Officers' Boy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
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Chapter 7
When I got home from my dinner date with Rafael, luckily, Dad was in his office reading and Mom was on the phone with one of her girlfriends, so I was able to go directly to my room and quickly change into stay-at-home sweats. I got a big glass of iced tea from the kitchen, kissed Mom goodnight, and went to my room. I stripped down to my Calvins and sat down on my window seat. I picked up my phone and began texting.
Rafael: Thanks for the most wonderful time. 😀
To Sylvia: What a wonderful world
I added an emoticon of a musical note.
To Roger: My first date was great. Wow.
To Roger: The best
ROGER: Im glad dude 😀
SYL: Well???
She’s such a no-nonsense bitch!
To Sylvia: Deep subject
I thought I could hear her exasperated sigh through the phone.
SYL: Did U?
To Roger: Thanks buddy! 😀
To Sylvia: We had a great dinner.
SYL: You could be fired for insubordination.
To Sylvia: It was the best night of my life
ROGER: Going out again?
SYL: So U did it!
To Sylvia: NOOOO.
To Roger: On Saturday
SYL: And that was your best night????
ROGER: YES!!! To do what?
To Sylvia: Best night until Saturday…
To Roger: He’s taking me to a gay resort.
SYL: What’s Saturday?
ROGER: To spend the night?
To Roger: Yep 😀
To Sylvia: He’s taking me to a gay resort.
ROGER: OMG! You lucky dude!!
SYL: To go canoeing? To play tennis? ? ???
To Roger: I can’t believe how lucky!
I giggled in joy.
RAFAEL: I had a great time, too. Looking forward to Saturday.
My heart raced.
SYL: ??????
To Rafael: It’ll be awesome.
ROGER: I’ll want all the details after Saturday.
RAFAEL: Did you get by the parents OK?
SYL: ????????
To Rafael: Yep. Both busy and distracted, as usual.
To Roger: OK. Gotta go. Texting Rafael.
RAFAEL: Sorry, but good in this case.
To Rafael: Will I see you this week at Starbucks?
SYLVIA: ????? Fuck wad!
I couldn’t help but laugh. I love giving Syl a hard time.
To Sylvia: Sorry, babe. Rafe on the line…
ROGER: Sleep good.
RAFAEL: Probably. Not sure my schedule.
To Roger: No doubt. Thanks for caring!
To Rafael: I’ll be watching the door all week!
SYL: ……………..okay…………….
I chuckled again.
RAFAEL: I gotta hit the hay – flying tomorrow
To Rafael: I understand. Sleep well. Fly well.
SYL: ………………………………………………………………………………..
She can be so impatient.
To Sylvia: Im back
SYL: Thank God! I was dying over here.
ME: What are you dying from???
SYL: A terminal case of jealousy.
I snickered and felt a knot in my throat.
ME: There is a lot to be jealous about, but don’t let it get to you.
SYL: Awwwww. U love me!
ME: Oh so true!
SYL: 😀😀😀😀
ME: He’s taking me to a gay resort hotel in St Pete by the Skyway Br for Sat night.
SYL: That’s wonderful! And romantic!! 😄
I smiled. She was right about this, of course. As I started to write my response, another message came in.
SYL: I’m proud of you, babe.
ME: For?
SYL: Having the guts to go out with such a great guy.
ME: Thanks!!! 😀
SYL: I’m going to bed. Some of us work tomorrow.
ME: Some of us make many $$$$. Some of us don’t. 😀
SYL: Some of us actually have bills to pay. 1 Some of you don’t.
Isn’t she cute, I thought.
ME: “Toucheeee”
SYL: Go beat off. Good night.
I laughed again.
I got up, took a pee, locked my bedroom door, and then did exactly what Sylvia told me to do. Twice. My fantasies were all about my soon-to-be semi-Latin lover. And they were hot. And they made me hot. Very hot. Oh, damn, those were two terrific orgasms!
I played tennis with Roger on Tuesday after he got off work. He wanted to know everything about my dinner with Rafael. I asked him why he was so interested.
“Well, Eric,” he said thoughtfully as we rested after playing to a 2-set tie, “in all the years we’ve been friends, I’ve never known you to be excited about anybody. I mean, even your girlfriends. You seemed to like them, but I’ve sometimes thought you were just going through the motions of dating. I assumed you just hadn’t met the right girl or were waiting until after you finished school to get serious with a girl. Now I know the real truth. Thanks for telling me.”
