Jody, the Team, and the Navy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 10
Phil and Blake Keller lived about 10 minutes away from our dorm on the opposite side of the campus in a very well-appointed garage apartment at the home of a couple of UNC professors who went out of town frequently. On this weekend the owners were attending a professional conference in Chicago, so we would have the premises all to ourselves. The premises consisted of the main house, a 2-story Tudor that must have had five or six thousand square feet of space, a 3-car garage with the boys’ apartment above it, a medium-sized in-ground swimming pool, and a hot tub that seated six easily. High fences and lots of trees in the back yard assured us of complete privacy around the pool.
The apartment was reached via a staircase on the far side of the driveway where a long porch covered the end of the garages. Inside was a very comfortable open area with living room, dining area, and kitchen in one big room. A short hall led to two bedrooms large enough to hold queen-sized beds, dressers, and desks. Each bedroom had a large closet and bath as well.
Phil Keller was 6’2” with a swimmer’s trim body and a handsome face, light brown eyes, and curly light brown hair that he wore long enough to give him ringlets like a young boy. He wore cutoff jeans that revealed hairy, well-formed legs to go with hairy well-formed arms and a hairy well-formed chest as seen through the tight knit shirt with four open buttons below the neck. Phil also had a well-formed lump in his cutoffs that drew my attention immediately. He was 22 years old, a master’s student in the Chemistry Department, and a former outfielder. He had a ready smile that showed beautiful teeth and suggested a nice personality.
brother Blake (pictured) was two years younger with a slightly more muscular
build than Phil. Their coloring was identical except that Blake’s eyes were
blue. They were equally hairy, to my delight. Blake was a junior in Chemistry
and was the starting catcher on the baseball team last year. He wore a similar
pair of cutoffs with a suggestive lump in them, too. Above the cutoffs, Blake
wore a pale blue body-hugging tank top that showed his erect nipples to great
effect. I hoped we would be on the same team in the spring.
invited to dinner was Phil and Blake’s younger brother Hal, an 18-year-old who
had similar sexy looks. He was a freshman in Geology still living at the family
home in nearby Durham. Hal was a bit thinner and not quite as muscular since he
was more artistic and less athletic. He had played trombone in the high school
band and had won a small part in a play that would open at the university
theater in a few weeks. He would be a chorus member in a production of “West
Side Story” and was very excited about his dramatic debut. Of course, we
promised to come to see him perform. Hal was clad in white tennis shorts and a
yellow tee shirt with information about a Righteous Brothers’ tour all over it.
Luckily, it, too, was tight enough to leave no doubt that the youngest brother
had good pecs and a flat tummy.
Before dinner, we were invited to enjoy the pool, so we changed into five pairs of the brothers’ swimsuits which turned out to be bikinis in various colors. We took a rather quick dip in the pool as the water was a bit cool at this point in the year. We moved to deck chairs set up to catch the afternoon sun while Phil brought beers for everyone. I fought to keep from getting an erection since I was surrounded by four very sexy young men in tiny suits that bulged provocatively in all the right places. The Keller boys were all quite handsome and sexy and, of course, Len (pictured) was unparalleled in his exquisite masculinity and desirability. When my dick threatened to burst out of its confining swimsuit, I turned onto my belly on the chair. It was then that I noticed the Kellers taking notice of my butt. I wondered if I would get to enjoy their cocks during the evening or if this would just be conversation, food, and drink.
When the afternoon sunlight began to fade, Blake suggested we return to the apartment. I was pleased that Phil walked with his arm around my waist as we went up the stairs. When we got to the apartment door, his hand patted my butt cheek a couple of times before he removed his arm from around me. That gave me some assurance that the evening’s agenda included the action I craved.
