The Shadow of My Father

By: J.P.G.
(© 2009-2010 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 29

The next morning, Daniel introduced Isabella and Jonathan to his mother Rose. He explained to his mother that Isabella is here to care for the house and kids. Jonathan will not only be in charge of Josh’s security, he will also assist in protection of his kids and her once everyone is inside the house for the day.


After giving Isabella a tour of the house, Daniel and his mother left her in the kitchen to get acquainted with everything. Rose wanted to get some clarification from her son about her standing in the house. The minute they walked into the study, Rose started talking.


“Look Daniel I know that I asked to have help around the house, but not a take over. If Isabella is to do everything in the house including caring for the kids while you’re in Austin, what am I supposed to do? I don't like the idea of having strangers bringing up my grandkids while you are in Austin.”


“Mom, I really think you misunderstood what I said earlier. Isabella is here to clean, cook and make sure you are not working. The only thing I would like your help on is the upbringing of my sons. You are right that it should be family that brings up the children.


Let me clear the air about the mix-up. You will make sure the kids are well taken care of, get off to school, take care of any issues that come up with the kids, and see that they do their chores. If there are any disciplinary actions that need to be taken, it will be left up to me on that. If they get into trouble and need to be punished, I will lay down the punishment that is needed.


Having Isabella here doesn't mean that the kids don't have to clean their own rooms or do their chores. They are still responsible for everything that they are doing now. There is no exception, and I had better not find out they are using is Isabella to do what they should be doing. She is here to take the workload off you, and that is it!”


“I am sorry Daniel I did misunderstand what you were saying earlier. I do thank you for hiring someone this quickly. This way you can see if they're going to work out or not before you leave to Austin. Only one more question I have to ask is about the responsibilities of Jonathan. He's moving into the house, but why?”


“Mom, I have him moving into the house is really for two reasons. The first reason is to make sure everything is secure once everyone is inside the house for the day. Second, I want the boys to have a male figure around.


Look, call me old-fashioned or whatever, but I really do believe in having both a male and female presence. The boys have already identified themselves as to who they are going to be in life. They still need to be molded into what they want to become. I want to be the one to mold them along the way, but there is going to be times I won't be around. That is where I feel a need for male figure to be around.”


Rose seem to be more confused about the role that Jonathan is going to play, but she let it go. She knows her son, and everything that he does has a reason behind it. He has thought this through, and now is acting on it.


With that settled, Rose joined Isabella in the kitchen. Meanwhile Jonathan checked in with Josh to see if he had any plans for the day. He found out that the only thing that Josh wants to do is plop his butt in front of the TV and play video games.


The rest the week flew by, and before they knew it the weekend arrived. Josh has made plans to meet up with Jacob and Joey. To make it easier on security, Josh invited Jacob and Joey over to the house to hang.


Cesar arrived before anyone else and then Eric, Bernice, Chris, Jacob and Joey arrived at the same time about ten minutes later. As they waited for Patrick and Frank to arrive they hung out in the den talking with each other.


“I am hoping to speak with your grandfather Jacob to thank him for all the help he gave me. If it wasn't for him I would probably be living with my father. Trust me when I say you would not want to live underneath his roof!”


“Chris, I take it that you guys don’t get along at all. My grandfather planned to come in for the holidays, but couldn't get down here. I told him that I ran into you guys, and thanked him on your behalf. He told me to let you guys know that it was not a problem at all. He is happy that everything worked out for you.”


“Yeah, it really did and I can’t thank him enough. My father is a hateful man to put it mildly. He lost in the courts, but he isn't going to give up. I need to always be looking over my shoulder to make sure he isn't around. To tell you the truth I'm thinking about always hanging out with Josh, because of his security detail.”


Chris started laughing and jabbing Josh in the shoulder. The rest of them chuckled over what Chris said. Little by little, Chris is starting to grow into a different person than any of them knew before. They like this Chris and if only he would've popped his head out sooner, just maybe things would be different now.


Finally Patrick and Frank showed up. It looked like they are late because they had a little fun with each other before coming over. None of them teased Frank or Patrick about it, they just started making plans on what they're going to do.


They finally decided to go down to the arcade room at the mall. Josh went up to check with his brothers to see if they wanted to go, and of course they jumped up and got ready. They all jumped into the SUV and headed over to the mall.


The arcades are so packed; everyone is fighting each other to play the video games. Finally after an hour of waiting and not really playing and video games, they gave up and decided to go to Chuckee Cheese.


Not only they can eat pizza, they can play video games there as well. Chuckee Cheese isn’t as filled as the arcade room at the mall was. They quickly ordered several large pizzas with different toppings and couple of pitchers of soda before heading to play.


Josh and Cesar stayed together the entire time with Jacob and Joey. Every so often Chris would pop up and join them on the game they are playing. By the time the pizzas were ready, all the boys were hungry as hell.


They ate so fast, none of them actually tasted the food as it went down. At the same time they didn’t really talk to each other. They want to fill their stomachs, but at the same time, they want to get back to playing the games.


Josh and Cesar got up together and almost ran to the race car game they were playing before they ate. They had to wait until for the two guys that are playing the game to finish. As they stood there, Josh grabbed a hold of Cesar’s hand. They looked at each other and wanted to kiss, but knew it isn’t a good idea.


Just then several older kids walked up to Josh and Cesar. They went to push them when Jonathan and the security detail stepped in. They pulled the boys away from Josh and out of the restaurant. Their parents jumped out of their seats and started yelling at the security detail as they dragged their sons out the door.


“Who in the hell do you think you are putting your hands on my kid that way? If you don’t take your hands off of him, I will call the police.” An older gentleman started yelling as he looked at the men holding his son.


“Dad, I didn’t do anything wrong! There are two faggots in there holding hands and I was just going to push them around a little. They shouldn’t be holding hands in public like that.” One of the older boys yelled as he struggled to get free.


“You don’t have to call the police because we did. Your sons picked the wrong people to push around. They just admitted they wanted to harm the governor elects son. That is a no, no in any book.” Jonathan spoke as he walked out of the restaurant.


