Jody, the Team, and the Navy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 17
Norfolk Naval Base was my home beginning on Tuesday, January 21, 1975. I registered at the BOQ the night before and found my room on the second floor near the west end. From the window I had a view of ships at dock about a quarter of a mile away. I was treated quite civilly as I took care of a bit of paperwork to get my room assignment and obtained the information about what I was scheduled for the next day. A couple of the guys who lived on my wing stopped by to meet me and take me to the mess hall for dinner. They were ensigns, like me, who had been here only a few months, but long enough to know a lot more than I did. While they were polite, I didn’t feel a particular connection with either of them. I got unpacked and wrote a short note to Mom and Dad before getting acquainted with my bunk.
I was up at 0600 to prepare to go to chow and then my first appointment, at 0800 in Personnel. I found the main entrance for the department a few minutes before 0800, but the door was not unlocked until 0802, when a rather plain WAVE unlocked the door and invited me in. I entered a small lobby where a counter crossed one side. “Good morning, ensign,” an older WAVE said. She was a lieutenant, so I saluted. She returned the salute, took my name, and had me sit down. I sat quietly in the lobby as other personnel entered, spoke with the officer at the counter and either went back into the main part of the department or left. Another ensign, dressed in uniform, sat down for a few minutes but was called back while I continued to sit there.
half an hour or so, the lieutenant called my name, so I went back to the
counter. As I approached her, a tall, handsome lieutenant came into the area
behind the counter. The female officer said, “Ensign, this is LTJG Krakowsky,
who will be with you most of the day as you go through the system here.”
I saluted the handsome man, whose smile disarmed me. He returned my salute and motioned to my right. “This way, ensign,” he said in a deep voice as he opened a sort of gate at the end of the counter and I walked through. “Follow me,” he said quietly. I felt myself responding to his aura of manliness even as I tried to ignore it. Quickly he turned into a doorway, which put us in a small room with a table in the center and chairs on opposite sides. “You may sit down,” he said as he pulled one of the chairs out for himself. I took the opposite chair, feeling uncomfortable because of the “interrogation room” feeling of the place.
When we were seated, LTJG Krakowsky (pictured) seemed to relax and become more human. His medium brown eyes looked across into my blues and he smiled broadly. I felt a twitch in my groin. No! I screamed to myself. I must have looked strange because the lieutenant’s smile morphed into a sort of frown.
“Don’t be intimidated by the room,” he said quickly, then smiled again. “I’m not going to interrogate you.”
“Thank God!”
He chuckled. “I keep telling them this isn’t the best room to welcome our new personnel.” After that, he discussed all kinds of details with me about uniforms, what my benefits were, when I needed to report for duty or other required activities, and more. With large hands that made me wonder how big his dick might be, he handed me a few documents to sign and told me that I was going to report to the Budget Department the next day at 0800 to begin working. I was not completely successful at ignoring my attraction for this handsome, sexy, and kind man. He asked about my hometown and college experience and was particularly interested in the fact that I had played baseball at UNC. He informed me there’s an intramural baseball league on base I might like to get involved in. When I said I’d like that, he wrote down the name CDR Miller and his phone number for me. He also recommended I get over to the base gym asap to meet LTCDR Rodriguez, whose name and number he also wrote down.
At 1000, he took me to the mess hall for a cup of coffee and a cigarette. I’d only smoked a couple of times but didn’t want to be rude, so I took the one he offered. He shared that he was from Providence, Rhode Island, so we talked briefly about Newport. He’d gotten a bachelor’s degree in business administration two years before me so was familiar with finance. He told me he also lived at the BOQ but was about to move into an off-base apartment with a friend.
We got my uniforms and he helped me cart them back to the BOQ, showing me his room on the third floor while we were there. We had lunch at the mess hall and talked more about life in the Navy. I felt a little less freaked about being in this organization after hearing his opinion. He mentioned that you need to keep your private life private, which made me curious about his private life. He’d served two years at Pearl Harbor in support of the troops in the Pacific and had just arrived in Norfolk a few months back.
