Role of a Lifetime II
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2023 by the author)
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Chapter 28
At our script meeting on Friday, Hector asked to speak privately with Brant, me, and David Dawson, our director. While everyone else was taking a short break, David asked him what he wanted to discuss.
“Well,” Hector said rather shyly. “Umm, we’ve filmed two scenes so far.”
“You mean sex scenes,” David clarified.
“Uhm, yes.”
“Yes?” David asked cautiously.
“Well, gee, David,” Hector said with exasperation. “I think Ricky looks like a real ass.”
I chuckled as Brant whispered, “And what a fine ass!”
“Why do you think that?” David asked.
“Because… Well, both Brant and… I mean, Marty and Aaron, have given him blowjobs.”
“Yes. I think we’re all aware of that.”
“But Ricky has not, you know, returned the favor.”
I snickered. “You think Ricky looks like a ‘do-me queen’.”
Hector looked puzzled.
“That’s a guy who wants sex with guys just so he can get off but doesn’t ever want to reciprocate or help his partner get off.”
Hector smiled. “Yes, I guess that’s it. I don’t think Ricky should come across as a ‘do-me queen’.”
“If I may…” I said, looking at David.
“By all means.” David nodded at me.
“We can easily solve that issue. How about in the next scene Ricky blows both Marty and Aaron? That will sort of even the score and show that Ricky wants to give as well as receive.”
From the corner of my eye, I could see Brant’s mouth go into a wide smile at my suggestion. Hector nodded, as did David.
“That’s hot,” my husband observed.
“I’ll leave the mechanics of that suggestion up to the three of you. Okay?” David asked.
“Of course,” I answered quickly.
David strode to the door and yelled, “Break’s over!”
You diligent readers will recall that Aaron and Ricky had the evening together without Marty because Marty had to be out of town. The next scene to be filmed was set to occur when Marty returns to the condo. Ricky is still there and soon all three are in bed together.
After the script meeting ended, the three of us got cups of coffee at the studio commissary. We went to a far corner where we could talk in private. I laid out the “mechanics” of the scene I was envisioning. My co-stars paid rapt attention to my proposal. Together we elaborated on the details a bit, so that we had the scene loosely choreographed before our cups were empty. We had to wait until the following Wednesday to film the scene. Damn! Another sexless weekend ahead.
The scene played out like this.
Marty arrives home from Las Vegas, he plops on the arm of the couch looking a
little tired but very handsome. Aaron, naked except for briefs, steps up and
kisses him. As soon as Aaron steps aside, Ricky moves into position to kiss
Marty also. He’s also naked except for briefs.
As Hector leaned down to kiss Brant, Brant’s hand lifted to Hector’s waist and then slid down to rest on the dimple in the side of his bubble butt. Observing my husband and my new lover kissing in this relaxed and somewhat routine way touched me and my reaction surprised me.
Adlibbing, I said softly, “You guys look so natural together.”
Brant smiled up at me as Hector looked back over his shoulder.
“It feels natural, babe,” Brant said.
Reverting to the scripted words, I asked, “How about some coffee, hon?”
“I think I’d rather have a cocktail, Aaron.”
As I made cocktails, Hector helped Brant undress down to his briefs, too.
“You look more comfortable now,” I said as I handed him a drink.
Brant and I sat on the sofa with Hector beside Brant as we downed our drinks quickly while making some minor conversation.
Hector set his glass aside and rose from the couch. He stepped in front of us as we looked up at him. Before we knew it, he had shoved his briefs down his muscular legs until they lay atop his feet. Brant grinned as I gasped at Hector’s assertiveness. The camera captured our surprised expressions well, but I’m sure no one ever notices them since the camera also captured a full-on rear view of Hector’s magnificent butt cheeks. [Our young cameraman Gregory described this as the sexiest sight he’d ever seen. When I thought about it, I marveled that he considered Hector’s butt sexier than any female he’d ever seen. Hmm.]