“Wait, I didn’t know that kid was the governor’s son. If I knew that I would have never tried to pick on him.” The other kid spoke up as he straightens his clothes.


“Oh, so the only reason you would not have messed with this gay kid is because he is the governor’s son? If he wasn’t, you would have done what? Thrown a couple punches at him and figure you are right because they are two gay kids?”


“Wait a minute, I am not going to let my kid answer anymore of your questions. He has already said way too much as it is. Please release them to me and we will leave. There is no reason to involve the police that can mess up my son’s life before it begins.”


Jonathan walked over to the SUV to use the car phone. He spoke with the Daniel to see what he wanted him to do. After he got his orders, he hung up the phone and walked back over to the kids and their parents.


“Your kids have the wrong up bringing. If they don’t learn how to handle this hate they have against gays, they will end up in jail or worse. They are lucky we didn’t pull our guns and shoot first and ask questions later. The next time they won’t be as lucky. They might run into a gay couple that will fight back or carry a gun.


I just talked with the governor elect and he asked me to let your kids go. He doesn’t believe in destroying young lives over a stupid mistake. So I am letting your kids go with a warning. I have their names and yours and if they appear around the governor or his kids again in a threatening manner, I will have you guys arrested. You guys can go, but not back into the restaurant.”


The kids walked over to their cars as their parents went in and gathered their stuff. As the parents opened the car doors, they started scolding their kids. The little bit Jonathan could hear is not good for the kids.


“We didn’t raise you guys to hate people no matter what walk of life they are. We voted for this guy because of his love for his kids. Now you made us look like his ex-wife. Wait until we get you home and ground you. You will…….”


That is all that Jonathan heard before the doors closed. He walked back in to make sure everything is okay with Josh and the others. He found them playing the game as if nothing had happened. Jonathan couldn’t help but laugh at what he is seeing.


The rest of the customers just looked at Josh and Cesar. They didn’t realize that the governor elect’s sons are in the building. They always thought that wherever they went, the security detail would clear out the place for their safety. Now they can see that he is a man of his word. He and his family are no more special than any other family.


After what happened at Chuckee Cheese, Daniel didn't let his boys go anywhere the rest of the weekend. Their friends are welcome to come down to visit, but they are not allowed to go anywhere for their own protection.


Daniel is starting to worry more and more for his family security as the day approaches for his inauguration. He believes are people out there are willing to do anything to get into the headlines, including hurting his kids.


As New Year's Eve approached, Daniel met with his security detail. His kids have been asking him to allow them to go to New Year's Eve parties. The main reason that Daniel called the meeting is that he wanted to know if his security detail can ensure the security of his kids. He knows that parties can get out of hand and things can go wrong in return.


“Sir, with all due respect, there is no way we can guarantee one hundred percent your kids would never be in danger. We would take every precaution to keep your kids safe. But there's still a chance something can go wrong.”


“You are the head of the entire security staff, and you're telling me there are flaws in the security. I know you can’t guarantee me that nothing will ever happen to my kids. I am a father that worries every minute about his children. We are getting way too close to my inauguration and I don't want some idiot out there doing something stupid.”


“If you want my complete honesty, you should keep your kids at home tonight. We just can’t secure a party full of teenagers. So much can go wrong and more than likely will go wrong at these parties.”


“I know that I'm only in charge of Josh's security but I need to tell you this isn't right. Sir you have gone around telling everyone your kids will not be treated any different than they have in the past, but you have been doing just the opposite.


You have locked them down because of some stupid teenagers who didn’t know their ass from their face. I agree with my boss that we can’t secure a party full of teenagers, but your kids have respected the ground rules you lay down. Trust them, and trust us and they will come home safe.”


Daniel leaned back in his chair and just looked at the wall. “I agree with you Jonathan. I have turned this house into a mini prison and that isn't right for the kids. I will speak with them and let them know that they are allowed to go one party as a group. But I will lay down stricter rules for them to follow.”


No one said another word to Daniel as they walked out of the study. Daniel headed upstairs to speak with his kids. He called them out to the hallway. That way he could speak with all of them at the same time.


“I spoke with the security detail and they told me that they can’t guarantee me that they can keep you guy’s safe one hundred percent. So here is the deal; I am going to let you guys go to one New Year's Eve party as a group. That way all…” The boys started to high five each other as their father spoke.


“That way all of the security that is assigned to you guys will be all in one place. You guys can’t drink and I know you guys aren’t drinking anyways yet. If a fight breaks out, too many of the kids get drunk and start acting stupid, or the security detail feels that you are threatened, you will come home immediately with out questioning why. This is the only way I will let you go to party. Do we have a deal?”


All four of the boys nodded their heads up and down before heading to their own rooms to get ready. Daniel walked downstairs still not comfortable allowing his kids out, but like Jonathan said, he needs to trust in his kids and more than likely nothing will go wrong.


Before Josh jumped into the shower to get ready he called Cesar to let him know that he is going to be able to go to the party. They agreed to meet at his house and go from there. Cesar will call the rest of the gang to see what their plans are.


By the time Josh finished getting ready; Cesar and Chris are waiting for him downstairs. Josh went down to greet his friends, and wait for his brothers. He shook Chris' hand, and kissed Cesar on the lips.


As soon as they arrived at the party, the security detail tried to secure the area as best they could. The moment they walked in the room went quiet for a few seconds. Someone put on another record, and everyone went back to minding their own business.


Daniel Jr., Carlos and Brandon met up with their girlfriends at the party. Eric and Bernice walked in shortly after they did and pretty much stayed in their own little world. No one saw Patrick or Frank anywhere at the party. That left Chris with Josh and Cesar.


They grabbed several sodas from the bucket and headed to a corner of the room. Josh and Cesar held hands, and every so often they kissed each other. Since the party is filled with a lot of teenagers from their school, they didn't show much affection or dance together.


They just sat there talking with each other. Josh started thinking that maybe it was best for him and Cesar to spend New Year's eve at his house. That way they could have been more intimate with each other and not worry about anybody looking down at them.


As it got closer and closer to the count down, everyone started to make their way outside. Josh and Cesar held hands as they started counting down the final seconds of nineteen ninety. As the fireworks went off, Josh and Cesar kissed each other without a care who is watching them.


