Bastard Child, Cowboy, Oil Man

By: JWSmith
(© 2012-2013 by the author)
Rock Hunter

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Chapter 6

It was in June my junior year in high school that my Uncle Dane came to visit with another man that he introduced as Wayne Bascom, his partner. Mr. Bascom wasn’t quite as tall as us Hilliards. He was every bit as handsome though, with green eyes and short brown hair. He carried himself like he was really muscular, you know, like a muscle man. His clothes were tailored to fit.

When Uncle Dane introduced him to me, he laughed and told me he was too young to be an uncle, to call him Wayne.  He and Uncle Dane were the same age.

Uncle Dane also said that he and Wayne wanted to sit down with me while they were here and talk about my future. I glanced at Dad who smiled and nodded.  It was apparent that Dad and Uncle Dane had previously discussed this. I agreed to do it at their leisure.

I’d only met Uncle Dane briefly once before. I knew he lived in Houston and owned all the oil rights on our ranch. I had no idea what he wanted.

At breakfast of the third day of his visit, Dad announced he had to drive up to Midland on some business. He suggested that Jimmy and I saddle four horses and give Uncle Dane and Wayne a tour of the ranch.

I kind of thought this was going to be a fiasco. Both men looked like they’d never been near a horse. They’d been dressed in slacks and loafers since they’d been here.


They both agreed that would be fun, and headed off to their room to change. I don’t know whether Jimmy was as surprised as me, but they both came down looking like old ranch hands, including scuffed up old boots and sweat stained hats.

Uncle Dane took one look at my expression and said, “And you thought we were just a couple of city boys, didn’t you?”

I slowly nodded and grinned.

Wayne grinned back at me. “We’ve got a little spread down close to San Antone where we spend nearly all our free time. We’ve got a small herd of longhorns and a stable full of quarter horses, too.”


“‘Sides that,” Uncle Dane added, “Wayne grew up down on the Bascom spread. And as you well know, I grew up on this ranch with my brother.”

Jimmy laughed and slapped his hat against his leg. “You sure looked like a couple of city slickers.”

Since most of the oil wells on our ranch were on the back side of the mesa, I suggested that we ride around that way.

“That old road up the mountain still passable?” Uncle Dane asked.

“On horseback or afoot, but I don’t think you could drive a jeep up it.”

It took us about forty-five minutes to ride around the mountain. We had to go through three barb wire gates to get there.  Our ranch is sectioned off to keep the cattle where we want them.


Everything was still green from the spring rains. The mesquite was in bloom as well as the blue bonnets. Off in the distance we could see a windmill. Uncle Dane asked, “Is that tank was still kept full of water?”

“Sure is, the cows have got to have water. Dad just had it drained and cleaned last month.”

“You guys want to go for a swim?” Uncle Dane asked.

“We didn’t bring our suits,” Jimmy said.

Uncle Dane ruffled his hair as he rode along beside him. “We’re all men, Jimmy. We’ll just go skinny dipping.”

I glanced at Jimmy. His eyes were as big as mine felt. The idea of seeing these two hunky men naked had me boning.

The water tanks on our ranch are all about ten feet high. The water is kept at about a foot below the rim. They’re made of reinforced concrete that’s about twelve or fourteen inches thick, just right for lying on to sun bathe.

 When we got to the windmill, I noticed that Uncle Dane and Wayne had moved a ways off from Jimmy and me to undress. At first I wondered why, but I soon figured out they’d done it to give us a chance to look them over without us being embarrassed by their proximity. 

I tried to act nonchalant about it, but Jimmy has no guile, he just stood and watched them undress and didn’t move until Dane was standing right in front of him asking if he was going to join us. Jimmy snapped out of his thrall, turned a dark red, stuttered a bit and started taking his clothes off.


I’d have laughed right out at Jimmy’s embarrassment if Wayne hadn’t caught my eye and discreetly shook his head. I grinned at him, climbed the ladder and dove into the cold water. I’d had time enough to swim across the tank and back, and was hanging onto the side when I looked up right into Uncle Dane and Wayne’s big balls and long hanging dicks. They stood on the top of the wall nonchalantly talking, like they were trying to ignore Jimmy and his embarrassment. Jimmy had finally stripped and was on the ladder looking up at their hairy butts. I looked at Jimmy and he looked at me, then we started laughing. They looked down at us like we were a couple of loonies.

“That’s a mighty fine view you’re giving us,” I said.

Uncle Dane looked a bit embarrassed, but Wayne grinned and did a turn around on the narrow edge, nearly losing his balance. Uncle Dane grabbed him and they both fell into the water. Jimmy climbed on up and dove in after them. The two men came up sputtering and laughing. They were holding onto each other, and next thing I knew, they were kissing. They had given no clues until then that they were more than business partners and friends. Watching them kiss had me again boning. I didn’t have any idea where Jimmy was until I felt his mouth around my cock. He sucked a couple of time and then pushed up to fill his lungs with fresh air. I grabbed him and planted my lips on his as we sank. 

When we came up gasping, Uncle Dane and Wayne were right next to us hanging onto the wall, grinning at us. “Your dad said you two were just like us.”

Jimmy’s eyes got big. “You guys are lovers?” I guess he didn’t see them kissing.

“We’ve been together since we were in high school, except for the three years Wayne was in the Corps.”

“Wow, that’s so cool. If you’re gay, why did you go into the Marine’s?” Jimmy asked.


