Jody, the Team, and the Navy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 30
I got a 10-day pass at the end of the summer and visited my parents in Charlotte. I tried to find Len, but his mother told me he had moved to Phoenix for a branch manager position with First National Bank of Arizona. I was disappointed, but unsure what I had hoped for anyway. I spent a couple of nights with Grandma Ida, Aunt Harriet, and my cousin Gary, who was growing into a very handsome 16-year-old. He begged me to teach him about intercourse, but I felt he was a little too young, so we just spent the time sucking each other as much as possible. We also shared some of this time with Gary’s beautiful Argentinian friend Carlos, who had a nice cock on him for a teenager. On my way back to Norfolk, I spent a busy night in Chapel Hill with Coach Stan, who was still as horny as ever, much to my delight.
Fred (CDR Garrison) and Sam (LTCDR Parsons) were assigned to aircraft carriers, so they were at sea about half the time for months at a stretch. Arnie transferred to Corpus Christi that fall and the following spring we lost Earl, who was sent to the Philippines. Although Brandon’s ex-roommate Blade had gotten married in June, he occasionally joined us for a party and usually spent a lot of the time bottoming for his old friends. I had known him to be much more interested in topping from before, so I assumed he was getting enough of that type of action at home to be seeking something a little more exotic when he had the opportunity to be with the guys.
In October, a beautiful young ensign named Mike Malouf reported to Norfolk. Brandon told me about him the night after he processed in through Personnel. He was attached to Base Engineering, so we soon heard about him from Thomas, who was a branch supervisor in a different branch from Mike’s. Doug, who also worked in engineering, was the one who finally determined Mike might be a suitable candidate for membership in our group. Doug and Mike were both Texans and this gave Doug a good “in” to connect with Mike. Apparently, Doug got Mike drunk one night and they traded blow jobs in Doug’s BOQ room. The next day when Mike seemed weirded out, Doug took him out for a run and took the opportunity to explain that a lot of guys would help each other out since women were on short supply in our world. Of course, Doug told Thomas, so when Thomas saw that Mike had stayed late one evening, he invited the ensign into his office where they “helped” each other out. Though he was nervous about the mano-a-mano sex, both Doug and Thomas knew Mike had liked his encounters with them. When the holidays rolled around, they told Mike about the group and invited him to the New Year’s Eve party at Darren and Alex’s place.
finally met the luscious Mike (pictured) then. Where Doug was tall (six feet),
blue-eyed, slender with light brown hair, Mike was an inch shorter but built
with more curves than Doug’s angularity. Mike had smooth brown skin, dark eyes,
and dark hair with luscious lips and a very handsome face. Though he’d grown up
in Houston and was educated at College Station, both his mother and his father
were Lebanese, giving him a swarthy beauty I found very attractive. He was a
nice guy, too, and I enjoyed talking with him about college, family, Navy, and
stuff. I was very happy when I learned Mike was hung a bit over seven and a
half inches and was on the thick side. He also fucked like a West Texas
pumpjack: very regular strokes that went all the way to the hilt every time. I
loved it! He didn’t bring in an oil well, but he did produce a gusher!
In 1976, I got my promotion to LTJG, which provided a nice salary increase and gained me some respect, but otherwise didn’t change my life much. Of course, it was an excuse for my friends to throw a party in which I spent two hours on Darren and Alex’s sling with a line of a dozen of my favorite studs taking turns on my mouth and ass until, eventually, I had collected loads from everyone. When we got home, Brandon ran a hot bath for me and took special care of me until I fell asleep.
Brandon’s 27th birthday was November 14, which was a Sunday, so the gang gave him a party the previous night in the party room at Darren and Alex’s. In recognition of his legendary topping skills, everyone who would bottom gave the lucky Brandon full access. In the course of the evening, he topped Mike, Doug, Alex, Scott, Blade, Ted, Jeff, Thomas, Lawrence, Miguel, and even Darren. Later Brandon told me he had never been allowed to fuck Darren and that’s the one that meant the most to him. Of course, he topped me, too!
On Sunday, he spent the day with me and I felt quite honored. We had brunch at one, thanks to our very late night and need for extra sleep that morning. After brunch we took a long walk along the beach, had a brew at a beachfront bar, and brought Chinese take-out home for dinner. That night, he took me to his bed, where we cuddled quietly listening to an old Elvis album.
