A Marine Called Jason

(© 2007-2015 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 106
Sgt. Blackburn

As told by Brad 

Kyle knew that we’d taken in some boys but I guess we failed to tell him how many. He got the news when he came home for a weekend with his dirty laundry and intending to take some more of his clothes back with him. Before he had a chance to go upstairs I warned him that there’d been a change in sleeping arrangements.

“There are four boys sleeping in your old room.”

“Before I ask how the hell you managed to cram four in that room….where’d they come from? How old are they?”

“Well, it’s crowded,” I said. “I guess you might say they’re throw-aways. It’s a long story and Jason will tell it better than I can. I hope you’re not upset.”

“No, Dad, I think it’s great that you guys are taking these boys in.”

“You might want to rethink that statement,” I said. “They’re also wearing some of your clothes.”

He laughed, shaking his head. “I didn’t come back to stake my claim,” he said. “This will always be home, but it won’t be where I live.” He laughed again. “I can’t wait till Devon sees this.”

“Have you guys talked about it? What does he say?”

“He thinks it’s great too, he says you guys needed something like this to keep you young.”

“The hell,” I scoffed. “They’re making us old before our time.”


It was one of the last, unseasonably warm days in October. Perfect T-shirt weather. I had worked up a sweat and taken my shirt off to feel the warm sun on my bare skin. It had been an unusually warm month and the leaves were only now beginning to fall. I was out raking and picking up limbs, thinking I had an entire yard crew to do this kind of work, but I liked doing yard work myself. The boys were all in school and Jason was at work; I liked the quiet, alone time. I heard the car turn into the lane and watched it come up the curved drive to the parking spot we had created several yards out from the porch. My interest was suddenly piqued when I saw the military cap. Who the hell could this be, I wondered. I picked up my T-shirt and walked toward the car, rake in hand. The driver had on shades and his cap cast a shadow over his face when he got out of the car. I was immediately impressed, whoever it was, thinking it was probably someone stopped to ask directions. The way he set his boot on the ground, then the other one, and stood to look around exuded an air of confidence that only comes with military bearing. In a glance I took in his profile, noting the way he filled out the uniform, with special note of his butt that stuck out in a shapely curve, then his arms that strained against the short sleeves. His neck, too was thick with corded muscle, and he was tanned to a sharp contrast against the white T-shirt showing at his open collar.

He saw me coming toward him and removed the sun glasses and cocked the hat back to reveal his face. My heart did a little flip-flop.

“Sgt. Blackburn?” as I approached him.

“Hey, Courter,” he greeted me with a wide, bright smile, his hand out.

We shook hands but didn’t hug. I was a sucker for big, muscular hands, like Jason’s, and his held mine in a vise-like grip. I noticed he had his rank on his shoulders, not his sleeve. He wasn’t a sergeant anymore; he was a warrant officer.

“I guess I call you sir, now,” I said as I stood back and saluted.

He automatically returned my salute then waved me off. “Sergeant’s fine, or whatever else you wanta call me,” he said.

“Son-of-a-bitch,” I swore. “What’re you doing in this part of the country?”

“Between duty stations. Thought I would take the chance and see if I could find you,” he said.

I motioned him up on the porch. “Park it, I’ll get us a beer,” I said, tossing my T-shirt over the back of a chair. It surprised me that my hands were shaking as I got two beers out of the refrigerator. Blackburn had parked his awesome butt on the porch railing, leaned back against the post with one leg flung out, making it impossible not to notice the bulge at his crotch. I tried to remember….but all I could remember was his butt. I would never forget that ass. I handed him the beer.

“Nice wheels,” I remarked, nodding to the gun-metal blue-gray BMW.

“I picked it up at the docks in New York. I’m putting the first miles on it.”

“How the hell did you find me?”

“Well, I did a tour in Vietnam when there were rumors about the peace talks.” He laughed, “Never know when they’re going to find another war for us to fight and I didn’t want to completely miss out on this one. I managed to get to Saigon a couple of times and ended up in a place called Toby’s.”

“Ahh, Toby’s,” I said, laughing, with fond memories. I wished Jason was here.

