(© 2011 by the author)
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Chapter 8
“So you like sleeping with your kin do you?” A voice which she couldn’t see spoke softly putting a hand over the Dr’s mouth. “Well my partner and I are sisters so move over, and it’s no good yelling for the guards because here we are.”
Both of them began laughing as they got into the tiny bed. They were big women but Margaret had no idea what they looked like because the cell was pitch black. She began struggling and the voice spoke again, “It’s no good yelling and trying to get away sister, no one can hear you and if they could they wouldn’t care anyway.” They both laughed again as they all snuggled up together and a big hot mouth with foul smelling breath moved over hers and as the lips joined a tongue went into her mouth. “Is this what your little boy used to do for you, darling, I hope I’m just as good as he was after all we don’t want you missing out on anything which happened in your bed, you fucking twisted, sick bitch.” This time the voice changed from sweet to nasty as the two female guards began to assault her big time.
Falster the new chief of police was sitting in his office even though it was a Saturday he had a lot of work to do and with his family still not with him in El Paso decided to work through the weekend and he asked his staff to also come into work today which they readily agreed because all were in fear of losing their jobs. He was currently reviewing all of his higher command and as you may already be aware several of them had already been terminated and were out of a job or demoted. After studying several files he asked his secretary to call detective Pablo Alvarez to his office. Five minutes later Pablo Alvarez was shown into his office and Falster invited him to take a seat.
“I’m impressed by your file and your achievements detective; you have the makings of a fine police officer and a credit to the El Paso police department.”
Blushing Pablo mumbled a thank you. Before Falster continued, “What I am about to offer you now I want you to think very carefully about before you give me your answer but I believe you are capable of being the assistant chief of police in charge of the uniform section of EPPD.” He paused to let that sink in before continuing, “You will be in charge of all uniformed officers and answer only to me. I have every confidence that you will do this job well. It won’t be easy because as you are aware there are a lot of bad cops out there right now and your first and foremost task will be to help me sort out the good from the bad.”
He sat back in his chair watching the young man in front of him, waiting for his reply which he hoped would be in the positive.
Thank you sir, I count that promotion to be a great honour and believe me the faith you have in me will not be wasted I will carry out the job to the best of my ability.”
James Falster stood up extending his hand to the young man before him confident that he had made the right decision.
“Welcome to the new EPPD Paul and please while we are sitting together with no one else around call me James. I feel that we will work together as a team and make this department work as it should. I am also going to choose an assistant chief of detectives and I do have someone in mind who will hopefully say yes just like you did and I will tell you his name when I have spoken to him personally which I hope will be later today.”
They sat down again spending the next few hours going over files and discussing the department at length. It was a very happy ex-detective who returned to his cubicle and began gathering his files and possessions and moving them into his new office.
Being a Saturday Davey and Johnny were able to sleep late. Johnny woke first turning and looking at his new found boyfriend, lying there looking so peaceful with just the hint of a smile on his face. I hope he’s dreaming about me, he thought to himself. He was so happy that finally he had spent the night in the same bed as another guy one that he was deeply in love with.
The urge to take a pee took over his thoughts and he raced into the bathroom. When he had finished he decided to take a shower and it was while he was showering the bathroom door opened and his young partner came in also to take a pee. Johnny turned his head away so that he didn’t embarrass his friend and it was only a few seconds later that the shower door opened and Davey joined him.
“Hi.” Davey said kissing Johnny lightly on the lips.
“HI.” Johnny said as he returned the kiss a bit more passionately than before. This gave both of them an erection but they couldn’t do anything about it because Gloria was knocking on the door telling them that only fifteen minutes was left to have breakfast. Hunger replaced their sexual urges so they finished showering quickly before dressing and hurrying down to the dining room.
Dr Margaret Buchanan was finally alone just as a pale light began to show through her tiny cell window, but she was too scared to close her eyes and go to sleep. The only thought going through her head was that her lawyer had to get her out of here and back home. She quietly began to cry. Her life was over as far as she was concerned. Her career was finished she’d lost her only son and all her so called friends had deserted her. She shuddered to think what would happen if she didn’t get bail.
Sally was also having a late breakfast having just got back to the hotel from spending the night with Bethany. She sat eating her meal chatting to some of the boys, noticing that Davey and Johnny were in their own little world oblivious of everyone around them. She had just finished when Luke walked in, “Hi I’ve been looking all over for you. How was your dinner which must have been a long one?” He said laughing.
