A Marine Called Jason

(© 2007-2011 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 11
Jason Going Home

We were together every chance we got for the next several weeks. As time got shorter, our lovemaking, or sex, became more urgent and intense.  It was as if we had to make every stroke of his cock, every spurt of cum count. I know it was that way for me.  Every stroke brought us closer to parting and I had no idea when I would feel his muscular body against mine again, that handsome smile looking down at me.... his huge, hot cock plugging my ass or filling my mouth again, flooding my tonsils with its hot load of man cream.

Jason wouldn't tell me anymore when he was going out; he said he didn't want me to worry. I naturally assumed when he left that he would be heading out on another mission.  I was a wreck inside anyway, thinking about him getting out and possibly being reassigned far away from me.  Even though he was going to re-enlist, I was afraid he wouldn't be stationed close enough for us to see each other.  And I worried. My worse fear was that something would happen to him before he went home.  It happened all the time; a guy counting the days and suddenly his days are over.  I never knew when I would see him again.

The next time I saw Jason in Toby's he was wearing a short-sleeve knit shirt, open-collar that showed a couple of inches of cleavage, and a sling on his right arm.

"What happened this time?" I asked.

"You remember, you told me somewhere out there they had a best shot too?  I think I found him."

"How bad?" I asked, trying not to sound overly concerned.

"Pretty clean.  It got me in the shoulder."

"Dammit," I swore under my breath, "you act like you cut yourself shaving."

"Hell, he missed his shot," he said, laughing.

"Looks to me like he made it," I said.

"Naw, fuck, I'm still walking.  He missed his shot," he said.  "Just as well, though, I can coast for the rest of my time till I go back."  He leaned in closer, laughing softly.  "Don't worry, I'm good to go."

So we went; to the Trent.  Not knowing when he would show, I didn't have a room but I got one....number 238 again....while Jason strolled around. I was closing the street-side windows when he came in and bolted the door behind him.

"You're going to have to be on top and do all the work this time," he told me as he was struggling to get out of his clothes.

"Let's start with this," I said as I brushed his hands aside.  It was a pleasure to take his clothes off of him.  Touching his muscles sent chills through me.  He sat on the edge of the bed so I could pull his pants off and his briefs pulled down with them.  His big cock hung out over his balls that rested on the mattress.  I pulled his briefs all the way off and handed them to him.

"Here, you might want to stuff these in your mouth," I said, jokingly.

"I don't think so," he said, tossing them aside.

He watched me undress. I was sometimes self-conscious the way he looked at me, but not this time. Tonight he had a hungry look.  I heard him swallow when I was naked and turned around to drape my pants over the back of the chair.

"Oh, Fuck!  Stay right there for a minute," he said.

I looked over my shoulder to see him gazing at my butt.  I clenched the muscles for him, one then the other, while I dug the small tube of lube out of my pants pocket.

"Ohh, Geezusss, man, if you only knew what that does to me.” 

“I think I do,” I said.

‘Fuck, you've got an awesome ass!"

I was getting hard just from him ogling my butt.  He was hard from ogling it.

"That was fast," I said, looking at his hard cock.

"You don't know how bad I need this," he said, reaching out to squeeze one side of my butt.

I squeezed some lube onto the head of his cock and spread it all the way down the shaft.  Then I put some in my asshole and stepped up on the bed.  Jason held his cock up for me to sit on.  I squatted down till I felt the heat of his cock against my hole then I bounced up and down on it to stretch the muscles.  He thought I was teasing him.

"Fuck, stop teasing.... slide down on it and ride me," he begged.

He should have had his briefs in his mouth when I rode down on his cock.  He had to put his forearm across his mouth to stifle his outcry of pleasure. There was something sexy about being on top of the big stud with his battle wounds.  And the wounds didn't affect his performance in the least. I didn't have to do all the work after all.  I fucked him on top the first time but he took charge the second time, after I'd sucked him off.  He bent me over the bed and gave me another ride that took the wind out of me.

