She was
the wildest fuck he'd ever had. She was able to take everything he dished out.
By they time they were finished he thought she might have to have new shocks and
springs installed in her car.
It was good sex with Jodi, almost more than he wanted, but there was something
missing. Something that gnawed at him like a monster eating at the pit of his
stomach. He missed his old job, and being so closely intimate with his dad.
It came up one time when he went with his dad to get the oil changed in the car.
"Do you miss it, Dad?" he asked.
"Not even a little bit?"
"No. I've got your mother, Son. I know there were a lot of good feelings in all
those experiences, but those feelings were all below the belt. I couldn't help
how my body felt, but above the belt I hated it. Don't tell me you miss it."
"Sort of, when I think about it," Danny said.
"Then stop thinking about it. And don't even think about going back to it," he
warned. "Besides, you've got your girl, and I have to assume she's giving you
want you want."
Danny didn't anything. Despite all they had done together, he found it hard to
admit to his dad that he was having sex with the girl.
"Well, would I be right?" Jim asked.
"Yes, sir, but..." He paused, thinking he shouldn't say it.
"But what?" Jim asked.
"There's something missing."
"Well, don't go looking for it in the wrong places," Jim warned.
Danny didn't respond. He didn't want to say he wouldn't and have to lie to his
The Arnold Classic
Danny had heard of the Arnold Classic, the biggest bodybuilding show in the
world, but he never realized that it was held in Columbus. Besides the
competition itself, it was three days of guys showing off their muscles, and it
dawned on him that where there were muscles, there would be guys lusting after
other guys with muscles. He couldn't afford tickets to the pre-judging or the
main event, but tickets to the expo were only ten bucks, and that got you in to
over six hundred exhibits, which meant also hundreds, maybe thousands of
bodybuilders checking out those exhibits. Danny could easily pass for a
bodybuilder and he figured he could attract his share of attention.
He told his parents simply that he was going to the expo. But he had more in
mind. He wanted to see how much he could rake in. He dressed up in a pair of
snug-fitting jeans that he had nearly outgrown and a thin, black, body-hugging
shirt that molded to fit his physique. The neckband hugged his neck and the
sleeves were so short that they reached up nearly to his shoulders. He could
barely get his butt packed into the jeans. He topped it off with boots and a
baseball cap and a silver choker necklace. Yeah, he could pass for a
bodybuilder, easy. Not one of the freaky guys with bulging veins and bumpy skin,
but a smooth build with the veins showing in his arms.
Danny entered the huge exposition hall with an excitement that he hadn't felt in
a long time. He was in a sea of muscle. He knew from experience that the key was
eye contact. If a guy made eye contact with you, it meant he was interested in
what he saw. He made a lot of eye contact, but too many of them timidly glanced
away when he met their gaze. A couple of guys nodded and when Danny smiled back,
they spoke.
"Hey, man, how're you doing?"
"Good. You?"
"Nice arms and shoulders," the man said, boldly looking him up and down. "Nice
everything, in fact."
"Thanks," Danny said. "You, too."
"Nice shirt, too. It shows off your body real nice."
"I try," Danny said. "Looks like you do, too."
"Do you know where the booth is that's selling fruit protein shakes?" the man
"No, I didn't know there was one."
"I'll buy you one if we can find the booth," the man said. "We could go back to
my hotel room and drink it, talk workout routines and stuff."
"Uhh...okay, but I, uh...well, I'm sort of my own walking exhibit," Danny said.
"Oh, I see, you're working the crowd."
"Trying to," Danny said.
"Well, you should do okay. You got my attention and I've seen some other guys
looking at you, you should do okay. But I'm not in the market to pay."
"Sorry," Danny said.
"So am I. Good luck."
Danny wedged his way through more of the crowd. Squeezing in between people it
was impossible not to feel solid muscle all around him. It felt good. It also
felt good to openly look at other guys without anybody thinking you were nuts or
gay. Going down another aisle, he was smashed up against a young guy about his
own age, definitely a bodybuilder, and they were unable to move.
"Sorry, there's nothing I can do about this," the boy said.
"Nothing to apologize for," Danny said. "We just go with the flow of people."
The crowd wasn't moving and they were practically smashed together, facing each
other and they didn't try to avoid it.
"This could get real interesting," the guy joked.
"Yeah, it could," Danny agreed. But he didn't figure the guy was good for any
money, or even serious.
"Did you go to the pre-judging?" he asked.
"No. I couldn't afford tickets to anything but this," Danny said.
"Yeah, me too. You get to see most of the big guys here anyway, and you can talk
to most of them. I like that better than the big show."
"Looks like you've got a good collection of photographs," Danny said.
"Yeah, plus a shit-load of freebies," the boy said. "Hey, if we ever get to the
end of this aisle, I was headed out to get something to eat. You wanta join me?"
It was twenty minutes before they worked their way through the crowd to the open
space at the exit.
"Shit, that dam near gave me a hardon," the boy said, laughing, as he pushed his
and down over the front of his snug jeans. "Hey, my name's Justin," he said,
putting out his hand.
"You here by yourself or are you with someone?" Justin asked.
"By myself."
"Where are you from?"
"Right here, Columbus," Danny said.
"Lucky bastard, all you had to do was take a cab, huh?"
"Where are you from?" Danny asked.
"Denver. I'm with three other guys; we're sharing a hotel room."
"Welcome to Columbus," Danny said.
"Hey, do you want to grab lunch and take it back to my room, get out of this
crowd for awhile?"
"Sure, but what about your roommates?" Danny asked.
