Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 21
The crew’s applause after our monumental simultaneous explosion of cum reminded us both that we were not alone in a private moment but, in fact, were on the set of a movie, at work, being observed and filmed by guys who had become our friends. My initial thought was to be embarrassed by realizing what they had seen, but I fought that reaction. What they had seen was the most intimate act of two humans and it was full of the beauty of love and connection. If they saw that, they would not be offended by our love-making. If they didn’t see the beauty, well, fuck ‘em!
Sitting on the ground, Brant was still impaled on my rapidly shrinking cock. We both gulped air as we recovered from our efforts. He sat in my lap and laid back onto my chest as if he didn’t have the energy to even hold his head up. I hugged him as tight as I could and gently kissed his neck.
Vaguely I was aware that our audience was silently moving away from us much like thay had done before when we had filmed our sexual acts.
I rubbed Brant’s chest and belly while planting little kisses on his neck, cheek, and shoulder. “Are you okay, baby?” I asked.
“Uhm,” he whispered. I waited but he didn’t say more. I couldn’t tell if he was afraid to answer my question, was thinking about his answer, or simply didn’t have enough breath to speak.
I needed reassurance that this had been good for him.
“Brant,” I whispered into his ear. “Tell me. Are you okay?”
He took a deep breath and turned his head so that our lips were almost touching. “Yes, love, I am so good I can’t believe it. I have never imagined such a….an out-of-this-world experience as you just gave me.”
Relief washed over me. “Oh, thank god, baby!”
“Can we wait to talk about it until we have our time on the balcony tonight?”
“Oh, yes, as long as you really are okay.”
“I assure you I am great.”
Rachoud intruded into our space for a moment to hand each of us a towel and me a warm, wet washcloth. Brant struggled to get off my lap and stand, so Rachoud gave him a strong hand to grasp and pulled him up. I scrambled up behind him and gently held the warm cloth to his still-dilated sphincter.
Brant grinned at Rachoud, “Oh, Sky, that feels really good.”
As we wiped our sticky dicks, Rachoud said, “Take your time, boys. Everyone is in the front yard. They’re happy to wait as long as you need before we return to the main cabins. You can clean up and dress inside here. I’ve set your clothes on the bed.”
“Thanks, Rachoud,” Brant said.
My co-star and I took about 15 minutes to wash up, dry off, and pull our clothes back on. In the process, we didn’t really talk; we touched a lot and grinned. At one point Brant laughed out loud for a minute or so.
“What’s so funny?”
“I was imagining what Juanita would say if she had seen you fucking the beejesus out of me.”
I laughed, too. “I don’t know, but I’m sure it would reak of jealousy.”
When we stepped outside, David, Kenny, Max, Cole, and Rachoud were sitting in a circle in the yard. Some were on raggedy chairs, some were on the ground. Cole was on a weatherbeaten log.
David stood and walked to us, holding his arms wide in an obvious invitation for a hug. With awe in his voice, he said, “I cannot begin to tell you how honored we are to have witnessed that moment of extreme intimacy with you guys. We are all blown away by the raw power and deep love we saw.” He pulled us into his chest and shoulders, wrapped his arms around our backs, and hugged us for what seemed like several minutes.
“Thanks, David,” Brant mumbled into his shoulder.
“I love you guys,” he said softly.
Finally he released us and looked us warmly in the eyes. “Kenny and Max got some incredible footage that will obviously need careful editing.”
We chuckled and nodded.
“But there is so much there and it is so real that I have no doubt we will ultimately have an incredible scene.”
I noticed Brant’s eyes were moist in gratitude.
“We’re gonna have a hell of an out-take reel!” Cole sang out with a laugh, which quickly infected all of us.
“Yeah,” Brant said, “it’ll be worth millions, won’t it?”
“I’m sure one of the big gay porn studios would pay us millions for it,” Max added.
“We’re all just kidding,” David said seriously. “This footage is being guarded like it’s the Holy Grail. No one is seeing any out-takes from these scenes.”
“We know,” Brant nodded.