Blushing Sally replied, “Well yes I suppose it was.”
“Do you want to tell me about?”
“Ok but not here let’s go into my office.”
“A good idea I expect what are going to tell is too sensitive for these young boys’ ears.”
They both laughed as they made their way to Sally’s office.
“Ok shoot, but leave all the more graphic details to my imagination please.”
“Luke, I’m in love and I’m sure she loves me. We had a wonderful night together sharing each other’s lives and getting to know each other better.” Luke went over to give his mom a hug, “I’m so happy for you both. Now when do I get to meet my future mom in law?” He asked with a laugh.
“Give us time son, you’ll meet her soon enough.”
There was a knock on the door and Sally said come in. It was Helen with a message for Luke, “There’s a phone call for you Luke, do you want me to put it through to here?”
“If you wouldn’t mind Helen thank you.”
The phone rang and Luke picked it up, “Luke Hughes speaking.”
He listened to the caller saying yes and no in all the right places before hanging up the phone.
“That was the DA he has arranged a hearing for today with Judge Patrick Garcia, who is the one appointed to help lessen Harold’s load. They have such a backlog that they are having Saturday sittings until they clear them up.”
“What as this to do with you son?”
“They are hearing Garret Buchanan’s testimony today so I will also have to give evidence.”
He kissed his mom goodbye going to his room to get ready before heading for the court.
Bethany’s Brother was well aware of his sister’s sexual preferences because Bethany came out to him a few years ago when she was forced to live with him and his family for a while. He accepted what she told him and had no problems with it.
With that in mind it was an excited Brother who took the call from his sister, “Hi sis what happening?”
“Hi Mark, I’ve got a lot to tell you, are you sitting down?” This worried Mark her brother a bit and he hoped it was good news and not bad.
“Sure sis go ahead although I hope this is good and not bad news.”
“No its all good believe me. I’ve finally found the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.” For a moment it took her brother a while to realise what she had just said.
“Are you sure this is the one?”
“O yes Mark this is it, I met her couple of days ago when she came to my office and it was love at first sight for both of us. We went out to dinner that night and last night she came to my place for dinner and stayed the night, I won’t go into all the details but it was the best night of my life.”
“That’s great news Bethany, but are you sure I don’t want you getting hurt again or anything like that.”
“Sally, that’s her name by the way and me are both certain that this is it.”
“Congratulations sis, you deserve a break like this and when do we get to meet the lovely lady in question?”
Laughing Bethany said, “That’s funny because she just called me before and her son asked the same question.”
“Her son, does that mean she’s been married?”
“No but that’s a long story and maybe we’ll tell you one day. Anyway we both decided it would be great if we could have a meal together with Sally, Luke her son, and you and Marcia, if you can get a babysitter that is.”
“Just tell us when and we’ll be there we wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“Fine I’ll get back to you her son is a Texas Ranger and very busy right now so we’ll have to fit it in with his schedules.”
They chatted in general about the kids and so on before ending the conversation.
Judge Garcia and Judge Harold Evans were sitting in Harold’s office discussing the cases they were going to hear this morning. Harold liked his new help mate who appeared to be a straight shooting honest upholder of the law just as he is. ”You have young Garrett coming up before you today, are you happy with the plea bargain in exchange for the testimony against his mother and that social worker Margaret Jenkins?”
“I’m not sure right now, I think this boy is twisted in his mind because of his mom and what he did when he assaulted that boy was put into his mind by his mother. I would like to see him doing less time in your hotel or whatever you call it and we seek the best psychiatric help possible to straighten him out. I believe he could turn out to be a good worthwhile member of the community.”
“For a start it’s not my hotel but Joey Alvarez’s who happens to be my son’s boyfriend. I am sure this place which I suppose is a kind of half -way house will go a long way towards helping young people like Garrett Buchanan.”
“Hopefully a few young men will be straightened out in this new facility.” Harold was inclined to agree with him as they both put on their robes ready to go into court.
Davey and Johnny didn’t do much all day except sit around with the other guys watching TV and then playing Video games with Alex’s younger brothers and cousins, who delighted in beating both them time after time until both of them got tired of always losing and quit.
Johnny’s mom came looking for him saying that they had to go home. “Can’t I stay a bit longer mom or even another night after all its Sunday tomorrow, no school.” The pleading look in both their eyes finally made her relent. “All right but you’ll have to come home with me know to get some clean clothes, pack your school bag and what you’re planning to wear to school on Monday just as long as Mrs Hernandez agrees for you to stay.”
