Gary's Summer Interlude
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 4
Unexpected Visitors
Bob, Mario, Antonio, David, Ryan, Will, Shannon, Carlos, Patrick, Josh
Monday Gary worked out at the school gym. As he entered the trailer house, the phone was ringing. It turned out to be Bob Houston inviting Gary to meet him at the abandoned shack in the woods about hallway between their homes. Gary thought that sounded cool, so half an hour later they met for a hot and unexpectedly tender tryst in the old shack. Bob had obviously ranked 111th in their graduating class, but he was sweet, kind, and sexy as hell. Being a year older, his body was more mature than the others and he was a natural-born fucker, which pleased Gary greatly.
That evening he took Lauren to Denny’s for an early supper and managed to get to Rossi’s by 8:45 for his date with Mario’s big sausage, which gave him 40 minutes of hard pounding and 2 big loads, 1 in his belly and 1 in his ass.
Tuesday he also worked out, but rested all afternoon before his evening tryst with Antonio. He and Antonio picked up their role-playing again. Tonight, Gary was a boy lost in the woods during freezing weather. Antonio found him, carried him back to the warmth of the restaurant, stripped both of them, then warmed him with the heat from his own naked body. Of course, all that skin-on-skin warming led to warming Gary with one of his amazing rim jobs and then mounting him to heat him with friction in his abdomen. They fucked for well over an hour while Gary came twice and Antonio dropped 3 big loads deep inside to keep him warm all night.
Wednesday he spent an hour in room 344 with Will after they closed Love-Love. Will wanted a blow job followed by a standing fuck with Gary power-fucking himself on Will’s cock. Gary had time for an hour at the gym before he needed to clean up for work. That evening he took a double shot from Mario on the stainless steel prep table in the kitchen.
Thursday he spent an hour in room 210 with Shannon, who was in a rather intense loving mood. Instead of pounding his boy, Shannon thrust with long, slow strokes while he kissed Gary passionately. For round 2, the manager did enjoy Gary’s reverse thrusts until he christened the front of yet another fridge. That evening Antonio played a priest who heard Gary’s confession about bottoming for the hotel manager. Of course, Gary’s penance meted out by Father Antonio was to bottom for him an equal number of times. Two deposits of holy sperm later, Gary was forgiven for his “sins.” However, Gary committed two more sins by cumming during his penance so the good father demanded that he come back next week for more penance. Gary laughed and said he wasn’t sure he could ever stop sinning with such sensuous penance.
Friday a call came into Love-Love around 10:30. Dottie handed the receiver to Will. Carlos happened to be near enough to overhear Will’s side of the conversation. He said, “This is Will.” After a moment, he grinned and said, “That’s wonderful news!” He listened another moment before saying, “Of course!” He paused, listening again. “How about 2:30? Fine!” Then he hung up the phone and smiled at Carlos.
Just before 2:00, Will asked them both to stay to close up. After the restaurant closed, Will seemed antsy as they cleaned up the tables while he counted the till. Carlos told Gary about the call Will had gotten and noted he had made some kind of date for 2:30. By 2:25, they had finished their duties so Carlos asked Will what room he should go to.
Will looked a little startled, as if he had forgotten their date. “Wait here with me for a few minutes. Tell Gary I want him to wait, too.”
Their curiosity was rewarded a few minutes later when someone knocked at the exterior door. Gary, who was nearest, moved to the door to tell the person they were closed. When he looked out, he saw the grinning faces of Patrick Dell and Josh Peres, so, of course, he unlocked the door as Will came forward.
the door open, Gary pulled Patrick (pictured) inside, hugging him and saying,
“What are you guys doing here?”
Patrick didn’t answer right away as Josh hugged Will and then Carlos. Someone closed and locked the door. Josh hugged Gary while Patrick hugged the others. When all the hugs were out of the way, Patrick smiled and said, “Josh and I wanted to come over to tell you in person that both of you have been selected for membership in Deputy Boys!”
Gary and Carlos both whooped and broke into huge grins. Everyone was smiling big as Carlos said, “That’s spectacular!”
“Yes,” Gary agreed. “We couldn’t be happier!”
They all sat down at a nearby table to talk. Patrick explained they would need to come to Asheville on Sunday afternoon, August 28 for orientation and training that would take all week and culminate in their induction on Friday September 2. “We’ll get more details to you before then.”
