Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 24
Believe it or not, Brant and I had some non-sexual scenes to film on Friday and Saturday. The whole time was fun and relaxed as we came nearer to the end of the filming. I purposely didn’t think about the end of the shoot because I knew life would seem boring and sterile after this.
Of course, we were all anticipating the appearance of Brant and me on Hollywood Weekly Sunday at 8 p.m. We had a relaxed and restful day which included a short meeting with David and the producers via a Zoom link. We were basically given permission to tell anything we wished about the film except the ending. In fact, the ending is not a particularly unique or startling conclusion to the film. It is a standard good-guys-defeat-the-bad-guys scenario. The uniqueness and, I wager, the value of the film is in the way it focuses on the relationship between two gay men undergoing a serious threat.
In mid-afternoon, Brant and I took a 2-hour nap together in his bed – no sex, just cuddling and a few kisses. We had an early supper of grilled chicken, broccoli, and wild rice. Then we retreated to our cabin for our showers and some alone time. Rachoud came in at 7 to preside over hair and makeup and get us ready for the appearance. We set up the computer on our dining room table so we could sit together in front of the screen.
At 7:45, we connected to the Zoom link so Brant could be on screen with the assistant producer of the show. I stayed off camera to keep the suspence of who plays the boyfriend. We found that we would be the only guests on the 30-minute show, which gave us about 22 minutes of air time in 4 segments between commercial breaks. The plan was to introduce me right after the first break.
Juanita Montez, who, by the way, is a gorgeous 25-year-old Latina with dangerous
eyes but a friendly smile, gave the opening spiel to introduce the show. Then
she recounted the interview she had had with Brant 2 weeks earlier, noting that
she and her staff had “left no stone unturned” to learn the identity of the
actor playing Brant’s boyfriend in the movie.
Juanita: But, dear friends, we failed in our quest to score this hot bit of truth for you. So, we have asked the gorgeous Brant Kimber to join us again tonight. And….he has promised to give us the name of the movie currently being filmed in a remote location in the California mountains along with introducing us to his co-star. I know just how excited you all are to meet this most fortunate young actor, so let’s delay no longer. Here is Brant Kimber!
Brant: Hello, Juanita!
Juanita: It’s just so exciting to see you again so soon, Brant.
Brant: It’s good to be back with you and your legions of fans.
Jaunita: Why, thank you! So, before we meet your co-star, please tell us how filming is going.
Brant (smiling): It’s going great! We’re almost done; just a few scenes yet to be shot. And indications from the director, the wonderful David Dawson, are that we are getting some great footage.
Juanita: David Dawson is the director! You are so lucky to be working with him. With production everywhere shut down and everybody out of work, it’s been hard to imagine who is involved in this flick. So, David Dawson is helming the movie. He’s a great director.
Brant: Yes, he is. He’s made the set so comfortable and easy that it almost doesn’t feel like we’re working. He encourages us to improvise and ad lib to make the action as realistic as possible. I think you and your fans are going to forget that we are paid actors in this production.
Jaunita: It sounds like every actor’s dream.
Brant: With all due respect to the directors of my other productions who are fantastic in their own right, this has been the most relaxed set I’ve had the pleasure of working on.
Juanita: That’s certainly saying a lot considering you starred in Conquering Heaven, helmed by Oscar-winner Bert Northcut, and Royal Sex Wars, helmed by Quinn Wilson, two of the best in the business.
Brant: I don’t want to compare these great men. Each is an amazing director and I hope to work with all of them many more times during my career. David Dawson has truly been perfect for guiding this delightful little movie through some very unusual circumstances.
Juanita: Are you referring to the pandemic?
Brant: That’s one part of it. David has figured out how to meet safety requirements and get this thing to the filming stage in spite of tremendous odds. But, maybe even more, I’m referring the consideration of a grown-up gay male relationship in a most peculiar situation.
Juanita: Why did David Dawson sign onto this movie?
