Colin and his Hitchhikers
Jon Stewart
(© 2019 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 1
History and the Beginning
Colin O'Brian was a pretty average guy except for one little quirk. He never married; never had much interest in girls, not during high school or college. He didn't go for the partying and such a lot of young people get involved with. One of his friends dragged him to a drinking party in high school once; he woke up the next day with the worst hangover and said never again. He would have a friendly beer or two but that was his limit. He liked helping his dad around the house and went with his dad on a lot of his volunteer projects. He was involved with the food drive at church as well as youth sports; baseball in the spring and summer and basketball in the fall and winter. Colin wasn't a great athlete, kind of average but he loved the competition. He didn't make the high school teams so helped his dad with the rec teams. His dad often gave him the kids that weren't very good and Colin somehow managed to work with them to be respectable; not all-stars but not the worst in the league. As a senior in high school and on into college he often found he got a boner when getting close to one of the younger boys. Leaning over and helping a 12 year old with his batting stance almost always did it to him. To his credit, he kept it in his pants and never touched a boy inappropriately. Most never noticed; just about all liked Colin and the kind of private help he provided. The few who felt it, never mentioned it. They just figured it was one of those dumb penis times that all guys have.
At college graduation Colin was 6 foot 1 and weighed a nice 185 lbs, all muscle from his constant work outs. He kept his dirty blond hair cut short and with his sparkling blue eyes, and still innocent child like face Colin was on the hit list of every co-ed girl at State. He dated some mostly to keep up appearances but never had the passion and became a bit of a loner. Even a few gay guys hit on him but when he was honest with himself he knew he loved boys. He all the more, loved helping his dad with the teams.
Graduation from college came around. Colin waited and waited for his parents at his dorm. He needed to give them the tickets to get into the ceremony. He called their cells but got no answer. He could not figure out what had happened to them. He left the tickets with the person at the door. Finally, he could delay no longer; it was time; he got into his cap and gown and joined his class. After he could not find his parents, he was now worried. Everyone was whooping it up with family and friends. He was all alone looking... looking... His roommate spotted him and asked what was wrong.
"They are not here; something is wrong; they would never miss the graduation; something, is bad, wrong." Colin was now fighting back the tears that were welling up inside him. He had tried to stay calm said the phone was in a bad spot, the traffic was super bad from an accident. Now they were 3 hours late and he was frantic.
His roommate Robbie Smyth told his mom and dad and excused himself to be with Colin. In desperation he said. "Well buddy to dot all the eyes let's call the police."
Robbie made the call, after a lot of, uh ... hun's and I see, ooohh no, my God. Robbie was so upset he had called. He turned to Colin with tears flowing and hugged him. He tried to speak but nothing came out. He took several deep breaths and finally was able to say.
"There was an accident out on the interstate about 20 miles from the college. A semi was switching lanes; the driver didn't see your parents car and rolled over it at 70 miles an hour. Colin I don't know how to say this, your dad died and your mom is critical and at Mercy Hospital. Come with me, I'll get my parents to drive us there."
Robbie grabbed a hold of Colin's wrist; Colin was now in shock, a dead, faraway look in his eyes. He was there with them but he was not. It was a 20 minute drive to the hospital. Robbie got out with Colin. Robbie was actually one of the gay guys that hit on Colin. Robbie knew Colin's secret and was his best friend.
They went to the desk, Robbie did all the talking. Mrs. O'Brian was in surgery. He got directions to where they could wait. One hour went to two, Colin was holding onto Robbie for dear life. The doctor came out.
"O'Brian, O'Brian."
Robbie dragged Colin over to the doctor.
"Good news son, your mother is going to pull through. I'm sorry to have to say there is bad news. Her legs were so damaged she will never walk again. Also, she hit her head awful hard and we don't know the extent of the brain damage. I'm sorry son we did the best we could."
Robbie thanked the doctor for Colin. It turned out Peg O'Brian, always a most active woman, was to be an invalid for the rest of her life. Besides her legs she had lost a good bit of her cognitive reasoning. Her mind was like that of a 8 year old; beautifully childlike but incapable of adult function. She was in the hospitable for a month after the accident; for 2 weeks in an induced coma to limit brain function waiting for it to return to normal size.
