Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 33
After a few minutes of us staring into each other’s eyes, I said quietly, “Are you okay?”
For a couple of beats his expression didn’t change, which made me quite nervous. At last, I could see the corners of his mouth slowly pulling back as he opened into a cute grin. “Yeah,” he whispered. “A lot to think about.”
“You don’t have to process it all immediately, you know.”
He nodded.
“How about I draw you a hot bath. That will prevent you from being so sore later.”
I rolled out of bed and prepared the tub. I even found some bubble bath and started the water. I lit a few candles around the tub, then went to his laptop and started my soft jazz station on Pandora. I tested the water and found it a little scalding so adjusted the inflow to reduce the temp a bit. I turned off the bathroom lights and returned to find Brant sitting up removing the wrist band.
I went to the side of the bed and held my hands down to him. “Ready, babe?”
He nodded, laid the wrist band on the nightstand by the other one, and grasped my hands. Turning, he put his feet onto the floor and I hoisted him up and into my chest. After a brief hug, I took him into the bath and plopped him into the tub.
“Ouch!” he yelped.
“Can you stand it?” I said as I closed the faucet.
“I think so.” Holding my arm to steady himself, he slowly dropped into the sudsy water.
When he was settled, I excused myself and went out. A couple of minutes later, I returned with two glasses of wine.
“This is very romantic, Sky,” he said as he accepted the wine.
“I love you, Brant.” I sat on the floor beside him and facing him, then we clinked our glasses in a wordless toast. “Do you want to talk?”
He looked at me. “I love you, honey.”
I smiled at him. “Even after all that?” I joked.
He grinned, “Hmm. I wasn’t too sure when you started whipping my ass.”
I chuckled. He sipped his wine.
“And, when you tied my hands. I almost got angry about that.”
I nodded. “That seemed to be your biggest negative reaction.”
“Nobody likes to give up control like that, I imagine.”
“True. But it seems to push up the sexual stimulation to another level for most people.”
He nodded. “I think it did for me. Oh, the giant dildo was scary, too.”
I chuckled. “You took it like a champ, babe.” I held up my glass as an informal toast, then drank.
He laughed. “Are you calling me a slut?”
“Hell, no! This was only your third or fourth time to bottom. One reason I spent so long tonguing your hole was to relax you thoroughly so you could take it.”
“Were there other reasons?”
I snickered and nodded. “I love to tongue your hole! It takes my sexual stimulation to another level when I do. And I know how good it feels, so I’m glad to be able to give you such good feelings.”
“I do love that,” he said wistfully.
“How was your orgasm?”
“Damn. Incredible. Such strong sensations it kind of hurt at first. I thought it might go on forever.”
“I counted about 14 shots,” I said with a laugh. “Unbelievable.”
“Wow.” He shook his head in amazement.
I tested his water and found it had cooled to normal bath level. “Watch your feet,” I cautioned as I turned the hot water on full bore for about a minute to bring the tub temp back up. I swished the water to mix the hot in with the tepid and eventually closed the faucet.
“Just relax a few minutes more. I’m going to change the sheets and then we’ll have a quick rinse in the shower before bed.”
“Sounds good.”
By mid-September, we were both getting busier with pre-production meetings related to our upcoming projects.
Lunar Base 1 had been back in production for a few weeks with Dad and Hillary Grayson filming dozens of scenes that involved only them in their professional relationship and in their romantic/sexual relationship. I could not help but notice Mom was a little testy at times when Dad’s filming came up in conversation. She said once that filming a whole raft of love scenes together was unprecedented in her experience. Inwardly, I remembered filming Laying Low and realized that doing so many love scenes so close together certianly made it easier to fall in love with Brant. Mom had a good reason to be upset about Dad and Hillary, I thought, even though I was confident Dad would never step out on Mom.
