Jody, the Team, and the Navy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 19
The next morning, we all slept late, finally awakened at 10:15 by the housekeeper’s keys rapping on our door. Somebody from the other bed yelled out, “Please come back later!” For a few minutes everyone lay still, trying to salvage the bliss of sleeping in, but finally Scott bounded into the bathroom, where sounds of a long-overdue piss lasted for a while before he returned to bed. Next up was Brandon, who more-or-less replayed Scott’s pee sounds, but, rather than returning to bed, he turned on the shower. Moments later, I donated a bladderful to the toilet bowl. When he heard the splash, Brandon peered around through the shower door and said, “Jody, is that you?”
“Come here,” he said.
I stepped to the door, which opened. “Get in,” he ordered.
With the door shut behind me, he took me in his arms and kissed me warmly. “Wash my back,” he said before releasing me. Turning toward the wall, he handed me the soap. For a few minutes we washed each other’s bodies, which was a lovely reminder of my days at UNC. By the time we were done, we were erect and dripping both water and precum. Turning me to the wall, he dropped down and began to lick my hole, preparing me for another rear assault, I surmised. In due time my quiet moans from his wonderful rim job were replaced by louder groans and moans from the penetration of my sphincter with his big, hard cock. As he fucked me, I heard the sounds of piss in the toilet again, presumably from Blade this time, but I couldn’t have cared less who it was. Brandon’s orgasm came rather quickly and was punctuated by loud yelps that hurt my ears as they reverberated through the shower and the whole room.
When we went back into the bedroom, Scott grinned and said, “Obviously, we have some things to talk about, but some of us need showers first.” Brushing past us, he climbed in and turned on the water.
Half an hour later, we were seated in the window of a trendy café with a sort of organic/hippie vibe. No problem; they served great hot coffee and their eggs, sausage, and pancakes were excellent.
After we’d placed our orders and had our second cups of coffee in front of us, Blade turned to me and said, “So, I’m guessing last night wasn’t your first time.”
At this point I felt I didn’t exactly know what these guys’ stories were, but I no longer felt threatened by my “secret.” So, I grinned to Blade. “No,” I said matter-of-factly.
Brandon put a hand on my forearm. “Before we start giving you the third degree, I think it would be appropriate for us to share first. Agreed, guys?” He looked at Scott and Blade.
“Good idea,” Scott nodded. “You first.”
“Fair enough,” Brandon smiled. “Just like most other guys in the Navy, we like sex – a lot!”
We all smirked.
“In fact, we like it so much that our girlfriends never seem to be able to really meet our needs. And, sometimes we don’t have girlfriends. Anyhow, we have each come to appreciate the value of good friends who are willing to help us take care of those extra needs.”
So far, based on last night in the hotel room, none of this was news. He looked at me as if to see if I understood. I nodded.
“In fact, we spend a lot of time together and with a few other guys, taking care of everyone’s needs. Like last night.”
“That sounds, uh, quite nice,” I said, hoping I could be included in future gatherings.
“It is,” Scott said.
“Yes, it is,” Blade added.
“We aren’t a bunch of closeted gay guys,” Brandon explained. “We are mostly straight, maybe a little bit bi, but not exclusively gay.”
I nodded.
“Except for a couple of the guys,” Blade added.
“We have weekend parties sometimes,” Scott said.
“And go on private cruises a few times a year,” Brandon said.
“Of course, it all revolves around taking care of needs,” Blade chuckled.
“I understand,” I said with confidence. “So, how many guys are we talking about here?”
“Um,” Brandon sighed. “It varies from event to event but ranges from about 6 or 7 up to maybe 17, 18. I’d guess we have about 20 in our circle if you count everyone. Guys?”
“Yeah, that’s about right,” Scott said.
“So,” Blade said as the waitress began placing our plates before us. “Do you think you’d like to join this illustrious group?”
I waited until the waitress had left us. “Absolutely!” I said enthusiastically. “I’d love to be a part of such a group!”
They all smiled and began to eat.
“This sounds a bit like my baseball team in college,” I shared.
“Your baseball team?” Scott asked, a hint of shock in his voice.
“Yeah,” I said, “our coaches used sex as a motivating factor.”
“They brought in whores?” asked Blade with a chuckle.
I laughed. “Not exactly, just guys on scholarship.”
“Oh?” Brandon said quietly. “Tell us more.”
As we consumed our breakfasts, I shared the basics of our point system and that I was the primary server in the system.
“Wait!” exclaimed Scott. “Are you saying you blew the entire baseball team after every game?”
“Not quite,” I laughed as Blade and Brandon looked on in mild shock. “The players only got some action by paying for it. A BJ cost them a gold star and a fuck cost them 3 stars. So, I guess I was a whore who got paid in gold stars instead of greenbacks.”
“Fuck!” Brandon said softly.
“Damn right!” Scott said. “I wish my coaches had used that motivation plan!”
“So,” Blade leaned into the table. “How much sex did you actually get?”