Knowing it might be our last time together, I was hoping we would have some quiet time, just lie together and talk and touch our bodies together.  But it boiled down to sex.  I took it and I gave back in kind, and satisfied myself with that. I had to help dress him when we were finished.  We left the hotel and stopped on the street where we usually parted company. Neither of said anything for a moment.

"Hey, I'll come to say good-bye before I leave," he said.

"You damn well better," I said.

Still, I was afraid he wasn't going to make it back to Saigon before he left.  It was down to mere days unless his departure date had been changed.  I was at Toby's every night waiting for him. Two nights... three... four nights passed and I was getting panicky.  If he couldn't make it back one more time, surely he would call. Unless......    Godd, I ached just thinking about it.

Finally, the fifth night, Jason came into Toby's in his whites, without the sling.

"You're out of the sling already?"  I asked.

"Not supposed to be, but I'm not going to wear a sling with my uniform. It's getting better fast; I'm exercising it,” he said, flexing his muscles.

It was the first time I'd seen him in dress uniform and he looked stunning, if that can be said of a man.  The way he filled it out in the chest and arms and shoulders was almost criminal.  There was no room left in the sleeves.  I thought he might have had the blouse tailored the way it tapered down to his slim waist.  From there, his thighs fairly bulged against the white material and right where his thighs met, well, he could have been arrested for that display.  Geezuss, I was surprised they let him get by with a bulge like that, but then what could they do?  I could see that he had on boxers, which was the reason he wore boxers, because you could see through the material of his uniform. Once when he turned, I got a look at his butt and almost got light-headed.

There were medals on the left side of his blouse; over a dozen of them.  It was the first I realized that he had medals, although it stood to reason that he would. He never talked about having any. I didn't recognize some of them but I did know the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star, none of which I had.  I had about six of the others.

"Shit, you've got your own fruit salad going there," Toby said, nodding to the array of color on his chest.

He laughed and shrugged like it was no big deal.  It wasn't, to him.  "Yeah, it breaks up the monotony of the white, don't you think?"

Without it being said, we both knew this would possibly be our last night together for a long time.  We said our goodbyes in a way that neither of us would forget. I had the small stash of extra cash on me that I’d saved up and when we left Toby’s I turned down the street in the opposite direction from the Trent. I had suggested earlier getting a room at a better hotel but Jason said the Trent was okay; that it was where we ought to go.  But that was for later.

“You’re going in the wrong direction, or are we taking the scenic route?” Jason asked.

“Have you ever been to Rick’s?” I asked.

“Not on my pay,” he said.

“When was the last time you had a steak?”

“Shit, my memory isn’t that long,” he said.

“Well, we’re going to refresh your memory,” I said.

“Did you get a promotion you didn’t tell me about?” he asked. “Hell, I don’t even know anybody who can afford to eat there.”

Rick’s was a high-class nightclub with gorgeous strippers and the best steaks in Saigon. The place was owned by a Frenchman who had been in Saigon well before the United States got involved, way back when it was still called French Indo-China. Nobody knew how he got his hands on beef imported from the United States, and nobody cared. They were glad to pay the price.

Jason drew a lot of attention in his dress whites, or more correctly, the way he filled them out.  The hostess looked him up and down with a friendly smile. It wasn’t lost on me, either. I wondered if she was the madam. I had heard that Rick’s also provided very discreet escort services.

“I know you want a table up front,” she cooed.

Her attributes weren’t lost on Jason either. He followed her rounded, rolling hips like radar.  She showed us to our table and signaled a cocktail waitress.  I put her off till after dinner.  When the waiter came I took the menus and laid them aside. I ordered Porterhouse steaks, baked potatoes and salads.

“And to drink?” he asked.

“Hey, they’ve got Lowenbrau,” Jason said.

“Two Lowenbrau,” I told the waiter.