“We got to shooting the shit and I was telling him about this crazy Marine who came through who’d been in a coma for over two years and was busting his ass to get back over there to find a buddy of his. Even took basic training all over again. Toby looked like he’d seen a ghost. Then he said your name. Brad Courter. That’s all he said. Then I must’ve looked like I’d seen a ghost. Fuck, we knew the same guy. What’re the chances? He gave me your address, me thinking, if I’m ever in the neighborhood. Anyway, I tucked it in my billfold and forgot about it.”

“Then I went to Germany to train some special ops guys. I came back, picked up my car in New York and driving through Pennsylvania, I remembered I had this address. So here I am.”

“They must have raised the pay grades considerably since I was in,” I said eyeing the vehicle. Even under the layers of road dirt, it was a beautiful car.

“That’s another story,” he said, laughing. “Right now it needs washing.”

“We’ve got a boy in Germany.”

“Where’s he stationed?” Blackburn asked.


“Been there. I trained there on maneuvers a couple of times. You said we’ve got a boy….you got married, huh?”

“No. My buddy and I raised two boys we brought back from Vietnam. One is a Marine, the one in Germany, the other one is in college.”

“The guy you were looking for? You found him then.”

“Yes. We settled here to try to make the transition back to a normal life. Right now we’re raising a whole slew of boys. You’ll meet them when the school bus drops them off. Troubled boys, supposedly, but hell they’re no trouble. All they needed was some love and a lot of tough discipline.”

“You’re running a foster home,” he said, surprised.

“No. There are no legal strings attached. They’re just here, like our own.”

“Man, that’s great.”

“It gets complicated sometimes but there’s nothing like a houseful of teenage boys to help make the transition.”

“I’ll remember that,” he said. He smiled over the top of his beer. “Do you remember our time together?”

“Who could forget?”

“I’m anxious to meet your partner. And your boys,” he said. “Fuck, the testosterone must be overpowering in this house, like a drug.”

“It gets that way. But it’s not like that,” I said. I knew what he was thinking. “Sometimes I wish it were,” I added with a smile. “But the boys have to find their own way, make their own discoveries.” Then I asked, “How long can you stay?”

“Couple of days, if that wouldn’t be intruding.”

“Not at all. Get your bag.”

“No, no, I’m checked into a little motel on the edge of town. Besides, you’ve got a houseful.”

“You’re not staying in any motel. We’re never that full, if you’re up to sleeping on the couch.”

“Okay, I can cancel when I go pick up my bag. This is mighty good and neighborly of you,” he said.

“I hope we can get more than neighborly,” I said.

“I was hoping that too. But with a partner and a houseful of boys……”

“We’ll work it out.” I took him in the house where I started peeling potatoes. It was late afternoon and I needed to get supper in the oven. The school bus would be coming by soon. Sgt. Blackburn laughed when he saw how many potatoes I laid out.

“This bunch eats like an army,” I told him. “So, how did you afford that car?” I asked.

He told me his story. 

“When I made warrant officer I got to mix with the brass. On the fringe of course, but I got to see how the other half lives. I didn’t fit in so well with the higher ranking officers but some of the wives got pretty friendly. I kept my distance but one night a captain got falling down drunk and I went to the aid of his wife in getting him out of the officers club and into the car. She was so embarrassed and disgusted. I drove them home and got him into the house and upstairs. She guided me to the guest room; she said she didn’t want him sleeping in their bed. I wondered if she meant just that night or if he always slept in the guest room. He was a big guy and I took over undressing him when I saw how she was struggling with it. He was a pretty impressive looking guy in uniform but he didn’t live up to the packaging. He was pale and pasty and had skinny legs. I got him down to his shorts and T-shirt and left him to her. As I was leaving the bedroom she asked me to wait downstairs.”

“I waited. It started raining. I’d driven their car, intending to walk back to my quarters. The captain’s wife came downstairs several minutes later in a long, elegant dressing gown. I thought, Uh-Oh, this doesn’t bode well. She heard the rain hitting the windows. It was thundering by now; the rain had turned into a real storm. She said she would change and drive me back. I told her no, it wouldn’t hurt me to get a little wet but she was having none of it. She insisted I stay and have a drink and wait out the storm, or she could make some coffee. I opted for the coffee.”