Hector dropped to his knees and put his hands on Brant’s knees, pushing them open so he could move between my husband’s legs. He leaned forward to grasp the sides of Brant’s briefs and tugged them off, exposing Brant’s somewhat puffy but not yet hard dick as he dropped the scrap of cloth to the floor beside him. He smiled at me, then Brant, before burying his face in Brant’s lap as he kissed the head of Brant’s penis and slipped it between his lips. Brant moaned loudly as he put his hands on the top of Hector’s head. “Oh, fuck,” Brant moaned as his head relaxed onto the sofa back.
“Damn!” I added in appreciation for Hector’s sexual dominance.
As Hector experienced his first moments of sucking cock, I hardened inside my briefs. [Gregory also thought Hector’s aggression was very sexy since he was the least experienced of the three of us but obviously wanted it so much.]
After a couple of minutes, Hector released Brant’s now-raging boner and looked longingly at me. He moved a bit to the side to get between my knees. He stripped off my briefs, which released my erection and caused the editors some careful splicing to avoid showing it. After only a second or two of exposure, my dick disappeared into the wet warmth of Hector’s mouth. His lips covered his teeth and his muscular tongue cushioned my dick as it curled up onto both sides of my shaft. The net effect was a thrilling capture of my randy dick in a juicy warm embrace that turned quickly into super-dooper caresses as Hector began moving up and down on me.
“Oh, shit, babe, that feels good!” I said in awe.
“Yeah, Ricky,” Brant said. “Suck my husband’s dick!”
As Brant slowly stroked his own hardon, Hector worked my dick like a seasoned cocksucker. I could hardly believe how good he was already. Hector’s efforts brought me close to an orgasm before I placed a hand on his chin to pull him off me. With my cock still buried in his mouth, he looked up to my face. I tilted my head toward Brant a couple of times and Hector got the message. Slowly he pulled off, shocking my straining cock as the coolness of the room air hit it. Hector placed a gentle kiss on the head before leaving it reaching toward the ceiling as he shifted back to his spot between Brant’s knees.
[Gregory thought the sight of my dick covered in Hector’s saliva was very titillating and expressed regret that had to be edited out. He said the whole scene of the muscular and very manly Hector servicing Brant and me with no thought of his own needs was incendiary. He admitted to having a painful erection inside his jeans during the entire filming process.]
Hector quickly got his rhythm down as he moved between Brant’s knees and mine every couple of minutes until, finally, Brant held him in place so he couldn’t leave. A few seconds later, Brant screamed as he shoved Hector’s head down and held him there while the poor Cubano gasped, gurgled, and gagged as Brant’s cock erupted a very nice reward for Hector’s efforts. When Brant at last relaxed, Hector came off the dripping cock to gasp for air. However, he carefully kept his special treat in his mouth as he drew in several deep breaths. Then he rose on his knees, leaned into Brant, and kissed him, sharing the spoils – but not too generously. After a moment, he shifted over to me to share a spermy smooch with me. It was the first time I had tasted Brant’s sperm after marination in someone else’s mouth and, frankly, my dears, I loved it!
[Gregory reported that he was leaking badly into his own briefs by this time.]
When our kiss broke, Hector grinned at me, wiggled his eyebrows, and dropped into my crotch to bring me to a rapid, gushing conclusion. When I had settled down again, Hector rose to share some of my orgasm with me. I found this kiss to be very loving and kind. I felt the strings of my heart flutter as my spectacular Latin lover moved over to share my sperm with my husband. It was intimacy that went off the charts. And it felt totally right.
Hector fell away from us onto his back on the carpet, his thick erection rising toward the sky between his balls and his black bush. You talk about an erotic sight! [Gregory said that was the new sexiest thing he had ever seen.] Unfortunately, 30 seconds of footage had to be deleted from the video, but as soon as we could gather our strength, Brant and I dove down onto Hector’s legs, our faces converging on his crotch.