“Have you eaten here before?” Jason asked me.

“Not on my pay,” I said.

“How are you affording it now?”

“I had some money saved back. I thought the occasion called for something special,” I said.

“The occasion? You mean me going home?”

“Yes, I wanted to give you a proper sendoff.”

“Hey, I’m coming back,” he said.

“Yes, but we don’t know if you’ll be stationed near Saigon,” I said.

“If I’m not, I’ll find you, you can bet on that,” he said.

Eating anywhere with Jason would’ve been a special occasion, but Rick’s made it more special. He savored every bite of his steak, as well as the Lowenbrau.   

“Do you remember how we met?” I asked.

“How could I forget?” he said, laughing. “You damn near ran over me.”

“You were in the middle of the fuckin’ street,” I reminded him.

“I didn’t know where the fuck I was,” he said.

“When you bent over the front of my Jeep, I thought you were going to crawl right up over the hood and tear me apart.”

“I might’ve if I’d been able to crawl up over the hood,” he said. "Shit, I was holding onto the hood of your Jeep to stand up. I never thanked you for saving my ass that night, driving me back to the guard shack.”

“Oh, I’ve been thanked a hundred times,” I said.  “Anyway, it was the guard on duty who saved your ass, not me. He let me take you inside the compound.”

“Who’s bunk did I sleep in that night?” he asked.

“You should be asking who else was in the bunk with you,” I joked, laughing. Then I added in a more serious tone, “You don’t know how I wished it could’ve been my bunk.”

“Well, I hope we’ve made that wish come true,” he said.

“Do you want to wait for the show?” I asked.

“It’s your call,” he said.

“No, you tell me.  If you want to stick around…. maybe you wanta hook up with one of the strippers and take her back to the hotel.” 

“That wasn’t part of the plan, was it?” he asked.

“Plans can change,” I said.

“No,” he said.  “You made this night about me and you. Let’s leave it at that.”

“Do you want to stay for the show?” I asked again.

“It might help get me charged up,” he said with a grin.

“As if you need help getting charged up.”

I knew he wanted to stay and I was glad we did.  I was surprised at the beauty and the talent; a good imitation of Las Vegas. It was after midnight when we left and headed for the hotel next door where I had a room. Actually, I had gotten a suite with a small sitting room and a balcony overlooking the street. In the bathroom was a very large bathtub along with a separate shower. There was also an ornate wall cabinet with all kinds of bath oils, bath salts, toilette water, bubble bath and soaps.

“Damn, this is nice. Are you sure you can afford all of this?”

“Stop worrying about it.”

"You know what, I'm going to take a fuckin' bath," he said.  "A nice long, hot bath. You wanta join me?"

"Can you get out of your uniform?" I asked.

"Yeah, I got into it,” he said. “But maybe I could use some help getting out of it though,” he added with a sly grin.

While he took off his shoes and socks I started the water running. “Hey, do you want bubbles?” I asked, half joking. 

“Hell, yeah, why not?” he said.  “Just don’t tell anybody.”

I poured in some of the bubble bath and the water fairly burst with bubbles. Then I helped him out of his clothes.  Jason stepped in the tub and lay back in the water and watched me undress. The tub had the fixtures on the side, and I stepped in and lay back against the other end of the tub.  I laid my legs over his and we slid down so our balls were touching.

"Do you think we can manage to do it like this, in the tub?" he asked.

"Are you kidding?  Is there anyplace you can't manage?"

We managed. We languished in the warm water for a while and had fun playing ballsies, then I leaned forward and went down on him. When I had him hot and moaning he told me to stand up and turn around. He fucked me in the tub and thought it would be a fun idea to shoot in the water. He pulled out and sent long, thick, powerful bursts of semen into the water. The stuff shot out hard but then stopped and floated. It looked like a bunch of sea horses. We got out and dried off and went to the bed.  We stretched out and gazed up at the ceiling fan.

