Three Texas Swimmers
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 30
We slept on the air mattresses in the den floor, Mike and Jim in one bed with Randy and me in the other. Randy (pictured) and I woke first and enjoyed watching our friends sleeping peacefully for a few minutes before we slipped off to the bathroom.
we had the door closed behind us and were peeing together into the commode,
Randy whispered, “It’s so cute to see Mike so content wrapped in Jim’s arms.”
“True,” I said, “I think I smell a little romance in the air.”
I made coffee and set out cereal, strawberries, sugar, and milk before Mike and Jim got up to pee. We took our cereal and coffee to the patio where we sat our bare asses on towels spread across the chairs at the table.
One of the first things I noticed was that Jim had what appeared to be a permanent smile plastered across his face. His eyes glittered and they flitted about from one to the other of us, but mostly looked at Mike, who was also quite animated this morning.
None of us spoke as we scarfed down our cereal. But as soon as he swallowed his last mouthful, Jim cried out in a rush, “You guys are so awesome! Thanks so much for inviting me to join you. Holy shit, I never thought it would be so amazing. You’ve changed my life! I feel so good! Damn, what I’ve been missing! I loved it! It was….”
Finally, Mike gripped Jim’s forearm. Jim stopped in mid-sentence and looked at him quizzically.
“Breathe,” Mike giggled.
Jim grinned. “Sorry,” he said.
“We’re all thrilled you had so much fun,” Randy said sweetly.
“Oh, I did,” Jim answered at a more normal pace. “I had such a great time. But the best part was that it all felt so natural, even though I had never done any of that before.”
Mike’s hand slipped along Jim’s arm until it found Jim’s hand. Gripping his hand, Mike looked into Jim’s eyes and said, “I think you found what’s natural for you.”
“Yes!” Jim nodded vigorously. “I did! And I can never thank you guys enough.”
“Don’t even try,” Randy said. “Just enjoy the moment.”
Jim looked around the circle beaming. Before he was quite finished surveying the group, Mike rose to his feet suddenly.
His firm erection stood out over the edge of the table. He grabbed it and wiggled it side to side. “I’m ready for business!” he announced before spinning around to show us his lovely ass as he scurried back into the den.
“Hallelujah!” I shouted as I stood, my hardon leading me toward Mike like a divining rod.
Laughing, Randy and Jim were close behind me as we scooted around Mike, jockeying for first suck at his fountain like hungry piglets around a sow’s belly. Unfortunately, Mike didn’t have enough penises to satisfy the grubbers all at once. Randy somehow got the first turn at the source, but he soon yielded. What ensued after that was about 20 minutes of mutual dick-slurping interspersed with memorable ball-lathing, shaft-licking, nipple-twisting, ass-tonguing, throat-breaching, spectacular sex that left us all simultaneously drained and satisfied.
By 10:15, Jim and Mike had departed and Randy had helped me tidy up the kitchen and pull the sheets off the air mattresses so I could wash them and the towels before our 2:00 rendezvous with our luscious former coach.
Randy and Mike returned a few minutes before 2 and Brian (pictured) arrived just a few minutes after the hour. He was dressed in a pair of tight worn jeans and an orange Polo shirt, looking like every gay boy’s fantasy. Fuck! I think even the most macho guy would fall to his knees for a taste of Brian’s cock.
My two buddies and I were wearing nothing but our briefest swim trunks, but soon
they were discarded along with Brian’s clothes as we hauled him down onto the
air beds to have our way with him. Over the next few minutes, we all sucked him
and we rimmed each other. Mike rimmed Brian’s tight ass and massaged his
prostate until the macho Brian finally threw Mike off him, flipped the young
swimmer onto his back, donned a rubber, tossed Mike’s legs into the air, and
conquered his hungry ass, all of which took about 5 seconds.
I was a bit startled at the sudden shifting on the bed beside me, but I only missed one stroke as I massaged the prostate of my moaning blond friend while Brian ramped up his assault on Mike’s ass. I couldn’t help but think Mike should be handling this well considering the even bigger dick he had accommodated so successfully only about 15 hours earlier.
Brian gave Mike a solid 5-minute dicking with the bottom boy thrashing about on the bed amid continuous grunting, groaning, and drooling. Then, Brian startled me again by clutching my arm. When I looked at him, he said, “You need to move because my cock needs to be where your fingers are.”
“Yes, sir!” I grinned and pulled away from Randy’s dripping hole. Before Randy’s legs could flip down to the mattress, Brian took one ankle as he withdrew from an obviously disappointed Mike.
As Brian began pounding Randy, I moved around him to Mike. I looked at Mike, who had a very serious expression when he ordered, “Fuck me, Rick!” I smeared some KY on my cock, flipped him onto his belly, pushed his legs apart with my knees, leaned over, and pushed my dick into his open hole. Regardless of how much he had been fucked recently and how loose his hole appeared, Mike’s ass gripped my cock like it had no intention of allowing me to pull out. I lay down across Mike’s back and pummeled his gorgeous ass for all it was worth (which is plenty, I assure you), planning to fill it to overflowing with the cum that was building up in my balls. Under me, Mike was squeezing my dick rhythmically and wailing his pleasure as I pounded his prostate. Beside me, Randy was mewling like a cat in heat and behind us Brian was puffing like a locomotive as he moved towards a lovely climax.
