Juan and his Patron
By: Jon Stewart
(© 2019 by the author)

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Chapter 9

The Patron walked Coach Rodriguez to the bus. “Patron this was a most excellent time. I’ve enjoyed your company immensely. Will you come to Lisbon so I can return the favor? Sorry I don’t think it will be in front of 1200 other people. A little more intimate perhaps.”


“Coach, I shall look forward to it. I have been meaning to test the range of my Tesla roadster.”


“Please Patron. my name is Jorge.  I have to tell you I am concerned about the storm that is brewing in the Atlantic. There are reports it is headed straight for our little country. I think it wise to wait until it has passed, No?”


“Yes, Jorge it will be better to wait and for me I have a christen name as well, Jon.”


They shook hands but each could tell they so wanted more. A little man hug and the coach was on the bus for the trip back to Lisbon. Just as the bus was closing its doors a somewhat dis-shelved Diego scurried onto the bus. He stood and waved to Miguel as well as Juan and Tomas. He sat next to his father.


 “I saw you dancing Diego, did you have fun?”


“Ohh Si, papa, so much I wish the night would not end.”


“You were dancing with another boy? Even a slow dance?”


Diego put his head down, tears in his eyes; his secret was no longer his father knew. He thought he would be dis-owned. He nodded his head up and down.


“Papa, I do not know how to say what is in me. For so long I have yearned for a night like tonight. I am sorry I am not the way you might want me. But, I am the way God made me and I cannot change that papa.”


“I know son and you need to know I love you no matter. Who you will love is beyond my control. I trust it is someone that will love you as I do without conditions. You are my son and your mama’s son and you always will be. Do not forget that… there might be things I wish, you  would do different in the future but never think that they will take away my love.”


With that Diego’s papa kissed the top of his head. “Now this boy what is his name? Should we have him come to visit?”


“Ohh papa, yyyou would do that? Yes papa please. His name is Miguel and he is the most wonderful boy I have ever met.”


Diego wrapped his arms around his father and kissed him again. “Obrigado, papa obrigado for loving as no other papa.” He whispered, they stayed that way Diego so close to his papa, who held him like he had never done before.


Juan and Tomas asked the Patron should they stay the night so they could get an early start on the big clean up in the morning.


“If it is agreeable with your parents you are always welcome my boys.”


They checked and approval was given. All knew that the night would be with much excitement and loving. But the reasoning was good and no one would be hurt except the Patron if their loving became too exuberant.


Miguel leaned of the plan and gave a sly wink. He said he would ask the team to help as well. “What time my friends…will 9 of the o clock be too early for you two love birds?” 


Juan replied, “It seems an appropriate hour for the cleaning – but a terrible time to leave the excitement.”


“9 of the o clock it will have to be. Juan we shall have to be up prior. It is the right thing to do.”


“I know my giant, but one day you and I shall satisfy the yearning I have for loving you.”


“Juan, I love so, I do not think there is enough time in the world for me to be satisfied.”


Miguel marveled at their display of affection.


The party over Juan and Tomas made love through the night several times. Kissed and cuddled together, they almost became one entity committed to loving the other.


The morning came grey and overcast a portent of things to come. Juan and Tomas were rousted early 7 of the o clock by the Patron. He had checked the weather report after the party and it was not good. He called the magistrate to alert him. The storm was a hurricane 5 and headed straight for little Portamao. They only had one maybe two days to prepare.


“Boys a very bad storm is coming, very bad. I expect flooding and breakage from the wind. Clean up everything. Take some, about half of the tables and chairs inside, the rest pile against the house and lash them together so the wind cannot take them. Make sure the Porta Potties are staked down properly. I expect they will be needed. I have to meet with the magistrate. When done, go to your families and have them gather all their possessions, all they can carry especially blankets and come here to the villa. This is very serious boys, very serious, life and death will be decided by what we do. Understand and for God’s sake put some clothes on”   


“Si Patron, Si we shall do all that you ask.” They replied in unison. Quickly they went about their tasks.


 The Patron just about out the door now. “CLOTHES BOYS, CLOTHES!!!”


They scurried to get dressed. Miguel and the team showed up a little early and immediately pitched in of moving tables and chairs. Juan and Tomas told them what the Patron had said. As Juan and Tomas went to their homes the team did likewise.


The meeting with the Patron and the magistrate was critical, the fire & police chiefs also attended. “Patron your villa is the highest point in Portamao. I doubt flood water will reach there. How many people can you shelter there?”


