Role of a Lifetime II
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2023 by the author)
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Chapter 13
The next morning was a rather relaxed time for Brant and me. I did a few loads of laundry while he studied some video of Bobby Kennedy sent over by the studio that would be making the biopic later in 2022.
My best friend Andrew Ellis called to chat with me about a guy he’d met on Tinder but hadn’t yet met in person. After telling me about how much fun he’d been having texting and talking on the phone with Leslie, he texted me this photo.
cute,” I said, then giggled. Knowing how much of a size queen Andy is, I
couldn’t help but tease him. “I can see what you see in Les, dude. In fact,
I’d say Les has more than enough.”
Andy didn’t react to the little barb in my remark. “I know,” he gushed, “isn’t he sexy?”
We talked a while more about Les’ attributes before Andy finally asked how things were going with me.
I’d already told him we were doing Living Large but hadn’t explained the general plot line.
“So, Sky,” he eventually said, “what’re you doing not that you’re no longer the Gay King?”
I chuckled. “I’ll always be the Gay King, dude!”
He laughed. “Ain’t it the truth?”
“We’re doing preliminary work on Living Large.” I was waiting for him to ask before I shared the news about the three-some.
“Like what?”
“We went to some auditions. Now we are studying lines and stuff. Rehearsals are about to start and will soon be followed by filming.”
“I guess you can hardly wait for your beautiful husband to fuck you all over the set, huh?”
“Put quite crudely but, yeah, I’m looking forward to the filming of our scenes.”
“Forgive me, Sky, but it sounds just like Laying Low. How is it going to be different?”
“It has a twist that was absent in the first film.” I paused provocatively.
I could tell he was all ears. “I’m not at liberty to discuss it at this time, but I guess I could share with you a rumor I’ve heard.”
“There’s a rumor I want to share with you but only because you are my oldest and best friend. Now, mind you, you didn’t hear this from me, right?”
“Oh, uh, right.”
“It seems there’s a rumor that the sequel to Laying Low will involve a threesome with the stars of the previous movie.”
Andy was quiet for a couple of seconds as my meaning soaked in. Then he shrieked, “Oh, fu-uck!”
“Now I can’t officially confirm the rumor yet, but I just thought my best friend forever should know about the rumor.”
“Oh, my god. Who’s the third?”
“A new character.”
“Who’s the actor?”
“Not cast yet. We’re still auditioning.”
“Are they gorgeous?”
I think I heard a soft moan. “Anyone I would know?”
“Uhm, I don’t know and I really can’t say.”
“Okay. Will you tell me who it is once it’s cast?”
“Are you and Brant going to, uhm, you know?”
I knew what he wanted to know, but couldn’t miss the opportunity to tease him more. “I don’t know what you mean,” I said with all the air of innocence I could conjure up.
“Oh, come on!”
His patience to me teasing him was wearing thin. “Have sex?”
“Du-uh! Of course. Will you three be having sex in the movie?”
I waited a minute to add to his suspense.
“Damn, Sky!”
This time the moan on the other end was clearly audible.
Suddenly, I got the call waiting beeps on my phone. I pulled it off my ear to check the caller ID. It was Juanita. My heart leaped in anticipation.
“I gotta go, Andy. Very important call coming in.”
“Keep me posted!” he said before I clicked over to Juanita.
“Hi, hon!” I said.
“Hi, Sky.”
I couldn’t quite tell if she was excited or disappointed, happy or sad, or maybe angry. Hurt?
“How you doing?”
“Bueno, I think.”
“Uh-huh. Hector and I made our decision.”
My heart was racing. “Oh, god, Juanita. What did you decide?”
She paused, playing me just like I’d been playing Andy a moment ago.
“Is he going to take the audition?” I asked as my heart threatened to beat its way out of my body.
In a very quiet voice, she said, “He is.”
I swear I felt a slug of fresh blood blast into my penis when I heard that!
“Fuck,” I said softly.
“I guess you will,” she said with strong irony and a forced-sounding titter.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“It’s a pretty big deal, but, yes, I’m okay.”
“Uhm, I need to go tell Brant.”
“Hector is calling him now.”
“Oh. Good.” I had difficulty believing she would condone this gay sex between her boyfriend and her good friends. “Sorry, but I don’t understand. How can you be okay with this?”
“We talked half the night before we both agreed it’s the right thing. Neither of us is ready to commit to a monogamous relationship. I mean, we haven’t been totally monogamous anyway. While he was gone to Miami so long, we both had our flings. We were open about it.”
“I see.”
“We love each other,” she continued, “but we don’t really want a family together. Not now, anyhow. We’re both career-oriented and want what’s best for our careers. I get that, Sky, and I agree one hundred percent that this could be a great step in his career.”
“Wow, you’ve been really open and honest with each other,” I said admiringly.
“Yes. It was a very healthy conversation we had about who we want to be as a couple.”
“I’m really proud for you guys.”
“This role could really make his career blast off. We both know it. It would be foolish for him to turn down the opportunity.”
“But it is gay sex, Juanita.”
“I know, babe. The truth is: I’ve sensed he might be bisexual, at least a little. There’s no one I would rather he experiment with than you and Brant. I know you will be kind to him and neither use him nor hurt him.”