Wayne pulled himself up onto the wall. He was as hard as I was, but he ignored it. Uncle Dane didn’t though; he grinned at us and then sank to the bottom. Next thing we knew, he was shooting up out of the water and grasped Wayne around his waist. He then planted a kiss on his cock head right in front of us. “Damn, I sure love you, Babe… especially naked.”

They were oblivious of Jimmy and me for a couple of minutes as Wayne pulled him up and planted a kiss on him.  Jimmy looked at me, and I at him. I pulled him into a one arm embrace and kissed him while I hung onto the wall with my other hand. Jimmy was like an octopus the way he wrapped his limbs around me. He got totally into kissing, then he pulled away and stared into my eyes as I felt his hot cum shoot against my belly. I couldn’t hold back, nor could I continue to hold onto the wall. We sank again as this time I came and came.  When we surfaced for air, Uncle Dane was sitting on the wall with an arm around Wayne’s shoulders. They both smiled at us. Wayne said, “I’m sure the cows will appreciate the extra flavor and the protein.” 

I know we both blushed. But we were getting over our shyness. Jimmy said, “If they don’t like Dane’s flavor, they ain’t got no taste.”

I sank and swam over to the edge and pulled myself up on the edge. Wayne looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “So you taste good, huh?”

I looked him right in the eye with a big grin and replied, “I don’t know. You’ll have to rely on Jimmy’s word on that.”

I love playing in the water with Jimmy. I swear he’s half dolphin the way he moves through the water. While we played, Uncle Dane and Wayne lay out on the wall to soak up some sun. When we tired, we climbed up next to them. Wayne sat up and asked if I was ready to talk to them.

“Sure,” I answered.


Jimmy looked like he felt like an extra wheel.  Wayne smiled at him and said, “Relax, Jim. This talk involves you and your future as much as Dane’s.”  He immediately looked interested in what Uncle Dane and Wayne were going to propose.

Uncle Dane grinned and shook his head. “Let’s put some clothes on so I won’t be so distracted.” I felt my whole body turn red. I’d been clandestinely admiring both men’s bodies and had no idea that they’d been doing the same to us. I glanced at Jim and almost laughed. He looked like he’d been sun burnt he was so embarrassed. Again Wayne came to the rescue. “Oh, stop it, you two. You both know you’re handsome as all get out. Of course, we’re going to admire you, and I know you both have been eyeing us. It’s a natural thing to do, so give it a rest.”

We were pretty much dry from lying on the wall, so we filed down the ladder and dressed. The windmill offered a nice bit of shade to sit in.

We looked expectantly at Uncle Dane. “Dane, in another year you’ll be starting college.” He looked at Jimmy. “And you the year after.”

We both solemnly nodded.

“Dane, you know your brother is planning on being a rancher. And I’m sure you’re aware that he will be inheriting this ranch. I feel pretty sure that he’d share it with you if that is what you want. But it will legally be his. There’s not enough land here to split up. Your Dad’s been worrying over this ever since you came back to live with him.”


“Jim, your ranch is quite small. It was enough that your dad could eke out a fair living, but times are changing; everything’s more expensive. By the time you’re ready to take over the ranch, you’ll not be making a living on it. It’s just too little land. Of course you can hold on to the ranch and work for a larger ranch… say Dale’s.”

He stopped and studied both of us. I’m sure from our expressions he could see that neither of us had given this much thought.

“So the big question is, how interested are you in staying on the ranch and just being cowboys for the rest of your lives?”

I looked at Jim and he at me. Much was communicated in a few short seconds. I turned back to Uncle Dane. “Doesn’t look like too bright a future.”

“No, it doesn’t. Wayne and I have built quite a little empire with the oil rights on this land as our base. We have no children. After much discussion between us, and with your dad, we’ve decided that we want you two boys to be our heirs.”

I glanced at Jim; he looked as bewildered as I felt.

“Now this comes with some stipulations, the first being that you go on to college… both of you… and major in business. Jim that means that you have got to apply yourself, get your grades up and keep them there. If you’ll recall, you were given an intelligence test a few months ago. You’re not a genius, but you’re much more intelligent than your grades reflect.  Dane, you can help him here. From what May says, Jim, your study habits leave much to be desired. With a goal like we’re offering you, I think you can find the incentive to really start applying yourself.”

Jimmy visibly gulped and nodded.


Uncle Dane talked some more about the oil business, the buying and selling, and speculating. Much of it went over my head, but I felt sure that over the next few years I’d learn to understand all of it.

One thing he thought we should do is get our educations at the university in Houston. It has a good school of business and we would be right there to work on the job as we learned.  


Life started changing for the two of us after that day. I suppose it was the different perspective that we began to apply to everything. We loved the life on the ranch, but we knew we would be giving it up when we graduated from high school. The Ranch would one day be Dale’s with Brian as his partner. The oil rights and all of Uncle Dane’s and Wayne’s little empire would be mine and Jim’s. We were only sixteen and seventeen and believed that our love would last a life time.  If it didn’t, we’d still be best friends and brothers. For now, we continued being cowboys as we probably would be, at least in our hearts, for the rest of our lives.


Who would’ve thought that that broken hearted little boy standing between his maternal grandparents, next to his mother’s grave, staring belligerently at the man on the other side, that he would come to know to be his daddy, would one day grow up to be a Texas oilman? Not me, Dane Hilliard.

The End.

Posted: 01/18/13