Under the Christmas Tree
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Very loosely based on a true incident.
It was the Christmas season of 1983 if memory serves me right. I was visiting a gay couple in their early 30’s, Mike and Jim, whom I really didn’t know well. I was staying in their home as the guest of mutual friends, my BFFs Rob and Larry, who were allowing me to tag along on a holiday vacation. All four of my hosts were kind and gentle with me since I was only two weeks post break-up with my partner of nearly 3 years, Wayne, who had been my first “true” love.
I’m Arthur Gibbs and at the time of this story, I was almost 26 standing about 6’1” and weighing about 175. I was not a weight-lifter, but was pretty well put together and lived in Durango, Colorado.
and I’d met when he was 32 and I was 22 and celebrating my graduation from
Southern Methodist University (BBA) with 3 of my best gay friends. We were
spending a couple of weeks camping and hiking in the Colorado Rockies and
happened to camp near Wayne and his best friend Randy, who immediately went
after my pal Jacob. Wayne and I fell in love on a mountaintop and I moved to
Durango a month later to be with him. I landed a job in the billing department
of the Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Train. We had a good life, or so I
thought. “True” love turned out to be untrue love when I discovered he’d
been having a serious affair with his co-worker at the Sheriff’s Department for
almost 2 of our 3 years together.
[What I fell for: gorgeous, masculine, sexy, outdoorsy, fun, kind, generous, and a nice dick that he really knew how to use. See photo.]
So, I arrived at Mike and Jim’s magnificent home in the mountains just above Boulder, Colorado, with a busted heart and crushed spirit, feeling ugly, unloved, and, worse than that, unlovable. During the first couple of days of a planned week’s sojourn, I was quiet, morose, and despondent. I could appreciate the beauty of the idyllic setting with the mountains, pines, spruce, fir, and aspen all around, and about a foot of powdery whiteness to shimmer in the moonlight and glisten in the sunlight. Mike and Jim had decorated the house to the hilt, using all Mike’s talents as a department store window dresser at one of the leading stores in Denver: Goldwater’s. (Yes, that Arizona Senator Goldwater.)
The tree alone was worthy of a Better Homes and Gardens cover, standing 12 feet tall in front of a 24-foot window overlooking the city of Boulder about 3500 feet below and a little to the left. Rob and Larry went on and on about how incredible the tree was as we sat before it with spiced teas or ciders listening to The Carpenters sing “Merry Christmas, Darling,” which just made me miss the good times with Wayne. (Yes, there had been a lot of good times before it all went to hell in a 2-minute confession one day.) I tried to hide my tears.
At breakfast on Christmas Eve morning, Jim announced that their buddy Gil would be coming over during the afternoon for some eggnog and some time in their amazing hot tub, which was on the deck overlooking Boulder. I didn’t think anything about it until Rob took me aside and told me to “get your shit together, clean up, and put on something sexy” before Gil arrived. In the ensuing shower I couldn’t help but wonder if I was being set up. It was too soon. But … I did as I was told.
[Ready to meet Gil, but not really feeling it, I used a little brewsky to help me get psyched for the afternoon.]
Most of the morning was spent with Mike and Rob beating the stuffing out of Larry and Jim at a marathon round of Spades games while I sat in a lounge chair pretending to read City of Night by John Rechy. Had I actually been reading, I should have selected something a bit more uplifting, but it really didn’t matter since I couldn’t focus my brain on the pages before me anyhow. I kept wondering what Wayne and his new boyfriend Alvin were doing to celebrate the holidays. I kept wondering if I should get the hell out of Durango and make a new start somewhere far, far away where I wouldn’t be likely to run into Wayne or Alvin or any of our joint friends at the bank or grocery. Maybe I should go someplace warmer, like Dallas or Florida or Arizona.
But I did enjoy many aspects of life in Durango: the gorgeous summers, unbelievable fall scenery, skiing at Purgatory or Wolf Creek or Telluride, clean crisp air and sparkling mountain streams, hikes and camping. I even had some good friends: our Business Office Manager Allen and his sweet wife Rita, a couple of gay ranchers (Chuck and Erik) who have a 1000-acre spread on the mesa south of the city, and Jordan, a new arrival to the area who is the assistant chef at the Strater Hotel, Durango’s historic top accommodation. Maybe Jordan and I could spend more time together, see if we are compatible as good friends (or whatever) if I stay in Durango.
But I digress. Back to Christmas Eve in the mountains above Boulder.
A few minutes past two, Gil arrived in a flurry of snowflakes, hugs, and laughter. Initially, I couldn’t see him well, but finally he had his parka, Cossack hat, scarf, and gloves deposited in the hall and came into the den where we were all camped out in front of the fireplace while Mike, Jim, Rob, and Larry played more Spades. When I could finally see him, I saw that Gil was stunningly beautiful! He was several inches shorter than my 6’1” height, maybe 5’9”. He was small in stature, as best I could tell given his bulky winter sweater. He did have on a pair of deliciously tight, thigh-hugging black Britannia jeans that drew my attention to his ass more than anything had caught my eye in the past two weeks. Oh, my! Gil was also outgoing, friendly, and very energetic. When we were introduced, he paid close attention to me and instantly made me feel special, almost attractive again.
Mike showed Gil around the downstairs portion of the house to see the Christmas tree and decorations. I could hear them talking as Jim went to the kitchen for a few minutes, returning with chips and salsa and a tray loaded with margaritas. We all sat for a while in the den as Gil chatted with Mike and Jim about what they’d been up to during the past couple of weeks. I gleaned from eavesdropping on their conversation that Gil also lives in Denver and is a bar tender at a downtown gay bar called The Triangle, that The Triangle has a very active back room, and that Gil is blissfully single and sexually quite active. That was no surprise given this boy’s personality and beauty. Answering a question from Rob, Gil shared that he is 22 and grew up in Pueblo in the southern part of the state. He has a sister two years older and a brother two years older than her. His father is Mexican and his mother is Russian, an unusual mixture that Rob suggested might be the source of his exotic good looks.
Even though I was my usual silent self during the whole, long conversation, Gil frequently looked at me, often smiling and even winking at me once. I was impressed and a little titillated by that.
After a second round of delicious margaritas, Gil said, “Okay, dudes, you invited me to come up the mountain, fighting all that snow, for some time in your hot tub. So, how about it?” He looked right at me with a gigantic grin for a couple of seconds and then winked.
“Of course,” Mike said. “You go ahead, but we need to complete our game of Spades.”