My filming was scheduled for October 5 through 23 and then November 9 through 12 and 23 through 25. The reason it was broken was because they were doing scenes involving certain people for the whole 12 episodes. Lunar Base 1 Assistant Producer Rita Youngfield and John Eisenheimer, Stronger Than Ever Producer, worked out a schedule that had me going back and forth. Luckily the studios were only a few miles apart. Stronger Than Ever provided a chauffeur the few times I needed to be at both studios the same day. At that time, the work on Stronger Than Ever was mostly fittings and outdoor set-up shots and some rehearsals rather than major filming. The big scenes were all saved until I was finished with Lunar Base 1, a perk of being the star, I guess.
Brant’s schedule also picked up in October when he went to work on The Seminary Scandals. The filming schedule was pretty intense as he was in a lot of scenes, many with the headliner Randall O’Malley, who would be playing Father Sean, who took a shine to Brant’s Lorenzo the seminarian. I asked Brant if he was concerned about the more intimate scenes with O’Malley. He grinned and said he only had to be kissed a couple of times and endure a moderate rape scene, so he could handle it. “It won’t compare in any way to my experiences in Laying Low,” he laughed.
“Randall O’Malley is pretty handsome,” I noted.
“Pshaw! I only have eyes for you. Besides, he’s over fifty!”
I kissed him quickly in appreciation.
Being back in front of the camera was exhilarating. Working with Dad again was great, too, although we had agreed not to mention that he would be appearing in Laying Low along with me. We left to David and the others at Perifery Studios the decision on how to disseminate that information to the public. Eventually my scenes spread across 4 of the season’s 12 episodes. I enjoyed working on the sci-fi sets, but it really wasn’t terribly different from an acting standpoint.
even had a scene with Dad and a couple of others in the moon base swimming pool
(pictured). The idea of a pool on the moon was rather cool to me.
It wasn’t until we were both busy that I realized how privileged Brant and I had been to have our two months of filming such intimacy for Laying Low. Now it felt as if that was a lifetime ago and I found myself sometimes inexplicably sad until I would realize I was missing being with Brant.
We still got together at least once a week for dinner and an over-nighter, which were always wonderful times.
I found that I didn’t much like the character I played on Lunar Base 1. Ensign Kurt Davidson was a spoiled brat who was rather mean, not caring too much if he hurt his father or anyone else as long as he got what he wanted. My reaction to him was quite different to my reaction to Aaron in Laying Low. But it was a substantial role with guest star billing and a paycheck of around $35,000, so I couldn’t really complain.
When my shooting on Lunar Base 1 was complete, John Eisenheimer took me to lunch to thank me for my participation in their season. He said my performance had been excellent and that they would be watching fan reaction to me to see if they might include me in the next season. He wanted to see if I would be up for that, even possibly as a regular on the show. I said I was quite open to that and would be prepared to join the cast if they so desired, pending any other commitments I might have.
Mom, Dad, and Brant were all very positive about that. Mom joked that she’d have to start lobbying for a role, too, even if it was just a cameo. Brant gave me a high five and then a big kiss. “You’re gonna be a star!” he cried.
I asked Dad if he thought there might be a chance the ensign could grow to be a better person in his second season. Dad said that was likely as a character who stays the same is dull in the long run.
As much as I was not impressed with the ensign, I loved my character in Stronger Than Ever, Gerald (Jerry) Lancet. Jerry was placed into a Christian Exodus Ministry by his parents after his father found him in the barn with Alan, the kid from the next farm. They had been best friends forever and Jerry was jerked up and hauled in to this Ministry place immediately. There he was subjected to group therapy, aversion therapy (where he was forced to watch gay porn while his genitals were zapped with electricity), slapped and water-boarded until he told the details of his sexual experiences, and berated by ministry leaders for not doing his Christian duty to marry and have kids who could be raised right. It was all psychologically horrendous and disgusting! There is a lot of gratuitous nudity (though my genitals were carefully concealed at all times).