They boys both went dashing off to find Gloria, and by the time they found her both of them were out of breath especially Davey. “Davey you mustn’t go dashing around like that remember what Dr Whitfield said about taking things easy.”
“Sorry mum, but we have something very important to ask you.”
“And what might that be as if I don’t know.” She said with a grin. The boys told her what Mrs Walker had agreed to and also added a bit extra that Davey be allowed to go back to Johnny’s place while he picks up all his gear for school.
“I think I’d better come along and talk to Peggy Walker myself and find out exactly what’s going on.”
Once they all met up in the hotel foyer it didn’t take long for all the plans to be discussed and finally Ok’d although Peggy remarked to Gloria that the bit about Davey going with Johnny home wasn’t part of the original plan. They both laughed about the boys agreeing that Johnny is good medicine for Davey.
Johnny began to tell Davey all about their house and how they would be living in the new complex Jacob is building so his mum can work in the house.
Davey was thrilled with that news because it meant they would be living if not in the same house but least the same building complex if the plans Jacob and Dewayne had shown them happened.
Once they arrived at Johnny’s place they dashed up to his bedroom so he could show Davey his video games and all the treasure’s which every kid of their age had. Johnny’s mom said she would be going back to the hotel in a couple of hours to help with dinner so the boys played video games the rules being that the loser had to kiss the winner. It was strange that they took it in turns to lose almost as if it was fixed and after each game the kisses became more and more passionate and just as things were getting out of hand looking like they were going to go further than just kissing, Johnny’s mom called up that she was ready to go.
Gathering his gear they ran back downstairs and into the car.
Both Garrett and Jake along with half a dozen of the other guys staying at the school were up showered and dressed well in advance waiting for the prison van which would take them to the courthouse were Harold and Patrick Garcia were stationed. They were handcuffed and shackled together in pairs with Jake and Garrett making sure they were together. For Jake it was going to be an automatic decision that he would be moving to the new Joey Alvarez shelter, while for Garrett it was a bit more complex than that.
He had been told that a new judge and not Harold Evens would be sitting on his case and he was a bit scared that this judge might not accept the plea bargain and send him to prison for a long time maybe even life.
As always Margaret Buchanan was in a bad mood, because her lawyer hadn’t been to see here yet today as he was supposed to, while in the same cell block the other Margaret was also trying to contact her lawyer, but she had to wait in line for the phone and was only allowed a couple of minutes. Finally she got him on the line and he said he would be in later that day meanwhile he was trying to get her bail so that she wouldn’t be spending another night in prison. Because of her attitude the guards were non-cooperative as far as Margaret Buchanan was concerned.
The other inmates were also getting sick and tired of her banging and yelling for attention and several times someone would yell for her to, “Shut the fuck up.” Sometimes even in Spanish.
This was usually followed by more screaming abuse from Margaret Buchanan. She also earlier had abused one of the guards when he referred to her as Mrs Buchanan, “its doctor Buchanan if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t think so from what I’ve heard that title went out the window a few weeks ago.” He replied laughing as he walked away.
Finally her lawyer arrived and they met in a small interview room. The lawyer beat her to the punch when he walked into the room, “Firstly let’s get one thing straight. Any abuse or foul language I walk out of here and you can find yourself another attorney is that clear?”
“How dare you fucking talk to me like…. She stopped as her lawyer stood up and began gathering his files together. “All right, all right I’m sorry. No more bad language or shouting.”
“That’s better. Now I’m having trouble getting bail for you, mainly because of the intoxicated state they found you in when you were arrested along with the assault on Davey and Mrs Hernandez at the hospital.”
“But she knocked me out cold. We should be suing her for assault.”
“No we can’t they would plead it was self-defence and get away with it.”
“Because of your current state of mind they are even considering putting you on suicide watch.” He paused letting that sink in and Margaret was finding it very hard to control herself.”
“I hate to say this but things aren’t looking too good for you right now. What with your son’s plea bargain which he is in court with today. Hoping for a much lesser sentence in return for giving evidence against you and the other Margaret, what’s her name Jenkins.”
“I can’t understand why my dear son would do that, turn against his mom. Someone must have got to him and brainwashed him into doing it.”
Her lawyer thought it best not to answer that one.
