A Marine Called Jason

(© 2007-2015 by the Author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 2
The Sailor

We were back from the hotel—still not checked out—and Toby brought us a couple more beers, with a thin smile on his handsome face. He didn't say anything, just set the beers down and smiled and went back to the bar.

"He thinks he knows something," Jason said.

“It’s pretty hard to fool Toby,” I said. “I figure he’s known for a long time.” 

A young sailor sauntered up to the table like he knew us.

"Hey guys you want some company?" he asked as he slid his hand down his left thigh casually brushing his hand over his crotch.  "Okay if I sit down?"  He was cute as hell, slender but well built, filled out his whites real nice, and he’d already had a little too much to drink. He shouldn't have been wearing his uniform in Toby's and acting like that, though.  It was too blatant.

"Back away from the table while you still can," Jason told him in a low, threatening tone that surprised even me.

"Hey….okay, no harm done, man. I just thought….," he stammered as he moved back and turned away.

"You didn't have to be so hard on him," I said as the sailor walked away.

"You want him, you go after him," Jason said rather sullenly.

"Hell, I've got all the Marine I can handle right here," I said quietly.

"I'm Navy," he said.

"You're just as much Marine," I said.

"He's dangerous," Jason said.  "Strutting in here in that uniform, being so bold with guys he doesn't even know.  Toby ought to say something to him."

"I think you just did, enough for tonight, anyway."

"I’m getting bugged out in here. Let's go for a walk," Jason said.

We downed our beer and I paid our tab and we headed out.  There was something exciting yet calming about being on the streets of Saigon late at night.  The neon lights were like the midway at a carnival.  We walked down the main drag and turned down a narrower street. Jason wasn’t saying anything so I didn't either. Sometimes, I knew he just wanted to be quiet.  That was okay with me; I was always pleased those times that he simply wanted my company. And when he wanted to talk, I liked that too.

Another GI and a woman were walking down the other side of the street. Some guys came around the corner ahead of us; there were four of them and they were drunk.

"Uh-oh, that's trouble," I said quietly.

"They're too drunk to be trouble," Jason said calmly.

Twenty yards from us they crossed the street. We walked on past them till we heard the woman let out a tiny scream, followed by a loud heaving groan.  We turned around to see the GI staggering back against the wall, holding his gut. Two of the guys were dragging the woman off.  The guy straightened as best he could and went after them. Without a word or hesitation, Jason and I headed across the street.  We blocked their way.

"Let her go," Jason said.

"Or what?" the guy said.

"You're going to wish you had," he said.

The boyfriend joined us, tearing at them in a rage to get the girl away from them.

"Cool down, we just want to share your pussy," one of them said as two of them shoved him down.

"Let her go," Jason said again.

If they'd known him like I did, they would have let her go and run like hell. They didn't know that the calm in his voice was like a fuse about ready to set off an explosion.

"What the hell is it to you? Why should it concern two guys out for a romantic stroll?" one of them said sarcastically.

"Don't do this," I warned wearily

One of the guys holding the girl grabbed her between her legs and her boyfriend lunged again.  I grabbed the other guy who was holding her and took him to his knees with a quick twist of his arm behind his back.

"AWWooohhhh, fuck, you're breaking my arm!" he yelled.

"Stop moving, it won't hurt so bad," I said, and jerked up hard to make it hurt worse.  He yelled louder.

Whatever else happened didn't register, it happened so fast.  Suddenly a second guy was lying on the sidewalk, doubled over holding his balls. The girl was free and safe in the arms of her boyfriend and Jason was methodically reducing the remaining two men to slumping heaps.

"You need any help?" I asked.

"Nope," he said as he landed precise and deadly punches at first one then the other. In a matter of seconds they both went down like two sacks of potatoes. I gave my man a shove toward the heap, jerking his arm one last time for good measure.  I thought I might’ve broken it the way he yelled and slumped over his buddies.  I didn't care.

"You lovebirds stay right here, I'll have the MPs come and give you a ride," Jason said.

"No, fuck no, don't call the MPs," they begged.

"What are you, Navy?  You want the shore patrol?"  I asked.

"No, we don't want anybody."

"MPs it is, then," Jason said.