“She sat at the kitchen counter on a high stool, one leg crossed over the other and the dressing gown pulled back to the danger point, draped down over the stool. It wasn’t covering much of her shapely legs. She invited me to sit but I figured that wasn’t good protocol so I remained standing. I was going to finish my coffee and be on my way. She apologized for her husband but I waved it off. She started asking about me and my army career. She thought it was wonderful that I had worked my way up through the ranks. She seemed to have disdain for officers who were commissioned, like her husband.”

“An officer and a gentleman, by act of Congress,” she scoffed. “Congress should see him now.” Then she hit me with a thunderbolt.”

“It doesn’t look like the rain is going to stop. Why don’t you just spend the night.”

“No, Ma’am, I don’t think that’d be a good idea.”

“You’ll get soaked. And I think it’s a wonderful idea.”

“What would he think?”

“He’s past thinking. He’s pretty much past everything, drunk or not.”

I was thinking, No, No, No, this is not going to happen. Then she got up and went over to her purse that was laying on the couch. She took out some money and laid it on the counter, spread out so I could see it was two hundred bucks.

“As you can see, I’m not past offering a bribe, or a fee or whatever you want to call it.”

“Ma’am, your husband is a captain, a ranking officer.”

”You’re not being asked to sleep with the captain.”

”I should go”

”Please don’t. If that’s not enough……”

”No, that’s not it.”

”Listen, I can set you up with other desperate wives, German and American alike. With a body like that, you could name your own price.”

”You haven’t seen my body.”

“I’ve never seen anyone fill out a uniform like that,” she said.

The more we talked, the longer I stayed, the weaker my defenses were. She shoved the money toward me again.

“Take it, regardless, for coming to my rescue.”

I didn’t take the money but I didn’t shove it back. “No, I won’t accept money for that.”

“Then accept it for this.” She stood down off the stool and the dressing gown fell open, exposing the inner slopes of her tits right on down to her feet. She was a well-put-together-woman, not for her age but for any age. I noticed too, that she was shaved. How did she know my weakness for shaved pussy?

“If it matters, you wouldn’t be degrading me. You’re not the first man I’ve hired to do his job. Boys, really, a couple of them. Barely out of high school, but still, they were in uniform.”

This woman was desperate and her shaved pussy was beckoning to me. Suddenly, I didn’t care if the guy sleeping it off upstairs was a three star general. I loosened my tie as I went to her.

“Yess!” she hissed.

I moved up to her and slid my arm around her, inside the robe then bent down and picked up her naked body with the robe flowing from her shoulders. She smelled good. I started for the couch.

“Take me upstairs.”

“In your bed, with him in the next room?”


“He could wake up,” I said.

“If he does, he might learn something.”

“And I would be busted down to private.”

“I can assure you, that would not happen,” she said. “He wouldn’t risk the truth coming out about his manhood.”

I headed for the stairs. I took them easily. She didn’t weigh that much.

“He could never do this, carry me up the stairs,” she said.

“Why do you stay with him?”

“He ranks high among his peers and his superior officers. He’ll go far. I intend to be there to share the benefits.”

I carried her into the bedroom and laid her on the bed. For all practical purposes, she was naked. The robe clothed only her arms. I took it off of her and laid it on a chair then took off my jacket and laid it on top of her gown. The rest of my clothes followed.

“My Godd,” she whispered when I was down to my shorts. “You’re absolutely gorgeous!”

“Don’t embarrass me,” I said as I crawled on the bed with her. Before I could lie down she peeled my shorts off my butt and helped me wriggle out of them. My cock hung suspended out in a long, wide arch, thick and rubbery. She never got a good look at it but she reached for it.

“Oh, my Godd” she moaned as she lifted it in both of her hands. I straightened for her to see.

“You don’t have to be gentle with me. I know you’re a Marine. You don’t have to make love to me.”

I wasn’t planning to. She was ready and so was I. I mounted her and fucked her eyeballs out. As requested. I wasn’t gentle. There was no lovemaking. Closest thing to it was sucking her tits and some pretty passionate kissing. And yeah, I dove down between her legs but that wasn’t necessarily love making either. She gave back in kind. Well into it I realized I hadn’t even thought of a condom and I didn’t have one with me. It took guts for me to ask the question but I had to do it.