“All I can suggest right now is that you keep your head down behave yourself and I will try my hardest to get you out on bail. Meanwhile I’m heading down to the court house so that I can keep a watching brief on what is happening to Garrett.”
He left and once he’d gone through one door Margaret’s guard took her through another back to her cell were she sat in silence for the rest of the door hoping and praying that she would be left alone tonight.
Garrett, Jake and the others arrived at the courthouse and were placed in a holding cell until their case was called. Jake and the others went first leaving Garrett all on his own finally he was taken up stairs to the court room to stand in front of Judge Patrick Garcia.
The charges against him were read and he was asked to plead guilty or not guilty. He looked at his lawyer who nodded mouthing the word guilty. Garrett repeated that to the judge and was then told to sit down.
The DA himself was in court to handle this case and looking around he also spotted Luke Hughes the Texas Ranger who took his statement.
The DA stood up requesting that the court accept a plea bargain which the accused had agreed to in return for giving evidence against his mother in the Gang leader charges along with charges of molestation against him by his mother.
“I would like the statement which he made to Texas Ranger Hughes be read out to the court.”
Once the statement was read he asked Texas Ranger Hughes to step forward, which he did.
“Ranger Hughes is that a true and honest statement which was made by Garrett Buchanan and can you say under oath that he was in no way coerced into making that statement.”
“It is a true and honest statement which he made freely without any threats or duress your honour.”
“Thank you Ranger you may sit down.”
Mr Jones, it’s not very often that we have the pleasure of the District Attorney himself gracing us with his presence, may I ask why?”
“Your honour this is a very high profile case which you can see by the number of media representatives sitting in court, plus I have along with Texas Ranger Hughes been taking a close interest in Mr Buchanan here and how he happened to commit the horrendous crime which he did at El Paso high school.”
“I see, I’m impressed with the new regime and the changes which are now taking place within the El Paso justice system, let’s hope this trend continues.”
“Thank you your honour we certainly hope that the citizens of El Paso will get a fairer deal from their police force and legal representatives in the future.”
“Here your honour are the terms of the plea which we are presenting to this court, in exchange for providing us with enough information, along with his testimony results in Margaret Buchanan being prosecuted for indecent assault on a minor, incest and other serious charges, we will accept is plea of guilty for the assault on Davey Hernandez, which is now his name. We recommend your Honor that he serves a full twelve years at the youth detention facility housed in the Joey Alvarez Centre here in El Paso. This detention facility will be a secure floor of a hotel established for abused gay children and youths. He will travel to the Alternative schooling facility and be taught a trade. Once qualified for that trade suitable employment will be found. He will also wear an electronic tracking device for the full period of those twelve years. A suitable person or persons will be appointed to help him overcome the trauma and mental anguish he has been subjected to. That your honor is the details of the agreement made between the District Attorney and Garrett Buchanan.”
Judge Garcia was silent for a while looking at the documents before him and Garrett was beginning to think that the judge wasn’t going to accept the plea and that he was going to prison for a long time. Finally he looked up requesting Garrett to stand. He was visibly trembling as he stood facing the judge.
“You are a very lucky young man in one way and not so in others. I can’t comment on what your mother has done to you because that case is already before the courts and anything I say here may prejudice the court. What I am going to say to you is that the district attorney as let you off fairly lightly, plus you are going to a brand new facility which will give you quite a lot of freedom. After saying that with the district attorney and your permission I would like to make a couple of amendments to your plea bargain.”
Garrett thought to himself, here it comes he’s going to give me jail time for sure.
“I think twelve years in this facility is a little bit too harsh therefore, I’m going to reduce that to eight years and add another condition. That is you will spend two years working in a hospital which houses patients suffering with aids. Tending to their needs for at least two hours a day five days a week in your own time in a voluntary capacity. Do you understand what I am saying?”
Garrett nodded as the judge continued, “Mr. Jones do you have any objections to my amendments?”
“None your honor, we are very happy with what you proposed.”
“Mr. Buchanan, I want you to approach the bench and stand directly in front of me as I talk to you, I think I am a good judge of character, but I want eye contact with you while I finish what I have to say.”
Garrett moved forward right up to the bench his lawyer also standing next to him. Once again he was wondering what was coming next with this judge who Garret was beginning to admire and like.
“Garrett, may I call you that?” Garrett nodded his head as the judge continued.
I believe that deep down you are a fine upstanding young man, who has all the makings of becoming a citizen of which this city could be proud of. A large number of people have great faith and trust in you and I hope you won’t abuse that faith and trust.