I could tell by his tone that he had no intention of calling anybody. The matter was already settled. I turned to the guy and his girlfriend who was sobbing uncontrollably.

"You guys all right?" I asked.

"I am.  She will be," the guy said.  "Thanks."

"Hey, it was the most fun I've had all night," Jason said.

"Thanks, anyway.  I hate to think what they would've done if you hadn't come along," the man said.

"Well, we did, and they didn't, so why don't you take your girl to a nice quiet spot and have a drink before you take her home." I said.

"Thank you," the girl said with a bow as we were walking off.      

"Hey," Jason said to me. He gave me a tight, mischievous grin.


"That was a real adrenalin rush and you know adrenalin always pumps up my testosterone," he said.

"What the hell do you want me to do about it?" I said.

"Hey, fucker, remember, you left me with a hardon back in the room," he said.

He was right but it was his doing.  "Sounds like a personal problem to me."

"You wanta head back?" he asked me in a serious tone.

"Do you?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said.  "Yeah, I do."

I had thought we would walk around and then he would head back to his unit, but he was getting horny again and we still had the hotel room.  Now I got the impression that he didn't want to go back to his unit.

"You're going out again tomorrow, aren't you?" I said.  It wasn't a question because I knew the answer.


"And you need to get charged up before you go back to your unit."

"I just need to know there's a world out there besides what I….."  He cut himself off.  "A world to come back to," he finished. "And sometimes…sometimes, man, you're pretty much it."

We went back to the hotel for the time we both had left on our passes. I didn’t know where he got his energy but he fucked my eyeballs out, leaving me wondering where the hell he got his stamina. But we spent nearly as much time just lying together and talking about nothing. 

“Wanta swing by Toby’s for one more cold one?” he asked. 

We checked out this time and went back to Toby’s.

“Damn, I can’t get rid of you guys,” Toby said as we walked in again.

There was a feeling of desperation, at least on my part, as I clung to each minute that clicked by.  But the time came. Jason looked at his watch and downed the rest of his beer.

“I gotta be heading back,” he said as he stood and shoved his chair back. 

I downed my beer and stood with him. He pounded his fist on the bar as we walked by, his good-bye to Toby. Outside, we walked past the park across from Toby’s and he stopped.

“Hey, thanks, it’s been great, as usual,” he said. “Really great, man.”

“I wish you wouldn’t thank me,” I said.

He looked all around, as if he didn’t want to leave, and was looking for a place to escape.

“You don’t know when you’ll be back,” I said.

“Hell, I never know where I’ll be or when,” he said. Then, “Well…..”

There was no bear hug, not even a handshake, but all the emotion that could have been in those physical gestures was in his eyes. That’s how we always said good-bye, with our eyes. Suddenly, without another word, he turned and walked away. He didn’t look back--he never did--and I didn’t linger in the street to watch him go. He would have been embarrassed over that, and besides, I couldn’t till he was well on his way.  Instead I walked to the park and sat on a bench hidden by small trees and shrubs where I could watch him till he was out of sight, and whisper a prayer that he would be all right. When he was gone I headed back to the barracks.

I was so sore from being folded in half and squashed by his heavy muscles that I could hardly breathe. It felt like my ribs were crushed. When the guys at the barracks asked what was wrong, I told them I’d been in a fight and got hit in the ribs. 

The next night I went to Toby's because I couldn't stand to be in the barracks.  I went the next night, and the next, and the night after that, till one night ran into another.  I was waiting on Jason although I didn't expect him to show up. But I went anyway because I never knew when he would come. The young sailor who had approached us several nights before came up to me at the bar but didn't take a stool.

"I'm probably out of line again but I gotta ask, who is that big stud I see you with?  You guys always meet up then leave together," he said.

"We just meet up here, have a couple of beers, then he likes to go to the strip clubs," I said.

"Any interest in a third party tagging long?"


"Are you speaking for him?" he asked.

"I guess I am, he ain't here," I said.

"Maybe I am out of line," he said.

"Maybe you are."

"But I'm not wrong….am I?" he asked warily.

"About what?"

"Just tell me, is he, uh....private domain, or....fair game?"

"I thought he set you straight on that the other night,” I said with a scowl.  “Look, buddy, I wouldn't try what I think you're thinking.  I wouldn't even think it," I warned.  "He's a Navy SEAL, he could kill you with one hand."