After several weeks, Jerry manages to escape this hell-hole and hitches rides back to his hometown where, under cover of night, he goes to see his female friend Brenda. She takes him in, grateful to see him, but sad to share the news that a broken-hearted Alan has hanged himself. Of course, Jerry is completely destroyed by this revelation. Brenda bundles the broken Jerry up and takes him to her gay uncle Sid and his husband Al in nearby Phoenix. The middle-aged couple take him into their hearts and bring him through a long process of healing. We see Jerry grow stronger and more mature than he ever had been. He stays a year with them, completes high school, and enrolls in the community college. The final scene takes place a few years later when Jerry and his partner drive up to the country cemetery and find Alan’s grave. They sit on the grass, holding hands, and Jerry tells Alan how much he loved him and that he will always miss him.
“But,” he says, “even though my parents abandoned me and my church abandoned me, God did not. He gave me Sid and Al who saved me and gave me a new life. Then God gave me Theo here. Isn’t he cute? And Theo and I love each other now. We have what you and I were denied. I’m so sorry you never got to have this wonderful experience. It would have been great to share it with you. I hope you understand that I’m grateful to be able to share it with Theo. God has made me stronger than ever.” He kisses the headstone and he and Theo walk back to the car, hand in hand. Credits roll.
Stronger Than Ever was by far my most challenging role to date and required me to do some pretty heavy dramatic acting, which I found exhausting but at the same time invigorating as I mentally put myself into these difficult situations and found how I might respond emotionally to them. It was like a crash course in “Knowing Thyself”. The director of the film was Victoria Boone and she really helped me get to the depth of emotions behind each scene. When we were finished, she also told me she was very pleased with my performance and felt it would provide the momentum to move the plot from beginning to end.
Brant was in training to build his muscles for South Beach Shenanigans,
the director of The Seminary Scandals decided to film as much as possible
his scenes in the order in which they would appear in the film so if his body
changed during their shoot, it would work into the plot. They thought it would
also explain the growing attraction the older priest felt for the younger
seminarian. Brant’s Lorenzo was also a very manly man who rode a motorcycle,
played football, and generally was the epitome of masculine. It was not hard to
imagine the frustration the priest would have felt being around him all the
Their shoot was scheduled to end just before Thanksgiving, but Brant did go back during the first two weeks of December for the final scenes and some voice-over work.
Stronger Than Ever didn’t finish until the end of January, but we had a week off for Thanksgiving and two weeks for Christmas and New Year’s. Thanksgiving was wonderful because neither Brant nor I had any commitments except that he had an appearance on Good Morning, LA! on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.
He had to be on set at 5:30 for hair and makeup since the show began at 6:00. He was not amused by that, but he did a great job of plugging Laying Low and The Seminary Scandals. The hosts did not bring up the speculation about his sexual orientation, just being content to note that Laying Low is expected to be very revealing. Brant just laughed and said, “I hope everyone will enjoy all they’ll see in that film!” Wisely, producers cut to a commercial immediately after that.
Brant and I spent almost every night together and most of the days, too, during Thanksgiving week. I think Mom and Dad became so accustomed to his presence, their concerns for my heart were set on the back-burner. I could tell they both thought very highly of him, both professionally and personally. I fell a little more in love.
David Dawson, through his assistant Tammy, had been keeping us informed with a weekly email to update us on the status of post production on Laying Low, but the day before Thanksgiving, the message was an inquiry to see if Brant, Dad, and I would be available for a pre-screening of the film on the afternoon of December 12 with a Christmas dinner to follow. Fortunately, we were all available, so the studio made the arrangements.
The day of the screening and party, Brant and I lazed around our house until after lunch before sharing a long, sexy shower, during which he gifted me with a nice dose of baby-makers so that we were both quite content when we dressed and drove to the studio, where the film would be shown in their projection room under strict guard. The only ones invited to this very private screening were the crew from our location shoot, including Chef Gianni, and their plus ones, Mom and Dad, a couple of the producers: Allison Griggs with her wife Shelly, Harry Bolger with his wife Giselle, and Richard Southern with his husband actor Marvin Baker, the author/screenwriter Harold Gillespie with his husband Frank Yountz, Kenny’s wife Margaret, and David’s wife actress Felicity Wilson.
