Weekends at Schoeneberg
(A Soldier Making Extra Money)

by: Peter

(© 2009 by the Author)


Revised and extended for you enjoyment!

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Chapter 11

The experience with Carl was so damned satisfying, yet scary, because we were right there on the same base and he probably knew he could have me hooked with very little effort.  I got to thinking about it one time when I was drinking alone at the EM club and I just couldn’t bring myself to even imagine being some big black stud’s white boy. I wasn’t made like that. I was a big hunkin’ soldier myself, no reason why I should be another man’s boy, period, whether he was black or white.

I made one more stab at regaining my manhood, what was left of it.  My next pass I headed for the bars where I knew I could pick up German women.  It took the span of two beers, which made me wonder why I was concerned about my manhood in the first place. As I walked out of the place with her, heading for a hotel, I knew this was how it was supposed to be; this was who I was; a big, brawny, muscle hunkin’ soldier with a horse cock that any self respecting woman would be glad to ride.

It worked well into the wild fuck I was giving her, till I thought of Billy for some reason, and Stucker. Not just thought of them, I felt a longing for both of them. I even found myself conjuring up images of them in the room with us, of Billy pounding me from behind at the same time I fucked the girl under me, and Stucker standing in front of me, feeding me his cock. The mere thoughts of them put me off guard and peaked my pleasure and I shot off before I intended.  I was about to sink into humiliation but my cock came to my rescue. It didn’t go down, I think because I’d been thinking of Billy and Stucker.  Damn thing really did have a mind of its own. I was finished, my body was finished, but my cock wasn’t. I fucked her for another hour. I tried to get Billy and Stucker out of the room but they kept lingering, wanting to join in. And when I did get rid them for short periods of time, Carl was there.  Dammit, I wanted a man there with me! I wanted a man sharing this woman with me. I wanted a man pounding my ass from behind while I fucked her. Shit, somewhere in the middle of it I found myself yearning for Billy’s big fat cock filling me with his piss. 

So it didn’t work, and I had to rethink who I had become, and try to come to grips with how I was going to deal with it. One big question was whether I would stay in the Army or not. Being gay, or Bi, or whatever I was, in the military, wasn’t a good thing.  Actually, the military didn’t make the distinction; it was all gay or straight, no in between. I wasn’t sure how easy it would be, being gay or Bi on the outside either. I just didn’t have any idea how to be either, and deep down I wondered how long the attraction for women would even continue. Confusion reigned, and more than once I became “strong” again and vowed to return to my former “normal” life but the urges always returned, gnawing at my very soul. Denying them was hopeless. Attempts to divert them to hetero sex were futile because there was always the temptation of another male looming around every corner; a curse of being built and good looking, and hung….I attracted them. 

Carl looked me up one day after evening chow and when I saw him walking down the aisle between the bunks toward my bunk, I knew I was doomed.  He greeted me with a big hand on my shoulder and some joking remark that I didn’t catch, I was so mesmerized by his presence.  He asked me to go to chow with him which I readily accepted. Walking to the chow hall, he told me he had a place. I wanted to tell him that I was no longer interested but I would’ve been lying to both of us and he wouldn’t have believed me anyway. I think he knew the power he had over me. Instead, I asked him where; that’s how strong my resolve was. He said his unit’s supply room. I didn’t know he was a supply sergeant. He said we could go there after we ate. My protest was so weak it never even came out of my mouth.

His supply room was the most secure place we could’ve found. The steel door bolted from the inside. He took me into the storage room where he had a dozen or so mattresses stacked up and draped with a sheet.

“Go ahead, strip down, we’ve got all night,” he said as he pulled off his shirt.

He had me before he spoke.  He had me when I saw his muscles bulging out of his T-shirt. He had me when he nailed me to the side of his car out there in that little corner of a forest off the highway. I started undressing, my heart racing, my ass clenching from the terrible itch that never quite left me. How had it come to this, I wondered fleetingly. The sight of him naked took my breath away. It was the first time I’d seen him naked and he was an awesome sight. A mountain of chocolate-tone muscle on the move. One could imagine the walls shaking as he walked toward me. His big cock swung like that of a mule.  He smiled as he wrapped his hand around my bicep.

“Fuckin’ stud,” he said. 

“Thanks,” I said.  I was a fuckin’ stud all right; I was his fuckin white boy stud, and sometime during that wild night of unbridled, unbelievable sex, Carl talked me into reenlisting and staying in Germany.

The End.


Posted: 02/19/10