“As many as is necessary magistrate. No one who comes to my door shall be turned away. I have certain survival procedures that will be most helpful. The solar energy & electricity that my roof creates is stored in batteries. I always have 2 to 3 days of electricity if a blackout comes. My water is well water from a spring on the hill. My water will not be contaminated. My kitchen is huge and well stocked but I don’t know how many I could feed or for how long. We still have the Porta Potties from the party; so we should have adequate toilet facilities. Shelter and food are my biggest concerns; we will need tents, sleeping bags, cots and a lot of food. Is there an emergency management depot close by?”


“Good, good Patron you will be a life saver to many. I think the strongest building we have here in town is the high school. As long as the foundation holds there will be plenty of shelter space on the second floor. The cafeteria is also there. We shall need the emergency generators moved there immediately with as much cable as we can get our hands on. We can take the closest room to the cafeteria open the windows, put in temporary ventilation fans, then seal the door and use it for a generator room. The plumbing facilities there should be adequate.  We also will need blankets, cots and sleeping bags. The first order will be to protect life. If we can protect the lives of our people we can rebuild. Understand gentlemen.”


The fire chief spoke up. “Magistrate, I think if we reinforce the sea wall with sandbags; we can slow the flooding. If the water only comes over the top and not through the sea wall a lot less flooding will occur.”


“Excellent, chief, gather as many volunteers as you can for the project.”


The police chief added, “We should gather the small boats, dingees, row boats, so we have something to use to search for survivors.”


“Chief make it so; excellent suggestion. I think position them by the high school and the hill leading to the Patron’s villa.”


“Patron I shall find the emergency depot for you, do you have a way to bring in supplies?”


“I have my van, Francisco would also use his, much, much bigger.”


“I fear the road along the coast will be of no value on your return. What is the condition of the old north bridge, my chiefs?”


“Magistrate we put up a sign on it to use at your own risk. It is creaky and old. Vans I think it could handle. With a big truck, I would not trust it.” The police chief replied and the fire chief concurred.


“So we must commandeer as much food as possible from the market, take one third to the Patron and the rest to the high school. Also look for tents, cots and sleeping bags.”


“So we have much to do and little time to do it, my amigos. Let our goal be to not lose one life to the Atlantic.”


The men went about their tasks. The Patron went back to his villa to await word of the emergency depot, check on the progress Juan and Tomas had made and see what other preparation had to be made. As he got there he found Francisco unloading. Besides his and Rosa’s things he also had Maria’s things as well as her entire family.

Many of the team were there as well, Miguel, Hector and their families.


“Ahh my friend, I see you have the bad news.”


“Si Patron, Juan informed me, we have overcome much in our lives and as long as we have our health we shall overcome this as well. I put all our personal things in the garage along with my tools. I hope that is acceptable. Rosa has what blankets we have in the hacienda. My poor wife was in tears upon learning of the evacuation. She so wanted me to bring her washing machine.”


“Yes, exactly what I would have suggested. It is sad but if your house is destroyed I think you shall rebuild better than ever with a washer and a dryer. Now my friend, we need to make some plans. My villa being one of the highest points in the village has been selected to be a sheltering point. We shall need tents and cots and sleeping bags from the emergency depot. I would like to ask you to go and procure these things when we have clearance and the location.”


“Si Patron this I will do.”


“I thought you could take your truck and hopefully Eduardo could drive my van. Does he have his license?”


“No Patron, no license yet but he is a very capable driver. I have taught him and let him drive on many occasions.”


“All right, I think the trip would be to Lisbon and if following you he should not have any trouble. Good then, please make arrangements, make sure there is enough petrol. Maybe bring an extra can or two for when the storm hits you may not be able to procure more.”


“Si Patron, I shall go inform Rosa, get Eduardo and see to the vehicles.”


Patron went around the house trying to think if there was anything else. Juan & Tomas were in the kitchen with Rosa and Maria and Theresa. Boys, I don’t see anything we can do here. Maybe you might want to go down to the beach with as many friends as you can gather and start filling sand bags to reinforce the seawall. If it breaks the flooding will be much worse than if it just pours over the top.”


“Si Patron, we shall go immediately and see if any of the team can help as well.” Juan replied.


About 11 of the o clock the magistrate called and gave the address of the emergency depot and the contact. “Patron, as luck would have it; Jorge Rodriguez is the volunteer director of the depot. At least something has happened good, this terrible day. You got along so well with him at the diner; I think it better if you call, no?”


“Yes magistrate, I will be happy to call.”


Patron called and gave the list he thought of to Jorge. “Is there anything else you can think of that we might need, Jorge?”


