Officers' Boy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
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Chapter 32
In mid-December I sent my parents a Christmas card without a return address. I had shifted my phone number from their family plan to Tony’s, effectively becoming an equal with his two kids. Mom and Dad should still have that number if they wanted me. Also, they could always get a message to me through Roger. But I didn’t need Dad driving down Riverside to scope out my new home or to harass my new family. Roger told me that Mom seems a little sad these days and he caught her looking wistfully at him a couple of times at church.
I occasionally had bouts with homesickness for Mom or my room but never for Dad. The relief to be away from his judgment and control was overwhelming. I didn’t miss hearing the abominable wailing of Mom’s voive students either. Whenever I would feel myself missing home, I reminded myself that I have a bigger and better family now. I have a better home where I am celebrated for being who I am, including and especially for being a gay guy. I knew I could never go back to the restrictions of the Swenson family.
I heard nothing from Mom or Dad during the holidays.
Nevertheless, the holidays were very festive. We had a tree-trimming party on Sunday afternoon the first weekend of December. The officers invited several of their friends from MacDill and I found myself serving wine and beer to about 20 officers and their dates/spouses. I loved how open my guys were about being “sexually fluid”. And even better than that was the fact that the others didn’t seem to give a shit about it. Everyone treated me with great respect and normalcy. One rather inebriated girl-friend said pointedly, “It’s too bad you aren’t interested in women because we would sure be interested in you.” I thanked her for the compliment and she wandered off. Robert brought a lovely girl to the party, who had been told about his sexual proclivities beforehand. She was nice enough, but I could tell she was not comfortable after meeting Bob’s housemates, especially me. They dated for a couple of weeks more before she admitted she couldn’t share him with men and that relationship was kaput.
kids spent 8 days with us, mostly before Christmas. That involved a day at
Disney World in Orlando that included Michael and me along with Anthony and
Andrew, 16, and Cindy, 12. We had a ball. I liked both of the kids immensely
and found myself thinking of Andy as a friend and contemporary by the end of
their stay. We also packed up and went to the beach at Pass-A-Grille one day
where Cindy collected two Walmart bags worth of sea shells. On all the other
afternoons, the kids spent their time by the pool in our yard. I must admit I
had a serious case of attraction to Andy and he did nothing to really discourage
me. He loved working out together in the home gym, would wrestle with any of
us, and wore next to nothing around the house whenever he could. I managed to
keep my distance, but was surprised that I found myself imagining fucking his
deliciously tight little ass. It was the first time I had ever really
fantasized about being a top. Damn, what was that all about?
Andrew and Cindy’s visit put a damper on our extra-curricular activities except for quiet visits I made to various bedrooms late at night. I know Andrew was aware because he sometimes stared at me, but not maliciously, just curiously. I got the impression he was imagining what was going on behind closed doors. He was sleeping in the TV room while Cindy occupied a rollaway bed in the office. I did enjoy the kids, but the closeness in age between Andrew and me was a little disconcerting as it suggested Tony is in a different generation than me. Still, having them with us was pleasant and it was fun to see Anthony in the father role. I also noticed that Andrew gave each of us a very tight hug as he was saying good-bye before going to the airport. They flew back to Phoenix the day after Christmas, so the house seemed unusually quiet as we got back to an adult-only environment.
We had not exchanged any presents while the kids where in the house, except for those between Anthony and them. So, we had a family Christmas exchange the evening of the 26th in which gifts were swapped all around just like in a natural nuclear family. Hung on our Christmas tree at River House was an envelope with my name on it. Inside were 4 one-thousand-dollar bills given by my new family to support my tuition for the Spring semester. I had been stressing over how I could pay that looming bill, so this was an enormous relief for me. I immediately burst into tears which led to some comforting which led to kisses which led to sucking which led to fucking all over the living room, including under the Christmas tree which I thought was particularly sexy. Two hours after opening my present, I fell exhausted into the hot tub on the patio. I’m confident I chose the right family.
Encouraged by their support, I received all A’s in the Spring and made the President’s List. I was also awarded a $3,000 scholarship for the 2015-2016 academic year, thus ensuring I could remain at the university for my sophomore year. Roger, Rebecca, Diana and I spent a lot of time together during the Spring semester. To observers, it looked as if we were two couples ‘in love.’ I personally thought we were one couple almost in love romantically and one couple definitely in love fraternally.
I turned 19 on March 12, which happened to be a Thursday that year. My new family hosted a wonderful poolside party on Friday evening in my honor. The water was too cool for swimming but the setting was very romantic and included floating candles in the pool, birthday balloons and streamers in rainbow colors, some great food and all my friends.