“You don’t know how relieved I am by your acceptance, Roger!”
“Heck, buddy, you can be sure it doesn’t matter to me who you want to screw!”
I grinned. “Thank God!”
Roger smiled, then began to laugh robustly.
“Okay, now you’re starting to make me nervous!”
He patted my knee as if to say, be calm. “I just realized I should be grateful you like big hairy brutes.”
“Um, why?”
“’Cause that leaves all the girls for me!”
It was my turn to laugh. I think I laughed from the humor, but maybe as much from the relief that he truly was not bothered by my sexuality.
Nothing of note happened the rest of the week, except for a pop-in visit from Rafael on Thursday evening for a cup of coffee just before 7:00. I made his pour-over and then took it out to him as he stood with his bike. I couldn’t take my eyes off his body in that very revealing Lycra cycling outfit. Oh fuck! We agreed that he would pick me up at the store on Saturday at 2 p.m., after my shift, for our drive to the resort.
Roger and Sylvia had both texted me every evening about the “imminent deflowering” as Sylvia put it and the “awesome fuckathon” as Roger put it. On Saturday, Syl must have raised her eyebrows or winked at me about a hundred times over and around the customers. She sent me to clean up a few minutes before 2:00 so I was ready when Rafael arrived in his Jeep. I asked if he wanted a coffee to go and he said, “No, we’ll get a cup at the resort.”
I tossed a small suitcase into the back seat and hopped into the passenger seat as he steered us onto southbound I-275 and we were off! I couldn’t stop smiling as we drove past downtown Tampa, past the big mall, over the Howard Frankland Bridge (and Tampa Bay), past an industrial zone and the Home Shopping Network, alongside downtown St. Petersburg, past the Tampa Bay Rays’ stadium, and down into the hotel and condo zone near the waterfront at the south point of Pinellas County, where I-275 begins to rise to cross the extremely high Skyway Bridge that carries the interstate across the mouth of Tampa Bay toward Sarasota and Miami. Just before we reached the approach to the bridge, we exited the highway and in just a moment entered the Flamingo Resort property.
The “resort” was really a two-story 50s-era motel painted white with a lot of bright blue trim and a substantial amount of flamingo pink, too. The big oval sign said “Flamingo” in 50s style blue letters on a white background. A large pink flamingo stood tall through the lettering. Yes, it was gaudy, but in a very retro, comfortable way that made it seem like it had not changed in half a century. We pulled into a parking spot not too far from the entrance and quickly walked into a lobby painted in the brightest blue color I’d ever seen. It had pink ceramic tiles on the floor, pink countertop on the registration desk, a couple of rainbow-flag floor mats, and an effervescent 20-something manning the desk. The whole picture was so gay it took my breath away!
Rafael and I paused at the door as we tried to take in the extreme look of the lobby. I think my mouth flew open, but he was a bit more worldly, I guess, because he just smiled a little and said, “Well, they don’t want anyone coming in here that isn’t in a festive mood!”
I chuckled and said, “Unbelievable!” under my breath as we walked the few feet to the registration desk. Our host’s flamingo-pink polo shirt fit tight to show off a nice slender frame. His tanned skin and longish blond hair gave the perfect surfer-boy vibe and his bright teeth made his smile quite pretty.
“Hello, boys!” he sang out as we approached. When I finally noticed his nametag a couple of minutes later, I saw he was Kevin, from Bradenton. With great efficiency, Kevin processed our paperwork, ran the credit card charge, gave us our keys and a couple of brochures, and explained the features of the resort and how we could find our quarters.
As we started to turn away to locate our room, Kevin whispered in a sultry voice, “I just know you two will have the best night of your lives tonight!”
“Thanks,” Rafael laughed and took my arm to steer me away.
As we climbed a set of stairs and strolled along the second-floor walkway, we had a commanding view of the inner courtyard of the motel, which featured a moderately large and sparkling swimming pool, a tiki bar with a big sign above it that read “Tiki Bar,” a lot of deck chairs and cabana-style patio sets, rainbow flags for days, and possibly a hundred guys in very little clothing.
When we found our room, we paused to lean over the railing and check out the other patrons of the establishment.
“What do you think?” Rafael asked me in a quiet voice as he dropped his small duffel bag beside us.
“Um,” I started. “It’s actually intimidating, but also very appealing.”
