Brothers in Isolation
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2020-2021 by the author)
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Chapter 16
When we awoke the morning after Blake showed me the beauty of bottoming, I had a raging boner and a very big smile.
Blake grinned when he opened his eyes to see me smiling so broadly. “I like that smile, bro,” he said. “You look very happy.”
I kissed his lovely mouth quickly. “I am, dude. Thanks to you.”
“Or thanks to my cock,” he giggled.
I could feel the heat in my face that indicated a deep blush. “That especially,” I laughed.
By that point he had noticed my morning wood. “Well, it would appear that you weren’t completely satisfied by last night’s sex.” I could tell he was teasing me in a special, sexy way. Suddenly I understood he was flirting with me.
“Oh, I was completely satisfied last night. But this is a new day.”
“Uhm.” Blake pushed me onto my back and took my cock into his hand. The touch of his hand made me moan in pleasure as erotic sensations raced along my nerves headed to my brain.
“Oh, babe,” I murmured.
Then I felt the warmth and wetness as his lips surrounded my dickhead, followed by his incredible tongue’s feather-light touch to the piss slit and then the complete engulfment of my shaft until the glans kissed his tonsils and then slipped on past and into his throat. I gasped and twitched as he deep-throated me.
After a few minutes of lip, tongue, and throat work, he left my cock in the cold air while he returned to kissing my mouth. Soon he was smearing lube on my swollen dick before rising above me to sit all the way down on my dick. He fucked himself for a long while, but eventually I needed to take control so I turned onto my side which forced him onto the bed on his side. Then I pushed him onto his back and followed right along. I managed to put us in a missionary position without having to withdraw from his warm clutching hole. For several minutes I pounded him as fast and hard as I could until his prick was leaking continuously onto his belly.
My cock was nearing a sticky, gooey explosion when I stopped with it buried deep inside him. “Not yet,” I said. “I want to cum with you inside me again, okay?”
He grinned up at me. “Sure, bro, whatever you desire.”
We rearranged ourselves so he could fuck me doggy-style and he lubed up both my entrance and his dick before he entered me. My body resisted him, but one good push opened me so much that he slipped right inside with only some minor pain this time. He paused for my adjustment and I was ready within a few heartbeats. When the discomfort ended, I pushed backwards to take his dick all the way to the root. It was a wonderful entrance and we gasped in unison at the awesome feeling of steel inside tight velvet. Our warmth and wetness combined to give us a lot of slippery surface inside my chamber.
“Oh, Curt, my god!”
“Do it, Blake, fuck me!”
A few minutes of heavy, prostate-bashing thrusting brought me off and I screamed as white-hot spunk burned through my urethra as it flung out across the bed in wonderous release. By the time I was done, Blake was screaming and blasting my insides with his fiery essence. I dropped onto the sticky mattress below, pulling Blake down upon me. We lay connected and gasping for another minute before we rose to begin the day.
After a very quick rinse, we tossed on our shorts and tees and headed down to breakfast, arriving only about 20 minutes late. Cold sausage, eggs, and toast was a very small price to pay for our morning love-making! Dad looked at us knowingly and asked us to stop in his office before going back upstairs.
When we walked in a few minutes later, he had us close the door and sit in the chairs that face his desk.
He smiled and said, “From looking at you two, I know exactly why you were late for breakfast.”
I think we both blushed.
“Uh-oh,” Blake said.
“It’s okay,” Dad chuckled. “I’m sure no one else noticed. Curt, you do have a glow about you today I don’t think I’ve ever seen before.”
Judging from how hot I got, I must have turned purple in an instant. “Fuck,” I muttered without thinking.
Dad laughed. “That’s exactly what I thought.”
Blake guffawed.
“Should I assume you are a new man today, son?” He looked right at me.
I blushed some more. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Blake nodding.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes,” I croaked. “Okay.”
“If you want to talk about anything, I’m here. I know it might be a little awkward, but remember I have some very relevant experience. Especially if you have any negative feelings about anything, I want to be able to help you if I can.”
I could feel the sincerity. “Thanks, Dad.” I glanced at Blake. “Really. I appreciate it, Dad.”
“Alright,” he said. “Just don’t forget if you have any negative feelings, please come to me.”
“I will,” I promised.
“Me, too,” Blake added.
The remainder of the day was very typical of our summer. We spent an hour in the pool during the afternoon before swapping BJs. After dinner we played a set of tennis at the high school.
As we were driving home from the tennis courts, I asked Blake why he wanted photos of me last night.
He laughed, “I wanted to document what you looked like as a virgin.”
Again, I felt a blush creep up my neck and across my face. “You little shit!” I grinned.
“Don’t be mad, bro. For the rest of our lives, we’ll have that photo to remind us of one of the best nights of our lives.”
“You are right about that!”