“Of course, it varied, but I’d say I averaged about 5 BJ’s and 5 fucks after each game and we played 60 games per season.”
“Holy fuck!” Scott whistled.
“Wait. You bottomed 300 times each year?” Brandon said incredulously.
“Oh,” I said, “a lot more than that. I also took care of my roommate Len at least twice a day and our suitemates Louis and Micky a couple of times a week. And Coach Jordan a couple of times a week. And a few others maybe once a week on average.” I was getting a little embarrassed at listing all my sexual activity like that, especially at the looks of disbelief on my companions’ faces.
“Jeee-sus!” Blade breathed.
you shitting us?” Scott (pictured) blurted out.
“Why would I lie about being such a slut?”
“Hey,” Brandon said sharply, “there is no judgment here. Most people would consider us all sluts.” He patted my arm. “We’re just a little surprised you’ve had such an impressive past.”
“With so many guys!” Scott added.
“For how long?” Blade asked.
“All through my college years. Len seduced me right at the beginning and it just seemed to snowball from there.”
“So,” Blade said, “you enjoy bottoming for a bunch of guys?”
“Oh, yes,” I said enthusiastically. “I mean, there’s a limit, of course, but I’m usually good for a couple of hours at a time.”
Blade’s eyes widened. “Wow! I think half an hour on bottom is a long time.”
Brandon turned to face Scott and Blade. “I think Jody is imminently qualified to be part of the group, don’t you?”
“Hell, yes!” Scott nodded. “He’s perfect.”
“I agree,” Blade said.
“Thanks,” I said with a smile.
Brandon laughed. “We just need to take you to one event and the guys will think you’re some kind of sex god.”
“That sounds awesome,” I said.
There was a moment of silence with everyone concentrating on finishing up his meal. Scott broke the silence. “Before we introduce Jody to the whole group, I would like a chance to introduce him to my hard cock.”
We all laughed heartily. “Absolutely!” I said after I caught my breath. Then in a quiet voice I added, “My asshole is ready when you are!” They laughed so hard Blade spit coffee on his pancakes and Scott choked on a bite of food.
“Holy shit, Jody!” Scott cried. “You’ve made me so hard it hurts!”
“Okay, guys,” Brandon chided us, “don’t get yourselves too revved up. We have a lot of sightseeing to do before we get back to the room.”
“The monuments must have restrooms,” Scott noted suggestively.
Brandon chortled. “Just so you know. I don’t bail people out of jail.”
We all laughed again as we tried to down our last bites of breakfast.
We spent all afternoon walking around the Tidal Basin, exploring the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials and seeing the amazing view from the Washington Monument. We managed to catch the last tour of the day at the U.S. Mint, where we all gawked at millions of dollars behind cases and we closed down the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum. Our Navy ID’s saved us admission fees and got us some special treatment at the museum and the monument. All in all, I had a wonderful time with these three new friends as we learned about our country and its history, along with some interesting science.
I insisted on stopping at a Rexall Store we passed on our way back to the hotel. While the others waited outside, I purchased two Fleet enemas in anticipation of the evening’s activities.
In the elevator back at the Courtyard, Scott pulled me close and whispered into my ear, “I can be hard in just a few seconds.”
I giggled. “How about giving me time for a douche and a shower first?”
He laughed. “Only if I can rim you afterwards.”
“Like I’d ever turn down a rim job!”
Brandon (pictured) said with fake sternness.
We all laughed as the elevator doors opened at our floor.
I was given the first slot in the bath while the others watched part of the Florida-Georgia Tech basketball game on TV. When I finished my shower, I was followed quickly by Scott. By the time Brandon was in the shower and Blade was back in the bedroom, Scott had me on my knees enjoying a very enthusiastic tonguing of my fresh, pink rosebud. Blade climbed into bed with us, sliding in front of me and presenting his 6 inches for my oral attention. Eagerly, I swallowed him down to the root, enjoying the act of blowing this more easily managed cock. It was a perfect mouthful in that it just reached the edge of my throat but didn’t cause any discomfort there. When Brandon came in a few minutes later, we presented quite an erotic sight to him, I suppose, for he just laughed and said, “Go right ahead, guys. Don’t wait for me.”
None of us stopped moaning and groaning long enough to answer him, so Brandon wiggled under me where he could alternate between sucking my cock and Scott’s biggie. Scott was ready to go to the next level soon after Brandon began working on the black cock. Scott thanked Brandon and then pulled his dick out of Brandon’s mouth to apply a bit of lube. Then he moved forward until his glans met my anus for a preliminary kiss. The rounded cockhead sort of nuzzled into my ass and then started pressing forward with a strong push. For a moment, my body held its defenses, but then it yielded to the thick battering ram and the defenses fell quickly. As Scott’s rigid pole slid inch after inch deeper, I opened my mouth to suck air around Blade’s cock and to let out a very satisfied groan. Again, Brandon drew my dripping cock into his warm mouth and my groan went up in pitch and volume.