“Uh-huh. Look at the guys. They’re a pretty hot bunch, don’t you think?”
“Yes,” Rafael grinned at me. “They are hot. But that shouldn’t be at all intimidating to you.”
“Hmm,” I breathed. I scanned the crowd of mostly shirtless men wearing mostly small swimsuits with bulges that were noticeable even from 50 yards away. Some of the men really shouldn’t be appearing in public dressed so revealingly, I thought, but some were gorgeous.
“You and I can hold our own in the looks department, babe,” Rafael said as his hand covered mine atop the railing. I turned to smile at him and saw a look of seriousness in his face. “Here, or anywhere,” he added.
“You certainly can,” I leered at him.
“No more than you, my sweet,” he chuckled.
“Saying nice things like that will get you anything you want this weekend, Rafe,” I said in the sultriest voice I could conjure up.
His chuckle became a deep laugh. “Hey, sweet cheeks, I’m definitely planning to get anything I want this weekend!”
I laughed, too, at this. “Just don’t get overconfident, Mr. Spectacular!”
He chuckled again and wiggled his eyebrows at me. “Come on,” he nodded toward the door, “let’s check out our room.”
He stood in front of me as he unlocked the door with one of those keys that look like a credit card. Then, before going inside, he turned to face me, opening his arms to invite me to hug him. My first instinct was not to touch him since we were visible to other people, but then I remembered the other people were just like us, so it didn’t matter if we hugged. As I stepped forward so our chests connected, I felt a wave of emotions wash over me. He hugged me tight as I tried to identify the strong feelings zapping my heart. There was happiness, no, … joy! There was sexual excitement from being next to him. There was an assurance that this was the most right thing I’d ever done. There was a sense of finally meeting the real me, which brought tears to my eyes. There was one more emotion I struggled to identify. The vagueness of the idea hung out in the back of my brain for a few seconds as my sense of its importance grew exponentially. When I finally grasped the entirety of the emotion, I gasped in recognition. The elusive emotion was freedom! I felt as if I had been released just this moment from a prison cell I had never known I was in. I was free to be myself, fully, and finally!
Rafael tossed his duffel and my small suitcase into the room. Then he slipped an arm beneath my buttocks and lifted me. Even though he’s four inches shorter than me, he’s a lot stronger, so lifting me was no problem for him. As he pulled me off my feet, I clung to him with my arms across his back and my long legs around his waist. He turned us around and walked into the room, kicking the door shut behind him. When I realized he had carried me across the threshold, I sobbed at the sheer romance that was bound up in this act.
Rafael carried me the few feet to the bed and sat me down on the side of the mattress. We released each other and he backed a few inches away. Scouring my face for an explanation, he said in a worried tone, “What’s the matter, Eric?”
I couldn’t speak, so I decided to use body language instead. I grinned through the tears, brought one hand gently to the side of his face, and leaned in to place a salty and wet kiss on his mouth. I cried for another moment, still kissing him until I realized my nose was running. Imagining how gross it must be to get a snotty kiss, I chuckled and pulled away.
“What?” Rafael asked, his face a picture of puzzlement.
Simultaneously, I swiped at the tears on my cheeks, began laughing, and stammered, “Was that snotty kiss the worst you ever got?”
saw the humor, too. Through his giggles, he managed to say, “No, not the
worst. Maybe the grossest. But no kiss from you could be the worst.”
I leaned in and kissed his cheek. “You are the sweetest guy ever!”
“Don’t forget that,” he grinned. He stepped into the bathroom to get a couple of tissues for me. He handed them to me and then became serious. “But what just happened a minute ago?”
“Um, two things, actually. When you hugged me so openly where other people could see, I suddenly realized we don’t have to hide our feelings here, even our sexual feelings. I’ve never felt I could do that. Anywhere. The realization that here I am free to be me, all of me, … it just overwhelmed me!” By this point I was grinning so big I thought my lips might split at the corners.
“Oh, baby,” he said with awe. “That’s incredible. And true!”
I nodded and hugged him.
After a moment, he pulled away from me a few inches. “What was the other thing?”
“Oh,” I stammered in embarrassment. “You carried me over the threshold.”
He grinned. “Guilty as charged.”
We got caught up in smiling at each other for a moment before Rafael said, “Now why don’t you wash your face and we’ll find some coffee?”
To be continued...
Posted: 05/13/2022