Robbie took Colin back to the dorm; told his mom and dad he had to stay with his friend. He would catch up with them a little later in the summer. After the shock, Colin slowly came back to being himself and with Robbie made arrangements for his dad's funeral. They delayed for a week but when it was evident his mom would be in hospital for an extended time, went ahead with it. Peg and John O'Brian had done little in the way of end of life arrangements. Colin needing the money desperately quickly agreed to the insurance settlement. It was to the limits of the policy. Robbie was able to arrange the settlement for Colin's father's death and the car. The situation with Colin's mom was left out of it because it was unknown the extent of care required. It was Robbie's goal to become a lawyer and he put his negotiating skills to good use. A plot for his mom and dad was purchased. A one day wake and the funeral the next day was the plan. Boys and parents from the little league and rec basketball league all attended. Surely they had lost a dear friend in John O'Brian. The mayor even spoke and said Colin's dad was a shining example of community service and he asked all present to emulate John O'Brian. The funeral over Colin's and Robbie's attention turned to caring for Colin's mom. About a month later a smiling Peg O'Brian was wheeled out of Mercy Hospital into the arms of Colin. Colin had arranged a day nurse and was making preparations for a downstairs bedroom and bathroom for his mom. Robbie wanted to spend some time with his mom and dad before heading off to law school. There wasn't much else he could do for his friend. For sure he had helped him over the roughest patch of his life. Colin for his part knew there was no way he could thank Robbie enough.
Robbie said, "Marry me" with a devilish smile on his face.
Colin replied, "I wish I could. I love you like the brother, I never had. I would do anything for you but hurt you. If we married, I know I could not satisfy you and I would be unhappy that way as well. Be my best friend for life, please Robbie."
Robbie just smiled, kissed Colin on the cheek. "OK bud, we'll always be there for each other." He was out the door.
Colin took a deep breath and started life after college. He was a dutiful and loving son to his mom. He cared for her like no one else could. He got a job at the local lumber company. He continued his father's volunteer work and promoted the idea of one of the little league fields to be named the John O'Brian Field. He was happy when that came about. He was promoted at the lumber company first to assistant manager, then to manager and finally to managing partner. The owner often said if he had 5 more people like Colin he would control the lumber industry in the state. This was his life, caring for his mom, his job and his volunteer work. He especially liked working with the boys. He was coach to just about every kid in town. He really loved the involvement with his young charges and often became a mentor acting like a big brother first and later like the dad they wished for. Every year it seemed he had at least one or two who had problems at home. He opened his home to those that needed a refuge from their fighting parents. One time one mom even asked if he would watch her 11 year old as she went to care for a sick grandfather. He wasn't sure if it wasn't a test but did it anyway and controlled the beast within himself.
Robbie while at law school met up with Chris James, a Colin look alike. Robbie couldn't resist and fell head over heels for Chris. Chris went gaga over Robbie as well; his shinny dark hair his athletic build all 5 foot 9 and 160 lbs of him. Immediately after law school they got married. Colin was the best man and was so happy for his friend. They joined Colin and set up Robbie's practice in Littletown, NJ. It was a suburb of New York city. Chris had just got his doctorate in psychology and he too practiced in Littletown. Littletown was a well to do area mostly Republican and conservative. But the law was the law and although folks didn't like it, they accepted it and as they dealt with Robbie and Chris found that the young men were good and decent folk. Colon loved having his old friend back in town and they often exchanged barbeques and dinners.
Robbie and Chris wanted children and investigated a surrogate mother. They found a college student who was willing to take a year off and have their baby. They could cover the medical expenses but for her trouble the girl wanted $30,000.00 and they only had $15,000.00. Colin with his mom's expenses covered by the insurance settlement was just banking a good bit of his bonuses. He wasn't... I don't ever have to work again rich but he rarely checked his account to see if he had enough money. So he gave Robbie and Chris the other $15,000.00. He joked that he would be the best uncle and watch out for the X & Y chromosomes cause he wanted a boy. Robbie and Chris did rock, paper, scissors for whose seed would be used. Robbie won and that made Colin most happy. They had a boy and named him Jason. Colin was able to show some of his bottled up affection giving kisses and hugs and tickles. As Jason grew he loved Colin as much as his 2 dads. Peg O'Brian and her now constant nurse Ella loved the tyke as well and gave him some much needed feminine love and caring.