"How about you?" he asked.

"What about me?  I'm a Marine."

"Good.  Any interest?" he asked.

 I found myself weakening. The sailor was cute and nicely put together, and I was missing Jason something awful.  "Depends," I said.

"On what?" he asked.

"What you're interested in."

"Anything you're willing to teach me," he said.

My ears perked up when he said teach me. He was a kid compared to me, even though he was probably only a year or so younger, and he hadn’t been in country very long.  You could just tell. I figured he was eighteen, but he could've joined at seventeen.  I smiled at him with half a scowl.  "Are you saying you're cherry?" I asked.

"Yes.  I don't mean with women."

"Even if you're not out of line, you're a dumb ass.  How do you know I'm not undercover, or a homophobe?"

"If you are, then I guess my ass is toast," he said.

My balls kicked in and I waved for Toby to bring us two beers.

"I'm going to give you some advice," I said to the young sailor.  "Don't be so bold and blatant.  You're going to get yourself and others in trouble, and you're going to screw Toby in the process.  Don't wear your uniform and come off like you did the other night."

"I just wanted to make myself understood," he said.

"Anybody that's interested will catch the vibes without you saying a word," I said.

"Okay, thanks for the heads-up," he said.  "I'm new at this. I’m pretty new in country, and I heard about this place.”

"It shows.  They'll pick up those vibes, too," I told him.

"Well, how about it, are you going to be my instructor?" he asked.

"Yeah, but with one condition.”

“Name it.”

“We do things my way, all the way, no questions asked.  Like in basic training.  Think you can handle that?"

"Yes, sir.  I guess it would be basic training,” he said.

"You're talking about handling a Marine," I warned.

"Yes, sir, I realize that."

"Okay, here’s what you do.  You go get a room at the Trent Hotel then come back and tell me the room number.  I'll be waiting on the bench at that little park."  

"Okay, but why all the intrigue?"

"Lesson number two.  You never go into a hotel with another guy, unless you've got women on your arms," I said.  "The MPs and Shore Patrol are full of homophobes."

"Thanks again for the heads-up.  You're teaching me something already."

"You ain't learned nothin' yet," I said.

The sailor followed my instructions and went to get the room.  I was surprised that Toby had witnessed the developments.

"Uhh… I don’t want to intrude, but for the record, what do you want me to tell Jason if he comes in?" he asked.

"Tell him to wait.  I'll come back here before I head back to the barracks, to see if he's showed up.  This kid needs some shaping up."

Toby smiled.  “And the Marines are just the ones to do it,” he said, laughing.

Yeah, Toby knew, and he was letting me know it.

“Anyway, I doubt Jason will show,” I said. I went out and sat on the park bench by the pond.   Soon the sailor came up and told me the room number; 214.

"Okay, you go back to the room and wait. I'll come along in a few minutes."

I walked to the Trent Hotel and went up the back stairs from the alley. I walked down the dark hallway and tapped on the door and a nervous sounding voice told me it was open. He was standing at the window, looking out over the streets, in his sock feet. I didn’t know why he’d taken off his shoes and nothing else.

“You shouldn’t leave the door unlocked,” I said as I went inside and latched it behind me.

He seemed nervous, even as I sat on the edge of the bed to take my shoes and socks off.

“Are you going to shed that uniform or stand there and stargaze?” I asked.

“I was waiting on you,” he said, as he shrugged off his blouse. He started on the buttons on his pants. He laughed.  “They told me the reason behind all these buttons is it gives a woman thirteen chances to change her mind.  They never said anything about guys changing their minds.” He was very meticulous about folding his uniform on the chair.

I said the kid filled out his uniform nicely. He looked nice out of it, too.  He was small of stature but he was ripped and smooth as hell.  Shit, he didn't have one hair on his chest.  His entire body was tight as a drum.  Including his ass.  He had a butt to die for, at least what I could make out through his shorts. 

“I hope I’m what you want,” he said hoarsely

“This isn’t about what I want. You said you wanted me to teach you the ropes.”  I took off my shirt and pants and hung them over the chair.

“Yes. I… I think I’m gay.”

“That’s not something you want to advertise,” I said as I peeled my shorts down.