“Well, we have kerosene heaters for the tents as well as a supply of kerosene. I’m sure they would come in handy.”


“Excellent Jorge, I’ll get Francisco on the road asap.”


“Whenever he gets here, I shall be here, I shall not leave my friend until he is loaded and fed and with plenty of petrol.”


“Thank you, Jorge, you are a life saver.”


“No, Patron it is you who will be saving lives. Good bye now I know you have much to do.”


Patron put the phone down and immediately went looking for Francisco. Rosa & Maria were packing some of the leftovers for her son & husband.


Jose and Carlos came in “Papa, we heard of your trip. We would like to come. You know we are strong and because we are short excellent for loading the van. We can stand up where you and Eduardo have to crawl.”


“What do you think, Maria?” Francisco asked.


“I am afraid to let them go, but I know I should, they are becoming young men and I cannot deny their growth. I know you will do all in your power to get back safe and if you think they would be a help; I will allow it.”


Jose and Carlos went and hugged their mama. “We, shall be very safe and careful, mama.” Carlos said.


Francisco said, “It is decided then do you have enough food for these two eating machines?”


Rosa said, “Si papa, I will add more.”


So the 2 vans were ready, Francisco’s larger one and Eduardo in the Patron’s van. Carlos was riding with Francisco and Jose with Eduardo. The Patron came up to Francisco’s van.


“I know this may be dangerous, Francisco, but there is no better man that I would entrust to this job. Please remember my friend, that the most important part is to come back safe with your young helpers, with the cargo or without. Nothing else matters, we shall find another way to cope if you have to leave the cargo somewhere.”


“Si Patron, I shall bring them all back safe and sound. We are strong, we shall prevail.”


Francisco and his young helpers were on their way. The road to Lisbon route A2 was heavy with traffic; many were fleeing the coming hurricane. It was listed as a category 5, with winds of 125 miles per hour and massive amounts of rain. The tidal surge was expected to be 30 to 40 feet. Evacuation for many was the order of the day. Sea walls along the coast were 15 to 20 feet high. Surely there would be massive flooding. A2 was a 4 lane expressway however to expedite the flow of traffic the national police had closed the south bound side to 1 lane and allowed the north bound side 3 lanes. The rain was beginning now as Francisco plodded along with the traffic. It was 11:30 of the o clock when they finally left. The 280 KM was usually a 3 hour trip but today they would do well to make it in 4 hours.


True to his word Jorge Rodriguez was waiting at the door with members of the basketball team to load the survival gear for little Portamao. Jose and Carlos proved invaluable as they were able to stand and stack the goods for the most efficient loading. It was 4:30 of the o clock when they were done.


Jorge said. “Francisco, I fear the road at night will be twice as dangerous, please my friend do me the honor of having you at my little house overnight and you can leave at first light.”


“If it were only for myself, I would push on, but for my young and courageous helpers, I must guard their safety. Thank you so much coach, I shall accept your most generous invitation.”    


Jorge showed the way to his house. The high school boys shook hands with Eduardo, Jose and Carlos. Diego asked Eduardo about Miguel.


“Will he be safe Eduardo? He has become a dear friend.”


“Si, Diego, Miguel will be with us at the Patron’s villa as will most of the team. Shall I deliver a message for you? Do not make it too mushy, I saw you too adjusting your clothes on the way to the bus.  And mind you, I will not kiss him for you.” Eduardo smiling gave Diego a little playful punch in the arm.


“Just tell him to stay safe and I shall make it my business to be part of the relief team.”


“Good I can handle that!! I think I’ll add you will help him with his clothes.” Eduardo smiled again as did Diego.


Good byes and wishes of a safe return given, Jorge led the way to his house. Francisco called the Patron. “Patron, Jorge and I agree that to return tonight in the dark would be twice as dangerous. I cannot risk it. Please be patient we will leave at first light.”


“Yes of course Francisco, wait till the morning; you’ll be fresh and better able to handle the chore. Thank you Francisco and thank your helpers for me.”


Jorge made a fantastic meal for everyone. Fish and potatoes, beans and onions and peppers wine was served to all including Jose and Carlos to help all to sleep. The boys helped with the clean up as did Francisco. Jorge’s house was a midsized dwelling with three bedrooms. Jorge had his room, Francisco and Eduardo had 1 bedroom and Jose with Carlos the other bedroom all with double beds.


Jose and Carlos with no night clothes stripped naked and got under the covers. Jose tossed and turned as did Carlos. Finally, Carlos said “come close to me Jose”. Jose put his head on Carlos’s chest.