Suddenly, he interrupted the silence by pulling my face around to face him. Looking at me deeply, he said in a low voice, “You know, Jody, I’ve never been as close to another person as I am to you.”
I smiled at him. “I’m honored, Brandon.”
“I, uh,” he seemed uncharacteristically shy. “I love you a lot, dude.”
His awkwardness in saying it somehow made his declaration more meaningful. I caressed his cheek. “Thanks for saying that, babe. I know you love me and I hope you know I love you a lot, too.”
“I know that well,” he smiled. “Sometimes I wish I was really queer, babe, because I can’t imagine being any happier with another person than I am with you right now.” He kissed me lightly on the nose. “I wish it could stay just like this forever.”
I smiled again. “I’d like that, too, stud.” I paused and looked deeply into his eyes. “But we both know that’s not possible. Even if you were queer, too, at some point one of us will be transferred to another post and we’ll probably never be together again.”
He nodded and I could see his eyes were tearing up.
“So, we have to make the absolute most of every moment we have together now, because this time is short-lived.”
His face was sad as a tear ran down his cheek. “You’re right,” he said slowly and added, “of course.” Two more tears traveled down his face. “But it sucks!”
I pressed my lips against his ample mouth, but just for a moment. I backed away and shook my head. “No, baby, don’t feel sad about it. Feel glad that we have this very special time to share. Think how easily we could have missed it completely. I think it’s a wonderful gift life, or God, or fate, or whatever, has given us, and I’m very happy to enjoy sharing some of my life with you, for however long it lasts. I know I’ll love you as long as I draw a breath, but we’ll both go and be with others one day. That’s just how it’s meant to be.”
He nodded and kissed me, the salt from his tears flavoring the kiss in a new way. After a few minutes, our passion and our mutual need overcame this moment of angst and soon we were making spectacular love, his huge hard cock rubbing my prostate while our tongues dueled until, at last, my body writhed, I screamed out, and my juice blasted onto us both. As so frequently happened for us, my body’s orgasmic convulsions forced his body to give up its bounty to my deep center.
We never spoke of that conversation again, even when the inevitable transfer came.
days after that amazing conversation with Brandon, Thanksgiving provided me the
chance to visit Mom and Dad again. I took Mom to see her mother and sister
(Grandma Ida and Aunt Harriet), while I hung out with my cousin Gary (pictured),
who had just turned 18 and could officially be called “hot, hot, hot!” We had a
very loving time during this short holiday. He offered me his cherry and, this
time, I took it with excitement and joy. The story of our sexy holiday is a
wonderful story, which is told in erotic detail in The Deputy Boys, Book 1,
so I will not repeat it here. Gary also visited me between Christmas and New
Year’s and was embraced happily by the Naval officer gang. I couldn’t believe
what a natural insatiable bottom my little cousin had become in just a month!
You can read about this in The Deputy Boys, too.
Finally, in early September, 1977, I got orders to report to the Naval Support Activities Base in Naples, Italy, home of the Sixth Fleet and the US Naval Operations Europe, where I was to be stationed in their Budget Office. I was quite excited about the location of my overseas assignment, but still not glad to be leaving the States, my buddies in the group, and most of all Brandon. I was to have a 30-day pass beginning September 15, at the conclusion of which I would be on a transport heading across the Atlantic to my new life.
I turned 26 on Friday, September 10, so my friends threw a special party for me on Saturday. The party was a combination birthday party and going-away party that was very touching. I’d known that those guys loved me like a brother or son or something, but that realization became very strong as they made love to me that night, one after another. I saw a lot of watery eyes, received a bunch of sweet, gentle, almost clingy hugs, and was kissed more than I could ever remember. These mostly straight guys showed me that love does not have to be channeled into labels like hetero and homo. I could not have felt more loved anywhere in the world.
I cried quietly all the way home from Darren and Alex’s that night. Brandon and I went back on Tuesday night for a final dinner with this very special couple, who had been so important to me in my nearly three years in Norfolk. Two days later I got into my Mustang and drove south to Chapel Hill for a night with Stan (Coach Jordan) before I went on to Charlotte to spend some time with Mom and Dad before I left the country.
