The Customer
Dexter's Saga
by: JoyStick
© 2009-2018 by the author


The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...


"You better care!!! Who the hell do you think approved your use of an Aircraft Carrier, a Seal Team, as well as making it possible for you to work with the Mossad? Do you think it was your 'Good looks' that got you all that help? Nothing you did or could do - could have been done without his knowing and approval. We were very lucky on this one. We could have lost some men. Thank God we didn't.  They put their lives on the line for Ronnie and you! You owe it to them. Do I make myself clear?"


"Yes, you do. Sorry, but give me a week or so to rest up and get settled..."


That was all the Director of Homeland Security could say as Jesse hung up.....


Chapter 45


"Fuck that shit, he and his boss can go to hell. I'm through with this crap," muttered Jesse as he snapped closed his cell phone and for a few days he reveled in trying to play house with Ronnie and her family. He tried his best to re-establish the bond that had been formed on the trip coming home from her ordeal. But in the Governors' Mansion this proved to be if not difficult, then impossible. There were always too many people around. For one reason or another the two of them just could not reestablish that tender connection that he needed and longed for. A special feeling of being 'complete' or whatever it was. Was it really love or just plain lust? He really did not know and to make maters worse there seemed to be no one around who understood or could help him.

To complicate the situation more her Grandma (as Muslin tradition commanded) was always either at her side or nearby watching that the two of them were never allowed to touch or to be alone with each other. When he voiced his complaints to Ronnie's family, they brushed him off with comments like, 'If you want privacy - get married'. Perhaps he had become spoiled. He wanted Ronnie, but he also knew it was not possible as long as her family was around looking over their shoulders. He soon became bored and disgusted with the whole situation. To sit at the same table three times a day - to see her day after day and not be able to touch her. To tell the truth he began to dread the fact that he had been the one that insisted that Grandma and Ronnie move into the mansion with him.

Then, on top of everything else, not only her family, but also Yethro re-entered the argument by prodding and pressuring both of them to consummate their marriage. In fact, in order to alleviate the situation as well as Jesse's objections about Ronnie being too young, Yethro took the bull by the horns and rammed a 'Sharia like' law through the State Assembly that now lowered the age of consent to 14. This new law clearly made it possible and legal for men to marry14-year-old girls as long as they had the written consent of her legal guardian. Yethro had originally tried to lower the age to 12 and do away with the written consent, but the Assembly would not go that far and balked at the prospect. For a while it looked like Yethro was in political trouble. However, he was able work out a compromise while maintaining his hold on the vast majority of his power base. The new law was passed with '14' as the age of consent. Even with this, Jesse still had misgivings. He felt that it would appear that the law was put on the books for his benefit and it would just perpetuate the rumors that had began to crop up in the newspapers and tabloids. Besides, old habits as well as customs die hard and Jesse still had the feeling that, law or no law, she was still too young to become a wife and mother.

But as each day passed he began to weaken. He now had the daily delight of seeing her, if not every minute of the day, then for a greater part of the day. He began noticing more and more that her body had begun to bloom into womanhood. The long flowing robes and head coverings that Grandma insisted she wear did little if anything to hide this fact. In fact Jesse thought these things made her even more desirable and sexy. Contrary to what most people believe, the truth is that what a man cannot see makes it all the more sought after. Like the proverbial buried treasure. A treasure that is hidden and waiting to be ravaged by the beastly pirate in all men. In addition to this was the fact that she was now living in the Mansion where he saw her every day. Poor Jesse began to suffer from one humongous case of blue balls. With or without that new law, damn it, he had to face the fact that those lips, hips, rear end and breasts were driving him crazy with a burning desire to possess her once and for all. There was no getting away from it. Then on the other hand was it that her recent captivity had awakened some dormant sex pheromone that had infected him? One way or the other whatever it was, it was driving him wild! The mental pictures of a captor running his filthy hands over her naked body taunted and agonized him. The thought that someone else had almost violated her... Damn it! He just had to make sure that something like that never happened again. Also looming in the back of his mind was the problem of that bastard Haroun. It had to be settled once and for all. Until then neither he nor Ronnie would have any peace of mind nor could they hope to live a normal life together. Was this burning anger really normal or had his upbringing in Saudi Arabia affected him more than he cared to admit? It bothered him and he tried to talk to Yethro about it.

