Hustler at the Capitol
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
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Chapter 7
Mike wiped my ejaculate off both our torsos as he smiled at me and I tried to catch my breath. His pale eyes held mine as he said, “You may think you are done, babe, but I’m not finished with you yet.”
“Oh, god!” I said in anticipation.
Soon he rolled me onto my belly on his little bed. He pushed my legs apart, added some more lotion to my hole, and entered me gently a second time.
“Yes!” I cried. This was the full and complete feeling I’d first experienced only a quarter of an hour earlier, but which I’d already come to appreciate as the best feeling of them all.
This time Mike moved quickly into a steady, pounding rhythm that added a lot of heat to my insides as it beat my prostate on each inward plunge. I could hear his breathing getting deeper and a little raspy while my moans were morphing into groans and grunts as he pounded me into his mattress. My dick had firmed up again underneath me and I thrashed around a bit in the ecstasy of receiving his passionate thrusts. He slipped his hands and arms under my chest as he lay more fully on my back, his body in constant motion as he drove into me as if he meant to push his whole body into my ass.
I lay with my left ear against the mattress and my face turned to the right so I could breathe. From time to time, Mike would kiss my cheek or nibble at my ear, which turned me into a blithering idiot instantly. This was another fantastically erotic sensation I had never had before. With his mouth planted inside my ear, he whispered, “Oh, fuck, babe, you feel so good inside.”
I murmured some reply, but mostly just moaned and grunted.
“Fuck….,” he breathed into my ear. “So good….so hot….so tight….love it….the best….oh, fuck….god…. oh….fuck….I’m….so close,” he whispered, making me insane with sexual tension.
He stopped. Completely still. Cock imbedded to the max. Throbbing a bit. Had he come and I missed it? What was he doing?
Before I could construct a sentence, he whispered into my ear, “I don’t want to cum yet. Just don’t move.”
I remained motionless and somewhat impatient. I wanted more, not the end. I wriggled underneath him.
“No, Art! Be still.” He kissed my cheek tenderly. “You want more, right?”
“Oh, yeah,” I breathed. “Much more.”
“Then be still for a minute and you’ll get a lot more.”
“I’ll try.”
He leaned further to the right so he could bring his mouth down on the corner of mine. My neck wouldn’t turn far enough for a full-mouthed kiss, but we managed about half a kiss and a little mutual tongue dueling. “Uhmmm,” I moaned.
After an interminable minute, Mike said softly, “Without pulling out, I’m going to back up onto my knees and pull you up onto all fours. Is that okay?”
Having never tried such a maneuver, I was unsure of exactly how it would play out, but I knew I would go to the ends of the earth to keep his spectacular cock buried inside me. “Yes, okay.”
With surprising dexterity, we rose and backed up until, true to Mike’s word, I wound up on my hands and knees with him still plugging my hole like a cork in a wine bottle.
Once we were stabilized in this new position, Mike withdrew several inches of himself from myself, paused a couple of seconds, and moved back into place with his cockhead as deep as anything had ever been inside me. He grabbed my hips to hold me in place so he could continue the assault on my ass with renewed strength and vigor. Within a minute or so, my cock was drooling so much that a string of precum reached all the way to the sheets below me. The friction and thumping against my love nut pushed me higher and higher as my need for release increased exponentially. He began pulling me back onto his cock as much as he was driving his cock into me. This seemed to increase the erotic friction of our coupling and soon I started experimenting with pushing my body back onto the lusty cock inside me, with great effect, I might add, as it seemed to multiply the strength of the sensations I was getting from my nether region while Mike’s quiet moans grew many times over in their volume and intensity.
Finally, Mike screamed as his orgasm hit him and he began emptying himself into me.
From out of nowhere, I got an emotional sucker-punch when I realized his own essence was flowing into me. Mike’s body was feeding my body. And my body responded by triggering an orgasm within me that was at least as strong as the one I had had half an hour earlier. As jet after jet of my jizz shot down into a lake of cream on the sheet below me, Mike continued jerking and crying out behind me as his jizz filled my poor hole.
When everything settled, Mike was still hard and deep within me. He pushed me gently and I sagged onto the mattress into that giant lake of cum now cooling against my abdomen. For a few minutes, we remained coupled as we inhaled gallons of air and waited for our heart-rates to retreat to normal. From time to time as we lay there, Mike would kiss my cheek but we didn’t even try to talk. Eventually, I noticed that he didn’t feel as hard or as big within me and a minute or so later, he finally rolled off, pulling his spent cock out as he went.
I excused myself and went to the toilet as I felt as though I was about to mess up the bed and maybe Mike, too. After a couple of minutes, he came into the little bathroom to fill the tub with hot water. He tossed in some shampoo, I think, and soon it was an inviting bubble bath. He directed me to it and gently lowered me into a scalding hot bath that took my breath away. He made us a second (weaker) drink and returned after the water had cooled a few degrees. He handed me the drink and climbed into the tub behind me, sliding down so that I was against his torso and he could embrace me from behind. He leaned against the sloped back of the tub and pulled me back onto his chest. Oh, damn, it felt so calm and relaxing I hoped this moment would never end.
Whispering into my right ear again, Mike said, “How are you feeling?”
“Uhmmmm. So relaxed I almost can’t think.”