By the time we left the mess hall after lunch, I was completely infatuated with the attractive lieutenant. He took me by the Budget Department, where I met my supervisor CDR Anderson, a by-the-books type who impressed me as being very detail oriented and not very personable. I was shown my desk and met LTCDR Stockton, who would be my lead and work with me closely at first. He was quite nice and also an attractive guy. I was a bit concerned about working closely with him every day, but decided I had no choice but to learn how to ignore his attractiveness. He told me to relax this evening and be back at 0800 in the morning. On the way out, I was given an office key and a desk key by the secretary, a perky civilian with flowing brown hair who went by Fiona.
As we went outside, LTJG Krakowsky leaned close and put a hand on my shoulder, making me shudder from repressed desire. “You need to be careful with her and other young women on base. A handsome guy like you with a good career in the Navy is considered quite a catch, so the girls can be a bit aggressive.”
He called me handsome! Calm down, Jody! Do not lean into him!
“Don’t worry about me. I’m very careful with girls.” If you only knew, I thought.
He squeezed my shoulder and said, “That’s great!”
He walked me to the base hospital where he deposited me in a waiting room behind a door marked “Induction.” He told me I had an appointment in a few minutes for simple tests and an exam.
“That’s it for me, ensign,” he concluded. “I’ve enjoyed meeting you and hanging out today. Any time you need a friend, knock on my door.”
“Thanks, lieutenant. You’ve been very helpful today.”
“Stop by before dinner soon. We’ll have a bite and check on your progress.”
“I will!” I promised. We shook hands, then saluted, and he departed. It was twenty minutes before my cock had returned to its flaccid state.
Luckily I was flaccid when escorted into an examination room for a routine physical which include the “drop ‘em and cough” command every guy detests. I was grateful the physician was an old civilian who could have been my grandfather and who carried about 100 pounds more than his ideal weight. So, he was able to handle my goods without causing one bit of tingle in my balls. There was a bit of a tingle, however, when a cute redheaded nurse named LT Harry McGraff rubbed my elbow and held my wrist while drawing what seemed like a pint of blood. The prick of the needle was an effective restraint to my own special prick, let me tell you!
An hour and a half later, I was done at the hospital and walking back to the BOQ when I heard someone call out, “Ensign DiFranco!”
I turned to see LTJG Krakowski hurrying up behind me, a big smile on his gorgeous face. “Lieutenant!” I cried out, my enthusiasm boiling over a little too much in my voice.
I saluted as did he. When he was standing beside me, he asked if I was going home.
I laughed and said, “Such as it is!”
He laughed, too. “My sentiments exactly. Walk with me.”
Side by side, we strolled down a wide walkway leading to the BOQ, my cock itching in my skivvies and my heartbeat a little faster than before. He pointed out some of the buildings along our way and talked a little more about his time in Hawaii. As we were coming up to the BOQ entrance, he said, “Why don’t you come by my room about 5:45 and we’ll go to chow together? I’ll introduce you to a couple of my friends. Okay?”
“Let me check my social calendar and see if I’m free,” I grinned.
“Uh-oh, has that tart Fiona gotten her claws into you already?”
We both laughed. “Not today,” I said, “but I expect her to go after me hard tomorrow.”
“Perhaps you should stop by my room in the morning, so we can fit you with a chastity belt before you report for duty!”
We both laughed harder, although I wondered if he often went around suggesting that he get guys fitted for a chastity belt.
“Aye, aye, sir!” I said with a salute. “I’ll follow your orders, Sir!”
My beautiful, hunky companion giggled and murmured softly, “Ummm. That’s certainly good to know!”
We walked up a couple of steps and entered the lobby of the BOQ. We took the stairs and, with a quick “See you later!” I went into the second-floor corridor while he went up to the third floor.
A couple of hours later, I tapped on Krakowsky’s door as instructed. He seemed very happy to see me. When I snapped off a salute, he returned it, but noted it wasn’t necessary in such a casual situation. He invited me in and offered me a beer before dinner. When I hesitated, he grinned and said, “The proper response to an invitation from your first friend on base is ‘Of course, Sir!’”
I grinned. “Of course, LT Krakowsky, Sir!”
He laughed and opened the mini-fridge to pull out two Buds. We chatted about music – he loved the Eagles, the Supremes, the Righteous Brothers, England Dan & John Ford Coley, Dusty Springfield, and Hall and Oates. My favorites were the Doobie Brothers, the Bee Gees, the Carpenters, Olivia Newton-John, America, and Earth, Wind, and Fire. Though we had different favorites, we found we generally liked each other’s list, too. He asked me more about my baseball career. I didn’t mention our motivational point system but talked about being a walk-on and getting a scholarship mostly for my batting skills.