One would think that Yethro would be one of the last people to encourage his lover to take on a wife, but, like the others, the Judge also insisted he take that final step. He kept reminding him that he was not getting any younger and if he wanted lots of children it was best to start young.

"Yes," he argued, "I know that it is not unheard of even in this country for older men to take trophy wives and produce children. But, Jess, in order to be able to enjoy having a family, it is much better to start when you are younger. If anyone should know, it should be me! Please listen to me. I wish I have done that myself."

"You have me," Jesse protested.

"Yes! Praise be to Allah. I do have you, but Jess, although you are my adopted son and I love you as if you were bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh, the truth is that you are not. What happens when you leave me for her? No matter how much we may deny it, we both know that your marriage will change things between us. You are already building a new home for the two of you! Please, Jess, you don't want to end up like me, an old broken down shadow of a man looking to live vicariously through his adopted son."

To counter Yethro's arguments, Jesse pointed out that Mohammed himself had many children with multiple young women when he was much older than either Yethro or himself. Yethro countered with much craftiness as well as humor that yes, it was true that the prophet himself had many young wives and fathered many children well into old age. However, the prophet, unlike Jesse, had been a man of the desert and as everyone knows they were, and still are, much hardier than any city dwellers.

Another time when they discussed the subject Yethro said, "Jess, damn it, forget about everything and just take her to your bed. With her and her family now living here in the mansion, people are beginning to talk and ask questions. Some of these reporters can be very persistent. They even asked me about it the other day in a press conference. They found out that you had moved her into the Mansion and think you are living with her anyway and they wanted to know how I feel about becoming a Grandfather. How long are the two of you going to take to make me a Grandfather? I had to tell them that if they really wanted to know, they should ask you."

"Look Jess, no one cares about that silly 18-year-old shit anymore. That new law I pushed through the Assemble changed all that. The times as well as the people are changing. The 'rights of women' are a thing of the past. This was only the first step. Families will soon be able to sell their daughters to men as well as contract marriages at an early age. Get with it! Once the word get out it will not be too long before all of the States pass similar laws. Besides, if you wait too long I could be out of office by the time both of you are ready to tie the knot. I have told you over and over that I would really like to perform the wedding ceremony myself. By doing it myself everyone will know it is real and legitimate. And besides, just think about having a wedding here in the Mansion. All the wealth and fanfare! What more could a young bride want? As far as your problems with the Caliph, what he tried to do was reprehensible. By the laws and customs of the desert, we all know it is your duty to kill that depraved bastard. Not only that but family honor dictates it! You have every right to do whatever you can to make sure that Ronnie and you live a normal life. In the old country it would not only be your duty, but also both mine and Rashid's also, to cut that bastard's throat. And, my son, every bone in my body aches to do it. Under other circumstances, were I not the Governor, I myself would love to track him down and kill the bastard with my own hands. But, as the State Chief Law Enforcement Officer, I can't take the law into my hands, no more than President Harry S. Truman could kill that newspaper critic that did not like his daughter's singing," the judge said banging his fist on the table. "Besides, the Caliph would never let me get close enough to cut his throat."

A few weeks later Phillip Green, the Homeland Security Chief, unlike Yethro, insisted Jesse forget about revenge and try to think of some way to renew his relationship and get close to the Caliph again. "We missed a golden, perhaps a platinum opportunity by not taking up the Caliph's offer! Just think about it, having an operative right next to the big man..." Then seeing the look of revolution and anger building in Jesse he said, "I know the idea repulses you and you THINK you love this Ronnie, but you don't have any place for that kind of bullshit. Remember, you are supposed to be an undercover agent... a professional. And how do you act? You act like some cheep Hollywood hero and without even notifying me you run off to rescue the damsel in distress instead of taking him up on his offer. Had I known what you were going to do, I would have tried to stop you and reminded you of your primary duty. As your boss, I would have ordered you to forget about the girl and become his 'very good' friend. You have to realize that we are not paying you to live a 'normal' life. Again I tell you to get on with it and be the professional agent that you were trained to be and the one I know you are."