"They're all locked into this mess too. If I get back to the room first and hang
the tag out on the door they won't bother us. It's an agreement we made, you
know, in case one of us got lucky."
Danny wondered if he meant lucky with a woman or a guy. It was the first he
dared to think that the guy was interested and the prospect of climbing in the
sack with him was exciting as hell. He almost hated to bring up the money issue.
He took in another sweeping look before he did.
"Look, just so we understand each other, I'm here, more or less, on business,"
Danny said.
"Oh, you're manning an exhibit?"
"No, I, uh...I'm my own exhibit."
"Oh. I see," Justin said with a smile. "How much?"
"Two hundred," Danny said.
"Whew! That's out of my reach; that's the reason I'm sharing a fuckin' room with
three other guys and not going to the big show," Justin said. "What're you
doing, working your way through school?"
"Trying to get enough money to get into school," Danny said.
"Well, dammit! I've had my eye on you for the last two hours. Every time I saw
you I was visualizing you without that shirt, then without your jeans."
"I could really go for it myself, but....."
"I know, business is business," Justin said. "Hey, fuck, its okay. But look,
maybe we could work together, if you would consider taking on a partner. You
know, do a dual performance."
"I don't know if I'm going to find somebody who'll lay out four hundred bucks
for two of us," Danny said.
"Make it three, I'll only take a hundred just to get in the sack with you,"
Justin said.
"Wow! Do I look that good?" Danny joked, looking down at himself.
"You're hotter than a fuckin' firecracker and you know it," Justin said.
"Listen, think about it, and if you find somebody, call me on my cell phone,"
Justin said.
"I don't have a cell phone," Danny said.
"No problem." Justin unsnapped a dual pouch on his belt and took out what Danny
thought was a cell phone. "This is a walkie-talkie. Just push this button and
you've got me."
"You don't even know me, and you're going to trust me to walk away with half of
your walkie-talkie?"
"Why shouldn't I? Are you planning to steal it?"
"No, of course not."
"Then there's no reason not to trust you," Justin said. "And I sure as hell want
to get to know you."
They separated and Danny went to work on eye contact again. He was surprised
when he met the eyes of Jeremy Wentworth, a young, up and coming bodybuilder who
was recently blowing away his competition in everything he entered in the teen
class. He wasn't sure who smiled first but Jeremy's smile widened and he nodded
a quiet greeting as they came closer in the crowd. Danny thought maybe he was
nodding and smiling to someone else and he glanced over his shoulder but there
was no one there who showed any recognition. He turned back to find Jeremy right
in front of him. All two hundred and thirty pounds of him, his muscles bursting
the seams of his T-shirt.
"Hey, how's it going?" Danny mumbled, still not sure that he'd made any
connection with the big stud.
"Good. You?" Jeremy said.
"Great. This is quiet a show, huh?"
"Incredible. You get to meet all the big guys," Jeremy said.
Danny laughed. "Sorry for laughing, but in case you hadn't noticed, you ARE one
of the big guys," he said.
"Oh, hell, I'm nothing compared to most of these guys," Jeremy said, looking
"Well, you're enough that I would like to have my picture taken with you, if
it's okay."
"Hell yes, its okay," Jeremy said.
Danny asked a guy to take their picture then stood beside Jeremy. He wasn't
surprised when Jeremy put his heavy arm across his shoulder; it was a pretty
common gesture for the bodybuilders to do that. He was surprised when the
muscle-stud dropped his arm and lowered his hand to the small of his back, and
then he let his hand slide lower, just over the curve of his butt. Maybe it was
just a casual move that didn't mean anything, but Danny could've sworn he gave
his butt a little squeeze.
"Now I've got two fans. You and my Mom," Justin said when the pictures were
"Not your girlfriend?" Danny said.
"Don't have one."
"That's hard to believe," Danny said. "I would think you've got girls climbing
all over you."
"I guess I could have, but they always want to get involved, and I don't have
the time for it. Hey, are you here with anybody?" Jeremy asked as they stepped
"Then would I be out of line if I invited you up to my hotel room?"
Danny swallowed hard. Geezuss, Jeremy Wentworth was inviting him to his hotel
room, after he'd just squeezed his butt! Dammit, he hadn't counted on this;
being able to connect with real live, gorgeous, name bodybuilders who wanted the
same thing he did. He was almost ready to abandon his trade.
"No, it wouldn't be out of line," Danny said. But his voice lingered on, giving
rise to Jeremy's questioning look.
"There's a but in your tone," he said. "Not as nice as the butt I had my hand
on, but....."
"Well, actually, I'm, uh...sort of...well, working the place. If you know what I
mean," Danny said.
Jeremy laughed. "I guess we're in the same business," he said.
"Oh, then you weren't inviting me up to your room just because you like me,"
Danny said with mock hurt feelings.
"Not so. I like your looks when I first sat you."
"Hey, I would be willing to forego business, if you would," Danny said, suddenly
deciding that he couldn't let this big stud slip through his fingers. It was all
he could do to keep his hands off of him right there in public.
"Gee, I wish I could...I would like to....but I bought a one-way ticket out here
and I'm trying to get the money to get back home," the youth said.
"I understand. was close," Danny said.
"Fuckin' close, dude," Jeremy said.
Danny was ready to forget the reason he'd come to the convention hall and just
enjoy himself. There were just too many great looking muscle men everywhere he
looked, and Jeremy made him break out in a sweat. He half wished he'd asked the
guy how much he was charging. Maybe he would. He looked all around but couldn't
see him in the crowd. He turned to go on and smashed hard against another man.
"Oh, sorry."