They both said at the same time after breaking the kiss that they love each other. Josh turned around and pulled Chris into a hug. He rubbed Chris on the back and kissed him on the cheek.


“I am glad that we were able to overcome our past and become friends. I want you to know that you hold a special place in my heart. No matter what happens in the future, you will always be my first love, and my best friend.”


“Josh I am glad that we had what we had and when it ended we became friends. Just like you, you hold a special place in my heart as well. I am glad that you found Cesar and I know one day I will find my own Cesar.” Chris allowed Josh to wipe away his tears.


All three of them held hands and stood underneath the sky watching the fireworks. Just as the fireworks ended, Elizabeth came stomping up to the guys. She looked at Chris then Cesar and finally Josh.


“What is this fucking threesome of faggot guys ready to make love? You guys should not be allowed to show this kind of emotion in public. If you know what's best for you, you guys will stop holding hands in public.”


“Are you insane Elizabeth or just plain old stupid? You haven't learned your lesson yet, and I don't think you will. If you don’t walk away right now and stop making trouble the security detail that is approaching you will remove you.”


Elizabeth looked behind her and back over to Josh. “This isn't over, and if you think I am not going to make your life a living hell, you’ve got another think coming.” Elizabeth whispered before she walked away.


After Elizabeth left, nothing else happened. They spent another hour at the party, and headed home as the party started the breakup. On their way they dropped off Chris and Josh's brothers’ girlfriends at their homes.


As they walked in, they got greeted by their father. He smiled at each of them and kissed their foreheads as they went upstairs to bed. Josh and Cesar went up to get their sleeping bags and came back down to sleep in the living room.


The boys didn't wake up the next morning until a little after eleven. They dragged themselves into the kitchen for breakfast and then back to the den to start playing video games on their game system.


They played for couple of hours, and then switched over to watch a movie. Carlos had the control and started flipping through the channels and all of a sudden stopped on a news channel. The room got quiet as Carlos turned up the volume to see what the news anchor is talking about.


“We now go live to the courthouse in El Paso Texas, where just moments ago, the ex-wife of the Governor Elect went in front of a judge.


Shawn, can you tell us what exactly happened today in the court proceedings? We know that the Governor Elect of Texas was present while his ex-wife put in her plea. Can you take us step-by-step, of what occurred in that courtroom today?”


The screen switched over to a news reporter in front of the courthouse. “Yes I can give you the details what exactly happened here today. As you all know several weeks ago, the ex-wife of the Governor Elect, Martha Lopez, shot at his convoy as it left the UTEP Center.


Normally a defendant is pulled in front of a judge to put in their plea within forty eight hours of their arrest. Due to Ms. Lopez being shot, they had to wait for her to recover enough to be transferred over to courthouse. Over the weekend the doctors cleared and released her. That gave the district attorney and the state attorney a chance to put her in front of a judge.


Daniel Lopez walked into a filled courtroom at one o'clock Central time. He made his way and sat behind the district attorney and state attorney. Then, about five minutes later, Martha Lopez arrived at the courthouse. She got wheeled into the courtroom with her ex-husband and the press looking on.


Neither of them looked at each other or said a word to each other. At one fifteen, the judge took the bench and called the court to order. He quickly quieted the gallery and made it clear that if any outburst occurred he will clear the courtroom and close it off to the public and that includes the press.


After the courtroom quieted down, the judge went right down to business. The charges were read and then the judge asked for Martha Lopez’s plea. Her attorney stood up and wheeled her out to the middle of the courtroom.


At that point the courtroom got so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Everyone wanted to hear what she was about to say. She cleared her throat and pleaded not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect. Then her attorney wheeled her back behind the table.


I can tell you the courtroom got very loud after that. The judge had hit his gavel against the desk several times in order to get control of his courtroom. After the judge got control of his courtroom again he accepted the plea.


The entire time, the Governor Elect did not budge from his seat. As Martha Lopez got wheeled back to her table, they locked eyes on each other. I couldn't see the Governor Elect’s eyes, but Martha Lopez’s I could. If looks could kill, I am telling you, the Governor Elect would have dropped dead right there.


The judge set up the next hearing for January 28, just weeks after the Governor Elect gets sworn into office. The judge adjourned the court and walked into his chambers. At that point, they wheeled Martha Lopez out. The Governor Elect stood up and spoke with the attorneys before leaving the courtroom.”


“Did the Governor Elect say anything to the press as he left the courtroom?”


“No he didn't say a word to the press. He didn't pass us; they took him out through a private entrance of the court room. When he did turn around and we got a look at him, I couldn't read him at all. He is one person I do not want to play poker with, I can tell you that much.


It is a sad thing is this guy is going to get sworn in with this hanging over him. When the people of this State elected him, the hope was it would be a day of celebration; a celebration of them taking back their government from the special interest groups and the politicians that refuse to work for them. Instead. the day will have a dark cloud over it.”


“That is the truth Shawn; it is going to be a dark day for the Governor Elect. With her pleading not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect she won’t walk out of that court room. Am I correct on that?”


“You are right and you're wrong at the same time. Let me explain how this plea works. If the jury believes her attorney that she was not in her right mind when she shot at her family, she won’t serve prison time, but will be placed in a mental institution for treatment.


In recent history, we could look back to the shooter that shot at President Ronald Reagan. He got off on the same kind of plea and never served a day in prison. Still he hasn't walked out of the mental institution they put him in.


She can get off just like he did and go to mental institution. She could spend months or years in this mental institution. If the doctors there feel that she is no longer a threat to herself or society, she can be released back into the public.”


“I know I'm supposed to stay neutral here, but I really hope for the family’s sake, the jury doesn’t believe her plea and sentences her to prison. If she gets off on the insanity plea, I hope she serves as many years in a mental institution.”


“That is one thing almost everyone here agrees with you on. She knew what she was doing. She left her house with a gun in her purse and she stood in wait for her family. Once her family got to their cars, she started shooting. I really don’t see how she can get away with the plea she made here today.”


