A Marine Called Justin
by: Peter
(© 2008 by the Author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the
author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...
For the first time I was nervous about seeing my best friend. We started first
grade and went all through high school together. After graduation I went to
college and Justin joined the marines. It was what he always wanted to do; maybe
the only thing he ever wanted to do. He still had his GI Joe doll. He modeled
himself after that doll. He kept it standing on his dresser, dressed in cameo
shorts and boots with its muscles bulging as an inspiration. He always said,
"Someday I'm going to look like that." He busted his butt in the gym. We both
did. By the time we graduated from high school I was well built; he looked like
his GI Joe.
I didn't realize how nervous I was till I reached for the handle of the car
door. My hand was shaking. I opened the door and stepped out into the warm June
afternoon in front of the Weldon Inn. I was happy that Justin was so agreeable
about coming so far to meet me; all the way to Johnsburg. I loved the tiny
village nestled in the hills of Southern Tennessee. It seemed the ideal place to
meet my best friend to possibly change our lives forever.
I checked into the inn and put my clothes away. The room was big, with massive
antique furniture; a king-size bed, dresser, wardrobe and a comfortable couch
and chair. The room was on the third floor that looked out over the village
street and the shops. If there was a perfect place for what I was about to do,
this was it.
I paced the room and looked out the window. I went down to the breakfast room
but I didn't stay. I wanted to be there when Justin got to the room. He arrived
about four o'clock. I jumped when I heard the knock at the door. My hand shook
as I opened it. And there he was. He filled the doorway with his big frame.
"Hi, Colt," he greeted me with his sly, lop-sided grin.
"Hey, Justin." I put out my hand.
We shook hands but then pulled each other into a tight bear hug. His hard body
felt good against mine. "You're looking good," he said.
"You look great!" I said. "Looks like you put on some more weight."
"About twenty pounds," he said modestly.
He had that ultra healthy look about him and the severe, high and tight haircut
that made his muscular neck look even thicker. He had a small bag and a travel
bag slung over his shoulder. I took his bag.
"I know you told me to wear my uniform but I didn't want to wear it driving and
get it all wrinkled. I brought it with me, though. I'll put it on later if you
still want me to," he said.
"Hell yes, I want you to. You can wear it do dinner," I said.
"So, how have you been?" he asked, looking around the room.
"This better be important for me to use up good leave time to drive all this
way. I could be shacked up in some nice hotel room with a couple of babes," he
said jokingly.
"It is important," I said. He was only kidding, of course. Justin would've gone
anywhere if he thought I needed him.
We talked for a while, reminiscing about our school days and Justin asked me a
lot of questions about college. There wasn't much exciting about college that I
could tell him about. Not yet anyway. I wanted to talk about him.
"There's not much to tell about college. I want to talk about something more
exciting, like the marines," I said. "Did you bring pictures?"
"Yeah, I brought pictures, and the unit's graduation book. Thought you might
like to look at it."
"I would love to look at it," I said excitedly. I poured over the pictures of
his basic training, and the advanced school. The unit graduation book was a
pictorial of his life for the past year. There were pictures taken in the
barracks, even pictures of him on liberty. There was one picture of him in the
barracks wearing nothing but a pair of briefs. I had a hard time turning the
page, and eventually putting the book down. I was jealous. I wished I could do
what he did. He tried to get me to go in with him but I wasn't sure I had it in
me. Besides, my parents were adamant about me going to college. His parents, on
the other hand, didn't give a fuck what he did with his life.
"I'm jealous as hell, you know," I said, laying the pictures aside.
"What've you got to be jealous about? You're the one who's going to end up with
a degree and the big bucks."
"You don't think that's an education?' I said, pointing to the pictures. "If I
get in trouble, I want a Marine by my side, not some college boy with a degree."
"We're different, that's all, you and me. We always have been," he said.
"Yeah, makes you wonder how we stayed friends all these years," I said jokingly.
"It's probably the reason we've been friends all these years. We're two
different people. We never got in each other's way," he said.
I only hoped we would be friends after this weekend. I could tell Justin was
waiting for me to tell him why I'd asked him to meet me. I thought I could
spring it on him right up front and get it out of the way. But it wasn't going
to be that easy. He didn't pressure me and I didn't say anything. Maybe I would
wait and tell him over dinner.
"There's a good restaurant across the street," I said.
"I need to shower first, if that's okay, wash off the road grime," he said.
My excitement grew along with my anxiety as I waited on Justin to come out of
the bathroom. He hadn't taken any clean clothes in with him so the most he could
be wearing when he came out was a towel. He didn't bother with a towel except to
dry off with it. He came out drying his hair; the rest of him was magnificently
"Man, that felt good," he said. "Hey, is it casual over at the restaurant?"
"Yes, jeans are fine, or shorts," I said.
He tossed the towel over the chair and put his bag on the bed. I was having a
hard time not looking at him. He looked even bigger without his clothes--all
smooth, tanned muscles that rippled at his slightest move. Godd, he was a
beautiful sight to look at. It was especially hard to keep my eyes above his
waist. I knew even more that I had to tell him, and less how I would. I wanted
him to wear his uniform but I didn't say anything. Whatever he decided to wear
would be just fine. He pulled on a pair of white briefs that fit him like a
glove and were made to look smaller by his sheer size. The way they bulged out
in front was almost flaunting except that wasn't what he intended. He dug out a
pair of cut-offs and started to put them on.
"Wait, you wanted me to wear my uniform," he said.
"Only if you feel comfortable wearing it," I said.
He hesitated for a moment then tossed the shorts aside. "I'm going to look like
a fool wearing full dress in this town but what the hell, nobody knows me."
"Nobody's going to think a Marine in full dress looks like a fool," I assured
him. It was exciting to watch him put on his uniform, except that I didn't want
him to cover up all those beautiful muscles. He looked so studly handsome in his
uniform that he almost took my breath away. He caused a lot of shortness of
breath as we walked down the street to the hotel into the dining room. Heads
turned, some stared, and I wondered what it must be like to be built like him
and be a Marine on top of it. We placed our order with a near-breathless
waitress then settled in to talk some more. He asked about my folks. I asked him
about Jamie, his girlfriend.
"We broke up," he said.
"What! What girl in her right mind breaks up with a stud-marine?"
"She couldn't handle me being away for sixteen weeks. I got the Dear John about
the third week into basic."
"Wow, that must have been tough."
"It was real tough. That's the last thing a guy needs when he already thinks
he's in hell." I asked him about the Marines and the training. "It's hard to
explain unless you've been through it," he said.
It sounded like he didn't want to talk about it but I kept asking questions till
he began to open up. He told me about a drill sergeant in basic training who was
constantly on him and another guy just because of the way they were built.
"It was obvious as hell," he said. "We didn't know if he was jealous or if he
was just because he knew we could take it and he wanted to push us beyond our
limits. I think he had a sadistic streak that he wanted awfully bad to bring out
if he thought he could've gotten by with it. He called Kyle, the other guy, into
his room a couple of times at night and Kyle came out with a funny look on his
face and he was never the same after that."
"He never said what happened?" I asked.
"No, close as we were, he wouldn't talk about it," Justin said. "I had a pretty
good idea, though. The sergeant called me in twice, once for wearing non-issue
underwear, for chrissakes! Marine issue is those damned baggy green things and I
didn't like them so I opted for civie briefs, like I've got on now. It wasn't
against regs, but he made a big issue about it. He even made me take them off so
he could inspect them, he said. There was something weird about that. I think he
just wanted to see me naked; see my cock. Anyway, he kept my shorts and I had to
go back out in the barracks naked."
"It couldn't have been the first time you ran around in the barracks naked," I
"But how did it look; I go into the sergeant's room wearing shorts and I come
out naked, without my shorts."
"What about the other time he called you in?" I asked. His stories were exciting
me and I wanted to hear more.
"Yeah, another time he yelled for me just as I was coming back from the shower
and when I grabbed a pair of shorts to put on he told me to forget them. I had
to go back into his room naked and he closed the door and the blinds, making it
look real sinister."
"If he just wanted to see you naked, or any of the other guys, all he had to do
was watch you coming back from the showers," I said.
"Naw, it was more than that," he said. "He wanted to humiliate me; show
everybody that he had the power over me no matter how I was built."
"What happened that second time?" I asked.
"Well, when I went into his room, he was lying back on his bunk, stark naked
except for his jump boots. He cocked one boot up on his locker and said it
needed polishing. I told him I would go get my shoe-shine kit but he told me no,
he wanted a spit shine. I told him again that I would get my shoe-shine kit and
spit shine his boots for him. He told me I could use my tongue."
My eyes flew open and my temperature shot up. "What happened then? What'd you
"I told him to fuck off in a nice, threatening way. I told him if he ever called
me into his room naked again, or made me strip in front of him in his room, I
would report him. Well, then he turned real nice trying to cover his ass and act
like he was just messing with my head. Well, turns out, he wanted to mess with
more than my head. He told me if I would be a little more cooperative, he could
make like a lot easier for me, and downright pleasurable, if I knew what he
meant. I figured it out real quick from the way he was ogling my naked body and
his eyes fixed hard and tight on my cock. I told him to fuck off again, and he
actually said that's what he had in mind! I mean, he was treading on dangerous
ground. I told him no, and if he ever propositioned me again, I would see his
ass in jail. He dropped it. He was pissed as hell after that, but he left me
alone, except for the ways he could make my life miserable in other ways. I
still think he used Kyle to have sex with him. I wasn't about to."