“I’d like to join you,” I blurted out, which shocked everyone except Gil.
“Great!” the beautiful guy said. “It’ll give us a chance to get acquainted.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a few smirks from around the game table, even some “significant looks” at each other, but I didn’t care. I felt my heart beating stronger than it had in quite a while and, frankly, that felt good.
“Where should I change?” Gil inquired.
Jim pointed up the stairs. “Second door on the left. You’ll be sharing the bath with Art. He can show you the way.”
Gil smiled as he picked up a small duffel bag and said, “I’m all yours, handsome.”
I grinned and started for the stairs. As he waited for me to go ahead of him, I thought of the great sight in store if I could watch him go ahead of me wearing those sexy Britannia’s.
“After you, Gil,” I said and indicated the stairs with my outstretched arm.
I stayed two steps below him all the way up to the second floor. Of course, that put my nose about 18” behind his curvaceous firm flexing buns and caused my dormant dick to come instantly out of hibernation and start to rise to its glory. At the top of the stairs, Gil stopped, turning halfway around to grin at me. “Now where, stud?”
Stud?!?! Fuck! My dick throbbed and reached fullness even if trapped inside my Wranglers and briefs.
“Uhm, right here,” I gestured towards the other spare room. “I’m the next room there. Come over when you’re ready.”
“Sure,” he smiled and went inside his room.
Quickly I changed into my Speedo and willed my unruly dick to relax. Several minutes passed before I heard a soft rap at the door into the shared bathroom.
“Come in, Gil,” I said.
Each of the bedrooms had a small vanity in an alcove next to the door which led into a small room with a nice walk-in shower and a toilet. From that room, Gil emerged and paused in the alcove. Devoid of his clothing, Gil was more stunning than I could ever have imagined.
I sucked in a lung-full of air. “Holy fuck!” I breathed. “Are you for real?” I
asked without actually thinking.
He grinned and walked toward me. “I’m as real as you are, buddy.”
He stopped about three feet in front of me, tilted his head to one side, grinned, and said, “You are every bit as hot as Mike said you are.”
Huh? I had suspected they were trying to set me up to get me out of my grand funk, but how could they interest someone as blazing as this little hottie?
“Uhm,” I mumbled, “speaking of hot, you should look in the mirror sometime.”
He grinned again. “So, if you’ll come to the hot tub with me, I’ll let you follow me back up the stairs again later.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“Busted!” I chuckled. “Deal! I think I would follow you anywhere.”
He reached out with his right hand toward my left hand. I held mine out and we clasped hands. He tugged slightly and I moved toward him, right into his chest. We hugged for several seconds as our palms got to know our shoulder blades, waists, and, yes, even our buttocks. God, his were so solid and firm, almost as firm as my dick.
Eventually, Gil pushed me away slightly. “If we don’t hit the hot tub right now, I’m going to have to rape you, Art.”
“Ohhhh,” I moaned.
“Save that erection for later, babe,” he said, turning around and strolling into the hallway. I followed a couple of steps behind him, very grateful for the view.
I knew my erection was obvious in my tight little Speedos, but I didn’t care as we sauntered through the den to the door leading onto the deck outside. Just inside the door was a shelving unit with about a dozen fluffy white towels.
As we went past, Gil grabbed two and said, “I got you one.”
When we opened the door onto the deck, a frigid stillness sucked the heat right out of our bodies in, like, 3 seconds.
Soon we were ensconced in the bubbly 102-degree tub surrounded by a foot of snow and 22-degree air. We slid around to the side of the tub nearest the house so we could enjoy the best view of Boulder, where lights were beginning to pop on in the early dusk. Gil slid up against my side and pulled my arm around his shoulders as he nestled into the crook of my arm. It was charming and sexy as hell. Again, my dick throbbed.
We talked for a few minutes as he asked about my life and I shared the bare information about my youth in Texas, my move to Durango, and my life with Wayne. When I shared about the pain of Wayne’s betrayal and our ensuing break-up, Gil leaned back across my chest, almost putting his head against my leg, so he could look me in the eye.
“I’m so sorry, Art. You didn’t deserve that.” Then he pulled my head down as he stretched upwards so we could have our first kiss. While it was intended and received as a sweet, casual kiss, it nevertheless was accepted by my unruly body as the opening salvo of a monumental fuckathon. Gently, the tip of Gil’s tongue slipped between his lips to touch my lips almost imperceptibly. My lips parted and my tongue moved forward to meet his, which immediately drew my tongue into his mouth. Shit, this was hot!
Without breaking our kiss, Gil slid across my body, dragging his amazing butt across my straining dick while he was at it. I’m pretty sure my dick goosed him a couple of times while he was in transit. He tossed his feet and legs around until he was able to straddle my legs and drop into a lap-dance position on my thighs. With that, we really went to town as our kisses became so passionate they were almost painful. I grasped his buns and pulled him forward until my crotch was nestled beneath his ass, balls, and taint.
I forgot all about my broken heart as my attention went completely to this fantasy boy in my arms, in my lap. For 8 to 10 minutes, we noshed on each other and I had no thoughts of anything but the feel of my tongue in his mouth, his lips pillowy against mine, his perfect pecs against mine, and the round firmness of his ass in my palms.
Finally, Gil backed away slightly, reluctantly breaking our kiss.
“Babe, I need more. Can we go upstairs?”
I wasn’t sure how I would get up the stairs in my condition, but I nodded because I, too, needed more. We were so overheated from the hot water and the hot make-out session that I didn’t feel the freezing air during the 10-second walk back into the house. Quickly we dried off enough to prevent dripping, then wrapped our towels around our Speedos. Gil and I hurried through the den and up the stairs without interacting with the card players except to nod in response to their comments about it getting too cold outside in the dusk.
As soon as the door to my room was closed behind us, we dropped the towels and came together like iron bits and a magnet. Our arms flew around each other and our mouths opened in mutual anticipation, our nearly naked bodies crashing together as our erections struck painfully between us. We kissed frantically as our hands dropped to our waists. Gil grabbed each side of my Speedos and dragged them down to free my aching boner. Simultaneously, I slipped my hands beneath the waistband of his tiny suit onto the smooth spheres of his butt cheeks as I felt my newly-freed cock plop against his belly in its desire to unite with him. I pushed his suit down across his firm globes and off his dick until gravity took over and the bit of cloth dropped to the floor.