It was a wonderful occasion for me to see how much my circle of love had grown over the past few months. I was impressed by how my friends represented different facets of my life: my childhood (Roger and Donovan, making a special trip home from North Carolina for the festivities, and his older brothers Duke and Drake also home from North Carolina), my new family (Anthony, Robert, Michael, and Rafael), my work associates (my good friend and boss Sylvia and three other baristas: Angie, Hallie, and Brendan), and my college friends (Eric, Stella, and Isaac from Calculus; Roger’s newly official girl-friend Rachel and my best girl Diana from English; Paul, Jim, Gretchen, Sandy, and Larry who were other bio-med students I was seeing in several classes; even Fahad, our Calc I TA). Duke, Jim, Sandy, Hallie and Smoky (my captain Robert) brought dates so we wound up with 28 people of many sexual persuasions eating, drinking, laughing, and dancing the night away. It was an incredible event for me, underscoring as it did how much my life had changed for the better.
Robert brought another girl to the party, Eula May (from Arkansas or Alabama, I forget which), who got so upset about his sexuality she called an Uber on her phone and fled the scene. He was a bit irritated, but blew it off with an “oh well” comment. It all worked out really well because I saw Robert and Sylvia in conversation a few minutes after the prim Eula May departed. By the time she went home, Sylvia had a dinner date scheduled with Robert for the next week. Although she and I had to come to grips with sharing her boyfriend sexually, we were able to work it out so that neither of us was jealous. Because she knew up front that he would always want masculine sexuality but didn’t want to be exclusive in that way, she was able to go into the relationship with open eyes. They had a very successful relationship that resulted in a beautiful marriage around the pool about a year later. I teased her that I should be the maid of honor, but she said her sister would have that right.
Since many of these groups of friends did not know each other, it was fun to observe how they interacted together. After a couple of hours, I realized a casual observer would be hard pressed to guess who had been friends before and who had just met around the pool. In the next week or so, I learned that Duke and Angie had gone out the next night and planned to see each other again when Duke was home for the summer. Eric (who is a Computer Engineering major) and Sandy (who is in Bio-Engineering) hit it off quite well, too, and began a relationship that lasted throughout the rest of our college days and beyond.
the party, I noticed with great curiosity that Isaac was spending an inordinate
amount of time laughing and cutting up with Brendan in a quiet spot behind the
pool. I’d always suspected Brendan batted for our team but that idea had never
entered my head regarding Isaac. A few days later, when Brendan and I were
working the same shift, I pulled out of him that Isaac had taken him home after
the party and that “Isaac sure knows how to fuck.” I could hardly believe it
and had a wonderful time teasing Isaac after our Calc II class the next day.
Someone snapped this photo of Brendan (left) and Isaac (right) at an end-of-school party a couple of months after my birthday. They have also formed what looks to be a long-term relationship that I hope will make them happy for life.
Stella and my Rafael hit it off quite well, too. That was my first time seeing him interested in a female and it troubled me briefly, but Michael reminded me quietly that whatever might happen between them, Rafael would never give me up. I knew Mike was right and decided if I really love Rafe I need to let him be free to meet those needs I cannot help him with.
As for me, my birthday party reminded me that I am extremely fortunate that I have four incredible men who love me, support me, and give me probably the greatest sex life of anyone in America. I could live a happy man with any one of them but to have them all, even just for a while, is an amazing experience.
casts came off in March and he was one happy camper. The next day he greeted me
in the kitchen with his coffee, a scruffy beard, and a big smile. When we’d
finished our coffee, he wanted to have a more free-wheeling sex session than he
was able to do with all the plaster on his arm and leg. We had a wonderful time
in the shower and his bed and on the floor as he plowed me repeatedly and
without mercy until he blew a big load into me. It was by far more exciting
than the limited sex we had been having while he was recovering.
He began flying a few weeks later. By May he was back to his old job of flying fighter jets around the country. We both felt very lucky he had recovered 100% from the terrible injuries he had received in that traffic accident back in November.
Sad news came in late May when Mike was notified he would be transferred to Hickam AFB in Honolulu. While that is an amazing assignment, we were all sad to see him go. Every day for about the last 2 weeks he asked me to sleep with him and promptly seeded my ass each morning and each evening. He said he was leaving me something to remember him by and indeed he did. He left us in mid-July and the house seemed quiet and a bit empty for the remainder of the summer.
Life took on an air of regularity and routine but never became dull or boring. One day that summer, Rafael surprised me with a dozen red roses and dinner at the classic Cuban restaurant, The Columbia, in the Ybor City historic neighborhood in Tampa. It was his way of celebrating the anniversary of our weekend at the Flamingo Inn in St. Petersburg. I was stunned to recall that weekend when I lost the last vestiges of my virginity. How much had changed. Where once I was a lonely, sometimes depressed, always repressed high school kid, I was now a partially out, mostly happy, very sexually experienced college guy with three beautiful, affectionate and red hot lovers.
It all started when Rafael entered the Starbuck’s in search of coffee and found me. May 12, 2014, the day that changed my life. Thank God!
Now you can see how a random event that seems inconsequential at the time can still change your life. And also account for giving you a permanent smile on your face.
The End.
Posted: 11/04/2022