Officers' Boy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
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Chapter 24
I woke up Saturday morning in someone’s arms. It took a moment for me to remember that I’d left Robert and Michael’s bed, spent a few minutes in the hot tub to sooth my worn-out ass, taken yet another shower, and eventually fallen into bed with Rafael. He had welcomed me with a kiss and a couple of caresses before we fell asleep. When I roused up several hours later, I had no idea how long I had slept but could tell the sun was strong in the sky.
Feeling the call of nature, I slipped as easily out of Rafael’s arms as I could. He stirred but didn’t seem to wake as I tiptoed into the bath I might one day share with him. Before I had finished up, Rafe was standing behind me.
“Nice view,” he muttered.
“Hell, my ass must be dragging the floor at this point,” I muttered.
Rafe chuckled quietly as I shook my dick and moved away from the commode. I heard the sound of his piss hitting the water as he said, “Your ass looks as perky as ever, babe.”
Back in his room, he drew me into his arms for a tender hug as he asked, “How do you feel?”
“To be honest, my mind can’t quite take in everything. I mean, yesterday morning I had a very special boyfriend and had never been with anyone else. Today I have been with four guys. It’s a huge change.”
He led me to the bed and we sat on one side. He took my hand. “Are you sorry?”
“Oh, no!” I said. “All the guys are really nice. And sexy!” I paused for a moment. “Oh, my god. I loved everything. So many ‘firsts,’ you know?”
He giggled. “I can’t quite imagine how that would be.”
“I have lots to absorb as I adapt to the new me.”
“Yep,” he nodded. “Take your time with it all.” He patted my knee. “How does your butt feel?”
“Uhm,” I scratched my cheek. “I think the best way to describe it is ‘tired.’”
He laughed. “No doubt. Sore?”
“Maybe a little bit. But it’s not bad.”
“Great! I was hoping you were having fun and not suffering.”
I looked into his eyes. “I’m really glad to be here, Rafe. Thanks for inviting me.”
He gave me a side hug. “I’m glad we could do this. How about some coffee?”
We slipped on some briefs and wandered into the kitchen. I was surprised to see the clock on the microwave reading 10:13. “Wow, it’s late,” I mumbled.
“Well, after last night, you deserved to sleep late.”
Rafael poured us cups of coffee and we doctored them up before he asked, “Are you hungry?”
I considered my answer for a moment, stalling by taking a sip of java. “Yeah, I guess I am.”
we go out for brunch on Saturday but, if you’re starving, we can whip up
something here.”
“Either one would be good.”
“Let’s see who’s up and about.”
We found Michael and Anthony sitting at the outside table nursing cups of coffee and sharing the newspaper.
When we opened the slider, both looked in our direction, smiling when they saw us.
“Good morning, boys!” Tony called. “How are you, Eric?” he asked with concern.
I grinned at him, nodded, and answered with enthusiasm. “I’m very good, thank you, sir.”
“Wonderful!” Tony smiled.
“I’m glad,” Mike added.
“By the way,” Tony said, “you’re not expected to call me ‘sir’ routinely. That was just part of the fantasy for our first time.”
“Okay,” I nodded.
“Hey,” Rafe interjected, “we’re wondering if you guys want to catch some brunch.”
“Sure!” Mike answered.
“Sounds good,” Tony nodded.
“Is Smoky here?” Rafe asked.
For a second, I wondered who Smoky is before I remembered that was Robert’s flier name.
“Nope,” Mike answered. “He left a while ago to take a run over to Eglin.”
“He’s flying to Eglin?” I asked with surprise.
“We often have little flights like that,” Rafe explained.
“He’ll be back late this afternoon,” Mike said. “To get ready for his date with Phoebe.”
The four of us had brunch at a Denny’s in Clearwater so we would be very unlikely to encounter anyone who knew me. That was good thinking on the part of Rafael. I found all three of my military companions to be friendly, charming, kind men – sweet, actually. The conversation around the table was relaxed, honest, and interesting. With all of them being engineers and me heading that way, a lot of the conversation was about the different types of engineering, what they have in common, and what makes each branch unique. I hoped I could remember all these useful details.
As we were enjoying more coffee after finishing our food, the talk drifted to “coming out.” Since they identify as Bi rather than Gay, neither Rafe nor Tony have ever come out, except to a few close friends.
