Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 15
The scene we filmed that first day was Marty and Aaron’s arrival at the cabin late in the afternoon. They unload the car (which the crew had driven up from LA), manage some rudimentary dinner, and settle in. After some drinks and showers, they wind up having sex on the living room sofa. The first parts of the scene were simple to film and allowed us to break for 90 minutes so we could return to the main cabin for a hearty meal prepared by our amazing chef. Both Brant and I ate sparingly since we would be baring all and getting sexy shortly after dinner.
Only David, Kenny, and Cole returned with us for the night shoot, which involved
a bit of drinking and conversation about our situation and then some kissing,
cuddling, and sex. We were already stripped to our briefs before we sat down
together, so undressing was a very quick task.
After a number of takes of us making and consuming drinks and running through our dialogue, we were finally left with nothing but the sex part.
During some of our earlier conversation, I had nonchalantly stepped into the bathroom to get a towel and a bottle of lube, which I openly placed on the end table next to the lamp. David had liked that, so I incorporated it in several of the takes.
“Okay, guys,” David said. “We’ve got enough on the early parts of this scene. Are you ready for the finale?”
Brant and I exchanged a look full of excitement and promise.
“Hell, yes!” Brant said.
From behind the camera, I heard Kenny laugh while Cole muttered, “Damn, right!”
David tried to be businesslike, saying, “Okay, we’ll take it from the top. Remember the couple of lines you have, but don’t hurry. Let the passion build naturally and leave us to worry about avoiding dick pix or editing them out later. Unless something really messes the scene up, I think we can trust we will get a good take without cutting it. Any questions?”
“Do you care what position we use?” I inquired.
“Not really. What did you have in mind?”
“Well, there are two really sexy positions for a couch. One is with the bottom lying across the arm of the couch.” I demonstrated. “See?”
“Definitely,” David nodded.
“The top can then hold the bottom’s hips and really go to town.”
“Looks good,” David murmurred. “You said two?”
“Yeah.” I stood and moved into the center of the couch. “In the other one, the bottom gets on his knees and puts his head on the top edge of the back, like this.” I crouched on the seat and turned my face to the wall, leaned down to lay my head on the couch back, and pushed out my ass.
“Day-um,” Brant said softly. “Can we try that one?”
“Okay,” David agreed. “Give Kenny a moment to get the two cameras set up.”
It took Kenny a couple of minutes to set one camera where he could get a nice side view of the action and the second camera to focus from behind where Brant would be and enough to the side to get me into the shot as well. The lighting was adjusted while Cole shifted the overhead mic right above my position and took a sound check.
When Kenny and Cole seemed satisfied, David asked, “Everyone ready?”
“You bet,” Cole said while Kenny, the man of few words, gave us a thumbs-up.
“Good,” David nodded. “So, let’s do it. Places, please.”
Brant and I took our positions beside each other on the couch and he put his arm around my shoulders.
“Camera. Action.” Cole clicked the scene marker.
Brant turned into me and we began kissing. We kissed and fondled each other for quite a while, both getting rock hard and raring to go. We managed to get our lines spoken, but the crew maintained quiet so the only sounds were our moans and groans and the sounds of our kissing. Slowly Brant pushed me down onto my back with him above me. Now that our lines were done, I completely stopped acting and just enjoyed this special moment with my guy. Brant easily assumed the active role in our love-making, humping me for a while, and eventually raising up to pull my briefs off my body. When it was released from the confines of the briefs, my dick stood up proudly unconcerned about camera angles and rating systems. After a few more kisses and some bare humping, Brant finally rose from my body again.
“Are you ready, babe?”
“Oh, yes, please, Brant.”
“Stop!” David yelled. “Don’t move or anything. Sky, you called him Brant. We’re still rolling. Just collect your wits and repeat what you said, but call him Marty this time. From your question, Brant.”
“Sorry,” I said. “I was distracted.”
“No problem,” David said softly. “Whenever you’re ready, Brant,”
“Are you ready, babe?” Brant asked in a husky voice dripping with desire.
“Oh, God, yes, Marty!”
“Get on your knees then,” he said with authority.
I scrambled into position and jutted my ass backwards in a natural position to open me for his cock. Brant stood behind me and I felt the cool goo hit my rosebud as he massaged it for a moment. When he slipped a finger inside, I couldn’t help crying out, “Oh, yes, honey! Please, put it in.”
“Are you sure you want it?” he teased.
“Yes, damn it! Fuck me!”
His cockhead kissed my rosebud, hesitating for a couple of seconds as I whimpered in anticipation. Then it breached my body’s defenses and sliced into me, giving me a moment of discomfort followed immediately by immense pleasure.