“Wow. That’s a strange honor, but I do really appreciate your trust in us. I’ve always admired your acceptance of us, my dear.”
“Oh, I do! I love you guys so much! I want us to always be the best of friends.”
“Are you sure knowing we’re having sex with Hector won’t ruin our friendships?”
“I’m sure. I know there’s a chance he’ll like it so much he’ll go on over into full-on gay.”
Shit, I thought, can she really be that understanding, that accepting? “But, if this costs you a good relationship, you’d resent Brant and me forever, wouldn’t you?”
“No, no, no! If that were to happen, it would mean that he would have eventually made that decision anyhow. Maybe it would be after we married, even had kids. Maybe it would be ugly and damaging to all of us. If he likes gay sex a lot, it will change our relationship without necessarily ending it. He may come through this being Bi. I can live with that, but I can’t live with the thought that I thwarted his career by being too provincial.”
“Wow! He’s Bi?” I mumbled.
“He’s not sure. He says he’s had a little experience with guys before and has had those feelings off and on most of his life. He and I have great sex, but I know if he desires guys the best sex with a gal is still not all he needs. That wouldn’t be his fault. It just is. And, frankly, I love Hector a lot more than I love sex with Hector. Don’t misunderstand. Sex with him is the best I’ve ever had. But I love him enough to let that go if that’s best for him. And maybe he’ll experiment and decide it isn’t so good after all.”
“God, Juanita, you’re so amazing! So practical. So in tune with yourself. So incredibly sweet to Hector and to us. No wonder you’re my favorite chick.”
She laughed her deep jiggly, normal laugh.
“And you’re my favorite dude, Hector excepted, of course, and, well, equal, I guess, with Brant.”
Just then my favorite dude came into
the room. Our eyes locked. He looked a bit shocked but also excited and a
little silly in his overalls and Mickey tee.
“Hey,” I said into the phone while nodding to Brant. “I’ve gotta go. Brant just came in looking a little shocked. I think we need to talk.”
“Yes,” she said. “Hector just came in, too.”
“Later, my sweet,” I said with a smooching sound. I clicked off the call, dropped the phone into the seat beside me, and stood up.
Brant stepped up and we fell into each other’s arms. “Damn,” he muttered into my shoulder. “Fuck.”
“You got that right,” I whispered. “Totally.”
We hugged a long moment more before sitting together on the sofa where I had been earlier.
“Is Juanita really okay about it?” Brant asked.
“She says she is,” I said a little hesitantly. “I might believe her, but I’m not totally sure.”
“I hope she is.”
“Me, too,” I nodded. “How did Hector seem?”
“He sounded very nervous but rather excited, too. I think he wants to do it but, at the same time, he’s afraid of doing it, so he’s just a little crazy.”
“That seems reasonable.”
“He admitted that he’s been intrigued by us ever since he met us and that he has fantasized about sex with men. He’s also had a little bit of action before but I think only receiving BJs, not giving them. And definitely, no anal.”
“Who knew?”
“I sort of suspected when I saw how affectionate he was with his friends in Miami. I still don’t know how much of the touching and even kissing is cultural versus how much is sensual.”
“That can be really confusing,” I agreed. “We’ll just have to wait and see.”
“I reminded him that this is only an invitation to audition and not offering him the part. He understands.”
“So, he’ll audition tomorrow””
Brant nodded. His agent will deliver his portfolio to Anita Jordy’s office this afternoon.”
“This will be an interesting audition,” I said.
“Yep.” Brant took my hand in his. “Honestly, Sky, how do you feel about it?”
I grinned. “Well, gorgeous husband of mine, when Juanita told me their decision, I immediately threw a boner.” We both chuckled. “So, I guess I’m excited about the possibility.”
“I am, too, babe,” he said.
We sat quietly for a moment, each lost in his own thoughts. Finally, Brant spoke.
“You know, if Hector doesn’t get the part, we might have to show him gay sex anyhow.”
I laughed at him. “I think you’re right about that!”
We had lunch on the deck overlooking our pool. The day was sunny and about 70o so it was gorgeous outside, but the pool was too cool for a swim. We talked a bit about our projects: Brant’s remaining work for Mariel to Miami plus the preliminary work on the Bobby Kennedy biopic, now named RFK: A Lost Presidency. In fact, Brant had a dinner to attend that night with the director of RFK, Oscar-winner Arthur Westfield. We also discussed our schedules for the next few weeks.
Then we were interrupted by a call from Mark Powell, the Assistant Casting Director for Living Large. The call came to Brant’s cell.
“Hi, Mark,” Brant answered.
“Hi, Brant. I am confirming that we will meet tomorrow at 10:00 to audition Hector Uvalde.”
“Great. Sky and I will be there.”
“His portfolio looks great, so Anita is guardedly optimistic.”
“He’ll do a great job if we think he’s right for the part.”
“I hope so. I’d certainly love to see what he’s carrying in those speedos, baby!”
“You and 10 million other gay guys, Mark!”
“From your mouth to God’s ears, right?”
Brant laughed. “Yes! Horny gay guys will take us to box-office Heaven.”
“I think that’s why the producers upped the budget for the film. Well, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Thanks, Mark.” Brant clicked off and gave me a thumbs-up.
To be continued...
Posted: 04/28/2023