We stayed in our swimming trunks as Phil and Blake made supper, which consisted of a garden salad, chicken breasts Phil grilled on the porch, brown rice, and a vegetable medley of yellow squash, zucchini, and carrot strips. They served a delicious white wine with the meal and we conducted a high-energy, wide-ranging conversation as we ate. All three of the brothers were charming, good-natured, and intellectually stimulating. I was seated with Blake to my left side while Phil sat at the end of the table on my right side. Frequently during the meal, Blake touched my knee or thigh as we talked. Phil’s knee often fell against mine under the table. He also put his hand on my arm several times. Across the table from me, I could look deeply into the lovely Hal’s eyes whenever I chose, which was often.
After the meal, Blake suggested we could have dessert later. Phil escorted Len and me to the sofa while Hal and Blake cleared the table and tidied up the kitchen. Phil got us fresh glasses of wine and brought out a few hand-rolled joints. Lighting one, he took a drag before handing it to Len, who took a deep toke and then held the joint to my mouth. I toked on it and leaned back into the cushions. The three of us were feeling good by the time the others returned from the kitchen. They took a few hits to get caught up and then we were all in a very relaxed mood.
Somehow, we all became naked, the three brothers sitting side by side on the sofa, erections in their hands. Len pulled me down onto my knees in front of them and I took the nearest plump cock into my mouth. In the distance I heard moans as I swallowed the horny hardness. Hands lifted me to a different but similar cock and I took it into my warmth. When I was content drawing it into my throat, I was shifted again to a third similar cock. Before I was done with this cock, I was lifted and carried into one of the bedrooms and laid on my back in the center of the bed.
Naked men surrounded my body, lifting my legs until my feet appeared in my peripheral vision, where they were held. A body moved over me and a cock found my mouth while fingers found my hungry asshole. More shifting and a new cock was dropped into my throat. Fingers greased my hole, forcing my sphincter to relax and opening my deepest part to their every whim. I wanted them all. My prostate was rubbed sensuously as I whimpered, thrashed about, and moaned. My nerve endings became hypersensitized; my cock drooled ample precum. Cocks rotated through my mouth and fingers worked me for a long time. Once, a cock was taken away and a joint placed between my lips. I puffed a couple of times and it was removed to be replaced by another hard slab of manhood.
I was lifted, flipped over and placed face-down on the bed, my gasping mouth falling onto a turgid throbber as fingers found my asshole again. I opened my throat and accepted the cock offered to me, but the fingers were soon withdrawn. A hand on the back of my head kept me firmly impaled on the exciting cock in my mouth. Soon a cockhead kissed my asshole, pressing against me until I granted entry. The hard flesh pole impaled my body, bringing with it an instant of sharp pain that made the pleasures to come more amazing by comparison. I moaned in contentment as the big cock slid down my fuck-chute to stake its claim to my ass. After a momentary pause, its owner began to pull back and thrust forward rhythmically and I began to moan constantly.
My possessor gave me a serious fuck for a while before he sped up his thrusts, cried out, and came inside my clutching ass. He pulled out and was replaced with a fresh cock ready to continue the destruction of my anus. During this second fuck, the cock in my mouth exploded in a tasty spray of creamy juices giving me my first taste of cum for the day. Hmm, it was a familiar taste. When I pulled off the wonderful lollypop, I vaguely recognized Len’s cock and torso. My ass was having a wonderful time as the second fuck picked up speed and power, driving me insane with need before dousing my guts with another load of Keller jizz. He was immediately replaced by the third cock and I was pounded into the mattress for several minutes before this cock swelled and rammed to the hilt as it contributed a bunch of long spurts to the giant load I was carrying in my hole. When this cock withdrew, a warm towel gently mopped up the jizz seeping out of me. I was pulled higher on the bed until I lay across Len’s body. Temporarily, my exhaustion tempered my need to ejaculate. Len wrapped his arms around me and held me tenderly while the others disappeared for a moment. Soon, I was pulled out of Len’s embrace and carried into the bathroom where I was put into a hot bathtub. The wet heat soothed my body, taking with it the slight ache in my asshole and making me feel fresh and more energetic.
