Gary's Summer Interlude
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
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Chapter 24
Special Events
Gary woke incased in strong, hairy arms, a large hand holding his abdomen and a big erection pressed against his tender asshole. His own cock was flaccid, a rare event this weekend. His bladder screamed the need to be emptied, so he started to disengage from the protective arm. He opened his eyes to see another body lying close in front of him. In the darkness, he first thought it was Alvin, but on closer inspection he could barely make out Arnie’s face pointed up at the ceiling. They were all naked with no sheet over them in the hot night. Gary managed to untangle from the arm and slip out the foot of the bed. When he was standing, he moved to the side of the bed to identify the arm’s owner was none other than the loving Brandon. Gary smiled with the emotional comfort that he had been unknowingly in Brandon’s protection and his loving embrace.
Gary slipped silently through the hallway and the living space, opened the slider screen and tiptoed onto the lower deck. He stepped to the rail, peed into Mobjack Bay, and turned to go back to bed. That’s when he saw a naked body draped over the leather bench. He wasn’t able to identify the man since his head was turned away in the darkness. He smiled to himself as he thought it such a weird, but wonderful little world they had here where nude bodies might be found anywhere.
As he passed back through the hallway, he saw movement on one of the beds. He paused and looked in to see that one man was topping another doggy-style. A glance at the door told him this was Ryan’s room. He wondered who was fucking his good friend now, but couldn’t quite tell. Still tired, Gary gave up and went on back to his room. He crawled into bed between Arnie and Brandon where Brandon had rolled onto his back and spread his feet pretty far apart. Gary crawled onto Brandon’s muscular leg and lay his torso across the side of Brandon’s. Soon the muscular arm encircled his back and pulled him into Brandon’s chest. Gary sighed and felt sleep come over him in just a few seconds.
The next time Gary woke, it was from Brandon moving gently beneath him. When he opened his eyes, Brandon was staring sweetly at him. “Good morning, honey,” the big man said. “How are you feeling?”
Gary mentally checked the sensations his body was sending to his brain. He smiled at his lover. “I’m pretty good. I slept well. I think my ass is slightly sore, but it isn’t anything bad.”
Brandon smiled. “I’m not surprised to hear that. We’re nearing the end of the cruise, you know.”
“Yes,” Gary nodded. “I’m having some amazing experiences, but I will be glad to get you alone tonight.”
Brandon grinned. “Me, too, babe!”
Sounds of distant chatting and the smell of coffee brewing let them know others were stirring in the living area. “Can I get you some coffee, baby?” Brandon asked.
“You’re so sweet to me! Actually, I think I’m ready to re-engage the public, so let’s go to the kitchen together.”
“My pleasure!” Brandon kissed Gary gently and then rolled off the side of the bed. Arnie groaned on the other side of the bed as Gary followed Brandon. Brandon wiggled Arnie’s foot. “Coffee is being served.”
“Mmmph!” Arnie rolled over hiding his face in his pillow and showing them his cute buttocks.
“We’ll see you later!” Brandon called as he and Gary started down the hallway. Brandon went on through the living area to pee off the deck while Gary got a couple of cups of the strong brew. He diluted his with cream and sugar, but kept Brandon’s black as was his preference. Suddenly an arm draped across his shoulder. Gary turned into Ryan’s shoulder. Ryan smiled at his friend and Gary placed a kiss on the erect nipple inches from his chin.
“How are you doing, babe?” Ryan asked as he squeezed Gary’s shoulder.
“My ass is a little sore, but otherwise I think I’m fine.”
Ryan chuckled. “It’s no surprise your poor ass is sore. Fuck, Gary, I have never seen an ass get so much attention. These guys were like addicts at a free heroin dispenser. They just pounded away at you and then came back for more. Amazing!”
Gary took a sip of his coffee. He grinned wickedly. “Yes, it was amazing.”
“You probably ought to take it easy today,” Ryan suggested.
“Luckily, it’s not a week-long cruise!”