When we were both naked, we humped against each other as my hands cupped the bottoms of his cheeks, pulled them up a bit, and squeezed them aggressively. Suddenly Gil backed away from me, pulling his mouth off my thrusting tongue as he gasped for breath. He looked at me with lust-filled hazel eyes as he grabbed my hand to drag me the few feet to my bed. Together we fell onto the queen-size bed to renew our passionate kissing and rhythmic thrusting in a sort of spontaneous frottage as we just couldn’t seem to move together hard enough.
We made out like a couple of mountain lions for a few minutes before he pushed me onto my back. He moved over me and between my legs, pushing my knees out and dropping his head into my groin. With one hand he pulled my dick up from my belly while with the other hand he cupped my balls and began jiggling them in their tight sac.
“Nice, big cock, man!” he said as he opened wide and planted his face on it.
I’d been leaking a lot of precum for a while, so much of my cockhead was already gooey. As his mouth passed across my meaty cock, Gil’s talented tongue made a loop around my helmet to scoop off my nectar. The sudden flood of sensation to this hyper-sensitive area made me cry out, “Oh my god, fuck!”
In less than a heartbeat, the tip of my 7½” prick hit the constriction of his throat as he literally impaled himself on my manhood. “Oh, god!” I cried again.
Gil knew his way around a substantial piece of man-meat as he proceeded to suck and deep throat me for several minutes. He had me writhing in delicious agony and mindless reaction, moaning deliriously and clawing the sheets. Then, just as suddenly as this world-class BJ had begun, he pulled off and looked up at me.
It happened so fast, I was a little startled. When I realized he wasn’t just taking a breath, I looked down my hairy chest to his eager and flushed face, split with a wide grin framed by reddened lips covered with spital and probably a bit of precum.
“Where’s the lube?” he asked.
I reached over to the night stand and grabbed the bottle of baby oil. I held it out to him and soon he was coating my swollen throbber with the clear oils. Taking just a moment to ram a couple of fingers between his gorgeous glutes, he smiled at me, shook his head in excitement, and blurted out, “This is going to feel so good!” He rose onto his knees and climbed across my thighs, paused to give me a 10-second kiss, and raised himself above me. His nice dick (neither as long nor as thick as mine, but a very pretty cut beauty in its own right) bounced in front of him as he held my expectant cock in a vertical position, rubbing my glans against his butt cleft until it was positioned right against his rosebud.
felt the delicious tightness as my cock breached his opening to travel into his
sphincter at the same time that he closed his eyes tightly, gasped, and
grunted. He paused with my helmet firmly held within his straining sphincter
until the pain passed. He opened his eyes, grinned at me, mumbled, “Oh yeah,”
and pushed down as his body dropped toward my groin and my cock moved deeper
into him.
“Oh, god, Gil. You feel so amazing!”
He grinned. “Your cock is filling me so full, babe!” He dropped steadily down until after only a few seconds the round firmness of his cheeks settled onto my pubic area.
He placed his hands on the sides of my abs to steady himself. His eyes became hooded as his lids relaxed. I felt his guts squeeze my cock as though it was giving an all-over hug of welcome.
“Oh,” I moaned, as my mind went into a sort of haze as he rose above me several inches. Of course, he quickly plunged back down onto my cock, sending spectacular sensations into my gonads. I felt his own goo dribbling down into the hairs on my Adonis belt when he rose up from me. As he lowered himself, his dick would give my belly an audible thump and leave some more goo. Even as we were getting started, I knew this was destined to be the most pleasurable few minutes I’d ever experienced.
Adding to the excitement, Gil turned out to be a vocal bottom, crying out a groan with a punctuated “uh” each time he was fully impaled. I held his hips in such a way that my fingertips rested on the tops of his muscular glutes where I could feel the strength in his movements atop me. Fuck, what a turn-on!
Gil picked up speed as he rode me hard to get every inch as often as possible. I knew I wouldn’t last nearly as long as I wanted to with his incredible assault on my cock. I began willing myself to fall back from orgasm, but my body had other ideas and my breathing came faster, my moans louder, as the tension in my gonads mounted.
Then, suddenly, Gil sat down in perfect stillness.
I opened my eyes to catch him staring at me with a touch of a smirk on his handsome face.
“You’re close, aren’t you?”
“Uh-huh,” I grunted.
“I’m not going to bring you off just yet, babe.”
I was becoming more coherent as the sexual cliff receded. I looked up at him with the best puppy-dog eyes I could muster. “It sure would feel good,” I whined.
“But I want a lot more fucking first.” With that, my beautiful boy rose all the way up, carefully extracting my pulsating cock from his sheath. He lay flat onto my torso, trapping his own rigid dick between our abs. He played with one of my ears and slowly brought his mouth down to mine. We met wide open and he sucked my tongue into him, then proceeded to circle it and suck it with his own tongue. It reminded me well of how great it had felt when he had done that to my dick earlier.
After some incendiary kissing, he rolled off me and chuckled, “Now it’s time for you to do some of the work.” He settled on his back beside me and raised his legs, pulling his knees down beside his chest as he grinned at me.
I might not be thinking too clearly at the moment, but I wasn’t a complete dunce. I smiled back as I rose from the mattress flipping across his near leg and landing gently atop his body, my ready rod caught briefly against his own dick. I kissed him lightly as I shifted so that I could grab my cock and insert it back where it belonged. I pushed myself up from his body so I could put a hand under his lower back and lift him into just the right position to get pounded.
“The pillow,” I said as I nodded to the pillow beside him.
He handed it to me and I placed it under his back. I picked up the baby oil and squirted some more onto my stiffy before I leaned forward as I brought my cockhead to his now comfortably open anus.
As soon as my helmet entered his warm interior, he smiled broadly and breathed, “Oh, yeah. Come on into me, babe. All the way.”
I followed his instructions to the letter, rested a couple of seconds to get the feel for the angle, then withdrew about 5 inches of prime cock from him. I rested in the “out” position, caught his eyes, and smiled at this beautiful boy who seemed so enamored with my cock. I grabbed him by the ankles, held them skyward, and plunged back to the hilt, my tongue brushing my lips in sensual joy.
Gil grunted as I filled him. “Please, babe,” he begged, “fuck me good!”
For the next 10 minutes, I pounded him with short breaks to stave off my orgasm. His dick leaked almost continuously when I was pounding him, stopping momentarily when I paused.
“How you doin’, champ?” I asked.
“Ohhhh. Fuckin’ great.”
“Are you ready to get your reward?”
“Oh, yes!”