Garrett you are being given a chance in life which many in your shoes would love to have. With professional help the wrongs that have been done to you will I hope be righted. Do as you are told, work hard and above all stay out of trouble and you will do well. That is all I have to say young man and I wish you good luck but remember your future is in your hands. Thank you ladies and Gentlemen this court is adjourned.”
On that note he stood and bowed before leaving the court room heading for his chambers.
Garrett just stood there in a daze and it took his lawyer speaking to get him out of it.
“You must be the luckiest guy on earth to get a judge like that. Congratulations.”
He extended his hand which Garrett accepted thanking him for all his time and effort.
He made his way back down stairs to wait for the transport to take them back to the alternative school.
The district attorney and Luke Hughes left the court to have a cup of coffee in the courthouse cafeteria. Once they had sat down they began discussing what had just transpired in the court room.
“I thought the judge was being very generous but I like the bit about looking after aids patients, I wish I’d thought of that at the time.” Franklin Jones said.
“I have a feeling that young Garrett will do the right thing and my mother, Sally will I’m sure find him the right people to help straighten out his mind.”
They then spent some time discussing the two Margaret’s and their bail hearings one of which was coming up later this afternoon.
Luke headed back to his office and just as he walked in the door the phone rang and was answered by his young receptionist
. She called after Luke telling him the call was for him. He answered it and was surprised to find the new chief of police on the line.
“Good afternoon Chief, and what can I do for you today?”
“If you have time could you come to my office in say thirty minutes time for a chat?”
“Certainly sir, I’ll be there on the dot.”
He disconnected the call wondering what on earth that was all about.
He called his mother before leaving for his meeting because there was something on his mind regarding this morning proceedings in court.
“I mom, how you’re going?”
“Hello son, I’m fine and I’m glad you called, would you be able to come along tonight for dinner and meet Bethany along with her brother and his wife?”
“Wow things are moving quickly aren’t they you must feel certain about Bethany.”
“Oh I am in fact both of us are.”
“Yes I should be able to make it, what say I meet you at the hotel at seven thirty?”
“Ok I’ll lock that in with Bethany. Now what did you want to talk to me about?”
He went on to explain about Garrett’s court case and the sentence he received.
“The one thing that’s bothering me is that until Jacob’s new complex is built Davey will be living in the hotel and it will be only a matter of time that they meet in the hotel foyer or the elevator. I was under the impression that they would have separate entrances and elevators but this isn’t so is it?”
“We have had a meeting regarding that problem and those guys will have a back entrance they will come in to the hotel by and will only be able to use the one elevator which is at the back of the building.” Sally told him.
“What happens if they meet mom?”
“I don’t know it could be a problem. I’ll think about it and maybe talk to Davey and give him prior warning or something, anyway leave it to me son.”
Before ending the conversation he told her about the meeting he was about to have with the Police Chief.
Margaret Jenkins the social worker was at that very moment being transported to court for here bail hearing on the charges of what it amounted to in laymen’s terms ‘gay bashing’.
Her lawyer had told her that she should get bail no problem at all, so it was a confident lady who appeared before the bail judge.
The charges were read after which the district attorney’s lawyer asked for remand.
“Your honor this lady is a government worker with no prior charges not even a parking ticket against her name and we request that she be granted bail with a minimum sum being set.”
“Your honor while the charges are serious in that this government worker abused her position to attack and vilify homosexuals especially young ones.”
“I’m inclined to agree with the DA but because of the lack of prior offences I am inclined to be a little bit lenient.” The judge paused and thought for a moment before continuing, “Bail is set at one hundred thousand dollars cash or bond and the defendant’s passport to be handed in.”
“You call that lenient judge, were am I going to get that kind of money.” Margaret yelled.
“Lady I’ve done my job now it’s time for you and your lawyer to do yours.”
He banged his gavel down and Margaret was taken away back to her cell until she could raise the money.
Luke made his way over to the Chief of police office. The Chief’s secretary apologized telling him that Chief Falster was running a few minutes late and would he like a cup of coffee while he waited, which he readily accepted. Once the she had brought his coffee and a plate of cookies. Luke sat there wondering what the chief wanted to see him for. Most of the cases he was working on were coming to a conclusion and in fact he should be heading back to Austin any day now which he didn’t really want to do, because he had enjoyed the time he spent with his mother and he had also got to meet and make friends with a few people as well.