Initially, I mouthed his scrotum while Brant gobbled up his great cock. We worked him from every angle, trading back and forth and occasionally licking his shaft along both sides together. He was pretty highly charged from his own oral work because it only took a few minutes before he was spraying a gusher into Brant’s mouth. Of course, Brant shared it with me and then we both moved across Hector’s heaving torso to share a sticky but sweet three-way kiss. While we were kissing tenderly, the klieg-lights went out and the crew went onto the balcony. Rachoud handed us 3 towels and 3 bottles of water whose seals had been broken before he joined the others outside.
Brant and I rolled to opposite sides of Hector’s brown body as we came down from our activities. We drained our water bottles and our breathing settled back to normal.
“Anyone want a shower?” Brant asked.
Our shower was gentle and tender but not sexual since we were all quite nicely sated at the moment. After a few minutes under the spray as we washed one another, Hector got a Cheshire-cat grin as he looked from Brant to me and back again.
“What’s that grin about?” Brant asked his friend.
Hector chuckled, “I guess I’m officially a cock-sucker now.”
We chuckled, too. “It’d be hard to deny it with the whole thing being captured on film for all your fans to see.”
His smile flickered for a moment. “I wonder how that will go down.”
“Probably not as quickly as you went down out there,” Brant smirked.
“Babe,” I chided my husband. “Give the poor guy a break.”
Brant placed an arm around Hector’s shoulders. “Sorry, dude. That was insensitive of me.”
“But quite funny,” Hector said good-naturedly.
“Is it too soon to ask you how you feel about it?” I inquired.
Hector grinned widely. “I loved it.”
“That’s great!” Brant said.
I nodded.
“Knowing I was giving you two such pleasure was really, uhm, satisfying, I guess. And I felt so powerful.” He paused. “That was unexpected. I mean, I never thought one of my buddies was in control when he blew me. But, in reality, I realized I controlled the great feelings you were getting. And I could go easy and prolong your torture,” he chuckled, “or I could make it stronger and faster to bring you off sooner. I could almost control how strong your orgasm was.”
“That’s true, Hector,” I said.
We were all silent for a moment. Gently, we caressed each other and smiled in an extended after-glow.
“Thank you both for giving me this opportunity to learn about myself and to be so intimate with you.”
Brant caressed Hector’s cheek. “Hey, buddy,” he smiled, “we both had a great time.”
“Really?” Hector grinned shyly.
“Absolutely!” I cried as I caressed his other cheek. “You’re as hot as a firecracker. I love your body. And your face is awesome. You’re one of the most beautiful, masculine, and sexy men I’ve ever seen.”
Hector squirmed a little as if he was embarrassed by my praises.
“He’s right, man,” Brant agreed. “You’re a big turn-on to both of us.”
are, too, to me,” he mumbled.
“I’m looking forward to our other scenes,” I said.
“As am I,” Brant added.
Hector’s smile broadened as his confidence returned. He laughed and nodded. “Me, too!”
A few minutes later, we finished up, dried off, and put on robes. We went into the living room to find David Dawson alone on the sofa.
“Everyone else went home,” he explained as he stood and faced us. “Good work today, guys. As always, your openness and vulnerability amaze me when we shoot one of these scenes.”
We mumbled our thanks as he scanned our faces.
“So, after this much intimacy, are you all feeling good about the film and all we still have to shoot?”
Brant spoke first. “Absolutely! I’ll let Hector and Sky answer for themselves, but, for me, it’s an amazing pleasure to be with both these guys, especially when we’re together.”
I nodded. “Ditto, David. Ditto.”
We all looked at Hector, who had a very serious look on his face. “I guess I have a lot more to learn, but I feel like I’m discovering myself on a much deeper level. It’s been incredible so far and I love being with these two amazing guys.”
“That’s great to hear! From all of you.” David was silent for a moment as if he was considering saying more. “Well, you’re all off tomorrow, but I’ll see you on Friday for the cast meeting.” He stood and headed out the door.
A few minutes later, Hector got dressed and left, saying he thought he needed to get home to Juanita.
As Brant and I dressed, we decided to order take-out from Miceli’s, one of our favorite restaurants in Hollywood. We gathered our things and locked up the condo. In the garage, we got into Brant’s BMW and headed for the restaurant.
To be continued...
Posted: 08/11/2023