Role of a Lifetime II
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2023 by the author)
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Chapter 16
We got into Brant’s BMW in the studio lot. “How about lunch?” he said.
“Sure. Where?”
“I was thinking about Geoffrey’s.”
a beautiful high-end beach-front Californian restaurant that is too pricey for
most people, so it’s a good place to avoid problems with adoring fans or
disgruntled homophobes. And it can be quite romantic.
“Love to.”
My wonderful husband treated me to an unusually romantic lunch on the terrace above the Pacific Ocean. It was a perfect day with the temps in the high 60’s and a slight breeze just enough to keep the air moving. A few people strolled along the beach as gentle waves crashed on the sand and rocks below.
We were recognized by the staff and several patrons. People smiled and said hello but no one intruded on our privacy, which I appreciated a great deal. A week later, a photo of us holding hands across the table with the ocean in the background appeared in the latest People Magazine under the caption “Romantic Brunch for Hollywood’s Hottest Gay Couple.” Who could complain about that?
On the way home, Brant pulled up a medley of Hauser’s spectacular cello music to heighten my romantic inclinations. Because of lots of curves in the road between Malibu and our house in the Hollywood Hills, I didn’t try to hold Brant’s hand, but I did sit with my hand lying gently on his right thigh to maintain a physical connection as we drove. My heart was full of love and contentment.
I could hardly wait to get him naked once we got home. We practically ran to our bedroom dropping clothes along the way, just like first-time lovers. We jumped onto our big California king and tangled ourselves into a writhing clutch of legs, arms, hands, and tongues to reacquaint ourselves with each other as if we’d been separated for years. Soon I had him in my mouth and then he swiveled so he took me into his mouth. We absolutely feasted on each other’s hard candy not stopping until each of us had received impressive loads of liquid love.
Spent of our passion, we lay in each other’s arms enjoying the bond of love between us.
Finally, I had to pee so I broke contact to go into the bathroom. Before I was finished, Brant had joined me.
“All that splashing made me need to go, too,” he laughed.
Back in bed we lay quietly, his head on my breast as I ran my fingers lightly through his chest hair.
“Are you looking forward to being with Hector?”
“Yeah. Now that we’ve agreed we can be open for this movie, I’m actually excited about Hector. I hope the negotiations are successful.”
“I’m sure they will be.”
“How about you? Are you looking forward to experiencing Hector that way?”
“Oh, yes. I hadn’t admitted it to myself until we talked about him, but I’ve been attracted to him from the first. It just seemed wrong to feel drawn to anyone other than you, sweetie.”
“You know we can’t really control who we might be attracted to, right?”
“I guess. You’re either attracted or you aren’t.”
“Exactly. I think it’ll be a lot of fun to let ourselves go with Hector. Who knows, maybe we’ll get some Oscars for our trouble.”
Brant laughed. “At least some GLAAD awards.”
I chuckled. “Let’s hope so.”
“I love you,” he said in return.
“I love you, my darling,” I responded.
“No matter what, I’ll love you forever, Sky,” he said as he began nibbling my ear.
Within a few minutes, he had me rolled over, my face in the mattress, his cock buried into my asshole 8 inches deep. For almost half an hour he made slow, passionate love to me before he rolled me onto my back, grabbed my throbbing dick, and pulled a load out of me just as he put another load into me.
“I … love … you!” I cried.
Brant and I had barely finished making love when our cell phones rang simultaneously. We grabbed for them and grinned at each other.
“Hector,” Brant said.
“Juanita,” I said.
We rolled out opposite sides of the bed as we clicked our call buttons. Brant strolled onto the balcony outside, so I just walked a few feet to lean on the dresser.
“Hi, babe,” I said.
“Hi, sweetie. He got the offer.”
“We were pretty sure he would. Everyone was very impressed by his audition.”
“He is talented in many ways.”
I laughed. “I did learn that he’s a good kisser.”
She laughed. “He told me he made out with each of you.”
“We needed a chemistry test.”
“Uhm. His agent called him a few minutes ago with the offer.”
“Does he like the offer?”
“Yes. It’s more than double what he got for Mariel which was his largest offer to date.”
“Great! He’ll be worth every cent.”
“I’m sure.”
“How do you feel about it?”
“I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m a little nervous. But we’ll get through this and see where we are then. Right?”
“I reckon so, my dear. I just pray it brings us all closer and doesn’t hurt anyone, especially you.”
“I’m a big girl, Sky. I know the score. I dated another bisexual once and I could handle it. Love wins out. Right?”
She sounded strong but vulnerable at the same time.
“That’s what they say, hon.” I felt the need to see her, to hug her. “Why don’t you bring the big stud over to our house for a celebration dinner tonight?”
