Three Texas Swimmers
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 2
Practice Day
After a day of practice sessions in Round Rock, we ate an early dinner at a Chili’s and then went to a park along the river where we strolled around a bit just to enjoy the trees and other foliage, something we don’t have a lot of in the West Texas plains.
Mike, in his role as the official Mustang Yearbook photographer snapped several photos of us hanging out at the park to balance the ones of us at the Round Rock pool. I guess as a swimmer you really can’t be shy about people pretty much seeing everything you have to offer. I wasn’t always comfortable with that part of swimming, but realistically I understood that my social status and datability rating were both enhanced a lot by the photos of me in my well-packed Speedo that everyone saw in the school newspaper, the yearbook, and even the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal and quite a few online sources. (I hope you will allow me a little justifiable pride here.) After the Regional meet, I was even covered on the channel 11 news, standing on the winner’s box for all the world to see.
We all sat around a picnic table for a while as Coach Lane encouraged us to give our best, but not to obsess about winning or losing. “You’re always a winner if you give 110%, men. That’s true in sports and every other part of life. Win, lose, or draw this weekend, you are all winners or you wouldn’t be here. You’re the best high school swimmers in the Panhandle and you’ve worked hard to get to this level of competition. Now it’s about giving your best and having a great time while you’re doing it.”
“Thanks, Coach,” Randy said. “I think I can speak for all of us that you’ve been an inspiration and have guided us to be as good as we are.” Randy is one of the kindest people I know. That’s why he was elected team captain for two years.
“I’ve tried, Randy. Guys.” Coach took a breath. “Now, let’s get you back to the motel. We have an early and busy day ahead tomorrow.”
I had noticed before that Coach Lane is a very handsome man, especially when he’s just wearing his swim trunks. He’s probably in his early 30’s and is married with two little kids. But he works out with us every day and showers with us after school. When you spend a lot of time in Speedos, it doesn’t seem like much to be completely naked. Coach has an amazing body and what appears to be a substantial dick, too. I couldn’t believe I was thinking all this while he was encouraging us. As we walked back to the car, I took special note of his firm butt half-hidden by tight khaki shorts. Sigh.
As we schlepped our duffle bags to our rooms, I realized this weekend was a unique time in my life I would never forget. The team spirit, the camaraderie, the pressure, the pride in just being here, the feeling of being special and maybe good at something, the excitement of competition. All of that made it quite memorable.
Just before we went into our rooms, Coach Lane said, “One more thing. I want you to refrain from, uhm, taking care of your personal business tonight. That will give you a strength boost tomorrow when you’re competing.” He looked each of us in the eye. “And no helping each other out either. Save that for your celebration on Saturday night.”
That last remark sort of stunned all of us, I think. We just stood in shocked silence while Coach put the key in his lock and opened his door. “Try to be in bed no later than 9:00 and sleep very well. We are up at 5:30 tomorrow. Good night!” He stepped inside as some of us wished him a good night. His door closed and we all looked quizzically at each other.
“Good night, guys,” Randy said to the guys in the other room as he unlocked our door. We all murmured good-nights to each other and went inside.
In Our Room
Coach just give us permission to mess around together?” Mike asked as soon as
the door was closed.
“Seems to me like he did,” I said. “But not ‘til Saturday.”
“Maybe he heard us last night,” Mike surmised.
“And he was 18 once, too, you know,” Randy added.
“He looks like he knows a lot about sex, don’t you think?” Mike asked.
He’s sexy as hell, I thought, but didn’t want to sound like a fag, so I said nothing.
Randy broke a short silence. “He does seem like a very sexy dude.”
Mike fiddled with his computer for a couple of minutes and then showed us this photo he had taken of Coach Lane for the yearbook.
“Holy shit!” I remarked without thinking. “Is that going to be in the yearbook?”
Mike chuckled. “Nah. Ms. Burford thought it was – quote – too sexy.”
We all laughed. “She’s probably right,” I said.
“Yeah,” Randy agreed.
“I’ve always thought he’s the hottest man I know,” Mike said. After a moment staring at the photo, he went on, “Hell, I’d do him!”
“Damn, Mike!” I said. “You aren’t gay, are you?”
“Not that I know of,” he said soberly, “but I sometimes wonder what the big fuss is all about. You know, why not do whatever feels good with whoever you want to?”
We all started undressing, which felt a little weird given the conversation we were having. After a minute or more, Randy finally responded to Mike’s philosophy of free and easy sex.
“I think your attitude about sex is very logical, Mike,” Randy said seriously. “Obviously, whoever you choose to be with needs to be in complete agreement. The stuff you do together has to be pleasurable to both of you.”
“Sure,” Mike nodded. “Absolutely.”
For a moment my mind raced through my acquaintances. I shivered. “And you can’t do your sister or mother!”
“Eww!” Randy cried.
“Yuck!” Mike answered. “Who’d ever want that?’
“Maybe Crystal Montgomery’s brother!” Randy guffawed.
We all laughed as we finished stripping to Mike’s blue Papi’s, Randy’s red Jockey’s, and my white 2(X)ist bikinis.