Cole called out, “Hey, Sky, are you aware of what a shit-eating grin you have
right now?”
I wasn’t really aware, but could tell I was grinning widely, so he was likely correct. I’m sure I blushed, but Brant came to my rescue.
“He has every right to be grinning like that, Cole. He’s just had the best experience of his life.”
We all chuckled and Cole nodded, “No doubt.”
“Let’s load up and get back,” David said. “It’s nearly time for chow.”
Dinner turned out to be an almost-celebratory meal, it seemed to me. Gianni outdid himself with his mother’s sausage, beef, and ricotta lasagna smothered in the most mouth-watering pasta sauce I have ever tasted. We also had caesar salad and garlic bread with a cheese blend melted over it. To compliment the meal, he chose a lovely Zinfandel. And for dessert, we had home-made Tiramisu. No one ate better in Rome or Napoli on this night.
Though I suspected everyone had shared with Gianni and the ladies a bit about our scene, no one mentioned anything about it at dinner. We talked a lot about Italy and several shared their own experiences of visiting there. Gianni shared some very interesting stories about his childhood in Milano, where his family still resides.
I appropriated a bottle of Pinot Grigio and a couple of wine glasses, waved them at Brant, and waited by the door. He finished up a conversation with Rita and Valerie and we called out good-night to everyone before walking out to trek over to our cabin. We opted against our typical walk of the beach as we needed the privacy of our balcony in order to discuss our afternoon.
At the top of the stairs Brant turned toward my room and I followed him through the room and into the star-filled night on the balcony. I poured the wine and we sat down in my porch chairs, pulled as close together as possible.
I decided to let him lead the conversation, so made myself content holding his hand, sipping my wine, and letting all my cares disappear into the gorgeous serenity of the night. The stars twinkled at us as if reminding us that the universe is good and there is nothing to be concerned about.
After several minutes of silence and half a glass of wine, Brant finally spoke. “Sky,” he said in an intimate tone just above a whisper, “today blew my mind.”
I smiled warmly at him and squeezed his hand. “There’s nothing surprising about that, babe. It really was monumental.”
He grinned. “On so many levels.” He took another sip of wine. “I lived the first 23 years of my life without ever consciously feeling a sexual attraction to a man. Then something snapped when I saw your headshot. I thought, ‘This is a face anyone could fall in love with.’ Right then I knew you had to be my Aaron.”
I didn’t want to interrupt the flow of his thoughts, so I simply smiled and nodded.
“When I saw clips of your previous performances, I had the feeling that I could visualize being in a relationship with you. Then, when we met and kissed at the audition, I knew. It was a weird mixture of sensing that we would be a very believable couple in the movie and the feeling that together we would enhance each other’s performance. It wasn’t until after you were cast that I started having some more personal feelings of attraction, rather than just professional.”
“I consciously decided to set aside the taboos about men kissing or having sex together and allow our relationship as co-stars, but even more so as two guys, to just go where it was natural. As we went into more intimate rehearsals and the multiple takes on our early scenes, I had to be honest with myself and admit that I am very attracted to you and that I wanted to experience sex with you.”
He drained his wine glass and I refilled it.
“I couldn’t believe my luck when you agreed to allow me to fuck you if I felt it during our filming. And, oh my god, when we did it the first time, I think I was instantly hooked. You are so different from the women I’ve been with, it was like I’d never experienced good sex before. That a masculine dude like you would choose to give himself to me in that way was, like, the best aphrodaisiac of all times. It was some form of elevated sex and has felt like that every single time.”
Softly I said, “I’m really glad.”
He smiled at me. “Yeah, me, too!” He took a sip. Speaking a bit louder, he said, “You remember when we talked about our vision of the sexual connection between Marty and Aaron and we decided Marty should finally bottom as a sign of a shift in the relationship dynamics?”
“Of course.”
