Officers' Boy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 13
I slept rather fitfully that night at the Flamingo Resort. I was brought back to consciousness a couple of times by excitement at the earth-shattering change in my sexual history. I would suddenly wake to find my mind rehearsing the events of the evening: the dinner, the shower, the sex, the love, and the discussion in the tub. Was it our first argument? Was our relationship doomed? Was Rafael using me? Did he really care about me? What would it be like if I were to give myself to his housemates as he had suggested? Sexy? For sure. Exciting? Undoubtedly. But I had just experienced my first lover. Was I ready for another? And another? And yet another? I had no way of knowing. Could I handle as much sex as that implied? Who could know? Wouldn’t that make me a slut? Almost like a whore? Maybe. Probably.
Of course, my middle-of-the-night mental wanderings were not overly productive. I eventually awoke absent the euphoric feeling I’d anticipated on the day after I gave away my virginity, but with a slight headache in its place.
When I was fully awake, I turned my head so I could look at Rafael. His face was turned toward me and he smiled when he saw my open eyes. “Good morning, babe.” I was struck anew by his dark good looks and the sincere smile that showed his perfect teeth and luscious lips.
“Hi.” I tried to return his smile but yawned instead.
I rolled onto his shoulder, conscious that my morning woody flopped against his thigh. He smiled and kissed me momentarily as his hand caressed my shoulder.
“How do you feel this morning?”
“Um,” I muttered. It was a good question. I felt a slight discomfort in my asshole and my head was gently throbbing. But I couldn’t get a handle on my emotions. Finally, I sighed, unable to categorize my emotions. “I’m not sure,” I finally said.
“Oh,” he said, obviously disappointed.
“I’m glad we did it,” I assured him with a smile. “Damn, I didn’t imagine it could feel that good!”
“I’m happy to hear that. I’m lucky to have been given the opportunity to be your first.”
“Thank you.” I kissed him on the lips, then dropped my head onto his shoulder again. Slowly I traced the outline of his pectoral muscle with my finger. Why am I not happier? I wondered. I got exactly what I wanted last night. And it exceeded my expectations by a mile.
“Hey,” he said, pulling my chin up so I looked at him. “How about we grab a shower and go get some breakfast. There’s an IHOP nearby.”
“Good idea.”
He kissed me quickly, then rolled out of bed. “Come on,” he said, holding a hand out for me.
I got up, took his hand, and we walked into the bathroom together for a romantic but non-sexual shower. We didn’t waste much time since I think we were both a bit ravenous after a busy evening.
The IHOP was a two-minute walk, but we had to wait about 15 minutes in a crowded lobby before we were seated. A very thin young waiter quickly noticed us, giving us an intimate smile. I wondered if he knew what Rafael and I had done last night. After a few minutes, a quartet of rather jovial young men in tight shorts came in, noticing Rafael very pointedly, too. A couple of the guys acknowledged us with bright smiles and nods of their heads. It dawned on me they were probably also staying at the resort. When the waiter took notice of them, I realized he sees lots of gay men coming in from the hotel. Somehow, I felt better knowing we were surrounded by our own kind. I didn’t feel particularly threatened in the restaurant, but, nevertheless, I was comforted by the presence of the other presumably gay dudes.
Eventually we were seated in a booth near the outside wall of the dining area and a pretty woman about my mom’s age served us. As we enjoyed our first cup of coffee and looking at each other across the table, I felt less panicked than I had last night in the tub or during my nocturnal anxiety attacks.
Rafael leaned closer across the table and spoke quietly. “Babe, last night was truly wonderful for me. I want you to know that.”
“It was for me, too.”
“I’m sorry about the conversation in the tub.”
I smiled at him. He really is sweet, I thought. “I’m sorry I sort of got offended and hurt.”
“Please know that was never my intent. But it was a lot to throw on you so soon.”
“And all at once like that.”
He grinned. “That, too. I guess I was a bit of an asshole.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“Well, I spoiled what should have been one of the most relaxed and happiest times of your life. That’s rather asshole-ish, I think.”
“I don’t think that’s a word,” I laughed. “But now I see it’s very flattering to have such hot guys like Michael, Bob, and Tommy say they are attracted to me.”
“It’s Tony, not Tommy.”
“Oh, right.”
“But you’re correct, it is flattering. There’s no pressure or anything. I want to keep seeing you for sure.”
“You do?”
“Of course, if you’re willing.”
“Very willing. I just can’t imagine being with anyone else right now.”
The waitress brought our plates of eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns. When she was gone, he continued. “I just ask you to forgive any unintentional hurt and just enjoy our time together and all the, uhm, fun stuff we get to do.”
“I will,” I said as I shoved a fork of scrambled eggs into my mouth.
As we walked back to the Flamingo half an hour later, he asked, “Do you need to get home soon?”
“No,” I said. “Not until tonight.”
“Excellent! Let’s go back to the room and see if we can have some more fun before we have to check out. Would that be okay?”
I grinned happily. “Absolutely!”
Within minutes, we were both naked and falling onto the bed. I managed to put my concerns out of my head and concentrate on the incredible things Rafael was doing to me and allowing me to do to him. He was very tender and caring, which convinced me he truly does care a lot about me. We kissed and cuddled a lot and then I gave him a long blowjob that had him moaning and drooling a lot of juice into my mouth. Finally, he lifted me up across his body until my face was even with his on the bed. He pulled me down and kissed me with strength and passion. Oh, did that make me hot!
“Do you want to finish me orally? Or … ?”
“That’s a very difficult question,” I said with a laugh. “Is both a choice here?”
He laughed, too. “I wish it was.” He kissed me passionately for a few moments. “I think both is only an option when you’re enjoying more than one man at a time.”