"Seems like there're a hundred things we ought to be saying," he said.

That surprised me, and I wondered what things he thought ought to be said.  I knew what I wanted to say to him. I was glad I didn't.

"I guess all the important stuff has already been said. Right?" he went on.

"Yeah. Whatever else I would say, you wouldn't want to hear," I said.  "There is one thing, though."


"I'm going to make love to you before you go."

He cocked his head around with a smiling scowl.

"Not that.... hell, I wouldn't even think of trying to fuck you, for real, but everything else, it’s open season."

"Well, if a Marine is going do it, I guess there's nothing I can do about it," he said.

I almost laughed.  I couldn't lay finger on him if he didn't want me to.  Yeah, I was a Marine, but I didn’t have the training he had.  He could disable me with one finger.

I don't know if it was love making to Jason but it was to me, in its purest form.  I literally worshipped him physically, and he let me.  I worshipped him emotionally as well.  Not one inch of his big, muscular body escaped my lips. I took my time, and he let me. I made it last most of the night.  I drove him half-crazy.  He begged me to make him come but I held him off repeatedly. I finally did, but only after I extracted a promise that he would let me continue right through his climax, non-stop.  I took his powerful load in my mouth and never let go of his cock.  The second time I spent most of my time with my tongue in his ass.

"Goddam, this is more agony than getting my cock sucked," he moaned. "You're gonna make me come again doing this, aren't you?"

"In my own time," I said.  "And I want you on your back, bent in half when it happens."

"You're gonna do that to me again…. make me shoot all over myself."

"With your mouth open," I added.

He pretended I was forcing him but in reality, he was a willing partner and I felt good about that.  It made me wonder if he might have found the courage to reciprocate in some way.  I didn't dwell on it though.  There wasn't enough time and it wasn't that important to me at this stage in our lives.  His pleasure was mine.  I drove him nuts all over again.  He was moaning and groaning and gasping for air, begging me to stop and give him a break, begging me to make him come again.  I had him tilted up, bent in half so his cock was aimed right at his mouth.  Hell, it almost reached his mouth.  I gave his clenching ass everything I knew how.  He tasted awesome and I pulled his hole wide open and buried my tongue to get more of his flavor. 

It was more than he could take.  He cried out, an animal-like cry, and I felt his asshole clench and sort of flutter and I knew he was coming.  I kept tonguing his ass and kept him bent in half till I was sure he was finished. When I let him down he had white-washed his face and shoulders and neck. There were streaks of cum across his mouth and some over his nose and he was having a hard time breathing.  He groped around and found his briefs to clean the stuff off but I wouldn't let him. As I lifted his legs and let them down on either side of me I leaned up over him with my face over his.  Our eyes met but he looked away.  But he looked back, just as I was lowering my face, a look of horror in his eyes.  I brushed my lips over his cum-slick lips and flicked my tongue out. I kissed him.  He tried not to kiss me back but he finally succumbed.  It was easy to force my tongue into his mouth and I was surprised to find his mouth full of cum that he was trying not to swallow.

"Give it to me," I whispered as I lashed my tongue around in his mouthful of cum and sucked it up.  He gave it up willingly but as our kiss became passionate I gave it back to him. I kissed him relentlessly, purposely forcing him to swallow his own cum.  He fought it but finally gave in and swallowed.  He even finished the kiss, with even greater passion.

"Damn, I don't believe you made me do that!" he gasped.

I laughed and said, “Like I could force you to do anything.”

He swallowed repeatedly, using his own spit to try to wash down the taste of his semen.  For me, it was the ultimate act of love from him, even though I knew the greater part of it was lust.  Only pure lust could have powered him to do it.  He simply got caught up in the moment and I forced him over the top.  But when he fucked me the last time, I sensed that he was really feeling something besides the sex.