“I’m going to fill you with my best cumshot ever, sweet baby.”
“Oh, yes, Art. Please!”
I adjusted our angle of connection slightly so that my cock would go a little more to his front side as I entered him each time. Then I commenced a series of long, powerful lunges into his fabulous asshole grazing his prostate each time. Soon he was throwing his head from side to side, gasping, and moaning continuously. His moans were interrupted by a sort of chirp each time my helmet tapped his prostate and then by a deep grunt each time my helmet reached full penetration. If I had taken the time to think about it, that would have been a very interesting sound effect from our coupling. Although I could tell he was nearing a fine orgasm of his own, Gil never touched his dick, apparently content to let it do its own thing.
As I drove into his spectacular fuckhole, my body prepared to father a great nation. I’d estimate we lasted about 3 minutes in that awesome state until we reached the edge of Nirvana.
“I’m … almost … there,” he panted.
“Come on, baby,” I encouraged him. “Show me how good it feels.”
“Don’t stop now,” he commanded.
I added a little more to the punch at the end of my strokes. Oh, damn, I wouldn’t last much longer but I really wanted him to cum while I was fucking him. His asshole was very hot by this time, creating its own suction from the build-up of his body fluids and my precum, gripping and relaxing as I throbbed within him. I had a distinct thought this fuck was as good as any fuck I’d ever had with the best blowjob ever thrown in for good measure. Holy, shit! His dick had gotten thicker and so red it was purple as it flailed about on his belly.
Another minute went by in which we were lost in each other’s eyes just as our bodies moved as one higher on the ladder until finally I knew I was about to blow.
Just then, he cried out, “I’m gonna cum!”
I felt the extreme contraction inside him half a second before he screamed, “Aaaaaiiii!” and launched a spermwad that flew across his torso to splatter on his chin and lower lip.
That volcanic squeeze took me over the edge along with him. As my gonads fired, I screamed, “Fu-uck!” so loud I’m sure they heard me downstairs.
Together, his dick flooded his torso while my cock flooded his insides. It was a monumental orgasm.
When the fireworks were over, we lay connected for a minute longer as my rigid member softened and we both regained normal breathing. Finally, I pulled away so I could step off the bed and retrieve one of the towels we had dropped on the floor.
We mopped up, then took a lovely romantic shower together. I got off in a different way as I gently rubbed his muscled bod as we cleaned each other. After our shower, Gil looked so fresh and beautiful I still couldn’t quite accept that we had just had a very hot fuck together. It felt like a drug-induced hallucination to me. We pulled on our briefs and sat together at the end of the bed, holding hands.
looked into his gorgeous face and whispered, “That was the best sex I have ever
had, Gil. I truly mean that.” I pecked his cheek.
He grinned at me. “It couldn’t get any better than that, Art. Thank you, stud!”
I chuckled. “I’ve never been called stud before, at least, not after sex.”
“Well, you certainly were a stud today. Shit, you are the very best top. Your cock feels so amazing inside me!”
My cock tingled. “I agree, baby. When my cock is inside you, it does feel amazing!”
We laughed and squeezed our hands.
“We probably ought to go downstairs,” Gil said.
“And face the music,” I said with a chuckle.
“No doubt!”
Reluctantly, we stood, shared a quick peck on the lips before we finished dressing to go downstairs.
After another loving kiss, we reluctantly parted before stepping into the upstairs hallway.
Downstairs Gil and I faced the expected cat-calls, whoops, and “atta-boys” from the peanut gallery that had finally put away the cards and begun to focus on creating dinner for the six of us. Jim put on some soft Christmas albums to put us in the mood for presents and eggnog.
the activity in the kitchen occupying the others, Gil sat on the loveseat in the
den while I got us each a cup of spiced cider to fuel some private
getting-to-know-you time with my new fellow.
When I was settled beside him, Gil took my hand, looked into my eyes, and said softly, “Thank you, Art, for an amazing time just now.”
“I should say the same thing to you, Gil. I’ve never enjoyed sex so much nor cum so hard. Your openness and warmth just amaze me.”
“You’re too sweet!”
“Just truthful. You couldn’t know how special that was for me.”
“Why?” he asked sweetly. “Because of your recent break-up?”
I nodded. “Yes, but there’s even more.” I sipped my cider. “When I learned that Wayne had been carrying on an affair for 2 years – we were only together 3 years – I felt so inadequate. I mean, I couldn’t even hold his interest for more than a year?”
“Clearly he’s a fool.”
“I don’t know. I know he’s a jerk, but maybe not a fool.”
“But you had good times, I’m sure.”
“Yes, we did. But I think he took advantage of my youth and inexperience. He was ten years older and had already had a lover and other boyfriends. He was really my first major love. And he dominated me a lot more than I realized until it was over.”
“I’m glad you’re out of that relationship, babe. You deserve to let your own personality out, to shine, to be your own man, to meet your own needs. It sounds like he was really holding you back.”
“You seem to bring the best out of me!”
Gil chuckled. “I’m glad to hear that. The you I have seen today is certainly a really good, kind, and loving person, not to mention a very hot stud in bed!”
I laughed. “That’s so ironic.”
He looked puzzled. “I don’t understand.”
“Well, calling me a stud is ironic.”
“I don’t see that. But it’s certainly true. You fucked me so-o good!”
I blushed at his compliment.
“Why is it ironic?” he went on.
“Well, because I haven’t gotten a chance to top for over 3 years.”
Gil was silent for a moment. “Wow. You are such a natural top.”
“Before I met Wayne, I considered myself versatile. I wasn’t highly experienced, but had messed around with some of my buddies quite a bit while we were in college. One guy wouldn’t do anything but let us give him a blowjob. One just wanted to top. And one loved being a bottom.”
“That would have been me,” Gil grinned. “Give me a nice cock in my ass any day and I’m happy.”
“I kind of figured that out,” I smiled.
“Pretty obvious, I guess,” he said. “So, were you the one who only wanted to top?”
“Nope. I was the fourth guy. Pretty early on I realized I liked every type of sex. Well, regular sex, I mean. Not into bondage or pain or dominance. But I like to suck a guy, I like to fuck, and I enjoy getting fucked sometimes, too. So, I was the one who sort of made it all work, I guess, with my three friends, I mean. But mostly I was called on to suck Toby or to fuck Aaron. Since neither of them liked to top, that left only Dave to give me any experience in that department. And he mostly fucked Aaron so I didn’t get much experience as a bottom.”
