A Marine Called Jason

(© 2007-2015 by the Author)

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Chapter 48
Jase, Hunter and the Jocks

I knew Jase was happy that Hunter had come for the weekend. It was funny the way the two got along. It was like Hunter was the older brother that Jase never had. I went up the stairs--it was late Saturday afternoon--and started down the hallway. I had recently carpeted the stairs and hallway and the carpeting muffled the squeaks in the floorboards. At Jase’s partially open door I was stunned to see him and Hunter on the bed, going at it.  I think what stunned me the most was that Jason was on top, fucking Hunter’s upturned ass like there would be no tomorrow. I froze in my tracks and watched for a moment, till Hunter happened to toss his head in my direction and saw me. His mouth flew open and his eyes bugged out but I quickly turned and went back downstairs.  I left the house and walked past the barn to the woods and the creek. I didn’t want to be there when Hunter left; I didn’t know what I would say, and I didn’t want to embarrass them. 

Some time later, from my vantage point in the woods I saw him come out of the house. He knew where I would be and he headed straight for the woods. I squatted down with my back against a tree and waited.

“Uncle Brad?” he said as he approached me.

I looked up at him

“I’m really sorry about that; I don’t know what else to say.”

“It’s nothing to apologize for. But I didn’t know you were so into getting fucked,” I said.

“I wasn’t. Fuck, I hope you’re not pissed….I mean, it just happened. I don’t know why, Uncle Brad, but he just overwhelmed me.”

“No, I’m not pissed, just surprised,” I assured him.  “But getting fucked doesn’t just happen. Things like that are made to happen.  And you’re a few years older than him, he’s barely eighteen….that sort of makes you responsible.”

“Yes, I know, and I take full responsibility, but damn, he’s hard to resist.”

“Nobody said you had to resist him. Like I said, I was surprised, that’s all.  Hell, there’s no harm done, it’s not like he’s a virgin.”

“Godd, no, he couldn’t be a virgin, the way he moves. I hope it’s okay, then, if it happens again sometime,” he said.

“He’s a big boy, he makes his own decisions,” I said.

“Maybe, uh….we could all get together sometime,” he said.

“Maybe, sometime.” I shoved myself to my feet.

“Thanks, Uncle Brad, for understanding,” he said as we walked toward the house.

Jase was sitting at the kitchen table when I returned to the house after Hunter left.              

“Did I screw up?” he asked.

“Not really.  Hunter thought he did.”

“Did he?”

“He’s a big boy.  So are you.  You make your own decisions.”

“You can’t be surprised,” he said.                 

“I just wasn’t expecting it.” I didn’t know why I was so shaken, except that Jase was so open and casual about sex; even determined.

“I wish I could’ve come and gotten you out sooner, Jase,” I said.  

“You came when you could. I’m glad you came at all,” he said. “Are you mad at me, or mad that it was your nephew?” he asked.

“No. Hunter’s a big boy. He’s a grown man, he knows his own mind,” I said.     

“Are you mad at me?” he asked.                                       

“No, I’m not mad. It just gets me sometimes, that you had your teenage years over there.”

“I was a teenager in Ho Chi Minh City,” he said as if to clarify it.

“And that’s what teenagers in Ho Chi Minh City did,” I said in a sad tone.

“Yeah. Those with American blood,” he said, matter-of- factly. “That’s what we were good for, us with All American good looks and big American GI cocks,” he went on to explain. “The Vietnamese women missed the American GIs after they all left, and we were the best they had; their sons. We were the best looking and best built, and the biggest so they loved us for what we could do for them, even though they were officially supposed to hate us.  The men hated us, their women didn't. But even the men wanted us.”

He laid it out so matter-of-factly.  

“Can I ask you something, Brad?”

“Of course. I’ve told you, you can ask me anything.”

“I know you told me that, but I wasn’t sure about this.”

“Anything means anything,” I said.

“Well, first, I’m glad it’s out in the open, about your sexual preference.  I knew….I mean, there was Travis from the air base, and the male escort, and we’ve danced around it a few times, but it’s never been said outright.”

