Role of a Lifetime II
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2023 by the author)
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Chapter 25
Unfortunately for Brant (and perhaps Hector, too), the incendiary scene between the two studs ended with Ricky’s comment that he wanted to give a BJ to Marty. I think we all knew that would eventually happen. Just not quite yet.
On the weekend, Brant and I hosted a Sunday afternoon cook-out in our backyard for the cast of Living Large. We invited Brodie and Rachel, Juanita and Hector, David Dawson and his wife Felicity Wilson, Harold Gillespie and his husband Frank Yountz, Tammy Emerson and her wife Amy Flood-Emerson, Reynaldo Nuñez who brought young telenovela star Margarita Perez as his date, Jeff Lancaster and Randy Jefferson who came together, Ricardo Ortiz (AKA porn star Diablo Hernandez) who brought another porn actor Peter Prince, and Christina Cortez with her boyfriend composer James Slattery. As you can see, it was a rather large party. We procured the services of Mom and Dad’s helpers Katrina and Violet as well as two waiters Gary and Will in order to serve the twenty of us.
encouraged our guests to arrive around 2:00 for swimming or between 4:00 and
5:00 for cocktails and appetizers. Gary (L.) and Will (R.) were set up on the
patio a few minutes before 2, where they began preparing cocktails to order as
the guests came out of the house.
First to arrive were Christina and James, followed quickly by Harold and Frank. By 2:30, everyone was in the pool except for Mom, Dad, David and Felicity, who had not yet arrived, and Juanita, who preferred to protect her coif rather than enjoy the pool.
We had a great time sunbathing, playing in the water like kids, and talking quietly in small groups as we got acquainted in new ways with one another.
I enjoyed a lengthy
chat with Christina and James, whom I had not met before.
already knew her to be as vivacious as she is curvaceous with a warmth that
seemed quite real and quite deep. I had not had a scene with her yet, so we
used the opportunity to do a little bonding. James turned out to be a
combination of bad boy and class clown, which kept Christina and me in stitches
for a long time. Bit by bit I discovered that James is an Emmy-nominated
composer for his work on the television series The Spring War.
I felt a combination of jealousy and protectiveness when I noticed Hector cornered for a few minutes by our porn contingent, Diablo Hernandez and Peter Prince. After a minute or two, I saw Brant notice Hector’s admirers, too. Brant paddled over to their section of the pool to join in the conversation. That brought down my fears regarding Hector’s safety (or was it fears about his chastity?) but ratchetted up my feelings of jealousy as now I was also imagining Brant with the two studly XXX stars.
usual, no one could outshine the fabulous Hector Uvalde, whose gorgeous face,
impeccable body, and full Speedos put even Diablo and Peter to shame. At this
point, I had not yet seen the footage of his first sex scene with Brant, but had
a lot of images flickering through my perverted brain as I enjoyed the view of
Hector around the pool that afternoon. Knowing that I would likely get to know
him intimately very soon made it challenging for me to avoid the embarrassment
of throwing a rod in my own Speedos in front of all these friends and
Hector did come to me for a quick chat about his experience with Brant.
“Hey, Sky,” he said shyly.
“Hector!” I kissed him on the cheek. “You are looking divine, as usual.”
He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. “As are you, too.”
“Thank you. Having fun?”
“Of course!” He looked across the pool to where Diablo, Peter, Jeff Lancaster, and Randy Jefferson were splashing water on each other and laughing like ten-year-olds. “There are a lot of hot guys here.”
I glanced at the quartet in the shallow end of the pool. “Yes. I noticed you being admired by our, uhm, professional boys, earlier.”
“Yes. They were actually perfect gentlemen.” He glanced again. “But, also a little intimidating.”
“You’re a big boy. You can handle it and it’s good preparation for the future – after the movie comes out.”
He nodded. “You’re probably right about that.”
“How did your filming go this week?” I asked.
He looked slightly embarrassed and I realized I wasn’t sure if he was blushing a bit or had a glow from being in the sun for a couple of hours. “It was amazing, Sky!” he gushed, then became sober. “But I hope you really are okay with what I did with Brant.”
I stroked his muscular arm. “Of course, Hector. Brant and I are clear that we both want intimacy with you. I’m not jealous of Brant’s time with you.” I paused as I dead-eyed him. “But I do plan to get even when you and I have our scene.” I laughed heartily.
Hector looked a little surprised, then joined me in laughter.
After a moment, he responded, “I think I believe you.”
Feeling quite assertive, I said, “You’d better believe me. BJs are just the beginning.”
Before Hector could respond beyond a shocked look, I twirled around and sashayed over to greet my parents as they were standing by the bar getting their initial libations for the party. I could feel Hector’s eyes on my sweet ass as I strolled away, driving home my point about more than BJs.
“Hello, son,” Dad said as he leaned in to kiss my cheek.
“Hi, Dad.” I turned to Mom and kissed her cheek. “Hi, Mom. Welcome to Skin City.”