We could only keep this pace up for a few minutes before Brian blew, filling the condom that was deep within Randy, who only needed a couple of strokes on his cock to blow a huge load across his firm abs and pecs. Hearing that and smelling his cum drove me over the edge and I began blasting Mike’s innards with my ball-juices. As soon as I caught my breath, I pulled out of Mike so he could turn over. Then I went down on him for a fast blowjob to finish him off. By the time he had finished, I had a mouthful of delicious bounty, which I shared with Mike while next to us Randy sucked out the contents of Brian’s condom. When I backed off the sticky kiss with Mike, Randy was sharing cum with Brian, who even scooped up two fingers of Randy’s deposit on his belly.
As an intermission in our sexual escapades, we each took one of the beers Brian had brought with him. We sucked those babies down pretty quickly and then moved to the pool for a half hour of swimming. I felt the beer had relaxed me and the swim had refreshed me when we were done. We all seemed ready for round two in which Brian and Randy fucked the cum out of Mike and me with Mike earning Brian’s condom-load and me earning Randy’s condom-free-load.
As we were talking during our second afterglow, we shared with Brian that we had just discovered another former (unnamed) athlete from Coronado is gay. We asked if he would like to include this athlete sometime in one of our trysts. He was clearly intrigued and, after a few questions and answers, decided that might be fun, if the athlete in question was interested and could be completely discrete.
Since we had so many “guy” plans for the week, Saturday night became a date night for all of us. Randy took Gretchen out for a fancy dinner while Mike took Cathy out to see Max, a movie about a dog that has returned home from the war in Afghanistan. Mike said later the movie was a little cheesy, but not too bad. The best part were the previews for Magic Mike XXL, due in the theater in a couple of weeks. I told him we should go see that.
I had actually been invited to Melody’s house for dinner that night. Her mom took pity on me being left alone for a whole week without my mother’s home cooking. We had a delicious pot roast dinner followed by a rousing game of Risk, which Mr. Williams won handily from his beach-head in Kamchatka. Mrs. Williams sent me home with the leftovers, which was enough for several more meals. Melody and her family are really good people. All in all, it was a fun and relaxing evening. Melody and I had very little alone time, which is, of course, fine by me, but we did have a nice quarter-hour make-out session on the porch swing before I went home.
Mike texted Randy and me a few minutes before 2:00.
Mike: Tennis today?
Randy: I’m in.
Me: Yes!
Mike: Doubles with Jim?
Me: Sure
Randy: Doubles like Friday? 😉
Mike: Natch
Me: Oooh. When where
Mike: Coronado @ 3?
Randy: K
Me: Cool
I checked the air mattresses to be sure they were filled with air, changed the one dirty sheet from our time with Brian, put out fresh towels, lube, and water, then changed into my cut-off jeans and a black tank top. Randy picked me up a few minutes before 3.
“Does this feel like a double date to you?” my gorgeous boyfriend asked.
I laughed. “Frankly, my love, everything we do is like an odd type of date anymore.”
He joined the laughter. “I guess that’s true, but seriously, has Mike talked to you about Jim?”
“Nope. I think we’ve all been a little too busy this weekend. I’m sure he’ll tell us when he thinks the time is right. Probably when they want to be more exclusive with each other.”
“How do you feel about that, Rick?”
“Hmm,” I stalled, “I have mixed feelings, I guess. I don’t want to lose the sexual connection with Mike, but I think it would be terrific if they actually become real boyfriends.”
“That’s about how I feel. Of course, I have less to lose than you since I’m going away in a couple of months anyhow.”
“Not to change the subject, but will you try to find a guy at UT for sex?”
“Wow! That’s a big question,” he stalled. “The experiences we’ve been having are truly monumental, babe, but I’m also afraid it’s too easy.”
“That’s what makes it so nice, isn’t it?”
“What makes it so nice is spending all this time with you and Mike, not to mention Brian and Jim. What makes it so nice is how great it all feels.” He paused. “But because it’s so great and you guys are always raring to go, it’s just a lot easier than working to build my relationship with Gretchen.”
“You know, dude, that does make sense. But it’s really her you want to be with, isn’t it?”
“In the long run.” He grabbed my hand and grinned evilly at me. “But in the short run, I sure like fucking your ass!”
“Probably no more than I like it when you fuck my ass!”
The conversation had to end as we arrived at the parking lot near the tennis courts. Mike and Jim were sitting in Jim’s red Ford Fit talking quietly as we pulled in next to them.
“Interesting,” Randy observed.
Our match lasted a bit over 2 hours, with Randy and me ultimate victors, 6-4, 5-6, 6-5.
“You guys coming to my place?” I asked when we were back at the cars.
“We were hoping you would invite us,” Mike said.
I laughed. “Like there’s a chance I wouldn’t!”
To be continued...
Posted: 07/09/2021