"You mean, A PROFESSIONAL male prostitute. That's what I am! Yes, don't even try to deny it. You want me to sleep with that murdering bastard and... even if I could... how would you suggest I do that NOW! After what happened in the Sinai, that would be impossible. He must know that it was me that planned and executed the raid that shut down his Sinai operation. We have to assume that at least one of his men escaped and told him the story. The man is not a complete idiot. That much is for sure!"
"Oh, I'm sure you will think of something. Lets look at the facts not as you think they are, but as we know them. Contrary to what you just said, the man really IS an idiot. I don't care what you say. We know that he did not kidnap Ronnie for his own use, but only to use her to get you to join him. From what you told me of your last meeting - he came away with the impression that you were interested in him. Therefore why antagonize you? You just might have welcomed his attentions. As far as he knew you might have joined him on your own. It does not make sense. If he were as smart as you think, he would not have done that! Why not just ask you first? If you refused, then... No, you are his weak spot, his Achilles' heel. Maybe he feels you might refuse him and could not accept your refusal. Who knows? Remember what they taught you in agent school 101. Every 'idiot' has a weak spot and from what I can see, you are his! This man was and still may be in love with you. His lust for you has driven him off the deep end. So he sends his henchman to kidnap your girlfriend in hopes of getting you to join him, which was stupid to say the least. You must stop thinking like a wounded animal and use that devious mind of yours. You know that sooner or later you are going to have to go after him. The longer you wait, the harder it will be."
"If I could just get him to come back to Canada...," Jesse mused..

"There you see! You still have it! Look, this man was hopelessly in love with you and still may be. However, I don't think he is stupid enough to even try to contact you again. No, at least not directly or even right now. If he has any sense at all, he would forget about you altogether. But as I said before, he is an idiot, driven by his dick. He just might either believe or want to believe that you really want him also. We have to get you together with him again, but as far as Canada goes, that may be too dangerous."

"Yes, you might be right, but then what other way is there now? He knows that I'm not going to willingly pack my stuff and join him in Syria. Why else would he have gone to all that trouble to get me into his bed..." Then as if struck by a bolt of lightning, he said, "Holy cow, I think I might have a way to entice him to come back to Canada," Jesse said. "It will be tricky. Let me think about it for a day or so. I'll get back to you."

"Well at least you're beginning to think about it! Okay! Good let's meet for lunch tomorrow at Hamburger Hut," Green said.

"Isn't it a bit dangerous for us to be meeting in public like that?" Jesse asked.

"No, I don't think it would be too dangerous. In fact, given the fact that it is public knowledge that you and I worked on the President's visit to the Governor's conference a while back and that you were just involved in an operation against the Caliph, I think it would be normal that Homeland Security would be very interested in talking to you."

"If I ever did get close to him I would cut off his balls and pay him back for what he did to Ronnie and me..."

"I know you feel that way and I even understand it - but man, remember, you are a professional and you are letting your heart get involved instead of your head. Need I remind you what these bastards would do to you if they were to find out you were really working for us? Yethro, Rashid, Ronnie and her Grandmother were all enemies of our country and for all I know might still be. As a professional, I hope you have not developed any feelings for them. When you took that oath of office to defend against all enemies.... remember it included all of them. As your superior I hate to do it, but I could order you to..."

"Stop right there... Rashid may still be one of the Caliph's agents, in spite of what he did to Ronnie. But you leave Ronnie and her Grandmother out of this. They have not been any danger to this country. But, you're right I was letting it get too personal."

"You have to watch yourself. It only takes one slip. One error and it will be your balls that will be hanging from one of their belts."

"Yes, you're right. It's just hard to think of Ronnie as an enemy. Okay, look, I'll try to think of something. There is something that is trying to come into my mind. I have to think about it for a while. Maybe by tomorrow at The Hamburger Hut."

"Great, but remember, your job is NOT to kill him, but to become the Caliph's confidant, his lover, and second in command and to report to us everything about him and his operations that you can. That is your only mission. When you get into that position someone in his organization will contact you and act as your contact. Forget that you were trained to be a cold-blooded killer. With you right there next to him, getting as close to him as you can, you could be worth more than a million troops. We want you to make yourself his right-hand man. You are to become his alter ego, AND we do not care what you have to do to become his 'second skin'. While I can't put any of this into will do it even if it means that you have to become a killer for him! Do I make myself clear? Now get busy and come up with a plan by tomorrow."

