Brothers in Isolation
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2020 by the author)
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Chapter 7
Processing My New Identity
For a few days after I officially became a cocksucker, I didn’t practice my new skill. I spent some time alone, which was a challenge in our new quarantine life. Dad wanted Blake and me to keep a constant eye on each other, so I couldn’t exactly run off on my own. The morning after I first held his hard-on in my mouth, I decided to talk with him about my need for some alone time.
When I awoke that morning, Blake was still blissfully sleeping, dreaming of my hot mouth, no doubt. I lay quietly beside him and thought about the situation until my full bladder forced me to get up. When I returned from peeing, he was snuggling with a pillow and observing me as I approached the bed.
“I love watching the swing of your dick as you walk, bro.”
“Good morning to you, too,” I chuckled as I climbed back under the sheets and cuddled against the pillow from the other side. I put my arms around his back and leaned in for a halitosis-infested good-morning peck on the lips.
When we had pulled back, he fixed his eyes on mine. “How’re ya doing this morning?”
“I’m okay, I think.”
“Are you mad at me?”
“No, of course not.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t have let you blow me.”
“Blake,” I chuckled, “I don’t think I would have let you stop me. Besides, you deserved a nice blowjob. At least, the best I could give you.”
He grinned at me. “It was a very nice BJ, bro.” He tenderly stroked my cheek.
“But I do need some time to think about what this means to me.”
He nodded. “I understand.”
“It sort of makes me reassess who I am.”
“Please keep in mind that, no matter what labels you may apply to yourself, you’re a warm, kind, loving, smart, beautiful, and sexy guy.”
“Thanks!” I said, kissing him lightly.
“So, uhm, I guess just know that I’m always here for you if you want to talk about anything. I sort of feel like the big brother when it comes to sex.”
I nodded. “I feel as though you’re far older and more experienced with sex than I am.” We stared into each other’s baby blues for a few moments. “I think I need some quiet time to myself to think everything out. Would that be okay?”
“Of course, Curt, whatever you need.”
“I don’t want you to think I’m avoiding you or that I’m mad at you or anything negative. It’s just a lot to process and it’ll take some time.”
“Sure, babe.” He grinned wickedly. “Would you like a complimentary morning wake-up blowjob before we go to breakfast?”
The twitch in my dick gave me my answer. “You bet!”
Sheets and pillows, arms, legs, and torsos were flung around and soon my brother’s talented mouth was giving me exquisite feelings as he slurped my manhood deep into his mouth, opening his throat and squeezing my glans as his tongue raced back and forth around my shaft while the accompanying suction ebbed and flowed. Within a couple of minutes, I was moaning like a dying hog, wiggling like a piglet, and dripping precum into his mouth like a broken faucet.
Soon I shouted and flooded him with the biggest load I had delivered since, well, last night.
After breakfast, Blake worked quietly on his “Julius Caesar” paper while I lay across the bed in deep thought, considering what it means to me to have irrevocably crossed the line by going down on him. Does this make me gay? I wondered. Am I a faggot? Will everyone just know by looking at me? Am I doomed to a life spent searching for more dicks to suck? Can I still marry? Will I be able to make love with a woman, with my wife? Can I have children? Can I ever be happy? Will Mom and Dad hate me, disown me, throw me out? Am I going straight to hell for not being entirely straight? How not-straight am I? Is sucking off my brother a terrible sin? Am I fundamentally different now? What should I do about this?
I’ll spare you, my valued readers, the convoluted path my thinking took over the next two days because I don’t want you to decide I’m crazy or to abandon my story because it’s making you crazy to read it. I’ll just sum it all up by saying that eventually I reached several important conclusions.
1. As Blake pointed out in his lovely supportive statement, I am the same good person I have always been. That didn’t change with a BJ.
2. Mom and Dad love me no matter what, even if they know or don’t know about my sexual appetite for Blake’s body.
3. God is Love. If that is true (and, after a couple of hours considering it, I really do believe it is), then He cannot hate me and won’t send me to hell because I responded to a natural desire within me.
4. Many people are really bi-sexual, so I may be able to have a good relationship with a woman, get married, and have children. Brent is an example of a guy who has sex with both men and women.
5. No one can tell by looking at me that I’ve learned to suck dick or that I like it. People don’t know that about Blake or Brent and they won’t know about me either, unless I let them know.