“Listen, I don’t have a condom on,” I said while I was still pounding her pussy. I was going to ask if I could get one of her husbands.

“You don’t need one and you don’t have to pull out,” she said.

I took her word for it. What the hell, if she did get pregnant, it would be his, not mine. I blew a load in her that drained out when I pulled my cock out. She was happy about that, she said she wanted him to see it. She told me he was pretty good at eating pussy, that was the reason she kept it shaved. Nothing like rubbing his face in another man’s cum.

I was satisfied that I earned the two hundred bucks. And I left with several phone numbers without knowing whose numbers they were.

“I don’t know if I’ll be calling a three star general or a captain,” I said.

“Or a wealthy German businessman,” she said, smiling. “Don’t worry, those are private numbers. All you have to do is say five little words. Sylvia said I should call. They’ll know who you are and why you’re calling.”

“How will they know who I am?”

“I will have told them,” she said.


Blackburn finished his story with, “I never saw Sylvia or her captain husband again. But I did meet up with a few dozen rich, desperately horny wives badly in need of cock. And that’s how I paid for my BMW.”

“You’re a piece of work, Blackburn,” I said.

“You were a mighty fine piece of work yourself, as I remember,” he said. “Listen, tell me if I’m out of line but….well, I’m trying to figure things out.”

“What’re you trying to figure out?” I asked.

“You and your buddy. You busted your ass to find him then you come back and settle down together, neither of you married, raising two boys, and now a bunch more boys. You might say there’s more than meets the eye, except it does meet the eye, square on.”

I chuckled. “I know what you’re asking and the answer is yes, and no. Yes, Jason and I are in a very tight relationship, but no, it doesn’t involve these boys. Any such involvement is among the boys themselves. My son, the one who is in college, is straight but not homophobic. Jason’s son, the Marine in Germany, is gay, and has a gay lover in Korea who is also a Marine. There are no secrets and everyone is okay with it.”

“Wow, all in the family. That’s being pretty damned okay,” he said.

He had gone over to the wall shelves just inside the dining room and was looking at the picture gallery. He picked up one of the framed pictures. “Which one is this?”

“That’s Kyle.” It was a double picture in one frame; one of him jeans and T-shirt standing out in front of pizza place and another of him in his shorts standing astraddle his bike.

“Your son, the one in college.”


“Good looking boy.”


He held up another one.

“That’s Jake. He’s the Marine in Korea.” It was a double frame as well, with one picture of him in his uniform and the other taken at school in his PE shorts.

“Jake’s a stud.”

“He is,” I said. “The one right next to Jake is…….” I started to tell him that the one next to Jake was Devon, Jason’s son and Jake’s lover, but I was cut off.

“Oh, shit!” he said quietly as he picked up the frame with a picture of Devon in his dress uniform and another one of him in a skimpy boxer style swim suit. A smaller picture of him in full combat gear was tucked into the frame.

“What?” I asked.

“I know this guy!”

“Devon?” I went over to see for sure which picture he was looking at. Sure enough it was Devon.

“You know him?”

“He’s the one in Germany?”

“Yeah, he’s stationed in Grafenwoehr. You said you trained there. Are you sure it’s him?”

“I would never forget that body,” he said.

“You….know him……” I let my voice trail off.

“Like in the biblical sense,” he said. “I know him in about every sense a man can know another man.”

“I see. Small world,” I said. I didn’t know what to say.

“I hope that doesn’t upset you,” Blackburn said.

“No, no, I’m just blown away by the sheer coincidence, that’s all.”

“Would it upset you if I told you he’s the hottest fuck I’ve ever had in my life.”

I wasn’t ready for his bluntness. “It wouldn’t upset me, and it doesn’t surprise me,” I said. “But, shit, what’re the chances?”

I heard the bus rumbling to a stop at the end of the lane

“There’s the crew,” I said. “Listen, I don’t want us to mention anything about Devon to Jason,” I added quickly.

Blackburn went to the kitchen door. “Damn, how many?” he asked as they came piling out.