“Carlos, I do not know why but sleeping naked with you has given me excitement. Is it the same for you?”


“Take a look brother.”


Jose pulled back the cover and there was Carlos’s uncut member standing at attention.


“Ahh, we are the same. You know Tomas and Juan use their mouths on each other. Shall we experiment?”


“If you want to ok; I shall dream that you are Theresa. Do you want to be Theresa for me tonight, Jose?”


“If that is what you want. Would Theresa make love to your member, kiss it, lick it and suck your hot cream out of it?”


“Si Theresa, please love me, please love my excitement.”


“I think you have to kiss Theresa first, make some excitement Carlos and Theresa shall bring you release.”


Carlos rolled over on Jose. There naked bodies touching each other gave more excitement to their arousal. Carlos kissed his brother, Theresa deeply. Their tongues dueled in each other’s mouths. Their hands roamed each other’ bodies. Down their backs, over their buns, between their legs, grabbing touching holding squeezing.


“Please Theresa, take my member, it is aching for you.”


Jose had been having fantasies about having a boy in his mouth. He wanted to do it so bad. He craved it. He rolled on top of Carlos and shimmed down his body kissing and licking Carlos’s nipples as he went. He grabbed his member and kissed it. Then licked from the bottom of the shaft to the very tip. He licked off Carlos’s lube juice and liked it very much. Carlos was panting, breathing so hard, wanting so much for Jose not Theresa to give him release. Jose kissed and licked his baby makers sending shivers up his spine. Then he took his brothers excitement in his mouth and sucked as hard as he could while bobbing his head up and down on the strong hard pole at the same time making circles with his tongue around and over then down throbbing pulsating helmet. Jose felt it grow even bigger in his mouth.


“I’m going to release Jose, take my hot cream.”


Jose ran his finger over Carlos’s pucker and tickled it again and again.


“Ohh!! OHH!! Jose here it comes.”


Carlos shot in his brother’s mouth. Pulsating forceful blast after blast, Carlos in his young life had never experienced anything like what Jose had done to him. With the cream dripping off his chin and cheeks.


“Did you like that brother? Want to taste your cream?” He took his finger and gathered the cream and offered it to Carlos. He opened his mouth and sucked it off of Jose’s finger. Carlos raised his head and kissed Jose and licked his face clean.


“That was awesome Jose, how can I give you release.”


“You can hold me and tell me you love me too like Theresa and rub my excitement. Do you love me Carlos?”


Carlos pulled Jose to him held him and kissed his face and grabbed his member and stroked his brother.


 “I do not think Theresa would know how to do what you did to me, Jose. You gave me so much excitement, I love you brother, like I love Theresa.”


Carlos kept on stoking and holding Jose; ran his other hand between his legs and down to his pucker. Jose shuttered and smiled up to Carlos,


That felt so good, Carlos, so very, very good.”


“Ohh you like that shall I do it more.”


“Si Carlos Si I do like you touching there, more please more.”


Carlos wet his finger and went back to Jose’s pucker. Stoking, it now making it slippery. Wetting his finger more and still stoking with the other hand. Jose was moaning


“OHH Carlos, Carlos it feels so good.”


Carlos wet his finger again and this time pushed into his brothers opening crevice.


“OHH, OHH, IEEEEE!!!” Jose exploded and shots of his hot cream hit him in the eye and hair.


Carlos smiled and kissed his brother. He held him tight as they fell exhausted to sleep.

Jose held onto Carlos the same he was so very satisfied and quite exhausted. Thinking to himself, Tomas may not be the only gay boy in our house.


Francisco, Eduardo, Jose and Carlos all woke to Jorge’s smells of café, bacon, eggs and toast. Jorge wanted them to have a good solid breakfast before heading south into the storm. Reports on TV and radio indicated it was intensifying right on top of little Portamao. It was not yet at its peak but winds were at 130 KM and the tidal surge was at 30 meters.


After the meal and the use of Jorge’s toilet. The boys and Francisco were on their way. Jorge on their leaving said.


“Stay well my friends; no unnecessary risks now please Francisco. I will head up a relief convoy as soon the storm passes.”


“Obergado so much my friend, I pray we will not need much but reports indicate otherwise.”


The ride down A2 was slow going. The driving rain made visibility bad and the winds buffeted the vans. However the road was passable until they got to 15 km of Portamao. The national police had a road block up and told Francisco,


“to turn around the road is washed out to the coast.”


Francisco said he had sheltering supplies for Portamao.


“Your only option is to go up through the hills. The roads there are probably bad as well;do you know the way?”