Tony’s wife had confronted him because she suspected he was seeing men. He’d confirmed this and after about a year they were divorced, rather amicably. She’d thanked him for his honesty but decided she didn’t want an open marriage, so filed for divorce.
Rafe had not had much experience with men prior to meeting Tony and Rob at a party about a year before. Since he’s decided he wants to continue having men in his life, he’s been telling his dates before a relationship starts to develop. So far, each lady has dropped out of their relationship within a few weeks of learning his “peculiarity”.
“I think I’ll eventually find the right woman for me. She’ll see that having a man or two on the side is not a threat to our relationship. She’ll be the keeper.”
“I thought at first Ana might have been that girl,” Tony commented.
“Ana?” I said with a challenge in my voice.
“Yes, Ana,” Rafe said. “I dated her last fall, but she dumped me when I told her about the guys in the house.”
“Sorry,” I said.
“No, no,” he shook his head. “It was better to find out before either of us got too deep. It hurt and disappointed both of us, but neither of us was devastated.”
“Breaking up is not always a bad thing,” Mike said.
“Like you and Aaron,” Rafe grinned.
“Absolutely!” Mike said firmly. “Do you know the story, Eric?”
“Yes. The gist anyhow.”
“All you need, then.”
“So,” I asked Mike, “how out are you?”
“I don’t make a big deal about it but I’m out to anyone who knows me. It’s obvious by how I live. You know, I have all the signs. Never a girl in my life. Always going out with ‘the guys.’ Living in a house with other guys. Liberal politically.”
I think I looked a little uncomprehending because Tony explained. “Society seems to give you a free pass on all that until you graduate from college, maybe even a couple of additional years. But then, a lot of people start wondering if you like dick more than snatch if you still don’t have a special girl.”
Rafe chuckled. “Yep, I’m starting to get the innuendos and funny looks sometimes. Even though I’ve had several real girlfriends and my parents met some of them, the fact that I’m still single seems to suggest there’s something wrong with me. And of course, being maricon jumps to the head of the possibilities in a Hispanic family.”
“Maricon?” I asked.
“That’s Spanish for ‘gay’,” Mike said.
“A little more like the word ‘faggot’, I’d say,” Rafe added.
“Coming out to anyone is a big deal, buddy,” Mike said. “The hardest part for me is not being sure how they will react. Coupled with the fact you can never take it back makes it a huge decision.”
“I know,” I said with a nod. “I’d love to come out to my parents, but I’m not ready for a bad reaction and I’m practically certain that’s what I’ll get.”
“You have to do it in your own way and your own time,” Mike said.
We were all quiet for a moment.
“Mike, tell Eric how you came out to your family,” Tony suggested.
“Sure,” the cute blonde said. He took a long sip of coffee and set the empty cup aside. “I grew up in a small town in central Kansas, Abilene, to be precise. It’s known for being the end of the old cattle drives from Texas, for being Dwight D. Eisenhower’s boyhood home, and for being the home of the Greyhound Hall of Fame.”
I chuckled, “Really?”
“Kid you not,” Mike grinned. “It’s also county seat of Dickinson County and my dad is the county engineer. He has been for almost 30 years. My mom teaches 5th grade. Except for a couple of I’ll-show-you-if-you-show-me events during grade school and a couple of sleepover jackoff sessions with my buddy Troy, I kept my desires under a total lockdown until I went off to college. Then I chose a very conservative university, Kansas State, and a conservative major, Mechanical Engineering. When I was a junior, I noticed a gorgeous Hispanic guy always watching me at the campus rec center. He’d sort of follow me through my workout and even in the pool. Eventually, I started staring back more and he finally approached me as I was leaving the center one afternoon. We went to his off-campus apartment for a beer and he wound up blowing me.”
Being new on campus myself, I found his story very interesting and a wee bit erotic.
“We became fuck buddies and he was the only one who knew my story for the next 2 years. After I graduated and joined the Air Force, I stayed very closeted because ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ was still in effect in those days. My sexual encounters were very quiet and discrete when I was on leave in a faraway place.”
“That sounds like a terrible way to have to live,” I observed.
All three of my new friends nodded.
