Role of a Lifetime II
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2023 by the author)
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Chapter 5
Oh, my God! The Golden Globe nominations were announced and we had big news. First, Beauty Queen was nominated for Best Television Series – Drama and Rachel Hughes was nominated for Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series – Drama. Way to go, Mom! There was even more good news in the movie categories. The Seminary Scandals was nominated for Best Motion Picture – Drama and my lovely husband Brant was nominated for Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in any Motion Picture for his luminous performance as the seminarian Lorenzo! In a very rare double nomination, he was also honored with a nom for Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama for Laying Low! I was so proud of him. But I saved the most amazing nomination for last. I was nominated, not for Laying Low, but for my leading role in Stronger Than Ever! The family had a raucous celebration after those nominations were announced.
All the arrangements were made and Brant and I appeared on Hollywood Weekly on December 19. Even though Juanita had most of her guests present in the studio, we were on for a short Zoom-based appearance since Brant was still in Miami.
Before the last commercial break, Juanita teased her watchers with the following provocative statement: “Don’t go away because after the break we will have your absolute favorite Hollywood star-studded pair with some news that will make your day!”
When she came back, she was seated in front of her computer with Brant and me on the screen.
“Ladies and Gents! I’m so excited to have the one and only Bransky with us tonight!” She practically screamed. “Yes, appearing via the miracle of Zoom, Brant Kimber and Sky Ford are with us. Woo-hoo!”
Turning to look into the screen,
she said, “Welcome, guys!”
“It’s wonderful to be here,” Brant said looking so sexy.
“Great to see you, Juanita, and your fans!” I added with my biggest smile.
“I want you both to know that I am so proud of you for your recent nominations for Golden Globes based on your outstanding work this year.”
“Thank you, Juanita!” Brant responded.
“Yes, thanks!” I added.
“You both turned in some great performances this year. Brant, you were wonderful in The Seminary Scandals, South Beach Shenanigans, Conquering Heaven, and of course my favorite, Laying Low. And you are one of only a handful of actors ever to receive two Golden Globe nods in the same year, one for The Seminary Scandals and one for Laying Low. How are you feeling?”
“It’s really hard to take in, Juanita. I had so many great opportunities this year and, wow, never expected to gain so much recognition. It’s an incredible honor.”
“We’re all so proud of you!” She applauded and her audience followed suit, as did I.
When the applause died down, she
said, “And you, Sky, in your first role as the star of a movie, you were
nominated for Best Actor for your sensitive and truly beautiful performance as
the unlucky Jerry Lancet in Stronger Than Ever.” She dabbed her eyes.
“I have seen very few performances by anyone that draw as much emotion as that
one. A truly well-deserved nomination!”
I was overcome by her kind words. I took a moment just to nod as I swallowed down the lump in my throat. When I spoke, the words came out a bit choked. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”
Juanita, Brant, and the audience applauded loudly.
“I’m so proud of him!” Brant yelled over the noise.
“Me, too!” Juanita said.
When the applause died down, Juanita observed, “If I’m not mistaken you are both nominated in the same category. Is that right?”
I nodded as Brant smiled and said, “It is, Juanita.”
“So, any competition here?”
“Not really,” Brant said.
“We have the perfect spot on our mantle for a Golden Globe and it won’t matter whose name is on it,” I added.
She smiled broadly and said, “We’ll be tuned in to the awards with our fingers crossed for you both.” She paused as if gathering her thoughts. “Now, we don’t have much time and I know you have a lot more to share, so let’s get right to it. How are your new projects coming along?”
I indicated for Brant to answer first.
“We’re nearing the end of filming on Mariel to Miami, Juanita,” he said. “Production is going very well and I must say it’s been a joy to work with Universal Studios and Alberto Marin on this production.”
“He’s a great director, I hear,” she said.
“Yes, Juanita, and he really wants to do a great job being true to the reality of the Mariel boatlift of 1980. It’s been a grueling shoot with a lot of time in small boats in Key West. Lots of sweaty bodies, sunburns, and sea sickness, but it has been worth every moment because we’re getting some great shots.”
“I can’t wait to see it, Brant!”
Brant grinned knowingly. “Of course, Juanita. One of the spectacular aspects of this movie is the presence of the outstanding young actor Hector Uvalde, who I believe you know.”
