Juan and his Patron
Jon Stewart
(© 2019 by the author)
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Chapter 4
Juan slept dreaming about Tomas, the Patron and swimming naked with much excitement. True, he had much excitement, He woke in the middle of the night with a puddle of love juice on his belly and his chest. He got up and his behind felt different like it did after Tomas made love to him. He cleaned himself and wondered what had happened. Was it his mind and a dream that did this to him? Perplexed, he returned to sleep.
When morning came the routine was the same; he rose with the leaving of Mama and Theresa; had his bread and café, he lingered a bit then dressed to meet Tomas.
Tomas was waiting outside his house.
“Good morning, Juan.”
“Morning, Tomas. How was your supper last night?”
“Just fantastic I have to tell the Patron how much it was enjoyed by all. Mama wouldn’t let us over eat so we could save some for today. I hope Jose and Carlos don’t eat it all for lunch.”
“I was thinking that you should ask Patron to give you some sort of credit for the market. So, you can get what you need every day without pestering him.”
“An excellent suggestion Juan, thank you. You are very wise in these matters.”
Juan started his trot and so did Tomas hoping he would not slow down his smaller but way stronger friend.
“Well doing it this way and knowing the generosity of the Patron you will probably be able to stretch the credit for some days after a week.”
“Very wise indeed!!! I have to ask Juan, where do you get the stamina to do such a run.”
“I don’t know. Maybe it is the fact that I am on the small side and I need to prove to myself and everyone that I am strong. My mama always tells me good things come in small packages…..When I played basketball against Eduardo in the beginning he always beat me. Then my papa told me I must make my weakness into strength and his strength into a weakness. I did not understand at first but then I saw what he meant. So, I run to make myself stronger and because I am small I am quicker. Because he like you is big and wants to shoot close to the basket; I learn to shoot far out. Now is easy, I told of our game last night and he asked how I beat you; for you are tall like a giant. I told him; I think you are Eduardo. Everyone laugh even Eduardo. ”
“Well maybe now I know your secret. I will become strong and have the stamina like you.”
“Maybe but you are way big and not so quick. I study you as we played. By half way in the game I know what you are to do before you do it. I cannot rebound or block your shooting but I can steal the ball. So I did.”
“You are an amazing player. Will you try for the school team?”
“I would like it. To be the point guard and passing to you would be a dream come true.”
“You wouldn’t shoot over everyone, to be high scorer.”
“Oh no, Tomas, to do so would being a ball hog. Maybe, if everyone is covered and they pay no attention to me; then I should need to change their minds.”
They had started the uphill climb to Patron’s villa.
“How are you doing; do you need to rest?”
A gasping Tomas said, “I should need to stay up with you, to also become strong.”
“Tell me if you need to stop; it will be ok; it is a hard climb to the Patron’s villa. Your legs will burn, your lungs will ach. I do not need you to pass out or fall; you are very big and maybe too much for me to carry. It is your first run like this so please be smart.”
“Ok, Juan I will let you know.”
After another 5 minutes and 10 minutes away from the Patron.
“Juan, it will be good to stop now; is it ok. Please.”
“Good Tomas, good my friend you are smart too. Now I will ask you to be my boy friend.”
Breathing so hard Tomas said, “You only know me for one day and this run this morning. How do you know enough to ask such a thing?”
They were sitting on the side of the road catching their breath.
“Tomas, yesterday when you said no to enter me; you showed your caring; all day yesterday you showed your honesty & your commitment to your family; when we play basketball you showed your integrity and never called foul or some other way to say I did not win honestly; now today you show your intelligence by knowing when to stop. You are a gentle giant, my friend and I have the deepest feeling for you. Maybe even love but it is too soon to declare that. Will you be my boyfriend?”
Tomas put his big arm around Juan’s shoulders, pulled him to himself and kissed him there for anyone to see. They broke the kiss and Juan looked back at Tomas and deep into his eyes, through to his core.
“I take that as a yes and now I know you have the courage to be as God made you.”
“Yes Juan, I will be your boyfriend. I too am afraid to say I love you but one day soon I think I might.”
Juan took his hand and pulled him up.
“You big lug, I think we shall walk the rest of the way. Tomorrow you can try to run all the way.”
Tomas asked, “Do you think Patron meant it about giving us excitement time?”
“I do, Tomas, ah you have started it. The excitement is upon you again. The more I am with you the more excitement I have. What does this mean, Tomas?”
