Three Texas Swimmers
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 22
Sure enough, on Wednesday Brian and I managed to have a couple of discussions about possible ways to handle the logistics of a 4-way rendezvous. He surprised me by appearing without a beard, but still looking incendiary-hot. He told me he thought his beard had scared a couple of the kiddies. I couldn’t tell him it had the opposite effect on older kids like me.
Before his first class, I presented him with the three options Randy, Mike, and I had developed:
· A visit to my house while Mom, Dad, and Eileen are in Galveston,
· A nighttime tryst at Silver Falls, or
· An hour or two in the Carpenter’s family van, parked, of course, in a secluded place.
considered the options during his class (the 4-year-olds from Monday) and spent
his break with me, speaking in low tones so he wouldn’t be overheard.
“Actually, Rick, you guys did a good job of coming up with options. I like all of them. I think going to Silver Falls would be a fun first time together.”
Oh my god, I thought, imagining him sprawled out on a blanket in the moonlight by the waterfall. My dick obviously thought that was a cool choice, judging from the twitching and throbbing it started doing.
During his second class, junior high girls, he thought about possible times he could be available at night for such an adventure. Damn, those girls were so excited to be with the gorgeous instructor they couldn’t concentrate at all on his instructions, except for one tomboyish tween who was going to grow up to be a dedicated muff-diver without a doubt. How he had a chance to think about anything is beyond me, but after they finally headed into the locker room, he strolled over to the lifeguard stand.
Before he was close enough to me to speak, my boner began pushing against the spandex of my Speedos. Holy shit! He’s so hot and just as nice.
“Could you guys do this on either Monday or Wednesday night next week?” he asked.
“I don’t see why not. What time are you thinking about?”
“It won’t be dark until about 9:30. Right?”
“Yeah. We could go out about 8:00 and grill some hot dogs and then hang out for a while after it gets dark. Would that work?”
He thought about it for a moment and nodded, “Yes, that’ll work.” Smiling warmly, he added, “Check with Randy and Mike and let me know on Friday if they want Monday or Wednesday, okay?”
“You bet,” I smiled. I hoped no one got in trouble in the pool because right now my boner would be quite obvious if I had to leave my seated position on the lifeguard stand.
“Great! I’ll see you Friday,” he said as he winked at me, then walked slowly around the deep end of the pool. Just before he turned into the doorway leading into the locker room, he looked at me, smiled warmly, and gave me the cutest little wave I’d ever seen.
That evening Randy, Mike, and I had one of our 3-ways. (Gee, you guys have a one-track mind!) I meant a 3-way phone call.
Mike: “What’d Coach pick?”
Me: “Silver Falls.”
Randy: “Cool.”
Mike: “I thought he’d pick your house.”
Randy: “Maybe he didn’t want to wait that long.”
Me: “Heck, I don’t want to wait that long. After all, I watched him at the pool all morning. I’m ready now!”
Mike chuckled. “When?”
Me: “He’s good for Monday night or Wednesday night.”
Mike: “Better for me on Monday. Wednesday is the twerp’s birthday, so there will be a family dinner. I understand I am expected to bring a date.”
Randy: “I don’t have any plans for Wednesday.”
Me: “Neither do I. Can you bring 2 dates?”
Mike: “I wish. This time it will have to be Cathy.”
Me: “Have you guys been going out? You haven’t mentioned her much since prom.”
Mike: “We’re going out about once a week, I guess, but it’s nothing much. Just a movie here, a soda at the Brittany, stuff like that.”
Randy: “Don’t get distracted, boys. So, we’ll see Coach on Monday then, right?”
Mike: “Sure.”
Me: “Oh, he’ll want you to call him Brian.”
Mike snickered. “I guess that sounds less illegal than us calling him Coach.”
Randy and I snickered, too. “Whatever he wants,” I said.
Randy: “Anything he wants.”
Mike: “Everything he wants.”
Me, chuckling: “Seems like we’re all on the same page here.”
For a few minutes, we discussed the logistics. Who would bring what. Who would drive. (Me.) What time to meet up. (7:15 if that works for Brian.) Where to meet. This was tricky. It needed to be safe to leave his car until late at night. It needed to be public, but without security cameras that would see us together.
Randy: “I think I’ve got it. What if he parked on the street by Maxey Park? It’s a fairly busy street and well-lit, but no cameras. And not particularly suspicious. He might just be walking around the lake.”
Mike: “I like that. It’s relatively easy to get to and we could jump on the loop close by and head out to Silver Falls.”
Me: “Okay, guys, I’ll talk it over with Brian Friday and confirm it with you that night. We are still having our sleepover at your house, right, Mike?”
Mike: “Yes, dudes. My balls will be so blue by then, I might drown one of you.”
Randy and I hooted. “Or give us a superb colonic cleansing!” Randy said suggestively.
I was a bit surprised at his risqué comment. “Woo, Randy, I think you’re horny, too.”
Randy: “I’m still 18, you know.”
We all chuckled at that. “One more thing,” I said.
Mike: “Uh-huh.”
Me: “Byerman.”
Mike: “Oh, yeah. Have you talked to him again?”
Me: “Not since lunch on Sunday. But lifeguarding gives one a lot of time to think. I was wondering if you guys would like to ask him to join us for a burger or something. Just, you know, to spend some time with the guy and see if we all like him.”
Mike: “Okay by me.”
Randy: “Are you wanting to include him in our, uh, special activities, Rick?”
Me: “I don’t know. Maybe. If we’re all into it, but it isn’t like my driving ambition. I’m perfectly content with you two.”
Mike: “Except for Coach.”
Randy snickered.
Me: “Well, yeah, but it’s Brian.”
Randy: “He wouldn’t say no to Mr. Romero, either.”
I hadn’t thought of the humpy Civics teacher in a week or so. “Oh, fuck,” I said softly. “Couldn’t say no to him either.”
Mike: “None of us could say no to him, trust me. But, stick to the subject.”
Me: “I would be sticking to that subject about 30 seconds after he got naked.”
Mike and Randy laughed. When he caught his breath, Mike said, “The subject of this conversation is Byerman. What did you have in mind, Rick?”
Me: “How ‘bout I see if he wants to join us for supper Sunday?”
Randy: “That works for me.”
Mike: “Yep, me too.”
Randy: “This is just conversation and such, right?”
Me: “Yeah. Just getting to know him so we know if we might want to include him or not.”
Randy: “Deal.”
Mike: “Deal.”
Me: “Deal. I’ll see if he’s available.”
It still being early, I called Jim Byerman right away. He was obviously surprised at my call and even more surprised at my invitation.
“You guys just want to talk? That’s all?” he asked.
“Yeah, sure. When I told them I’ve realized I had you pegged all wrong, they said they’d always liked you and didn’t understand why I didn’t. Sorry, man.”
“No problem.”
“Anyhow, we talked about spending some time with you to get better acquainted.”
“I’d like that, Rick. I really would. And Sunday evening works well for me.”
We decided to meet at Spanky’s on University across from the Tech campus on Sunday at 6:30.
Quickly, I texted Mike and Randy: Byerman’s in. Spanky’s 6:30 Sun.
Randy: K!
Mike: Oohlala
A little while later, when I crawled into bed, I found myself rather excited about spending time with Jim Byerman and, of course, the expectation of having a very close interaction with Coach, uhm, Brian. But when I had my cock in hand and began to rub it, who should prove the man of the hour? Mr. Romero with his amazing muscles, hairy chest, mouth-watering bulge, thighs of death, and ass you could get lost in. Damn! I shot off over my head from all my excitement.
To be continued...
Posted: 06/11/2021