6. I am a cocksucker, but I am much, much more, too. The world is okay and so am I.
7. Blake is still the hottest guy on my planet and I want to explore sex with him. I love him a great deal and I want him even more, now that I’ve thought through all this.
Deeper into Isolation
Dad was able to obtain approval from the school board for us to get a key to the gate at the high school tennis courts. We would be able to play as long as one of us was a student at West Plano. That gave us more than two years, although none of us thought we would be in isolation that long. The next day Dad went with us to the court just to check everything out. He emphasized in no uncertain terms that our punishment would be swift and severe if we didn’t observe social distancing with anyone we might see. If we met up with a friend, such as Lenore, we could put Grandma at risk. He implied that we might be locked into our room until the quarantine ended if we messed up.
Frankly, the idea of being locked in our room together wasn’t nearly as scary to either of us as Dad imagined.
We decided to play tennis in the evenings after the heat of the day had dissipated a bit. Our typical daily routine became:
Wake up up, swap blowjobs
· Breakfast with family
· Study in our room
· Lunch with family
· Study in our room
· Work out or work on a project for Mom or Dad such as cleaning out the garage, painting the girls’ room, cleaning the pool, or doing yardwork.
· Shower together, hand jobs or blowjobs
· Dinner with family
· An hour playing games with our sisters
· Tennis at the school
· Shower together
· Watch Netflix, then PornHub
· Blowjobs and sleep
Of course, our routine varied a bit as we talked with friends on the phone. Once in a while Brent would have a Zoom call with Blake while his wife was away. That often resulted in video-sex between them while I watched from my desk or the broken-down lounge chair in our room. I would beat off along with Blake. It didn’t feel as good as his lips, tongue, and throat on my dick, but it was very erotic.
Unbelievable Sensations
Watching gay videos on PornHub was quite educational for me. Almost every scene, whether from an amateur video or a porn movie, had one (or more) guys fucking one (or more) guys in the ass. I’d known about this practice for years, but could never really imagine it before I began seeing it in pornography. When Blake told me Brent would often fuck him and admitted to liking it (I think he said he loved it), my interest in the whole activity moved from a sort of academic interest to a much more involved curiosity. In some of the videos I had the impression the guy getting fucked was in a lot of pain, but that was mostly when the fucker was being quite rough. Most of the time, the fuckee seemed to be enjoying it and sometimes seemed almost incoherent in his desire for the other dude to “fuck me!”
You couldn’t watch these videos without also noticing the guys licking each other’s assholes. This totally grossed me out at first. One night I paused the video we were watching and asked Blake, “Do you and Brent do that?”
He grinned at me. “Yes. It’s called ‘rimming.’”
“Rimming, huh? Do you like it?”
He thought for a minute. “Absolutely. I can’t describe how incredible it feels when his tongue lightly brushes my hole. The sensations are indescribable.”
“Yeah, Curt. Your asshole is much more sensitive than you could ever imagine.”
It was impossible to imagine it would feel so good. But why would a guy want to lick another guy’s hole? It made no sense.
“Uhm, why would a guy want to lick another guy’s hole?”
“Lots of reasons, I guess. For one, he knows how amazing it feels, so he does it to make his partner feel really good. It also relaxes the hole so there’s less resistance to putting a dick inside.”
“I’ve noticed they usually do it before they fuck.”
“Yep, that’s why. It also makes the hole wet and sort of lubed up. And, for the guy getting rimmed, it usually makes him really want to get fucked.”
“Yeah?” That seemed weird to me. “Why?”
“I’m not exactly sure, but it does.” He took my hand. “Would you like me to show you, uhm, rim you?”
Truthfully, I was extremely curious about how it felt, although I couldn’t imagine it felt as good as he was implying. Still… “Well, uhm, maybe. But I don’t want to get fucked.”
“Sure.” He grinned and squeezed my hand. “One rim job special coming right up!”
Blake took the computer and set it on my desk. On the way back to bed, he slipped his white Jockeys off and climbed onto the bed between my legs. He grasped the waistband of my yellow and green striped Elance bikinis, laughed at the length of my boner that had escaped from the waistband, and pulled them off my legs, tossing them aside like a used Kleenex.
He slid up my body until he was flat on me, pec to pec, ab to ab, dick to dick. Then he began kissing me with a deep passion that was a little different from our previous kisses. It was a moment before I realized that he was being more aggressive, thrusting his tongue into my mouth and taking possession of me rather than drawing my tongue into his mouth. Unknowingly, I had been the driver of our kisses, but not this time. He was in control and playing my body as he wanted to. I was content to let him control because, frankly, it was incendiary not knowing what he was planning until it actually happened.