His attitude toward his sergeant made me more doubtful that I should tell him
the reason I'd asked him to meet me, and I tried to think up another reason that
would sound feasible. I wanted to hear more barracks stories but when I pressed
for more stories he told me about a time when he hired a hooker for the weekend.
"I was given a weekend pass for being voted the best Marine in the unit. It was
the first time I'd been off base since boot started and the only weekend pass I
knew I would get so I was going to make the best of it. I didn't get more than
two blocks off the base. I went to a bar and picked up a hooker. She was really
surprised when I told her I wanted her for the entire weekend. I got a motel
room and we didn't come out for the entire two days. I even had beer and our
meals sent in," he said, laughing. "I was so fuckin' horny I didn't think I
would ever get enough. Geezuss, I fucked that woman's eyeballs out."
Now I was really excited; and jealous of that hooker. In a lull in the
conversation when we were eating, he asked me why I had asked him to meet me.
"This isn't the place," I said, looking around.
"Now you've got me worried," he said.
"You're not nearly as worried as I am," I said jokingly.
We both passed on dessert. He said it was because he didn't eat dessert. Maybe
so; he certainly didn't have an ounce of fat on him, but I think it was so we
could get back to the room where I could tell him why I had asked him to come. I
wanted to hear more of his stories but he sort of clammed up and I knew he
wanted to leave. Back in the room, I was more nervous and unsure and I tried to
stall it off.
"Why don't you change out of your uniform and we'll walk through the town,"
I suggested.
He was glad to shed his uniform and I was glad to see him in his shorts and
without his shirt with his thighs bulging and his biceps rippling. He slipped on
a shirt and we left. He turned more heads as we walked along the quiet street.
There weren't many people out but they all looked. The shops were mostly closed
but the windows and storefronts were lit up with twinkle lights which gave the
town a wonderland look.
"Do you ever get used to it?" I asked.
"Used to what?"
"People looking at you the way do," I said.
He scowled and laughed. "What are you talking about?"
"Come on, you've turned every head in this town."
"You are imagining things," he said.
"Okay, we'll see. I'll give you ten bucks for every head that doesn't turn." I
purposely pointed out everyone who looked at us as we walked by them, and not
one person didn't look. "It's a damn good thing you're not paying me ten bucks
for every person who did look," I kidded him.
"Okay, will you stop? You're embarrassing me. Besides, I didn't have a damn
thing to do with my looks."
"But your looks are combined with that body, which you did have a lot to do
"Look how well you're built," he said. "You turn your share of heads."
"Yeah, when I'm not with you," I said.
We stopped at a sidewalk booth that was still open and I bought us a coke.
Pedestrian traffic was down to nothing. About the only activity was the
occasional shopkeeper closing up. We walked down a slope into the tiny enclave
of shops nestled in behind the shops on the street and sat down on a bench.
After a short silence I could sense that he was waiting on me to say something,
and I think he knew that I sensed it. I still didn't know how to tell him. I
even tried to think of something else to tell him, something besides the truth
that was gnawing at me, but it would sound too feeble. Finally before he could
ask again, I blurted it out.
"You're not going to want to hear this, Justin, but...I'm gay."
He looked at me. It was a look I'd never seen before and it frightened me a
little. I wanted him to say something. Anything. Hit me, or tell me he hated me.
When he didn't respond I got up and walked off, my eyes wet with tears.
"Wait! Hey, it don't change anything," he called after me.
I wanted to believe him but his look told me otherwise. I wished I hadn't told
him. What purpose did it serve? Sometimes the truth sucks and this was one of
those times. If I'd kept my mouth shut we could've gone on the way we always had
without him knowing my little secret. Suddenly I felt his powerful grip on my
"Hey. It don't change anything," he said again, pulling me to a stop.
I tried to wrench away, which was a mistake. In a flash he had me turned around
and backed against the wall with his arms extended on either side of my
shoulders, palms flat against the wall, pinning me in. I laughed nervously.
"This must look like we're having a lovers quarrel," I joked.
"Fuck what it looks like," he said. "You're not going to tell me something like
that then walk away from me."
"You didn't say anything," I pointed out.
"I didn't know what to say. I still don't know what to say, except that it
doesn't matter," he said.
"It will, though, I'm afraid."
"No, it won't," he insisted.
"You're wrong," I said. "I knew just how much it would matter after you told me
the story about your sergeant. I was afraid to tell you after you told me those
stories. I almost didn't tell you the truth but I couldn't think of anything
else to tell you that would warrant you coming all this way to meet me. Its
going to change when you to start thinking about all the stuff we did when we
were kids and you're trying to figure out something that should have tipped you
"I think it matters more to you than it does to me," he said.
"It does matter to me, very much, what you think of me."
"What else do you want me to say?" he asked.
I shrugged. "I guess you've already said it. I only wish I could believe it."
He pushed away from the wall and let me out of the prison of his muscular arms.
I walked away and he quickly took up his stride with mine. Walking back to the
inn, I said, "You'll probably want to leave now. I'll understand if you do."
"No, not unless you want me to," he said.
"No, of course not," I said. "I can sleep on the couch if you want," I offered.
"It's a king-size bed, isn't it? There's plenty of room," he said.
"You don't have to prove anything, Justin."
"What would I be trying to prove?" he asked.
"That you're okay with it. You say you are--that's good enough for me."
"But you don't believe me."
"I'm trying. I want to. But you're being just too damned macho to be
believable," I said.
"Why are you being so defensive?" he asked.
"Sorry. I just can't help being surprised that you're taking it so well. Not
even a stay-on-your-own-side-of-the-bed?' or `just-don't-touch-me?"
He scowled.
"I probably should have followed your don't-ask-don't-tell policy," I said.
"You're not in the Marines, it doesn't apply to you," he said dryly.
"I wish I had gone in with you," I said.
"It's not too late to join. We might not be in the same outfit, though."
"I'm not sure I could handle it," I said.
"The training is tough, but it's nothing you can't handle," he said.
"I wasn't talking about the training," I said.
"Oh. Being around all those guys?"
We were back at the inn. We were silent as we went to the breakfast room where I
made hot chocolate to take up to the room. We were still quiet as we went up the
stairs and down the hallway to our room. He held the door open for me.
"Is it hard being around me?" he asked, very quietly.
"Yes, very."
"Maybe it would be better if I left," he said.
"If you think you want to, I'll understand," wondering if he were looking for an
excuse to leave.
"No, I don't want to. But I don't want you to be uncomfortable around me."
I didn't know if he was going to leave or stay. I wasn't sure he knew himself
till we got in the room. He seemed uncomfortably hesitant, but he had the cup of
hot chocolate to drink and he took off his shoes. I was glad he was staying. He
sat on the couch, I on the edge of the bed.
"When did it start, being uncomfortable around me?" he asked.
"Sometime back in high school; I can't pinpoint a time," I replied.
"Sorry, I didn't know," he said.
"Its nothing you need to apologize for. It was my problem," I said.
"Your problem but apparently I was the cause of it."
"Still nothing you need to apologize for," I said.
He took several sips of his hot chocolate, glancing over the top of his cup at
"Can I ask you something?" he said.
"How...active...are you? I mean, isn't being gay a state of mind, more than a
compelling force?"
I smiled. "I wouldn't say it's either, but it's a good way of putting it. It's
like asking you if being straight isn't more a state of mind than a compelling
force. It's the state of mind that is the compelling force."
"All right," he said nodding. "I think I understand that. When?" he asked. "I
mean, when did you start? Back in high school?"
"You're wondering if I was doing your teammates. No," I said. "It didn't start
till college. Things are more out in the open on campus; organizations, even
rallies. It was easy to meet people." I handed him the remote. "I think you're
uncomfortable talking about this; see if you can find a football game.
He clicked the television on and flipped through the channels but there was no
game. He stopped on a channel showing Saving Private Ryan.
"This okay? Do you like war movies?" he asked.
"I like that one," I said. "I don't watch the old ones; like the John Wayne war
movies...they're such a farce."
"Yeah, they are," he agreed. "Nobody ever thought it strange that John Wayne, in
all the war movies he made, never showed a moment's fear." He finished his hot
chocolate and stood up. "Do you want me to sleep on the couch?" he asked as he
undid his belt.
"That won't be necessary," I said. I had to force the words out, I was so
breathlessly relieved that he was staying the night.
He slipped his shorts off and stepped out of them. He left his briefs on.
"Afraid to sleep naked?" I joked, for we always had when we were kids.
"No," he said, and shoved his briefs down and stepped out of them.
"My Godd," I said quietly, shaking my head, watching his tight, round butt
muscles flex and roll as he walked to the bathroom. He was so goddam physically
perfect and beautiful.
"What?" he asked over his shoulder.
"Without your clothes, your chest and abs, you look like you're wearing amour.
Geezuss, what's it like to live inside a body like that?" I asked.
"Don't start that again," he said.
When he came back out of the bathroom I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, no
matter how hard I tried, and he noticed.
"Look, you don't have to keep turning your eyes away from me," he said. "It's
okay if you look at me. I'm not homophobic." He stood at the edge of the bed.
"Which side to you want?" he asked.
"The side you don't take," I replied.
I had a shortness of breath as I watched him crawl into bed, the way his butt
muscles spread apart, giving me a glimpse into the crevice. He moved across to
the side next to the wall. I took off my jeans and folded them and put them on
the back of a chair. I pulled off my socks and stood in my shorts.
"Afraid to sleep naked?" he chided me before I had a chance to take them off.