“No, I….I just wanted you to know I think I am.  I’m wanting to find out for sure.”

“I sort of figured that out when you tried to pick me up,” I said. I skinned my T-shirt off and stood naked.

“Damn, you’re built nice,” he said.

“Thanks, you’re built pretty good yourself.”

“What do you want me to do?” he asked.

“I think we’ll skip Sex 101 and come back to it later,” I said

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“That means we’re going to skip the reading assignments. You ever sucked cock?”


“Well, we’re going to skip that for now and go for the good stuff,” I said.  “So stretch out on the bed, on your stomach for starters.”

“Oh, Mannn, you’re gonna….f-fuck me….?”

“That’s what we’re here for, isn’t it?  You said you wanted to learn.”

“Yes, I….I want you to show me everything, but I… I thought…..”  He seemed scared all of a sudden.

“You thought what?”

“I thought we would start out with….well, you know, sort of just making out, like on a first date.”

“This isn’t high school and this isn’t a date, but if you wanta think of it as a date, it’s a fuck date. This is a crash course.”

He was an eager student but he was scared. "Is it gonna hurt?" he asked as he was scrambling on the bed.

"I won't lie to you.  It's probably gonna hurt like hell at first for about a minute," I said.

"I don't know if I want to do this.  You're cock is so big.  I never thought you’d be that big," he said.  "I know, I don't have any choice," he added.

"Getting Fucked 101….you gotta pass it to graduate," I said.

 "All right, t-tell me...w-what to do," he stammered nervously.

"On your stomach is always the best way to start, because your butt muscles won't let a guy get his cock all the way in you.  On your back, you’re spread wide open and he's pretty much got control and can go in as deep as he wants.  You can be in control if you get on top and ride him.  On your hands and knees, he's going to gouge your ass out."

"Okay.  Which way are you gonna do it?" he asked.

"Just like you are, on your stomach.  I don't want to hurt you any more than it has to.  But first I wanta work you up to it."

"How's that?" he asked.

"Just stretch out and spread your legs and tilt your butt up for me, I'll show you."     

When he was in the position, I spit in the crack of his ass and wet my finger. 

“It’s a good idea to carry some lube with you,” I said. “You can buy it in little tear-open packets. All I’ve got is spit.”

He jumped when I touched his hole but quickly settled down as I began to rub it.  He winced when I shoved my finger through but relaxed again when he realized it didn't hurt.  I probed around for his love nut.  I wanted him to get a taste of what that felt like so he would want something bigger than my finger.  I wanted him to beg for my cock.

"OHhhh!" he gasped with surprise when I found his prostate. "Ohh... Ohhh, goddamn!... Awwww, fuck what is that?"

"That's your prostate.  Feels good, don't it?"

"Awww, fuck yeah....Ohhhhh, is this what it's gonna be like getting fucked?"

“Yeah, you’re gonna be begging for it,” I said with a chuckle. I worked him into a frenzy, till he was practically begging for my cock. I positioned myself between his legs and aimed my cock between his buns but just rubbed the head up and down in the crack.

"Are you ready?"

"Awww, yeah….give it to me... I want you to fuck me."

"Don't forget you said that," I said.

I plugged the entrance of his gaping hole with the head of my cock and he whimpered with anticipation.

"Ohh, Godd, I can hardly wait," he gasped breathlessly.

I didn’t make him wait. It hurt when I penetrated his hole, just like I said, probably more than he imagined it would.  His eyes popped open and he muffled his scream in the pillow but he held on and rode it out.  He was a determined little fucker. I buried as deep as I could, slowly, and held still to let him get used to it.

"You tell me when you're ready," I told him.

After a moment he jerked the pillow aside, his eyes still wide.  He didn't tell me but I could tell the way he squirmed around under me that he was ready.  I pulled back slowly, then shoved back in, then again, then I started fucking him. I fucked him slow and easy till he told me I could fuck him harder.  He was a quick learner, or I was a good teacher. I fucked him for a while on his stomach then turned him over on his back, then on his hands and knees to demonstrate what I'd told him and to show him how much deeper I went in those positions.  He wanted to ride my cock so I stretched out and let him get on top.  I even fucked him standing up.  He loved that.  I pulled my cock out of his ass and made him suck it to demonstrate the importance of being clean, which he was.  He didn't seem to mind that either. 

