Jody, the Team, and the Navy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 2
We were supposed to register for our rooms and for the camp on Wednesday afternoon. Garret and I left Charlotte at 1:30 for the 150-mile drive to Chapel Hill so we could find the dorm and get registered before 5:00. A couple of comely co-eds with big tits and low-cut blouses were working the registration table in the lobby of the athletic dorm, presumably to subliminally suggest that if we come here we’ll meet such girls. I’m sure the tactic works on most guys, but it did nothing much for me, although they were both very friendly and flirtatious to the max. Frankly I was much more interested in the half dozen guys loitering around the lobby.
Quickly, I scanned the row of guys with excitement. Stud # 1. Cute brunette in tank-top showing great arms and chest, wearing baggy cutoffs. Stud # 2. Curly brown hair and brown eyes, sleeveless plaid shirt open all the way to his waist showing seriously well-muscled hairy arms and chest, trimmed mustache on a handsome face, and, best of all, a significant bulge in tight white tennis shorts. My eyes feasted on this dude, who caught my eye and smiled at me. I blushed and tore my eyes away. Stud # 3. Similar-looking curly-haired guy (brother?) who looked a little older and also smiled at me, thus causing me to look further. Stud # 4. Tall, rather skinny guy with brown hair cut very close to his scalp and a two-inch scar on his right cheek that upped his macho score to me. He had nice legs below pastel blue Ocean Pacific shorts and his arms looked good outside a loose-fitting white tee. Stud # 5. Holy fuck!
first thing I saw was his shirtless chest, sculpted like a Greek god, hairless,
erect nipples, strong arms, a six-pack abdomen like you would see in a muscle
mag, and, nestled in a thin pair of Onionskin shorts, a lump that could only be
sizeable balls with a protrusion running along his hip almost to his side. When
I saw that, I knew without a doubt he was not only the sexiest young man I had
ever seen, but also one of the most endowed. I stared and stared, trying to
memorize every detail to use for fantasies for the rest of my life while the
bimbo at the table rambled on about the schedule she was handing Garret. I lost
track of where I was or what I was doing, maybe even who I was. I’m sure my jaw
had dropped at this unbelievable body presented as near nude as he could get
away with in that location. After a few seconds, I was aware of stirrings in my
own shorts and realized I had to look away immediately. But I couldn’t. Garret
was talking with the girl. She was giggling. I was getting harder. Finally, I
looked up to check out the guy’s face. Shit, he was beyond beautiful! Flawless
skin, sexy cleft chin, honey blonde hair a little long, chiseled jaw, piercing
blue eyes – oh, looking right at me! Fuck! I panicked. He smiled, looking
amused and self-satisfied like he was playing a game and winning. I tried to
look away, but there was nothing threatening in his countenance. He nodded
slightly to me in a long-distance hello, I thought. Something was clicking in
the back of my brain, a subconscious tickle that made me wonder if he reminded
me of someone, the boy at the pool when I was 14 perhaps? When he smiled again,
I realized he looked a lot like that pitcher from Garinger High, the one I’d
masturbated over a few hundred times. Fuck, the resemblance was uncanny and my
response to him was essentially the same.
Garret touched my arm and said, “Jody. Hey man.” I closed my mouth and pulled my eyes away from Stud # 5 to look at Garret. Without a word, he held out a key to me. I took the key and swiveled my head back to catch another second of looking at the dreamboat with the huge cock and balls. He was still smiling at me. Was he my high school fantasy? If he was, did he recognize me? The tall guy with the scar started to move toward us, but the guy on his other side put his hand on scar-guy’s arm and stopped him. They exchanged a look and Stud # 3, the older curly-haired guy, shook his head and said, “Let Len do it.” Then Curly reached behind Scar and tapped Gorgeous on the elbow. When he looked at Curly, Curly said, “This one is yours.” I wasn’t sure, but I thought he winked.