"I'm going to take a quick shower," I said as I pulled off my shorts. I needed
the short break and I thought Justin needed a little time to himself to get used
to the idea that he was going to be in bed with a gay guy who had been his best
friend since childhood. With subdued hopes, I took the time to flush out good
before I showered. Not that I was expecting anything to happen; not that anyway,
but I wanted to be prepared just in case. I also dug out the tube of Anal Ease
that I'd bought in the adult video store, and the lube. I applied a goodly
amount of the deadening cream to my ass, working it inside my hole, and then
added the lube till I was slick all the way inside. I went back out and stood
beside the bed to dry off. Somehow I half-expected Justin to pretend he was
asleep, but he lay and, I noticed, watched me dry off more than he focused on
the movie.
"Are you sure you don't want me to sleep on the couch?" I offered.
"I'm not taking your bed. But I'm sure, unless you would be more comfortable if
I slept on then couch," he said. "I'm okay with it, man. Hell, its not the first
time we've slept in the same bed."
I crawled in beside him and the sheet lay across our waists. I wished I were on
the other side of him so I could watch him. We watched the movie for a half hour
or so.
"This is going to give me nightmares," he said. "I always have nightmares when I
watch war movies."
"We can turn it off," I said, reaching for the remote. I switched the TV off and
the room was cast in a soft glow from the streetlights below.
"Do you know any gays in the marines?" I asked quietly.
"Do I know any? No. But there are a couple of guys that I suspect might be."
"What makes them suspect?" I asked.
"The way they look at me. Sort of like you, when you were trying not to look."
"Do you tell them its okay to look, like you told me?"
"No, I would never put myself in that position or put them on the spot."
"What about your buddy, Kyle?" I asked.
"Are you asking, is he gay? I don't know, and I would never ask him. I just know
he hasn't been the same since the sergeant has taken such an interest in him."
"The sergeant tried it with you but you backed him off. Why wouldn't Kyle do
"I don't know. But it doesn't matter one way or the other. We're still buddies."
We were in bed together for the first time since we were in high school, him
stretched out with his arms flung up over his head. Part of me wouldn't let me
look at him, but I couldn't help it. Justin noticed again.
"I told you, it's okay to look," he said. "I'm not uncomfortable with you, Colt.
I wish you wouldn't be so uncomfortable with me."
"You don't know how much I appreciate you saying that, but its not the same with
us," I said.
"Maybe not, but can't we get past it?" he asked.
"I don't know, and I don't know how you mean that. You don't know how bad I want
to get my hands on those muscles," I added in a hoarse tone.
"It's okay to touch my body. A guy appreciates having his muscles admired," he
said again.
"I wasn't exactly talking about admiration," I said. "It'd be like eating one
peanut. I couldn't stop with just a touch."
"Well...maybe...you wouldn't have to," he said.
"Are you saying....?"
"I don't know," he cut in quickly.
"Have you ever done anything with another guy?" I asked.
"No. I almost did in a restroom of a bar one time, a guy was coming on to me,
but I was afraid he might be a plant."
"Do the Marines do that; conduct sting operations?" I asked.
"Yeah. They cruise gay bars and rest rooms and try to catch you in the act."
"It doesn't make a difference that you're not the one doing anything?"
"Hell, no. The whole thing is to catch the Marine in a compromising situation.
They usually let the other guy go if he's not military."
"Was it a gay bar?" I asked.
He hesitated. "Yeah, it was. A buddy and I wandered into the place without
knowing it was a gay bar. It was called the Leatherneck. With a name like that
we assumed it was a Marine hangout."
"Did you stay, after the almost incident in the rest room?"
"No. Hell, no. We got the hell out of there. That's sudden death if they even
see you coming out of a gay bar."
"Even if you wandered into the place by mistake? Anybody would've taken the
Leatherneck as a Marine hangout."
"They don't give you the benefit of the doubt," Justin said. `Even if they do on
a first offense, you're watched like a hawk from then on."
I got up out of the bed and adjusted the blind to let in more light, leaving the
sheet pulled down below his knees.
"What're you doing?" he asked.
"You said it was okay to look at you. I want some more light." I went back and
sat on the edge of the bed, pleasantly surprised that he hadn't bothered to pull
the sheet back up. "You look great in this light."
"This is embarrassing," he said, throwing one forearm over his eyes.
"You're just sitting there looking at me," he said.
"You said I could."
"Okay. Look all you want," he said, laughing. "I'll close my eyes."
I studied every inch of his magnificent body. My eyes lingered over every hill
and valley and curve of his muscles. "Don't take this the wrong way, but you are
an absolutely drop-dead beautiful stud. And being a Marine makes you all the
"You are the only guy in the world who could get by with calling me beautiful,"
he said with a lopsided grin, looking out from under his forearm.
"Could I get by with this?" I asked as I placed my hand on his thigh, my fingers
barely inches from his manhood draped over his heavy balls.
"You're probably the only one who could," he said.
"It's ironic; I'm almost trembling with excitement and you're lying there with
your eyes closed like you're not feeling a thing," I said.
"You don't know what's going on down there," he said.
"What is going on?" I asked as I rubbed my hand up and down his thigh.
"Guess. An itchy, tingly feeling."
"Want me to stop?" I asked.
"Not necessarily."
"That's not a very definitive answer," I said.
"No, you don't have to stop," he said huskily.
I reached higher and rubbed my hand across his rock-hard abs then reached over
to flatten my hand over his chest muscles. I felt a tiny shiver as my fingers
trailed across his nipple.
"You attained your goal," I said as I slid my hand back down to his abs.
"What goal?"
"You look just like your old GI Joe doll."
He laughed and his stomach muscles felt like a small, warm earthquake. "That was
such a dream of mine."
"You body is like a stone statue," I said. I brought my hand back up to his
thigh, working it harder into his crotch, alongside his balls. His big, rubbery
cock lay on the other side of his balls. "You must know what I want to do," I
said hoarsely.
"I've got a pretty good idea, but why don't you tell me," he said, sounding a
little smart and cocky.
"I want to go down on you. I want to make love to every inch of your body. I
want to make you feel things you never imagined," I said.
"I know...or, I guess I know....I mean, I assumed it was something like that,"
he said.
I let my eyes rake over his body, fixing on his manhood. "You were always the
most impressive guy in the locker room, but it looks like you've outdone
yourself since then," I said.
He smiled from under his forearm.
"You know I'm curious. How big are you?" I asked, eyeing his huge cock.
"Two-thirty-five," he replied.
"Not your weight," I said.
"Oh. You'll find that out for yourself if you keep rubbing my thigh like that."
"I'll tell you one thing, I could never be in the same outfit with you," I said
as I kept rubbing his thigh "I couldn't handle seeing you in the shower. I would
spend all of my time bent over picking up the soap." I said it jokingly but I
wanted him to think I meant it.
"About the second week into training when everybody's been without sex, that
would be a very dangerous thing to do," he said. Then he laughed. "The standing
joke is, if YOU drop the soap, it doesn't mean anything. If somebody else drops
it and you pick it up for `em....well, you don't wanta do that. Actually, if you
drop the soap, a buddy will usually hand you his bar so you don't have to bend
over and pick it up."
I was getting a hardon--not that it mattered; he knew what I was, how I felt
about him, but somehow, it was embarrassing to me. I quickly assessed the
situation in my mind. We were in bed together, we were naked and he was letting
me rub my hand up and down his bare thigh, and he sure as hell wasn't
homophobic! He saw my hard cock then.
"Looks like you're getting that itchy, tingling feeling, too," he joked.
"It's more like a throbbing sensation," I said, pushing it down between my legs.
It sprung back up like an iron rod on a steel spring.
"Damn, dude, how big is that thing?" he asked.
I was pleased that he was so admiring but I doubted I could come close to
matching him.
"About as big as you are right now, without a hardon," I said. Then I braved a
move. I cupped his balls. He didn't flinch. Rather, he spread his thighs wider
for my hand, as an invitation. His balls were heavy, and they felt full. His
cock lolled to the other side and lay against my wrist.
"You know, I'm almost afraid to do this," I said as I gingerly touched his
rubbery cock.
"Well, you have, and you're still in one piece," he said. "I'm not going to get
mad or anything. I wouldn't be letting you go this far if I was going to get
mad. Hell, I wouldn't even be here, I would be on my way back to base."
"No, afraid beyond that," I said. "Saying you're okay with it isn't the same as
afterwards, when you've got your rocks off and you start thinking about what
you've done."
He opened one eye and grinned. "Are you going to get my rocks off for me?" he
asked without a smile, but with a twinkle in his eye.
"I want to. But I'm afraid to."
"You're still going to be my best friend, no matter what you do or don't do." he
"Will I?"
"You know, it pisses me off that you doubt me after all the years we've been
friends. Damn! What do you want me to do to prove my sincerity, kiss you?"
I laughed. "That would be a cold day in hell," I scoffed.
It was one of those times when the wrong thing to say was exactly the right
thing to say. Justin suddenly pulled me down to him and kissed me squarely on
the mouth! It was a hard, no-nonsense kiss. I was stunned. It wasn't a kiss of
passion or anything like that between two guys. He was just sending a message,
sort of like a Mafia kiss.
"There, if that don't prove something, I give up," he said.
I sat there, still stunned speechless.
"You act like you've never been kissed before," he said, laughing.
"Not by you. Not by a guy," I said.
"Well, it wasn't that kind of kiss," he said rather defensively. "I just wanted
to get my point across."
"You certainly did that," I declared.
"I love you like a brother, you know that; it was that kind of kiss," he said.
"And I don't want to ever have to prove myself again."
"Yes, and you know I love you, only....well, it runs a little deeper than that."
"Don't," he said in a husky voice. "Don't complicate things."
"Would it complicate things?" I asked.