“Thank you Shawn for your in-depth reporting. If anything else happens, we will go live back to El Paso Texas. Now, to the other news of the day.”


Carlos put the TV on mute and just stared into space.  His brothers also sat there unable to understand what exactly just happened. Is their mother actually going to be able to get off after shooting at them? They started asking each other how the judge could let her plead that way.


Instead of walking out of the court house after the arraignment, Daniel met with the district and state attorneys in private. He needs some clarification on what they plan to do trying the case against his ex-wife.


He got escorted to a conference room and waited for the attorneys to arrive. Rich walked in and sat with the Governor Elect. As they waited they didn't say a word to each other. Daniel's way too steamed about what the attorneys allowed his ex-wife to do. The minute the district and state attorney walked in, Daniel stood up.


“I've sat here for the last ten minutes trying to figure out what you guys are planning and I can’t. First, I'm confused as to why you both are here. This case should be for the state attorney not the district attorney to handle.”


The state attorney responded; “Sir, with all due respect, it happened in El Paso County. Mr. Anderson should get the first shot prosecuting your ex-wife. We found out that she had planned to plea the way she did today a little over a week ago.


If she found not guilty the county level, we can prosecute her again at the state level. We can see where it might have gone wrong and fix it. Remember, we cannot file against her a second time on your attempted murder, but your sons and everyone else are each a potential new case. There are several bites at the apple on this since she shot at you, your family and friends, not to mention the law enforcement officers. That will not be my worry though. This will happen on your watch and so it will be your worry,” the state attorney concluded with a spiteful smirk to his demeanor.


“I still don't like it and let me tell you why. In little over a week from now you're going to be out of a job and my state attorney will be sworn in.  I can’t ask him to prosecute my ex-wife. You needed to file the paperwork before you leave the office that way my state attorney can pick up the ball.


I promise the voters that I will not use the power of this office for my personal gain. Then this situation makes it look as though I am breaking my promise as the very first act once I get sworn into office by ordering my state attorney to prosecute my ex-wife. It will look like I'm using this office for revenge, and I can’t and will not be seen that way,” Daniel said assessing the situation.


“As you said I'm not your state attorney and I do not have to listen to you. A little over a week from now I am out of office. If you want who prosecutes first to change, you will have to order your state attorney to file charges, Governor Elect.”


The state attorney grabbed his briefcase and walked out. That left only Daniel, Rich and Mr. Anderson in the conference room. Daniel couldn't believe that some people would actually refuse to do their job because they were not asked stay.


“Mr. Anderson, what are the chances that my ex-wife will get off on insanity plea?”


“I have gone up against her attorney and he is really good. He knows how to work the system and a jury, and he is a very good talker. Somehow he gets to jury eating out of the palm of his hands. That makes it very hard to win a case with an attorney that knows how to not only work the system but talk to the jury.”


“He has to be very expensive if he's that good. How is my ex-wife paying for him? When she has little money to her name?”


“I found out by talking with him that he is not charging your wife. He loves the cameras and with this kind of case. He will be in front of those cameras for months. No matter if he wins or loses, the kind of business he is going to drum up after this case is going to pay him a lot more than he could even imagine.


I'm not going to lie to you. Your ex-wife will more than likely win on the insanity plea. If you go out there and talk to the people, the majority of them would tell you that she had to be crazy that day. No one in their right mind would have thought they would have gotten away with shooting at a governor.”


“Mr. Anderson you got to promise me that you will do everything that you can to win this case. There is only going to be one chance at this prosecution. If you lose, she will walk out of this courtroom a free woman. I can’t order my state attorney to prosecute her.”


“Remember that the state attorney doesn’t work for you. He can actually step up and prosecute your ex-wife without you ordering him. Many of times in the past, state attorneys have gone against the sitting governors.


Even if your state attorney doesn't prosecute your ex-wife, it isn’t over by a long shot. I can still file against her for shooting the police officers that day. If I still lose their, the federal government can step in and prosecute her for shooting the Secret Service agents.


I've played it smart the way I filed charges against your ex-wife. She's only been charged at this time for shooting at you. I can come back at her time in and time again until I get her behind bars. Trust me; her attorney isn't going to stick around for the long haul. He can’t afford a protracted battle with the county, state and federal governments.”


Daniel just stood there looking at Mr. Anderson. He should have listened to Alfred Serna about making him his state attorney general. This guy is very smart and knows how to work. Now he's stuck with an individual that he really doesn't like in the position.


“Mr. Anderson I do thank you and I trust you. I will not be one of those people that will be calling you and checking on the status of the case. Do what you can to make sure that my ex-wife lives inside of a jail cell for the rest of her life.”


Rich got up and shook hands with Mr. Anderson after Daniel did. They walked out and took the private elevator to the basement. They dodged the press as they made their way back to their offices.


Daniel left more confident about the prosecution after speaking with Mr. Anderson. Now he needs to figure out a way to sit down with his children and explain to them what exactly is going on.


After watching the news Josh didn't want to watch anything else. Without saying a word, he got up and walked out of the room. Cesar looked around at Josh's brothers before he got up and followed Josh to his room.


Cesar closed the door as he walked in and headed over to join Josh on the bed. They laid there for a while without saying a word to each other. Finally Cesar turned and sat on his side looking over at Josh. He placed his hand on Josh's chin to move Josh’s face to face his own. They both smiled at each other as they faced one another.


Cesar leaned in as he lifted Josh’s face until they touched lips. Little at a time, Cesar reached around Josh and pulled Josh towards him and their bodies touched. He gently pushed Josh back on his back and crawled on top of him.


Josh just looked up at Cesar as he pulled off his shirt. Once Cesar’s shirt was completely removed, Josh reached up to pull Cesar back to him. Instead of their lips touching, Josh went right to Cesar’s chest and started kissing it.


At the same time, Josh reached around to play with Cesar butt. Josh really likes bubble butts, and Cesar has one cute bubble butt he likes to play with. Every so often, Josh spilt Cesar’s butt cheeks apart and tried to wiggle his fingers in. The pants and underwear kept his efforts from being truly successful.