"I'll try. But one thing you must promise me or I will quit right now and won't do a thing for the agency again."

"Don't bargain with me!" the director warned and then added in a condescending way. "Okay, what is it?"

"We will keep this all to ourselves. The President is to be kept out of it."

"But he must know. Sooner or later, he has to know."

"If I hear about it in one of his 'tweets' I'll...."

"Don't worry about 'tweets'. Nothing will get out without my approval. I'll keep it from him as long as I can, but remember he has to know about it sooner or later...."

"Then let it be later. As late as you can."

The next day they met and kicked around a few ideas and Philip finally had to agree with Jesse that the only way was for Jesse to contact Haroun and somehow get him to come to Canada for another meeting. "Yes, maybe something could be arranged with the Canadians. We have very good connections with Canadian security. Let me see if I can contact their top security people."

"That is most likely the best way," Jesse said. "It would still be hard to arrange, but let me think about it for a while. Hey, wait a minute! That's it! The last time Yethro and I were up in Canada there was a Mountie that I met that might be willing to help us."

"A Mountie, huh? What was the name of that Mountie? Do you remember it?"

"Yes, I have it written down in my address book in my office safe. He was real nice to us and when Yethro told him he was thinking of looking for a hunting cabin up there for when he retired, the man offered to help as he knew of several cabins that might be available. Oh! Yes, I remember it now; it was a Lt. Macloury 'Mac' if I remember right. Yethro told me to get his telephone number. I can get it for you, if you like."

"Good idea! Send it to me and maybe I will check with the Canadian Security people and see if they will give us the use of this guy as well as some kind of cover for you. In the meantime maybe you could sort of try to contact the Caliph and see what can be done to set the wheels in motion. Do you have a means of getting in contact with him?"

"He did leave me a contact number at that time and again when he sent me a gift, but I doubt that that number is still in service. Anyway, I'll check it out and get back to you. If I can still get in touch, perhaps I can entice him to meet me again in Canada," Jesse said.

"Like I said, Canada would still be difficult. I would rather have you meet him in the United States. Anyplace else would be too risky. Perhaps we could arrange to get him to cross the border?"

"I think not. It is going to be almost impossible to convince him to make the journey to Canada. Like I keep telling you the man is not an idiot," reiterated Jesse.

"Just see what you can do! And keep in-touch."

When Jesse got back to his office he went to his wall safe and opened it and found not only the Mounties' name and telephone number, but also the contact number that the Caliph had given him. He debated with himself for a while and then dialed the number on his cell.

"Hello, I was given your number by a mutual friend of ours and told to leave a message there for him."

"Yes. You are right. This is an answering service. But, we have many clients. Who is your friend? What would be the message?"

"His name is Haroun, and I would like him to contact me."

"Let me see if we have anyone by that name," he said as Jesse heard him shuffling papers then, "MMMmmm! Oh yes; however he is very busy now. I have not heard from him in several weeks, but if and when he calls, I will give him your message. Does he have you phone number...?"

Jesse gave him his cell number and told him to tell him to call back as soon as he could.

"Well, you know these things can take a while."

"Yes, I know he is a busy man, but I know he will want to get back to me as it is rather important."

"Okay, I'll get right on it. But, like I said, I don't think he is in the mood to talk to you or anyone right now. Perhaps one of his assistants might do?"

"Look here! You can tell him that if he ever wants to see me again, he better get off his ass and get in touch with me by the end of the week... or he can forget it!" Jessie shouted and hung up."