Colin wanted a swimming pool and a ranch house for his mom. He got one of his builder friends from the lumber yard to help build it. He enjoyed doing a lot of the inside trim after the shell, mechanical and gypsum was done. The pool had a ramp into a 3 foot sloped area so he could wheel his mom into the pool. She with all her little girl enthusiasm loved it. It was also great for Robbie, Chris and especially Jason. He had some team swim parties too. Once with only a couple of the dads present one of the boys asked if he could skinny dip when told it's only us guys here go ahead. 12 year old Brandon shucked his suit and was quickly followed by the rest of the team. Colin was asked to join but thought the better of it. "Hey, it's ok for you guys but if I join in someone will think nasty stuff about it. You guys go ahead and enjoy; my suit stays on." The other dads followed Colin's lead.
Sadly Peg O'Brian passed almost 15 years to the day of the accident. In some ways it was a relief and if you belief in the Almighty as Colin did he thought his mom was whole again with his dad. It gave him solace thinking so.
There was varying degrees of acceptance of Colin as the years wore on. One well connected well to do grandmother took exception to Colin not allowing her pampered and spoiled grandson, pitch. The boy just wasn't ready. Didn't mean a thing to busybody grandma so she called the mayor and thought it was strange that a single man spent so much time with boys. Consequently the mayor called the police chief and Colin was watched from that day forward.
In contrast to that situation, one mom asked him to watch her 11 year old son for a week while she and her husband attended to her dying grandfather. Colin enjoyed the time with the boy and they became fast friends. He didn't have a spare bedroom so he put him up on the couch. After the boy, Danny, had his shower and was in his undies ready for bed. Colin sitting on the couch tickled his feet. Danny of course screamed a little and said things like "No Colin, No more please." That brought a knock on the door with 2 policemen, to include their inquiring glances and a lot of questions, especially due to Danny being in his underwear. Thankfully, Colin was fully dressed and a call to Danny's mom straightened everything out. Colin was mortified that he was being watched like some sort of a sexual predator. He called Robbie who called the police chief. They were told the police have the right to park and observe anywhere they want. It didn't sit well with Colin.
Colin became reclusive. He obsessed with getting out of Littletown. He resigned from his little league position as well as the rec league basketball. He only did the food drive though the church. Yet, he still more often than not found a police car parked outside his door. It was a public street and they could park anywhere they wanted. He had been most generous to the police benevolent association fundraisers in the past. No more, zero was his contribution now. The police chief came by to question him why no contribution.
Colin asked. " is this an official visit. Are you charging me with something ?"
"Why no Colin, I ..."
Colin closed the door.
The chief had no recourse but to walk away from his door. He went back to his office and called the Mayor. "I am not going to harass a good and decent man who has given much to this community to satisfy old busy body, Mrs. Schartz. Fire me if you want but you know and I know there has never been a reason to put surveillance on Colin O'Brian and cause him embarrassment. I don't think Colin who has done so much will ever do another thing for this town and there are 3 people to blame and damn it I am one. I am so ashamed of myself."
"I'll talk to him chief. We'll honor him somehow."
The mayor called Colin. "Colin I want to somehow honor your almost 50 years of service to our little community. What can we do that you would think appropriate?"
"You want to honor me while your police department treats me like a sexual predator. What do I get the pedophile of the year award!!!! In six months I'm going to retire and get out of this town as fast as I can. Take your honor and shove it mayor. "
"Colin, don't be like that is was all a big..."
CLICK, Colin hung up.
Colin had amassed a good sized retirement fund. So good, he wondered if he could spend it all. He looked for property where he could retire. He found a little lake community in upstate New York. The parcel of land that he looked at included a lake front site of 800 ft. The property broadened out from there to a thousand feet at the state road. It also was quite deep at 950 ft. It would be most private he thought. He checked into getting utilities or living off grid and found out there was no electrical or gas coverage. He was ecstatic; he wanted to live off grid. The land passed a perk test for a septic tank and Colin brought it.