While I soaked, the others cycled through the shower to freshen up, too. When they had finished, Len and Hal lifted me out of the tub and took me into the shower for a quick rinse. Later, we wrapped towels around our loins and joined Phil and Blake in the living room, where we all enjoyed brownies covered in bourbon sauce and vanilla ice cream. Even after a substantial dinner, everyone seemed to enjoy the dessert very much. Following the dessert, everyone had a beer or glass of wine as we talked.
“I’m very impressed with you, Jody,” Phil said, patting my knee through the towel to emphasize his words. “I can’t believe you could take us all on so comfortably after only a few weeks of experience.”
I wasn’t sure whether he was insinuating that I’m a slut or meant it all as a compliment, but I decided to act as though it was meant kindly. So, I smiled and said, “Thanks, Phil.”
“He’s been doing very well with our suitemates and me, too,” Len added.
“Well,” Hal gushed, “I am amazed at how tight your ass is!”
“Uhm, thanks, I guess,” I responded.
Blake chuckled and added, “Yes, little brother, Jody has a very fine asshole. Talented, too.”
“After all that,” Phil said, “how are you feeling?”
“I’m good, thanks. To be honest, when we finished, my ass was a little sore, but the hot bath seemed to really take out the soreness. I feel great now. Thanks, guys, for being nice to me and for giving me so much great sex tonight.”
“Did you get all you want?” Blake asked.
Was he about to suggest we fuck some more? I realized I could enjoy another round if they were up for it. “That’s an interesting question,” I said with a grin. “Being with four great-looking, masculine, well-hung, and nice guys like you has made this a great evening. Right now I’m very happy and contented; however, I would also be glad to have more time with your cocks.”
Phil and Blake laughed. “Well put,” Phil stated.
“So, would you like some more fucking?” Len asked me pointedly.
“Yes, I would,” I admitted shyly.
“Jody,” Blake said, “you’ve been so great already, I have a special treat I want to give you before we work over your butt hole any more.”
I had no idea what he was talking about, but noticed Len’s eyebrows rise in surprise.
“Are you sure, Blake?” Len asked.
Blake smiled. “I want to give it a try.”
“Okay,” Len nodded. Turning toward me, Len said, “Jody, why don’t you get on your knees with your face over the back of the couch?”
Still clueless, I did as Len suggested, laying my head on top of my hands which were doubled on the sofa back. Someone pulled my towel from my waist and I felt hands on my buns, gently rubbing them in a sort of caressing massage that felt both relaxing and sensuous. After a few moments, lips brushed my butt cheek. No one had ever kissed me there before. It was tender, loving, and quite erotic. Several more kisses followed and then the loving mouth moved to my other cheek where several additional kisses were given. Involuntarily, I moaned a couple of times from a combination of desire from the sweet, loving nature of the kisses and the anticipation of more probing, stretching action I expected to follow soon. I appreciated the gentleness and tenderness implicit in Blake’s kisses, which seemed very unusual and, therefore, quite meaningful. His special treat was indeed very special. His kisses slowly moved around on my buns as his hands massaged my fleshy orbs. Sometimes he pulled my buns apart and I felt a twinge of need for cock. Suddenly, I felt something so intense I screamed out, “Oh! Yes!” I didn’t know exactly what was happening, but I felt a feather-light moist, soothing – what? – brush? – across my anus. I almost convulsed from the intensity of the sensation. Before I fully recovered from the shock of the unexpected touch, it happened again. But this time the light brush was followed with a heavy touch, a … oh, my God! … a lick! I could discern a tongue tracing the outline of my sphincter, igniting a fire in my loins that was more than I’d experienced before. When I understood that Blake’s special treat was to kiss and lick my asshole, I was overwhelmed by the erotic aspect of this unimagined act. Damn, this was a wild thing and the feelings it was generating in me had never happened before. They were unprecedented and so intense my conscious mind couldn’t quite process them. His lips kissed the edges of my hole and his tongue focused its attention at the