“Si I am familiar. I thought we would have to go that way. I only hope the old North Bridge is passable and safe. I must try it.” Francisco answered.


The officer said, “Be safe my friend and May God be with you.”


Around treacherous bends on the dirt road of the hills Francisco lead the little convoy. Finally they did make it to the North Bridge. Francisco had been turning over the best way to cross in his mind since leaving Jorge. Once on the other side they were but 5 km from the Patron’s villa. But to get to the other side was the concern.


He and all the boys got out to survey the situation. Francisco walked the bridge and although there was a little sway there was no give. He looked down below. The river water was almost 10 meters above where it would normally be. He looked to check the piers and sure enough he saw where the water and time had eroded much of the concrete and rotted the supporting timber. With the rush from the storm that support look tenuous at best. He decided to have the boys walk across. Then he would try the Patron’s lighter smaller van. After that he would consider the options for his heavier van. The beam that was the problem was on the Patron’s side of the bridge so if he felt anything at all he thought; he could gun the engine and hopefully make it safe across.


He motioned for the boys to cross. With them on the other side and safe he tried Patron’s van. Slowly excruciatingly, slowly, he edged the van across.  As he was 2/3‘s of the way home when he heard a creak that was not there when walking. He gunned the engine and arrived safe on the other side. He went to take another look. The supporting beam looked like it dropped 2 cm and had moved off the pier by a centimeter.


Eduardo, I am not going to risk the large van on the bridge. I will off load it and come for it after the storm passes. You and the twins make it down to the villa. Get rope and pulleys and help to get the cargo across. We will then off load the Patron van use it to carry the cargo the rest of the way. Is a plan my son?”


“Si papa, we shall wait for you to cross again. Then we shall be to the villa.”


“The temptation my son will be for you to get to the villa as quickly as possible. Do not succumb to it. Be safe, compare the 10 minutes you might save against rolling the van off the slick roads. Understand.”


“Si papa, Oberg ado papa, I would have raced; I am fearful of leaving you here alone.”


“Ok good, I have such a smart son. No worry about me I will be quite safe.”


Francisco made it across without incident. While doing so, he fixed in his mind where the problem beam came into play on supporting the bridge. Eduardo seeing his papa was safe across, squeezed the twins into the van and made for Patron’s villa.


Patron was shepparding survivors into his house when he saw the van approaching.


“Eduardo, where is your papa?”


“At the North Bridge, Patron; he sent me to get help. He is fearful that his larger van will not make it across the bridge. I think it was God himself who held up the bridge when papa drove your van across. He says he can take the cargo out of his van and we can work at getting it to the villa in your van. He asks for rope and pulleys as well.” 


“Your papa is most wise, Eduardo, most wise indeed. Come let us gather help and get the van off loaded.“


The van was off loaded in the briefest of time as the soaked survivors all lent a hand. Little Jose and Carlos did yeoman’s work in getting things to the doors. Rosa and Maria came out of the kitchen. A concerned Rosa asked, “Eduardo, where is your papa?”


“He is safe mama, but at the bridge, he fears the bridge will not carry his truck. He plans to off load and get the cargo across and then into the smaller van.”


“Well, I shall help then. He is in danger and I will not be here waiting. I will help!!!”


“Not necessary, mama.”


“No, most of the men are down helping survivors of the flood getting them from the water. No, I will be with my husband and help him, no more discussion, Eduardo. ”


“Si, mama.”


“I too Rosa, I too shall help. Women are always stronger than men.” Maria exclaimed.


The van off loaded. Rosa, Maria, the boys, Patron and half a dozen of the survivors took the ride up the road to the bridge.


Francisco had most of the van off loaded and piled at the edge of the bridge. Patron and the group started across.


“Stop please Patron one at a time. There it is weakest.” Francisco yelled.


So Patron let the smaller lighter women and boys go ahead across. At the point where the bridge was weakest Francisco planned to use the rope and pulleys to get the cargo to the other side. It would have to be slid up a little rise to the end of the bridge. Jose was the lightest so he was to handle securing the piece of cargo to the rope for the ones at the end of the bridge to pull the last third of the bridge. The river below kept banging on the supporting beam and pier. Francisco, Rosa, Eduardo and Maria carried the cargo to Jose; Carlos worked on getting the rest out of the van. The closer to the weak point they got the bridge creaked and groaned but bit by bit the cargo was brought across. The bridge kept creaking and groaning, swaying as it was buffeted by the increasing winds. The wind was howling now, gusting to 200 km per hour. Patron had to find a way to tie the rope to each of the bridge loaders. Jose crawled to the Patron. Patron tied a rope around him and then Jose crawled back across the weak spot with two ropes; one for his mama and one for Rosa. Slowly they edged their way across, they crossed one at a time. Again Jose went and got the ropes. Eduardo and Carlos were next one at a time they made it across. Jose for the 3rd time went back for only one rope, this time.