"No damage done," the man said.
Despite the man's excellent build, Danny knew instantly from his rather
sing-song voice and then the expression on his face that he had a prospect.
"Are you enjoying the show as much as I am?" the man asked, his eyes raking up
and down and back and forth over Danny's body.
"I...I don't know, it's hard to say," he stammered.
The man worked his way with Danny to one side of the aisle, in front of an
un-manned booth. "Stud, if you're not available, just tell me to get lost. If
you are, tell me how much."
"Two hundred," Danny said.
"Done," the man said without blinking an eye.
"Three if you want my partner, too," Danny added quickly.
"Where's your partner?" the man asked.
"I'll try to get him on my walkie-talkie if you're interested."
"What does he look like? Is he anything like you?"
"Well, I'm just gym-built; he's a true bodybuilder," Danny said. "I don't know
anything else about him, I just met him and it's the first time we've worked
"Tell him room 338, the Addison Hotel," the man said.
As he followed the man through the tight crowd, Danny called Justin on the
walkie-talkie. There was no answer. He tried again and again, till finally
Justin answered.
"I've got one," Danny said.
"Aw, have I, only he don't want two of us."
"Well, go for it them," Danny said.
"Yeah, maybe later."
"Definitely later, I have to get your walkie-talkie back to you," Danny said. He
clicked off the walkie-talkie. "Sorry, he's tied up," he told the man. They were
near the doorway leading out. Suddenly he thought of Wentworth. "Listen, there
is somebody else I might be able to get if you wanta give me a chance to find
"Can you call him?"
"No, I just met up with him, too. Jeremy Wentworth."
"THE Jeremy Wentworth? The teen bodybuilder?" the man said excitedly.
"Yeah. I just had my picture taken with him," Danny said.
"Well, he shouldn't be too hard to find," the man said. "Are you sure you can
get him to come along?"
"Absolutely sure. But I don't know what he charges."
"I don't CARE how much he charges," the man said. "In fact, there's an extra
hundred in it for you if you can get it arranged."
"Okay, if I can find him, we'll both be there. If not, are you willing to settle
for me?"
"Gladly, it would hardly be settling," the man said, squeezing Danny's arm.
"Okay, room 338. And listen, if you can't get Wentworth and you meet somebody
else who looks like him, or you, bring `em."
He found Wentworth surrounded by a bunch of giggling, swooning girls having
their pictures taken with him. He was enjoying the hell out of it, and
rightfully so, letting them blatantly feel his arms and run their hands up under
his shirt to feel his bare abs and chest. Danny motioned for him and he broke
away from the girls and made his way through the crowd.
"What's up?" he asked.
"I've got something lined up if you're interested."
"Hell, yeah."
The two muscle boys shouldered their way through the crowd to the exit and out
onto the street. "He's at the Addison," Danny said.
"Good, that's walking distance," Jeremy said.
"We didn't exactly come to terms, but he said he didn't give a dam what you
charged so I'm guessing its wide open," Danny said.
"Okay, we don't give him a price," Jeremy said. "We tell him to give us what he
thinks we're worth, afterwards."
"You don't think he'll try to put the screws to us?"
"Look at you, look at me. Would you try to put the screws to us?" Jeremy asked.
"I've operated that way before," he went on. "If money's no object, they're
usually generous with tips."
They took the elevator up to the third floor and found room 338. Danny knocked
and they waited. The man was all smiles when he opened the door.
"Oh, I see you found him," he said.
"He's not that hard to find," Danny said.
"Well, come in, and make yourselves as comfortable as you like," the man said.
"My name's Gregory, by the way."
"I'm Danny, and you know who this is."
"Yes, Jeremy Wentworth. I can't believe I've actually got you in my room,"
Gregory said.
"I'll try to make a believer out of you," Jeremy said as he started getting
comfortable. Gregory watched as he stepped out of his shoes. "You did say
comfortable," Jeremy said his hand at rest at his belt.
"I meant to say very comfortable," Gregory said.
Jeremy undid his belt and his zipper and pulled his jeans off. His massive legs
bulged under his weight as he balanced on one leg then the other.
"Godd, you've got great legs," Gregory said. "And I love those briefs," he
"There's not as much to them as it looks," Jeremy said as he turned around to
show his bare butt. The briefs were a thong.
"They ran out of material, huh?" Danny said as he took off his shoes.
"Oh, it's beautiful, sexy as hell," Gregory exclaimed.
"Let's see what you're wearing, smart-ass," Jeremy said.
Danny took off his jeans to reveal the deep burgundy hip briefs he was wearing.
They dipped low in front with the weight of his manhood and he wondered if he or
Jeremy would be the biggest.
"Getting those briefs on was stretching it, I would say," Jeremy said.
"Take off your shirts, I can't wait to see your muscles," Gregory said.
They both took their shirts off and stood for the man's inspection. He gasped
and had to catch his breath. He put his hands on Danny's abs and on Jeremy's
pecs. "Godd, you guys feel like you were carved out of rock," he said. He let
his hands fall to their briefs where he cupped the bulging weight of their
manhood. "Oh, my Godd, two young stallions," he said hoarsely. When he started
to reach his hand inside Jeremy's pouch, he stopped him.
"Huh-uh, not till you get out of your clothes, too," he said.
"I'm going to feel so inferior in front of you guys," he said.
"You look like you take damn good care of yourself," Danny said.
"But you two are so intimidating."
"Just remember, we're here at your pleasure," Jeremy said. "You're the one
calling the shots."