After he hung up, Jess put his feet on his desk and hung his head.... Now that's what I call real professional and stupid. Boy, I've done it! Fantastic, now he will never call me back. It is finished-done! The hell with it! Well that's one way of getting out of the fuckin' situation. Then he took his feet off the desk, paced around his office and walked over to the window. He glanced out and smiled as he saw Ronnie and her Grandmother sitting on the porch swing on the rear patio taking in the afternoon sun. Standing beside them and watching the surrounding area was that armed guard that Jesse had hired. I just wonder who he is protecting, Ronnie or the old lady? He thought, well, as long as he keeps his eyes on both of them. Is that guard any different than I? Both of us are perhaps being a little derelict in our duties. Only now I can at least tell Philip that I have tried to contact the Caliph and now the ball is in Haroun's court. I don't think he will even try to contact me, so if worse comes to worse, I'm free. Smiling, he then went to his desk and picked up the box with the see-thru mesh underpants and placed them and the telephone book back into the wall safe.

"At least I tried! Now that I have screwed up that, perhaps I can give some thought to my own and Ronnie's lives. Perhaps we can now begin to raise that family... Oh! Why the hell not?" he said to himself and walked down to the patio and said hello to Ronnie and kissed Grandma.

"How are both of you today?" he asked and made small talk with Grandma to be polite. After a while he turned and took Ronnie by the hand and guided her away.

"Excuse us Grandma, but Ronnie and I have to talk privately for a few minutes," Jesse said and before she could object he took her out of Grandma's line of sight and hearing.

"You know, since we got back home I have not had a minute alone with you. I was just in my office just thinking how nice it was when we were alone on the ship and then on the plane. Just the two of us, no family, no guards. We were able to talk and just relax. It was real nice. Just the two of us. I liked having you beside me to feel the heat of your body as well as the sweet smell of... I don't know about you but I'm tired of having people looking over our shoulders. I thought having you living here at the mansion would bring us closer, instead it feels like we are becoming strangers. What do you say that this weekend just you and I take a drive up to the cabin? We can say we are going to check on the house and to see how far the contractor has gotten? We could stay at Yethro's cabin and if the weather permits maybe get in a bit of fishing and swimming. It would do us both good to get out of the city and get some fresh air as well as not have the family on our backs all the time. Just the two of us alone."

"Oh, just the two of us... Yes, I would love that, but what about the security people. And....."

"If you are afraid of what people would say, forget about it - people are already talking and they will continue to gossip anyway. As far as security, I have a license to carry a gun and there is always the Chief of Police. He, his police force and I, can and will protect us. Think about it... Just the two of us! I think it's time for us to spend some time alone and get to know each other better. You know - without the family around. Other couples do it, why not us? If you're really worried about what they would say or think, we could take Grandma with us, but I would rather it be just you and me, just the two of us and I promise I will behave."

"If you are going to behave - why bother going up to the cabin?" she smiled. "I think I can trust you--the question is, can you trust me?" she asked as she put her arms around Jesse and kissed him deeply, her mouth open and her tongue searching and finding his.

He pressed her beautiful body into his and almost crushed her. Yes, this is what he wanted and needed. They held on to each other feeling the passion build until Jesse reached down and lifted her up into his arms and carried her back to where Grandma was sitting. As he placed her in the porch swing he saw the look of disapproval on Grandma's face as he sat down next to her and then said, "Ronnie and I are going up to the lake this weekend to check on the contractor's progress. We will be going alone. Just the two of us. We need time together and I think we earned it."

Grandma exploded with a string of Arabic that Jesse could just about make out, much of it not made up of words for 'polite company'. Thankfully, before he could react, Ronnie answered her in Arabic.

"Grandma, I never heard you use that kind of language before. Shame on you! Whether or not you like it Jesse and I want to do this and we are going to do it. Please calm down as this is going to happen and there is nothing more to say about it. We want and need time to ourselves, alone. We are both able to take care of ourselves and that's all there is to it! We are both old enough to make up our own minds about these things now."

"What about your bodyguard?"