Colin's little cabin in the woods had an open floor plan for the kitchen, living room and dining area to include two heat producing fireplaces, his bathroom had a walk in separate shower and a Jacuzzi tub. He had a large master bedroom, a second guest bedroom and a den/study as well as a laundry and utility room. Solar roof shingles were also aided by a band of 3 wind turbines all feeding to a bank of ion batteries. This power system was backed up by a wood fueled generator. Being as he had well water and a septic situation he had an additional filtration system put on the incoming water supply to ensure no contamination got into the water. The septic system was also high tech and you were supposed to be able to drink the effluent that it produced. The 750 foot drive was paved black top and although no garage he had a car port for his 4 wheel drive jeep Cherokee and his Tesla sedan. The jeep had a plow for the winter snows as well as a wrench for pulling logs out of his woods to feed his fireplaces and wood generator.
Yes, Colin had pretty much thought of everything. He invited Robbie, Chris and Jason up for the Labor Day weekend. Jason now a college freshman was most impressed and asked if he could bring a few friends up once in a while as a camping trip.
Colin liked that idea and said, "Sure it would be great and maybe if I feed you real good you can help me build a dock on the lake."
Robbie and Chris wanted in as well; so the dock project was underway. It was planned early in June any earlier and the lake would be too cold. Colin stopped by the local lumber yard to find out if they had architectural plans for such a project. They did so he planned on having material delivered around Memorial Day. The weekend went by way too fast and soon Colin's friends had to go back to their jobs and Jason to school.
Colin busied himself in the coming days by keeping the leaves off the solar panels and making sure he was prepared for winter. He went into the town a 10 miletrip every couple of days to get his mail and stock up on his food supplies. It was a rainy day in late October, the weather had changed and there was a good chill in the air. He was on his way back home about 4:00 when he spied two boys hitchhiking.
"Now what the heck are those kids doing out in this weather," he thought.
He pulled up and lowered the window. "Need a lift?"
"Oh, yes sir, thank you mister."
Both boys were drenched to the skin. They quickly climbed into the Jeep.
Colin asked, "What are you guys doing out in this weather, where are you going?
The older boy spoke up, "ah, ah, we are going to the interstate. Could you take us there?"
Colin thought fast on that one, he quenched his face a bit, "I'd like to help you guys out but that's about 20 miles out of my way. I live about 7 miles up the road here."
"Oh, ok," came the downcast reply. "Well as far we you are going I guess. It's good to get out of the rain."
"What's your name son?"
and this is my brother Jimmy."
"Where are your parents Josh?"
"My father died in Afghanistan and my mom well, she isn't doing too good."
"Suppose we stop at my place and we can talk about getting you to the interstate? Are you hungry?"
"Yeah mister I am very hungry" Jimmy answered.
Josh elbowed Jimmy to keep quiet.
Colin saw the exchange. "Is that ok with you Josh? I'm just trying to do the right thing here. You guys are wet to the bone, Jimmy looks like he could eat a horse and I bet you are tired of being on the road."
"I.. I gguess so mister."
"Hey my name is Colin, Colin O'Brian. You guys Irish?"
"Could you turn the heat up a little mister?" Jimmy asked as he
shivered a bit. His lips were turning blue.
"Sure Jimmy, I should have asked if you were warm enough. I think your wet clothes are making you cold."
"MMaybe mister Colin."
Josh fidgeted between his own shivering. He wasn't sure if Colin was really nice or just acting nice to do bad stuff to him and his brother.
"I bet you are a little scared of me. Are you Josh? I mean you don't know me and here I am taking you to my house. Bet you've been told not to go with strangers right?"
"Wwell yyeah, aren't all kids told that."
"For good reason too, there are some bad guys in this world who would do bad stuff to you."
Josh said under his breath. "Yeah I know, I know real well."
"But Josh there are more good guys in the world too and you were asking for a ride by hitch hiking. I'm just trying to help. If you don't want to go to my house you can stay in the car and I'll bring you out some food. Wanna do that?"
"Nope, I can't leave Jimmy in there with you."
"Oh right, well I'll bring out food for both of you or both of you can come in. Let me know what you want to do when we get there. OK"
"Well, I'm Jimmy's big brother and I can't let anything bad happen to him. I have to take care of him cause I'm bigger."
Tears came to Colin's eyes. He didn't know what troubles there boys especially Josh had. He was amazed by Josh's love and caring for his little brother. "I can see that Josh and I can see you're a great big brother."
Colin turned into his driveway; little solar lights lit up the way activated by the motion of the car. As he approached the house other lights came on and lit up the cabin.