At home we showered and went to bed. Neither of us was in a real sexy mood. I think we had had so much sex we just needed a quick break. Instead of anything hot and heavy, we had a warm and sweet hour of cuddling and chatting, what some people might call pillow talk.
With the number of new COVID cases rising every week in Texas, the status of schools in the fall was still unknown. I had already decided before the pandemic that I would attend Southern Methodist University, whose main campus was only about half an hour from our house. Guidance materials from SMU were telling me that I might have online or on-campus classes, but final decisions had not been made yet. In any case, I would still live at home.
West Plano High School plans weren’t any more set than SMU’s. It looked as if we might continue in almost the same exact situation for the foreseeable future. Neither Blake nor I was upset by that idea.
Our love was new, extremely exciting, very involving, and sexy beyond my imagination.
“Blake, baby,” I whispered tenderly, “I don’t know how things will turn out for us in a year or two or three, but for right now I want to give myself to this relationship.”
“Thanks, Curt.” He kissed me. “I want to do that, too. I understand you will probably want to get married to a girl someday and I’m okay with that. I’ll figure out how to adjust if that happens.”
“Just one more reason to love you!”
We made out lovingly for a while and then turned out the lights, cuddled up, and he went to sleep.
Midnight Ruminations
I laid awake for several hours that night, cradling my sleeping lover in my arms as I breathed with him. My mind exploded with thoughts of Blake, of love, of sex. I thought about my future as a college man, as a husband and father, and as a gay or bi-sexual man. Possibilities tumbled over themselves in my mind: the thrill of life at the university, meeting dozens of new guys and gals in my classes, learning so much about the world in which we live, growing as an individual, finding a purpose for my life.
Would I meet a girl who could be the lover that Lenore wasn’t and couldn’t be? Would I develop a passion for her that would burn in my loins like my desire for Blake? Would her kisses ignite my desires like Blake’s do? Would her body and mine mesh in endless possibilities of tenderness and heart-stopping ecstasy? Could I leave behind this connection with Blake and be true to her, the nameless, faceless her of my future? Could I find peace and happiness without the love of a man? Without the body of a man? The cock of a man? The deep and accommodating asshole of a man? Without my Blake?
What would happen when the pandemic ends? Would Blake and I still feel so close, so in love, so connected if we were back to different schools and making different friends?
He lay in my arms, his back against my chest. His breathing was slow, creating a gentle rise in his chest every second or so. His full, firm butt pressed invitingly against my groin. One of his muscular legs lay between my legs across my calf. My heart was bursting with love for this boy-man. He had changed my life, changed the very definition of who and what I am. He had shown me love in previously unimaginable acts, teaching my body many delightful new skills and spectacular responses to his actions, to his body. His kisses were like life itself. His touch calmed my body and even my soul. When he opened himself to me, the warm home for my manhood drew me into him physically, yes, but even more so, emotionally. When he entered me, the heat, the power, the masculinity in his cock revitalized me. When he exploded within me, planting his essence deep in my body, it felt as if he was giving me the building block of my own body, indeed, of my own life.
I slept. I dreamt of Blake. In my dream he was a few years older, shirtless,
in spectacular condition, hair spiked in the middle, fantastically gorgeous,
manly and masculine, yet a beautiful work of art. He put Miss America to
shame. He outshown the Mona Lisa. Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, the
Bachelorette, Naya Rivera, Selena Gomez, West Plano’s homecoming queen Hailey
Jordan were all plain and ordinary compared with Blake.
I awoke. It was still deep night. For a moment, I lived in that dream. Who was I kidding? I would forever love this man I held in my arms. I might be able to love another, too, but never with the all-encompassing intensity of the love within me for Blake. I couldn’t imagine that other lover living so completely in my heart, drawing me in so deeply, accepting me so totally, and rocking my world like this precious boy in my arms.
Blake would always be the greatest love of my life. I knew that now. I understood it at last. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow or next week or next year. What will our lives be like in 5 years? Could he and I have a complete life together, in spite of people’s prejudice? Would we be happy in a committed union together for life?
I don’t know the answers to these questions, but I do know one thing. I want to give it a chance. I want to love him unconditionally and without limitations for as long as we make each other happy. I kissed his shoulder and allowed myself to fall into a peaceful sleep so I could dream of him some more.
The End
Author’s Note
It was a lot of fun for me to take Curt and Blake’s journey with them during the Coronavirus lockdown. I fell in love with these two exciting young men and found it hard to say good-bye at the end of the story. I hope you have enjoyed their journey, too, and that it brightened up some of your time of sequestration.
This time is unprecedented in all our experiences with life. Curt and Blake made my sequestration as a single man a lot less lonely and for that I am grateful to them.
Good luck to you, dear readers, and all those you love. May we all soon find the day when we can “come out” of our hiding places, re-engage with each other in many different ways, and find happy associations with one another.
Kenneth Kirk,
Plano, Texas
October 17, 2020
Posted: 10/23/2020