The man was stripped on no time, not because he as anxious to show off his body,
but because he wanted to get inside the boy's briefs. Besides, he wasn't in such
bad shape. A thin layer of softness covered but didn't conceal what was once a
well-muscled body. Not bad, Danny thought, for a guy old enough to be their
father. He thought, what would Jeremy think if he saw his dad.
Still, Jeremy wouldn't let Gregory touch his pouch. "Turn around," he told him.
When the man was turned around, Jeremy peeled his thong off and tossed it aside
and motioned for Danny to do the same. Danny wasn't sure if he should feel
inferior to the teenager or not. He was big and thick, and heavy, but he wasn't
hard yet. He thought he could probably match him favorably. Danny took his
briefs off.
"Shit, man," Jeremy said when he saw Danny's manhood.
"You, too," Danny said.
"Can I turn around?" Gregory asked anxiously.
He turned around with a gasp. "Oh, Godd. Ohhh, the gods are smiling on me today.
You are beautiful! Oh, how did you grow such big cocks at your age? Is all those
bodybuilding supplements?"
Jeremy pulled on his own cock, and then he surprised Danny by reaching out and
pulling on his cock. His surprise showed.
"Oh, I guess I should've asked first if this is a three-way, or if he's going
down a one-way street with both of us," Jeremy said.
"I think it's a three way if you're willing," Danny said.
"Oh, I'm willing," Jeremy assured him. He looked at Gregory then. "So, how do
you want us, what do you want us to do, or what do you want to do?" he asked.
"Oh, I don't know where to start," Gregory said nervously. "I'm almost afraid to
"I don't think he bites, and I know I don't," Jeremy said as he reached out and
took Gregory's hand and put it on Danny's cock. It throbbed in his hand and grew
another inch or so. Gregory reached for Jeremy's cock, too.
"How big are these things going to get?" he asked as he pulled on both cocks.
"I don't know but it looks like he's going to beat me," Jeremy said, nodding to
Danny's cock.
"Don't count yourself out, the race isn't over yet," Danny said. "Wait till we
both get hard."
When they were both hard, Danny won by about a half-inch and some considerable
girth. The head of Jeremy's head was bigger, though.
"Fuck, it looks like somebody stuck a baseball on the end of your cock," Danny
"Yeah, well, you're carrying the bat," Jeremy said.
"You wanta be my bat boy?" Danny joked.
Gregory urged the boys to the bed where they lay across it. He crawled between
Jeremy's legs and took hold of his cock. He wet his lips then licked up and down
the tall shaft to get it wet, then took it in his mouth.
"Ohhhhhh, I love that first feel of a mouth on my cock," Jeremy moaned.
Danny hunkered his cock up through Gregory's other fist. "So, you wanta mix it
up a little, between you and me?" Jeremy asked Danny.
"Yeah," Danny said.
With that, Jeremy reached over for Danny's head and turned his face toward him
and kissed him. Danny squealed with pleasure as the young bodybuilder's tongue
snaked into his mouth, lashing around for his own tongue. Just then, Gregory
went down on his cock and he groaned into Jeremy's mouth. And suddenly he didn't
care what they were going to get paid. It was the first time he had so feely
explored another guy's body, and the feel of Jeremy's muscles left him almost
breathless. The kiss left him trembling and breathless.
Later, barely before the expo was to close, Danny found Justin to return his
walkie-talkie. "How'd you make out?" Justin asked.
"Better than I expected. I made a bundle, and I made it with Jeremy Wentworth."
"Shit, you lucky dog, getting your hands on that stud."
"How'd you do?" Danny asked.
"I made two hundred, and the guy said he would recommend me to some other guys.
I figured I'd easily make expenses."
Justin wanted them to go out on the town but Danny knew he had to get back home.
So they exchanged phone numbers and addresses on pieces of scrap paper and
parted ways. Danny tucked the scrap of paper in his pocket, along with the one
from Wentworth.
Danny's dad wasn't as pleased as Danny thought he would be when he showed him
the money he'd made at the bodybuilder show. Gregory had given him and Jeremy
five hundred each for their services, plus the extra hundred just for setting it
up with Jeremy.
"It's great son. I wish I could be happier about it but I know what you did to
earn it," Jim said. "I thought we quit," he went on. "We've got the house, the
car, I've got a good job, we're living a pretty good life. You don't have to
sell yourself anymore."
"I didn't sell myself. I rented my body out for a few hours," Danny retorted.
"And I would call it pretty high rent."
"But you don't need to do that anymore," Jim said. "There's an opening at the
warehouse and they said I could bring you in for more hours."
"Will I be making six hundred dollars a day?" Danny asked flippantly.
"Dammit, I knew it was a mistake, letting you come along that first night," Jim
"Don't blame yourself for that, Dad. You didn't have any choice, remember?"
Danny said.
"If I didn't know better, I would think you were raised by wolves," Jim said.
"Look, son, I just don't want your mom finding out how we got the money for
everything. If she ever found out about you, then she would be asking all kinds
of questions of me. And I thought we were going to put it behind us."
"I like doing it, dad," he said. "I like sex with other guys; real men,
muscle-men. Getting paid for it is a bonus. In fact, I....well, I had this idea
of starting up my own business."
"What kind of business?" Jim asked with a scowl.
"Well, it's called an escort business, basically doing what you and I did, only
I recruit the guys and send them out and collect a fee from their services."
"Its also called prostitution and what you would be doing is called
solicitation--a pimp--both of which are illegal."
"Same as what we were doing," Danny reminded him.
"But we stopped. Or, so I thought."
"Its out there, Dad, and you said yourself, younger guys--teenagers--command a
premium. You proved that with me."