Damn fine looking bunch of boys,” he said. “Especially those last three.”

I went to the door to watch them walking up the lane. “That would be Colby and Braden and Nolan. Colby and Braden are the oldest.”

“I know you said it’s not like that, but I don’t know how you keep it under control.”

I laughed as the boys paused to look at the strange car. “I’ll bet it wouldn’t take much to get them to wash your car for you.”

I introduced the boys as they came into the kitchen. Blackburn put his hand out to each one of them. They were all very polite but shy.

“You’ve got a mighty handsome crew here,” he said.

Colby said, “That’s a great looking car.”

“Thanks. It’d look better if it was washed.”

“Want us to wash it for you?” Braden asked.

“Naw, you don’t have to do that, I’ll run it through a car wash when I go into town.”

“It won’t get it as clean as we would,” Nolan said. “It wouldn’t take long, all of us working on it.”

“We’ll change clothes and take care of it for you.”

Blackburn didn’t have a chance to protest. The boys rushed upstairs to change. They came back down in various stages of dress, or undress, the older boys in just their old PE shorts and the rest in cutoff jeans and T-shirts, and Jordan wore his swimsuit.

“I guess I should help,” Blackburn said as he shrugged off his jacket.

“No, sir, you don’t have to. Let us do it,” Colby said as they were gathering up buckets and sponges and ran warm water from the kitchen sink.

They were quickly at work, washing and scrubbing the tires and rims and spraying off the suds with the hose and spraying each other. Blackburn seemed riveted.

“Yes, sir, a mighty fine bunch of young stallions,” he said, turning to me with a smile.

“It’s not like that. Wouldn’t even be considered till they’re eighteen,” I told him again. “Say, Blackburn, as I recall, you weren’t on that side of the fence.”

“I’m not. But I’ve been known to jump the fence under the right circumstances. And I’m looking at the right circumstances. I would definitely be willing to counsel and mentor any one or all of those boys at their beck and call.”

I laughed. “I don’t think any of them will send out a beck and call. I remember your body. You’d be too intimidating. Hell, if you walked out there in a pair of shorts like they’re wearing they would all shrink back, except maybe for Colby and Braden. Maybe Nolan.”

“I’d sure like to try to endear myself and try to make them not so intimidated. With your permission, of course.”

“Sorry, you won’t be getting my permission.”

“Man, those two oldest ones…….” he said as he watched the boys.

“Well, they have been around the block a few times, in a manner of speaking.”

“Oh, really.”

“More than they’ll say. But they’re off limits, even with their consent.”

The boys were finishing up and rinsing out the bucket and still spraying the hose on each other while others were wiping down the car.

“I hate to drive it on the roads into town now that they’ve done such a good job,” Blackburn said.

“Hell, they’ll wash it again for you,” I said.

“Do the two older boys have their license?” he asked.

“Colby and Braden do. Nolan is a very good driver but he doesn’t have a license. He’s the one in the red Speedo. He’s only fourteen.”

“You’re kidding!”


“Damn, what’re you feeding him?”

“He pretty much came that way,” I said.

“I wanta see that boy when he’s sixteen!”

Blackburn went out on the porch, loosening his tie. I could hear him thanking the boys and telling them what a good job they were doing. Then I heard the car start up. I went to the kitchen door to look out. It was heading down the lane with Colby behind the wheel. Braden was gone too. I did a quick head count. So was Nolan! And Jordan and Jacob! Well, son-of-a-bitch, I thought.

The other boys had to take up the slack and do all the chores. I had supper on the table when they came in. It was nearly two hours before Sgt. Blackburn and the boys returned from town. They came in laughing and talking excitedly.

“He let me drive his car!” Nolan exclaimed as he came through the door.

“We all got to drive it,” Braden put in.

Okay, maybe that’s what took them so long.

The other boys were finished eating and off doing their homework. I’d kept supper warm and I told these boys to go up and get dressed then clear off the table and re-set it. The five of us sat down to eat. I wished Jason was here.

“You guys owe the other boys chores,” I reminded them. They all nodded.

“I’m sorry, I kept them from their chores,” Blackburn said.

“They know the rules,” I said.