After a couple of minutes trying to get his fingers between Cesar’ butt cheeks, Josh gave up. He put all his attention on kissing Cesar’s chest. Spending equal time per nipple, Josh moved down to start sticking his tongue into Cesar’s belly button. That did it, Cesar started to moan as Josh kissed Cesar’s belly button and twisted his left nipple gently.


Cesar pushed Josh back on the bed because if he didn’t, his underwear would receive the load that Josh wants. He started to unbutton Josh’s shirt and take it off. As he pulled of Josh’s t-shirt, Cesar started to kiss Josh’s arm. He reached the armpits, skipped over them and went straight to Josh’s chest.


Without warning, Cesar unzipped Josh’s fly and pulled out his hard, leaking dick. Cesar engulfed Josh’s dick on his first attempt. As Cesar started to go up and down on Josh, Josh started to moan as he wrapped his hands around the back side of Cesar’s head.


“Oh man, oh man, oh man if you don’t stop Cesar I am going to explode. Please stop Cesar I want to last longer! Please, PLEASE STOP CESAR!”


Cesar let Josh’s dick slip out of his mouth as he crawled off of Josh. He pulled Josh’s shoes off and then his pants and underwear. Leaving Josh on the bed naked as the day he was born, except for a pair of white socks.


He quickly took off his shoes, pants and underwear before jumping back on the bed with Josh. They grabbed a hold of each and started kissing, rolling around the bed both naked. They weren’t fighting to see who is the dominate one. They just couldn’t stop feeling every inch of each others body.


Finally they stopped rolling around on the bed with Cesar on the bottom. Josh leaned in and started to give Cesar pecks on the lips as he reached over to his night stand. He pulled out a bottle of lube from his drawer.


Josh squeezed some lube in his hand and handed then handed the bottle to Cesar. Cesar squeezed some lube in own his hand, but instead of putting it on his dick like Josh. He reached down and started to lube up his butt.


Once the boys felt they are lubed enough, Josh put Cesar’s legs over his shoulders. He leaned in and gently pushed his dick into Cesar hole. Inch at a time, Josh entered into Cesar. Trying to be as gentle as possible to Cesar!


As Josh entered Cesar he looked down at him. Cesar has his eyes closed tight and holding his breath. Josh leaned in to kiss his hot boyfriend underneath him. That is when Cesar took a breath and opened to eyes to see his hot boyfriend above him.


Although it is winter, the boys started to sweat as they made love with each other. Josh didn’t move in and out of Cesar fast, he made love to his boyfriend. Slowly and gently moving around and in and out, making sure they both enjoyed every second of their love making.


Josh knows exactly where to hit Cesar as he sinks his dick deep inside of him. Every time Josh hits Cesar’s prostate, it made Cesar shiver all over. At the same time it threw Cesar onto another plain. It’s as though he keeps getting higher and higher into the clouds until he felt as if he is in space floating!


Josh loves having his dick inside Cesar simply because he is tight as hell. He has to keep talking himself down to keep from hitting his climax to soon. Most of the time, talking to himself didn’t work. Josh had to slow down to almost a complete stop.


The instant Josh knew he couldn’t stop himself from exploding, he plunged his dick all the way into Cesar. He grabbed the back of Cesar’s head and pulled him into a kiss. Just as Josh started to explode, he broke the kiss and looked up to the ceiling of his room; “You are so awesome I can’t give is justice. I love making love with you so much! I can’t go a minute of the day without thinking about it. I am shooting, oh man, oh man, Cesar I am shooting……”


Josh’s toes curled up as he started to shoot inside Cesar’s butt. As the first shot hit Cesar’s insides, Cesar started to shoot all over himself and Josh. Neither of them have a hand on Cesar’s dick. Just being in the moment is all it takes for Cesar to shoot. Hearing Josh tell him how much he loves making love with him makes him hotter than one of them having their hands on his dick and pushed him over the edge!


Josh fell right onto Cesar’s chest. Not moving an inch, both of the boys tried to catch their breaths. Their breathing started to slow down after a few minutes. That is when Josh pulled himself off of Cesar. He wrapped his hands around Cesar’s head to pull it back up to him and they started to kiss each other. Josh’s dick slipped out of Cesar’s butt as he slid off of Cesar.


They laid there in Josh’s room side by side holding each other’s hand. Neither of them knew when it happened, but they fallen to sleep holding on tight to each other. They didn’t wake up again until they heard one of the bedroom doors close.


They jumped out of the bed naked looking at each other in the middle of the room with dry cum all over their bodies and nothing to clean themselves with. Josh and Cesar went around the room collecting their clothes before heading to the door.


Josh opened his door slightly and looked out into the hall. He saw that there isn’t anyone in the hall, so he completely opened the door. He grabbed Cesar’s hand and they both ran across the hall stark naked to the bathroom.


Once they shut the door to the bathroom, they both dropped their clothed to the floor. They looked at each other and started to laugh. They can’t take a shower because his family might get suspicious. So Josh did the next best thing. He got two wash cloths, got them wet and handed one to Cesar.


They didn’t clean themselves with the wash clothes. Instead they washed the other. They made sure they got every inch of each others body. Rinsing the wash clothes several times in the bathtub as they made sure they didn’t miss an inch of the others body. Just like any teenager, they got hard instantly.


After getting dressed, they made sure they didn’t look like they just had sex. Before leaving the bathroom, they combed their hair and looked each other over one more time. They walked out of the bathroom and ran into Carlos in the hallway.


“What were you two just doing in there?” Carlos walked up to his brother and Cesar and pretended as if he is sniffing them. “It smells like you two just had sex with each other. I envy you guys because of the amount of sex you guys can have!”


Carlos started laughing as he clapped his bother and his bother’s boyfriend on their backs. They turned all shades of red as Carlos looked back at them. He smiled and turned back around to head downstairs.


Josh and Cesar got regained control of themselves and followed. They found every one in the den with Josh’s father. Daniel Sr. waved Josh and Cesar into the room.


“Your grandmother told me that you boys watched the news this afternoon. I should have told you that your mother had a court date today. I guess the main reason I didn't tell you about today is that I didn't want you guys in the news. I promised you guys the minute I got elected that you are going to continue living a regular life.