“Ready papa,”


“Sure am son. Should we go together?”


“I would like that. It is bouncing a lot in the middle and it has dropped at the weak spot. I will feel safer with you.”


The two then started across. They had to crawl for the wind was such that they could be blown off the bridge. Francisco thought, Jose was quite correct it is bouncing very bad. Not good he thought, not good. The nearer they got to the weak spot the more it seemed to be dropping. A loud crack and a crash was heard as the bridge fell a good ten meters at the end. The pier was giving way and the old beam had nothing for support. As it dropped some of the floor planks that Francisco were crawling on gave way. Again the blasted bridge groaned and creaked.


“Papa, I am scared!!!”


“I am too, Jose. It’s good to be scared son; to be scared is to know danger. The smart man knows to go around danger when he can but when he can’t you just have to go through it. Will you help me go through it, Jose?”


The bridge groaned again. Rosa and Maria were frantic as they watched. Patron told everyone to get on the ropes; more on Francisco as he was heavier. Eduardo went to his papa, Carlos to his brother. Fear was gripping all as the damn storm ragged on.


“Keep the ropes tight but do not pull them.” As he went to grab onto Jose’s rope.

“Jose will be easier to pull up when he is on the ground all run to Francisco’s rope.”


Rosa went to Francisco’s rope, Maria to Jose. Rosa yelled “We must hold, we must hold, do not let go.”


Eduardo yelled “Wrap the rope around your middle use your legs to pull.”  


Francisco stopped for a moment. He checked the rope on Jose, under his arm pits and tight on his young chest. He checked the knot, made it into a double knot. Then asked “Jose, do the same for me”. The boy with tears in his eyes,


“You shall not fall and die; I lost one papa from a storm. I shall not lose another. I made it 2 times already.  We shall do it this one time more.”  Jose did not know where the courage to say this came from. But if his papa asked for help he must give it.


“Are we ready papa, I think we have very strong people at the end of these ropes?”


The bridge had now moved back from the land about 3 meters and had dropped about 4 meters.


“Let’s go son, it’s a good jump but we can make it.”


“Hold my hand papa.”


They stood up faced the storm. They ran together desperate to get to the other side.

They did not reach. They banged against the cliff. On the other side the ropes went loose then with a jerk went so tight. Eduardo the closest to the cliff was almost pulled down. His young strong body had his feet digging into the ground. Rosa at the end of the rope was screaming “HOLD, HOLD PLEASE GOD HOLD!!!”


Patron on Jose’s rope was yelling “PULL, PULL, PULL,THE BOY UP, DAMN IT PULL!!!


Jose’s rope started moving back to the ground, they pulled to Patron’s cadence. “ ONE, TWO, THREE, PULL; FASTER ONE TWO THREE PULL!!!




Soon a little head was seen peaking above the ground, arms grabbing clutching any bit of the ground they could grab and then the body up on his feet running to his papa’s rope.  “COME HELP, HELP WITH PAPA!!


The rain poured down, the wind roared but the storm would not take Jose’s second papa. They slipped in the mud some fell; every muscle, of all there was put to the test but slowly they raised Francisco to the ground. Rosa hugged her husband like never before and he, her back. All were hugging for they had beaten the storm; they had beaten death. A happy group traveled down the hill to the villa. They had their cargo and their lives; they were survivors.


Once at the villa, Patron’s phone went off.


“Patron can you get help to the bottom of the hill. The tidal wave has gone over the sea wall and is rushing through the town. It is sweeping up all in its path. It will stop at the foot of your hill and then create an under tow taking many little ones and older ones back to drown.”


“We have men there but I shall go with Francisco and a few others here to help, magistrate.”


The group continued down the hill. Rosa and Maria went back to the kitchen to have a warm everything soup ready for this new round of survivors.


Carlos asked Jose “Weren’t you scared on the bridge?”


“Actually not that much, papa asked me to help him. I could not believe. Maybe he did it to make me have courage. But doing it gave me courage. I had traveled the bridge many times; I just knew I could do it one last time.”


“Well I am very proud of my brother, more proud of you today than when Tomas won the championship. You helped save lives.”