"Okay, I'm gonna shoot all over your face," I told him.  "And sometimes, guys like to kiss after that.  Some don't, so don't do it unless they suggest it."

"I don't wanta do that," he said with a frown, shaking his head.  "I don't want to kiss."

"You've had my cock in your mouth, fresh out of your ass.  What the hell is the big problem with kissing?" I said.  

“A straight guy wouldn’t want to kiss another guy anyway, would he, especially with come all over his face,” he said.

I had to laugh at that.  “You get a straight guy with a few beers in a fuck-frenzy, you’ll be surprised at what he’ll do.”

I straddled his chest and held his head firmly with my hands and told him to suck me and jack me off at the same time.  He cringed with almost fearful anticipation.  He was a good little cocksucker and he worked me up fast. Intentionally without warning, I began blasting his face with heavy streams of thick cum.  I didn't have to hold his head like I thought I would; he took it like a man.  Like I said, he was a good student. He even opened his mouth but I didn't know if it was by accident.  When I was finished to dripping, I tilted his face in my hands and leaned down with my face real close to his like I was going to kiss him. He squealed, with a look of horror in his eyes but I think he was ready to do it.  But instead, I rose up. I didn’t want to give even a hint that I wasn’t straight.

"Yeah, right, you don't wanta kiss," I scoffed.

It wasn’t over. He wanted to learn and I was eager to teach him.  We didn't make love; we had sex.  Raw, hard sex.  His stature made him easy to handle; I could almost toss him around like a rag doll.  I wasn't brutal with him but I wasn't gentle either.  I was determined to show him everything I could from the standpoint of a man; I showed him what he had to do to satisfy a man.  If he thought he was gay, I wanted to show him how to be gay. For those couple of hours he was my slave more than my student.  After I fucked him twice, I taught him to really suck cock, how to use his tongue to its best advantage, how to keep his lips between his teeth and my cock. He wasn't at all hesitant about taking my cock in his mouth.

"A little more tongue," I told him.  "Yeah, give me some head... slurp it."

He got scared, though, when I tried to shove it down his throat.

"I don't think I can take that… I don't see how it's gonna fit," he said.

"It'll fit," I assured him.  "I'll walk you through it. Try to relax your throat muscles, breathe normal, push your tongue way up under my cock and it'll slide right down your tongue into your throat."

He barely attempted it; he kept backing off.

"Okay, lay on your back across the bed, let your head hang over the edge of the mattress," I said.

He assumed the position and I straddled his head and held it firmly in my hands. There wasn’t going to be any backing out this time.  I guided my cock into his mouth and sank it right into his throat before he knew what happened.  He groaned in panic and tried to fight me off but I held on tight, telling him to breathe, and forced my cock in to the balls.  He was practically screaming before I pulled out.

"Geezuss, you're trying to kill me," he whined.

 "You took it just fine," I said, smiling.

 "Yeah... yeah, I guess I did," he said with a proud smile.

 "Okay, let's do it again. And concentrate on breathing."

"Don't force me this time.  Let me take it on my own.  I'll do it, I promise."

And he did.  He did a lot of choking and gagging at first but he mastered it and was proud as hell when he finally gulped it all the way down and his face was buried in my hair.  He sucked my cock and went for my balls without being told.

"Take it easy on a guy's balls unless he tells you to get rough," I said.

"Do you like it rough?"

"Yeah, chow down on `em," I said.

He balked when I told him it was time to eat my ass. He said he wanted to try it, but he was afraid to.  I figured the best way was to get him right into it.  I stood on the bed astraddle his head and sat on his face. He groaned as I settled my butt onto his face.  He was tentative at first, which I expected, but squatting down over his face like that, my asshole was pretty much exposed and he didn't have much choice and he went for it.

"Pull my ass open and get your tongue in there," I told him.

He was still hesitant, I think because of what he was afraid he might find, but I reached back and stretched my hole wide open and sat down hard.  Forced to do it, he quickly discovered that his fears were unfounded and he liked it.  He moaned and tongued me, holding my butt down tight against his face.

"Yeeaaaaah, that's it.  Fuck me with your tongue."