"Okay," Jim said, finally with a sigh. "Just like before nothing I say is going
to stop you," Jim relented. "But don't bring any more of your money home. Open
up your own bank account and don't tell your mother about it."
"What am I going to do with the money I earn if I can't spend it?"
"Why don't you think about going to college," Jim said.
"Naw, college isn't for me. But I know what I can do. I can start saving for
Adam and Lisa's college."
"If you want to do that," Jim said.
"There's something else, Dad....."
"I've been thinking about going back to Fort Wayne. I've got my eye on a car."
"You mean, move back there?"
"No...well, maybe...but I would like to go back and see some people."
"Yeah, for one," Danny said. "It tore me up to leave him."
"It tore me up to have to tear you two apart," Jim said.
"It wasn't your fault," Danny said.
Seeing Jock Again
It wasn't all that far back to Fort Wayne and Danny wondered why he hadn't made
the trip before. Except that he'd been pretty busy. He wondered if Jock had
changed much. Fuckin' got bigger if anything. He wondered how big his cock was
by now.
Jock wasn't home. His mother told Danny that he was up at Big Rock with Rick
Sandler from next door but she wouldn't let him leave to find him until he'd had
some iced tea with her so they could talk.
"Rick bought an old rundown cabin up there and Jock's been helping him fix it
up," she said.
Yeah, I'll bet he's fixing him up all right, Danny thought. He finished his tea
so he could leave. It was another hour to Big Rock. He wanted to see Jock alone,
but being with Rick Sandler wouldn't be all bad. He wondered if Jock was fucking
Rick's wife yet. Danny drove around the abandoned resort with its run-down motel
units and dilapidated buildings but he didn't see any sign of Jock. He stopped
and asked a man if he knew where Rick Sandler had bought a place.
"Sandler. Yeah, he bought the cabin up on the crest. You won't be able to get up
there in your pickup, though. It takes an all-terrain vehicle to make that
"I've got a four-wheel drive," Danny said. The man gave him directions.
It was a rugged, tough trek up the gutted roadway leading up to the cabin that
sat atop the highest peak of the rocky hills. He parked his truck and got out.
He could hear noises, like hammering, coming from the cabin. He stepped back and
reached through the window and laid on the horn. Sandler appeared at the door
but he didn't recognize Danny.
"Jock here?" he called out.
"I'll get him," the man said.
A moment later, Jock appeared in the doorway, wearing work boots, stretch
workout/gym shorts and a baseball cap.
He came down off the steps as Danny climbed the grade up to the cabin. His
breath came short, not from the climb, but from seeing Jock's muscular body and
the way he was packed into those shorts.
"Danny!" the other boy cried when he saw who it was. "Danny, fuck, man, what're
you doing here?"
"Came to see you," Danny said.
The two boys rushed into a tight, hard bear hug to greet each other.
"Damn, it's good to see you. You look great!" Jock said as he led Danny up on
the porch.
"Same here," Danny said. "Looks like you put on a few pounds."
"So what's going on in your life? Come on, we've got a lot of catching up to
"I guess you're still helping Sandler your mom said."
"I help him out any way I can," Jock said with a mischievous grin. "And get paid
for it," he added.
Danny didn't know Rick Sandler, except that he was a gym owner and built like a
tank. Just then Rick came out on the porch and Jock made the formal
"Well, you two old buddies have got a lot of catching up to do, so why don't I
leave you alone and run into town for some more nails," Rick said.
When they were alone in the cabin, the two boys stood looking at each other,
their eyes shifting away several times.
"Hey, sit down, I'll get us a beer," Jock said.
"Goddam, you look good," Danny told him again.
"Hey, I always did," Jock said, laughing, handing Danny a beer. He sat down on
the couch with a cushion's space between them. "So, what the hell happened that
made you disappear? I mean, you just vanished into thin air and I never heard
from you again."
"I'm sorry about that but it was...well, sort of embarrassing. I was going to
write after we got settled for good, but I decided to come see you instead."
"What was so fucking embarrassing that you couldn't tell me?"
Danny told him the whole story, how his dad had lost his job and they didn't
have anyplace to go or a place to live. "It was a nightmare," he said.
"I heard you lost your house, but nobody knew why," Jock said.
"We lost a lot more than the house," Danny said.
"But things are going okay now?"
"Great. New house, car, my's like back to normal, except in a
different city."
"How come you didn't move back to Fort Wayne when things got better?"
"Columbus is where we ended up, and that's where things got better. I guess it
was logical that we stayed there. I wanted to come back here but I never said
anything to dad. Fuck, Jock, it was a nightmare," he said again.
"But things are okay, now. Your dad pulled out of it."
"Dad and I together," Danny said.
"You got a job instead of going to school?"
"I never finished school. It's not important when you family is living in a
dump," he said.
"Damn, I hate that, Danny. But hell, you're doing okay, from the looks of that
truck you're driving."
"I make more than any high school diploma could get me," Danny said.
"What're you doing?" Jock asked.
Danny hesitated, a wry grin on his face.
"You're gonna tell me," Jock said emphatically. "I'm your best friend--unless
you've got a new best friend now."
"No. New friends, but not a new best friend. Nobody could ever fill that slot
but you," Danny said.
"So, tell me, what're you doing?"
"Well, you know what you're doing for Sandler?"
"Yeah," Jock said with a frown.
"Well, I'm getting paid for it."
"So am I, working for him," Jock said.
"No I'm not working a job. I'm working," Danny said.
Jock's jar dropped. "Wait...Fuckin' no shit! You''re working ...selling
your're what they call a male escort?"