opening as it tickled and caressed my pulsating flesh. His incredible tongue circled and rubbed, pushed against me and relaxed, wiggled and jiggled. My cock went from relaxed to hard in sixty seconds but went to super-stiff thirty seconds later. Then it went to swollen and edged toward bursting. My anus felt alive for the first time in my life, like a whole colony of ants was scurrying around, darting in and out, having a party. “Oh!” I moaned, unable to form even a simple word like “damn” or “god” or “yes.” My moaning went all the way into whimpering as the unbelievable tongue worked magic on my hole. My hole was so relaxed I almost didn’t understand what had happened when the tongue worked into my body, passing through my sphincter, pushing it open from the inside. My synapses were overheating as sensation after sensation went shooting up my body like electrical current free to roam anywhere it wants. Inscrutably, I felt fear, not because I was being hurt, but because my body was reacting so strongly to the sensory input, I feared my heart might give out or my brain might fry. I whimpered and gasped and panted, fidgeting like never before. Armed with nothing more sinister than saliva, Blake worked me over until I wanted to beg him to stop, but, incongruously, just as powerfully, I wanted to beg him never to stop. After the initial piercing of my anal defenses, Blake’s tongue took on the force of a small ramrod, pushing into me and scouring the inner surface of my sphincter with unbelievable power and strength. When at last he gave my entire being some relief by retracting his tongue and taking his lips back to himself, I lay, collapsed against the sofa back, puffing to draw in sufficient oxygen, tears running down my cheeks, and cock pointing out beneath my body so hard the skin covering my all-time biggest erection actually hurt.
“Holy shit!” somebody said behind me. “Damn, Blake, that’s hot!”
“It was fun, too,” Blake said. “I love to eat an appreciative ass and there’s no question this one likes to be eaten.”
“Well, if you’re through,” another person said, “move it, ‘cause I have a dick that needs to fuck that drippy ass now.”
There were sounds of movement behind me and I felt the more familiar feeling of a cockhead against my hole, pushing forward until its girth broke through and the crown slid through on its way into me. The shaft was greased up and passed into me easily and I was very, very grateful. I moaned loudly again as the rhythmic slap of balls against my ass could be heard. “Oh, fuck me!” I begged. “Please!” For perhaps ten minutes I was expertly pounded by Phil while my dick slobbered copious amounts of precum onto the sofa. Then, my prostate seemed to send me over the edge and with little warning heavy cream began shooting out of my piss slit until the back and seat of the sofa were covered in my juices. Luckily, the sofa was covered in Naugahyde, which could easily be cleaned. Phil held his cock still in my bowels while I came. When my massive orgasm was finally completed, he resumed fucking me, giving me another ten-minute pounding before giving me the first load of this session. Following Phil, Blake plowed me for about twenty minutes before nutting, then Hal pumped me for sixteen or seventeen minutes before giving up his personal jism.
When his spent cock was withdrawn, Len’s familiar hands lifted me, turned me, and laid me on my back along the sofa seat. He pulled me to the end of the sofa and lifted my legs very high so that my rump came up from the sofa cushions. Pulling me gently forward, he lay my rump onto the arm of the sofa. Then he blessed me with a full insertion of his massive ass-stretcher. Of course, my ass was extremely relaxed at this point in the evening and his greater girth was no challenge for me then. He rewarded me with another twenty minutes of prime butt-fucking before he unloaded in my ass.
Len withdrew and a warm towel was pressed to my hole as four big loads of boycum began to flow out of my ass. I wanted to hold it all within me, tokens of our glorious fuckathon, but, of course, the capacity of my hole had been greatly exceeded so a half-pint of baby-makers needed to slide out.
After I was mopped up, I was put back into the tub for a few minutes’ soak before Len, Blake, and I curled up together in the bed. I slept like I was in a coma for the next nine hours.
To be continued...
Posted: 03/05/2021