“It is the same with me on the run here all I could think about was to kiss you and I tried to pray that my excitement should stay in my pants.”
“I had a dream last night, it was about you and the Patron and myself. We were swimming in the pool naked of course. I woke with a puddle of love juice on my belly and chest and my backside ached like it wanted you.”
“You had a wet dream too. I also had such a dream. Yes it was the 3 of us in the pool then I woke with a similar problem as yours.”
“It is very perplexing, very perplexing Tomas. But now I know you are to be my boyfriend. It is fate. I am sure of it.”
They walked hand in hand all the rest of the way up to Patron’s villa. There was not many on the road but those that were waved to them, recognizing their young love and their courage in displaying it.
They got to the door of Patron’s villa and before they could knock they heard the Patron’s voice.
“Good morning Juan; good morning Tomas; come in, I am on the patio.”
Juan said to Tomas, “Someday, I’m going to learn how he does that. Kind of spooky, no?”
“Yes, very spooky Juan.”
Patron was in his favorite chair sipping his morning café.
“How are you boys today?”
“Very well, Patron.” They answered in unison.
“If I may ask, how is the Patron this morning?” Juan asked.
“Very well Juan, I made a bit of a mess in the kitchen. Could you attend to it?”
“Of course, Patron.”
“I need to discuss some business with Tomas.”
“Si Patron, I will clean the kitchen as to the schedule.”
Tomas was most alert at the mention of business with him; he stood just about at attention in front of the Patron.
“Tomas relax boy, you are not being fired. Sit down!!! I cannot do this with you in such a fearful state.”
Tomas sat down and practiced breathing as his papa had taught. He did relax some.
“Now, Tomas the treatment you gave me yesterday was very helpful for my arthritis. So, I would like to hire your services to reduce my pain. If we can try it for a week and the pain does not persist, we shall make it an all the time thing. How does that sound?”
“It would be my honor, Patron. But I only know what my father taught; I am not a professional.”
“We shall try and if the pain does not persist you will have a job. I think 150 euro a week is a fair salary. Plus you should do the pool and receive your wage for that.”
“If my family did not so desperately need the money, I would refuse it Patron. You already are too kind. Would you like me to massage now Patron?”
“No Tomas I think after lunch and maybe you can help me lose some of this belly.”
“Ah Patron on you it is very distinguished.”
“You are slick one, Tomas; for sure it is fat and not healthy.”
“Si Patron, we shall find a way to make your belly smaller.”
“It is settled then, you shall be my trainer.”
“Yes Patron, should I go help Juan now. I did lose the bet and I want to honor my word.”
“Yes, Tomas go help Juan.”
“Patron, one other thing if I may be so bold to ask.”
“What Tomas.”
“Patron said he would provide food to the winner of the basketball and Juan in his generosity said I should have it. Do you think it would be possible to arrange a credit at the market so I would not have to pester you every day?”
“Ah, a very good suggestion, yes, I shall make a call to arrange the credit today. It is nice to see you have a good head on your shoulders.”
“It would be nice to have such a good head but to be honest it was Juan who said it would be easier this way. I cannot take credit for his intelligence.”
“Yes, that Juan, always looking to help another.”
“He suggested we might be able to stretch the credit maybe a day or two more with careful purchases.”
“He is a smart one; you would be wise to keep him as a friend.”
“Yes Patron, he asked me to be his boy friend and I of course said yes. I like him very much. Every time I see him I want to kiss him and my excitement grows, my stomach does flipping, I get all nervous Patron what does this mean?”
“It means you are falling in love with him Tomas and it is a beautiful. There is no better feeling in the whole world. Accept it and enjoy it.”
“Si Patron, if I may be bold a second time.”
The Patron smiled. Tomas was so honest very much like Juan. “Yes Tomas.”
“Yesterday, you said you would find us time for our excitement. Was it a joke Patron? I find it very hard to concentrate on work Patron and I … we were so loving your suggestion of yesterday.”
“So, if I gave excitement time sooner rather than latter you would be more able to concentrate better.”
“Si Patron, Si, Si that would be most wise of you.”
“You also have a good head on your shoulders especially when your excitement is thinking for you. Maybe you should start at 11 of the o clock and have excitement early when you arrive and if you need more excitement time you have it at 5 of the o clock before you leave.”
“Si Patron that is so wise. Thank you so much, Thank you Patron, Thank you. May I go tell this is to Juan now?”
“Yes, Tomas… use the same bed room as yesterday.”
“Si Patron, we shall. Oh Patron you are so wonderful to allow us this pleasure.”