"Yeah, to put a fancy name to it."
"Well, no wonder you're driving a truck like that. You must be demanding top
"More than you know."
"Son-of-a-bitch. Fuckin' selling those muscles and that big dick of yours."
"Nope. Renting `em," Danny corrected him. "The only thing I sell that they can
walk away with is my load."
"Shit, don't be philosophical with me, I knew you when you were cherry," Jock
said, laughing.
"Between me and my dad, it got us out of that dump we were living in," Jock
"Wait! Your...your dad...?" Jock started to ask. He didn't finish till he saw
Danny's okay smile. "You and your dad? You worked together?"
"Yeah, he was doing it before I was. I figured out what he was doing and made
him take me with him."
" and your dad...having sex together!" Jock said, shaking his head in
disbelief. "Did you, honest to god, have sex...together ever, the two of you?"
He didn't have to wait for Danny's answer. He threw his head back and roared in
disbelief. "I could just see me and my dad doing that! He would kill me if he
knew what I was doing with Rick Sandler."
"You can do some pretty desperate things to survive," Danny said.
"It must have been terrible....I mean, living like that. But you had to like how
you worked your way out of it," Jock said.
"Enough that I'm still doing it. Dad doesn't do it anymore, of course. Hey,
Jock, you can't ever tell anybody I told you this. Nobody can know. It would
kill my dad if anybody ever found out."
"Hell, I never told your secrets before."
"So, you're still doing Sandler,. What about his wife?" He didn't have to wait
for Jock's answer; he had it from his smile. "Now that is hot; doing a stud like
Sandler and a babe like his wife."
"They both pretend between the two of them, that it's not going on," Jock said.
"Rick knows I'm fucking his wife and we think his wife knows I'm doing Rick, but
they don't talk about it."
"Hey, why screw up a good marriage," Danny said, laughing. "Hey, does Rick know
I know about you and him?" he asked.
There was a quiet pause, where the boys were in their own thoughts, till Danny
spoke first.
"You ever think about us, Jock...what we did that time?" Danny asked.
Jock smiled and it turned into a soft chuckle. "The time we jacked off? Yeah, I
think about it every once in awhile. Seems so boyish now, but it was fun."
"I've thought about it, too," Danny said. "One time, when we first landed in
that slum...I used to crawl out on the fire escape to be alone....and I was out
there one night, thinking about you and me, and I got the biggest hardon...I
jacked off, thinking about us."
Jock smiled. "I've thought about us, too, sometimes, when I jack off," he said.
"Hey, when Rick gets you want to, uh...the three of us? I mean, I
don't know what all you do, but Rick does it all."
"What about you? What all do you do with Rick?" Danny asked.
"Pretty much furnish him a big teenage cock to suck or bang his butt, and he
loves to feel my muscles. Funny, for a guy with muscles like his, but he likes
my body. I tried to suck him one time," he went on with an embarrassed smile.
"But that didn't work out. I suck his tits when I fuck him, and sometimes, when
things are really hot and heavy, I've kissed him. That's wild, kissing another
"Yeah, I know."
"You've done it too?"
"What else," Jock asked guardedly.
"I've pretty much done it all," Danny admitted. "In my business, you about have
"You...y-you suck cock, even?...and...and what about getting your ass fucked?"
Jock asked, in disbelief.
"I learned to suck cock, get fucked, I eat ass, hell, I got double-fucked a few
"Taking on two guys at the same time," Danny said.
"Two your ass?"
"Fuck, that must tear you up."
"Not really. It hurts like hell at first, but everything stretches to fit, then
it feels great."
"Goddam," Jock moaned, rubbing his crotch. "All this talk is giving me a
"I was hoping it would," Danny said. "I wondered all the way here how big your
cock is now."
"Bigger than when you last had your hand wrapped around it," Jock said. "But
yours is too." "Quite a bit," Danny said. "You gonna show me?" Jock asked.
"Are you going to show me yours?"
Jock laughed. "Fuck, here we are, acting like a couple of kids again. Hey,
there's a good place to swim up the hill. We can show each other there."
They hiked up the hill to a plateau where a small, natural lake was fed by a
crashing waterfall. Jock was quick to get out of his shorts and work boots and
he tossed his cap aside.
"Damn, you do look good," Danny said.
"Does it turn you on?" Jock asked, jokingly.
"I think it always did. I just didn't have sense enough to know it."
Jock watched Danny bare his muscular body. When he straightened from taking off
his briefs, he whistled. "Fuck! You've got a gold mine swinging between your
"Does it turn you on?" Danny asked, laughing.
"Turn around," Jock said. Danny turned his back to him. "Now that turns me on,"
Jock said.
Danny didn't know if he was joking or not. He didn't know how serious either of
them were about anything. To break the impasse they ran to the water's edge and
dove in. They swam and frolicked like they used to when they were kids and
played grab-ass but not so much like kids now. Jock was floating on his back,
his big cock floating like driftwood.
"How big is your cock, now, hard?" Jock asked, proudly displaying his own cock.
"Over ten inches," Danny said proudly.
"Ten inches! Fuck, how do you charge, by the inch?"
"By the inch, by the pound, by the hour," Danny joked.
"I wanta hear about some of your experiences as a paid stud," Jock said.
"If you'll tell me about you and Sandler and his wife."
"Hell, I've got no secrets there. If we play it right, you won't have any
secrets with Sandler either."
"It's gotta be fuckin' hot, making it with that big stud," Danny said. But Jock
had dove under and didn't hear him. Jock came up like a breaching whale, right
in front of him, sheeting water everywhere.