Gary was a bit surprised to hear Patrick use the word “training” to describe what would occur during that week. He wondered what kind of training they would need to be Deputy Boys but decided it couldn’t be too bad since he had already met several current and alumni Boys and found them to be lovely men.
Will pulled out a room key and said, “We have a room until 5 if you guys would enjoy throwing our newest Deputy Boys a congratulatory fuck.”
“Umm,” Gary wiggled his eyebrows at the men while Carlos smiled and nodded.
Patrick looked at Josh, who nodded, too. “Good idea, Will.”
Will passed him the key. “Room 105.”
Gary and Carlos grabbed their gym bags and headed off to the room with Josh and Patrick close behind, thoroughly enjoying the view of the two hot teenagers in very tight nylon tennis shorts that left very little to the imagination. Carlos and Gary took a very quick shower and joined their guests on the unused bed where Josh congratulated Carlos by happily bottoming for him while Patrick congratulated Gary by blessing him with a load of prime Norwegian sperm deep in his bowels. They changed so Patrick could bless Carlos in a similar way while Josh topped a happy Gary.
When everyone was sufficiently satiated, Patrick said, “We also wanted to invite you to come to a Fourth of July swim party at our home in Asheville.”
“That sounds awesome!” Carlos said. “When is it?”
“It’s from 2 to 10 on the Fourth.”
“What day of the week is that?” Gary asked.
“A Monday.”
Gary and Carlos exchanged a look. “I could certainly come as that’s my day off,” Gary said with a big smile.
“I’ll have to see if I can get the day off. Since Gary is off, Will would have to make another arrangement with someone. Can I let you know after I talk with him?”
“Certainly,” Josh said. “We hope you can make it, too.”
“Actually,” Patrick said, “we would like you to work for us that day.”
“Hmm,” Gary uttered. “What would you want us to do?”
“A couple of things, actually. We’d love for you to dance for the guests, like you did at your interview. That could be a solo or a duet.”
“That sounds okay,” Gary said.
“And we would like for you to be nude drink waiters for an hour or two.”
“A nude waiter?” Gary grinned. “That’s a new twist.”
“It’ll be fun, I’m sure,” Josh suggested.
“No doubt,” said Carlos.
“And, of course, there will be a lot of poolside sex, which we hope you would enjoy participating in.”
“Would we know the other guests?”
“Some of them. We’ve invited Zack, Clint, and Ivan, who you already know well.” Patrick wiggled his eyebrows. They had been on Gary and Carlos’ interview team.
“Oh, yes, we know them exceedingly well!” Carlos laughed.
“We invited Will, but he says he needs to be here on the Fourth. Something about a tournament.”
“That’s right!” Carlos exclaimed. “I think it’s the Western Carolina pro tourney. That’s pretty big, I think.”
“So, he cannot attend the party.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t count on me either,” Carlos said sadly. “I probably will need to work. But I would love to be there.”
“You will be paid well if you can come.”
“Paid?” Gary asked with surprise.
“Sure. You’ll be working. I’m thinking $200 for 8 hours of work.”
“Wow!” Gary smiled. “That’s good money!”
“So, you’ll do it even if Carlos is not available?” Josh asked.
“Of course!” He looked over at the reclining Hispanic. “It’d be more fun with Carlos, but still good with you guys and your hunky guests.”
“Good,” Patrick said. “I’ll send you the directions and instructions next week.”
“Okay. Send it to Will, please.”
“Sure.” The alumni kissed the soon-to-be pledges.
“We need to get going back to Asheville,” Josh said.
Everyone got up and dressed. Thanks and congratulations were shared and then Carlos and Gary walked Josh and Patrick to their car. As soon as the Chevy Impala pulled away from them, the best friends hugged and danced.
“Can you believe it?” Carlos asked.
“Just barely,” Gary answered. “I hope you can come, too. It’ll be so much more fun if we’re together.”
“I know. We’ll see what Will says.”
“Listen,” Gary said. “I’ve gotta get going, too. Otherwise I’ll be late to my other job.”
“Sure!” Carlos said. “Go!”
As it turned out, by the time Gary got home, showered, dressed in funeral garb, and drove to Rossi’s, he was 5 minutes late. He apologized to Mario, but was instantly forgiven since it was the first time he’d been late. When Mario heard the news, he was quite pleased and called Antonio over. He was also very happy to hear Gary’s good news.
“Do you have plans for after work?” Antonio asked.
“No. I’m getting together with Lauren tomorrow night, but no plans for tonight.”