"Jesse says we don't need one. The last time I went out - Rashid was supposed to be my 'protector' and look at what it got me. Jesse had to come and rescue me. I made myself a promise that from then on, whenever possible, Jesse will be with me and we will take care of each other - he has always been there for me and I trust him to continue to do it." And in a very forceful but firm voice she put an end to the discussion by saying in Arabic, "Jesse is well acquainted with the use of firearms and showed his skill when he came to rescue me. I trust him and so should this family! Besides, with me gone you can have the apartment all to yourself or you can invite that new friend of yours, the security guard, for the weekend. We all know the games the two of you have been playing behind our backs." Seeing the look of dismay on her face she added, "Now, don't deny it. I know you have been sneaking out at night to be with him. What I'm asking is to just let Jesse and me play the same game.... Jesse and I need this time alone. We will do very well. Like I said he has a gun and he knows how to use it. Also, just in case, there is a Chief of Police that Jesse says is very capable and he will protect us. I promise we will behave ourselves. Besides, as all of you keep reminding us all the time, we are already man and wife and maybe after this weekend Jesse and I will be that for real..."

Jesse was shocked. He had never seen her so forceful and it really sent chills through him while Grandma herself realized that Ronnie had become a grown woman and so it was arranged and Friday after services at the Mosque, Jesse packed Ronnie and himself, along with their luggage, into the car and took off for the cabin. He called and informed Mike that they would be arriving in about 2 hours and to have the cabin area made secure.

They drove up to the cabin feeling like they were on their honeymoon. Jesse played the radio loudly and the two of them sang along and just had a great time together. Jesse remembered that liquor store he had stopped at before and picked up some foodstuff and a few bottles of good wine. Then they drove up to the compound gate where they found Mike waiting for them.

"Hello," Mike shouted at them. "Welcome home. It's so nice to see you again. I've checked the perimeter out and it's clean. The contractor is still working down by your site but he will be leaving for the weekend soon and it should be quiet down there. You should have the place all to yourselves for the entire weekend. Do you want me to check out the cabin?"

"That's a good idea. Make sure there are no unwanted animals that would scare the lady," Jesse requested.

After he came back out the Chief informed him it was all clear and then added, "I have patrols set up to check the area fence perimeter every hour or so. That along with the security cameras should make you and the lady safe and secure here. Is there anything else you need?"

"No! That sounds good. I have my cell phone incase anything goes wrong and I brought my pistol and ammunition just in case, so we should be fine here. I want to thank you for your help. We would appreciate it if we had as much privacy as possible."

"I understand and I'll inform the men also," the Chief said and got back into his car and drove away.

They got out of the car, locked the security gate and went up on the porch where Jesse opened the door and turned on the lights and checked the inside himself. He came back out and the two of them unloaded the car and placed the supplies in the refrigerator. Jesse checked the deep freeze and removed some frozen fish to thaw for supper. He also put the bottles of wine in the fridge

"How do fish, potatoes, mixed vegetables and some good wine sound for supper?"

"You know that as good Moslems, we should not drink alcohol. But this is a special occasion and as long as you are going to drink some, I will join you. I have to admit that I did develop a taste for it at the Governor's Ball when you took me there. As far as supper goes, as long as you are going to make it, I'll eat anything you cook, except pork. I'm not ready yet to go that far with breaking traditions," Ronnie said and then asked, "Where am I going to sleep?"

"As you know we have only one bedroom and one bed, so I guess unless you want me to sleep out here on the sofa...."

"Well I guess it will be more comfortable if we shared," she smiled as she went into the bedroom and started to unpack. "By the way, "are you a good cook?" she asked from there.

"I like to think that I am," he said as he finished putting away the groceries, "However, I will not show you my best abilities as I don't think I want to get much gourmet cooking done this weekend," he said as he entered the bedroom.

"Is that so? I had hopes that you would like to impress me. Just what did you intend to get done this weekend," she said, stopping and looking up at him.

He moved close to her and encircled her in his long arms and pulled her body to his. As their lips met and she melted into his embrace, "Well as long as you are in the mood to bend traditions a bit perhaps we can do what your Grandma and ......"
At the thought of Grandma and the security guard, Ronnie burst out laughing. Jesse joined in her laughter and pushed her a little bit away from himself in order to allow his eyes to scan up and down her body. Just a glance of her soft, dark eyes and gentle smile caused his heart to swell with the love he felt for her. Even with the flowing dress and head covering that hid her body, he never tired of the image of her sensual body. Every time his eyes drank in her feminine form, his passion burned hotter and more intensely than before. This time however, with just the two of them here, alone, there was nothing to distract him or cool the warm feeling building in his mid section. The treasure before him held his complete and full attention.

