Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 1
During December 2019, I auditioned for a leading role in an independent movie scheduled for filming during the summer of 2020. It would be my first role beyond some local commercials, a bit of local theater, a few guest spots and walk-ons on TV shows, and a couple of gigs as a child actor when I was 7 or 8. I was a sophomore enrolled in UCLA’s Film and Television BA program and was very excited about making a career in front of the camera.
headshot got me the audition and apparently the casting director thought I was
good enough at the audition to give me a couple of callbacks. I’m grateful to
my parents and their genes for the eyes, hair, bone structure, and general
facial features (especially the dimple in my chin).
My mother is Rachel Hughes, the Emmy-nominated star of Beauty Pageant, where she plays a former Miss America who runs a glamourous pageant school in the Hollywood Hills and sleeps with all her students’ boyfriends, brothers, and fathers. It’s a bit of type-casting since she got her start as a Miss North Carolina in the late 1990’s. My eyes and bone structure are courtesy of her gene pool.
My hair, jaw-line, smile, and body size come more from my father, Brodie Ford, who played second banana in a hit cop series for several years before graduating to his own series about life in the first habitat on the Moon called Lunar Base 1. He’s the studly base commander who’s having a torrid fling with the doctor (female).
I suppose I should add that my name is Sky Ford and I’m 20 years old. I’m 6’2” in height and weigh a svelte 185 pounds composed of nice taut muscles on a thin frame. I have a firm ass that isn’t quite a bubble butt, but does get stares and an occasional grope when I go into a gay bar. The few guys who‘ve gotten to be intimate with me seem to agree that my dick is plenty at a hair over 7½” with moderate girth. And I’m openly gay to everyone, including the public, if anyone asks.
In early December I had my initial audition for an independent film called Laying Low in which I would play a gay student. That’s really all I knew about the plot except that I was sent a scene to prepare. The scene made it obvious my character was in a relationship with a slightly older guy who seemed to be in some kind of trouble with the law, necessitating our hiding out in a remote cabin. A week after the audition, I got a call from the assistant casting director, in which I learned the part would require full nudity in several sex scenes and some non-sexual scenes and that there would be some heavy man-on-man kissing, fondling, and simulated sex. The expectation was the film would be a hard R rating.
I had performed nude as a bit player in a locker-room scene a year earlier, but it was not frontal. I was a little nervous about waving my willie around a movie set and recording it for everyone to watch on the Internet forever. I talked with Dad about it and he said I should consider it carefully. He chuckled as he said, “After the world has seen your junk, they will never forget. You’ll get a lot of publicity because of it and you’ll have instant fans amongst women and gay men. Some straight guys, too, will be intrigued by your openness and will probably tease you about it.” He also told me about many big-name actors (including Richard Gere, Viggo Mortensen, Colin Farrell, and Michael Fassbender) who had done frontal nudity with no apparent detriment to their careers, so, after some thought, I called the casting director to say that I could do full nudity.
At the second callback shortly after New Year’s, I met the star of the film, none other than the well-respected rising star and super-hottie, Brant Kimber! Only 23, Brant had recently completed two major projects, one of which had just been released in November. He had gotten lots of great publicity including a major spread in Entertainment Weekly for his role as Altus, First Lieutenant of the Starship “Heavenbound” in the latest intergalactic space odyssey called Conquerors of Heaven, which supposedly had nothing to do with God’s hometown. He was also about to appear as the gorgeous ne’er-do-well son of the Spanish king in the sex romp blockbuster Royal Sex Wars, scheduled for release in mid-January and already getting lots of buzz.
It was in Conquerors that fans first discovered the shirtless Brant, instantly leading to all sorts of lusty comments from 13-year-old girls and frustrated housewives as well as sorority sisters and nurses knocking on the door of retirement. He popped onto the radar of the Gay Male Community, as well, if my friends are to be believed. The scoop in the tabloids was that Brant would bare a lot more during several scenes in Sex Wars as the perpetually-randy Prince Angelo.
So far, the independent film was flying under the radar and the producers wanted to keep it that way until after The Royal Sex Wars had its initial theatrical run. Always sensitive to how something will play in Peoria, the producers of Sex Wars were concerned that the subject of the little indie might repulse some movie goers since Brant was slated to play half of a gay couple. They wouldn’t risk the ticket sales of a $200M blockbuster on some $3M queer movie.
wasn’t until I arrived for that second callback and had signed a non-disclosure
agreement that forbade me from discussing the movie or who would be involved in
the movie including the other actor’s identity that I was ushered into a room in
which several directors and producers or whatever sat at a table and the
heart-stopping Brant (pictured) sat off to the side on a sofa. Oh my God! I
thought, my co-star would be this handsome chunk of sexy? Sign me up!