Brant (smiling): You know, Juanita, he has great reasons for wanting to do it, but that is his story to share and I hope you will bring him on the show to answer that question for himself.
Juanita: Fair enough.
Juanita turns toward the studio camera. “David, if you are listening, please consider joining us soon. We might have even more questions for you about…” She looked puzzled and turned back to the computer screen.
Juanita: Brant, would you like to share the name of the movie?
Brant: Yes, of course.
Juanita turned in her chair to face the studio camera. “Write this down, ladies and gents, because you will want to hit the theaters as soon as this releases.”
Juanita (turning back to her computer screen): Oh, please! What is the title?
Brant: It’s called Laying Low and is from Alabaster Films.
Juanita (twirling the words in her mouth): Laying Low. I like that name. Simple. Descriptive, if the rumors about how sexy it is are true.
Brant (laughing): I suspect those rumors are a little tame compared with the reality.
Juanita (eyebrows raised in astonishment): Holy f… Oops!
Juanita (fanning herself with one hand): Oh, Lordy, Brant. I think you’re a naughty boy!
Brant: When you see Laying Low, there will be no doubt just how naughty I can be.
Juanita looked as if she was getting the vapors. I suspect her pussy was getting really wet, but then, who cares?
Juanita: My producers are dancing in the wings for us to go to commercial break. Be right back with more from Brant Kimber!
During a 2-minute break, Juanita spoke quietly to Brant. “Honey, you’re one of the best guests I’ve ever had on the show. You manage to be so suggestive while you present such a wholesome, princely appearance.”
“Thanks, Juanita. I’ll admit I am enjoying your interviews more than any others I’ve ever given.”
“Back from the break in just a few seconds.”
She turned to face the studio camera.
Juanita: Juanita Montez here with luscious Brant Kimber on Hollywood Weekly, where he just told us the name of the mysterious movie he is currently filming in an undisclosed location in the mountains of this great state. I don’t think any of us will forget the title of the flick. Brant?
Brant (grinning seductively): Laying Low.
Juanita: I really cannot wait to see this film. So, Brant, tell us about your co-star in this sexy suspense thriller called Laying Low.
Brant: Very happy to do so, Juanita. He is a spectacular young actor with some experience in the L.A. theater scene, some commercials, and some small parts in television and movies over the past few years. Right now, you might not recognize him but I know he will be receiving a lot of offers once this movie opens. He’s doing a spectacular job on the film. He has taught me a lot that helps make my performance stronger. And, he is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet.
Juanita: We can’t wait to meet him.
Brant (looking up to his left): He’s standing right here beside me.
Brant adjusts the laptop so he moves into half the frame and the vacant chair is in the other half.
Brant: Please welcome, star of Laying Low, my great friend…..Sky Ford!
I stepped into the frame and sat down. Andrew told me later there was a
1-second view of my crotch sent into the airwaves before I sat down and my face
could be seen.
Juanita: Oh my god! It’s so exciting to meet you, Sky. Welcome to Hollywood Weekly!
Me: Thanks, Juanita. It’s great to be here.
Juanita: Brant, you are correct. This is one beautiful man!
Juanita turns to face the studio camera. “I know you’re all imaging these two naked and rolling around on a bed together!” Turning back to the computer screen, she continued.
Juanita: We will see that, won’t we?
Brant (laughing): Oh, yeah! And rolling around on the floor. And a sofa.
Me (laughing): And above a cliff.
Juanita glances over her shoulder as if speaking to an off-camera crew member. “Is someone writing all this down?”
Juanita: You two are giving me the vapors!
Brant: It’s our pleasure!
Juanita (taking a deep breath and wiping her brow): Okay, so, Sky.
Me: Yes?
Juanita: How did you get this part?
Me: It was an open casting call for someone to play a young gay student.
Juanita: What drew you to apply?
Me: Several things, actually. I’ve been looking for some better parts than I’ve had before, so this seemed like a good possibility. Also, as a young gay man myself, I thought I might have the background to be able to excell in the role.
