Hustler at the Capitol
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 9
Once we had our camp set up, we gathered our supplies and walked down to the camp rest room to take showers before dinner. Only one guy was inside at the time, but he was definitely worth seeing as he dried off before dressing and heading out.
was able to carry on a coherent conversation with this hunk of muscle, but I was
deathly afraid that he would understand my attraction if I tried to interact, so
I just said hello and went on into the shower. He and Mike chatted for a few
minutes before the man left and Mike took his shower in the stall beside me. We
were done, dressed, and headed back to the Green River Café within 30 minutes.
We had a pleasant dinner, served by a no-nonsense pioneer type named Agnes. Over dessert (rhubarb pie for Mike and apple pie for me), I asked Mike what he thought he would be doing in the future.
“Some of that depends on my girlfriend Barb.”
“How so?”
“We haven’t seen each other in over a year, so I can’t be sure how well things will go when we are together again.” He cut off a bite of the pie and put it into his mouth, smiling at the flavor.
I thought about what he said for a moment before I spoke. “To be honest, never having had a serious girlfriend or boyfriend, I can’t really imagine being separated so long from someone you love.”
He nodded and swallowed. “It’s not easy, man. Sometimes I can’t quite remember what it was like to hug her or kiss her. Even the sound of her voice is fuzzy in my memory.”
“How long were you together before you shipped out?”
“We’ve known each other since grade school, but dated for about two and a half years in high school. Being good Mormon kids, we couldn’t have sex so we were content with some heavy petting and some rather good mutual masturbation.”
“You’re a Mormon?” I wasn’t sure why that fact surprised me.
“Yep. I come from a good Mormon family, so my ‘walk on the wild side’ was especially heinous, I guess.”
I chuckled.
“Actually,” he said as he swallowed another bite of pie, “I don’t really believe all the Mormon stuff anyway. It always seemed like somebody’s fantasy to me.”
Agnes placed the bill carefully between us and I pulled it into the area in front of me. As I chewed a mouthful of the cinnamony sweet apples, I realized we’d gotten away from my original question to Mike. “So, how are your plans different if things go well with Barb versus if they don’t go well?”
He grinned. “I’m going on 23 now and it’s time to get married and start raising my passel of blonde babies.”
I snickered.
“So, if everything goes well, I plan to propose to Barb. We would probably get married next summer.”
“Cool.” I extracted my Master Card from my wallet. “So, what if things don’t go well with Barb?”
“I’ll tell you in the car,” he said as he took his last bite of the pie.
We were silent for a few minutes as we finished our desert and emptied our drinks.
“If things don’t go well with Barb…?” I prodded when the car doors were closed and the engine started.
“You remember I said I don’t really believe the Mormon stuff anymore, right?”
“I actually have a dream of becoming an actor, which I think I will try if Barb and I don’t make it.”
I smiled and almost shouted, “I think you’d be very successful. You’re so handsome.”
“Thanks, Art. Unfortunately, there are a million handsome guys in Hollywood, so there needs to be more. But I acted in high school and also while I was in the Army. I got some pretty good reviews.” He chuckled. “And, of course, hustling requires being a pretty good actor, too.”
I started to laugh and then stopped. “So, are you saying you’re acting like you and I are friends?”
“Oh, no!” He put his hand on my knee. “No! I never did need to act with you. I liked you from the start.”
I felt a flood of relief. “Thank God,” I said.
“I mean it, dude. I had to act with the old, fat, smelly guys, but never with you. I was always 100% real. I promise.”
“Okay,” I said as I turned into the campground.
During the beautiful twilight we strolled along the river for a long while, eventually sitting on a park bench that faced the gently flowing waters. The moment was very peaceful and relaxing. It was also romantic.
“Can we keep in touch?” I asked timidly.
He smiled at me. “I’d like that. I’ll give you my address at my dad’s farm so you can write to me and let me know when you have a more permanent apartment.”
“What if you go to LA?”
“I’ll write to you from there.”
“Okay,” I smiled. “Are you ready to turn in?”
“Sure,” he smiled back.
A few minutes later, we had stopped at the restroom and reached our campsite. He leaned over to step into the tent ahead of me, which gave me a wonderful view of his firm buns.
Inside we zipped up the flap since it was getting just a bit chilly as night set in. Silently, we stripped in the narrow confines of the pup tent, laying our clothes to opposite sides of the sleeping bag. When we were naked, we lay down with only a couple of inches separating our bodies. Being so close to this kind, beautiful, naked man, my dick began to fill with blood.
I rolled onto my side facing him. “Uhm, Mike,” I hesitated, shy all of a sudden. “Would it be okay if …”
He rolled over to face me, smiled, and put his hand on my cheek. “Whatever you want, Art. Anything.”
My heart leapt and my dirk lurched. I reached up to the side of his face and began to lean towards him. He met me in the middle and we shared a warm and tender kiss. I was sure there was more love in this kiss than lust. I felt as though something beautiful was flowing out of both our hearts to mix together all around us. It was magical!