Both boys laughed as Ryan began filling his cup. Looking back over his shoulder at Gary, Ryan said, “When I saw how fucked-out you were when they finally took you out of the pillory, I felt bad for having taken my turn in the saddle. I could have waited until another time. Still, it was really hot to be part of that!”
“Don’t feel bad about it, Ryan. I was exhausted at the end, but I wouldn’t change a thing.”
“Okay. Well, thanks.” Ryan took a sip of his coffee.
“So, are you going to get pilloried today?” Gary asked.
“I want to, but I don’t think I could handle the kind of action you got yesterday.”
“Maybe you could limit it somehow. Just stay for an hour or so. Something like that.”
“That’s a good idea. Let’s see what Jody thinks.”
A hand touched each of their shoulders from behind. “What Jody thinks about what?”
Gary and Ryan both looked over their shoulders at Jody (pictured).
Gary smiled at his cousin. “Good morning, baby!” They leaned into each other for a warm kiss.
“Hi, Jody!” Ryan took a kiss, too. “I would like to do the pillory, but I know
I cannot take as much
action as
Gary got last night. Maybe there wouldn’t be as much customer demand for my
skinny butt, but…”
Jody fondled the curve of the lovely Aussie butt cheek. “Don’t count on it, sweet cheeks!”
Ryan laughed. “Okay. Thanks, I think. I was wondering if we could somehow limit it a little bit so I could experience the pillory, but not get fucked half to death.”
“Sure, Ryan. We always have the right to say no or stop something.” Jody paused as he thought about the situation. “How about if some of us agree to just watch? Maybe those who might see you separately. Uh, Brandon, Scott, Darren, Alex, and us?” Ryan nodded thoughtfully. “And we let the others know there is a limit of one orgasm per customer today.”
Ryan smiled. “So, that brings it down from a couple of dozen orgasms to maybe 7 or 8, if my math is right.”
“Yeah,” Jody nodded. “And we can get Brandon and Scott to pay attention to be sure everyone sticks to these rules. That good?”
Ryan kissed the lieutenant again. “Perfect!”
“After breakfast, you think?”
“Sure, while we’re all hopped up on caffeine!”
They all laughed.
“I’ll set it up,” Jody said. “But can I have a word with you guys outside?”
“Sure!” They followed him to the upper deck, which was deserted except for a couple of seagulls resting on the deck railing. When the naked blondes had settled on the cushions of the benches under the canopy behind the bridge, Jody said quietly, “I wanted to give you a warning about what I’ll be doing later.”
A warning? Gary thought quizzically.
“Some of the guys have asked me to do something they find incredibly sexy and I have agreed. And I want you both to understand before it happens.”
“What?” Gary asked with concern.
“Don’t worry. I do it of my own free will. It might look a little dangerous to you, but I assure you I’ve done it several times without injury.”
“Please,” Gary said. “What are you going to do?”
Jody looked pointedly at each of them before speaking. “I’m going to take two dicks up my ass.” He paused for effect. “At the same time.”
For a moment, both teens stared blankly at the more experienced man.
Ryan’s eyes widened when he figured out what this must mean. Gary said, “How is that even possible?”
“Oh, it’s quite possible for some of us. It just takes experience, preparation, and very patient partners.”
“Well, there are two basic positions that can be used. If you’ll help me, I’ll show you.”
The boys nodded. “Okay,” Gary affirmed.
“Okay.” Jody stood up. “We’ll use this bench since it doesn’t have anything around it. Ryan, please lie on your back and put one foot down onto the deck on each side of the bench.” Ryan assumed the position Jody described. “Good. Now, Gary, face Ryan and sit with your butt right against his balls and your legs across his.” As Gary slid into position, he could see that the erections they were springing were only inches apart. “Now, each of you, push your bodies closer. We need your cocks to be together between you.” They shoved forward and Jody took their cocks in one hand, holding them together tightly. Jody straddled the bench facing Ryan, standing with a foot on each side of the bench. He held the two now-rigid cocks together near their bases and mimicked sitting down on them. “You see?”