Juanita: Thank you, Sky, for sharing that with us.
Me: I never want to hide the real me, Juanita.
Juanita: Awesome. So, you auditioned and…
Me: Well, I got a callback. At my second audition I met Brant and was smitten by this handsome and kind man here.
Brant: We had instant chemistry, Juanita.
Juanita: I can only imagine.
Me: The chemistry got me the job.
Juanita: Will you be the breakout new star from the pandemic based on this performance?
Me: I can only hope so. I guess that will depend on how well I perform and how much the fans like me.
Brant: They’re going to love you.
Juanita: Heck, guys, I love you both already! It’s time for a break, but, Sky, when we get back, I’m going to ask you what it’s like to make out with Brant Kimber. So, be prepared.
Juanita turned back to us and asked me if I was the son of Brodie Ford. I nodded and she said she thought so. “Thank you so much for being open about your sexuality, Sky. I really admire you for that.”
In a moment, she reintroduced the show and us and then turned to the computer screen.
Juanita: I warned you, Sky. I want you to look into your computer and tell the millions of fans who are watching tonight what it is like to kiss Brant Kimber.
Me (looking at Brant, who smiled at me and nodded): At my second audition, like 5 minutes after we met, he pulled me aside and told me he was convinced I was perfect to play Aaron, the boyfriend in Laying Low. The scene we were to read together ended with us making out on the sofa. He asked me if I would be willing to do that so we could show the casting people how great we would be together.
Juanita: Brant, you’re so forward!
Brant (chuckling): Sky was the actor I wanted. After all, I was going to be kissing, cuddling, making out, and more with this guy for months. It had to be believable that my character, Marty, could actually be head-over-heels for this guy. Just look at him. (He turned to me, smiling.) I knew that if I would ever fall for a man, he would be the one. So, I wanted to show the producers.
Juanita: What an amazing endorsement, Brant. So, apparently you convinced the casting director that you had the chemistry.
Brant (laughing): Heck, Juanita, we went for it like, well, lovers.
Me: I was so shocked that he would be so open and trusting of me and that he genuinely seemed to want me for his co-star.
Juanita: So, Sky, my question is still, what is it like to kiss Brant Kimber?
Me (blushing, I think): He exceeds your expectations and all your hopes.
Juanita: I expect nothing less, Brant!
Brant smiled and nodded appreciatively.
Me: I just want to take a moment to thank all of Brant’s ex-girlfriends, who obviously taught him well.
Juanita (laughing loudly): I suspect he had some natural talent they tapped into.
Me: Oh, he’s a natural, alright!
Juanita: It’s quite refreshing to hang out with you two. You seem to genuinely like each other and respect each other a lot.
Brant: We do, Juanita. Earlier I mentioned how much he had taught me that’s helping my performance. Now that he’s come out to you and your fans, I can add more to that statement. Sky has shared countless details with me as well as the crew about how things typically happen between gay men, about their motivations and needs. He had a strong impact on the characterization of the relationship between Marty and Aaron and he was also very helpful in teaching me what gay men do intimately.
Juanita spins in her chair to face the studio camera. “Oh, to have been a fly on the wall during that training session!” Looking back at her computer, she spoke.
Juanita: This is amazing, guys!
Turning back, she announced, “Right now, we have our final commercial break to take, but don’t go away. I have a feeling these two aren’t finished with their bombshells yet.
This was a 3-minute break and Juanita asked, “May I ask you if you are a couple in real life? I think it is an obvious question people will have by now.”
Brant smiled at her and said, “Please ask. Let’s hit that one head on.”
I stared at him because I had no idea what he would say. “That question is for you to answer,” I said.
“Of course!”
“We’re back!” Juanita cried to the studio camera. “If you’ve been with us for the whole show, you know Brant Kimber and Sky Ford, stars of the upcoming movie Laying Low have been, well, laying out a lot of intriguing, highly personal information. Stay with us to hear more very honest answers to your burning questions.” She turned back to face the computer.