After we’d eaten I assigned the three boys—Braden, Colby and Nolan--to do the dishes and clean up the kitchen. Blackburn offered to help.

“Naw, we can do it, you go in and talk to Brad,” Braden said. “You guys have probably got a lot of catching up to do.”

Blackburn and I went into the living room.

“What a beautiful fireplace.”

“Yes, but it’s not safe to use. There are cracks in the chimney. We’ve thought about setting in a gas burner but just never got around to it.”

“I can help you get that done tomorrow if you want to,” he offered. “I’m pretty good at that sort of thing.”

“I might just take you up on that,” I said. “You just might owe me big time anyway. And I don’t mean for a place to sleep.”

He caught the innuendo. He laughed softly.

“Don’t I wish.” I eyed him with suspicion. “Trust me, you don’t have anything to worry about.”

“That’s good to know.”

He laughed. “They were too excited over the car and getting to drive it.”

The boys gave Blackburn and me our space. When they were finished in the kitchen they came in to tell us good night then went upstairs.

“That’s one fine bunch of boys,” he said.

“Yeah, so you’ve told me.”

“What time does Jason get home?”

“He gets off at eleven if he doesn’t have overtime. But sometimes he stops for a beer.”

“I can’t wait to meet him. He must really be something for you to bust your ass the way you did to get back to Nam to find him.”

“I would do it again.”

We didn’t talk long after that. I had to go in to work early the next morning. As I told him goodnight, he had questions.

“If I’m sleeping on the couch and you’re sleeping upstairs….?”

“Wait till Jason gets home,” I said, and I went to bed. I didn’t go right to sleep like I usually did. I kept thinking about Blackburn and the boys. I believed him and I didn’t. I would find out for sure from the boys, somehow.

Jason didn’t stop by for a beer. He was in our bedroom well before midnight.

“Who is that guy sleeping on our couch?” he asked quietly.

“That’s Sgt. Blackburn, now Warrant Officer Blackburn; someone out of my past.”

“Your real past, ‘cause he’s sure real. He’s got an ass to kill for.”

“You’ve seen his ass? Did you introduce yourself before you ogled his ass,” I joked.

“He was asleep on his stomach. No blanket, and no shorts. He’s really built. So, what his story?”

While he was undressing I told him about Sgt. Blackburn, including our one encounter, but without all of the details. “He pinned my wings on me,” I added for good measure.

“That all he pinned?” Jason asked with a sly grin. “That’s okay, I don’t need details. Just tell me, is he going to spend the entire night down there on the couch, alone?”

“Well, he was anxious to meet you,” I said.

“Well, then, why don’t we go down and you introduce us?”

“I know he’s into guys, but it was a one way street with us. Might still be, but maybe not,” I told him.

“The way he’s put together, I think I might be able to handle that, either way,” he said.

“He knows Devon,” I said, and it sounded like I blurted it out, but I thought he ought to know.

“How the hell does he know Devon?” he asked, sounding like he didn’t believe me.

“He was stationed in Germany. He trained with Devon’s unit in Grafenwoehr.”

He eyed me with a scowl and a tight grin. “There’s something you’re not telling me.”

“They got very well acquainted,” I said.

He smiled then laughed softly. “Well, son-of-a-bitch; small world. I can see the attraction, on both sides. So, are you going to introduce us?”

We went downstairs quietly, in our shorts. I felt a twinge of forbidden excitement, doing this with the boys in the house. There was Blackburn, still stretched out on his stomach, his fine ass upturned in the soft glow of the night lite, his left leg slung off the couch. It was like my mouth remembered his ass the way it started to water. Jason stood back from me as I approached the couch. I trailed my fingers lightly over Blackburn’s bare butt. It took a minute before he came awake.

“Don’t do that unless you mean it,” he drawled, without turning over, or even turning his head.

“Oh, I mean it,” I said as I knelt down between his leg and the couch. I leaned in and began kissing his butt.

“The boys asleep?” he asked.

“Let’s hope so.” I kissed back and forth across the taut, smooth mounds then licked between them. He squirmed under me, flexing his butt muscles. I pulled them apart and licked deeper into the crevice till I found his hole. It was clenching madly. I was glad to see Jason standing aside, watching and smiling.