“Oh!” I cried out with the initial pain, but immediately slipped into a cresendo of “Ye-e-e-essss!” as his steely erection moved deeper into my guts. I didn’t know when I had moved, but when he had come as far into me as humanly possible I realized I had raised my shoulders, arched my back, and thrown my head back. Brant, consummate improviser that he his, grabbed me by the chin so I could not change my position and smashed his mouth down onto mine in a sexy upside-down kiss. Fuck, it was hot! Later, when we saw the scene, the “O” formed by my curved back and neck and completed by Brant’s torso as he leaned into me was one of the sexiest contortions imaginable. I didn’t realize I was that limber or how incendiary that looked from the side. Shit!
After a couple of seconds, he released me so he could back out for another thrust into my steaming hole. As he pounded me, I lay my head back down with my face turned toward the camera and concentrated on taking his cock as deep as possible. Soon, without planning it, I began thrusting back onto the cock as it came into me. Brant was giving me a fabulous fuck and I was beside myself with pure sexual pleasure. We were lost in an ancient choreography that took us ever higher in passion until, finally, Brant accellerated his deep thrusts and I knew he was heading for the finish line. I reached down to my throbbing erection to bring it the final distance, too. The glans was covered with my own natural lube and I smoothed this back along the shaft and began jerking for all I was worth. When I felt him stiffen behind me and ram me one last time, holding his collosus deep, I lost my control. He yelped in staccato bursts as his cock yielded up his essense in its own staccato bursts. As his orgasm began, I went over the edge of desire, too. Within seconds, I was exploding onto the back of the couch while he was still filling me with his own DNA.
Like a true gentleman, Brant didn’t pull out immediately, but lifted my torso and turned my head so he could kiss me on the side of my mouth.
“Oh, honey,” he panted, “that was … the best … ever.” Technically, it was an ad lib, but I thought maybe it was also a true statement.
Slowly I was returning to acting mode. “I love you, Marty,” I said breathlessly.
“Oh,” he gasped, “I love you, too. Aaron.”
“Cut!” yelled David.
Immediately, everyone except Brant and I went out the back door.
Slowly, Brant pulled out with a resounding “plop”. He swirled and sat down, pulling me around and into his lap. I leaned in so we could share a full-frontal kiss, which was heavenly.
“Damn, Sky,” he said with another gasp. “You are incredibly hot, babe.”
“You make me that way, Brant.”
“Maybe I help, but you, dear boy, have some really spectacular talent in the sex department.”
I grinned, “Thanks. It was amazing for me, too.”
Brant chuckled. “That was so hot, it’ll be hard to edit it down enough so they can use it.”
“You might be right,” I agreed.
“We’d better get cleaned up,” he suggested.
I grabbed the towel to mop his drippy cock and then wiped down the back of the couch. “It’s good the couch is vinyl,” I said.
Brant just laughed as we stepped into the little bathroom to wash ourselves and dry off. Then we donned our underwear and went out the back door to find the crew standing in a circle about 10 feet away.
“You can come back in now,” Brant said.
“Sure,” David answered and they walked slowly back.
Brant and I took the couch while Kenny sat on his stool behind the camera and
Cole took his stool behind the sound equipment. David took the side chair.
“I know it’s not my place to speak,” Cole said rapidly, “but I just have to say I have never seen anything so, uhm, hot as that. And I’ve watched a lot of porn, even a little gay porn. But, fucking damn! You guys!” He shook his head in wonder.
“Uhm, thanks,” Brant said with a chuckle.
“He’s right,” David said. “I’m a little sorry we aren’t making a porno because that scene would be the most popular scene ever. Sky, when you bent back so Brant could kiss you, it was breath-takingly beautiful, the arch of your body. Amazing! And the way you, uhm, not sure how to say it, you met Brant’s thrusts. You know?”
Brant and I both nodded.
“Very erotic.”
“Yeah,” Cole interrupted enthusiastically, “it really made me want to know what that felt like. Shit! It looked so sexy!”
“Well,” David said, “You certainly got these three straight dudes thinking maybe being with a guy would be a good experience.”
I laughed. “Thanks, guys. And, yeah, maybe you should give it a try sometime.”
“Did you get enough good footage?” Brant asked.
“Absolutely,” David said. “Thanks for using your characters’ names a couple of times. Your improv was excellent.” He paused. “Editing will be a challenge. The footage is so intimate and raw it will take a bit of effort to tone it down a little or even grandmas in Poughkeepsie will know this was real sex, not acting.”
“Well, don’t edit out all the reality in order to make it look less real,” Brant said.
I nodded.
“Obviously, we will work during editing to get the best reality while not outing you guys to the world.”
We packed up quickly and returned to our accommodations. It was not easy to go to my own room after experiencing such mind-blowing intimacy with Brant less than an hour earlier. But I knew I couldn’t keep our commitment if we tried to sleep together that night.
To be continued...
Posted: 09/24/2021