"You know, I never told you but this cabin will always be the place I first fell in love with you," he said and seeing her confusion, he explained, "I fell in love with you the moment that I picked up a photograph of you that fell out of Rashid's wallet that first time he was up here. You're beautiful, stunning," he said. "Like a Rembrandt," he continued as he undid her head covering and let it slip to the floor. "I just hope I can treat you like the fine work of art that you are. It's hard because all I want to do is to crush your body into mine. I want to squeeze you until our bodies melt into one. You drive me crazy, insane. I want you so..."

Then he ran his hands up and down her back and grasped her backside with the tips of his fingers touching her rear end and pushing her womanhood into his growing hardness. She gasped for air as he inserted his fingers between her legs and found that her opening was wet and glistening. Their position made it a little difficult for him to touch her the way he wanted and by turning a bit he was able to place his hand so that it was in the perfect position to cup her now dripping love center.

"Just say 'Stop' and I will!" he moaned.

Seeing she offered no resistance, he reached down and lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed and started to remove her clothes as quickly as he could. At the same time she undid his shirt. She leaned her face against his bare chest and licked one of his nipples. Jesse placed the palm of his hand on her head and forced her lips even harder against his swelling nipple. Releasing her he quickly removed her remaining clothes and then stripped himself and placed his lips on her nipple and licked around and around and sucked the full globes one at a time into his mouth as she moaned and grasped at him passionately. They pawed at each other like the sex starved animals both had become and he gripped her shoulder, spun her around and pressed forward until he was on top of her and had an unobstructed view of her pussy. Her flower of passion was already swollen and in full bloom; the fragrant petals slightly open in an unspoken invitation. Jesse placed his mouth on her dripping cunt lips and began to lick and suck up her juice. She screamed and began to beg, "Please Jesse, please, please, I want you in me. I need you in me. I belong to you and you to me. No more games. Do not play with me, please!"

In answer to her, Jesse said, "No, Ronnie, no more games this is it no turning back now," as he gripped his rigid cock in his right hand and pressed the engorged and almost purple crown against her dripping opening. Slowly, but with much force he stroked the bulbous head up and down the length of her slit. Using his foreskin like a fine paintbrush, he spread the super slick pre-cum mixed with her now freely flowing pussy-juice on her outer lips. Ronnie, to his surprise and delight pushed back trying to capture the pulsing spear and force it deep inside herself, but Jesse pulled back, at first denying her the prize she now desperately sought.

"Don't make me beg again," she cooed. "Please Jess, I want your hardness deep inside me. I wanted it from that time when we drove home from the Governor's Ball. I need to feel you inside of me. I need it so badly," she continued in a pleading tone. "For God's sake, Jesse, make me your wife, And do it now!"

His own need overtook him and he thrust his hips forward, driving the length of his turgid shaft into her in a single, forceful thrust. He heard her scream as the head of his penis blasted through her virginity wall. He could feel the warmth of her blood as it flowed around his tool lubricating the shaft even more.

After that first incredible feeling of being filled, time and space ceased to exist as they were taken into another dimension. The only thing in the world that mattered was their naked bodies thrashing and undulating, one against the other, pounding together, driving their pleasure higher and higher until their minds seemed to explode as the force of their shared release overwhelmed them as they made not love but 'lust' with each other.

Ronnie lay back exhausted, as she reached up and closed her arms around Jesse hugging him still tighter as tears came out of her eyes.

Seeing her tears flowing, Jesse leaned in and kissed her and started to blubber about how sorry he was. "I should have been more gentle and not acted so brutally, so much like a wild beast. This is not how I wanted it to happen. I wanted our first time to be special. To be perfect. I wanted to make love to you - not ravage you. I wanted you to remember your first time as..."

"No, no, Oh Jesse. It was everything I dreamed of. I never thought it could be any better. It was wonderful. This being my first time, I have nothing to compare it with. I know you have had much more experience than I. Did you enjoy it also?"

"Oh yes my love. I not only enjoyed it, but the other times did not come anywhere near this. I never loved any of the others. I don't even remember them now. From now on you are my first, last and only lover. Jesse turned her over on all fours and again drove his cock into her pussy but this time from the rear. From this position she was able to watch the underside of her body. With each powerful thrust, she felt the heat of his burning cock driving in and out of her pussy relentlessly. She smiled and almost laughed as she watched as her tits swayed to and fro with each thrust.