“OHhh, I remember that tongue,” he moaned.

“I remember this hole,” I murmured.

“I remember you had a very powerful tongue; as I recall, you went through that hole,” he said.

“Going to this time, too.” I licked his asshole till he was relaxed to the touch of my tongue then I pulled his hole wide open and drove my tongue through. He reared up on one knee so I could get at him better.

“OHh, Godd! Godd, Yess! Eat my ass!” Then suddenly, “Did Jason get home yet?”

“Look up,” I said. Jason had moved around to the end of the couch, his shorts bulging with his hardon from watching me.

“Jason Seaborne,” he said putting out his hand when Blackburn lifted his head out of the pillow. You must be Warrant Officer Blackburn.”

“Just Blackburn,” he said.

They shook hands.

“Ohhh, fuck!” Blackburn groaned as he reached back to push my face harder into his ass.

“He’s good,” Jason said.

“You’re a lucky son-of-a-bitch,” said Blackburn.

“Damn, maybe he’s the lucky one,” Jason said. He was groping his shorts, moving his hand along the outline of his cock. Blackburn started to reach up for it.

“I hear you know my son.”

Blackburn drew his hand back, almost like he had recoiled. “I met him. We had occasion to train together. Do I have reason to be worried that you’re going to tear in to me?”

“No. I understand bonding in the military. Been there, done that myself. And Devon is a big boy, he makes his own choices. Besides, I can see the attraction, on both sides. So why don’t you shift around and show us how lucky we both are,” Jason said.

Blackburn rose up and sat on the couch. I stretched out on the floor on my back, between his legs. He caught the hint and slouched down with his butt suspended over my face. I leaned up to make contact with my tongue and he sat on my face. Jason knelt beside us.

“Goddamn, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a man put together like this,” he said, rubbing his hands over Blackburn’s upper body. “Damn, you are built!” He leaned in and began kissing his chest and sucking his tit.

“Ohhhh, what have I got myself into,” Blackburn moaned.

I didn’t know how far Jason would take it. I didn’t know how far any of it would go, because I didn’t know how much Blackburn might have changed. I was a little surprised when Jason, after he’d pretty much kissed every inch of Blackburn’s upper body, including his armpits, moved down his pubes with Blackburn’s cock throbbing against his face. I waited to see if he would take it in his mouth. He did.

“Awwwhhhhh!” Blackburn moaned.

“Not so loud, you’ll wake up the boys,” Jason said.

Blackburn was churning his ass on my face and thrusting his cock up into Jason’s mouth. I wished he would sit still. It got frustrating. I wanted to get my tongue inside his ass.

“Hey, let’s try something else,” I said finally.

We broke and I maneuvered Blackburn onto his hands and knees on the floor then got behind him. “Yeah, this is more like it, I can get to you better this way.”

Jason had to slide under him in a sixty-nine position. I hadn’t thought of it, but it was a good position to have them in, now it would be interesting to see what Blackburn would do, facing Jason’s big cock.

Jason sucked Blackburn’s cock while I devoured his awesome ass. He was more stationary on his knees so I could really get to him. His hole was relaxed and wide open, giving me easy access to the satiny inner lining. What was really hot was when Jason and I would pause to kiss, then go back to our duties. Blackburn didn’t object when I replaced my tongue with a finger. He moaned and squirmed back on it. Before long I had two fingers inside him, but not all the way. I waited till I had three fingers in him before going deeper, in search of his prostate. It wasn’t a quick search, I knew where it was. I toyed with him.

When I found it, Blackburn groaned, “OHh, Godd, I remember this!”

I hadn’t intended to get him off but I didn’t gauge him well. He was humping my hand and fucking Jason’s throat at the same time and I didn’t retreat in time. Suddenly his asshole was squeezing tightly around my fingers and his prostate went crazy and I heard Jason choking. Blackburn was cumming.

Jason didn’t take his load, no more than he had to before he maneuvered out from under him, coughing, and Blackburn deposited the rest of his load on the rug. There was a lot of it. He was on his hands and knees, lurching with each spurt.