Juanita: I cannot thank you both enough for joining us this evening and for being so open and honest about such a touchy subject as sexuality. Your frankness is, indeed, as good as it gets. Now, for a few minutes you have been talking about how good your chemistry is and how you trust each other and learn from each other. Sky, you have affirmed for us that you are a gay man. And you are currently filming some very steamy scenes with one of the hottest matinee idols in America, indeed, in the world. So, acting aside, scripts aside, will you share with us your feelings for Brant, the man?
I hadn’t expected her to single me out so I felt a bit off guard. Under the table, Brant grasped my hand and squeezed, which I took to mean whatever I wanted to say would be okay.
Me: Juanita, I think millions of gay men will understand completely that I have the privilege and honor to act in this role with one of the handsomest, sexiest, and nicest men in the world. How could I feel anything for him except deep attraction and love?
Juanita: Love?
Me (nodding): I love this man.
Juanita: Brant, how does that make you feel?
Brant (smiling confidently): It makes me feel amazing, grateful, honored, lucky.
Brant lifted my hand between us to show that we were holding hands. What was he going to say?
Brant: Juanita, I love Sky, too. We are in a very unusual place in the world. In the middle of a pandemic, when we cannot be with people outside our bubble, Sky and I are constantly thrown together in one of the most romantic settings in North America. Our work involves saying loving things to each other, touching each other tenderly, kissing, and doing a lot more intimate things. Sky is so easy to trust and look up to. He’s so good at this acting thing, but he is even better as a kind, considerate man.
Juanita: So, how do you characterize your relationship as people?
Brant: I think perhaps the best way to describe it is as a very intimate bromance.
Although we’d never used that word, it did have a certain truth about it and it was actually a good description of what I was feeling.
Juanita (gently): Sky?
Me: I couldn’t say it better than that.
Juanita: So, you are involved in a serious bromance here after only knowing each other for a few months.
Both of us nodded.
Juanita: Do you think your bromance could turn into a romance?
Me: For my part, it absolutely could transform into a romance. There’s only one thing keeping me from abandoning myself to loving him.
Juanita (quietly): Yes?
Me: His self-identification as a heterosexual.
Juanita (nodding slowly): I understand, Sky. Brant, do you see a possible romance with Sky in your future?
Brant (looking at me with puppy-dog eyes): Sky makes my life so much better than it would be without him. My heart is open to him in ways it has never been open to anyone else in my life. He makes me feel good to be me. He makes me feel content, safe, excited about the future. If there is any way I could be in a romantic relationship with a man, it would have to be this man, no other. I’ve never felt that kind of attraction to anyone else. Sky Ford is unique and very special in my life. Could I be in a full-on romance with him?
He put his arm across my shoulders and looked into my eyes as the world held its breath along with me. No doubt to the shock of everyone tuned in to the show, Brant pulled me closer as he leaned over to bring his lips to mine. I’m pretty sure my heart stopped. He lingured in a sweet liplock for a few seconds before he released me and turned his head to look at the computer screen.
Brant: Could this become a romance? It’s possible. We’ll let you know if it happens.
Juanita (with tears in her eyes): Thank you both from the bottom of my heart.
She turned toward the studio camera, daubbing her eyes with her manicured fingers. “We’ll be following this amazing story, my friends. I love you!”
And the studio lights were extinguished.
Juanita turned back to us. “This interview has been the highlight of my career. I can never thank you enough. When this fucking pandemic is over, I want to have you over to dinner. I want to be your friend!”
We could tell she was being nothing but sincere with her kind words.
“We’d like that,” Brant said quietly. “Thanks for giving us this opportunity.”
In the background, my cell phone began chirping, just as her phone rang, too.
“Good-night,” she said, her voice full with emotion.
“Good-night,” we said in unison and the screen went dark.
To be continued...
Posted: 10/22/2021