Scar settled back and Gorgeous grinned at Curly. He looked at me, pulled a white tank-top over his head and approached us as we turned away from the table and the girls focused on the guys behind us in line. He got nearer. My cock throbbed in my shorts. His eyes bore into me. He stopped a foot or so in front of us. I didn’t know if I was about to pee, shit, throw up, or cum. He turned his head a bit to look at Garret. Extending his arm, he smiled at my friend and held out his hand. Garret took his hand and they shook.
“Hi,” Gorgeous said in a sultry deep voice. “I’m Leonard Griffin, pitcher.”
Pitcher? My heart leapt.
“Garret Smithfield,” Garret said as they shook. “Third base.”
“Pleased to meet you and welcome to Chapel Hill.”
They dropped their handshake and Gorgeous turned to me. Holding out his arm, he smiled bigger than he had before. I took his hand in mine. It was larger than mine, strong, and slightly callused. “Len,” he said.
I was lost in his gaze again and now I was touching him! My cock throbbed in response to a pheromone overload. I had stopped breathing and the electrical shockwaves shooting up my arm from our grip were very distracting. I didn’t shake, just stood there with my hand in his. “And you are?” he asked in a smoky bedroom voice.
Reluctantly I came out of my trance. “Um, Jody,” I mumbled. “Jody Di Franco.”
“Hey, Jody,” he said as his voice caressed my eardrums. “So great to meet you!”
“You, too,” I almost moaned. He was just holding my hand. My cock throbbed into full erection in my shorts.
“What’s your room assignment?” he asked me.
“I don’t know,” I mumbled.
“203A,” Garret said.
“Come on. I’ll show you your room.” And with that we were off to the stairs where we went up a flight and then down a long hall, Len leading us, ass cheeks swiveling in the thin shorts as he walked. Len stopped in front of room 203. Garret unlocked the door and walked in. Len stood aside and indicated I should enter. We were in a modest-sized living room containing a couch and two easy chairs, a television, a small square dining table with four chairs, and a small kitchenette. The furniture was new, functional, and sturdy but not fancy.
“This is your home for the next four days,” Len said. “You’ll share this bedroom.” He pointed to a doorway on the right. “And two other guys will be in the second room. Let’s see if they’ve checked in yet.” He stepped into the other bedroom and announced. “You’re the first here. They should be checking in soon.”
Garret stepped into our room and said, “Cool.”
I followed Garret and saw he had chosen the nearest bed which had a set of sheets, pillow, and spread on it. By the time I’d brought my duffle bag in, he was sprawled out on top of the spread. I dropped my duffle on the other bed and turned toward the door where Len stood.
“There are two closets and the bathroom is the door in the center,” Len said. My gaze had dropped from his gorgeous face to his crotch, where he placed a hand and scratched his balls through the tissue-thin material. My breath caught. Belatedly realizing what I was doing, I tore my eyes from his crotch and looked quickly up at his face. Len had an amused smile and, as my eyes met his, he wiggled his eyebrows. I felt my face redden. “If you make the team, you’ll be assigned to this dorm,” he said seductively. “All the athletes are here.”
“So,” I said, “you live here?”
He smiled broadly. “I do. Want to see my room?” He winked.
Garret grunted, “Nah. I want to rest before dinner.”
“Okay,” Len responded. “Jody?”
I was estimating the thickness of his cock. “Huh?”
“Would you like to see my room?”
The idea of being alone with this lovely fantasy man almost overwhelmed me. It seemed like an imprudent move, but I wasn’t about to turn the opportunity down. Trying to keep my voice neutral and my dick under control, I said, “Okay.”
“Good. Garret,” Len called, “I’ll be back to get you guys at five minutes before six. Wear long pants and a shirt that covers your pits – no tank-tops or tees. Okay?”
“Okay,” Garret mumbled and rolled over to face the wall.
Len indicated with a nod for me to follow him. We walked through the living room and into the hallway. Before he closed the door, Len asked, “Got your key?”