"Well, here we are. I think you'll be a lot warmer in the house and can dry out some but you tell me, Josh."
"Jimmy, you wanna go in or stay out here."
"Go in, come on Josh, Colin is real nice, we haven't ate in two day. You're being crazy!!"
Colin had to smile at little Jimmy. He jumped out of the Jeep. Colin opened the tailgate to get his packages. Jimmy asked, "Can I help Mister Colin? I won't take nothing."
"Sure Jimmy" giving him a bag.
"I can take more and Josh can help too."
Colin led the boys with all his supplies into the house.
"You sure got a nice house here Mister Colin. Don't cha got a wife and kids?" Jimmy asked.
"Nope Jimmy, I don't. Been thinking about getting a dog though."
"Yeah that would be good. I like dogs. They're not mean unless you hurt them."
Colin surveyed his two young guests. Josh was about 5 feet tall and skinny as a rail; he doubted he was 100 lbs. Jimmy was about 4 foot 6 inches and maybe 70 lbs skinny just like his brother. Both had dirty blond shaggy hair, Josh with steely blue eyes, Jimmy's eyes were a warm brown, both with button noses on their innocent faces.
"You are so right Jimmy. How did you get to know dogs so well?"
"I don't know, we knew a dog the last place."
Josh shot Jimmy a look to shut up.
"Let me start a fire in the fire place, Josh and you guys can dry off there." Colin started the fire in one of his heatilator fireplaces. In a couple minutes it was putting out massive heat.
"Does that feel better guys?"
"Oh yeah thanks mister Colin; but my underwear is still all wet."
Colin wasn't sure where this was going but he took Jimmy at face value.
"Now guys I don't want you to think I want any funny stuff but you can take you undies off and put your pants back on. You can go change in one of my other rooms. Then we can put your underwear in the dryer. Up to you, I know Josh is in charge of stuff like that and wants to be careful."
"Where can we change?" Josh asked.
Colin led them to the spare bedroom.
"You know guys the best way to get warm would be a hot shower. My shower will fit both of you so you could wash each other's hair. Then I could dry all your clothes and they would feel nice and warm. Josh, I'll show you how to lock the door if you want."
Jimmy looked at Josh. He knew he was dirty and smelled. "Mister Colin bad stuff happened to Josh. Do you promise not to be mean?"
Colin dropped down to one knee. He had tears in his eyes "I'm so sorry, Josh. So sorry, that someone hurt you. I promise, I'll never hurt you or your brother. Never, never, never!!!"
Josh looked at Colin. He looked real hard. He hoped he could trust him. He saw how sad he was when Jimmy told him bad stuff happened.
"We do need a shower, sometimes I wanna throw up when I smell us and our clothes are awful dirty. MMaybe you could wash them too. I pray we will be safe with you. Please don't hurt us."
Colin couldn't help himself; he grabbed Josh and hugged him and whispered, "Never, never, never." then let him go.
"See Josh, God sent us Colin, to help" Jimmy said.
Colin showed them the shower. He went to show Josh the door.
"I think Jimmy is right God sent you to help us. I don't think we have to lock the door."
Colin put out towels and grabbed a couple of his sweat shirts. "The sweat shirts should come down almost to your knees and cover your privates. You can wear them until your clothes dry. While you shower, I'll start some dinner. How about hot dogs and chili?"
“Anything a person can eat, Colin. Jimmy wasn’t lying when he said we haven’t eaten in two days. Thank you, I mean really, we really, really thank you.”
“Ok don’t make me all mushy again.”
The boys smiled and started to undress. Colin wasn’t out of the bathroom yet. He covered his eyes but took a peek. He saw welts across Josh’s back, buns and upper thighs. Jimmy had some on his buns. Someone had hurt these boys especially, Josh. He no doubt tried to protect his little brother. Colin was mad. Really mad, madder than he was with the Littletown mayor and police chief. He went to make dinner, seething inside that some would do such a thing.
Jimmy and Josh enjoyed the shower. It was two weeks since they had cleaned themselves. There was a portable hand shower as well as the regular shower head plus there were shower sprays at different heights on the shower wall.
“My butt holes been itching something fierce, Jimmy wash it for me please?” Josh asked.
“Sure but you gotta do mine, deal?”
“Yup, what are brothers for?”