Your mother's trial can go on for months if not over a year. We need to go on with our regular lives and a hope for the best. I'm not going to tell you guys, one way or another, what is best for your mother. The twelve men and women that will sit in the jury box will make that decision.


Right now, you guys might dislike your mother for your own personal reasons. Over time, you might actually forgive her and want to see her. If that happens, don't be afraid to come to me. I will never keep you away from your mother if you ever want to see her.


There are only two things I ask of you guys. First, you will need to eventually forgive her. It isn't good holding onto a grudge or anger. You guys are better than her. Secondly, don't watch a television when ever they are talking about her trial. There will be things said that are not the truth.”


All the boys nodded their heads up in agreement with their father. Daniel Sr. got up and left his boys in the den where he found them. He felt that was enough talking about their mother and her trial.


Before they knew it, the rest of the week flew by in a flash. Their days blurred into each other. They couldn’t believe that their Christmas vacation is fast coming to a close. Now they are getting ready for school.


Before heading up to bed, the boys tried to talk their father into letting them take the entire week off. It doesn't make any sense for them to go to school for three days and then be out for another week. Of course their father said ‘no’ and sent them up to bed. They have to get a good night sleep because are getting up early the next morning.


Just like at the beginning of the school year, all the students dragged themselves to school for the start of the new semester. Josh, his brothers and friends are no different than the others. The moment they walked into the school it confirmed to them their vacation is over, and the start of new classes is imminent.


Josh and Cesar met the others in the cafeteria for breakfast like always. They sat at their normal table and talked about everything except their classes. Since it is still cold outside, they decided to hang out in the cafeteria.


“You know guys; I haven't heard a riddle from Josh in a very long time. I wonder if he…” Everyone at the table threw crumbled up paper napkins at Chris. “Like I was saying, I wonder if Josh just ran out of riddles finally.”


“Come on Chris! He never gives us the answers to the riddles. He wants us to figure them out without even giving us any clues. Please, don't get him started on riddles this semester. I already have hard classes as it is.” Eric jumped up and tapped Chris on the head, laughing at the same time.


“Let me think …. you guys let me think of a riddle. I know I have a riddle that you guys can’t figure out.” Josh sat there, rubbing his chin trying to remember a riddle that he heard from someone else.


“Okay, I got one for you guys and you can’t figure this one out. I heard this on the radio several days ago, and I couldn't figure it out. So here it goes and good luck to each of you because you're going to need it.


There are three brothers that share a family sport that you can call an endless marathon. They race every day, and last the whole day long. The first of them is short and stout. The second is tall and thin, the third is tiny, short and thin, but he is sure to win. What are the three brothers?”


Everyone looked at each other and back over to Josh. Eric broke the silence; “First I can’t believe you actually remembered that entire riddle from the radio. Second of all, this is the hardest one you have told us yet. There is no way any of us is going to figure out the answer so you might as well just tell us.”


“I don't think so Eric. All of you guys are going to have to figure it out.” Josh got up laughing heading over to put away his tray.


The bell rang officially signaling the end of their Christmas break. Josh, Cesar, Chris and Eric walked down to their first period class. They wanted to get to the classroom quickly in order to get desks by each other.


Their homeroom teacher explained what their semester is going to look like before handing out the books. The rest of the day pretty much ran the same way. The only class that Josh didn't find boring is his Glee class. The minute the bell rang, they went right to work on the songs that they are going to sing for Josh’s father’s inauguration this Friday.


Josh found his ROTC class just as boring as the rest of his classes. He thought that they would have picked up where they left off last semester, but they didn't. Instead they went over the rules because there were new cadets that barely started.


As the final seconds of their first day back to school clicked away, none of them could wait for the bell. Once it rang, they ran to their lockers to get the books they needed for their homework.


They found themselves getting into their normal routine immediately. Eric and Bernice headed over to Eric’s house to do their homework and Josh, Chris and Cesar headed over to Josh's house to do the same.


The boys stomped into the house showing that they are not happy with their first day of school. They couldn't believe as they walked into the kitchen that they actually have homework. It's just the first day back to school and their teachers gave them homework!


They quickly ate the snack that Josh’s grandmother prepared for them before heading up to do their homework. It took them almost two hours to complete their assignments. Just as they closed their books they heard. Josh's grandmother calling them for dinner.


Over the weeks Chris has become part of the family just like Cesar. Those two seem to eat more at Josh's house than their own. No one minds because they made it livelier during meal times.


The day of Daniel Sr.’s inauguration is approaching fast. To say that Daniel is nervous is an understatement. He wants this position, but he doesn't want to let the people down. He knows the minute that he is sworn in he is going to have an uphill battle.


They used the final days before the inauguration to close all their campaign offices only leaving the office in El Paso open. They know in three years they're going to have to open the offices again but for now, they need to concentrate on their promises.


During Glee class on Wednesday, everyone knew that this will be the last day that they will have to practice with Josh. So they decided to take advantage of every minute that they have to practice with him.


As the hour came to a close, Mr. Edger had everyone sit in their seats. He stood in front of them and gathered his thoughts before speaking.


“No matter what happens on Friday, you guys will be part of this state's history. Never before has a high school Glee Club performed at an inauguration of a governor of this state. Look around this room into each others eyes and know that you earned this.


Josh will be leaving tomorrow morning with his family and we will follow tomorrow afternoon. There will be no more practices, because you guys are ready. I would like to thank you guys for coming in over your Christmas break. I know that you gave up some of your vacation to get ready for this performance.


When you get up there on that stage and perform for our governor, you will know that the time you gave up was worth it. You will get a rush that you will want to re-live over and over again. So thank you and I will see everyone except Josh here tomorrow afternoon. You all go home and pack to go to Austin.”


The bell rang just as Mr. Edger finished up his speech to the class. They got up, hugged each other as they walked out the door. They made sure to high five Mr. Edger at the door of the classroom.


Daniel gave permission for his sons to invite only two of their friends. Once they asked their friends, Daniel spoke with their parents to make sure they are okay with their kids going to Austin for his inauguration.


