An Improbable Love
By: Morris Henderson
(© 2008 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter Thirteen

TJ shifted his attention to his friend who, he reasoned, would also need to drain his balls. Moving downward, he hovered over Neil's now flaccid cock. Then, he pounced on it, engulfing his target in one fell swoop. The captured organ reacted instantly. Its owner made no objection. With the throbbing prick standing at full attention, the aggressor momentarily stopped his assault. He intended to duplicate what his partner had done. However, smirking, the eighteen-year-old said the magic word, "Alabama!”

Disappointed, TJ asked, "You don't want the same treatment?"

"Not, now."

Respecting his lover's wish, the younger boy eagerly resumed pleasuring his partner until he was rewarded with the creamy prize.

As they cuddled blissfully together, TJ remarked, "What you did to me ... making me wait ... I didn't like it at the time but you were right. It was worth the wait."

"I assume you were pleased."

"Not when you were teasing me. I was getting desperate. I had to say the code word."

"You mean YELL the word!" Neil laughed.

"Okay. I screamed! However, it was such agony! But then when I came, I experienced an odd combination of pain with pleasure.”

"I know exactly what you experienced!"

"Then, somebody has done it to you?"

"Yes, my first boyfriend. But the situation was different. Tom tied my wrists and ankles to the bedposts. He started teasing and sucking. It was pleasant at first but he continued until it felt like I was going to lose my mind! The initial pleasure turned into torture. I begged, pleaded, cursed, and then threatened him. He hadn’t given me a code word. Not only did he refuse to stop, he laughed when I became angry and began the next series! I lost count after the ninth, or tenth, cycle. Once, when his mouth touched my cock, I lifted my hips as far as I could, thrusting my aching cock all the way to the back of his throat! Finally, I came. It was the most awesome orgasm ever! However, there remained a bitter aftertaste. What started as sex with my partner became a struggle to defeat my opponent. I was mad at him for a week because of what he had done to me.”

"He probably thought he did something special for you."

"It may have started that way but when I started to curse him, he seemed to take delight in my misery. He was no longer doing it for me; he was doing it for himself."”

"Did he apologize?"

"Only after a few days! I'm sure he was doing it only because he was horny and wanted to have sex again. Anyway, during that week, I experimented by jacking but stopping before ejaculation. I repeated the process several times. It intensified the orgasm that followed. That's why I wanted you to wait -- so your orgasm would be stronger. But I didn't want to take it too far so that you would be mad or hate me. That's why I gave you the code word. You're not mad at me, are you?”

"No! Although I became impatient -- even desperate -- I knew you weren’t being cruel."

"I'll never be mean to you, my love! However, if I ever unintentionally upset you, I want you to promise that you'll tell me."

"Deal! If you make me the same promise."

"Done!" Neil said, sealing the agreement with a kiss.

"Now, shall we get dressed for breakfast?"

Looking at his watch TJ said, "Or, brunch. It's after ten o'clock!"

Once dressed, they went to a popular local off-campus cafe which served good food at affordable prices. Over lunch, the two discussed plans for the afternoon. Since neither had seen the new National Museum of the American Indian and, because it would contribute to Neil's understanding of minorities, the boys decided to go there.

"It's faster to use the bus and the Metro than it is to drive because parking around the Mall is almost impossible to find. It will only take us forty-five minutes by public transport," Neil told his friend.

Catching a bus at Thirty-seventh and O Streets NW, they transferred to another before embarking on the Blue Line Metro subway that took them to L'Enfant Station. On their way to the museum, they chatted constantly, just as good friends do. They exchanged stories about their childhood, their families, the vacations they had gone on, and their classes at school. The topics were all relatively inconsequential but the result was not. Their conversation provided the opportunity to know each other better.

Being in public, their conversation avoided all hints of a sexual nature with one minor exception. As they waited for the subway, TJ remarked, "Look at the guy half way down the platform with the red tee shirt!"

"The tall blond? What about him?"

"He’s very good looking, don't you think?"

Shooting a disapproving look at his boyfriend, Neil replied coolly, "I suppose so!"

Their casual conversation resumed during the short ride aboard the Metro, but half of TJ's mind reflected on his lover's negative reaction to his remark. While walking toward the museum he apologetically explained, "Neil, I'm sorry my comment upset you! Please, believe me; I'm not shopping around. However, I've developed a habit of checking out guys. I would never consider any of them seriously!”

"I know, TJ! I do the same thing. However, others may overhear us and make assumptions. Until we come out, we're going to have to be very careful whenever we're in public."

"You're right, of course." TJ replied. "I dropped my guard for a little while. Maybe that's because when I'm with you, I can finally be what I am. I'm comfortable being me. That's no excuse but it's a useful reminder that I’ll have to be more vigilant in the future."

Smiling to reassure his buddy there were no hard feelings, the older youngster replied, "He was good looking, wasn't he?"

The fifteen-year-old laughed. He felt like kissing his boyfriend, but refrained from doing so.

By five o'clock that afternoon the teens had seen almost everything. Exiting the building, Neil asked, "Did you like it?"

"Yes! But, something significant was missing!"