Tomas ran to him and hugged and kissed the Patron. “Go on now stop the slobbering over me and try it on your boyfriend”
Tomas ran to the kitchen. Juan was on his hands and knees washing the floor. He jumped on top of him almost causing Juan to hit his head on the floor.
“Why did I pick such a clumsy boy for my boyfriend? You big oaf what has happened to you?” Juan asked.
“Patron said we can have excitement time.”
“You are going to ruin my floor washing; help me finish if you want excitement time with me.”
The two working together were done in no time. Both had to keep adjusting their members while working. They keep looking at each other. Their excitement was growing more and more with every moment.
“There finally done, is good Juan? Now can we go, no?”
Juan at times was a little tease. It was part of him he could not help it. “You missed a spot by the cabinet.”
“I did not but I will do it again.” Tomas quickly went over the area. “NOW!!!”
Tomas went over to Juan and picked him up off the floor like he was a feather. Held Juan in front of himself and kissed him a little peck and then a deeper kiss and then their tongues were dueling. Juan wrapped his legs around Tomas, His arms around his neck.
“So do you want to love me Tomas? Do you want to couple with me? Shall I suck on your excitement?”
“You are a tease, such a little man but a big tease. Si, Si, I shall love you till there is no more love juice in you or me.”
Tomas carried Juan wrapped around him into the bedroom. In all of time there might have been others with as much passion for the loving but not any with more. Tomas put Juan down on the bed and quickly stripped him of his clothes.
“Do you like to be naked with me little nature boy?”
“Yes my giant, be naked with me.”
Juan stripped Tomas of his clothes. They reveled in their nakedness. They kissed and touched every inch of each other. They wound up in a sixty nine position and greedy sucked on each other. Juan then pulled off and switching position was sitting on Tomas’s belly.
“I want to couple with you. I want you inside me, Tomas. I want your love juice to flow through me. May I take you into me? Please Tomas!!! PLEASE COUPLE WITH ME!!!”
“YEAH!!! Do it sit on it ride me.”
Juan eased himself down on Tomas. He slowly started stoking by bouncing up and down on his excitement. Then Tomas started to thrust. Each in thrush hit Juan in his G spot. Juan was in ecstasy, going out of his mind, without touching his excitement kept growing.
“Ohh, Tomas It’s gonna happen again. I’m going to erupt. You are doing it to me. Your excitement is making mine. Ohh, Ohhh Tomas I am go … going tto Ohh. AHH, AHH.”
Juan, fell on top of Tomas; kissing him while squirting his love juice. Tomas exploded his juice into Juan’s love chute. Juan felt it running up in him hot and wiggling through him.
“Leave it in me, leave it there Tomas please. It feels so good.”
Tomas smiled knowing in taking his pleasure; he had given pleasure to Juan.
“I could be here like this with you forever, Tomas. Was it good for you? Should I have done something different to please you?
“Silly boy, you do not know you give me the greatest pleasure.”
They cuddled together for a bit.
“I know we should move and go to work for it not fair to the Patron who allows us this great pleasure. But I don’t want to Tomas. I want to stay here with you for the rest of my life.”
“Si, I as well perhaps there will be a day when we can stay as we are and not have to steal moments. Alas, it is not today, my boyfriend. What is your next chore? Should I carry you to it?”
“I should do the Patron’s laundry and clean his bathroom and dust and vacuum. Say maybe he would let us wash our clothes. Then with nothing to wear we can be used to being naked together. IS good Tomas?”
“You do like being naked don’t you. Go and ask. I think he likes you and likes to please you as well as look upon your naked form. I will do as the Patron says.”
Juan when out to the patio where the Patron was reading a book.
“Patron, would it be alright for us to wash our clothes with yours.”
“Then, what would you wear, Juan?”
“Aah, Aah, nothing Patron. You said to be proud of our bodies.”
Patron smiled at young sexy, Juan. “Go on then, no visitors are expected.”
“Thank you Patron.”
Tomas had gathered up the towels and Patron’s things.
“He said yes.” Juan put his and Tomas’s clothes in the washer.
“I knew he liked looking on, you.”
“And does he not like to look on you.”
“Not the way he looks on you. Hey, I like to look on you all the time. Me, I am too big. Being big is not to be cute. To be a bit small like you is very cute and more lovable.”
“Is that why you love me?”
“Part of it.”
“So I shall not grow then.”
“Yes, that is correct.” Tomas giggled.