“It all sounds wonderful to me.”
I grinned and nodded. “I guess we had a good couple of years.”
“But it was different with Wayne.” Gil stated it matter-of-factly.
“Oh, yeah. He needed to be in control about most everything and was very clear that I would never put my dick in his ass but that my ass would be his whenever he wanted it. I was so attracted to him and unsure of myself that I went along with him, no questions asked and no complaints. And, to be fair, it was satisfying to me. I did learn a lot about bottoming comfortably and adapted very well to the new regime in my life.”
“So, today was your first time to top in over three years?”
“Yep.” I grinned. “And it was worth the wait!”
“See how sweet you are?” He gave me a quick kiss. When he pulled back, he stayed close to my face. “I don’t think in a couple of days we can make up for three years, but we’ll give it the old college try, okay?”
My dick responded with a throb as a shot of blood was diverted from wherever into my manhood. I grinned at him. “You are such a little tease!” Then I kissed him.
“I’m only teasing you to get what I want, which, as you now know, is your fat cock deep in my ass.”
“Fuck, Gil.”
“Yes,” he laughed, “that’s the idea: Fuck Gil.”
I was blocked from answering by a shout from the kitchen door. “Okay, lovebirds, zip it up. Dinner in 5 and you won’t be late!” It was Larry announcing the meal.
Mike and Jim had planned a traditional Christmas dinner for mid-day the next day, Christmas itself. So tonight’s repast was meant to be different, but also like a family holiday. This meal was traditional Italian featuring a tasty lasagna with meat sauce complimented by Caesar salad and melt-in-your-mouth garlic cheese bread.
I was in the best mood I’d been in for months (years?), which meant that we were all happy and upbeat. The conversation was lively and fun. When we had essentially finished the meal, Mike said, “Jim and I have a little tradition for holiday dinners we’d like to share.”
“Okay,” Larry said.
“What is it?” Rob asked.
“We like to share a memory of a Christmas past,” Jim said.
“It could be a childhood memory or something that happened last year,” Mike added.
“Hopefully, a happy memory,” Jim said.
“Oh,” Rob said, “you don’t want to know about the year Fluffy climber our tree and managed to hang herself on a strand of Christmas lights?”
Everyone laughed loudly at this as each, I suppose, imagined poor Fluffy’s sad ending suspended on the tree. I kept seeing the lights blinking in my mind as the kitten struggled in vain to get free. Okay, so we are sick! If you’d been there, you would have laughed, too.
When the laughter and comments died out, Jim said, “I’ll start.” We all looked expectantly at him as he told a nice story about the year he first realized Santa was a hoax. After a somewhat meager set of gifts under the tree, his dad took him out to the barn (they lived on a farm in Nebraska) to show him a Shetland pony that had just appeared overnight. He’d asked Jim what he thought they ought to do with the pony and Jim volunteered to take care of it if he could keep it. He concluded the story with the admission that he knew Santa hadn’t brought the pony, but he didn’t say anything about his discovery until after Thanksgiving the next year.
Mike’s memory was when he was 16 and his older brother surprised everyone by showing up early on Christmas morning, finally home from Vietnam. We could all understand why that was so memorable.
Larry spent much of his childhood at Navy bases in Hawaii and Guam. The family’s first stateside Christmas was when he was 10. They spent the holidays with his father’s parents in Cheyenne, where little Larry saw snow for the first time and his father taught him to build a snowman.
Rod told us about the Christmas when he was 15. After hitting puberty a couple of years earlier, he was always after his brother, who was two years younger, trying to get him to “do things” that would feel good. He had managed to get his sibling (Joe) to participate in mutual “hands-on” masturbation and then, back in the summer, Joe had agreed to blow him. On that particular Christmas, Joe told Rod he had a special private gift for him that night. As we all guessed, Joe let Rod fuck him that night. And apparently every night thereafter until Rod graduated from college and moved away from home. I had known for years about Rod’s dominance of his brother, but not the connection with Christmas.
“My greatest memory is not about one specific Christmas,” I started. “When I was really little, like maybe 3 or 4, I was so enamored of the Christmas tree with its colored lights and the pretty ornaments that I wouldn’t go to sleep in my bed. So, my dad brought out our summer sleeping bags and put them under the tree. We got to sleep there all night. They must have drugged me every year because I never woke up while they were putting the presents out. You know, from Santa. They’d say Santa came while I was sleeping and he was so quiet I didn’t wake up.”
“What a sweet story,” Rod said. “You’ve never mentioned that before.”
“I haven’t really thought about it in years.”
“Why do you think you slept so well?” Mike asked.
I was quiet for a moment while I reflected. “I think I felt completely safe there. You know, nothing bad could happen underneath a Christmas tree. Besides, I was with my mom and dad and there was nothing to worry about and lots to look forward to. It was so peaceful.”
Gil, who was sitting beside me, put his hand on my forearm, squeezing gently. I thought he had tears in his eyes when he said, “What a beautiful memory!”
“Okay, Gil,” Mike said, “your turn.”
“Sure,” Gil nodded his beautiful head. “As you know, I grew up in Pueblo. My father worked at the steel plant while my mother was a nurse at a doctors’ clinic. We weren’t well-to-do, but we had more than a lot of people. When she was 16, my sister Gloria quit high school to marry a sergeant who was stationed at Pueblo Army Depot. He was 25, so my parents didn’t like the idea, but José was a good guy and won them over. He promised he would see to it Gloria would finish high school, which actually did happen. Anyhow, my older brother Miguel had joined the Air Force as an aircraft mechanic and was stationed at Patrick Air Force Base in Titusville, Florida, while José and Gloria were at Fort Benning in Columbus, Georgia. So, Ma and Pa and I spent a week in a motel at Cocoa Beach with José and Gloria so the family could all be together for Christmas. I got to go to Disneyworld and Kennedy Space Center, go surfing, and hang out on the beach. It showed me there is a lot of excitement once you get away from Pueblo. It was the best time our family ever had together.”
“Great stories, everybody!” Mike called. “Thank you for sharing our tradition.”
We cleared off the table, then Gil and I washed and dried dishes for an hour while the others put leftovers away and then hung out in the den.
We played Charades for a while with Mike, Larry, and Gil winning a close game. You should have seen Gil doing “Gypsy Rose Lee”. I think Mike knew what it was before he actually guessed it, but we were all enjoying Gil’s pantomimed strip-tease so much no one wanted it to end. Damn, what an alluring dude!