Josh knew for sure Cesar is going to be the first one that he invites. He struggled for days on the second one to invite. He knew he couldn't invite Eric or Bernice without inviting the other. He ran into the same dilemma with Patrick and Frank. Finally, Josh decided to invite Chris as his second friend.


Josh felt really bad about not being able to invite all of his friends. So before he spoke with Cesar and Chris he took Eric, Bernice, Patrick and Frank to the side. He spoke with them individually to explain to them the reasons that he invited Chris and Cesar. None of them got mad at Josh and understood how he came to his decision.


He left speaking to Eric till the end. He really felt that he is letting Eric down because of their friendship of so many years. Josh actually cried as he told Eric that he invited Cesar and Chris. As Eric consoled Josh, he explained to Josh that he isn't holding any kind of grudge. He understood and their friendship will always be there.


When Josh took Chris to the side and invited him, Chris couldn't believe it. He ran home that day and immediately asked Coach and Ana. At first they were going to say no, but after thinking about it, they gave their permission for Chris to go.


Now Cesar surprised Josh when Josh asked him to go. Just like Chris, he was stunned. Cesar thought that Josh would have invited Bernice and Eric, because Eric has been his best friend since they were little kids. It didn't take much for Cesar's father to say yes.


Chris and Cesar decided to go home after school instead of going to Josh's house like they normally do. Mainly they promised their parents to spend that evening with them. They also left their packing to be done at the last minute.


No one, I mean, no one slept at all. If they could have left for Austin, they would have. Instead, they tossed and turned and tried to force themselves to sleep. Finally around three in the morning, one by one, they found their way to the den.


Daniel sat in his chair watching his boys play with their game system. His mother joined them after putting on a pot of coffee. They all just sat there as a family in the den waiting for the time to click away. Eventually, the boys wore themselves out, and went to sleep on the floor in the den.


They got woken up the next morning by the door bell. All four of them quickly got up and ran upstairs to get ready. They each took a quick shower and left the bathroom for the other to take their shower and got dressed in their bedrooms. Just as they started lugging down their suitcases, their friends started showing up.


Before leaving to the airport they ate a quick breakfast. They helped the limo drivers load the cars with their suitcases. Once everything got loaded, the house got locked up; they got into the limousines and started their way to the airport.


As they got out of the residential streets and onto the main road, they couldn't believe the amount of people that gathered to wish Daniel good luck. As the limousines passed the onlookers, they waved their hands and signs at the limousines.


At one point, Daniel rolled down his window and waved at the crowd as his limousine passed them. The boys just looked out the window, but didn't roll them down. The security detail felt it best to keep the windows up for their protection.


Once they got to the freeway, they started to go at a faster speed. Still, cars were pulled over at the side of the street and the drivers and passengers got out to wave at the convoy. Even as they went under the overpasses, cars and their occupants pulled over and they waved down as the convoy went underneath the bridges.


Daniel never expected he would have gotten a sendoff like this. He is a Republican living in a Democrat city. He knows that he is the first Republican governor to ever win El Paso in the general election for his seat in significant numbers.


As they reached the airport, they drove straight onto the tarmac. For security reasons, and for quickness, they went straight to their plane. The limousines stopped in front of the stairs that lead up to the entrance of the airplane.


Daniel, his mother, Rich, and his secretary got out of the first limousine to a cheering crowd that gathered to see off their soon-to-be Governor. In the second limousine, Daniel’s sons and their friends stepped out and joined him as he waved at the audience.


Instead of going straight into the plane, Daniel walked over to the crowd and started shaking their hands. He tried to shake as many hands as possible, and thanked them for their support. Daniel finally decided that he needed to say a few words in an effort to reach all of the people in the crowd.


He stepped back and looked around to see if there is an area around him that he can step up a little bit above the crowd. He didn't want to be too high that the crowd is looking up at him but just enough so everyone could hear what he is saying. After looking around for a few minutes, Daniel finally gave up and asked for the police car to be moved up to where he standing.


He stepped up on to the hood of the car and couldn't stop thinking how it looked. At that very moment he remembered watching old movies of politicians in the nineteen thirties and forties giving their speeches in the back of trucks and on top of cars. They did nothing fancy, but speak to their voters face to face.


Daniel waved his hands at the crowd and waited for them to quiet down. Several people in the crowd shouted out to everyone to be quiet. Finally, the crowd settled down and waited for Daniel to start speaking.


“I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming out here today and seeing me and my family off. From the moment we pulled out of the driveway of my house and made our way to hear the airport we were greeted by so many citizens wishing me good luck in Austin, either by yelling and waving or with signs.


I know I am here today because of each of you; because of each citizen in this state that is willing to take a chance on a middle-class Hispanic for their Governor. I have no political experience nor am I from a political family, yet you are willing to put your and your family’s futures in my hands.


I will never forget where I came from. I will fight for every regular citizen of this state that goes to work and works hard every day to make a living. I will never fall into the trap so many other politicians have the moment they get elected. I was not elected by the special interests or the rich. I was elected by the citizens of this state in every walk of life and you are the only ones I work for.


It is time for us regular Americans to retake control of our government. If any elected official is not working for you it is time to send him or her home. When I get to Austin and get sworn in on Friday, I promise you that your government will be yours once again.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I will not let you down. I will work tirelessly every single day until I fulfill every single promise I made to each of you. God bless this great state of Texas!”


Daniel got off the roof of the car as the crowd started cheering. They tried to push forward to shake his hand, but the security detail and the El Paso PD were successfully able to hold them back.


Daniel and his family made their way up the stairs of the plane. He turned around and waved one more time to the crowd before entering into the plane. The crowd continued cheering and yelling out to the governor elect as the door of the plane shut.


Josh, Cesar and Chris sat together and joined by his brothers and their friends. As the plane started to take off Josh held on tight to the armrests of his seat. This is the first time Josh has been up in a plane and he is afraid of heights.


Once the plane leveled off, the seatbelt light turned off. Josh, his brothers and friends unbuckled their seatbelts and started walking around the plane. Cesar grabbed a hold of Josh's hand and held on to it tight.