I held it up so he could see.
“Good. I’m on the fourth floor,” he explained and took me down the hall in the opposite direction from where we’d come. At the end of the hall was a door marked “Stairs” which opened to a concrete stairwell. We went up two flights and then down the hall to room 404. He unlocked the door and stepped into the room. He held the door as I followed him inside. Then he closed the door.
Fundamentally, Room 404 was identical to Room 203, but this room featured some dishes on the little counter, a coffee pot, a stack of records and a sort of bookcase made from a combination of concrete blocks and boards. It held some books, but mostly was occupied by a record player and tuner. A warren’s nest of wires cluttered against the baseboard with individual wires snaking down the wall to tall speaker boxes that served double duty as either end tables or plant stands. The door closed behind me and my heart raced.
Lightly, Len rested a hand on my shoulder. Only inches from my ear, he spoke softly. “This is where you can usually find me if I’m not in class, working out, or at practice.”
“It’s nice,” I said weakly.
“Have a seat,” he said.
I moved across to the sofa, started to sit, and then veered off to sit in one of the easy chairs. It seemed safer than possibly sitting next to him. He sat at the end of the sofa nearest me. I studied his feet, afraid to look any higher. His feet were bigger than mine and looked sexy in his sandals.
“Jody,” he said gently. “I know your secret.”
Huh? My secret? My stomach churned and my heart thudded in my chest. “Wha-at?”
“I know you have a very strong attraction to me. And that’s okay.”
“I’m not…” I didn’t finish the sentence.
“Oh, but I think you are. You haven’t come to grips with it yet and it terrifies you, but you know you respond to a sexy guy like me.”
He said that so matter-of-factly it was clear he wasn’t bragging, just stating the truth as he saw it. And he was absolutely right about me. But I couldn’t admit it. Then he would have me and could beat me up or tell everybody else or…
“Look,” he continued in a sweet, caring voice. “I know. I understand. I’m not that way myself, but I know it’s true for some guys, good guys who deserve respect and friendship the same as any hetero guy.”
I squirmed, upset by the truth in his assessment of me and by my erection straining against my shorts.
“I like you, Jody, and I would like to be your first friend at UNC. I know you have these confusing feelings, but they don’t have to ruin your life.”
Ruin my life? I stared at him, speechless. Fuck!
“They don’t. You just need a way to handle your needs without letting people know you’re this way.” He smiled warmly. “You’re a very good-looking guy and will have all the girls and all the queers in a dither when they meet you. However, if you’re going to have an easy time here and especially on the team, you can’t be open about it. It’s crucial you find a guy who can give you what you need in private, without other guys finding out.”
“But, I can’t …”
“Sure you can. Jody, I’ve met a few guys who want to have sex with me.”
I was shocked at his openness.
Just above a whisper, he said, “And, to tell you the truth, I love getting a blow job.”
My face got hot. I dropped my gaze to his crotch which he was touching.
“I know you want to do that, too, Jody.” He paused and I couldn’t look away from his hand slowly rubbing his cock. “You know, man, we could have a really good thing here. I need to shoot my load three times a day and you need my cock, don’t you? It’s a perfect situation. Just you and me. No one else involved. No one else knowing how we help each other.” I felt like I was being hypnotized.
“I, uh, I don’t know.” Just the idea of touching his spectacular throbber made me so hard I thought I might shoot right then. But fear stopped me, I think.
“Well, my friend, maybe you need to think about it.”
“I’ve, uh, never …”
“That’s no matter. The fact is you want to. You want to so much! I know,” he said in a soothing voice. “Jody, it’s more than what you want. It’s what you need. Isn’t it?”
Maybe, I thought. I don’t know what I need.
“You need my cock, Jody. And I need you, too. I need your tongue licking my hard cock. I need to slide it between those pretty lips of yours. I need to feel your mouth around my dick, sucking it until it gives up its ultimate gift.” He gripped his cock through his Onionskins. That showed me it was rock hard, unusually long, and impressively thick. “Jody, I want to give you my cock to learn with, to find your true self, to make your fantasy come true.”