We took another bath in the early morning hours but we didn't have sex again. It was enough to lie in the bathtub together. That time when I started to get in the tub he took my arm and pulled me down on top of him and folded his powerful arms around me and just held us close. After a long time in the tub we got out and dried each other off then we lay on the bed till it was time to get dressed and head back. 

I ached inside as he covered his muscular body with his clothes. I drank in every ripple of bulging muscle to carry the image with me till we could meet up again.  I thought we would say good-bye in the room, but when he was dressed he was ready to go.  It bothered me a little that he seemed so anxious to part.  We stopped at the usual spot along the street, where we had to part ways, and it was an awkward moment.

"Well, I guess this is it," I said.

"For now," he said.  He shifted his weight and I took in the movement of his muscles beneath his uniform.  "You know, for all I feel and don't feel......." But he cut himself off.

"What?" I asked.  I wanted to hear it.  "I want to hear it," I said.

He laughed softly.  "It's the only fuckin' thing I've been able to do in return in this relationship, and I didn’t do it.  I just wish I'd kissed you good-bye back in the room.  I would do it now......."

"No. Just hearing you say it is enough," I said. “And that’s not the only thing you do. It was nice, just lying in the tub together.”

"Well......"  He put out his hand.

We shook hands and parted company.  I turned around once and he had turned around too.  It was the first time he'd ever done that in all the times we had parted.  He waved and I waved and mouthed the words, "I Love You" but I didn't think he saw me.  If he did, he didn't acknowledge it.  I looked around again but he was walking away.  I took in the manly image of him once more; his wide shoulders and slim waist, the thick, muscular legs and his tight bubble butt churning inside his uniform pants... and I never looked back again. 

I headed back to my barracks and began a raging battle against depression. Godd, I was going to miss him.

I didn't wage the battle solely in the barracks. I took it outside the barracks. Battling depression screwed up my head and made me do stupid things.  I went to other bars besides Toby's at first, apart from other places we’d been together, and got drunk and got in fights and picked up prostitutes so often that I wondered if I might be going straight. Definitely, I had to acknowledge the Bi gene that was in me and acting up. But the other gene was still there, ever stronger. Over a short time I made other contacts at Toby's.  It was easy.  All I had to do was go back to the rest room and hang my cock out and see who else had his cock hanging out.  From there all it took was eye contact. I made more contacts than I should've.  So many that I was feeling guilty and ashamed. I was turning into an insatiable slut.

One night I went with some other guys... a cab full... to a house located on the other side of the city.  I had seen all but two of the guys at Toby’s from time to time but I didn’t know if they were gay or straight.  I didn’t know who the place belonged to but it obviously belonged to someone with money; probably somebody dealing in the black market.  It was built around a courtyard lush with gardens, perfect for entertaining.  The rooms were plush by local standards. Gay or straight, everybody seemed to know we were there for sex and there was no time wasted in everyone getting naked. I sensed that nobody knew for sure, though, who was there to do what. I was leery about leaving my pants with my wallet in it, but what do you do with a wallet when you’re stark naked.  I wasn’t the only one.  But we needn’t have worried.

“Don’t worry, nobody will take anything,” one of the guys told us. “I’ve been here before.”

What we didn’t know was who was going to provide the sex. I couldn’t help noticing, though, how at ease everyone seemed to be, running around naked. Food was laid out by three young, slim and cute Vietnamese boys, along with plenty of drinks. They called them boys but they weren’t underage; they just looked like it.

I still didn’t know how it was going to go down. After I got some food in my stomach, I grabbed a beer and went out in the courtyard. Another guy followed close behind. He was a year or two older than me, nicely put together although not as heavily muscled as me. He was lean and tight. And hung. Biggest hung guy there.  Shit, he had meat hanging almost to his knees.

“Nice place,” he said, looking around the gardens.

“I wonder when the girls are going to show up,” I said, as a way of possibly feeling him out.

He chuckled and shook his head. “I don’t think this is ladies night out,” he said.