They both were laughing now.
“Well I like to look on you Tomas; especially the largeness of your member. It is very beautiful and when it is excited I cannot stop but to take hold of it.”
“So it is only my member that you like?”
“No, no, but it is one of the parts of you that I like to look on…. Now, Tomas, we should work before we are slackers…. maybe you can do the dusting, while I do the bathroom whoever is done first shall do the vacuuming. OK?”
“Si, my captain.”
The boys went about their tasks being especially mindful of cleaning every possible speck of dirt. Juan washed the bathroom floor as well as the walls and counter. Tomas came to say he was done with the dusting. Juan on his knees looking up at Tomas could not help but to grab hold and kiss his member.
“Stop that Juan, you sex devil. We must work. Maybe it is not good to try to work naked.”
“Aw, but it is so beautiful I could not control myself.”
“Learn to control yourself or I shall dress.”
“Si Tomas.”
Just then around the corner came the Patron. He heard the conversation and smiled on the inside but decided to be gruff on the outside.
“Juan are you at it again? Did you not get enough excitement? I do not pay you to have excitement all the time with Tomas.”
“Apologies Patron, I see his member and I have to kiss it.”
“Then Tomas is right, Tomas for sure should wear his pants and keep that monster in your pants Tomas.”
“Si Patron, I shall get them now and wear wet if necessary.”
“See what you have done Juan, Tomas has to wear wet pants because you cannot not control yourself.”
“Apologies Patron, apologies Tomas. I am a bad stupid boy. Please do not fire me. Whip me as punishment. I need to get my mother a washing machine like yours so she shall not rub her hands raw. Take away all the other money except leave the 150 euro for my mama. Please Patron; forgive this stupid boy who cannot control himself.”
Tears were freely rolling from the eyes of Juan. It was quite evident that he was very sorry for his transgression.
“Ok Juan, you know there is a time for work and a time for play.”
“Si, Patron.” Juan sobbing continued.”This I know. Sometimes the excitement is so strong in me and Tomas is so handsome and strong and beautiful. I should cut off this thing between my legs if it makes me displease you, Patron. I am not worthy to be your house boy except that I have need to serve my mama.”
“On your feet, Juan.”
Juan got up. The Patron held out his hands for a hug. Juan quickly leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around the slightly built lad; rubbing his back as Juan continued to cry. His hand could not stop as it moved to the smooth flesh of his round buns, He loved the feel of the closeness of Juan’s chest and face and breathing against him.
“I should tell you Juan, that I get much pleasure in seeing you naked. You are a very handsome boy. So I must share blame in letting you and Tomas go naked and of course it has an effect on you. There will be no punishment. For sure I would never whip you nor withhold your money. I take way to much pleasure in having both you and Tomas here. Come now let us put your clothes as well as Tomas’s in the dryer and we shall have some lunch. You will have to remain my natural boys while they dry.”
The three went to the washing machine and put the clothes in the dryer. Juan recovered from his crying.
“But Patron don’t you think Tomas has the most beautiful boy parts ever created.”
They laughed as Patron swatted his backside. Tomas added, “Patron, what can we do with this boy he only has excitement on his brain.”
“It is the age and tell me now that you don’t have excitement looking at his fine smooth rump.”
“Ah, Yyes, I must say it is so. I do every time I see it.”
“Then it is settled clothes on except during swimming.”
“Si Patron it will be so.” Came the reply in unison.
“I have a fine piece of North Atlantic Salmon on the grill with peppers, onions, mushrooms and potatoes. Juan please fetch plates and silverware and glasses.”
“Shall I get you your beer as well Patron?”
“Yes please Juan excellent suggestion. Perhaps you should help Tomas.”
“Si Patron.”
Juan was off at the trot and Tomas rushed to catch up. With the table set, the three had their lunch. The boys were sitting on the bench trying so hard to contain their excitement. Patron is smiling all the while looking upon the beauty of their young male forms.
“Patron, why do you feed us so well? I know of no other work place that does this. My mama works in a restaurant and even she cannot eat a meal there.”
“In America, I would eat and share food such as this with my grand children, children and friends. I do not like to eat alone. It is really you who are doing me the favor.”
The boys looked at each other and laughed.
“What what is funny?”
Tomas said, “Patron, here in Portugal people of stature like yourself do not ever share such a meal as this with lowly servants like us. We are to stay in our place. We should sit on the ground and if a scrap fell from your plate we could then eat it. Hence, for you to say it is us who are doing you a favor is well against all that our culture teaches us. It is most generous of you Patron and we love you all the more for it. However, it is not known to us that this is done.”