“Oh, Vern will love you!” he exclaimed.
“Oh, that’s Commander Miller. He’s a detective in the Military Police on base but is also the coach of one of the baseball teams. It’s our premier team that usually beats all the others. A good hitter is a real asset, right?”
“Well, you can’t win a game without some scoring,” I said.
“Well spoken! We’ll get you hooked up with the commander real soon. I think their first games are just a week or two away.”
“Probably,” I agreed. “Can I ask a question?”
“You just called the commander by his first name. Do you call him that directly, I mean, to his face?”
Krakowsky looked as if I’d caught him in a big faux pas. “Yes, but I need to explain. CDR Miller and I have several friends in common, so we’ve partied together several times. We’ve been on a couple of weekend pleasure cruises with a dozen guys. When you know a superior officer really well from off-base and become friends, he may give you permission to dispense with the formalities. But we all know that is only in very friendly situations when others are not present. On that basis, I goofed when I referred to him as Vern in front of you. Make sense?”
“Oh, yeah,” I said. “So, I can’t refer to you by your given name, which I don’t think I know anyhow, unless you tell me I can, right?”
He laughed heartily. “Technically, I am your superior officer, but the difference here is pretty little. Anyhow, yes, in principle, that’s how it works.”
“Okay, lieutenant.”
“Brandon,” he said.
“Sir?” I knew what he was doing but wanted to make him be explicit.
“That’s my name and, unless you come back to Personnel, you can always call me that because we are now drinking buddies and personal friends.”
I smiled. “I’m very glad to hear that. Brandon.”
He stood and moved toward me, so I stood, too. He took the empty bottle from my hand and set both bottles on the counter. “Let’s go get some good ole Navy grub.”
Brandon steered us to a 4-top table with two guys already seated there. As we put down our trays, I started to salute, but Brandon pulled my hand down by placing his on my forearm. For several seconds he held my arm down at my side while he introduced me. Both guys stopped eating to look up at me as Brandon talked. They smiled and said they were glad to meet me. Next, Brandon introduced the guy on the right as “Lieutenant Gordon Heron, better known as Blade.” Blade extended his hand and we shook as Brandon said, “We call him Blade because he’s the best fencer on base, so don’t get in front of him when he is wielding his sword!”
That could have two meanings, I thought. My one-track mind immediately reminded me I might like to be in front of him when he is wielding his big sword!
The guy on the right was an exotic-looking man with tawny eyes, wavy black hair, coarse features, and skin that was a medium brown with some reddish undertones coming through. “This is Lieutenant Scott Jefferson,” Brandon said. Scott grasped my hand and shook energetically. His hand was so large it almost swallowed up my hand. Big black cock, I thought as my own cock twitched.
Over dinner I learned that Blade was a Civil Engineer in the Facilities Department, originally from Scottsdale, Arizona, was an alumnus of the University of Arizona, and was going to be sharing an apartment with Brandon at the beginning of March. Scott turned out to be a fellow Carolinian, having grown up on the Cherokee reservation only 15 or 20 miles from Sylva. He’d gotten a BS in Criminal Justice from the University of Tennessee and was an MP on base.
you know CDR Miller?” I asked.
“Sure. I work with him.”
“Oh, great. I need to speak to him.”
Scott looked surprised. “Oh?”
“Are you already in trouble?” Blade asked with a chuckle.
“No,” Brandon said.
“No,” I said. “I want to see about getting onto his baseball team.”
“Awesome!” Scott smiled and showed me his straight white teeth. “I’m an outfielder on his team. What position?”
“My position in college was shortstop, but I would love to be the designated hitter, if we are using them in base intramurals yet.”
“Hmm,” Scott thought for a moment. “We haven’t had a designated hitter, but I’m not sure we couldn’t. It’ll be interesting to see if the intramural committee would allow it. Anyhow, it’d be great to have you on the team. We practice Monday and Thursday from 1630 to 1830 at the diamond behind the gym. Just be there on Thursday.”
I was very happy to hear about that. Perhaps the Navy would be an okay life, after all.