“Yeah,” said Gary as Ryan nodded.
“Good,” Jody said. “Now for the other position.” He swung one leg over the two reclining studs and said, “Okay, Gary. Stand at the end of the bench facing this way.” Gary struggled for an instant to get his feet and legs over Ryan’s manly thighs and down to the deck. Moving awkwardly among their collective snickers, Gary finally managed to stand at the end of the bench. “Okay,” Jody said as he straddled Ryan’s lithe body again. “Now, I would sit on Ryan’s cock and lean all the way down onto his torso.” Without inserting Ryan’s cock, Jody laid his torso onto Ryan, who instinctively put his arms around the bodacious Jody, grinning into his face only about 3 inches away. “Now, remember, I have Ryan’s lovely cock buried in my ass.” He wiggled his eyebrows and grinned lasciviously at Ryan. “Gary, now step forward with one foot on each side of the bench. Come up until your dick is at my pretty rosebud.”
Gary did as instructed. “At this point, you would put your hard cock against Ryan’s cock right where it disappears into my pleasure place.” He winked and leered at Ryan, who just grinned. “It would be a tight fit, but you would be able to shove your cock in on top of his.”
“Shit!” Gary muttered as he looked at Jody’s tightly closed sphincter. He couldn’t imagine it stretching so wide open without the skin tearing.
“Okay. Ryan, do you understand it?”
“Uh, I think I understand the mechanics, but I can’t imagine it not ripping your asshole apart.”
Jody leaned back as Gary regained his footing on one side of the bench near Jody’s side. Jody smiled at him and turned back to Ryan. “That’s where the preparation comes in. I just have to stretch a little more than I would with even the thickest dick onboard.”
“How can you prepare for that?” Gary wondered.
“A thorough douche. Some nice rimming. Extra fingering where four fingers gently, but firmly, pull me open.” He demonstrated in the air. “Getting fucked by our thickest studs a few times. And taking a dildo that is even bigger. I’ll just keep working my way up to it.”
Gary’s wrinkled brow showed he didn’t fully believe it wouldn’t injure Jody. “And it won’t tear your hole up?”
“Nope. That’s why I stretch a bit at a time. This shouldn’t be hurried and the tops have to know what they’re doing and be careful. They can’t just fuck with abandon. And they’re not the thickest guys I know. I couldn’t do it with Brandon and Darren, for example.”
“Hell, no!” Gary barked. “Either one of them is a nice full feeling without any outside help.”
“And it won’t hurt?” Ryan asked.
“Truthfully,” Jody responded, “it does hurt. Imagine taking Brandon or Darren without any lube or preparation.”
Thinking of how he always had to struggle to comfortably take these thick dicks even with lube and prep, Ryan exclaimed, “That would hurt pretty bad!”
“Do you like to do it?” Gary inquired.
“That’s a complicated question,” Jody began. “It isn’t particularly pleasant for me, but there are two things about it I like a lot. First, physically, it really makes the cock of the guy on his back press hard against my prostate. So this does give the prostate an amazing workout and almost always results in a huge climax eventually.”
Gary nodded and Ryan said, “I can imagine that.”
“The second thing I like is more emotional. Not only is it hot to know I’m taking two cocks together, it’s great to know that the guys are really getting off on this. So I know my short-lived pain is providing immense pleasure for some of my favorite guys. It’s not something I do often and it will be the last I will bottom on this cruise.”
Gary grinned widely. “I guess you could call it a grand finale, huh?”
Ryan snickered and Jody laughed. “Absolutely!”
Serious again, Gary asked, “What would you like us to do?”
“How about a loving, deep rim job before we begin?”
“Thanks. Well, let’s join the others. I think I smell bacon downstairs. We need to eat in the first group so we can get Ryan ready for the pillory!”
“I’d forgotten about that,” Ryan remarked.
“Trust me, dear,” Gary said. “Once you’ve done it, you won’t forget it!”
Ryan snickered. “God, I hope not!”
To be continued...
Posted: 08/06/2021