“Why don’t you invite Carlos over here and we’ll celebrate?”
they closed out, Carlos came through the back a few minutes before ten. Mario
(pictured) stayed, too, so the 4 young men enjoyed a pitcher of Margaritas as
the new Deputy Boys shared some details with the Italian brothers. When they
had filled them in with as much as they knew, the congratulations became more
intense. During the next 90 minutes, Carlos’ gorgeous brown ass was splayed out
across the bar quivering in the subdued lighting of the restaurant. The new
Deputy Boy was congratulated thoroughly and deeply by Antonio and then by
Mario. Gary received double shots of congratulations from Antonio and a single
large deposit from Mario while giving each of them a thank you splooge. Carlos
demonstrated his thanks in a similar fashion.
Gary knew he would be exhausted Saturday since he didn’t get to bed until after midnight, but he didn’t care. He could feel the best wishes of Patrick, Josh, Antonio, and Mario still sloshing around in his bum. And that was a very satisfying way to fall asleep.
As they had feared, Will was unable to let Carlos off to work at Patrick and Josh’s Fourth of July pool party. That weekend promised to be one of the biggest weekends of the year at Love-Love, thanks to the hundreds of people who would be attending the Western North Carolina Invitational Professional Tennis Tournament on Friday through Monday. Will had planned to have Gary work on Monday, too, but he said he would make another arrangement since it would be a lot more money for Gary to work the party. Carlos called Patrick on Saturday after work to give him the bad news. Patrick understood and said they would figure something else out.
On Sunday, Patrick called Love-Love to speak with Gary. They talked briefly, but Patrick explained that without Carlos, he was concerned about the ratio of tops to bottoms he expected at the party. When Gary asked for more information, Patrick said he had confirmed attendance from 10 others besides himself, Josh, and Gary. Of the 10, he thought only 1 was ever interested in bottoming and he was what Patrick called “versatile,” meaning he liked to top and bottom. Like Carlos and Ryan, Gary thought.
Patrick went on to say, “It’s really a math problem, Gary. Let’s assume we have 10 tops, counting me, 2 versatiles (Josh and Oscar), and 1 total bottom (you). If each top would like to fuck 3 times and the versatiles want to do it 2 times, we have a total of 34 toppings. So, we need to provide 34 bottomings, right?”
“Seems like it, Patrick.”
“The party will last 8 hours. If each fuck takes an average of 20 minutes (counting prep and recovery), we need a total of 11 hours and 20 minutes’ worth of bottoming. Josh figures his maximum is about 5 fucks in 8 hours. We think Oscar would be able to do about the same. So between them we have 10 fucks or 3 hours and 20 minutes, leaving exactly 8 hours for you.”
“Oh, my God. I’m not sure I…”
“No. Of course not, Gary. I would never ask that. But you see the problem. With Carlos, that would give you each about 4 hours, which I think you could handle and enjoy, but 8 is crazy.”
“So, what can we do?”
“Well, I’m thinking we start out with a round robin suck-a-thon. I happen to know that Mel also likes to suck cock so that would give us 4 to handle that. That would get the first orgasm out of the way without any asses in play. That reduces the total time for you to bottom to, uh, 4 hours and 40 minutes.”
“Well that might work, I guess,” Gary said a little hesitantly.
“I do have one other thought.”
“I’m wondering if you know anyone who could handle a couple of hours of bottoming. Of course, he has to be gorgeous, sexy, and up for this kind of situation.”
“Umm,” he thought for a moment. “Well, there are 2 possibilities from my school class, I think.”
“Tell me.”
“Umm, okay. Both just graduated. Kelly is short and a little shy so he actually seems younger to me.”
“For some of the guys, that would be a plus. What does he look like?”
“He’s cute and slightly delicate. He’s gay and had his cherry busted in every way there is just a couple of weeks ago. He did do a lot of bottoming over a 24-hour period so he might be able to do it. I’m not sure how he would feel about being with a bunch of strangers.”
“How big is his dick?”
“Not big. Six inches and moderate girth, I think.”
“Okay. Who else?”
“Umm, Ryan. He is simply gorgeous, tall (maybe 6’2”), slender but well-built blonde. He’s also got a devastating Australian accent. He’s so masculine I was shocked when he said he wanted to try bottoming and I was blown away to see him take a pounding from Antonio’s 10-incher.”
“He sounds wonderful. How is he hung?”
“Eight inches and pretty thick. He’s a wonderful top and an exciting bottom. He’s so hot, I even fucked him when I got the chance!”