The next day I began to acclimate to my duties in the Budget Department, finding LTCDR Stockton to be a considerate and helpful supervisor. He showed me around, showed me the Navy manuals (a whole row of them), and gave me the files for the departments whose budget I would be responsible to develop and maintain. Stockton had dirty blonde hair, a receding hairline, and a killer cleft chin that made him a little more cute than handsome, but his piercing blue eyes drilled into mine as he instructed me on the situations I needed to be aware of. I got distracted from the information he was giving me a few times as I felt a flutter in my tummy or a jiggle in my scrotum. Down, boy!
I was assigned three departments: Warehousing, Recreation, and Personnel. I thought there might be a few perks related to Recreation so was pleased with that assignment. It might give me a good “in” when I met the sexy-sounding LTCDR Rodriguez, who ran the base gym. Having Personnel’s budget might lead to more interactions with my number one friend, Brandon, so that was awesome. I was more neutral about Warehousing until I envisioned a whole crew of buffed hunks throwing heavy boxes around. When one of the boxes transmogrified into me, I wondered if I could actually get through a tour of duty without doing something to give my secret desires away. I shook my head and went back to reading about Personnel.
I explained to Stockton that I was going to join the baseball team and he asked when they practice. I told him and he suggested I make Fiona aware of my schedule, but noted that under normal circumstances we knock off at 1600 hours anyway so it didn’t interfere. When I talked with her later, Fiona batted her lovely brown eyes at me so much I thought I could feel a breeze. She smiled like she was auditioning for a Pepsodent commercial. And she touched my arm three times in a two-minute conversation. I thought Brandon had given me good advice about keeping a distance from this horny chick.
That afternoon I went to the gym, where I met LTCDR Rodriguez, who was a handsome Hispanic man about an inch shorter than me but with much bigger muscles. He showed me around leisurely, displaying his 19” biceps and thighs that looked as big as my waist as we walked through the facility. He noted that a lot of personnel would take time off during the day for a workout so they could avoid early morning and evening peak use times. “Just clear it with your CO and you’re fine.” Several times as we walked through the facility, I got distracted by his meaty ass or the bulge in his gym shorts or his sexy smile. Once again, I questioned if I would be able to keep my attractions under wraps as I knew I must.
Thursday, I raced to the gym to change into my baseball workout clothes for my first practice session. Scott was already on the field when I approached the area where six or eight guys were tossing balls or taking practice swings. He jogged over to meet me, extending his hand in a sort of lengthy handshake. “Great to see you again, Jody,” he said with a big smile. “Let me introduce you to the commander,” he added, putting his hand on my arm and guiding me to a very strong-looking man a couple of inches taller than me and eight or ten years older. “Commander Vern Miller,” Scott said in an authoritative, masculine voice. Body hair was prevalent on his arms and torso, even showing a bit on his neck at the collar to his shirt. His feet, hands, and nose were bigger than most, so I had that pesky question in my mind: Is his cock big, too? As we talked briefly, I could tell he was checking me out and I wondered if he was interested in my body as any coach would be or as Coach Stan had been. I met several other guys who seemed polite and friendly, so the whole session was interesting and fun, too. In spite of being rusty, my performance was above par for the team, so I thought I had a shot at doing well during our season. When practice ended, Miller called me over to welcome me to the Destroyers.
After supper, Scott demanded that Brandon and Blade join us at the Officers’ Club for celebratory drinks. Brandon said he was happy to come if the drinks were celebratory and not celibatory. I shook my head and couldn’t stop myself from thinking it seemed Brandon never missed a chance for a sexual reference. Don’t read anything into that! I thought. All guys think about sex every few seconds, not just gay ones.
After the first round of drinks, the guys were feeling quite relaxed, apparently, as the conversation became exceedingly dirty with lots of penis jokes, pussy jokes, and sex jokes. For half a round of beers, we discussed butt-chugging, which none of us had done, and only Blade had actually ever heard of before. Both Blade and Scott seemed intrigued by the idea of “rectal drinking”, but it just sounded nutty to me. We did all agree it was not a suitable activity for the Officers’ Club but might be interesting to try at a private party sometime. When I was back in my private room later that night, I beat off to the image of my three hunky friends with tubes up their asses as I emptied kegs of beer into their nether regions. I couldn’t cum because I got to laughing too much. I calmed down and then used the memory of Len fucking me to finish the job. I’m beginning to wonder if I am irredeemably perverted.
To be continued...
Posted: 04/02/2021