"Yes. It's already pretty complicated. Don't throw anything else at me that I
have to sort out and deal with."
"I haven't overwhelmed a Marine, have I?" I chided him.
"Being a Marine has nothing to do with it," he said. "It's all pretty
overwhelming to me as a man, though. I just want to keep it where it's at."
"Oh. You're willing to let me take it to the next higher level....but you don't
want any emotions."
"No more than there has to be," he said. "We've found the playing field; just
don't throw out any new rules."
"I'm not sure I understand that," I said.
"Whatever happens between us tonight..."
"Wait, let me guess; whatever happens between us tonight, in the morning it
never happened, right?" I put in.
"Something like that."
"That's not possible," I said. "Maybe for you, but not for me. I'm already too
deep in emotions. I have been for a long time."
He held up a restraining hand. "I just don't want to explore those emotions with
you," he said. "You said you wanted to make love to me. I don't want it to be
like that. You can look at me, touch me all you want, hell, go down on me, have
all the fun you want, but...."
"But you don't want to feel anything," I cut in. "You sound like you're afraid."
"No, I'm not afraid. If I were afraid, I would be packed up and out of here." He
reached out and placed his hand over mine on his thigh. "Look, nothing has to
happen, Colt, and maybe it would be better if it didn't. We could just lie here
together and talk like we used to. I don't care if you touch me, I don't care if
we lie together, in close and tight, but it doesn't have to go any further."
"If that's what you want," I said.
"No, I'm not saying that's what I want or don't want. I'm just saying we could.
I'm saying that whatever happens--or doesn't happen--well, I'm okay with it,
either way, and I want you to be. I know it must have taken a lot of courage for
you to have me come here and tell me. I respect that. I admire you for it. But I
want you to know that it takes a lot of courage on my part to....to lay myself
open for you, for lack of a better way to put it."
"It must have taken a lot of courage for you to kiss me like that," I said.
"No, it was easy, it was between best friends. But I've never done anything like
that and I wouldn't for anybody else in the world. I guess what I'm trying to
say is, I'm here, willing to play ball, but the ball is in your court."
I eyed his cock, now stretched up over his belly, covering his navel and
reaching for his pecs, in its final throes of erection.
"I think you're the one complicating things," I said as I reached out and laid
my hand on it.
"I don't mean to," he said. "I just don't know how to express myself on the
"You're expressing yourself just fine," I said hoarsely as I wrapped my hand
around his cock. "God, I can't get my hand around it."
"I guess that doesn't leave much hope for your mouth, then," he said with a warm
"I'll think of something," I said. I lifted his cock straight up. It was huge.
It would have been monstrous on a lesser man but it belonged on him with his
magnificent body. "Damn, Justin, I want you so bad it hurts inside me," I said.
"I don't want you hurting," he said as I worked my hand up and down the thick,
warm shaft.
"This thing must be hurting you, its so hard," I said.
"I get used to it," he said.
I uncrossed my legs and crawled over his thigh. He spread his legs wide to make
room for me. I started to stretch out on my stomach but I would have had to rise
up too high to reach his cock so I sat back on my haunches in a crouch. I jacked
him slowly and cupped and played with his balls. "You've got beautiful balls," I
said. He smiled and chuckled. The head of his cock swelled out about the size of
a baseball and I wondered if I could get even my mouth around it. In the soft
light I could see the precum oozing up out of the wide slit and I instinctively
leaned down to lap it up.
"Ohh," he gasped, surprised. I was pleased, even with that tiny gasp. I wanted
to make him moan.
I wet my lips and leaned down and slid them down over the bulbous head, locked
them around the rim and moved down a few inches till the head was smashing
against the opening of my throat.
"OHhhhhh, Geezusss!" he moaned softly.
I began sucking his cock. Each moan fueled my desire to give him more pleasure.
My own was undeniable. I was almost trembling with want and desire for him.
He reached out putting a hand gently on my shoulder. "God, that feels good," he
"I'm glad. I'm trying," I said.
"You don't have to try very hard," he said in a shaky voice.
"Not that it matters, but....I wish this was my first time, too," I said.
"It doesn't matter that it isn't," he said.
I worked my hand up and down his slick cock, gazing at it with such deep emotion
that I almost choked. "I'll never forget how I felt when I looked at your
pictures you sent without your shirt, and in your shorts."
"You're not trying to tell me my pictures turned you gay," he said.
"No, you don't turn gay. You either are, or you're not. It just took me awhile
to realize it. Thinking back, though, I think I knew it when we were kids...at
least when we were teenagers."
"Should I be pissed at all the time we wasted?" he asked jokingly.
"I'll try to make up for it," I said as I went back down on his cock. I sucked
him with a reverence, like I was on my knees worshipping a god. I was, in a way.
He was my idol, and worthy of my homage and worship and all the pleasure I was
able to give him. He began writhing in the bed, clenching his butt muscles to
drive his cock into my mouth. Both his hands were on my shoulders now, moving
around my head and down my arms. He squeezed my arms and I flexed the muscles
for him to feel. He squeezed hard, as if in appreciation for my muscles.
"Ohhhh...Ohhhh, Colt, suck it...suck it, buddy...Goddd, you don't know wonderful
that feels."
I tilted over to one side and we rolled over onto our sides. I slid down in the
bed so I was comfortably face-to-face with his manhood. I opened my mouth and he
gave me his cock. He moved his hips back and forth, pivoted on one hip, feeding
it to me.
"Fuck that looks incredible...my cock going in and out of your mouth," he said.
I wanted to tell him how incredible it felt. After a short while he was getting
more animated and he suddenly rolled over on top and arched his body over me.
"Let me do some pushups," he said as he assumed the position. I whimpered with
excitement as he began doing push-ups on top of me. I placed my hands on his hip
bones to prevent him from impaling me on his cock, but he was able to force me
to take more of it than before. His hard abs stretched and pulled and rippled
beautifully over my face. Godd, how could he not know how beautiful he was? He
fucked my face like he was fucking a girl, using all of his cock that he could
with my arms blocking him. I wanted to move my hands and let him plunge his cock
into my throat, but it frightened me. After a long while, after countless
pushups, Justin's body began to tremble. I was afraid at first that he was about
to cum, but it was just the strain on his muscles. He shoved himself up and lay
over on his side again.
"I think I just beat my personal best for pushups," he said, sounding out of
I nuzzled lower and licked and kissed his balls. I sucked one into my mouth and
he gasped and moaned and I thought I hurt him but he put his hand on the back of
my head.
"Oh, fuck...yeahhhhh, suck `em," he whispered. "Suck my big balls."
I could only get one in my mouth at a time so I moved from one to the other. I
licked back under them and he lifted his left leg up wide for me. I went back to
his cock but alternated to his balls once in awhile. He liked that. I was
thinking beyond the moment, of what I would do when he shot off. I had tasted my
own cum on more than one occasion and only occasionally took another guy's load;
I had never really developed a taste for it. I wondered if his would taste like
mine. Either way, I didn't want to leave him high and dry, or stop at the
crucial moment. I wanted to finish him off, as he deserved. A short time later
the decision was upon me. Justin pulled his cock back and wrapped his fist
tightly around it.
"You've had me so close, so fuckin' many times...I need to know, what...what you
wanta do....."
"Give it to me," I said, without hesitation. The decision was made without me
realizing it.
"You want my load? In your mouth?" he asked, sounding surprised.
"Yes." What else could I say? The words were out--they were my words--and I had
to honor them.
"I, uh...you ought to know, I...well, I cum quite a lot," he said as a warning.
"Nothing I can't handle," I said bravely.
"Okay," he said. His cock seemed to take on a new life. The already engorged
thick veins pumped blood through his cock into the head which swelled
incessantly in my mouth with each throb. Justin pushed the head harder and
harder against my throat as his lust mounted. I tried and tried to go down on it
but I felt myself gagging every time.
"Hey, you don't have to swallow it whole," he told me.
"I want to so bad," I said in a whimper.
"Maybe if you let it go down so it's more rubbery, you would be able to handle
it," he said.
I smiled. "Are you sure you haven't had somebody doing this to you before?"
"Scout's honor," he said.
"You weren't in the boy scouts," I reminded him.
"Do you want me to hold off and take a break and let it go down some?" he asked.
He didn't wait for my answer. He pulled his cock out of my mouth for a short
break. His cock never went down, even a little, but it lost some of its steely
hardness. He gave it to me again and shoved it hard against the opening of my
throat, forcing it through. In that moment of total and absolute submission, I
relaxed my throat all I could and let him shove his cock through.
Awwwhhhhhhhh!" he groaned as he slowly buried his cock in my throat till his
balls were pressed against my face. I lay wide-eyed in disbelief that I had
taken the huge cock down my throat. It was tight and quickly got tighter as his
cock throbbed back to a full hardon. I thrilled to the hard throbbing that
expanded my throat as I fought down the gag reflex and the urge to choke. He
held his cock in deep for a long moment before he slowly withdrew till the head
in my mouth.
"Can I do that again now that you've tried it?" he asked hoarsely.
I nodded and he impaled me on his cock again. He didn't ask the next time or the
next or the next after that, and he was soon fucking my throat.
"Ohhh...OHhhhhh...Ohhh, fuck...Awwhhh," he moaned with each buried thrust. From
the quiver in his tone I thought he might be working himself up again. I was
right. "Ohh, Colt...Mannn, I'm getting so close...Oh, ohhhhhh, yeah, just a
couple more times..." He fucked my mouth three more times. "Aww, man, this is
it!...I'm gonna shoot...OOHhhh, here it comes...!"