After Charades, Jim made a pitcher of Daiquiris while Mike popped up three big bowls of popcorn. Then, we all settled in to watch the old classic It’s a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed. We got caught up in it as if we’d never seen it, although all of us had seen it multiple times. Afterwards, Gil went to help Jim and Mike clean up the kitchen while I stayed in the den with Rod and Larry. From where I was sitting, I could see the three in the kitchen having a rather serious conversation, but I could not hear them. It only lasted a couple of minutes before Jim nodded and Gil smiled and thanked him.
When he came back into the den, Gil called out to me, “Ready for bed, stud?” When I looked up at him, he was grinning like the Cheshire cat. For good measure and to be sure I knew he wasn’t suggesting sleep, he wiggled his eyebrows at me seductively.
“Oh, yeah, Gil,” Rod snarked. “He’s been ready for you for hours.”
Larry laughed and I could hear chuckles from the kitchen, too.
I smiled up at Gil. “You bet, baby!”
When we arrived at my room, Gil excused himself and entered the connecting bathroom. As I undressed I heard him pee, flush, and brush before he came back out.
“My turn,” I said and went in to get ready for some hot sex.
A few minutes later, when I came out of the bathroom, my heart nearly stopped when I saw Gil waiting for me.
Within moments we were entwined in each other’s arms on the bed, our mouths together with dueling tongues, hands roaming everywhere. Soon two bits of cloth were stripped off us and flung onto the floor as our hard pricks met between us for some serious frottage. Groans and moans filled the room as my heart pounded like a great piston.
I became quite the aggressor as I wolfed down his 7” stiffy, manhandled his balls, and tickled his rosebud. Soon his legs were raised (I didn’t know if he had raised them or I had pushed them back) and my tongue found his anxious hole. I ate him out with incredible gusto until his sphincter was relaxed and winking with need. He lay there, passively moaning with little yelps when I tongued him just so.
My dick was a hard, rigid pole dripping profusely into the sheets as I put all my energy into rimming this exquisite ass that was so pliable under my touch. I ate him out like a starving man and he loved every stroke of my tongue, every nip of my teeth, every moment of my onslaught. Finally, when I thought he was completely out of his head with desire to take my throbber deep within him, something bonked me on the head. Reluctantly, I raised up to investigate, only to see him holding out the bottle of baby oil in a silent request to be fucked.
I grinned, grabbed the bottle, and sat back on my haunches. I released his ankles and he gently placed them on my shoulders while I quickly shoved some lube into him, enjoying the feel of the smooth-sided entryway into his fuckchannel. Then I oiled my fuckstick in preparation for an easy penetration.
When I entered him, it did seem effortless for me and painless for him. I held his gaze as I dropped slowly onto his torso and brought my lips to his. We sucked face while I pushed his knees into the mattress on each side of his body and commenced the spectacular in and out of intercourse. I wanted this time to last as long as possible, so I used a slow, gentle rhythm for several minutes. I varied the rhythm by going hard and fast for maybe half a minute, then I stopped altogether, fully inside his warm wetness. When I moved slowly inside him, he moaned and whimpered quietly, but when I strengthened my thrusts, he would groan loudly, yelping each time I bottomed out in his ass.
When I knew I was close to cumming, I stopped again. Holding his gaze, I pulled slowly out all the way. As my cock popped out of him, he groaned a disappointed, “Ohhh.”
“I want you on your knees against the headboard,” I directed.
He analyzed this suggestion for a moment before nodding, grinning, and whispering, “Okay, dude.”
We re-arranged and he grasped the top of the headboard to steady himself for the onslaught of powerful thrusts he was expecting. From my perspective, the view of his open, waiting, vulnerable ass was nothing short of monumental and I feared the sight alone might take me over the edge. Those firm mounds of flesh were naturally parted to show his red, gaping hole that begged to be taken again. Oh, fuck! I pulled him slightly toward me in order to position him perfectly, then I let my prick kiss his hole before sliding it in. All the way in. With one gentle stroke.
“Oh, God,” he moaned as I came to the end of my penetration. “Fuck me, Art!”
“No, babe,” I said firmly. “I want you to fuck yourself. Show me how much you want my thick cock.”
“Oh, fuck, yeah,” he groaned as he pulled his ass forward a few inches, then slid it back onto my prong with an audible gasp and then, “oh, yes!”
For the next several minutes he fucked himself on my cock with long, curving moves that brought my need to seed him higher and higher. Without conscious thought, I began fondling his balls as he slammed his ass onto my turgidity, taking me as deeply as possible each time. I began to fight the urge to come because I hoped we could do it together. We were moaning and groaning so loudly I knew the other guys could hear us, but I didn’t care.
Finally I just could not wait any longer, so I grasped him by the hips and began moving into and out of him at the same pace as he was using my big natural dildo. This strengthened the thrusts, exaggerated the friction, and resulted in extreme sensations coursing through my cock and undoubtedly also coursing through his prostate and rectum.
“I’m … about … to cum, ba-by,” I panted. “Cum with me, please.”
“Oh, yeah,” he moaned.
I pounded him as hard and fast as I could for about half a dozen strokes.
He screamed and his ass clamped down on my cock like an imploding nuclear weapon. Even as his first shot raced through his urethra, my gonads began emptying powerfully into him. We thrashed together as his sperm obliterated the headboard and sheets while mine filled him so full he began leaking around my cock even before I finished.
When it was over, there was one second of silence. Then, through the door to the hall, raucous applause and shouting could be heard.
The laughter and applause coming from the hallway following our noisy climax prompted Gil and me to laugh, too, in the midst of our gasping for air. That weird mixture of physical responses caused some very unique sounds, which kept us in stitches for a few minutes as we separated and came down from our sexual high.
I plopped onto my back and Gil collapsed into the space beside me. We lay heaving and giggling for a while until we returned to a modicum of normalcy.
“Shower?” I asked.
“Definitely,” he answered.
shower turned out to be half washing each other and half gently caressing each
other. It was a little bit magical, as I recall. When we got out of the shower
and dried off, we each put on some fresh undies and Gil said, “Let’s check out
the tree before we call it a night. Shall we?”
That sounded like the perfect way to end a perfect Christmas Eve, I thought. “Of course!”
We grabbed the comforter off the bed, wrapped it around our shoulders, and went slowly and quietly down the stairs to the living room, where the tree stood ablaze in front of the windows. The silence and the magical beauty of the setting were stunning and I stared transfixed at the beautiful tree with the star-filled night sky behind it. Then my eyes dropped to the floor beneath the gorgeous tree.