Jimmy said as a question, “Cleaning butt holes???”
They both laughed and fooled as only two brothers can. Josh scrubbed Jimmy’s hair with the shampoo that Colin gave them and Jimmy standing on tippy toes did Josh’s.
“Think, Colin will let us sleep here tonight, Josh?”
“I hope so Jimmy, I ain’t in no rush to get to the city to sell myself.”
“Does it hurt a lot, Josh?”
“Yeah, going in hurts awful but then you get used to it.”
“I can do it too Josh, you shouldn’t have to get hurt like that all the time for me.”
“NO!!! I have to take care of you, dad said before he went to war.”
Colin was walking by to start the wash for their clothes and heard most of the conversation.
He vowed to himself that their plan was not going to happen.
A few minutes later, two smiling boys appeared before him hair still wet and foot prints on his floor but shiny clean as clean could be.
“That shower is so kool mister Colin.” Jimmy said.
“Thanks, Jimmy”
“Yeah Colin, we really needed that. We were so dirty. Heck I think the dirt was dirty.” Josh added.
“Well dinner will be ready in a couple of minutes, wanna watch TV?”
“Yeah sure” was the reply in unison.
The boys started watching a marvel “Avengers” movie.
Colin said, “Dogs are ready.”
“Aw I wanna watch the end and still eat.” Jimmy said.
“Look Jimmy, I can pause it and you won’t miss anything. I know you are hungry.”
“Ok, Mister Colin,” Jimmy said trotting to the table.
As the boys wolfed down three hot dogs each and a big bowl of chili, Colin just watched.
“You ain’t eatin?” Jimmy asked.
“No I don’t like hot dogs much.”
Josh, trying to remember his manners said “These are the best hot dogs ever Colin, thanks a bunch.”
“Say Josh, it’s still raining pretty hard; any chance I can convince you to sleep here tonight. Probably pretty cold out there, too. What do you say?”
“Wow Jimmy and me, was talking and hoping you would ask. I’m sorry I didn’t trust you but….. Well, I’m sorry. You have been so good to us. Thank you is there anything we can do to show you?”
“Yes, I really want to know what happened to you. I saw welts on your back. I want to know how that happened. I know you are running away, so why and from whom? I am mad at who did that. It’s not right. Who whipped you?”
“Mr. Jake Brown, he did it.” Josh said, “I hate him. I wish I was bigger. I would beat him till he couldn’t get up. He beat Jimmy too.”
“What happened? Tell me everything Josh and I mean everything.”
“Me and Jimmy….well we was … I was showing him how to uh….”
“Jerk off, is that what you are trying to tell me.”
“Tell him Josh; tell what that bad man did.” Jimmy said.
“Yeah, I was showing Jimmy how to jerk off and he caught us. It isn’t bad is it Colin?”
“No, Josh every boy does it, everyone in the whole world.”
“So he says you like to play with dicks. Play with this and takes out his dick. He waves it in our faces and tries to make Jimmy suck it. Jimmy was crying. He grabbed his head and hit him yelling SUCK IT BOY. I had to do something so I pushed Jimmy out of the way. So he took off his belt and beat me and beat me and beat me. He said I had to ask to suck it. Finally, I did it. I couldn’t take it anymore. After I sucked it and it got big and hard he made me lie down and he put it in my butt. It hurt so bad Colin. He kept yelling TAKE IT BITCH BOY.”
Josh was crying from remembering and telling Colin. Colin went over to him and hugged him and kissed his forehead. “He’s never gonna do that to you again. You’re safe here. If that bastard gets anywhere close to here, I’ll mess him up. That’s a promise.”
Colin turned to Jimmy, “who is this Jake Brown?”
“He was our foster parent.”
“He was your foster parent? Holy shit!!!! What about your social worker?”
“Josh tried telling her and she said quiet, children are to be seen and not heard.”
“Yeah, she’s mean too. I saw Brown giving her money. Why would he do that?” Josh asked.
“So you ran away, how long ago?”
“Two weeks ago.” Josh said.
“Well, I want you to stay here at least till we know where you will go and you’ll be safe. Will you do that?”
Jimmy jumped up and came over to Colin and hugged him. “Yes, Yes I’m staying with you Colin.”
“I don’t want to go to the city, Colin. I really don’t want to go there. I couldn’t think of anything else.”