"Hey, Dan, are you gonna let me fuck you?" he asked.
Danny was visibly taken aback by the bold question.
"I mean, you have been fucked. You said you did it all, in your trade."
"I just never imagined my best friend would be asking to fuck my ass," Danny
"I never noticed till now what a beautiful, fuckable ass my best friend had."
"Are you going to let me fuck you?" Danny asked. He didn't believe there was a
chance in hell, but it was an opportunity to ask.
"I've never done that with Sandler," Jock said. "He's begged me to let him but
I'm too scared."
"It can be scary for me the first time."
"How about the second and the third, and the fourth time? How many times do you
figured you've been fucked?" Jock asked.
"I lost track of that and everything else a long time ago," Danny said.
"Well, I gotta admit, Sandler sure likes it when I fuck him, and that makes me
wonder how it feels," Jock said. "Hey, when he comes back, I'm going to get
something started, okay?"
"Hell, yeah."
They climbed out of the water and dried off haphazardly with Danny's T-shirt.
Jock came up behind him and pressed his naked body against him.
"MMnnnnn, this feels good," he murmured.
"Yeah, it does," Danny agreed.
Jock ran his hands down Danny's sides and grabbed hold of his butt. "You've got
the most beautiful tight gotta let me in there," he whispered.
"Not here, with Sandler coming back," Danny said.
"Later then?"
"Yes. Can we come back here, when Sandler won't be here?"
"Hell, yeah. I come here all the time by myself," Jock said eagerly. "We can
spend the night together."
"Well, I have to have someplace to stay while I'm in town," Danny said. He
turned around then and wrapped his arms around Jock's waist and down to squeeze
his butt as they smashed their bodies together.
"I'm gonna fuck you, too, Jock, and show you how it feels," he said huskily.
"Fuck, it gives me chills just hearing you say it," Jock said.
"Are you gonna let me, then?" Danny asked.
Jock could feel Danny's cock growing against his thigh. He reached down for it
and gasped. "Geezusss, I don't know, Danny. You're huge! Fuck, I can't get my
hand around it. Ten fuckin' inches...I don't know."
"Okay, I lied. Its only eight inches," Danny.
"Eight, my ass," Jock said, eyeing the huge cock as he squeezed it.
"I never knew you to be scared of anything, Jock," Danny said. "But if you are,
I can get you through it your first time. I'm the one to do it, you know that."
"Yeah, I know...if I'm gonna do it, you're the one." His voice choked.
"I...I never thought I would have the chance to say this, or the courage...but
did you ever...ever think we each other?" Jock stammered.
"For as long as I can remember," Danny replied without hesitation.
"I don't mean just as best friends, or even like brothers," Jock said.
Danny trembled inside at what his big, macho friend was trying to say but he
wanted to force him to say it. "What do you mean, then?" he asked.
"I mean....I mean this," Jock blurted softly as he put his hands on each side of
Danny's head and brought their faces together. Their lips didn't have a chance
to brush together; the kiss was immediate, and passionate, powered by the lust
pounding through their young bodies. Jock forced his tongue into Danny's mouth
and they lashed around like two small anacondas in a battle. They squealed and
moaned and one of them whimpered with passion. It was a kiss like neither of
them had ever experienced before and it was a long moment before they pulled
"Shit!" Jock gasped in disbelief, turning his head away.
"Goddam, no wonder you've fucked every girl in school if you kiss like that,"
Danny said.
"I...I never kissed a girl like that," Jock said hoarsely, still looking to the
side. "At least I don't think I did,"
"Why're you looking away from me, Jock?" Danny asked.
It seemed to take great effort for Jock to face his friend. "I never felt about
any girl like I do right now," he blurted bravely. His voice wavered with the
denied, long-pent-up emotions rushing from the depths of his subconscious.
"Look, Dan, I know another place where we can go, right now," he said.
"What about Sandler?"
"He won't care. He left purposely to leave us alone, like he suspected something
anyway." When Danny seemed hesitant, Jock pulled out all the stops. "It don't
have to be anything but conversation and being together if that's what you want,
but....but that kiss...fuck, Dan, I'm ready to let you fuck me if you want that
too. Anything you want, just so we can be together for the time you're here."
Danny picked up Jock's shorts and tossed them to him. "Lead the way," he said.
Danny didn't stay in Fort Wayne. As much as he wanted to be with Jock, there was
a stronger need to be back with his family; especially his dad. The gnawing in
his gut had never gone away. The day he got back, Saturday, his mom was gone
with his brother and sister to the mall. His dad was working in the garage,
putting up shelves and storage hooks for his tools and lawn chairs and the like.
Danny paused at the back door before going to the garage. His dad was wearing
his old jeans shorts that had been cut off so many times after washings that
there was very little leg left, and a white T-shirt, and work boots. The
longing, the want was still there, deep in the pit of his stomach.
"Hey, Dad," he greeted him as he came into the garage.
"Hey, Danny. How'd it go with Jock?"
"Good. Great," he said.
"I'll bet he was glad to see you."
"No more than I was glad to see him," Danny said. "It's good to be home,
"I thought you would be gone longer," Jim said.
"I wanted to get back. Do you need some help with this?"
"I can always use help," Jim said.
"I'll go change," Danny said. In a calculated move, he purposely changed into
his old freshman-era gym shorts that he had outgrown his sophomore year, and for
good measure, his old ragged jockstrap underneath. He pulled on a pair of work
socks then his work boots.
"Dam, son, do you still have those old gym shorts? I thought your mom said she
tossed them out a long time ago."