After some long conversations with Dad and some soul searching on her own, Mom decided she didn’t feel comfortable to see me in such a sexually explicit role. I totally understood and we decided that she would forgo the screening but join us for the Christmas dinner-bash.
Since the screening room held 100, we were able to keep social distancing protocols, communicating with waves, blowing kisses, and shouted greetings. We all signed NDA’s as we prepared to enter the screening room which Tammy slipped into her briefcase before going inside.
David and Felicity sat on one end of the first row with Harold and Frank on the other end. Dad, Brant and I sat in the middle of the second row. The others scattered out behind us. I noted with great interest that Rachoud was escorted by a stunning blonde man who looked like a body builder to me. I also noted that Gianni’s date was an absolutely gorgeous Italian actress named Angelica Nuzzi whom Brant knew from her part in Conquering Heaven. Hollywood is a pretty small world.
Finally the lights went down and the opening credits rolled showing a shirtless Brant running through the woods in Griffith Park. He was peaceful looking and gorgeous and the title blocks scrolled across the lower portion of the screen. Brant and I held hands fiercely as the scenes tumbled by us: the execution, Brant chased by the mobsters, me picking him up, us talking frantically about the situation, etc. The opening section with the mobsters was chilling because poor Brant was an innocent who happened to see something awful and be discovered. It could happen to anyone. It was almost a horror sequence, except he escaped rather than getting brutally murdered.
Other than the cringe factor of knowing your father is watching you get fucked on screen, I was absolutely taken with the whole thing. At first it was hard to see myself so big on that screen but I did become accustomed to it, I suppose, as I got better at just letting myself get into the experience the film was trying to convey. Honesty requires that I admit that watching Brant and me having sex brought back the most amazing erotic memories and got me incredibly horny. During the scene in which Marty takes Aaron’s cock, Brant whispered, “God, that was so beautiful and felt so good!”
Throughout the movie, the editors managed to capture the lusty and loving nature of our relationship, show tons of our muscular flesh, and avoid any glimpse of an erection, although there were a lot of times we were partially hard. All in all, they managed to walk the line to avoid an X rating (we thought) while still making it an incredibly erotic movie.
The movie ended with our first actual penetrating sex when Brant fucked me on the balcony of his apartment. That brought back beautiful sexy memories that left my cock so hard I could barely refrain from pulling it out right there 2 seats over from my father. That being the final scene, I could not stand up when the movie ended. I pulled down on Brant’s hand to indicate I wasn’t ready to move. As I looked over to Dad, I noticed him adjusting his crotch, which was clearly boned up. Fuck!
Everyone stayed in their seats until the final copyright notice had rolled and Tammy had turned the lights on. She moved two chairs into the space on the little stage in front of the screen. David and Harold went up to sit in the chairs. Harold was showing a noticeable bulge when he sat down.
“Feedback?” David asked.
I won’t take you through each comment, but I will say many people thought it was a beautiful gay love story disguised as a suspense thriller. To a person, everyone seemed to truly like it with a few saying it was among the best movies they’d ever seen. Brant and I received a standing ovation for the quality of our performances and Dad was seriously applauded, too. There were several who suggested we needed to get prepared for awards season.
When the discussion ended, Dad texted Mom and she Ubered to the dinner.
The dinner was lovely and we all had a good time. We enjoyed seeing the crew members again and meeting their partners and dates. It turns out Rachoud’s hunky date was a struggling actor who lives in the same building as Rach. His name was Rafe Turner and he just raved over the movie. We four had a good conversation that sort of took us to the end of the dinner.
When we got home, Brant and I dashed up to my room and stripped as fast as we could before attacking each other for some of the most enthusiastic sex we had ever had. We didn’t quite match our onscreen orgasm total, but we came pretty close.
To be continued...
Posted: 11/26/2021