For a while we were content with this display of deep affection. There was some slight caressing of our faces and necks, then, at some subtle signal, our tongues came alive and the kiss deepened and was soon roiling like water in a cook pot. I couldn’t stifle a moan and then another came, too. Mike gently pushed me onto my back, his body following until we were lying mouth to mouth, chest to chest, groin to groin. He certainly knew how to turn me on. He pulled away from our kiss to slide slowly down my body, tonguing my nips along the way, licking my abs, and finally enveloping my dripping dick into his awesome mouth.
Spectacular as his oral work was, it only made me want more. I spread my legs beneath him and he fondled my balls. “Oh, Mike,” I moaned as I reached into my little bag to locate the necessary accessory to our love-making. Soon, I was tapping him on the shoulder with the bottle of baby oil I had brought with just this situation in mind.
He took the bottle, pulled off my dick, and said quietly, “If that’s what you want…”
“Oh god, yes!”
I almost shot while his long fingers worked my hole to stretch it and grease it up for a painless entry. I whimpered and gasped during the whole preparation time, loving every second, torn between wanting him to never pull his fantastic fingers out of me and wanting his raging cock deep in me this instant. When he did pull his fingers back, he slipped back across my torso to re-engage my mouth just as the blunt end of his cock started pressing against my rosebud.
Mike entered me with virtually no pain, only the agony of accommodation as his cock split my asshole in two in order to tie us together in an age-old connection of bliss. Just like a plug into a socket allows for the smooth transfer of electrical energy, his cock in my ass allowed for a smooth transfer of sexual and psychic energy.
“Ohhhh,” I wailed as the big cock slid deeper and deeper into me. “Yes!” I screeched when I felt his pelvis slap my butt cheek. My asswalls clenched the prize, causing Mike to gasp in pleasure.
“Fuck, man, you feel incredible inside!”
“Please fuck me, babe,” I moaned.
For a long time he moved into me with a rhythm like the water flowing over the rocks in the river a few yards away. He was in no hurry to spew his seed; instead, he moved with slow determination and power, filling me repeatedly until I could take no more. Each thrust could be felt all the way through my rectum, caressing the tender flesh inside me. Even though my hard shaft was caught in a delicious squeeze between our abs as our torsos rebounded from the impacts of his cock in my innards, I was barely aware of it. All my senses were focused on the incredible action happening within my body.
Time stopped. Conscious thought disappeared. Anything outside my ass ceased to exist. I was suspended in a rare form of heavenly bliss that could have lasted for eternity for all I cared. Beneath his muscular body I writhed and whimpered, tears of joy squeezed from my eyes. I was being loved like never, ever before. It was the most affirming and life-giving moment of my entire 24 years. Oh, how I loved him in that time.
He might have moved within me for hours or maybe not. Without my awareness, he finally began to increase his tempo imperceptibly until my whimpers transformed into grunts, my “ohhhs” into “ooofs”. His breaths came more quickly, his exhales sharper, his own moans more defined and louder. His thrusts changed from deep probing caresses to piston-pounds within my velvet cylinder.
Being so focused on my asshole’s sensations, I was surprised by my orgasm. Suddenly my balls contracted against my taint and the hot lava began pouring out into that slight gap between our heaving abdominal muscles. I shrieked and Mike immediately covered my mouth with his own. A couple of seconds later, he was screaming into my mouth as he jammed his cock in to its maximum depth and ejaculated into my warm love-receptacle. These orgasms were as long as they were intense, leaving us exhausted and gasping for air.
We lay together for several minutes with his cock still inside me. I felt its stiffness recede, but it still filled me with that amazingly comforting feeling a cock after sex gives the asshole it’s in. Oh, shit, he felt so good in me! I felt so good!
When our breathing finally normalized, Mike slowly withdrew. He rummaged in his duffel for a washcloth, which he wet from the canteen. He warmed the washcloth a little in his hands, then wiped down our chests, his cock, and lastly my asshole.
all the clean-up was done, he lay beside me, slipped his arm beneath my
shoulders, and whispered, “Come here,” while pulling me over onto his shoulder.
We kissed gently for a couple of minutes.
Breaking the kiss, he looked deeply into my eyes. Even in the dark of the tent, I could see emotion in his eyes, on his face. “You are amazing, Art,” he said with an appreciative shake of his head. “I never imagined I might love a guy, but I do love you, in spite of my orientation.”
“I love you, Mike,” I acknowledged. “I know our time together is limited, almost at an end. But that doesn’t change the fact that I do love you here in the present moment.”
He smiled at me. “My brilliant boy!”
A while later he gave me another fuck, but this time it was more of a hot pounding than slow love-making. When we woke in the morning, he entered me one last time, gifting me with a final dose of his DNA deep in my guts.
We ate a couple of energy bars, broke camp, packed up the car, and departed for the final leg of our journey together.
To be continued...
Posted: 03/11/2022