“What’s that under the tree?” I asked.
We moved closer and then I realized the answer to my own question. A single mattress lay under the tree made up with sheets and blankets and a couple of pillows. With recognition came a huge lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.
Gil instantly read the emotion on my face. He smiled, clutched me tighter beneath the comforter, and whispered, “Look. Just for us, babe!”
I embarrassed myself with some serious crying that bordered on blubbering as I realized what an immense gift I was being given.
“Come on,” he urged, “let’s crawl in and get warm.”
Quickly we settled in with me on my side facing the tree and Gil wrapped around me protectively. For a while I couldn’t stop sobbing as somehow the pain of the past couple of weeks just poured out as I lay in his loving arms in the safety of the Christmas tree. Patiently, Gil held me close, gently rubbing my chest and nibbling from time to time on my neck and shoulders. All those emotions left me snotty-nosed so I looked around for something to use to clean myself up, discovering a bottle of lube and a couple of hand towels lying next to me. Our hosts certainly thought of everything, didn’t they? I pulled up one of the towels and wiped my face as I slowly returned to normal.
Once I felt presentable again, I turned over in Gil’s arms so we were facing each other. He was smiling and peaceful.
“Thank you,” I whispered.
Ignoring my comment, he said, “Are you okay?”
“Yes,” I nodded. “This was your idea, wasn’t it?”
“I’ll take credit for the idea, but Mike and Jim did all the work to make it happen.”
“I’ll thank them tomorrow.” I raised an eyebrow and used my sultry voice to say, “I’ll thank you right now.”
He smiled and said, “Ooooooh.”
I leaned into him and we kissed, my tongue wasting no time in taking control of his mouth, which seemed to take his breath away. Within a few moments, our pricks rose up to duel between us as the passion reignited like a wildfire.
With some shifting and wiggling around, I got him onto his back. I pushed his legs back until he took hold of his ankles, then I dove into his crotch to rim his spotless ass. He remained relaxed from our time before, but I still immensely enjoyed working into him with my tongue, followed later by several lubed fingers, and finally my insatiable cock. I fucked him for a long time in that old fashioned missionary position, capturing most of his moans with an endless kiss. I made this one as leisurely and romantic as possible.
Frankly, I was lost in a sea of emotions as our conjoined bodies repeatedly reminded us of a sort of union, a oneness, we were experiencing regardless of what the future might bring or what it might withhold from us. The world beyond ceased to have any meaning for me, just as any time beyond the present could not touch me. Although my heart pounded and my body strained to join with Gil, my mind was in an extreme peaceful state. Later I wondered if during that short time I might not have been in Nirvana.
Eventually the pacing of my thrusts began to speed up, though I did not consciously change the rhythm. I added power to my full strokes into his body. Our groans and grunts grew in strength and when I seemed stuck at the top of my tantric expectation, Gil’s talented love canal went into a squeeze-and-release mode that drew my sperm like a calf draws milk from an udder.
When I came, it wasn’t in the usual series of spectacular blasts, but in one glorious release like a firehose on that wildfire within Gil’s ass. I must have hosed him with my life juices for close to a minute, the delicious agony of release overloading my internal circuits until my brain ceased to process real thoughts, instead just capturing feelings that were unique at that point in my history. My flowing orgasm finally ended when Gil’s muscular interior simply closed tightly upon my cock as his own flow began to fill the crevices in our abs.
When both of us were spent, I withdrew from his warmth, broke our connection, and mopped us up as best I could. By the time I tossed the scummy towel aside, Gil was asleep. I settled next to him, pushed him onto his side, scooped him into my arms, and spooned him tightly as my conscious mind left me to a deep, peaceful slumber.
I don’t think either of us moved a muscle the rest of the night, although my brain carried me through some marvelous dreams in which Gil and I seemed to live out a whole life together with walks around a shimmering mountain lake, candlelit dinners, joint showers, clear night skies filled with moonlight, soft music, and lots of kisses and caresses. It was the most romantic, truly love-ly dream I had ever had. My dream seemed to last for hours as it filled me with satisfaction, peace, and joy.
When I finally woke, I still spooned the sleeping beauty within my arms, my hard cock pressed against his firm melons as a reminder of yesterday’s pleasures. Startlingly bright sunlight shined through the tree. The insistent aroma of coffee filtered in from the kitchen along with quiet voices and some muted cooking noises. I guessed it was time to get up.
and I endured some more good-natured ribbing about what we had given each other
for Christmas and about keeping everyone awake half the night (which might have
been true) and being genetically related to rabbits, etc. Underneath all the
jabs and laughter, I could tell Jim and Mike love Gil as much as Rob and Larry
love me. All in all, we had a great time just being together in our little
cocoon from the bigger, crueler world.
After brunch, we exchanged some gifts – the type you get for people who have everything and you don’t know well. Of course, no gift had the depth of meaning of the group effort to let me sleep under the Christmas tree last night, especially with the added bonus of sharing it with Gil. After we had decimated the area near the tree and cleaned it up, Jim and Mike retired to the kitchen to work on our dinner, insisting that the rest of us stay out of the kitchen for a while. We decided it would be a good time for a Christmas snowball fight, which resulted in my winning lobs right into Larry’s face to extract a surrender after a while.
After we quit jumping around, we all started to get cold rather quickly in the 13-degree afternoon. So, at around 1:15 we went back inside to enjoy more hot spiced cider as we watched Miracle on 34th Street and cuddled.
Knowing that Gil would be leaving us after dinner to get back to Denver for his shift at The Triangle, I was antsy to have more time alone with him. At the mid-point of the movie, Gil looked at me and whispered, “I know how it ends.”
“Me, too.”
“Want to spend some time upstairs?” His seductive voice and smile convinced me I definitely did want to spend time upstairs with him.
We excused ourselves and dashed up to my room, where we quickly embraced and began snogging and stripping each other. Soon we fell onto the bed into a rather spontaneous 69 that got us both hot and horny, our hard rods challenging our throats with insistence. I wanted one final turn at Gil’s fabulous butt, but I didn’t want to work him too much if he had any residual tenderness from our earlier activities.
After a while, Gil pulled off my dick to inquire, “Could I have you deep inside me once more, babe?”
I pulled his dick out of my throat, sucked off the extra mucus on it, smiled inwardly, and used my deepest, butchest voice to say, “Fuck yeah, baby!”