“How did you know about the male escort?” I asked.

“I saw the ad that you left on the kitchen counter,” he said.

“That was careless of me.  But none of this is a question,”

“Did you ever have sex with my Dad?”

I was stunned speechless, and I knew I showed it, but Jase’s deadpan, serious expression never faltered. He wasn’t being accusatory, he was asking because he wanted to know. I didn’t know how to answer him, except for the truth, which I was sure was already all over my face.  

“Yes,” I replied.

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence as I waited for his response.  Finally, I asked, “Are you upset with me for that? Or would you rather I’d lied to you?”

“I don’t want you to ever lie to me,” he said. “And no, I’m not upset about it.”

“It was my doing, Jase. I don’t want you to think any less of your Dad,” I said.

“It was war time; I wouldn’t judge what anybody did during war time,” he said.  “If you were there for each other when you needed each other….well…..”

I was relieved yet apprehensive that Jase had this new, confirmed knowledge about his father and me.  I couldn’t help wondering what he would do with it; how it might affect him.

“Anything else?” I asked after a long moment.

“No, I just wondered.”

“If there is anything else, after you have time to think about it, don’t hesitate to come to me,” I said.


For some reason, with everything so out in the open, I began thinking of the two high school jocks from Jason’s old high school. I thought of inviting them for a visit, not just for me, but for Jase as well.  I told him how I’d met them, when they were assigned to be my escorts at the dedication of the school stadium.

“It might be fun getting to know them. They wouldn’t know your dad, they would be only a year or so older than you,” I said. I skipped telling him of the five us spending the night in the cabin after the dedication ceremony.

“”Maybe I saw them when I visited the school,” he said.

“No, they would’ve graduated by now,” I said.

“Tell me, how well could I get to know them, do you think?” he asked with a wry smile.

“I don’t know, you would have to see where the chips fall,” I said.

He agreed, and I called Lance; his was the only phone number I had.  He was happy to hear from me and he was sure that Mason would definitely want to come for a visit so we set up a date. I didn’t tell them about Jase; they thought they were coming to visit me. I would let them be pleasantly surprised.

It worked out well. The boys hit it off right from the start, and Lance and Mason were very surprised to meet Jase when I told them who he was.

“Wow!  You’re Jason Seaborne’s son!”

“But I never knew him,” Jase said.

“We didn’t either but we know all about him.”

It was funny to watch them, parrying with each other, acting so jock-studly when it was obvious they were both hot for Jase.  And Jase seemed to take a strong interest in them, or at the very least he was enjoying their attention. They played catch and football out in the yard and explored the woods, and went swimming in the creek.  As much as I wanted to join in, I pretty much left them to themselves.  I had watched them going back to the woods and seen that they hadn’t bothered to stop and get towels out of the cabinet in the barn, and when they came out of the water I was on hand with towels. The sight of their tight, muscular bodies dripping wet was almost more than I could take.  I was sorely tempted to take the plunge.  I noticed how the two boys looked at me, as if they were expecting me to do just that….that was, no doubt, the reason they had accepted my invitation.

Mason took the opportunity to ask in a whisper, “He doesn’t know about us, does he? You know, the night at the cabin.”


“Damn, I sort of wish he did.  He is so hot!”

“Well, you can tell him,” I said jokingly.

“No! I don’t wanta ruin things. He’s a lot of fun.”

Maybe I should have told them more about Jase but I wanted to see how thing played out; let them find out for themselves.

 At supper Jase was still full of questions for the boys about what they knew about his dad.  They knew about Jason Seaborne. Every jock who ever played at the school knew about Jason Seaborne. 

When it came time to go to bed, there was no hesitation about the sleeping arrangements; none of them objected to my suggestion that they all three sleep in Jase’s room so they could talk, because it was very obvious that the three boys had connected. I wasn’t sure Jase was completely aware of the probabilities of the connection although I’d seen his interest. As badly as I wanted to join them, and I knew they wouldn’t care, I decided against. I heard them talking and laughing in the room, and suffered through the quieter groans and moans of what sounded like raw teenage pleasure that came later.