I pulled back off of his cock to pull it out of my throat. I was afraid I would
choke on his cum spurting in my throat. The head barely burst free of the tight
opening when the first salvo spurted against the back of my mouth.
"UUHnnn...OOHhhhh," he groaned. He shot with such force and power that I
imagined my head jolted back from the impact. It was a moment and several salvos
before his cum slithered to cover my tongue and give me his taste. He kept
cuming...and cuming, and I wondered where it was all coming from, and when he
would stop. With the bulk of the head of his cock there wasn't a lot of room for
anything else and my mouth was quickly filled with his semen and it was running
out the corner of my mouth. As he continued to spurt more hot semen into the
mouthful he'd already given me, I was forced to swallow or let it run out of my
mouth. I did both. In another moment of total submission, I gulped the thick,
warm man-juice and swallowed it. More shot out and I swallowed all I could but a
lot of it ran out of my mouth.
Moments passed with no sound except our heaving breathing and Justin's continued
soft moans of pleasure as his cock emptied. Then he was still. I held his cock
in my mouth. As I swallowed the last of his load I sucked his cock down my
throat again. It was easier without the steel-hard rigidity.
"OHhhhh...Awww, man, that feels so good," he moaned weakly.
We lay like that awhile till I needed to let his cock go and he pulled it free
and laid over on his back.
"Geezussss!" he swore, putting his forearm over his eyes again. "Goddam, I never
felt anything like that in my life! That was more intense than the whole fuckin'
weekend with that hooker."
"You were right about one thing...you shot off enough to white-wash a room," I
said as I climbed off the bed.
"I warned you," he said.
I went to the bathroom to get a towel to spread over the wet spots where his
come had drained out of my mouth and soaked the sheets. Justin moved over a
little from center to make room for me to lie beside him.
"Thanks," he said quietly.
"Thanks? Don't thank me," I said.
"You didn't have to do that....take my load the way you did. Man, I was fuckin'
surprised you swallowed it."
"So was I but no more surprised than taking your cock all the way. I wouldn't
have believed I could do that."
"Aw, man, that was incredible. This whole thing was incredible. I've never felt
so completely drained and satisfied. I just hope you got something out of it,
"More than you can ever know," I said.
"I'm glad. I don't understand it, but if you did, I'm glad."
He crawled over me to go to the bathroom, his big cock dragging across my
stomach. I watched his tight, round butt and my mouth watered for it. I heard
the shower running and I wondered if he were trying to wash everything away and
get clean from what he'd done. I got up from the bed and waited on the couch. He
came out of the bathroom drying off. His big cock was still fluffed out from the
warm shower, nearly hard, and I wondered how I was able to take it all the way
down my throat. I guess I wanted him that bad.
"Thanks again, man. That was unbelievable," he said.
"Do you want the bed to yourself now?" I asked.
He frowned. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"I just thought you might, now that you're drained and satisfied," I said.
"No," he said sternly. "No, I don't want the bed to myself. I want you lying
right there beside me, just like we always did."
"This isn't like we always did," I pointed out. "I hope you feel that way in the
morning," I said as I stood up from the couch.
"Why would I feel any different in the morning than I do right now?"
He laid the towel aside and had one knee in the edge of the mattress, crawling
into bed, when I touched my hand to his hip. He paused and glanced over his
shoulder with a funny, curious smile, and saw mine as I rubbed my hand over his
butt. Slowly, he removed his knee from the mattress and stood down, still with a
bewildered look. I stood behind him, rubbing my hands over his solid butt and he
clenched his muscles for me.
"Godd, you've got a hard ass," I said. He laughed and thanked me. "I hope you'll
let me do this," I said in a husky whisper as I knelt down slowly, running my
hands up and down his muscular thighs. He started to turn around, probably
thinking I wanted his cock again, but I squeezed his butt and he stayed facing
the bed. I leaned in and planted a wide-open kiss on his butt.
"Wow! Did I just get French kissed?" he asked over his shoulder, laughing
nervously. I kissed him again, my mouth wide open, and dragged my tongue over
his smooth butt. It was a wet, hot kiss. "Oh, fuck, yeah, I did get French
kissed," he said.
I lapped my tongue up and down the crack of his as and felt him tremble all the
way down to his toes. I stiffened my tongue between his butt muscles and lapped
at the sweet, clean smell of a manly deodorant.
"Ohhhh," he moaned softly.
I grasped the twin mounds in my hands and pulled them apart. I was nearly
overwhelmed with the beauty of his asshole framed by his taut butt muscles. He
had just the right amount of hair around it; only a wisp, actually, more teasing
than anything. His asshole was puckered but smooth around the pucker and he
clenched it a couple of times. Maybe it was involuntary. Maybe it was an
invitation. I flicked my tongue out and disturbed the hair that was protecting
his manly portal. He shivered and moaned. Then I stuck my tongue out hard and
dragged it around his asshole.
"Awwwhhhhhhhh!" he groaned, his head tossed back as he bent over the bed.
I massaged his clenching asshole with my tongue and felt the muscular, rubbery
drawstring begin to relax. The tight muscle seemed to push out when he clenched
it, as if in appreciation, or an invitation for me to go further. I dug my
fingers into the pliable muscles around his hole and pulled his asshole open.
Wide open, I could see the delicate, pink muscles inside, clenching and
palpitating. I flicked at the satiny hole with my tongue and he groaned again.
Then I drove my tongue into his hole, hard and deep as I could and lapped around
inside of him.
"AAWWHHhhhh! Ohhh....Ohhhh, Geezussss! Mann...w-what're you d-doing to me!"
Before he got all the words out he laid over the bed and set his feet wider
apart and jutted his butt back at me to give himself up to me completely. I
could only imagine and hope how completely he might be offering himself but I
dared not pursue that yet, if ever. I dropped forward on my knees to give him
the best ass-reaming I knew how. I had no idea how I was doing, but it must have
been pretty good. He was squirming around on the bed and thrashing his butt
around and shoving his ass back in my face. I tongue-fucked him till my tongue
was tired. He was clawing at the sheets and thrashing his head around.
I could feel the powerful pulsation just below his asshole where his cock grew
out of his body. It was throbbing all the way inside him so I knew it was good
enough that I was giving him another hardon. I reached between his legs and
found his cock pressed against the edge of the mattress. He hunkered back so I
could get hold of it and I pulled it back between his legs, framed by his big
balls. I sucked it into my mouth.
"OHhhhh," he cried.
I sucked his cock and licked his balls and licked and tongued his asshole in a
steady up and down path, till he didn't know which he was moaning about.
"Ohh, Geezusss!" he gasped as he rose up and turned around. His huge cock swung
out like a battering ram and smacked me in the face. "Geezuss, you're going to
make me cum doing that."
"Is that a problem?"
"No, I just don't want to go off yet. Fuck, Colt, I can't believe you're doing
this to me. I never felt anything like it. I didn't even know I had feelings in
my ass."
"I know you don't understand it, and neither do I, really, but I can show you a
lot more if you let me. I'll do anything to make you feel good," I said. I urged
him back on the bed. "Lie back across the bed." He stretched out crossways on
the bed with his legs over the edge of the mattress. I knelt down and lifted his
legs onto my shoulders and nuzzled my face in his crotch to kiss his balls.
Gradually, as I went under his balls, he lifted his legs higher then spread them
wide and pulled his thighs against his chest to offer me his asshole again.
"That what you want?" he asked, peering down at me.
"Yesss," I said.
"Ohh, My Goddd," he gasped when I started tonguing his hole again.
"It spreads open more this way," I said. God, he tasted good. I loved the feel
of his velvety inner-ass on my tongue. Justin started pumping his cock slowly
with his fist. I tongued his ass for a while then raised up and leaned down to
suck his cock which he offered straight up for me. Then I kissed his abs and
made my way up the deep ridge that separated the twin heaps of his abs. I licked
the underside of his pecs and he put his hand lightly around the back of my
"Ohhh, man, your tongue feels good everywhere," he said. I kissed all around the
broad expanse of his chest muscles till I zeroed in on his tits. They here big,
like pencil erasers, and turgid to the touch. I lashed my tongue around one then
clamped my mouth over his pec and sucked on his tit.
"Aawwhhhhhh!" he cried out in pleasurable surprise and clasped his hand tighter
around the back of my head to press my mouth harder against his pec. After a
moment I raised up with a smile.
"I'll bet you didn't know you had feelings there, either," I said.
"No, I didn't. How do you know all of this stuff, about where a guy's got
feelings when the guy don't know himself?"
"I've read, and seen in magazines what they do," I said. I moved my mouth across
his chest to his other tit and began sucking on it.
"OHhhh, Colt...Ohhh, yeah, suck it...suck it hard...aww, that feels good." As he
moaned he wrapped his legs around my waist and hugged me tight. I didn't know
whether he realized that he had pulled my manhood against his spread butt. I
grew light-headed at the prospect of doing something with it; wondering that he
might be inviting me, but I quickly dismissed it. There was no way this big
studly, GI-Joe marine would let me fuck him.
"I want you to cum again," I said as I went back to his cock.
"Awwwh, yeah, just keep doing what you're doing, you're gonna get another load,"
he said.