“You’ve never been here before,” he said. “I’m surprised.  You hang out at Toby’s a lot.”

“Is that a prerequisite for being invited here?” I asked.

“You could say that.”   

“So, if this isn’t ladies night…..?”

“Well, if it’s not ladies night out, it must be boys’ night out,” he said.

“Are we talking about the Vietnamese boys?”

“Oh, yeah, among others,” he said.

“And who are the others?” I asked.

“Whoever happens to team up.  I thought… actually, I was hoping that’s what you came out here for,” he said, with a wave around the courtyard.

“I was sort of wondering if that’s why you followed me,” I said with a smile.

“I would follow that ass anywhere,” he said.

“Is everybody here okay? I mean, we’re not going to get busted by the MPs are we?” I asked.

He laughed.  “I am an MP and the only thing I want to bust is your cherry, but I expect that big stud Navy SEAL you hang out with at Toby’s has already done that.”

“Maybe so, but you could still do some damage with that rocket launcher you’re carrying around,” I said, eyeing his big cock.

“Well, now that the formalities are out of the way,” he said, laughing, as he stepped up on the concrete bench. “How about we start out with some flute music?  Do you play skin flute?”

“I never played one that big, but I’m sure you could teach me,” I said.  It was a lie—Jason was bigger—but it made the guy feel good.

“First lesson is to start practicing before it gets any bigger,” he said.

I had just wrapped my hand around his cock when two more guys came out.  I jerked my hand away.

“Don’t stop on our account,” one of them said.

The guy standing on the bench put his hand on top of my head and guided me back to his cock. I opened my mouth and sucked it in. The other two guys watched for a moment, groping each other, then one of them reached out for my cock. We ended up with me astraddle the bench, bent over with one of the other guys stretched out on the bench under me, sucking my cock while I sucked his buddy’s cock and my guy fucked me. He didn’t pop my cherry, of course, but he did a damned good imitation.

Later I ended up back in a dark corner of the garden behind some trees, with another young, hunky marine who was hot and desperate for sex.  I gave it to him and very unlike Jason, he returned the favor.  He said it was the first time he'd ever done anything like that.  I believed him.  Another guy found us and joined in.  By the time the fourth guy crept into the darkness I'd been fucked three more times and given back in kind.

I didn’t know how many it took to make an orgy but I knew we had reached full orgy status when all three of the Vietnamese boys were brought in on it. We passed them around and they were so small that we tossed them around like rag dolls. I picked one boy up and stood up on a bench with him and held him upside down so I could eat his ass while he hung down and sucked my cock, while another guy behind me ate my ass out. The boy was the tightest, most exquisite fuck I ever had. And a short time later I was on top in a sixty-nine on one of the benches when one of the hunky Marines approached, walked around to the end of the bench and started fucking me, and at the same time two of the boys came up and stood on either side of the bench in front of me, their steely hard cocks throbbing against each other and I sucked them both at the same time.  The reward was sweet as they both exploded in my mouth at about the same time.  

With the help of the booze, we literally fucked ourselves into a stupor.  I woke up as the new day was dawning, still in the corner of the garden, entangled with two other GIs and one of the Vietnamese boys wrapped around me.  I felt the boy's cock throbbing against my butt. When he tried to put it in me I crawled out of the pile of bodies and stumbled off to find my clothes.  I wasn't sure I ended up with all of my own clothes, except for my pants, but they fit so I guess mine would fit the other guy. They were mine; and my wallet was still intact.

I didn't wait for the others to leave.  I left alone, in a bit of daze; I couldn’t quite believe that such a place existed, or that I had taken part in an orgy.  When I got back to the barracks and showered, I took off a pair of shorts that had a laundry mark that wasn't mine. I threw them away; I didn’t want to have to explain wearing somebody else’s shorts. Suddenly there was a horrific explosion………

To be continued...  

Posted: 02/20/15 rp