“I don’t know …”
“Think about it this evening, Jody. You know where I am. If you want to see my cock, to feel it, to experience it, just come back tonight after the event. I’ll save it for you.”
Fuck! How could I pass up the ultimate fantasy? But if I did what he was suggesting, it would prove to him … and to me … that I really am queer. A queer. Cock-sucker. How could I come back later tonight?
How could I not?
“I know you don’t want to admit it to yourself, but, man, it’s the truth. You need cock and my cock needs you. My roommates aren’t here so no one will know if you come back. The door will be unlocked. All you have to do is walk in. No one will ever know. But you’ll know. You’ll know how a big hard cock feels in your hand, in your mouth. That fantasy you’ve had since our high school teams played will come true.”
Shocked, I stared with wide eyes at him. He remembered me!
“You didn’t think I forgot, did you? Even then, year before last, I saw how distracted you were when I pitched to you. I knew then what you wanted, what you needed. I would have given it to you then if you had asked.” He smiled. “Go back to your room. Get a shower. Beat off thinking about my cock. Get dressed for dinner. I’ll pick you up at 5:55.”
I just stared at him. He stood up, cock stretched across his hip and pushing out the front of his shorts obscenely. He took a couple of steps toward me, stopping in front of me, cock right at face level. He held his hands down toward me. I took them and he pulled me to my feet. “Now, go!”
As I
turned to head for the door, he swatted my ass suggestively. I left as quickly
as I could, holding my cock to keep it controlled. Fortunately, no one was in
the hallway or the stairwell and I made it back to Room 203 without being seen.
The door to the other room was closed and I could hear faint voices beyond. In our room, Garret was sleeping (pictured), so I quickly found my toiletry bag and fresh underwear and locked myself in the bathroom. The shower spray felt soothing to my tense muscles and I whipped out a load in about 90 seconds, imagining the huge, hard manliness Len would give me later! When I came, I pumped a lot of shots right onto the tile floor and watched the swirls of cum as they circled the drain and disappeared out of sight. God, it felt awesome! As I lathered up and began showering, my cock stayed insistent as I considered the amazing offer I’d just received. Len seemed to suggest we could have a regular arrangement if I attended UNC. If I was having regular sex with the most gorgeous guy in the world, I figured I could ignore any other guy, no matter how cute he might be. This would be a way to be fulfilled sexually without having to face the embarrassment, disrespect, bullying, and general nastiness that might come from other people finding out my secret. Before turning off the shower, I whipped out a second quick load in hopes that my cock would be easier to control during the evening.
I folded some toilet paper and stuck it on the end of my dick to soak up those pesky oozings that often happen after a big orgasm. I slid my still semi-erect penis into my briefs, held my towel casually so it hid my crotch from view, and opened the door. Garret was awake and stripped to his briefs. Ordinarily that would have been exciting to me, but not now. He hurried past me and shut the bathroom door. Maybe my lack of interest in Garret’s nice body was a good omen that focusing my desires on Len might really work.
To be continued...
Author’s Note: I am enjoying adding photos to Jody’s story and I hope you enjoy them, too. If you haven’t noticed already, I’m sure you will notice that many of the fellows shown in the pictures are not dressed as they might have been in 1970. Hair styles, beards, and such are not always consistent with the times, either. I have found it challenging to find enough photos from the 1970’s to be able to stick closely to those styles. On occasion you may also notice pictures of the same character show some differences in facial or body features. I’ve tried to make these variations as subtle as possible and still provide fun, sexy photos for your enjoyment. To the extent you can be a little forgiving of the photos, I think you will enjoy them more.
Jody has lots of torrid adventures to experience during this series, so please stay with us and have a great time!
Kenneth Kirk
Posted: 02/05/2021