“I suppose so,” I responded, “but if there’s only one man for me at this time, maybe it could be both with a 5-minute break in between?” I smirked.
He laughed deeply. “If we had not had so much fun last night and we up that to a 15-minute break, then maybe. So, how about if we save that for another time when my balls are a bit fuller.”
I felt the balls in question. The ballsac wasn’t as puffy as it had been last night. “Okay, I give up,” I said in mock disappointment.
“So, what’ll it be, my fine fellow?”
I searched his face with my eyes. “I’d really like to feel you inside me again before we have to go home.”
He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. “Ooooh, I’d like that very much myself!”
Soon I was on my back with my legs pushed back while he worked my hole with his greasy fingers, hitting my prostate repeatedly to make my dick belch out little dollops of precum onto my abdomen. Then he rose above me so he could kiss me with great passion while he positioned his cock right at my anus. He kissed me and pushed his tongue deep into my mouth as he pushed his monumental cock into my slick hole. I grunted with the pain and he held perfectly still for a few seconds until I had adjusted to the presence of his impressive tool. When the pain ended, I willed my internal muscles to squeeze his cock gently but very firmly. He let out a gasp and began to pull back. Within a moment he had established a medium-slow but very powerful pattern of deep thrusts that had me whimpering and crying out with each one.
This was a passionate screwing that felt like a very tangible expression of love and concern. It was equal parts hot/sexy/erotic and loving/caring/unifying. Each time he drove into me was like a sculptor’s chisel removing a bit of the walls I had erected between us. Although he couldn’t be going deeper into my asshole with each thrust, he seemed to be going deeper into my heart, deeper into my life, deeper into my being. After a while, he withdrew long enough to flip me onto my stomach before re-entering me. In this position, he regained almost the same amazing rhythm that slowly took me higher. Each thrust pushed my aching penis into the mattress as it increased my need to come.
After a while, Rafael buried his cock as deep as he could and then stopped moving for a moment. He took my hips and lifted us off the mattress, raising me onto my knees without exiting my hole. When we were stabilized on the bed, he began a slightly faster rhythm that brought me right the edge of orgasm, but he didn’t take me over. Just as I reached for my boner to finish the job, he swatted my hand away. Then he pulled me back until I was standing up on my knees while he pushed in and up on each thrust, like that amazing position from last night.
Each thrust was a major massage of my prostate and I was soon wailing and dripping continuously as he built toward his own orgasm. His thrusts became quicker and his breathing grew even more rapid. I was gasping for breath, too, silently begging my balls to snap, but they stubbornly refused. My need to shoot was so strong I thought I was in agony. “Oh, Rafe!”
His thrusts into me were getting even faster and a bit more powerful. I knew he was on the final approach to his payoff. Finally, mercifully, he took my poor dick into his right hand. He gripped it rather tightly and allowed his pounding of my asshole to push my cock through his curved fingers and then back again. His cries told me he was about to blow. My itchy, achy cock told me I was very close. Our ragged breathing and half-uttered words told me we were both heading for explosion. Finally, he screamed and bit my neck as he crossed that point of no return into a major orgasm. He rammed into me and pulled hard at my dick as he began to flood my ass with his love juices. That one strong stroke on my cock took me over the threshold into a series of wildly blasting cumshots that mimicked his shots into me. We each screamed loudly as he creamed my inner sanctum and I creamed the sheets, pillows, and headboard.
He held me tightly around my chest as we screamed, twitched, and shot for what seemed like several minutes. When our balls were empty, he leaned us to our left and we toppled onto the bed beside us. We lay there for several minutes, his cock slowly softening within me as we made the slow journey from mind-altering bliss back to our cocoon inside normalcy.
an hour later, we had showered, dressed, and packed our few belongings. We
paused at the door and I looked at the mess of our time in the room.
“I think some writer called this the detris of love-making or something like that,” Rafael said.
I smiled. “I’m sure the maid will hate it, but I love it because it indicates how amazing and sexy our time here has been.”
“Yes,” he nodded, “it does show how much fun we had. Especially,” he laughed, “If you count all the dirty cum rags and the stains on the sheets.”
I blushed. “Rafe!” I exclaimed.
“And I’m sure the maids are used to such a mess.”
I laughed as we closed the door. “I’m sure they are.”
When Keith from Sarasota asked us at the front desk if the night had been all we had hoped it would, I was speechless. As he looked inquisitively into my eyes, I began to blush and giggle. “Oh,” Keith teased, “it was all he hoped for!” Then he turned to Rafe. “How could it not be when he was sharing it with such a stud as you!”
“All I will admit to,” Rafael said, “is that there is no virgin here today.”
I must have turned purple, judging from how hot my face got. My chagrined shout of “Rafe!” was completely overpowered by Keith’s screech of laughter and Rafe’s deeper guffaws. To end my moment of humiliation, I turned and ran for the door.
As I stepped into the hot afternoon on the driveway, I heard Keith wishing us a great day and Rafael thanking him. A few steps from the front door, Rafe caught up with me and put his arm around my shoulders. He turned me toward him, pulled my head down a couple of inches and placed a juicy kiss on my mouth.
“Sorry, babe,” he said when he pulled back. “I just couldn’t resist.”
“Oh,” I said in mock horror, “you’re an evil man!”
“But I have a big cock.” He grinned seductively.
I couldn’t keep from laughing. “Yes, you do!” As I laughed at his statement, something happened inside me and I began laughing at my own reaction to Rafe’s revealing statement to Keith from Sarasota. Once I started, I couldn’t stop laughing for at least 5 minutes.
To be continued...
Posted: 06/24/2022