“Blah, rubbish, I enjoy your company. You shall sit at my table and enjoy the meal with me. There is much in your culture that I enjoy, your beautiful politeness for example. But here in my house what you explained does not exist. UNDERSTOOD!!!”
“Si Patron, but we will never feel it is us that are doing the favor; thank you for your generosity and good heart.” Juan added.
“Now, I was thinking I would like to meet your families. Would you convey my invitation to join me for swimming and grilled food on this Sunday? I know, I would be having you here every day of the week. But it would be a little day of work possibly helping with the servings and getting towels and such. They should bring some kind of swimming attire even if just a change of shorts. No skinny dipping you two.”
“Skinny dipping? Patron we do not know of this.” Juan asked.
“Swimming naked.”
“Si Patron, it would be most inappropriate.” Tomas replied.
“We go to church on Sunday, Patron until about noon. Will after be ok?” Juan again asked.
“That is an excellent time. We can have a lite lunch fruits and sandwich meats, swim and talk and get to know each other. I expect you young ones will do more of the swimming while your parents and I do more of the talking. I have some baskets for the pool possibly you could play water basket ball. Then at the end of the day I shall grill a meal for you”
“This sounds like a really fun day, Patron. I am sure my parents would be honored to attend but I must not overstep and ask them.” Juan replied.
Tomas said, “Si I am sure my mother will want to come as well but I must ask. Should I bring my brothers, Patron?”
“Of course Tomas, I did say family. Don’t worry there will be plenty to eat.”
“Obrigado, my Patron it will be a marvelous day.”
The buzzer for the dryer went off the boys scampered off to get their clothes. Patron sighed as they did. “But it was for the best” he thought.
They returned to clear and wash after the meal. The clean up done with the put away of the leftovers Juan asked “Is today a good day to do the grass cutting, Patron?”
Patron agreed and showed him the machine and how to operate it. It was electric and required two batteries to do the property. When one was spent of energy it needed to be plugged in again and another placed in the lawn mower. Juan went about his task.
Tomas asked “should the Patron like his massage now.”
“Yes I am feeling a little stiff. Now would be good Tomas. I have a massage table inside shall we try that and oil instead of the pool.”
They went inside to the Patron’s gym area where the table was set up. Patron stripped to his under shorts. “The oils are over there by the weights Tomas. Shall I lie face down to start?”
Tomas was a little out of his element, massage he could do but the table and oils were all new. “Si Patron, if you think that best, I can massage that way. Patron, forgive my ignorance but I have never used such oils. I think I will need your direction, please Patron; I do want this to work so you do not feel such pain. Help me Patron.”
Patron again was touched by the sincerity and honesty of Tomas.
“Of course, Tomas, I must apologize the oils, help ease the pain. There is Rosemary, Peppermint, Frankincense, Eucalyptus, Cedar Wood, Tree Oil, use the dropper there and mix 3 parts each of Rosemary, Eucalyptus and Cedar Wood with 2 parts each of Peppermint and Frankincense. Recap each quickly, their fragrance is very powerful.”
Thomas used a full eye dropper as one part and put the oil in a plastic squeeze bottle that was there. The bottle had a top with a little hole to apply the oil. He put a generous amount in the palm of his hand; then rubbed them together. He started on Patron’s neck and shoulders with a deep rubbing motion. He stretched Patron’s neck by pulling from under the jaw and the back of the head. Patron felt little pops in his neck and down his spine. He found accu pressure points and applied pressure for a full minute on each. He worked his way down the Patron’s back more kneeing and stretching the muscles. To each section he allotted about 10 minutes. He continued down the Patron’s legs and squeezes as he massaged his thighs. Often Patron would groan and moan as Tomas subtlety removed the tightness in his body. Along the way he applied more oil as it was needed. He got to his feet and worked on them stretching and finding reflexology pressure points. The Patron was so relaxed in the treatment that he was dozing half in slumber and half in the world of Tomas’s capable hands.