“It was,” Mike said. “DADT was lifted in September, 2011, and I decided to begin coming out. I was 23 then and had a week to go home to Kansas the next March. I sat down with Mom and Dad to tell them my truth, which didn’t really surprise either of them since I’d never seemed enthusiastic about girls. They’d actually discussed it once, not sure if I might be gay or maybe asexual. They were actually pretty supportive of me, telling me they just want me to be happy.”
“I think you’re lucky,” I said.
“No doubt about it. Any gay person is lucky when their parents or other relatives or friends are supportive. After I settled it with my parents, I started slowly letting friends know about it, too. Some were very cool, a couple actually seemed to like me better after finding out, and a few slowly slipped away. I only had one guy actually get a little nasty about it, but when I suggested we get into the boxing ring he stormed off. He wasn’t much of a friend anyhow, so it was no big loss.”
The waitress brought our check and we walked to the front where Tony paid for everyone. Then we returned to their wonderful house on the river.
On the ride home, my phone pinged. It was a text.
ROGER: Hey – U OK?
ME: Great!
ME: Having fun?
ROGER: Yup Donny & I haven’t spent much time alone together before this. He’s really a cool dude.
ME: Uh-huh
ROGER: Gonna text some pix U can send the rents
Over the next couple of minutes the texts pinged in with the photos of the campsite and the park.
“Roger is sending me pictures from the camping trip,” I explained.
“Great,” Rafael said. “You going to send them to your folks?”
“A few anyhow.”
“That’s good.”
“I hate to have to lie, but there’s no other way.”
Rafael put his hand on my knee. “They are forcing you to.”
I nodded.
“Eric?” Anthony called.
“Why don’t you invite them to stay for a swim when they pick you up tomorrow. I think it would be nice to meet them.”
“Oh,” I said, a bit surprised at the invitation. “Sure. Thanks. They’re both very curious about you guys.”
They all laughed.
“No doubt,” Michael chuckled.
ME (to Roger): U 2 are invited to come to the house to go swimming tomorrow before we go home.
After a minute, my cell pinged.
ROGER: Sure! D is so happy he’s doing unmentionable things to his groin. Disgusting!
I laughed and read the text to my companions, who joined me in laughter.
ME: Text me and let me know when you’ll get here. BTW, thx for pix.
ROGER: OK 2morrow
A little while later, while lying in the shade by the pool (so I wouldn’t go home with a suspicious sunburn), I texted Mom.
ME: Having a good time. How R U?
Then I sent her four of the photos Roger had sent plus a couple of the ones we had taken along the river of all of us.
Several minutes went by before she responded.
MOM: We are fine. Dad’s working on his sermon and I’m making cupcakes for Sunday School. From the photos, it looks like you are having a great time.
ME: We are. Thanks for the brownies – awesome!
Mom sent a smiley face and a thumbs up. She’s getting so tech-savvy!
ME: See you tomorrow!
MOM: You boys behave!
ME: M-ahm!
We spent several quiet hours around the pool. Rafael checked his email for a while. Michael called his parents in Abilene, Kansas. Anthony called his kids but Andrew was at a pool party at his girl-friend’s house, so he talked with Elle about her dance recital coming up in a few weeks. He wasn’t sure if he could make it but swore he would try.
Robert got back from Eglin around 4. He looked tired, but sexy in his flight suit, open to the waist. He spoke to everyone and stood over me for a moment.
“Are you doing well, Eric?”
“Yes, I’m great, Robert.”
“Great!” He perched on the chair next to me to unlace and remove his boots. He pulled his socks off and laid them across his boots. Then he stood and shucked off the flight suit, dropping it onto the chair. He looked even sexier then, being naked except for some black Jockey’s. Soon the briefs were atop the flight suit.
“Don’t forget to rinse,” Anthony said.
“Yes, sir!” Robert said with a hint of sarcasm. But he stepped over to an outdoor shower head and rinsed his body before diving into the pool. Michael jumped in after him and soon they were splashing and dunking each other playfully.
Rafael looked at me, grinning. “Come on,” he nodded toward them and stood.
We got in after them. Being in the pool with all these highly masculine men acting like immature teenagers was great fun for a while.
To be continued...
Posted: 09/09/2022