“Yes, I can see that, Sky,” she said as she glanced around the
Following her eyes, I spotted the young ingenue Randy Jefferson across the pool in a classic “look at me” pose.
“This is certainly a well-built cast,” she commented as Dad and I chuckled. Christina, fresh from the pool, came toward us as she was drying her hair with a towel.
“Oh, Rachel!” she called.
“Christina!” Mom called back. “Come here. You must meet Brodie.”
With a final fluffing of her hair, Christina wrapped the towel around her body, reached behind her to take James’ hand, and came on over to us.
Introductions were made all around and Mom impressed me yet again when she heard James’ name.
“Are you the James Slattery?” she asked sweetly.
He looked rather surprised and a bit unsure of himself. “I don’t know,” he said humbly. “I’m a James Slattery.”
“The composer?” Mom persisted.
James grinned. “Why, yes, I am.”
“Very pleased to meet you,” she said as she held out her hand for a long squeeze. Still holding his hand, she turned to Dad and explained, “James wrote that amazing score for The Spring War a couple of years ago.”
“Very impressive,” Dad said as Mom turned back to James. She put her arm through his and led him off along the edge of the pool as we could hear her talking about the “swirling, lilting notes” of the score.
Christina watched them go with a look that mixed awe, pride, and envy all together. Not to be completely overshadowed by his wife, Dad said to Christina, “I understand you’re doing some fine work on the film, Christina.”
Shaking off her fixation on Mom and James, she smiled up at Dad. “Thanks for saying that, Brodie. Frankly, I haven’t had that much yet, but it is a fun role. I’m really enjoying seeing Rachel at work. I’m learning so much from her. I almost feel I should be paying for the opportunity instead of collecting a salary.”
Dad chuckled. “Now, now. You mustn’t think like that. Learn and grow from every opportunity, but never apologize for earning a living. Rachel is enjoying working with you, too.”
“How kind!”
I left them to chat so I could greet David Dawson and Felicity Wilson as they arrived on the patio. “Sky!” Felicity called out in a sing-song voice reminiscent of her animated character Birdie from the Disney movie Jungle Life from a couple of years ago.
“Felicity!” I said as I took her hands. “Great to see you again!”
“You, too,” she twittered as I kissed her cheek.
Releasing Felicity’s hands, I turned to David. “It’s always a pleasure to see you, boss.”
He chuckled as we shook hands. “Likewise,” he said, then snickered as he added, “I hardly recognize you in so many clothes.”
I laughed as Felicity said to me, “Well, hon, I can attest to the fact that you are stunning whether fully dressed as you are now, or whether you are…not.”
“You are too kind, Felicity,” I said as we walked toward the bar and Brodie and Christina. The five of us chatted for a few minutes while Katrina and Gary set up a table filled with a variety of hot and cold snacks.
Gradually, our guests exited the pool, dried themselves off, and made their way up to the goody table and back to the bar. Lots of introductions were made and a lot of mingling took place over the next couple of hours as the bright afternoon slowly morphed into a gentle twilight. A light evening breeze finished drying the bikinis and Speedos. Conversation became quiet as the ambience of the evening turned a little from raucous to restful.
At 7:00, Brant called for our attention and the remnants of conversation subsided in deference to our host. “Thank you all for joining us today. It’s great to see you all in a more relaxed environment than the studio and I’m especially enjoying getting to know the plus ones in our group tonight. Few things in life can compete with making new friends.”
“Hear! Hear!” Dad shouted as several others mumbled some agreement.
Brant smiled and continued. “I’m told dinner will be served in about 20 minutes. If anyone wishes to change out of their swimsuits before we go into dinner, now would be an opportune time.”
“Oh, yes!” Christina said.
“If you’d like to follow me,” Brant said with a flourish, “I’ll show you where we have stowed your things for your changing.”
Everyone except Mom and Dad, David and Felicity, and Juanita headed through the French doors into the den behind my gorgeous husband. The guests were deposited in various guest rooms except for one, who Brant brought right into the master bedroom with us. Of course, that was Hector.
While my parents, Hector’s girlfriend, our boss, and most of our friends occupied various parts of our house, the three of us retreat to the master bath to share a hot shower. Hector and I held each other’s erections for the first time and we all became a bit better acquainted. There was not time for major explorations of our personal topographies, but it was a very intense few minutes nonetheless.
Quickly, we dried one another, dressed, and prepared to face the others. Before we opened the door of our impromptu hideaway, Hector turned to me and said, “I really look forward to getting together with you soon, Sky.”
I kissed him lightly, then said, “As do I, Hector.”
Brant leaned in so we could share a three-way kiss for a moment. I felt the blood surging into my cock, making my shorts fit much too tightly.
We backed apart, smiled, and Brant said, “Okay, babes, back to the party!” He pulled open the door and we walked into the hallway.
To be continued...
Posted: 07/21/2023