Three Texas Swimmers
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 26
Planning Sexy Times
I called Jim Byerman on Tuesday evening to set up a time to talk with him about the extent of my friendship with Randy and Mike. After some general conversation, I asked if he was a tennis player, to which he said he played with some limited success. We decided to meet Wednesday evening at the park where public courts are available. We set a time of 8:00 to avoid the heat of the day and to give us time to get home from work, eat, and relax a bit beforehand.
Wednesday morning, it was difficult to see my newest lover at the Country Club pool in his sexy Speedos without immediately throwing a boner and drooling. I almost could not look away from him, but mostly that was okay since he was teaching the 4-year-olds and junior high girls in the pool. So, I was supposed to be making sure no one got in trouble during the lessons.
When he had a break, he stepped up beside my perch to say softly that he had never had as good a time with anyone as he’d had with us Monday. I assured him we all enjoyed it immensely. When he returned to the pool, I couldn’t help but wonder if his comment about ‘anyone’ included his wife. That caused me to wonder how he had explained his absence on Monday. I didn’t think it my place to ask that question.
After his second class, I asked if he would want to get together with us again.
He grinned wickedly. “Hell, yeah!” he exclaimed quietly.
“You remember that one of our options is that my parents will be out of town for a week beginning next Friday. Would you like to spend an evening with us the following week or some time on Saturday or Sunday?”
“Oh, Saturday for sure. That would be easy for me. And maybe a night later in the week, too?”
I chuckled. “I take it you liked it a lot.”
“Any man would, my friend.”
“Great! To answer your question, I’m sure we can manage both Saturday and an evening later. My parents don’t return until the following Sunday.”
“Oh, so you are on your own for 2 Saturdays?”
I grinned. “Play your cards right and you can come over both Saturdays and any other time you want.”
“I’ll play those cards so right you’ll be astounded.”
“I already am astounded by you.”
Brian had an afternoon class of 6-, 7-, and 8-year-old boys that afternoon since the regular instructor was on vacation. Naturally, I enjoyed the extra time ogling my former coach, but the real treat came after his class finished and Carmen arrived to take over the lifeguard stand. Brian and I wound up sharing the shower as we prepared to go home. I had a very difficult time controlling my rampant desires seeing him two shower-heads over from me. I had a serious chubby the whole time, which embarrassed me greatly until I noticed he had a full erection!
As we dressed in the locker room, we set our first meeting at my house for a
week from Saturday at 2:00 pm. He would look into his schedule for that week
later and try to identify at least one evening he could also come over.
“At least?” I teased.
“I might want all I can get before school starts and we all get busy.”
“See you again Friday,” I said as we walked toward the parking lot. As he went left and I went right to reach our cars, I turned around to enjoy the view of his firm melons in his tan coach’s shorts. About 3 seconds after I turned, he stopped and looked back at me. When he saw me looking at him, he laughed and waved, then turned back and walked away. I swear he had an extra bounce in his butt for the next few steps.
When I got home, I made a sandwich and started texting Mike and Randy.
Me: Get together with BL a week from Saturday from 2 pm
Mike: Hot damn
Randy: Cool
Me: BL checking for another night during that week
Randy: Cool
Mike: He likes it !!!! 😉😊🙂
Me: Definitely
Randy: How about date with JB?
Me: 8 tonight
Mike: Call after?
Me: Sure
Randy: K
Mike: 😉
Coming Out to Jim
I met Jim Byerman at the tennis courts a few minutes before 8. We found an empty court and enjoyed a relatively even match that Jim finally won 6-5. For me, it was less about winning and more about just getting some good exercise and enjoying the competition.
When we were done, we took our gear and water bottles to a picnic table under
some trees. It was not quite dark, but was deep twilight with the first stars
starting to pop out in the sky above Lubbock.
“That was great fun, Rick.”
“Yes, it was. We’re pretty evenly matched, I’d say.”
“Apparently. We should do it again sometime.”
I nodded.
“Do Mike and Randy play?”
“Yes, they do. Actually, they’re both a little better than I am. We should try doubles sometime.”
“You bet.”
I paused to collect my thoughts before beginning the discussion I needed to have with him.
“Jim, you have a lot more in common with the three of us than you may think.” To me, my voice sounded nervous and somber.
Apparently, Jim picked up something in my tone because he looked suddenly confused and anxious. “What, you guys are closet wrestlers?”
I chuckled, glad for his word choice. “You’re half right.”
Now he looked totally confused. “I don’t get it.”
I was suddenly very nervous. “Uhm, we aren’t wrestlers, but we are in the closet.”
His head flew around to face me. “Are you telling me you guys are gay?” he asked incredulously.
“Gay-ish, I think.”
He laughed. “You’ll need to define that for me.”
“The three of us have been helping each other out, sexually, you know, for a few months now.”
“You’re having sex? Together?” He was clearly stunned.
He was quiet for a few moments as he processed this information. Finally, he said, “I’m blown away, man. I’d never have guessed that about you or Mike or Randy.”