“Oh, that sounds nice. I’ll check with him and text you. Okay?”
“Sure. Seven o’clock for cocktails.”
“Okay. I need to go fuck my boyfriend now.”
I laughed. “Fuck him good!”
“I always do!” I heard her giggling before she ended the call.
I turned around from the dresser as Brant came in from the balcony.
Grinning broadly, Brant said, “He’s very happy about it.”
“Wonderful. Juanita said he likes the offer.”
“Yeah. It’s $375,000. He only got $175 for Mariel to Miami, so this is a nice salary bump.”
“I’m glad,” I said as we came together for a hug. “I invited them over for dinner tonight.”
“Perfect! We should celebrate.”
“That’s what I thought. I need to think about the menu. Make it something special.”
“Call Violet for some ideas. She’s great with dinner parties.”
“You’re such a smart husband!”
He chuckled. “Not just a pretty face, huh?”
“Nope. Not just a big dick either.”
“Nice to know I have several qualities.” He turned my face to kiss me deeply.
I gave him a good tongue-battle for about a minute before pushing him away. “Not just a good kisser, either.”
“You’re okay, too,” he said as he tried to draw me in again.
“Stop!” I cried. “I have to call Violet.”
“I know. I’ll leave you to it and go take a shower.”
I laughed. “Thank God,” I muttered as I stepped back and found my phone.
I actually talked with Katrina, then Mom, and finally Violet. While I was discussing potential menus with our fabulous cook, Mom found her and told her to just come over and make dinner for us. She said she and Dad would be fine with a nice salad. Within a few minutes it was arranged that Violet and Katrina would go to the grocery store for provisions and be over in about an hour. I thanked God for the privileges money can buy.
Dinner was a great success with Violet’s amazing smothered pork chops, potatoes au gratin, sautéed Brussel Sprouts, Caesar salad, and a delicate strawberry sorbet for dessert. Our conversation was spontaneous and lively and bounced around from industry gossip to a post-mortem of the experience of shooting Mariel to Miami. Hector asked a few questions about Living Large prompting a discussion of the plotline, such as we knew. Hector was excited to know that he would be playing the architect for Rachel Hughes’ character. He and Mom had met once before and had a brief, but positive interaction. Juanita thought it was very cool that my mother wanted to be in my movie.
Eventually, Hector laid his spoon down after finishing his sorbet. “Um, I’ve never had a sex scene before. What’s it like on the shoot?”
“To be honest,” Brant said, “it’s often embarrassing. Here you are – naked with a co-worker you may not even like and you are touching all over and kissing and moaning and humping. There may be quite a few people in the room. Camera, sound, makeup, and of course director. Some of them may be complete strangers. It may go on for hours and you’re always trying to hide your privates and respect your costar.”
“Doesn’t sound too sexy,” Hector observed.
“Under those circumstances it isn’t,” Brant said. “But Laying Low was very different.”
“That it was,” I interjected.
“Yes.” Brant nodded and smiled.
“How was it different?” Hector asked.
“Many ways,” Brant said. “We had a very small crew and it was the same crew throughout the shoot. So, we had one or two cameramen and a sound tech in addition to David, the director. We were living in the same cabin complex and having all our meals together, so we quickly got to know them pretty well.”
“They were very respectful to us, too,” I said.
Brant grinned at me and grabbed my hand.
“Indeed, they were. Sky and I decided before we filmed the first major scene that we would just do what was natural. I felt a powerful attraction to Sky, which was new for me. I decided I wanted to experience fully the sex and he was agreeable to just doing it, too.”
“Wow!” Hector said in amazement.
“That’s what gives the whole movie such depth and power,” Juanita said.
“We discussed it with David and he said we could trust them to edit out anything overtly sexual, mostly meaning erections and penetrations, because they want to get an NC-17 rather than an X rating. It’s a very fine line.”
“I’ll bet,” Juanita said.
“Anyhow, we quickly got so into each other that we simply ignored the crew and had the best and hottest sex we could manage.”
“It sounds pretty neat,” Hector said.
“It worked well. And, I fell in love with this guy,” Brant laughed as he held up our clasped hands.
Still greatly affected by the pandemic, the Golden Globes announced the winners on January 9, 2022 without having a televised awards ceremony. We were disappointed not to get to celebrate out in public, but when the dust settled, neither Brant nor I had anything more to celebrate. However, the lovely Rachel Hughes beat out a couple of well-respected ladies and a couple of newer actresses in the category of Best Actress in a Television Series – Drama.
Brant and I had joined Mom and Dad in their TV room for the evening, so we got to shout, dance, and hug much like we would have done in a normal year. We were so proud of her!
To be continued...
Posted: 05/19/2023