“Are you sore? Did it hurt you?”
“Oh, just for a moment at the beginning. Then,” I grinned stupidly, “it was spectacular.”
He kissed the side of my neck. “I’m very glad.”
“I might be a little sore later, but right now, not at all.”
We cuddled and sipped our rum and cokes as the water cooled a little more.”
“Thank you, Mike, for giving me such an incredible first time.”
“It really was my pleasure, Art. Thank you for inviting me to be your first. What an honor!”
“I made an excellent choice. There’s no doubt about that!”
We laughed lightly. The jiggling of our bodies together in the warm soapy water was quite sensuous, but I was so well-satisfied my dick didn’t have the slightest response.
After a while of languorous cuddling, Mike said, “You could take me to dinner before I go to work.”
“Yes!” I said enthusiastically. “That would be fun.”
When the water began to get cold, we stood and let it out. Mike turned on the shower and we had a romantic and fun time of washing each other, including shampooing. Shit, it felt awesome when he massaged the shampoo into my hair. The whole shower was a true event to me, having never showered with a lover before. We dried each other, too, then went back into the bedroom to dress. The bed was a shambles, but Mike said he didn’t care. Just before we went out, I decided it might be prudent to visit the loo one more time.
I returned to the bedroom, at first I couldn’t see Mike, but then I laughed when
I spotted him sitting against the wall like a little boy. He looked so handsome
I was overcome once again with my attraction to him. I wondered if I’d ever
find another guy who would interest me as much as him.
Over dinner we discussed my reaction to the loss of the last vestiges of my innocence and virginity. I shared with Mike that, as I had expected, it was very weird but wonderful, too. In fact, I really had not imagined how incredible the physical feelings would be, so they exceeded my expectations by a lot. I had been a little surprised by the emotional component of having such a close and intimate connection with another person.
After that part of our conversation, we made some more plans for our trip to Utah. I was glad to see that he was obviously enthused about going home, but also expressed some anticipation for a relaxing bit of vacation on the way.
“I’m looking forward to getting back to Sandy, of course, but I’m also looking forward to exploring a bit of the mountain country with you, too. I haven’t been on a road trip just for fun in years.”
“I love the mountains,” I said, “and can’t wait for my first time headed west from here.”
He reached across the table and clasped my lower arm. “And there is no one I’d rather do this with than you.” He grinned widely.
I grinned back. “Can I ask you a question?”
He laughed. “As well as we know each other, I don’t think there’s anything you shouldn’t ask me.”
I nodded. “Why are you so nice to me?”
He sat back a bit in his chair, pursed his lips, and ran a hand across his chin. “Lots of reasons, I guess.” He sipped his iced tea. “Generally speaking, I’m a nice guy to everyone unless they piss me off.”
I chuckled and nodded as I chewed a bite of chicken. “I can tell you are a genuinely nice person.”
“And, well, Art, you are the only person I have met in months who has actually been nice to me.”
“I’m sorry. You mean the other guys at the Capitol are not nice?”
“Oh, they’re okay. But we are all in competition all the time and that life is really hard. We talk sometimes, but they don’t ask about my life before or what my plans are. They don’t want to get close, I think. A couple of the guys seem to be friends with each other, but they have never tried to really get to know me or become a friend with me.”
“So, you don’t actually have any friends here?”
“Only one very special friend,” he grinned and winked.
“I could really say the same thing,” I smiled. Then in an afterthought, I added, “And I am really going to miss you after you move.”
He nodded. “I’ll miss you, too. But it does no good to be sad about it.”
“You’re right. I was thinking about how important you are to me right now and I realized I’m lucky to have met you. But we aren’t meant to be friends forever, I guess.”
“Nope. Friends for a while, I guess. Friends who make each other stronger and then move on in different directions.”
“Yes, and friends who leave each other better than they found them.”
He chuckled. “I like that. That’ll be my new mantra in life: Leave each person better than when you found them.”
“Is it okay if we share that mantra? ‘Cause I think it’s a great way to live.”
Seeing the time, we finished up our meal and I deposited my best friend on the street half a block from the Capitol. Before he got out of the car, I said, “Thanks for today, Mike. I know I will never forget my first time. And those will be wonderful memories thanks to you.”
“I’ll never forget your first time either,” he winked. “Thanks for trusting me.”
“Have a good night,” I said as he stepped out of the car.
On the Tuesday before our trip to Utah, we met one last time for coffee before Mike started his “night shift” as we laughingly referred to it. Our favorite waitress, Elise, was there. As we finished up our second cup and prepared to leave, Mike called Elise over.
“I just wanted to tell you that you’ve been a great waitress over the past few months since we’ve been coming here. I’m moving to Utah over the weekend, so probably won’t get to see you again.”
“Oh, no!” she said with a lump in her throat. “I always enjoyed waiting on you. I’ll miss you.”
Mike slipped a $20 bill across the counter to her. “I’ll remember you fondly whenever I think of Denver,” he smiled.
She saw the money. “Oh!” she exclaimed with surprise. “Thank you so much!”
“You’re a great gal,” he smiled. “I hope all your dreams come true.”
Elise dabbed at her eyes as we stood and started toward the exit. “Bye!” she called.
To be continued...
Posted: 02/25/2022