“Hey I did, didn’t I; but you did too. One less guy on those ropes and we could have been goners.”


They were at the bottom of the hill; all were helping people out of the flood water. They too went to work. There was a mother desperately trying to hold onto her little 3 year old son. Carlos grabbed the boy, Jose the mother safe to the hill. Then back into the water again and again like the others there, Tomas, Juan, Miguel, the whole team, the fathers pulling people from the water. Jose and Carlos saw an older woman, probably with her granddaughter, she was swept off her feet Carlos quickly swam to her; Jose to the little girl. Carlos got the grandmother to knee deep water and turned to see the tidal wave come smashing down on his brother. He left the woman and went out to his brother. He got to him only to be slammed by another wave. He dived to find Jose who was clutching the little girl. Twins can sense things, like the presence of their brother before they can see him. So too did Jose know Carlos was there but they had to get to the surface for air.  Carlos grabbed one of the hands of the girl and swam to the surface soon to be joined by Jose. A gulp of air and another wave hit them. This time driving them down to the bottom; it had to be10 meters deep now as wave after wave came pounding onto them. They became disoriented, didn’t know which way was up. Their lungs were bursting as they slowly let loose of their air. They had to breath, but they couldn’t. They each knew their brother was there. Their heads became light, it was so dark, they felt like sleeping and they held onto the girl and fell into the darkness. Francisco had been watching; every muscle already tested this day was now straining against the tidal waves. He dove down; down he found their still bodies at the bottom. With one strong arm he grabbed Carlos and in the other Jose while the two of them still held the girl. Back up to the surface he now raced kicking like he had never done.


“HELP, HELP !!!  He Yelled


Miguel and Hector in one of the boats left by the police saw and went quickly to Francisco. They pulled the lifeless bodies to the boat and paddled to shore. Quickly on the hill, Tomas saw with Juan and ran to his brothers. They were turning blue now, the girl as well; their beautiful young lives draining from them. Quickly, Tomas turned one and then the other on their back and breathed into one and then the other alternating and pumping their hearts. Juan watched and quickly did the same for the girl. They fought to bring back life, forcing air into each one, beating on their hearts to start again. First Carlos coughed, Tomas then switched full attention to Jose. He had been under the longest. Forcing air, demanding his little brother to breath, demanding his heart to start. He too coughed as did the little girl. He turned them over again so the water could drain out and picked them up by their midsections, forcing the deadly water from his brothers. It took a bit but they recovered slowly retching out the sickening sea water; the little girl too. She was 2 years old, little Elizabeth, Jose and Carlos had saved her with a lot of help. They never let go of her. They could have and used both hands to swim for the surface but no they did not.


“Juan will you take Jose and Carlos to the villa I have to see your papa.” Tomas asked.


“Sure, hey you were great with the CPR. Where did you learn it?”


“From my papa, he so loved the healing; if he had the money for medical school he would have been a great doctor.”


“I believe you shall be in his place; today from the heavens he is so proud of you as am I. Where life had left; you brought it back. You are just so amazing Tomas.”


“It is your papa, I must thank if not for him; the damn storm would have taken their lives.”


Juan, helped now by Hector and Miguel gathered little Elizabeth in his arms, Jose on Miguel’s back and Carlos on Hector and up the hill to the villa.


Tomas found Francisco and fell to his knees. “Papa, how can I thank you. You saved my brothers from a death like their father. You pulled them from the depth and gave them a chance for life. How can I say Obrigado with enough meaning? You are my adopted papa; but for you today I am always owing to you. I cannot repay what you gave us today. Anything papa, anything you ever want from me I shall give; you are but to ask.”


“Tomas, we all did what we had to do today. If not for you, we would be grieving and hating the storm all the more. You are my son and such a gift you gave to all of us. You brought them back from death. Get up do not be on your knees in front of me. Never do that again. My son we are all equal in the eyes of God, different skills perhaps but still equal and you, you are marvelous with your miraculous talent for the healing. I will ask something of you though. I ask you to promise you will go to University no matter what the burden. To be what both your papas ask you to be… the great healer you can be.”


Tomas hugged Francisco, “papa, I love you like my papa and I promise I will go to University, no matter the burden.”


Francisco hugged Tomas and kissed him on his cheek, “Obrigado Tomas, you saved your brothers. Did you not know, I too this day was on deaths door and they helped pull me to safety?  The storm challenges us to live or die; some have little choice like your papa. But I thank him for the gift of his children and you will always be treated like those of my seed. Now together, let’s go to the villa to celebrate the lives saved today.”