The next morning, Lance and Mason came downstairs before Jase while I was fixing breakfast, wearing just their shorts.

“Jase said you wouldn’t care if we came down like this,” Lance said.

“You’re fine. Where is Jase? I said.

“He’s in the shower. He let us use it first,” said Lance.

“So how’d it go last night?”

“Jase is one hot dude,” Mason said. 

“And huge!” Lance put in.

“Oh. So he nailed you,” I said, smiling smugly.

“Like a goddamn jackhammer,” said Lance.  “Man, he’s like a machine.”

“Twice,” Mason said, holding up two fingers.  “Both of us, twice. Godd, that guy can fuck.  I wish he lived closer, and went to our school.”

“You knew all along that it’d happen, didn’t you?”  Lance said.

“I suspected there was a strong possibility.”

When Jase came down in his briefs the two boys made a fuss over how hot he looked. 

“You didn’t tell me I was going to be raped,” Jase said as he was pouring himself a cup of coffee.

“Who got raped!” Mason exclaimed to their laughter.


I didn’t nose around Jase’s room, but I went in from time to time when he wasn’t there just to get the feel of him, and I could feel his dad as well, especially with the array of military gear that Jase had put on the walls. One of those times I found a notebook laying open on his desk. I was drawn to it and shrugged off the twinge of guilt as I began to read what he had written.


I never knew you, and
I wonder why you left me
Without saying goodbye, 

I never heard you say you love me.  

It should be hard to love someone you never knew.
But I do. 

It’s Jase, I’ve got your name,
Can you hear me thru my tears?                            

I wish I knew you;
I hope you can feel my love for you, thru the sadness. 

If I could, I would find you. 

If you're watching,

If you're listening,

Know my love for you will never die. 

I look up in the sky at night and I think I see your star.

I carry your picture in my mind;

So I will know, always, the man you are.

And the man you are is the man I will be. 

I am happy you are my father;
I am sad.

I am the lost child of my father, wandering,.

I wonder, can you see me?  Can you hear me? 

I want so bad to know you, Dad.

But most of all I want to know,
Why you left me without saying goodbye
Without saying you love me.


I was quite taken by his words. I guess I never realized that the boy had such deep emotions, and I choked up a little that he missed his father so much. And I, a poor substitute, was trying to fill his place.

Also on the desk was a letter he had started to Sister Marie. I shouldn’t have, but I read what he had written. He spoke of the boy who I remembered was not of American descent, who wouldn’t say goodbye to Jase when we left.  He told Sister Marie to tell him hello, and that he was going to buy something to send to him like he promised.  Well down into the letter, he wrote, “Mr. Courter, I call him Brad, is wonderful to me.  And I don’t think it’s all because I am the son of his best buddy from the war.  He acts like he really cares for me as his own, like he even loves me.  He treats me like a son, and I want to act like his son when I’m more sure of our relationship. I mean no disrespect to my real father, but I would someday like to call him Dad, because that’s the way I feel about him. You will be glad to know that I am a senior in high school.  I play football and baseball and I have dated several girls.”

 Now I would like to ask a favor. I’ve worn my pajama pants to school and now all the guys want a pair. I am sending you some money to buy some and send them to me.  Buy however many you can in various sizes. and count in the cost of sending them. I love you, Sister Marie.  Tell the other sister hello for me.”


I began to tear up, unable to read through the wet in my eyes.  Ironically, I had considered asking if he would mind if I called him son. At the very next opportunity—one that I created—I reminded Jase about ordering the pajama pants. He told me about the letter and the money he was going to send. I asked how many pairs of pants he’d ordered and how many boys he thought might want a pair. We did the math and I gave him more money to order thirty pairs, plus money for Sister Marie to use as she saw fit.

To be continued... 


Posted: 02/27/15 rp