"There was not a word of genocide! Sure, some of the European settlers tried to make friends with the natives, but, over the years, they exterminated them whenever they wanted more land. If that isn't mass murder, then I don’t know what is! They forcibly moved the remainder from their homes onto reservations. One tribe had to relocate all the way from Ohio to Oklahoma! A whole nation of people was subjugated by the greed of a more technologically advanced invader!"

"Okay, I see your point. A great deal of cruelty and injustice occurred. That was wrong. But, it happened centuries ago. It’s history!"

"It's not just history! Massacres continue all over the world. Whole groups of people are being slaughtered or expelled from their homeland. Look at the Balkans, the Middle East, Africa. Even in supposedly civilized countries, the powerful dominate and persecute whomever they feel threatens their rule! Whites and blacks hate or distrust each other. Jews and Palestinians fight rather than try to settle their differences peacefully! Christians argue about who has the monopoly on truth. Cut to the core, and it's all about power over others!"

"Whoa! Hold on! I agree with everything you say, and I admire your sense of fair play. But I worry about how emotional you get. I fear your anger at injustices and wrong doing will disrupt your reason. I've advised you before but I'll repeat my remarks again. It's okay to be upset with the subjugators of the world but don't allow that rage to turn into an obsession. You mustn't let it turn you into a fanatic!"

TJ thought about the eighteen-year-old's warning before retorting, "But I am mad! And, something must be done about all this evil!"

Neil tried to calm his buddy down, so he could think objectively. "Sure! There's no doubt solutions must be found. But, frenzied people sometimes do abhorrent things. They can blow up abortion clinics and kill innocent people. They are capable of vandalizing a black church, a synagogue or a mosque. They might hack into corporate or government computers. Their rage leads them to justify their actions with distorted ideas of what they think is justice, righteousness, or loyalty to some cause. The point is, two wrongs don't make a right."

"I'd never attempt any of those things!”

"No, I'm sure you wouldn't -- NOW! But don’t let uncontrolled passion dominate your thinking. That's a slippery slope. I'm only suggesting you find ways you can help the victims of injustice without persecuting the perpetrators!"

The younger boy had much to think about. His friend quietly let him ponder. Finally, the now-calm teen concluded, “You're right! It's what Isabel would say if she was the type of individual to confront people. She's not like that. She teaches by example. I needed to hear what you said! Thanks."

The boys walked a little farther toward the Metro station and found an Italian restaurant on the way. Over dinner, they continued their conversation about destructive and constructive ways to overcome injustice, what an individual needs to do, and how governments must act. They agreed the use of force to defend one's self or others can often be justified. The two concurred that even when it is, it may degenerate into inhumane behavior by individuals, groups, and governments. They disagreed on some things but, by challenging each other's thinking, both developed a more nuanced understanding of when, and how, to use force. More significantly, the friends gained an appreciation for the other's core values, which strengthened the bond between them. In the process, their love deepened.

During their ride back to campus the teens' minds dwelled on the approaching night. By the time they arrived at the dorm, both were very horny.

As they walked down the hall, the two met Cory who grinned at TJ before blurting out, "Hi, Alabama!"

Stopping in mid-stride, the two friends wondered why he said that and what more, if anything, he knew. In addition the fifteen-year-old had a brief but disturbing thought: “Did Neil give Cory the same treatment and use the same code word?” Then he remembered what Neil had said about Cory being an arrogant ass and dismissed the thought.

Neil recovered from the surprise more quickly, asking, "What's that mean, dude?"

Shifting his attention to the elder boy, Cory replied, "Oh, I was passing by your room last night and heard TJ yell “Alabama!” I know you're from Oklahoma so I assumed TJ was from there." Then, looking at the younger teen, he asked, "Did I guess right?"

"No, I was born and raised in Virginia!"

Grinning, the obnoxious student quickly glanced up and down the fifteen-year-old's body, which made the scrutinized boy feel uncomfortable, and his companion angry.

"So, a virgin from Virginia!"

Neil's temper flared at the remark, and he shot back, "That's either a lousy joke or a completely insensitive comment! In either case, that's all one could expect from an asshole like you!"

Cory tried to apologize but only made matters worse by stumbling over his words. He admired Neil to the point of lust. And, although he was a hick from Oklahoma and not part of the New York Park Avenue elite, had come onto him often. However, he had been persistently ignored, which was both frustrating and irritating. Now, the situation was even worse. He had made Neil mad. All hopes of dating him were now shattered. He suspected, without any evidence at all, that the two friends” were having sex. But, he failed to recognize his suspicions were only a projection of his own desire to bed down the guy he hungered for.

Neil and TJ started retreating down the hall.

"Wait! May I buy you a beer? Are we still friends?"

Neil wanted to say a great deal to Cory. Instead, throttling his anger, he kept walking.

Upon entering the dorm room, the host closed and locked the door.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lost my temper! I was mean to him. He's an asshole, but I needn't have told him so."

"He IS a prick!” TJ agreed. “Somebody has to tell him that! You did him a favor. Maybe he'll be more careful about what he says in the future."

"Perhaps, but I doubt it. Arrogance is impervious to criticism."

TJ was about to remind his lover of his earlier advice not to let anger make you victimize the unjust, but decided that would have to await a better time. Right now, there was something much more important on his mind. It involved the bed and his boyfriend!


(My thanks to Baruch for his valuable advice and suggestions on this chapter.
I accept responsibility for any remaining flaws or deficiencies. --Morris)