“That night, quarantined in my apartment, I thought about it. About whether it was something I was willing to do. Honestly, I didn’t really see it happening. Not then. You know how scared straight guys are when anything gets too near their buttholes. I think all men are really pussies about it.” He laughed and I followed suit. “I realized my resistance was a combination of two things. First, there’s the taboo. I mean, giving your ass to a guy is the absolute ultimate no-no for a man. Uh-uh. You just don’t do that. At least in our society. And I was afraid it would hurt.”
“Did it?”
He considered my question for a few seconds. “In all honesty, Sky, no. You had me so relaxed and had created such a need for it within me that I knew I had to have it. And you were so gentle. Oh,” he laughed, “and your sneaky timing to make me cum just as you shoved it in. Hell, I was so caught up in my incredible orgasm, I didn’t even realize you had penetrated me until I began coming down from the orgasm and realized I felt full inside.”
He leaned across the arms of our chairs and gave me a quick kiss.
“You’re a genius!”
I giggled. “There was a method to the madness, you know.”
“I wanted you to have no pain and I thought if I could time it right you would be so relaxed back there you would feel nothing but pleasure.”
He nodded. “It worked quite well. As it turns out, I was fixated on expecting pain and discomfort so much I hadn’t really given much consideration to the new sensations I might experience. I mean, there is no way to imagine what it feels like to have a big cock ramming your backside. Let’s just say, it doesn’t seem to be a way to feel good.” We chuckled. “But, damn it, I’ve never felt anything better than that.”
He sipped his wine. “Well, maybe that licking thing you did.”
I laughed aloud. “Rimming. It’s called ‘rimming.’ I thought you liked that.”
“Holy shit, I loved it! Any fear and tension I had because of my fear of taking your cock into me…disappeared the instant your tongue connected with my hole. It felt like you zapped me with 110 volts right there! It was that, uhm, rimming that made me not only relax about what we were going to do, but it made me want you inside me. Desperately.”
He leaned across to kiss me again, this time with a hint of passion.
“And then,” he continued with a hint of disbelief in his voice, “you were in me and I had no pain, only an intoxicating fullness. I felt connected to you so much deeper than when it was me inside you. How can that be?”
“I’m not sure what an expert would say, but I have always found that true for me, too. When you have been inside me I’ve felt like for just a few minutes we are not separate beings, but like you have entered my life, my heart, just as much as you have entered my body.”
“Yes, babe! That’s it. It’s as if you are now deeper inside me than before. In all the hours since we finished, I’ve still felt closer to you than before. I think I love you more than before. I definitely want you more than before.”
This was the best news I could have received.
“I can’t wait to do it again,” he said with an unaccustomed shyness.
I chuckled. “I’m glad to hear you say that because I would be very disappointed if that was a one-time thing.”
“Oh, no-o-o,” he sang.
“But I think it should be the only time for Marty and Aaron, don’t you?”
He thought about that so long I began humming The Match Game theme.
He chuckled. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”
“So, you’ll be the top again when we film on Thursday.”
“That’s a long time from now. In the meantime, …?” he asked suggestively.
“In the meantime, we stick to our commitment not to have sex except on camera.”
He pushed his lower lip into a pout, then broke into a smile. “You are one tough cookie, Sky.”
I smiled. “I can be, but I can also be as soft as butter.”
“Oh, man,” he said in that way men have of responding to an unexpected rush of lust.
“Now, babe, I recommend you go take a hot bath. Sit in the tub for a while to ease any soreness that might be hidden inside. Okay?”
tossed off the rest of his wine and rose to his feet. “Okay.” He walked across
my room but turned at the door to say seductively, “Good-night, stud.”
Damn! I was feeling quite good about Brant, about myself, and about us. I took a long shower, during which I whipped out a quick load, remembering how good it had felt inside him and fantasizing about doing that again.
About 10 minutes after I had laid down, there was a soft knock on my door. When I opened it, Brant Kimber, looking absolutely delectable in some very low-hanging briefs, was standing in the hallway. Leaning against the wall and staring at me from the corner of his sultry eyes, he looked amazing and vulnerable.
Timidly he asked, “Can I sleep in your bed tonight?”
I smiled and held the door for him. “I’d like that, too,” I said.
To be continued...
Posted: 10/15/2020