Tomas went to the Patron’s ear and whispered so softly and gently.”Roll on to your back Patron.” With the Patron now on his back it was evident that Tomas’s massage had stirred more than tight muscles. Tomas noticed but ignored. He again stretched his neck and by doing so he again straightened his spine. Pop, Pop, Pop. With the oil he massaged his chest giving special attention to his man tits, down over his stomach to abdominal area. His lite touch was cool with the peppermint oil he rubbed. The Patron’s under shorts twitched. The oil again went over his legs where it had not been able to penetrate in a face down position. Tomas took one leg and stretched it over his shoulder and forward stretching the hamstring; then the same to the other leg. That done, he took both his feet and pushed his knees back to his stomach and chest exposing his rear. Patron loved that stretch. Then Tomas raised both of Patron’s knees and rotated them left and right freeing his hips for more flexibility of motion. Lastly, Tomas massaged each arm awakening tired muscles. Patron was breathing hard; fighting to control his passion.
Thomas offered Patron his arm to help him rise from the table. “How do you feel Patron? Is there any place I should provide special attention?”
The massage was both therapeutic as well as sensual. Patron thought for a brief moment and it spilled out.
“Ah you have awakened my old manhood.”
“Should I give it attention Patron? I could also massage it. Ahh, ahh as well do more ,do massage with other parts of my body rather than my hands.”
“Tomas, you sweet boy you are too young; I shall not corrupt you in that way.”
With his head down and Patron’s rejection, “I have feeling for you Patron, your kindness to me, the way you treat me and Juan; your understanding of our nature. Patron, it would be an honor to help release you from your excitement.”
“No Tomas, I shall not do it you are most desirable but it is not the way I want to live.”
“Shall I get Juan; he is so much cuter than I. I know he would think it an honor to help his Patron in such a way. I am sorry that I am too big and ugly. I should not leave my Patron without release from his excitement. To do so would be to be uncaring.”
The Patron got up off the table and hugged the most tall and most beautiful boy. He held Tomas’s head and looked deep into his eyes. “You silly, beautiful boy, I love you for your offer; now, understand for me it is wrong for a much older man like myself to have excitement with a much younger boy like you. As much as part of me says yes and desires you with all of my being. It is a corrupting thing for me to do. And to bring Juan here would make it double hard for me to be the kind of man I want to be remembered as. Can you understand? I have had excitement before without release but this I shall remember till I do not draw breath and do so love you for it.”
The Patron pulled the head of Tomas down so he could kiss his forehead. “Your massage is excellent I don’t think we need a week’s trial. Will you be my trainer?”
“Oh Si, Si Patron it would be such an honor.”
At that point Juan came in to tell the grass was done and in the trash barrels.
“Should the barrels go to the street for pick up now Patron?”
“Yes they should do the pick up tomorrow morning.”
“Could Tomas help me Patron? They are quite full and heavy. I should hate to spill one and make a mess.”
“Yes go on Tomas, give Juan a hand.”
“Did I interrupt when I entered Tomas?”
“No not really.”
“What was going on?”
“I guess my massage worked up Patron’s male parts. I did not want to leave him without release for his excitement. I think his excitement was an unintended result of the massage. So I offered to massage his excitement as well. He would not have it. I even asked because I am so big and ugly to have you come and help him. He would have none of it saying we were too young.”
“Tomas, my most handsome boy friend, you are big but you certainly are not ugly. So do not say that. Do you not think I am worthy of a handsome boy friend? My papa says everything has a plus and a minus. You being big has many pluses…. The Patron is very wise and he believes that for us to share in his excitement no matter how much we would be willing or he has desires is wrong. We must respect him for his decision.”
“I know but when you see his excitement and have feeling for him. It is hard to walk away and leave him without release. He was explaining why when you came in and kissed my head and hugged me. Do you think he can love me…us as my father did and yours still does.”
“Si Tomas, he had shown great compassion and understanding with me not unlike my father; perhaps more like a grandfather.”
“I would work for him for free; not that he would allow it but I would. I think there is much to learn from our American Patron.”
The barrels put out for pick up Juan said, “We should take his clothes and towels from the dryer and fold them and put them away and see how else we may help Patron today.”
“Patron the clothes are folded and put in your drawers and the towels in the towel closet. What else may we help you with today?” Juan asked.
“Sit down boys; I was just trying to prepare a list of things to get from the market for our Sunday gathering. What are you parents favorite things to eat? “
“Chicken, Patron.” Juan replied
“Si chicken; it is the only meat that we can afford to eat and not very often.” Tomas added.
“How about fish, do you ever have fish?”
“Si of course, when my papa would go out to catch the fish; he often would bring home fish to eat.”
To be continued...
Note: This author is looking for a volunteer to proof read and do some editing of his stories. If you're interested just drop him an email and let him know. I know he would appreciate it.
Posted: 04/30/2021