“Nothing will happen to you on this plane. I know that you are afraid of heights. Just don’t look out the windows and you will be ok.” Cesar said as he leaned in to kiss him.


Chris joined Cesar and Josh as they walked around the plane. The accidently walked into the press area. Camera’s started to flash as the press stood up yelling out questions to Josh. The boys quickly turned around and walked back to their seats.


His father walked over and laughed at his son. Daniel didn’t say anything, because he has done that a couple times himself. Every plane he had during the campaign was different including this one. Once he is governor, it will be the same thing.


After Josh’s father told Josh that everything is okay, he sat in his seat looking at Cesar and Chris. He couldn’t help but think to himself how things are going to be so different. No matter how hard his father tries to keep things the same, Josh knows his life is going to change. Josh realizes that the changes won’t be his only but for everyone in his family and the change will extend out to his friends as well.


After Friday, they are going to be the first family of Texas. The press will be looking at them every minute of the day. Waiting for them to make a mistake and take pictures of the mistake. Nothing in their lives will ever be private again. What their lives are will no longer be the norm for them.


To be continued...




{This chapter covered a lot of time and still didn’t get it to where I promised you guys in the last chapter the chapter will be at. I speeded the timeline up, but there was still too much to cover. I needed to touch on several plots and that slowed down the timeline.


In my next chapter, things are going to slow down though. It will hover around the day before and the day after Daniel’s swearing in. I might move it a little bit more, but I want you the reader to feel what the family is going through emotionally that day. There is going to be a lot of things going on.


Now let’s talk where the story is right now. Josh and Cesar are getting even closer to each other. They are not just fucking to fuck. They are actually making love with emotion. These two are strong and going to be strong for each other.


Chris is becoming a very good friend to the group and to Josh. I really do believe that Chris and Josh are going to be best friends for life. Look at New Year’s Eve for example. They showed each other that they care really deeply for each other, but they know they will not ever get back what they had in the past ever again.


I am still getting emails about their break up. I know you all want these guys to be back together and didn’t like it when I broke them apart. I thought long and hard about it, and I don’t plan to bring them back together. Josh is now in a political family and he needs someone like Cesar at his side. The family is going to be in the headlines from now on.


Chris is getting stronger, but he is still afraid of a lot of things. Josh can help him along the way, but when things get difficult, Josh needs to have someone in his corner that he isn’t worried about being afraid and hiding until he thinks all eyes are off of him. That will not be the case anymore with Josh and whoever his boyfriend is.


Martha finally went to court in this chapter. I tried something new in this chapter in that area. It was being told as if you were watching it on television. I like it and plan to use it a lot more whenever things dealing with Daniel come up. Anyways my question for this plot is if you think Martha is going to get off eventually and be set free? If that happens, there is going be a lot of fireworks.


It looks like things got better between Josh, Eric and Bernice. At least we didn’t hear anything in this chapter about what Bernice did in the last chapter. It could be because this is an issue just put on the back burner and any little thing can bring it back up. Knowing Josh, I don’t think this thing is going away totally.


I have a lot of new plots to come in. You guys have been asking to know more about Josh’s brothers. In the chapters to come I will get more into detail about them. You will meet their girlfriends and they will start hanging with Josh more and more.


Also you will learn more about Daniel’s mother Rose. In the next chapter you will see through her eyes what she is feeling about her son, Martha and her grandchildren. Also the question many of you may be asking will be answered as well. What or where is Daniel’s father. Nothing has been said about him.


So many open plots and so many more plots to come in this story. I love the political scenes a lot and I hope I am not offending anyone with them. Keep in mind it is only a story and I am trying my best not to preach my beliefs. Please stay tuned and I promise that you guys will not regret opening every new chapter.


I could stay here all day long, with all the open plots already in this story, but I won’t. I warn you though! Do not skip a chapter, or you will be lost. There is a so much to answer in the chapters to come. Keep reading the future chapters, and enjoy! Please email me and let me know how I am doing at, Thanks!}



After Jacob’s synopsis, there’s really very little I can add! 


I’m glad the legal beagles are keeping options open with Martha’s case.  There has to be some sort of justice on that situation.


Josh and Caesar are falling more and more in real, committed love. This becomes particularly evident in their private moments when they go past mere sex into making love. It’s what it should be. I’m betting that their lovemaking is going to get even better as time goes along.


Chris is growing. He’s going to be a true and loyal friend as time goes on. He’s going to be “family” to Josh, albeit I sense he will find his true love elsewhere in his own good time. As Jacob said, there’s a lot of bad sentiment from readers about the breakup of Josh and Chris. From my own personal (and very recent) experience, it takes more than love to make a relationship good and right for both parties for the long haul. There has to be some level of equality in the pair’s personalities where they, outside the bedroom, enhance each others’ lives. The disparity in Chris and Josh’s personalities overshadowed the love.


I can see it so clearly in that it is something quite similar that predicated the dissolution of my relationship with my partner of nearly nine years just a few weeks ago. As much as the breakup was hard and it hurt, I knew that it was the right thing for both of us. We, like Josh and Chris, remain friends.  If you would like to talk to me on this matter, please feel free to e-mail via Jacob and I will be happy to discuss this in depth and detail, should you so desire.


I agree with Jacob about the Eric and Bernice situation. Josh doesn’t hold a grudge, but he remembers things. It’s part of a defense mechanism. He won’t hold the breach of trust against Bernice nor Eric’s over-reaction, but he will keep it in his thoughts until the broken trust is rebuilt. That takes time.


Josh was very pragmatic in solving his dilemma of which two of his friends he would invite to the inauguration. He handled his decision in a very mature way and made sure that nobody’s feelings were hurt. Most admirable and very telling of the deep character he possesses.


Daniel’s nerves are right at the surface. He’s remaining cool to the casual observer, but he’s realizing just what a huge responsibility and commitment he’s embarking upon. As he told the well wishers at the airport, he’s going into a game that he’s never played before and doesn’t really know the rules. It’s going to be most interesting to see how he handles learning to play the game.


I am going to really enjoy the political intrigue that is in the offing! 


Until next time,

“Daddy” Rick


Posted: 10/01/10