I don't know where it all came from but his second load was as powerful and
copious as his first. I couldn't see how his balls were able to produce so much
so fast. I didn't take his second load in my mouth. Instead, I pulled off and
jacked him off so I could watch him shoot. His butt lurched up out of the
mattress when his climax overtook him and his cock exploded with a great, thick
rope of cum that shot up about six feet then landed across his chest and face
and on the pillow. A second one hit me in the face, and it flew everywhere after
that. I didn't care where it went; I was stunned at the volume and the power. He
must've let loose with a dozen salvos of the stuff. Once more, after a moment to
catch his breath, he went in to shower again. I re-made the bed with spare
sheets from the chest for us to lie on. I was sitting on one end of the couch,
waiting on him. He came out of the bathroom and sat on the other end of the
"Whew!" he gasped as he collapsed and slouched down. I had to smile at his
satisfaction. "You're blowing me away," he said.
"Are you sorry you came here?" I asked.
"No. I wouldn't have been sorry even without all of this," he said. "I'm not
sorry you told me, and I'm not sorry you're gay. You're still my best friend and
you always will be." He paused and laughed softly. "Maybe even more special
after this."
"I'm curious; when I had you bent over the bed with that bewildered look on our
face, what did you think I was going to do?" I asked.
"I don't know...I thought you might want to try to fuck me, maybe."
"And you still stood down for it?"
"No, I didn't stand for that. I got caught up in the moment. There was no way; I
was just curious to see what you were going to do to me next," he said.
It was pure heaven, lying beside him in the quiet, soft darkness.
"I can't believe this is happening," I said.
"It's not like our high school days when we used to stay overnight," he said.
"I wish it could've been like this back then. I loved to watch you in the locker
room and the showers, and walking down the halls at school. You were so studly
and sexy."
"I guess," he said with a soft chuckle. "You know, this is like being in our own
little world, just you and me," he said, with great contentment in his voice.
Neither of said anything after that. Justin dozed off, and I lay and watched him
sleep for a long time. It was all I could not to touch him but I only watched,
till finally, I went to sleep, too. It was a sound, peaceful sleep. I came awake
to find Justin wonderfully wrapped around me, his muscular arm thrown across my
chest and his heavy thigh entwined over mine and his handsome face nuzzled
against my shoulder. When he moved in his sleep, I could feel the bristle of his
beard. Godd, he was so fuckin' ruggedly handsome, it choked me up inside. I lay
perfectly still and watched him sleep. It was the most wonderful feeling, to be
so intimately close to the man who had been my best friend since I could
remember. I couldn't recall a day when he wasn't in my life in some way; I only
wished that those earlier days could have been more like this.
He squirmed in his sleep and slowly came awake as he drew away from me. Suddenly
he blinked and raised up and moved away.
"Sorry about that," he said with a groggy huskiness in his voice.
"Sorry about what?"
"I didn't mean to be all over you like that."
"I was okay with it. It was like you belonged there," I said.
"I guess so; I sure slept like a baby," he said.
He stretched in a beautiful symphony of muscle in motion and climbed over me to
get out of the bed. He went to the bathroom and came back to stand at the
"We're still in our own little world; you should see the fog out there. So
thick, I can't see across the street."
I was relieved and so happy with his mood; that he still thought of us in our
own little world.
"Hey, do you want to go for a walk?" he asked over his shoulder.
"Yeah, let's go," I said. I glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It was
five till two. While I slipped on a pair of shorts and T-shirt and my sneakers,
Justin put on a pair of briefs and his hiking shorts, and socks and boots. He
threw a T-shirt over his shoulder and grabbed his baseball cap off the hook and
arranged it just right on his head.
"Are you going out like that?" I asked.
"Yeah, there won't be anybody out there but us," he said.
We left the tomb-like quiet of the bed and breakfast and walked out into the
dark, cool, morning fog. He was right, there was no one but us on the streets.
"Still our own little world," he said again as we walked along narrow, deserted
streets, illuminated with twinkle lights.
Down a gentle slope we came to a small courtyard surrounded by large oak trees
and smaller bushes with several pathways leading out through tunnels of heavy
foliage and vines. Soft glows of light shown inside the tunnels, too dim in the
fog to light the way. Justin led us into one of the tunnels, to the lamppost
hidden in the foliage.
"This is eerie," he said as he leaned back against the lamppost. "Looks like
something out of an old London movie."
My chest filled with pressure as I looked at him. He was absolutely magnificent,
standing there bare-chested in the soft light.
"I'm glad you told me," he said in a husky voice.
"Then so am I," I said. "You don't know how scared I was."
"I'm sorry for that," he said. "You should've known I could handle it."
"I didn't know, and I was scared shitless that it would destroy our friendship."
"Now that pisses me off, that you would think anything could come between us,"
he said.
A bird chirped from one of the trees, adding its voice to break the quiet
morning. I watched Justin standing there, aching inside that he was so
incredibly handsome and I wanted him so.
"I wish I had a picture of this, you standing there like that; it's almost
surreal," I said.
"Picture it in your mind and take it with you," he said.
"I'll take an entire album away with me from this time together," I said.
He laughed. "Just don't show it to anybody."
"I wish we were alone in this place, it's so beautiful, almost seductive," I
Justin looked all around. "I think we are, and will be for awhile yet," he said.
Suddenly, something came over me and I stepped across the narrow path in front
of him. He gave me a funny look, as if to wonder what I was going to do. I put
one hand on his hip and the other on his bare stomach as I leaned in and flicked
his nipple with my tongue.
"Oh, Wow!" he gasped as I sucked on his tit. "Dam, that feels good!"
"You've got such big tits," I said as I trailed my mouth across his broad chest
to the other one.
Justin reached up and brushed his hand across his chest. "You've made `em hard
as a rock," he said.
As I sucked and nibbled on one then the other of his turgid nipples, I felt the
stirring in his shorts against my leg. He pressed himself against my thigh.
"Godd, I could take you right here," I said.
"I would almost let you," he said breathlessly. "But I think we ought to go back
to the room."
"Yes. All right."
We headed back, but not the way we'd come. I didn't know if Justin didn't know
the direct way back or if he purposely went the longer way through the narrow
streets and alleys. He seemed in no hurry. We passed by a place that took
old-time photos and he remarked that we should come back and have our picture
taken. We stopped at a small window display for a shop called Male Alley,
located upstairs. There were leather boots, aftershave and soap, leather studded
belts and other pieces of leather goods.
"That looks interesting, too," I said.
"Are you into leather?" he asked with a grin.
"I wouldn't say that, but it looks interesting," I said.
"We'll check it out," he said. We walked a way farther, heading in the direction
of the inn. "When you said earlier that you would do anything to make me happy
and feel good, I think you meant it," he said as we approached the inn.
"I did. Anything you want to do, or want me to do," I said.
"Well, being new to this, I'm not sure what anything might include."
"Okay. I don't want you to get pissed if I'm out of line, but....well, I was
wondering, does that include....anything? I mean...do you think you might wanta
try taking it....in the ass?" he asked.
"I said anything," I said without hesitation. God, how many nights had I lay
awake dreaming of having the big stud fuck me. I didn't know if I could take his
huge cock but I'd taken it down my throat and I was willing to try to take it in
my ass if that's what he wanted to do.
"Oh Man, I've always wondered what that would feel like, even when we were
kids," he said.
"I had no idea thoughts like that ever entered your head."
"They were sort of put there by a magazine I found one time. It was a gay
magazine and guys were doing all kinds of shit with each other. Those images
stuck with me."
"I didn't need a magazine; I had fantasies about you," I said.
"You've fantasies about me?"
"Yeah, I conjured up all kinds of scenarios involving you and me. Later, when I
was old enough, I bought gay magazines and pretended it was you in the pictures.
I've even jacked off looking at the pictures, thinking about doing all the stuff
I saw in the magazines, but it was mostly about doing it with you."
"I think I'm flattered. I don't know if I should be, but I am," he said. "It was
almost like you making love to me. That wasn't just a blow job, or just sex," he
"I'm sorry if I got too much into it. I know you didn't want that kind of
intimacy," I said.
"No, no, it was all right. You made it something pretty wonderful," he said.
"You're really something, you know that?" I said. "You were talking about
fucking that woman's eyeballs out. You're wasting a weekend pass on me when you
could be with any girl you wanted. I could kiss you for being so understanding."
"Don't," he said quickly. He took my key and unlocked the door to let us into
the lobby. I followed him down the short hallway to the stairs leading up to our
room. He unlocked the room and stepped aside to let me go in. He didn't hesitate
about taking off his clothes. He had less on so he was naked before I was; naked
and ready, for his cock hung out in a rubbery arch. He moved against me,
clasping his hands around my butt. He was rearing to go again; at least his cock
told me that. I reached down between us and worked my hand slowly up and down
the shaft, drawing the velvety skin down tight off the head. I could feel the
blood pumping through the thick veins.
"Do you wanta try letting me fuck you?' he asked in a husky tone.
I swallowed my fear and replied, "Yeah." I clenched my asshole, or it clenched
all on its own. I wanted to apply some Anal Ease but I didn't want to destroy
the aura that being so close to him created. He stepped back and sat on the edge
of the bed to let me finish undressing, stroking his cock casually. When I was
naked, he laid back and moved to the far side of the bed, making room for me. I
lay beside him and Justin rose up on one elbow and reached down to squeeze his
thick cock. "How do you want it? How do you we do it?" he asked.
"Any way you want," I said. "Like this to start out?" I turned over on my
"Yeah...that looks great," he said with a funny tremor in his voice, his eyes
raking over my bare butt. "I mean...I never really noticed a guy's butt before,
but you've got a great ass."
"Thanks. So do you. But you already know that."
There was no foreplay, no hint of love-making. I didn't expect it. He wanted to
discover what it was like to fuck another man. He got between my spread legs and
aimed his cock. The head slid easily between my butt muscles, right down to the
pit. "Aw, you're already nice a slick and ready," he said. "You were expecting
us to do this."