Juanita whirled around to face the cameras in the studio. “Full disclosure, dearies. Hector Uvalde, that gorgeous hunky Latino, is my main squeeze. I can’t wait to see him in this awesome movie.”
“Hector is doing a superb job on set, Juanita. I think you’ll be very proud of him. I know those of us in the cast and crew have deep respect for his abilities and love him for his delightful personality. I encourage your fans to get to know Hector by watching when the movie premiers next summer.”
“You can bet I’ll be watching, Brant!” She paused for a moment before saying, “So, Sky, how is your project coming along?”
“I’m excited to be playing Ludwig, the gay king of Bavaria in a limited series for Netflix, Juanita. I just got back from Bavaria a few days ago. The filming on location is nearly complete and we do not have a lot left to shoot in the studio. We’re scheduled to complete filming shortly and then it will move into post-production. I’ve enjoyed learning a bit of German and have loved the history I’ve learned, too. Our director, Oscar Krieger, is wonderful and the cast is impeccable, especially Larry Hemet, Rita Sackowitz, and Ralph Jostin.”
“Do you have a release date for The Gay King, Sky?”
“I believe it is scheduled for late summer of 2022, Juanita.”
“We’ll all be excited to see that, Sky.”
“I hope so.”
“So, gentlemen, I have heard from a very reliable source that Periphery Studios has authorized a sequel to Laying Low.” She swiveled around to glance at her audience. “Please let it be true!” she breathed.
Brant and I both chuckled.
“Well, Juanita, your source is very reliable indeed,” Brant said.
Juanita shrieked!
“Yes, it’s in very early stages of development, but Sky and I have both expressed our interest in doing the movie. Harold Gillespie, the talented screenwriter of Laying Low, is scripting it now.”
“Can you give us any details about it? Plot?”
“Not just yet, Juanita,” Brant smiled. “We don’t even know the details except that it will be sexier than the original.”
Juanita swiveled. She looked into the camera with genuine shock and disbelief written on her gorgeous face. Turning back to us, she said, “Oh, my goddess. Sexier than Laying Low? Is that even possible?”
“I know it’s hard to fathom,” Brant grinned, “but it’s true.”
“Will it be X-rated?”
“No,” he shook his head, “it will still be targeted as an NC-17. It will just be a little more than Laying Low.”
“Ay, caramba!” She paused for a moment before looking at her audience. “There you have it, mi amigas y amigos, directly from the star. Sexier than Laying Low! I know we will all lie awake tonight trying to figure that one out!” Turning back to us, she smiled and said, “It’s always a wonderful thing to have you on the show, Brant and Sky. We love you so much!”
“Thanks, Juanita,” I said.
“Always a great pleasure,” Brant added.
Looking back into the studio camera, Juanita smiled and said, “Stay tuned to Hollywood Weekly for updates on the progress of the sexiest sequel ever filmed! And have a joyous Christmas, my sweeties! Feliz Navidad!”
Brant and I loved our Christmas together – our first as a married couple. We went to several parties including a quiet dinner party at Juanita and Hector’s place.
Although we had been around Hector quite a few times during the past year and considered him a good friend, I found him even hotter and friendlier this time. I thought several times he was flirting with me but it was never too strong or obvious. He was so happy that he just radiated peace and joy, glowing like he’d never felt so good before. He and Juanita were quite affectionate, laughing, and including Brant and me in touches, embraces, and intimate looks. The whole evening made me feel much closer to both these good friends.
As we drove home from their place, I asked Brant if he thought Hector had changed somehow.
“Yes, babe, I think he has.”
“I like it. He seems more relaxed, more open maybe, than before.”
“I’ve been noticing it during our time in Miami,” Brant observed. “I think the movie is good for him. He’s been spending a lot of time with his family and friends there. I’m guessing that’s part of the reason his performance has been so good.”
“He just seems happier to me,” I said.
“I think he’s excited about how this role will contribute to improving his career. Every day he just seems excited to be on set. And, off set, he’s been a lot of fun, too. I’ve gotten to know him a lot better these past couple of months.”
“I can tell from how you two interact. After this evening, I feel a lot more comfortable with Hector. He’s just a really great guy. I still consider Juanita and Hector to be our coolest friend-couple,” I said.
“Me, too,” Brant agreed.
After a moment, I added, “And our hottest friend-couple.”
Nodding vigorously, my husband laughed at that.
To be continued...
Posted: 03/03/2023