“Fuck,” Mike complained. “With all this talk about sex, I’m not sure I can sleep without jacking first.”
“You have to, dude,” Randy said. “Coach is right. If you don’t orgasm, you have more strength.”
“Who says?” Mike challenged.
“I don’t know,” I said.
“Experts,” Randy said.
“I don’t believe it!” Mike exclaimed.
“Who cares if you believe it? Just do what Coach says,” I snapped.
Randy gave Mike a very intense look and said, “If you’re good, Mike, we’ll celebrate later.”
What the hell does Randy mean by that? I wondered.
Slowly a devilish-looking grin grew across Mike’s face. He grabbed his junk obscenely and said, “Oh, baby!”
Each of us took a long, hot shower before settling in to try to sleep, in spite of our excitement. I was last and when I came out of the bathroom, Mike was lying naked on his belly snuggling a pillow to his chest. I couldn’t help but notice the smooth roundness of his ass as he lay with one knee high on the bed beside his waist. Damn! I was not comfortable with feeling that I wanted to run my hand lightly over his butt. He was on the side of the bed nearest Randy and the two were quietly chatting. For his part, Randy was crossways on the bed on his stomach but raised onto his elbows as he faced Mike. That gave his naked ass a beautiful curve that looked so sexy! As I walked around the foot of the bed to get to my side, he moved his feet apart and gave me a half-second glimpse of his pink asshole. Holy fuck! My dick began to swell with all this sexy boyflesh around me. Stop! I silently screamed at my out-of-control prick.
As I sat down on the edge of the bed, Randy shifted around to make room for me. He flipped onto his back, delicious-looking dick flopping across his thigh pointing at Mike. He crossed his feet at the ankles and put his hands behind his head, like he was making himself totally available to me. I remembered his lovely erection from the night before and imagined the feel of it in my hand – hard as steel inside but soft as velvet on the outside. My dick throbbed. I lay beside him and pulled the sheet up to my waist so no one would see my unruly dick.
Randy glanced at each of us and said, “Tomorrow’s going to be awesome, guys. Let’s get some sleep.”
“Yeah,” Mike said. “Good night, guys.”
Randy looked away from me. “Good night, Mike,” he said as he flicked off the lamp.
“Good night, Mike,” I said aloud. Then a little quieter, I said, “Good night, Randy.”
Randy rolled over until he was almost against my side. He reached across me and palmed my shoulder. “Good night, Rick,” he whispered. He squeezed my shoulder and rolled over. It didn’t take long for us all to fall asleep.
I dreamed about Coach Lane coming into our room in the middle of the night wearing that incredible blue Speedo from the photograph. He flipped on the overhead light, which woke us all. He smiled and cupped his family jewels in his hand as we gawked at him. Then he pushed the tiny swimsuit down until it dropped to his ankles, revealing a very long and very thick cock. His cock hardened in a moment and he smiled at us again as he kicked his Speedo aside.
Coach sauntered over to Mike’s bed, which was nearer the door. He stood against the side of the bed facing Mike and in full view of Randy and me. Still not speaking, he motioned for Mike to come closer. As Mike crawled across the queen-size bed toward him, Coach grasped his erection and pointed it at Mike’s face. Mike looked into Coach’s face and smiled, licked his lips, and opened his mouth as wide as it would go. Mike moved the last few inches and the head of that big dick disappeared from view inside my friend. As Mike’s head bobbed up and down on Coach’s monster, Coach looked up to meet Randy’s eyes and then mine. He smiled and groaned.
Randy had a hard-on. I had a raging hard-on from seeing Coach’s beautiful face, magnificent body, and gigantic cock. Seeing the spectacular curve of Mike’s butt and his head bobbing contributed mightily to my erection, too. Not even the Pornhub videos I had seen were this hot!
After a while, Coach stopped Mike’s head motions and gently lifted him up. Mike rose until he was standing tall on his knees. Then the weirdest thing of all happened. Gently, even tenderly, Coach held each side of Mike’s head and kissed him! I couldn’t believe it.
Then Coach pushed Mike down until my friend swallowed up that monster cock. Coach grinned at us, held Mike’s head, and pushed into his mouth. He was fucking Mike’s face! After a few minutes, Coach’s face contorted and he stepped back, pulling his massive cock out of Mike’s oral grasp. Instantly, huge blobs of semen began shooting out, covering Mike’s face and dripping onto the sheet.
“Rick!” I was being shaken. “Wake up!”
“Huh?” I said as I opened my eyes into the darkened room. As consciousness returned, I realized I had rolled over until my pecs, belly, and (oh, shit!) full erection were against Randy’s side. His arm was behind his head and my head was lying on his pectoral.
“Wake up, dude! You’re having a nasty dream.”
He was right about that, that is, if “nasty” means “erotic.”
“Sorry, man,” I mumbled and rolled over onto my side, facing away from my friend.
I replayed the dream in my mind a couple of times, which kept me rock hard. Finally, I was able to fall back to sleep for a while before the 5:30 wake-up call came.
To be continued...
Posted: 04/02/2021