In addition to taking control of my mouth, Blake pumped his hardness against my belly as though he was fucking me deeply. I’d never experienced him being quite so masterful. As I responded to this beautiful display of his masculinity, I felt my need for release beginning.
Before I got more than a few dribbles of precum, Blake backed off, smiled a very sexy smile at me, and began sliding back down my body, pausing for a minute or two to work each of my nipples with his delightful lips and tongue which made me cry out “Oh, oh, god!” as my dick burped out another dollop of precum. He slipped on down and drew my dick into his mouth for a couple of minutes of gentle sucking before he moved further to capture my balls one at a time for some stupendous gentle suck-and-lick action. When he let my second ball fall out of his mouth, his tongue moved under my sac to that spot no one ever touches. I was surprised how good his tongue felt on that puffy little section of skin as he grasped the backs of my knees and began lifting my legs off the mattress. He pushed my legs as far as he could without removing his tongue from my perineum (who knew my high school biology would be so useful?).
“Grab your ankles, Curt, and hold your legs back.”
I did as I was told and realized I’d never before been in this position. It was comfortable enough, but gave me a psychological sensation of weirdness. Soon that thought was replaced by an all-consuming tickling sensation as his tongue moved through the hair surrounding my hole. Thank God I had just showered! I held my breath in anticipation of the indescribable sensation Blake had talked about. The movements of his tongue were feather light but at the same time they created very strong sensory signals, perhaps because these nerve signals had never fired before in my 18 years. Simultaneously, I felt an itch and a tickle like a whole herd of ants was crawling over my flesh. His warm breath on my hole and the movement of the tiny hairs had me quivering with ardent expectancy. He froze for an instant, the only movement being his soft breath tantalizing my hole. Then with no warning whatsoever, his tongue passed over my opening, touching it so lightly I wasn’t sure it actually contacted my skin.
It was the lightest touch I had ever received from another person, his tongue on my hole. But it was the strongest explosion of sensation I had ever received.
“Aaaiieeeee!” I screamed so loudly that anyone in the street would have heard me.
Blake’s golden tongue began to circle around my hole, touching as lightly as possible as the blast of sensations became a flood and then a fucking tsunami. I gasped for air as I screamed repeatedly, “Oh, oh, fuck, oh, ah, aaahh!” I had forgotten my dick, my body, my own being. I became nothing but a hole and a system for collecting unimaginable sensations. I even forgot Blake or what was really happening. I had become nothing but that receptive hole.
Gradually the pressure from the tongue circling my hole grew stronger. The sensations, though remaining outrageously strong, had fallen into the realm of experience, my new reality. His tongue was now against my hole constantly, moving against my flesh with some purpose I didn’t understand. The extreme itching sensation I had had earlier returned and seemed to move into me, as if that herd of ants had started to move into my asshole. His lovely tongue stopped circling and began pushing so it massaged the entire circumference of my hole constantly. I continued moaning and crying as he worked me open. I became aware that the tip of his tongue was beginning to probe into my hole. Into my body. Oh, fuck! Into my ass!
For a moment he pulled out and I took a gigantic deep breath as the last of the sensations cleared my brain. But there was no time for a coherent thought because his tongue pushed forward into my hole like it had been doing to my mouth a lifetime ago, when I was a naïve innocent. As he fucked me with his tongue, he lifted and lightly fondled my balls, which were churning in their excitement. I was dribbling precum almost continuously and my dick felt harder than it had ever been, even though I was scarcely aware of its existence with my attention so rivetted on my asshole.
Blake pulled my balls downward and my dick lifted itself from the pool of goo on my belly as it rose to nearly a full stand. In half a second, Blake pulled out of my asshole, raised his body, and plunged his mouth over my dick, taking it instantly to the maximum and squeezing its head with his throat.
“Fu-u-u-uck!” I screamed as cum exploded through my dick directly into Blake’s clutching throat on its way to his stomach. He let me shoot 4 or 5 wads of cum into his esophagus before he pulled off far enough to breathe and to catch some of my essence in his mouth.
Very lightly he licked my spent dick, gently suckling it like a calf suckles the heifer’s teat as I whimpered. This was the perfect transition from screaming orgasm to the afterglow that follows truly amazing sex.
To be continued...
Posted: 11/27/2020