“Wow! He must be fucking gorgeous!” Patrick chuckled. “So, how much would he be willing to bottom? And would he like the situation?”
“I’ve known him for years, but only seen him bottom twice. The first time there were 11 of us and I think he took on 4 of them. He took dick for an hour and a half, I think. The other time was when I topped him along with Carlos, David, and Antonio. Antonio is my very well-hung boyfriend and Ryan loved it almost as much as I do.”
“Can he dance?”
“Well, he can dance regular, but I don’t know if he could do an erotic dance.”
“You could teach him a routine, couldn’t you?”
“He sounds wonderful. Would you see if he would be interested? We’ll up your pay to $250 each. Maybe that will help.”
“Okay. I’ll see him this evening.”
“Call me tomorrow with his answer?”
“Sure. And, Patrick?”
“Thanks for being concerned about me and how much I can enjoy.”
“Hey, kid, you are a Deputy Boy now and we take good care of each other. We really are a great family. You’ll see.”
“Okay. Call you tomorrow.”
At Gary’s request, that evening David drove Ryan’s Oldsmobile to the cabin for the weekly sex club meeting. This allowed Gary to sit in back between Ryan and Carlos so they could discuss the upcoming July Fourth pool party and give Ryan the information he needed to make a good decision about participating. To the best of his memory, Gary repeated Patrick’s math to Ryan, ending with the suggestion he would be expected to bottom for approximately 2 hours during the day.
“That’s a lot!” he exclaimed.
“I don’t think it’s much more than you did at the graduation party and that was your first time.”
Ryan blushed. “Yeah, with a couple of breaks thrown in, I could probably do that.” He thought for a moment. “Who are the guys?”
“Most or maybe all of them are Deputy Boy alumni. That means they are probably between about 24 and 40 in age. I’ve met, uh, 5 of them and they are good looking, in shape, and very nice. But, be warned, they do like to fuck!”
“As much as David, Carlos, Antonio, and Bob?”
“I’d say so. Wouldn’t you, Carlos?”
“Yes. Don’t worry about not liking them. I think you will like every one of them.”
“Ryan, when I saw you take all of my hot boyfriend’s enormous Italian sausage…”
“Hey,” said Antonio from the front seat. “I can hear you!”
“Now you know what I really think of you,” Gary laughed while everyone else snickered. “As I was saying, Ryan, when I saw how you enjoyed bottoming for Antonio right after taking Bob, I knew you had great potential as a bottom. I know you prefer topping, but you do seem good at bottoming, so you might enjoy this opportunity.”
“You make a good point.”
“Oh, if you will do it, they’d like you and me to dance, like Carlos and I did at the graduation bash. And, you’ll get $250 for one day.”
“Holy moly!” Ryan said. “I don’t know about dancing…”
“I’ll teach you. You’ll do fine. With your body, all you have to do is move around a little and they will love you.”
“I’ll say,” David laughed.
“I’ll second that lewd remark,” Antonio added.
“See?” Gary asked. “And, if you will do this with me, you can fuck me as many times as you like as often as you like.”
“That’s no incentive,” Ryan smirked.
“Ouch!” cried David.
“Oh boy,” said Carlos.
“That hurts,” Gary teased. “And I thought we made some good music together.”
“Oh, we did. I love topping you. But, I don’t think I need to do this to get you to let me pound your bubble butt anytime I want to.”
“Touché!” said Carlos with a guffaw.
Gary laughed, too. “Damn, you’re smart!”
Ryan pulled him close as they made the turn into the road to the cabin. “But, I would love to do this party!”
“Yea!” both Gary and Carlos yelled.
“So, you can start now.”
“Start what?”
“Fucking me as much as you want to.”
Ryan laughed and whooped. “But I did douche earlier and probably need to start building up my stamina for hard jock dick in my teenie-weenie asshole.”
Antonio and David high-fived and whooped, almost causing David to run into the gate.
Ryan managed to top and bottom quite a bit over the next couple of hours as he fucked Gary 3 times totalling about an hour while Carlos fucked him twice, David once, and Antonio once. Ryan left three hot loads up Gary’s butt and Antonio left one deep inside his boyfriend before they headed back to Sylva. David also topped Carlos while Ryan sucked him off.
On the drive home, the vote was 4 to 0 that Ryan had everything it took to be a large, well actually an 8-inch, hit at the pool party.
To be continued...
Posted: 05/28/2021