“Holy fuckin’ shit!” he gasped toward the finish. “You gouged into the bowels of the earth to draw that out of me.” He moved over to lean back against the couch.

Jason was leaned back against his easy chair and I leaned back against the other chair.

“Fuck, dude, you about drowned me,” Jason said.

“Sorry about that. It took me by surprise. You just don’t know what he was doing to my ass.”

“Oh, I know,” Jason assured him, stroking his still hard cock.

“You are one lucky bastard. You both are,” Blackburn said. “Look, I’ll make it up to you if you’ll both stand up here.”

Oh Godd, I thought, he’s going to blow us. But he didn’t; when we stood on either side of him he reached up and began stroking our cocks. I was hoping for more, but then I didn’t know how much Blackburn might have broadened his horizons. It wasn’t what I hoped for but Jason and I easily made do by kissing. He was a really good kisser and Blackburn’s hands felt good. We went on, uninterrupted, till Jason moaned in my mouth, letting me know he was getting close. I willed myself to catch up so we could go off together. We were soon spraying Blackburn with cum.

 We came down from one of the most passionate kisses ever while Blackburn milked our cocks.

“Geezuss, you guys cum like a couple of horses,” he said as he swiped his cum laden hands on his stomach but that only smeared around what was already there. We had pretty much whitewashed his upper body.

“Sorry, you can’t shower, it’d wake up the boys,” I said. “I’ll get some towels.” I went to the kitchen to get some damp and dry towels. When I came back Blackburn was sitting on the floor, leaned back against the couch. Jason was gone.

“He went up to check on the boys, to see that they’re still asleep. Everything happened too quick,” Blackburn said as he was wiping himself off.

“Yeah, like a bunch of teenage boys,” Jason said, laughing as he came back in the room. “They’re all sleeping soundly. Now that we’re settled down, maybe we can do it again and do it right.”

I didn’t know if it was any more right the second time but it was good and satisfying, and I got Blackburn’s load. He tasted good. Still, there was that one thing lacking; Blackburn didn’t do much in the way of reciprocation. Jason said later, when we went up to bed, that he didn’t care. With a body like that, he didn’t have to reciprocate.

I laughed. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you get so excited

“I’m always hot for your body,” he said. “But you have to admit, that guy is built. Like the proverbial brick shit house. Please don’t be jealous.”

“I’m not. I just think it’s funny. I’m glad you enjoyed his body.”

“How long is he staying?”

“He said a couple of days. I don’t know if that’s negotiable.”

“Is it okay if I try?” Jason asked.

“He can stay as long as he wants. I like his body too.”

“Why don’t you take the day off tomorrow. You haven’t gotten any sleep,” Jason said.

“No, I have to go in,” I said. “That gives you the whole day with him to negotiate,” I added jokingly. Then I added, “I can only offer this. He likes that you like his body. I’d bet if you get a tongue and a finger in his ass, he’s yours.”

“I can do that,” he said.

“One thing, though….he’s mighty impressed with some of the boys. Keep an eye on him.”

To be continued... 

And Now Dear Readers;

Over the years I've had many of you say that my stories should be published; that you would purchase them if they were. Despite the much appreciated support from readers, my venture into publishing did not turn out well. Some of the ads on Amazon offered e-stories free for purchasing their reader. And AFTER the stories were published I received their ridiculous Author's Agreement which I refused to sign and I stopped sending them any more stories and then I put the stories back on the free sites.

For those of you who are still interested, I have set up a way for you to make donations in whatever amount you wish. No pressure; your support will be much appreciated, but whether you choose to donate or not, the stories will still be out there for you to read. If you wish to donate, please send cash, check or money order to ROBERT TREILING (my editor and "agent"). Checks or money orders should be made out to Robert Treiling, at:

Robert Treiling; P. O. Box 216; Sea Cliff, NY 11579. 

Thank you, in advance. Since I do not collect addresses (or phone numbers) you will not receive a note of thanks unless you request a confirmation that your donation has been received. (Or if you send me a separate email that you have sent a donation; I will, of course, reply to all emails). 

The site(s) you use to read my stories may also accept donations. If they do, you might consider that. Somebody is spending a lot of time and effort keeping these sites up and running. 



Posted: 05/22/15 rp