I had to pull my butt away from him to continue with the lessons.  He really liked eating ass, and he had a really strong tongue that was easy to educate. It was one of my favorite things to have done to me and he got me real hot real fast.  Too hot, too fast. He balked again at taking my load when I told him I wanted to come directly in his mouth.

"I don't think I can do that," he said as he was stroking my cock, aimed away from his face because he thought I was getting close.

"You don't have any choice," I said.

"I know I'm gonna choke and gag," he said.

"So what?"

"You're gonna force me anyway, aren't you," he said.

"Yeah…. my way, all the way, remember?" I reminded him.  I think he didn't mind being forced.  "When I shoot off, I'm gonna have my cock down your throat.  You won't taste a thing at first.  You'll feel it, though.  Then while I'm coming, I' m gonna pull my cock back till I'm shooting right in your mouth.  You're gonna really taste it then.  You just keep sucking till I'm done coming, but don't swallow till I pull my cock out of your mouth. Got that?"

"Oh, Geezuss, I gotta swallow?  I gotta eat your cum?"

"Yeah, that goes with the territory," I said.

"W-what does it taste like?"

"Like cum.  Didn’t you get a taste when I shot all over your face?"


I thought he did and that was the reason he didn’t want to do it. I started fucking his face. He choked and gagged on my cock but I held him to it for a moment before I eased up.  I pulled out of his mouth.  His eyes were watering and he wiped his spit off his mouth.

"Did you....shoot?" he asked, gasping.

"No, just giving you a rest," I said. “You’ll know it when I cum.”

He eyed my cock and put his hand around it.  "Fuck, I don't believe I had that down my throat."

"You loved it," I said.

"Yeah… yeah, I did, but I still don't believe I took it."

"We're not done," I said, stroking my cock up over his face.

He opened wide and I gave him my cock again, right down to the balls.  He choked and gagged but not as bad as the first time.  I stuck it to him this time, fucking his throat till I started cumming.  I knew he could feel me shooting by the way he whimpered and moaned. He did okay, better than I expected.  I withdrew part way and gave him a mouthful and kept my cock in his mouth for a couple of minutes to force him to hold my load.  Finally, I pulled out. He lay there with his eyes closed and his face all scrunched up.

"Okay, swallow," I said.

He blinked then closed his eyes again and took a deep breath then gulped it down.  I don't think he liked it from the face he made but he did okay.  He didn’t lose any of it.

"Goddam, I don't ever want to do that again," he said.

"Yeah, you will," I said.  "You gotta do it again in order to graduate, and you better know, one thing for sure, straight guys are gonna expect you to swallow. They hate having their cum spit out."

We showered together and he wanted to suck my cock again.… yeah, and tongue my ass.  He said he wanted to practice. I let him but we didn't go through it all again. Toward the end I gave him another load to practice on and he swallowed it but not before wallowing it around in his mouth for a minute to show me he liked it, whether he did or not. He was learning. If there'd been an exam afterwards he would have gotten an A.  I told him we would take up where we left off next me we met up at Toby’s

"What do you mean?  What else is there?" he asked with disbelief.

"Next time you get to take your exam. I'm going to grade you on how well you fuck my ass."

He gaped at me, dumbfounded.

“Hey, I’m jerking your chain,” I chided him.

Then he looked disappointed.  “Yeah, I thought… I was sure you were straight, man, both of you guys.” he said.

He left, happy with the lessons.  I left drained.  Teaching takes a lot out of you. I went back to Toby's but Jason wasn't there.  I didn’t expect him to be, but I waited around through two more beers then headed back to the barracks.  The CQ told me I'd gotten a phone call.

"A guy named Jason.  He wanted to talk to you but he said he would hook up with you later, but he couldn't say when,” he told me.

I knew what that meant; he was out on another mission. I was glad he called.

"Oh, and you've got a temporary assignment; you leave at 0700 tomorrow," he added.

Fuck! Jason was out for I didn't know how long but now I wouldn't be here if he did come in. Still, it wouldn't be so bad with both of us being gone at the same time.  I got sent on temporary assignment pretty often, usually when they'd captured a guy that was too high-risk to move and bring to us for fear of being ambushed. Maybe it was someone Jason had taken in.

To be continued...  

Posted: 02/20/15