Gil got onto his knees in the middle of the bed, leaned his head down onto a pillow and spread his ass open and available to me. I took a moment to memorize the look of his expectant hole framed by smooth mounds of ass-flesh, which caused my body to pump an additional shot of blood into my ready fuckstick.
I took another few moments to lick around his rosebud, ultimately pulling it open with my tongue so I could lick the interior surface of his sphincter. He showed his appreciation for my efforts with a sort of mewling sound and sudden twitches of his butt. I didn’t linger there as long as I really wanted to, but grabbed the baby oil to lube up both his love-chute and my love-probe.
When I entered him, I was immediately transported to a world that included only us, locked together in an act as old as mankind but which had quite possibly never been executed with more excitement than I was feeling at that moment. For a while Gil let me drive, but then he began to meet my thrusts. Soon he added his own special squeezes to the action. Before I was ready, we were at the peak of mutual fucking power, our cries of ecstasy growing as we began to approach our own points of no return.
My emotions were all over the place as we mated that Christmas afternoon. Feelings of love and connection grappled with feelings of sadness at our looming separation. The desire to give my very best to my partner was challenged by my more basic desire for beautiful release into this most alluring vessel. Attempts to prolong the fantastic feelings were in direct opposition to my need to cum as soon as possible. I wasn’t sure exactly what Gil was feeling, but after a time it became obvious that he wanted my seed for he began a rolling movement throughout his talented ass that had the effect of milking my cock in a sort of combination of fucking and sucking sensations that took me not only over the top, but over the moon in just a couple of minutes. My ejaculation was intense, even if it was not quite as large as earlier ones had been.
Gil had not cum with me so I withdrew, tossed him over onto his back, and swallowed his purple prick. I only needed to deep throat him (with appropriate throat-squeezes) 6 or 8 times to bring him off and earn the full taste of his testicle-load. I took a shot directly into my throat, then pulled back so I could taste the other shots of his sweet jizz. Yummy!
We cuddled for a few minutes as our breathing patterns returned to normal. I caressed his smooth olive skin that covered firm muscles as I tried to fight off the melancholy that threatened to take over.
When I could speak, I said, “Gil, you’re the most amazing lover I’ve ever had. Every time we’ve fucked has been the best time of my life, baby. You are incredible!”
He rewarded me with a beautiful wide smile. “We seem to be pretty compatible in that way,” he laughed.
“No kidding! I also want you to know that your kind, gentle, loving way with me has brought me a lot, a very lot, of healing in just a day. You’ve given me so much in such a short time, Gil. I love you for it.”
He leaned in and gave me a chaste peck on the lips. “I love you, too, Art. I’m glad God gave us these two days together. I would have hated to miss this incredible time … to miss you. Thank you, babe.”
I kissed him this time. “Thank you, baby. I know I will never forget this time with you.”
A loud rapping on the door interrupted us.
“Yes?” I called.
“Dinner in ten minutes.” I think it was Larry’s voice, but I’m not really sure.
Eleven minutes later we appeared in the dining room, dressed and famished. The turkey was moist, the dressing tasty, all the sides were special, the wine perfect, the conversation happy and relaxed. The pecan pie was a fitting conclusion to a truly memorable meal, but even that wasn’t as sweet as the looks we six gay men gave each other on this very special day.
Shortly after we finished dinner, Gil accepted a thermos of coffee, hugged our hosts, kissed me, donned his coat, scarf, hat, and gloves, grabbed his duffel, and stepped into the twilight for his drive down the mountain and back to Denver. He phoned in almost 2 hours later to let us know he was safe at home.
Two days later, I dropped Rob and Larry at Stapleton International Airport for their flight back to Dallas, then turned southwest to go back to Durango.
I got back to the apartment I had shared with Wayne, all his stuff was gone. On
the table he’d left a note with a forwarding address, an apology for messing up
our good thing, and a check to cover the month’s utilities. I immediately
crashed for a nap, but didn’t go right to sleep.
I realized I held no more animosity in my heart for Wayne. It was pushed out by the excitement of meeting Gil and my new sense of well-being. Somehow, I knew I’d be okay. Maybe I’d see Gil again one day. Maybe I’d meet someone new. Maybe I’d move someplace new. Whatever happened, I knew I would be okay.
Good luck, Wayne. Thank you, Gil!
The End
Post Script
A lot of years have passed since the Christmas spent with Gil and the guys in the mountains above Boulder. As for me, I have lived a good life. I fell in love again and then out of love. I spent nearly two decades alone and, just when I decided I’d never have another partner, I met the love of my life. We were 52 (me) and 53 (him) and the joy was worth waiting for. We moved to the mountains of New Mexico when we retired, living in bliss for nearly 7 years until he died suddenly. I’ve adapted and taken what happiness I can from the long days and even longer nights alone, helped a great deal by my friends and my writing.
The real couple represented by Mike and Jim in this story celebrated their 50th anniversary in August, 2021, and are doing well. The couple represented by Rob and Larry in this story have been together almost 40 years. I was Rob’s best man for their Holy Union in 1985. They got legally hitched in 2015 when same-gender marriage was finally legalized. They are doing well, too.
I never saw the young man I call Gil again after our little affair-ette on the mountain. I heard through Mike and Jim that he became sick a few years later and subsequently died from complications of AIDS. As I write this, I am saddened yet again by this tragic loss, for “Gil” was a good man. He shared his good looks, hot body, loving heart, and happy personality with others generously while asking for nothing in return. The time he shared with me gave me a tremendous shot of strength and self-confidence at a time I needed it especially. In retrospect, I know he brought a lot of good to my life in only a few hours. For that, for him, for our shared experience, I am very grateful.
Wherever you are, Gil, I want you to know that you may have lived a life that was far too short, but it was still very meaningful for me. I’m so glad we had that time under the Christmas tree. You’ll always be young, beautiful, sexy, and sweet in my heart. I love you, baby!
Author’s Note:
Before Art and Gil get upstairs, I wanted to editorialize a bit. Remember that this story takes place in 1983, which was a difficult time in the lives of gay men of that day. HIV and AIDS were raging in some big cities, beautiful young men had started dying by the dozens, and we were just learning how it was spread – what was safe sex and what wasn’t. Gay men had not yet learned the value (indeed the necessity) of using condoms. So, a warning is in order that this story features condom-free sex. This is not an endorsement on random condom-free sex by this author or by Tickie Stories. Thanks for reading!
Posted: 08/06/2020