I was introduced to Brant as a possible “Aaron” for Laying Low. He rose from the sofa, stepped up to me, gave me a thousand-watt smile, and took my hand. He was an inch or so shorter than me, but held my gaze. He didn’t shake my hand, but just held it gently for a few seconds before speaking.
“I’ve really been looking forward to meeting you, Sky,” he said in his sultry voice.
Still holding my hand, he turned to face the seated panel and moved until our shoulders were touching. “Are we the most beautiful gay couple you ever saw?” he asked them.
“More gorgeous than even Jake and Heath,” gushed Anita Jordy, the casting director.
Brant smiled as he turned to look at me from the side. Quietly, in a just-for-me voice, he said, “You really are stunning, Sky.”
“Thanks,” I mumbled. “But you, my God, are the handsomest, sexiest…” I paused to think of what other “-est” he is.
“I think they like each other,” a man I didn’t know chuckled.
“Okay,” Anita said in a business-like tone. She reminded me that I had met the assistant casting director Mark at my initial audition, then she introduced the other two men at the table. Harold Gillespie was the screenwriter for the movie and David Dawson was the director. I recognized Dawson as he had directed several episodes of Mom’s show. A camera was mounted behind the seated judges, aimed over their heads at the center of the room.
“Let’s try a scene,” said Mark. He handed Brant and me a few pages of script, then stepped behind the camera.
I was pleased to see it was the scene I had prepared for my initial audition, but it now included a bit more dialog and had some stage instructions. In this scene, the guys are in a deep discussion about the problems they have because they’re hiding out and could be killed if someone named Tucker were to find out where they are. The scene lasted several minutes and at the end we were to come together on a couch and start making out. I knew that was to test our “chemistry.” I also knew I was going to love that part of the scene. Just thinking about that caused my dick to twitch!
After glancing at the script, Brant pulled me aside, turning our backs to the table full of judges.
Putting one arm around me, he pulled our shoulders together, making me shudder at the unexpected intimacy with which he was treating me. He leaned in so his mouth was only inches from my ear. “You’re the one I want in this role, Sky,” he whispered. “So, when we get to the end of the scene where we’re supposed to start making out, I think it would be awesome if we really went for it.”
As far as I knew, Brant is as straight as Daniel Craig or even my dad, so that suggestion surprised me. “Are you sure?” I whispered.
“Well,” he continued, “I think it’s most important at this stage of the process that we show them we have great chemistry. Getting hot and heavy right off the bat will make that crystal clear, right?”
“I guess so,” I nodded.
He leaned closer and turned my face towards him. “Look, man, I’m straight. I love fucking chicks. But, you’re a beautiful dude, a very sexy dude. If I was going to take a walk on the wild side, I think I would like it to be with you.”
Wow! My dick was throbbing.
With a wiggle of his eyebrows, he continued, “I think I’ll enjoy making out with you and getting naked on the set together.” He gave me a grin that could only be described as “wicked.”
I stared into his unblinking eyes. “Are you shitting me?” I whispered.
He smiled and my heart skipped a beat. “Hell, no. I’m being totally honest.”
I smiled back at him, feeling as if I was walking on the clouds.
“So, when we kiss, let’s go for it like we’ve been on separate desert islands for a year and just got together on a third one. Okay?”
I chuckled at his metaphor. “Damn right!”
The first time we ran the scene, I found myself racing to get through the talky part and to the point of the “clutch,” but Anita stopped us after a couple of minutes.
“Sky,” David interrupted gently, “I want you to begin again but this time take it much slower. This is a very serious scene in which you two are figuring out just how much danger you’re in and how you will proceed with your lives after the trial.”
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled. I was so nervous. I’ll kill myself if I blow this, I thought.
“Now, shall we take it from the top?” Anita asked.
This time I was able to think of Brant and me as a couple of good guys in a dangerous situation, clinging to one another for some sense of safety, afraid of losing this great time together if we got terminated by this nasty guy Tucker.
Brant and I stood in the center of the room facing each other. As we read our lines, I started pacing, glancing at him with eyes filled with love and fear at the same time. After a few lines, I went up to him, touched his shoulder and began caressing it. After a few more lines, I stepped into him and turned my head to lay it across his chest as I clutched his biceps with both hands.
Brant touched my head gently as he said his line: “It’ll be okay, honey. The FBI will not let anything happen to us. This conviction is too important.”
I pulled away far enough to look up into his face. “Are you sure, babe?”
“Yes,” he said firmly as he pulled me to a standing position and kissed me.
Our first kiss! Holy crap! My heart pounded. My pulse raced. My dick throbbed. My lips parted. Brant ground his mouth into mine and opened his lips. There were two seconds of grinding and then his tongue licked my lips tentatively. I sucked it in, whirling my tongue around his, pulling it as deep within my mouth as it could go.