"No, not expecting as much as hoping or wondering. Either way, I wanted to be
ready, just in case," I said.
He set the head hard against my asshole and shoved. The muscles gave and
stretched and he worked his cock back and forth a few times. I thought he might
be inside me and I was amazed that there was no pain. But I knew there was a lot
of cock that would go deeper and I didn't know what that would feel like. I
braced myself but I couldn't have prepared myself for the pain I suddenly felt
when pushed harder and the broad head of his cock popped through my asshole.
"AAWWHH," I gasped, tossing my head back in agony.
"Shit, that must hurt!" he said as he checked his entry. "Do you want me to take
it out?"
"No," I said quickly.
"We don't have to do this," he said.
"Just give me a minute," I gasped. I clenched my teeth and my eyes and sucked it
up and endured the excruciation. Despite his offer, he couldn't have pulled out
if I wanted him to. He was trembling with anticipation. Slowly, he began sinking
his cock into me, without asking if I was ready for more. I felt my asshole
stretch so wide open I wondered if it would close, and his cock burrowing
through my insides, shoving through my guts, pushing obstacles out of the way.
"Is this okay? Tell me if you want me to stop," he said as he buried his cock
deeper and deeper. It moved so deep I wondered where it was going, if he might
penetrate a lung or something.
Oh, God, I thought...what am I doing! What am I letting this big stud do to me?
I was so filled with hot maleness I was trembling, and a little frightened at
what was to come. What about when he started fucking me. He could tear my
insides up, not to mention stretching my asshole so wide it might not close up
for a week.
"OOhhhhhh," I gasped as his pubes pressed hard against my butt muscles, his cock
buried to the hilt.
"Aww, fuck, that feels wonderful," he said.
I felt like I was on drugs, I was on such a high, as if the steady throbbing of
his cock was pumping something into my veins. When he started fucking me I
reached out and grabbed the edges of the mattress and clung for dear life. I
tried to be quiet. I buried my face in the pillow and choked down my cries of
"Oh, Geezuss, Colt, this is incredible!" he moaned in a tone of disbelief. "I
never felt anything like it. Not even fucking a girl...no pussy ever felt like
this. Pussy is soft and nice but your ass is so tight, and hot, and...and alive
in there."
I was so pleased that I was making him feel so good that my eyes teared up. His
fucking me was my making love to him. I humped my hips up off the mattress and
jutted my butt back to meet his gentle thrusts. I squirmed my butt around;
causing is cock to lob around inside me.
"Awwwwhh, that's good, man...that feels so good when you do that." I moved my
butt back and forth on his cock. "Yeah...do it, man...fuck that big cock...aww,
you love it, don't you?"
I more than loved it. I loved him. I was suddenly insatiable and I was actually
frightened that I wouldn't get enough of his cock, that he would finish before I
had satisfied my years of unrequited love and lust.
"I'm trying to hold back, but I wanta fuck you harder. I wanta fuck you so hard
that the bed collapses," he said.
"Yes, fuck me hard," I gasped. "Fuck me as hard as you want. Fuck me any way you
want. God, I'm yours, Justin...I've always been yours."
"Then I'm taking you," he said, and with that he shifted into high gear. He
pounded my ass so hard the headboard of the bed banged against the wall. He
fucked me hard and deep, slamming his cock into me like a pile-driver driving
piles into the sand. He shifted again and fucked me like a jack-hammer and he
made me scream in the pillow.
"Awww, fuck, I'm gonna be good for all the rest of the night, I can feel it, my
cock ain't gonna go down, so I'm not gonna try to hold off," he said as he was
fucking me slowly. "Do you want me to cum in your ass? Can I?"
"Yes, I wanta feel it," I said. "I wanta feel your hot come spraying my insides
like a hose."
"Trust me, it's gonna be like that," he warned. "Fuck, it feels like my nuts are
boiling over."
I cried out and whimpered and whinnied like a hurt pony when he shot off in me.
The stuff spurted around inside me, spraying the tender lining of my guts. He
filled me so full that his cock was forcing the stuff back out of my ass and I
could feel it squishing out and running down my balls. My own pleasure was so
intense that I couldn't cum. I rode the crest for a long time after he was
finished. It was a wonderful ride with his big cock still buried inside me.
He eased his weight gently down on top of me and lay there for awhile. I loved
the feel of his chest muscles against my back and the ripple of his abs when he
"Am I getting heavy?" he asked in a weak voice.
"Nothing I can't handle," I said.
"Good, because I don't want to move," he said. "You would make a hell of a
Marine, you know that?"
"What makes you say that?"
"There's nothing you can't handle," he said.
When he did get heavy, I squirmed under him and he rose up. Even his cock
pulling out of my ass felt wonderful, although I hated giving it up and I felt
so empty when it was gone. My asshole didn't close up and I felt his come
draining out into the bed. "We're making a mess of the bed," I said.
"Not as much as I expected," he said. I looked at him, confused. "Your ass is as
clean as a pussy," he said.
"I took care of that earlier."
"You really were ready and expecting this to happen," he said.
"I was hoping and ready but, no, I never dared to expect it would actually
"And now that it did?"
"It was unbelievable; the most wonderful thing that's ever happened to me."
"No kidding, it was that good?" he said, sounding surprised.
"I can't begin to describe it. How about you?" I asked.
"Incredible. The best sex I ever had, bar none. But it must have hurt like hell
going in," he said. "I know...nothing you couldn't handle."
The short rest that followed was more foreplay than rest. I couldn't keep my
hands off of him and he didn't seem to mind. And true to his word, he didn't
wear out. I had found my niche, down between his legs. I was sucking his cock.
And he seemed to like my finger rubbing his asshole. He was even squirming
around on it. I rubbed and massaged harder and he liked that. I used my spit
running down his cock to insert my finger through his tight hole and he didn't
object. I took my time, using only the first knuckle at first back and forth
through his hole. Then I grew braver and shoved my finger deeper; slowly, all
the way in to the last knuckle.
"Ohhhhh, Whoaa, Whoaa, Whoaa," he whispered, reaching down to grasp my wrist.
I stopped but held my hand in place. Gradually, his grip on my wrist loosened
and I moved my finger around inside him, searching for the spot I knew was
there. I found something....a small obstacle, like a soft nut. I touched it and
he gasped. I rubbed it gently and he moaned. I kept running it and he groaned
"AWwwhhhhhhhh, Fuck!"
I sucked his cock at the same time. I started working my finger in and out of
his hole, like I was fucking him with it, but each time I found his love nut and
massaged it gently. His asshole was relaxed, welcoming my finger and Justin was
thrashing his butt around and humping against my hand. I braved a second finger.
"Aww, Mannn,!" he whispered. He sounded surprised and I thought I'd overdone it,
that he might tell me to stop but I quickly found his prostate and danced both
of my fingers around on it.
"Ohhhh...ohhhhhhh! Awww, I don't what you're doing done there, but don't stop!
Keep doing it," he said.
I fucked him slowly with my two fingers, all the way out, and then back through
his gaping hole, and deep. I worked his prostate between my fingers, causing his
ass to rise up off the bed, almost as if he were trying to fuck my hand.
"Shit, how many fingers have you got in there?" he asked.
"Two," I said. "Do you want another one?"
"I don't know," he said, nervously. His `I don't know' wasn't a no so I
carefully worked a third finger inside his ass. "Awwhhhhhhh," he moaned as he
bore down against my hand. "Shit, it feels like you're using your whole hand!"
"Does it hurt? Do you want me to stop and go back to using two fingers?"
"No, it's okay...it's fine....it's great...shit, I wish I could take your
hand...shit I feel like I could take your whole fuckin' arm. Awww, yeah, fuck
me....fuck me with your fingers...Awwwwhhhh I can't hardly stand it when you do
that...touch that ...that spot....AWWWHHHH!"
Between finger-fucking his ass, I tongued it. He was relaxed and wide open and I
could get my tongue all the way in as far as it would reach. He pulled the
pillow over his face to muffle his screams of pleasure. I had him where I wanted
him; where I'd always wanted. I had GI Joe at my mercy. I alternated my tongue
and mouth between his cock and his asshole. I moved to his asshole when I needed
more spit for lube. He went nearly crazy; he couldn't be still. He was thrashing
his butt around on my hand, begging me to shove my fingers in deeper, screaming
in the pillow when I rubbed his prostate or drove my tongue in his ass.
"OHhhh...I feel like I'm gonna cum, but it won't come! Ohhh....Ohhhhh...man,
Colt...I don't know if I can take much more...you're fuckin' driving me crazy! I
wanta cum so bad!"
I purposely held him off, torturing him for a while longer before I took him
over the top. I wanted him to cum, too, as badly as needed to. I wanted his hot
load of thick semen in my mouth. I got it in short order. He came with
unbelievable force and I could feel his prostate quivering and palpitating
between my fingers as it released his manly nectar. He practically screamed
through it, then he was silent under the pillow and I thought he might have
blacked out for a moment. I savored the taste and feel of his thick cum in my
mouth, swallowing only what I had to, to make room for more. Suddenly he jerked
the pillow off his face and rose up with a stunned look of horror or shocked
disbelief on his face. To my total surprise he grabbed me and pulled me up over
him and guided my face to his and kissed me, so hard that my lips hurt. It was a
desperately passionate kiss; or a passionately desperate one. It was open-mouth,
and our tongues found each other and lashed about and I didn't know if he was
even aware that we were swirling his cum around in his mouth and mine. He broke
away as abruptly as he'd kissed me, shoving my face away from his, and lay back.