The day was not yet done. Tents had to be erected and they were as the eye of the storm passed over for 3 hours. Just enough time to get the tents up and properly double staked down to with stand the winds from the backside of the storm. Cots and sleeping bags were given out. The kerosene heaters were positioned and there was heat in the tents. Rosa and Maria were busy with the everything soup which had chicken, fish potatoes, peppers, onions, tomatoes mushrooms and seasoning, paprika, oregano, salt and pepper. Served steaming hot it was just what everyone needed. People kept coming, no one was refused. Everyone was respectful and genuinely thankful for the Patron’ generosity in opening his house and grounds except for one Juan De Carlo.




Senior De Carlo a balding 40ish man with a large belly, was the developer that Francisco and Eduardo had worked for, after receiving his portion he went through the soup line a second time. Rosa saw and told him he shall have to wait for the other women and children had not had their share as yet, De Carlo took exception and said ,


“Mind your class woman and do what you are told..  Dish me another portion for I am hungry.”


Patron overhearing the commotion approached De Carlo. “Sir please, be patient I too have need.” Patting his belly, “Please wait till we have fed all their portion and then you may have some more.”


“Nonsense sir, know your class. We do not wait for these peasants, laborers.”


With that he pushed the Patron away, losing his balance he fell to the floor. Juan and Tomas rushed to his aid. Eduardo confronted De Carlo.


“Sir you shall wait and honor the Patron’s house and generosity.”


“Insolent boy, how dare you speak to me like that? I know you, you are the son of a laborer; Out of the way.”


Eduardo did not move. DeCarlo swung his fist at Eduardo. Eduardo easily ducked the punch. Standing behind him was Francisco. Who caught De Carlo’s fist in his hand and squeezed. “You greedy pig, you are the insolent one.” Francisco squeezed harder. De Carlo fell to the floor. Bones in his hand were heard cracking. De Carlo was in a fit of pain


“Let me go, let me go!! Have you no respect for those who are better than you.”


Francisco squeezed the harder. De Carlo withered in pain. “Please, Please let me go!!!” 


“Patron what shall we do with this ungrateful scum.”


“Take him outside; lash his hands and feet and tie him to the gate; let him sit upon a chair; cover him with a tarp; and hang a sign about his neck to read.”


“All are welcome except greedy scoundrels, who would take the food out of the mouths of women and children.”


Tomas, Juan and Eduardo took him away and did the tying. Order was kept. Francisco was congratulated by all. Again, he had proved to be a man of great integrity. The Patron personally thanked him.


“Is nothing Patron. I enjoyed it. I swallowed much from that man to feed my family. What shall you do with him?”


“I think that will be up to the magistrate.”


“I know he used substandard materials on village projects. I could not say so when it occurred for the sake of my family. But I can say so now. If a witness is needed I am ready.”


“Thank you Francisco, I shall let the magistrate know. All the women and children are fed come, you must be hungry.” They fell in line behind the team and Jose and Carlos who also waited for the little ones, their mothers and the older seniors to be fed.


Miguel and Hector were in charge of keeping a log of all the people who were in Patron’s shelter. Juan was in charge of the washer and dryer. Patron demanded that all had their clothes washed and dried. He knew disease grew in flood waters. The men stripped and were given a blanket in the one bedroom and Jose collected the clothes. Theresa with Carlos begging to help collected the women’s clothes in the other bedroom. Theresa had to yell at Carlos.


“Stop thinking with that thing between your legs; can’t you see we are in a state of emergency?”


“Theresa, I cannot think any other way when I am with you. Some day you shall marry me and know the depth and strength of my excitement for you.”


Theresa smiled; she loved how Carlos was so infatuated with her. “I shall not marry for just excitement, Carlos. My husband will be smart and hard working and make something of himself for me and our children.” 


“I shall Theresa, you will see, I shall.”


The magistrate called Patron inquiring about the head count. Checking with Miguel and Hector, Patron had 367 under his shelter.


“Excellent, Patron with the 1800 plus we have here at the high school. The count is close to the census we recently had.  We may have lived through without loss of life. I understand that you have had your close calls up there.”


“Yes magistrate, but your people prevailed. They are very strong magistrate, strong in spirit, strong in heart, strong in body. They shall rebuild better than ever magistrate. Look to find financing now, magistrate before others get to the banks. I shall put up whatever I have as well.”


“Excellent, Patron, I like the way you think, staying one step ahead of  everyone else. I shall call the emergency director tomorrow. Stay well my friend.”


“Good night magistrate.”


To be continued...


Posted: 06/04/2021