I pushed him backward never breaking the kiss. His legs bumped the edge of the sofa. He began dropping into a sitting position, pulling me down with him, our mouths fused. He sat and began leaning back, pulling me down atop him. His hand dropped to cup my butt cheek while mine pushed his Polo shirt up so I could rub the ridges of his abdominals. His hand squeezed my butt and began caressing it. I moaned. We plopped onto the sofa, me on top of him, his hands rubbing my ass like he was planning to fuck me into next week. I pushed his shirt up to his neck, broke our kiss for half a second, and whipped the front of the shirt over his face and behind his neck. Vaguely aware of some movement in the room and someone standing over us, I dove for his nipple, took it into my mouth and began nursing like crazy. Beneath me Brant moaned and twitched. My dick had hardened and filled out my pants, there against his hip. Without planning it, I started gently rocking, humping his groin, my moans getting louder, his turning to whimpers. He began pulling my shirt out of my waistband and up my back.
Though I didn’t put this into conscious thoughts at the time, I had long since stopped auditioning. I was heavily into foreplay and would have gone down on him in another minute or two had Anita not yelled out, “That’s enough!”
“Cut!” Dawson yelled like a good director.
I heard a click as Mark turned off the camera above us.
Brant’s hands froze halfway up my back while I reluctantly stopped humping and pulled my mouth away from his very erect nipple. It was then that I became aware of a significant log lying against my belly in that space between us. I’d gotten the delicious stud-muffin Brant Kimber hard!!!
I looked into Brant’s flushed but smiling face. “Damn, Sky,” he panted, “you’ve got me ready to rape you!”
People above us laughed, a bit nervously, I thought.
“It wouldn’t be rape,” I said as I wriggled my eyebrows.
He laughed and pecked me on the mouth. “Get off me!” he ordered good-naturedly.
I didn’t want to let this whole crew see my obvious boner, so I looked up at them and said a little sheepishly to the four adults who were standing there breathing raggedly, “Could you turn around for a moment?”
Brant laughed. “Good idea, Sky!”
When they had turned away and were proceeding back to the table, I rolled off Brant, who sat up, patting the sofa beside him as he pulled his shirt back into place. Quickly I sat down and crossed my legs, crushing my poor dick, but also hiding it from view.
“Okay,” Brant said.
They all looked at us.
“Holy moly,” Mark said under his breath.
Anita cleared her throat. “Well, after that, I, for one, have no question about the chemistry between you two.”
Brant laughed again.
“Thoughts, Harold?” Anita asked.
“When I wrote that scene, I didn’t see it that way at all. This elevated it beyond my expectations. Great job, guys.”
“Shit,” David said shaking his head, “you guys made Armie and Timothy look like rank amateurs by comparison.”
“So true, David,” Harold said.
David continued. “This will be a piece of cake to direct if you have that level of chemistry.”
“Mark?” Anita asked.
“Well,” Mark said as he wiped his brow, “I can’t speak for the Gay Community exactly, but I think this pairing and that level of realistic rip-your-clothes-off acting will get every Gay man in America to see this in the theater and stream it several times or buy the DVD.”
“I can imagine,” Anita nodded. “I think a lot of straight women will be turned on by this, too.” She paused and smiled at me. “Sky, could you wait in the anteroom for a few minutes, please?”
“Of course,” I said and started to rise.
In a flash, Brant’s hand fell heavily on my thigh. As I looked at him, he smiled, “Wait.”
“Yes?” Anita asked.
“I want Sky to hear my comments.”
“Okay,” she nodded.
Brant’s hand didn’t move from my thigh, although he pressed his fingers into my leg a bit.
“Now, I’m not coming out to you guys,” he started and instantly had everyone’s attention, “but I want to put myself into this role completely. I do find Sky immensely attractive. I mean, only a blind person can’t see how superb he looks.” He looked at me with a beautiful smile.
I blushed.
“He’s the guy Marty would fall for. He’s the one Marty would do anything for. He’s so hot and also seems pretty nice. Hell, I’d do him.” He smiled at me again. Then, with a twinkle in his eye, he added a tad belatedly, “If I was gay.”
The panel stared at him, occasionally glancing at me as if to verify that I am as hot as he claims.
“Give me Sky as my co-star and you will get performances out of both of us that will win awards and pull millions into the Multiplexes, even in Peoria and Topeka. When it comes to the affection and sex scenes, I will not hold anything back. The tabloids will instantly be speculating about my sexuality and there will be, what, “Bransky” shippers all over the place. The buzz will be phenomenal. We’ll top Brokeback Mountain, Love Simon, and Call Me By Your Name combined.”
I was flabbergasted by his words. But then, I was flabbergasted even more when he leaned into me for another sexy kiss.
To be continued...
Posted: 08/06/2021