He got up and hugged Colin as well. He whispered, “My daddy must have sent us to you, Thank you.”
“Let’s clean up and watch the rest of the “Avengers”, enough of this stuff for tonight.”
They got the dishes into the dishwasher and leftovers put away and settled onto the couch. Colin in the middle Jimmy on his left and Josh on his right. “You guys warm enough in those sweatshirts?”
“Oh yeah can we sleep in these” Josh asked.
After a bit the boys feeling safe, warm and with food in their stomachs for the first time in weeks cuddled up close to Colin. The “Avengers” wasn’t enough motivation to keep them awake. Colin picked up Jimmy holding his bare bottom and took him to the guest bedroom. He went back for Josh.
“Will you carry me too, Colin. Like my daddy used too?”
“Ok big guy, you can be little tonight. Josh stand up.”
Josh did
“Hey, you wanna piggy back ride.”
“Yeah Colin, my daddy used to do that all the time.”
“Ok jump on buddy.”
Colin picked him up and put him to bed next to Jimmy. He kissed his forehead and said “Sleep well tonight Josh, remember you are safe now.”
Josh wrapped his arms around Colin’s neck and kissed his cheek. “Good night, daddy.” He closed his eyes and was fast asleep.
Colin tucked the covers around him then went to Jimmy and kissed his forehead and tucked the covers around him.
He picked up a little bit, switched the boys clothes from washer to dryer. Then went to the computer, he sent a long involved email of everything that the boys said to his friend Robbie. He asked if he could get emergency custody for Josh and Jimmy. He bared his soul and told how Josh had called him daddy as he kissed him good night. Probably, just Josh talking in his sleep but it felt good. It was 10:30 when it was done.
Robbie as always was right there for his friend and answered Colin’s email, immediately.
“Hey buddy, I’ll be on it first thing in the morning. Stay kool, do not report anything. I’ll check the NY law precedents in the morning. I think we can get you custody pending a child services review. If I am right, I’ll file the brief tomorrow. Ohh, important take pictures of the welts on the boys, proof of abuse; it will be very important. If you can get Josh to agree to it have a doctor examine him for the rape. Do you think you are going to want these boys more than temporary? I think it would be great for you.”
Colin answered, “It’s hard to say that but maybe. That young Josh has been through so much and is so brave protecting his brother. They are cute; seem to be smart and polite. Josh more than little Jimmy. Do I love them? Maybe, they are a couple loveable kids. Please get me good news tomorrow.”
Colin shut off the computer and closed up his little house. He took a pee and checked on his charges. Jimmy was having a bad dream. He kept saying, “No, no, leave him alone, His little fist were pumping like crazy. Even in his semi conscious sleep tears were falling from his eyes.”
Colin shook him and picking him up he held him tight, as he sat on the bed. Jimmy came awake. He trembled in Colin’s arms between sobs he said.
“He was there; he was hurting Josh again. Don’t let him; please don’t let him hurt Josh. Please, please Colin.”
“You are safe here, Jimmy and no one is going to hurt you or Josh.”
“Can I sleep with you? Please, Colin. I don’t want that dream again.”
Josh stirred. He looked at Colin and Jimmy and said “What, what is happening.”
“Jimmy had a bad dream; Josh is it ok if he sleeps in with me? Are you ok here?”
“No I gotta be with Jimmy. I gotta take care of him. My dad said.”
“Ok come on, it’ll be crowded but we’ll manage.”
Carrying Jimmy with one arm and holding Josh’s hand with the other he took the boys to his bed. He thought it was good the salesman talked him into the king sizer. He put Jimmy down.
Josh said, “You get in the middle. My daddy was always in the middle.”
Colin stripped down to his boxers and got under the covers, Josh climbed in. Jimmy snuggled up close to Colin holding on to his arm. Josh did the same on the other side. As if reliving a special good memory they said in unison, “good night daddy,” and kissed his cheek. Colin kissed each forehead and quickly the boys were fast asleep. Colin not so fast, his mind going over the events that brought him to this point. He resolved to himself that these boys would have a good home; he prayed it would be with him. He also prayed that his prostrate would behave for he would have the devil of a time getting untangled from Josh and Jimmy to get to the bathroom. Soon exhaustion over took him as well and he slept.
To be continued...
Posted: 04/16/2021