I couldn’t imagine anything better than Scott’s cock in my asshole, Blade’s in my mouth, and mine in Brandon’s hot mouth. Wow! Soon Blade’s cock swelled in my mouth and hot wads of his cum gushed out, giving me a nice taste of his milky essence. The excitement of tasting his load while I was getting so deliciously plowed and sucked at the same time pulled me closer to climax, but I didn’t crest just yet. I felt a change in Brandon’s work as he stopped sucking and settled for gently circling my cock with his tongue. He was keeping me near the boil-over point but not finishing the job. Blade’s cries settled down as I held his cock in my warm mouth, sucking calmly.
Scott pumped me faster and harder as his grunts became stronger and deeper in tone. When Scott shifted from groans to short bursts of “Oh!” Brandon started sucking me with more strength. Scott fucked me for all he was worth, cresting into his orgasm and pulling me with him. I only needed a few seconds for that to take me over the threshold into a gut-spilling, screaming orgasm that could probably be heard throughout the hotel. Brandon sucked my semen deep into his throat and held it while Scott pumped shot after shot of his juices into me. We clutched, twitched, and roared with the joy of ejaculation as we completed our amazing fuck.
Brandon released my cock and slid off the side of the bed. “Out of my way, Scott!” he demanded. Instantly, Scott pulled his 8 hot inches out to make room for Brandon’s almost 9, which entered me after only a very short pause. Brandon pummeled me for a few minutes before flipping me onto my back to give me eight-to-ten more minutes of delicious fucking. After cumming in Brandon’s mouth, my dick had flagged a bit, but it came back as hard as ever thanks to the pounding of Brandon’s cock against my prostate. When Blade leaned in and sucked my cock into his warm and loving throat, he only had to work on it for less than two minutes before he got his reward of a mouthful of ensign cum. I yelped, I began shooting my load, my asshole clenched, Brandon cried out, “Fuck, yeah! Take it, Jody! Take my load in your hot ass!” And he gave me that load in nine full shots of prime Navy semen!
The four of us lay in a tangled mass for a few minutes as we slowly recovered from our exertions. I got fucked one more time before dinner, taking Blade’s 6 in the shower as we cleaned up again.
We had an elegant dinner at the Connecticut Steakhouse a few blocks away from the hotel. From the restaurant, we went back to the gay bar for a round of drinks before we all agreed we’d rather be in our room than in that bar. Twenty minutes later we were back in our room where four cocks were calling for attention, waving, twitching, and drooling in anticipation of more mind-blowing sex.
First, we had an all-oral round in which I finally tasted Brandon’s spice while Scott drained me and Blade drained him. Completing a military-style daisy chain, Brandon sucked the nectar out of Blade’s stem. As we recuperated, I whispered to Scott that I would like a chance to taste his essence soon. With a big grin, he whispered back he was sure that could be arranged. After a round of beers and pee breaks, we launched into part two of our get-acquainted evening with my guys taking turns feasting on my hole while I took turns giving them some pleasant oral pleasure. To my delight, they all enjoyed kissing, licking, and tonguing my hole until I finally begged for more. A few minutes of greasy fingers feeling up my prostate had my cock oozing a continuous flow of precum before Blade replaced all those fingers with his greased-up cock. After a few minutes, Blade withdrew and Scott entered me. I really liked the way Scott pounded me with his wonderful thick penis. After a few more minutes, he withdrew and Brandon pushed in his 9” to stretch me out even more. Soon, my hole needed to adjust to the thinner dimensions of Blade’s dick as the rotation of an impromptu round robin was established.
Initially I was on my knees in place for doggie-style penetrations. When Brandon entered me for the third round, I was right at the edge of orgasm so a couple of minutes of his prostate-crushing strokes took me the distance. I unloaded a half-gallon of jizz into the bedsheets while he kept plowing my clenching asshole. When he pulled out, the guys turned me onto my back and pulled me to the edge of the bed so they could fuck me while standing at the side of the bed. Two complete rounds in that position had everyone nearing their peak of arousal and the third round was their opportunity to finish their efforts. One by one, my lieutenants rammed their juicy dicks into my quivering rectum where they thrust until they could hold off a big orgasm no longer. When the last load was delivered by the handsome Lt. Krakowsky, we all coalesced into a mass of exhausted human flesh in one bed.
“Guys,” I said, “it’s been a long time since I’ve been this happy.”
“And well-fucked,” Scott joked. We started laughing.
“And so full of semen,” Blade added. Our laughter increased.
After the laughter died down to a few chuckles, Brandon sighed, “Life is good.”
“Amen!” I said. “I love you guys. You’re as horny as a whole baseball team!”
They laughed and patted my well-used rump.
“Only you would know,” Scott observed.
I awoke a couple of hours later with a sticky mess on the sheets under my ass, but secure with Scott holding me on one side and Brandon on the other. I smiled and dropped off to sleep some more.
To be continued...
Posted: 04/09/2021