Though Gary was now enrolled at the University of North Carolina in Asheville and was extremely busy with classes and pledging The Deputy Boys, we did manage to carve out about 24 hours to spend alone together and another 12 to share with his special friend Phil. I could not have gone so far away from Gary without this time. Again, I’ll let the details of this story be told in The Deputy Boys.
For his tender age, not quite 19, Gary was surprisingly mature about our good-bye. He cried as we held each other just before I had to get into the Mustang and drive away, but, then, so did I! We’d always had a very special bond that was part familial, part romantic, which was never more obvious than in our final moments together. I was very glad he had Phil, his old friend Carlos, and several other very close friends to lean on at this time. Knowing he had such a strong social support network gave me confidence that he would land on his feet, even though I knew it would be very difficult for both of us to be separated by so much distance for a year or more.
I was back at Norfolk for a few days before I had to board the ship and I managed to find the time for a final “workout” with Miguel at the base gym and for dinner and “dessert” with Darren and Alex. Each good-bye seemed more difficult than the one before. Of course, the most difficult good-bye was with Brandon, who occupied the closest spot in my life. He was the one I shared with the most, the one in whose arms I often slept, the one whose cock was most at home buried in my intestines, the one I loved the most.
We didn’t sleep much that final night. There weren’t a lot of words left unsaid, but we both seemed to want to stay awake to milk every second of skin-to-skin contact from those few hours. I did not want to make it a downer, so I struggled not to be sad or maudlin and certainly did not want to cry. I did very well until the dawn began to break through the curtains in Brandon’s room. That told me the moment was almost upon us when we would have to take our bodies away from each other. I didn’t know why, but I felt strongly that we would never be together again.
As I sailed out of the harbor that afternoon, I stood at the rail watching the port, then Norfolk, and then Virginia recede until there was nothing but flat ocean behind us. I wondered how Italy would be, trying to salve my pain with a fresh dose of excitement. I wondered if I would be back in Norfolk again or be transferred to another distant base after my time in Italy ended. I wondered how soon I would be safe to let my secret desires surface. Would I ever see any of the guys again? What would happen to Mom and Dad before I saw them next? Would Gary be able to visit Italy? What did the future hold?
I spent a lot of time alone in the three weeks it took for me to reach Naples. Perhaps this lengthy journey helped me recognize that everything that had gone before had made me who I was that day, had set the stage for all that was to come my way, and that whatever happened to me, I would carry inside me the love and support and good wishes of Mom, Dad, Grandma Ida, Aunt Harriet, beautiful Gary, Coach Stan, Len, Micky, Louis, the other ball players, Darren, Alex, Scott, Vern, Kris, Ted, Sam, Fred, Mike, Miguel, and the other Navy men. And my dear Brandon.
After a few days sailing east, I began to find myself spending more time at the bow instead of the stern, looking ahead, watching for the first glimpse of Europe, watching for the future, looking for whatever life had in store for me.
The End
Author’s Note
Thank you very much for taking this journey with the sexy Jody Di Franco. I hope you have enjoyed it. I’d be happy to hear from you at if you like.
If you would like some more of Jody’s story, especially that portion involving his young cousin Gary, you may want to try the erotic trilogy called The Deputy Boys, which is about a sort of gay fraternity operating at an Appalachian university in the 1970’s. The first book of the trilogy is currently available on (The Deputy Boys Book 1: Gary’s Invitation) for $10.99 in paperback or $2.99 e-book. The Deputy Boys Book 2: Gary’s Induction will be published later this year.
If you wish to purchase Deputy Boys Book 1, search for the book by entering the ASIN in Amazon’s search bar. The ASIN for the paperback is 1796605840 and the ASIN for the e-book is B07NKWKFWH (that is a zero not the letter O). Please let me know if you have trouble finding them. Incidentally, books purchased from Brentwood Films and Books can be autographed by the author (me, naturally).
Thank you for supporting Tickie Stories and for your interest in this series.
Best Wishes,
Kenneth Kirk
Dallas, Texas
Feb. 9, 2021
Posted: 05/14/2021