From this position she was also able to observe the sight of his glistening shaft come into view as it pounded in and out of her. She moaned at the erotic image that filled her eyes. Jesse quickly resumed his steady rhythm of driving into her until their hot flesh smacked together before pulling out until only the tip of the crown remained just past her parted lips. Now Ronnie was treated to a sight she had hoped to see since their first meeting. She marveled at the sight of their naked flesh pounding and thrusting, writhing and undulating as his glistening phallus appeared and disappeared into her body over and over again.

The combination of the sights, sounds, and feeling his lover's hot, tight pussy gripping his shaft and massaging the increasingly sensitive glands under the crown soon became more than he could control. With a final thrust he slammed as deeply into Ronnie's burning center as he could just as he felt the molten stream of cum course up the length of his dick and explode inside of her. Over and over for four or five powerful eruptions, his tight balls pumped stream after stream of his man cream into the depths of her womb. It was as if his body had exploded. Finally spent, his body relaxed and his rapidly wilting manhood slipped unceremoniously from Ronnie's quivering pussy.

"STAY!" he said firmly. "Don't you dare move. Now, spread your legs wide for me."

She had no idea what was on his mind. Jesse turned around, dropped to the floor so that he was sitting there and pulled her body to him and slid between her wide spread thighs. He licked at the top of one thigh to capture the stream of his thick, white cream leaking from her freshly fucked pussy before clamping his mouth over her dripping opening. The position allowed him to thrust his tongue deeply into her like a small penis. He tongue fucked her while furiously rubbing her burning clit with his fingers and struggling to drink down the river of cum flooding from her.

Ronnie shook and quivered as the rapture of her intense release consumed every fiber of her being. Every time he felt her muscles start to relax, he found a new way to stimulate her. Once he concentrated on flicking his tongue against her slightly rough, spongy G-Spot until she cried out and a flood of her nectar gushed into his mouth. Yet another time he drew her turgid clit between his tight lips and very gently bit down on it until she screamed in ecstatic release anew. Suddenly, the intensity of the pleasure became more than she could bear. She pushed off of him and fell into a heap on the bed.

"Allahu Akbar," she exclaimed. Her voice was so shaky it came out as a forced, loud whisper. "What the hell was that?"
"I hope it was good sex!" he teased.

"OH Jess, it was not good, it was great!" she moaned. "I hope it's like that every time," she moaned.

"You wait and see. It will just get better and better, my lover, as time goes by."

"Better than that! You have got to be joking!"

"I am not joking. Yes, it does get better. This time it was mostly lust. Next time it will be slow and easy and you will learn what real ecstasy is."

"Oh Jess", she exclaimed, "Look there is blood on the bedding..."

"Yes, but with none of your relatives around here there is no one to show it to..... We could take the sheet and show it to Grandma and Yethro, if you like."

"No, that will not be needed! I will wash it in the morning. They will just have to take our word," she smiled.

Jesse came up on the bed and for about one half hour they lay holding each other sharing soft, gentle kisses until finally he pulled back and suggested they each take a shower and get ready for supper which he planned to serve on the west porch so they could have a great view of the sun going down. Jesse showered first and started dinner. Then while Ronnie showered he put on one of the fancy Jalabiya robes that Yethro had purchased for him and set the table. Jesse had placed one of the cabin's hurricane lanterns in the center of the table and lit it. Standing off to the side of the table in a bucket of ice was the bottle of dry white wine. Ronnie came out onto the porch in a pajama outfit and found Jesse standing behind her chair holding it for her as she came out and sat down.

"I love that Jalabiya you are wearing. Where did you get it?" she asked.

"It was one of the first gifts Yethro ever gave me. If you like it I can have him order a few made up for you. I'm sure he would like nothing else but to see you and I in a matching set of these."

Then after pouring the wine he sat opposite her, raised his glass and toasted her.

"To my wife, the woman I love...and to the ending of a perfect day.... The first of many many more......."

To be continued…

Posted: 05/24/19