"She did. But I dug them out of the wastebasket. I'm not ready to give them up
yet," Danny said.
"Well, there's part of you that's ready to give them up," Jim said, eyeing the
way the boy filled out the too-small shorts. "I'm surprised they're still
holding together under the strain."
"They've held together better than my jockstrap," Danny said as he boldly pulled
the front of his shorts down to reveal the torn and tattered jock.
"You ought to give that thing an honorable burial," Jim said.
"I keep it hidden so mom don't find it and throw it away."
"You could afford a new one," Jim said. "That thing looks like somebody's been
chewing on it."
"Maybe somebody has," Danny said cockily, causing his dad to laugh. "Dad, do you
ever miss it?" he asked.
Jim glanced around at him, a questioning look on his face.
"You know....what we used to do together," Danny said.
"That's behind us, son," Jim said quietly.
"I do," Danny said. "I miss being with you those times. I miss the adventure and
the camaraderie we had between us."
"I think we still have a pretty good camaraderie, don't we?" Jim said.
"Not like that. Not as close."
"Danny....?" Jim said.
"I miss it, Dad. I miss being with you, and the things we did together."
Jim let out a sigh. "That's behind us, and we have to leave it there."
"I don't think we ought to go there, Dan," he said quietly, without looking at
his son.
Suddenly, Danny had a bold idea. While his dad had his back to him, he shoved
his shorts down and took them off. Then he walked around to the end of the
pickup, punching the garage door down, and pulled the tailgate down
"What're you doing?" Jim asked, turning at the sound of the garage door coming
down. "What're you doing?" he asked again, shocked when he saw his son standing
there in nothing but his ragged jockstrap and his work boots.
"Why not? Why shouldn't we go there? I think you miss it too, as much as I do."
"Dan, we did what we had to do. But now....."
"You're not going to make me beg," Danny said.
Jim stood eyeing his son at the end of the truck as he hefted the weight of the
hammer in his hand. Finally, he laid the hammer down on the tool bench and
walked around the truck. "Godd, son, we shouldn't even start back down this
road," he said in a husky tone as he reached out and put one hand on Danny's
Danny tugged on his dad's T-shirt and the man let him pull it off over his head.
He tossed it aside and reached for the top button of his dad's jeans shorts.
"You don't have to do anything, Dad, but you said you would always be here for
me," Danny said. "That's all I want, Dad, for you to be here for me."
Jim swallowed hard, so loud it was audible as he watched his son unbutton his
jeans and pull them down off his hips.
"I'm here, son," he said as Danny went to his knees in front of him. "I'll
always be here for you....OOOOhhhhhh, Goddd! Oh, Dan...your mouth feels so
"I want you to fuck me, too, dad," he said.
"I don't think we can, not here, not now," Jim said. "You mom and the kids will
be home."
"But soon. We'll go someplace," Danny said.
"Yeah, son, we'll go someplace. Soon."
The private luxury jetliner taxied slowly toward the runway while the steward
came through to see that the six passengers were strapped in. The plane was
owned by a wealthy German businessman, one Verner Krugg, who had taken part in
the hunt where Danny and his dad were the prey. When they were airborne and the
plane leveled off, Krugg himself came out of the cockpit to greet them.
"Welcome aboard, gentlemen," he said in perfect English. "The pilot tells me we
will have a comfortable flight. Meanwhile, I would like for you all to get
comfortable; Andre will gather your clothes for safekeeping during the flight
then make you all a drink. We will have the next several hours to become
acquainted before landing at my estate at Bittberg where I look forward to
creating an unforgettable experience for you as well as for my guests who will
be awaiting your arrival. My home is situated on lands comprising over thirty
thousand acres of fine woodland and streams. It boasts one hundred four rooms
with sixty-eight fireplaces, and eighty-two bathrooms. You will be within the
confines of complete and total privacy....."
Danny's business plan was coming together. In the cabin, removing their clothes
were Jeremy Wentworth, the teenage bodybuilder/competitor and the other young
bodybuilder, Justin, who he had met at the Arnold Classic. There was also Jake,
the big construction worker they had met at the hunt, along with the young
college kid, Christian, who was also one of the prey. And lastly, his best
friend, Jock.
"Several of you, I recognize, you are familiar with the hunt. Those who are not,
you should be looking forward to an experience you won't soon forget. You will
be joined by roughly twenty young men and boys from all over Germany, especially
selected, as were you, thanks to my good friend, Danny, for their exceptional
physical attributes and athletic prowess as well as their desire for fun without
the hindrance of inhibitions of the outside world."
Just then Andre appeared and began gathering up their clothing. After he had
everything hung up in another part of the cabin, he returned with a tray of
various drinks.
"I am here to see to your comfort and pleasure during your flight," he said as
he was serving the drinks. "So please, if there is anything you desire of me, do
not hesitate to make your wishes known. I am here to serve and service you to
the utmost of my ability."
"Yes, why don't you get comfortable, as well, Andre," Kruger said from the
cockpit doorway. "And gentlemen, please don't hesitate to make your wishes known
to Andre. His abilities are exceptional."
When the drinks were served, Andre began taking off his clothes. You could
almost feel the temperature rise in the cabin as they all watched the young,
dark-skinned youth baring his tight, athletic body. Somebody whistled under his
breath when he bared his butt. He was naked for only a few seconds before big
Jake reached out for him. Andre smiled as the big construction worker forced him
to his knees between his legs. Danny smiled at Jock but he didn't notice. He was
eyeing Wentworth.
The End
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leave your comments. I would also appreciate hearing from you personally at
Posted: 02/01/078