“It sort of started by accident and just took off from there.” I explained that my friends have given me permission to share this information with him. Then I summarized the state swim meet and how we grew our sexuality from there.
“But you guys are all dating girls.”
“Yeah. Randy and Gretchen are actually pretty serious. Randy says he will someday marry her, but in the meantime, the sex we have is too awesome to ignore.”
“Wow. It’s that good, huh?”
“Yeah. Randy considers himself sexually fluid but mostly straight.”
“A Kinsey 2, I guess,” Jim said.
“Yeah, maybe so. For me, I think I’m a bit pinker in my sexuality, but I still expect to marry someday. Maybe.”
“A Kinsey 3?”
“I’m not sure. Somewhere between 2 and 4, I guess.”
“And Mike?”
“He’s trying to figure it out. He’s the gayest of us all. Maybe a 5 or even a 6 once he figures it out.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m a 6. I cannot even imagine putting my thang in her thang. Ugh!”
I laughed. “I’m not sure I can imagine that either, but I do plan to give it a try when I have the right opportunity.”
“So, you’re a virgin?”
I laughed. “That depends on how you define virgin, I guess. I don’t have any experience with girls, but I have quite a bit of experience with boys. Well, two boys to be exact. We’ve been exploring a lot of different ways to get our rocks off and have decided together is a lot better than alone.”
Jim snickered. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“I’m sorry to go on about it, but it’s still kind of unbelievable to me how exciting it is and how great it feels.”
“You’re very lucky to have found such gorgeous friends who are interested in helping you out like that.”
“That brings me to my question for you, Jim.”
“You have a question for me?”
“Yes. Mike, Randy, and I really enjoyed getting to know you a little bit better at dinner the other night.”
“Yeah, I did, too. So, what’s the question?”
“Well, we were wondering if you would, uhm, be interested in joining us.”
“You mean, uhm, for sex?” Jim asked in disbelief.
“Yes. We all think you’re very nice and, uhm, hot. We’re all interested in you if you’re interested in us.”
“You’re pulling my leg, right?”
“No, Jim, not at all. I’m very serious. So are Mike and Randy. We’d like you to spend some time with us to enjoy each other.”
“I’m sorry, Rick, it’s hard for me to believe this. I am a complete virgin, you know. I haven’t a clue what to actually do with another guy. Besides you guys are so good-looking and sexy, you’d be disappointed in me. I would hate to spoil your fun.”
“Wouldn’t you like to find out what to do with guys? So you’re ready when you start dating some lucky dude when you go to Tech next year.”
“I don’t expect to be dating anyone next year.”
“Well, you should raise your expectations, Jim. You don’t seem to see yourself the way other people do. Don’t those girl friends of yours tell you you’re handsome and sexy?”
“Well, I guess so. Some of them. Sometimes.”
“You need to pay attention, buddy. You’re very cute and very sexy. You realize everyone looks at your body when you are wrestling? Fuck, Jim, even before I discovered my gay side, I would start tingling in my pecker when I’d see you in your singlet.”
“Stop putting me on, Rick. It’s not nice.”
“I’m being completely honest, my friend. You’re hot!”
Jim giggled. “Forgive me, Rick, I just cannot think of myself that way. I don’t think I’m ugly, but, compared to you and Randy and Mike, I’m very, uhm, plain.”
“Can I be totally honest?”
“Of course.”
“Damn, Jim, you’re much better looking than you give yourself credit for. But, your biggest charms, especially to guys who like guys, is your body. You have a very good physique and the most alluring crotch I have ever seen. You should know that gay guys really appreciate well-endowed guys, which you obviously are.”
“So, you guys just want to see my equipment?”
“No!” I practically shouted out of frustration. “I’m screwing this up big time. We’re attracted to you. All three of us. And we would like to be with you. It’s about you in total, including your looks and personality and, sure, your crotch.” I paused a minute. “If you don’t find us attractive or don’t want to be with us for some reason, that’s fine. No hard feelings. Just forget about the sex, but we’d still like to be friends.”
“Please, Rick, that’s not what I mean. I’m very attracted to each of you. I’ve known for years you’re all good guys I’d like to know a lot better. This conversation just caught me by surprise so much I couldn’t believe you. But I do now. And, yes, I would love to join you for an evening or whatever. If you really want to, I would be quite glad to be a part of it.” He grinned. “But you would have to sort of teach me the ropes, so to speak.”
“That’s wonderful, Jim! And I think it would be fun to show you about gay sex. We’ve all learned in just a few months, so we’re still in a learning mode, too.”
Jim laughed. “I certainly never expected a tennis game to lead to a sex, uhm, orgy.”
I joined his laughter. “My parents and sister are going out of town a week from Friday, so Randy and Mike are coming over to spend the night. Maybe you would like to come, too. It’ll be like a sexy slumber party.”
“I think I would like that.”
“Perfect. I’ll talk with you later about it.” I squeezed his shoulder. “It’ll be an amazing night. I’m glad we had this talk, Jim,”
“Me, too.”
To be continued...
Posted: 06/25/2021