I wasn't sure what to make of it. It was almost like the kiss was something he
was obligated to do. But I wasn't ready to relinquish him. I kissed my way down
his chest and abs and found his cock still oozing cum. I sucked it in and sucked
his seed out of him and held his cock in my mouth as I gently massaged his
asshole. It was still open and clenching madly but I didn't push through; it was
simply afterplay. Justin sighed and threw his forearm over his eyes as he'd done
so often, as if he were trying to block out what had happened. I wanted him to
say something; I wanted to say something, but I wanted him to speak first.
"Shit, man, it just keeps getting better and better," he murmured breathlessly.
"I'm almost afraid to ask what else have you got in your bag of tricks that
you're gonna do to me?"
His tone reassured me and I worked one finger gently through his hole again and
massaged his insides while I kissed his balls. "Well, you said awhile ago...you
wondered what it would feel like--getting fucked...do you want to find out?" I
"I don't know about that," he said. "Fuck, man, I don't know anything right
now." "Shit, I just kissed you again, with my cum in your mouth, and on your
lips, for chrissakes."
It was enough that he didn't tell me no, which left me the courage to approach
the subject again. Justin got up to shower.
"Geezuss, it's three a.m. and I'm wide awake," he said.
"Yes, I would say you are," I said.
"Hey, do you want to get dressed and go for another walk?" he asked.
"If we're going for a walk, I guess we should get dressed," I joked. I wanted
him to invite me to shower with him, but it didn't surprise me that he didn't.
His lust was well satisfied for the moment and machoism had set in. We dressed
in jeans and T-shirts and headed toward the main street.
"Damn, it's nice out," he said.
"Yeah, we almost don't need clothes," I said.
"Well, I guess we don't need all of them at this hour," he said as he peeled his
shirt off.
"It's a good thing it's three in the morning, or you would be mobbed," I said.
"Yeah, it is, because I don't think I've got the strength to fight them off," he
We walked along the narrow twinkle-lighted streets, stopping to look in the shop
windows. "There's something magical about this place," Justin said.
"I'm glad you like it."
"It's almost as if it makes what we did okay," he said.
"Will it still be okay later?" I asked.
"I don't know about later; now is all that matters," he said. "I want you to
know I'm glad you called me to meet you here. I'm glad you told me."
"You don't know what a sense of relief that is," I said.
"We've been friends all our lives, but I feel like I know you better right now
than I have all that time."
"Well, we did get to know each other pretty well," I said.
We had turned onto a very narrow street where the twinkle-lights ran out
half-way down the block. A path led off into a small garden between two quaint
old houses that had been turned into shops.
"I'm still afraid when you get back to your life in the Marines, you're not
going to think so fondly about all of this," I said.
He stopped then turned to face me. "We've been over this before, my friend," he
said, sounding rather impatient. "I've done everything I can to convince that
I'm okay with it, that nothing has changed, except that our friendship has grown
deeper over this night. I'll try one more time, but it's the last time...you
either believe me or you don't....." His words trailed off as he put his hand
around my waist and pulled to him. He pressed his naked chest against me and
wrapped both hands around my waist. One hand moved up to my shoulders, the other
down to my butt. He kissed me with the same passion as when we'd been having
sex, but it wasn't a sexual kiss. It was gentle and hard, languid and desperate,
like no kiss I'd ever experienced. We took our time exploring each other's
tongues and nibbling on each other's lips, and for that moment we made love. We
parted gently, our lips sort of sticking together then pulling apart. Our
tongues were the last things to not touch.
"You either believe me or you don't," he said again, "but don't ever say it out
loud that you doubt me."
"I won't," I said breathlessly.
A thin, mischievous smile came across his lips. "Take off your shirt," he said,
tugging my shirt out of my jeans. He peeled it off of me and stuffed it in his
hip pocket. "Let's do that again, with bare muscle against bare muscle," he said
as he pulled me against him again.
Neither of us was aware that we weren't alone till we heard the soft clack of
heels approaching us. We separated and moved apart, embarrassed. The woman
smiled as she walked past us and I wondered where she'd come from and what she
was doing out at that hour of the morning. Suddenly she stopped, a few yards
past us, and turned. I was expecting an angry tirade but it wasn't a look of
anger on her face.
"I just want you to know, that was the most beautifully sensual thing I've ever
seen," she said.
She left us speechless, with only smiles on our faces as she walked on.
"Well....," I said, not knowing what to say.
"Like I said, there's something magical about this place," he said. "I mean,
what the heck was she doing out at this hour? Was she even real?"
We walked on, with the gentle night air on our bare muscles. I wanted to reach
down and take his hand but I didn't dare, even though he had grown comfortable
kissing me, and right in public. Any show of emotion or affection had to come
from him first.
"Listen, Colt...if we get the chance....I mean, we're gonna see each other
again, when you can get away and I can get leave...do you wanta do this again?"
he asked.
He punched my shoulder playfully. "Do we have to wait to do it again?"
We returned to the bed-and-breakfast where I checked a linen closet to see if it
happened to be unlocked. It was and I took clean sheets to change the bed. We
had sex, and again, and again after that. I made love, Justin had sex, although
given another night together, I think our emotions would have met somewhere in
the middle. It was sun-up when I lay between his muscular legs savoring the last
load of his come, his big cock laying across my neck. We lay in the quiet for a
long time. I was dreading for it to end, and as it turned out, so was Justin.
"I was nervous about coming, but God, I hate to leave," he said.
But I knew he had to get back to base. We showered, still not together, and got
dressed and went down to eat breakfast. I felt like a lover, or a new bride,
watching Justin across the table, and I hoped it didn't show. I didn't care for
myself, but it would have embarrassed him. I looked up to see the mysterious
woman from the street walk into the breakfast room. She paused in her step as
she recognized us, then smiled and went on to her table. We took coffee back up
to our room to pack up to leave.
"We were going to have our picture taken, and go back to that shop. Do you still
want to? Do you have time?" I asked.
We went to have our picture taken first. The lady helped us pick out several
costumes to choose from that she said would be befitting. We chose two. One was
an old-time barroom scene where we stood at the bar, dressed as miners, me
taking a drink out of a glass and Justin guzzling out of the bottle. We asked
the woman if she would mind standing behind the bar. The second one was of two
backwoods men with a log cabin background. I sat on the porch with my feet
cocked up on the railing, holding a rifle, with a jug of moonshine held up to my
lips while Justin stood at a woodpile, shirtless, holding an ax that was slammed
into a big chunk of wood. Again, he persuaded the woman to stand in the doorway
of the cabin. She said it would b a half hour or so before the pictures were
ready for viewing so we went on to the other shop. I told the woman we would
need two of each shot.
The way to Male Alley was through an iron gate and down a narrow alley. The
inside of the place looked like an alley as well, with rough brick walls and
street lamps for lighting. We browsed through the leather, a little surprised to
find things like leather-studded jockstraps and other paraphanlia.
"Dam, I'll be that would feel good," Justin said. He checked out a pair of heavy
leather boots with on the sides and gleaming silver studs in the heels. I picked
up a heavy black leather belt and wrapped it around my waist.
"Should've had that for me to hang onto," he said under his breath.
We checked out leather caps and gloves and leather armbands. I half expected to
find dildos and cockstraps but it didn't go that far. I picked up the sample of
aftershave and sprayed some on my hand. Justin took my wrist and pulled my hand
to his nose to smell it.
"Wow! That smells great!" he said.
We browsed the shop for a bit longer and I went back to get some of the
aftershave. I picked up two bottles of the after shave.
"What're you going to do, take a bath in the stuff?" he chided me.
"One of them is for you," I said.
"Shit, man, that's forty bucks a bottle!" he said under his breath.
I picked up two large bars of the soap as well, two cans of aftershave and two
cans of talc.
"Fuck, you're going to have guys all over me in the barracks," he said, laughing
"How about the leather jock? Do you want it?" I asked.
"No, I can't wear that in the barracks, and I got no place to hide it," he said
"But why don't you get it for yourself?" he added with a sly grin. "You would
look great in it."
I bought it. We went back to pick up the pictures. They turned out great. W
headed back to the inn, and I thought Justin was walking slower than usual, and
it warmed me that perhaps he didn't want to leave. Back in the room, he packed
the stuff I'd bought him in his bag.
"Do you want to try this on?" I asked, offering him the leather jockstrap.
"No, let's save it," he said.
When were ready to leave we looked around the room.
"I'll bet that's the best workout that bed ever got," Justin said. Then he
looked at me. "We'll come back here sometime. To this same room."
"Yeah, we will," I said, but I didn't know if I believed him, or that he would
even remember he'd said it after he got back into his life as a Marine and had
time to think about what we'd done.
He had his hand on the door. I thought--hoped--that we might kiss goodbye.
"Listen, I owe you an apology, of sorts," he said.
"What in the world for?"
"Well, I said some stuff earlier, when you first told me, that I didn't want you
to complicate things, or throw anything else at me that I have to sort out and
deal with."
"You didn't want any emotions," I reminded him. "Something like, we leveled the
playing field but you didn't want me throwing out any new rules."
"Well, you were right, I was the one complicating things," he said. "It was a
dumb thing to say, and I want you to know, I feel differently now. I'm still
going to have some stuff to sort out when I get back and have time to think it
through, but nothing's going to change how I feel about this weekend."
"Thanks for saying it," I said. He started to open the door but paused when I
reached out and squeezed his butt. "I gotta know something...and maybe you can't
answer it, but...given one more night, would there have been a chance?"
He looked around and our eyes met. "I don't know," he said. "You really had me
going...I truly don't know."
"That's good enough," I said.
The End
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Posted: 02/22/08