He had just finished his coffee when the chief walked in from outside, “Sorry to keep you waiting Luke come on through and take a seat.” James Falster said as he shook his hand.
Once they had sat down the chief explained were he had just been, “I was talking to a good friend of yours, Paul Alvarez. I don’t know if you have heard the news yet but he is my new assistant chief in charge of uniformed police, a job which I am sure he will perform very well.”
The news was a big surprise to Luke but he couldn’t think of any one better for the job, “He will be a credit to the department I’m sure sir, he’s a fine officer, yet I would have thought he would have been better as chief of detectives.”
“No, I have someone else in mind for that position.” The chief said with a smile.
Luke didn’t say anything further because it wasn’t any of his business anyway.
“Your job here is almost done, isn’t it?”
“Yes sir just a few loose ends to tie up and then I presume I’ll be going back to Austin.”
The chief picked up a file from his desk and began looking through it and Luke suddenly
Noticed that it was a Texas Ranger file with his name on the front of it. What on earth is he doing reading my personal file, thought Luke and he began to get a bit worried although he had no idea why he should be he’d done nothing wrong and always did things by the book.
“By the way Luke please call me James when were not on official business would you?”
“Certainly err James, may I ask why you have my personal file from the Texas Rangers?”
Smiling James said, “All in good time Luke all in good time. Your mother also works in El Paso now doesn’t she?”
“Yes she’s at the Joey Alvarez Centre as head social worker, why do you ask?”
“Oh no particular reason, but if you went back to Austin you wouldn’t see too much of each other would you?”
“No but we’re used to that now.”
James laughed saying, “I think I’ve teased you enough Luke. How would you like to resign your commission with the Texas Rangers and come and work for me?” That remark stopped Luke dead in his tracks.
“I enjoy working for the Texas Rangers but what would I be doing working for you.”
“You may recall at the start of our conversation I said that I had someone in mind for the Assistant Chief in charge of detectives, well that someone is you Luke.”
For a few moments there was silence while Luke allowed what James had just said to sink in.
“Well James I didn’t see that one coming and I’m flattered and honoured that you should think of me but I will have to go back to Austin and work out with my superiors when I can be released.”
“No need I spoke to your superiors this morning and you can continue winding things up in El Paso, then begin working for me. They were very sorry to see you go, that’s if you take the position of course I’m assuming too much here, because you haven’t said yes yet.”
“Well you appear to have just about made my mind up for me and it would be nice to see my mother a bit more along with some good friends I have made here in El Paso, so I suppose the answer is yes. Paul Hernandez and I work well together and I’m sure both of us will work extremely well under you. Thank you for giving me the honour of joining what I predict will be a good team and the EPPD will soon be back on top as a good honest hardworking police force.”
“Thank you Luke, and I’m sorry that I had to rush you into the job, but when I took on the job as police chief I had to hit the ground running and get my top team organized quickly so this department can cleaned up from top to bottom.”
For a while they discussed some of the finer points of the position including salary and so on before James took him down the corridor to his new office and to meet some of his higher ranking officers.
The office next to his was Paul Hernandez and the chief took him in to see him.
“I told you he’d say yes James.” Paul said with a laugh shaking Luke’s hand. “Welcome to the team Luke.”
It was then next door to his office where he met his secretary Pru along with some of his senior detectives. While shaking their hands he got the impression that some of them weren’t too happy at his appointment but that didn’t worry him one bit.
James took his leave and the detectives left to work on whatever projects they had and Luke remembered that he had a dinner date with his mother and her new girlfriend so he also left explaining as he did to Pru that he still had some Rangers work to finish off but would be in early in the morning.
Davey and Johnny were bored. When they got back to the hotel from Johnny’s place they watched TV for a while until some of the older kids and adults came in and they wanted shows which didn’t appeal to them so they went up to Davey’s room to finish watching their shows. They lay on the bed close together occasionally kissing but not much else. Davey was complaining of a headache and both boys dropped off to sleep before being wakened not long after they had closed their eyes by Gloria telling them to get ready for dinner.
They washed and went down stairs and as soon as they had eaten headed back upstairs again as soon as they got upstairs they were called back down for a phone call. They raced back down and it was Carlos on the phone asking the boys if they wanted to take in a movie.
Davey wasn’t all that bothered feeling a bit tired and down but Johnny wanted to go so to please his boyfriend he said yes, but first they had to get the ok from their mom’s.
Peggy Walker was just about to head off home having finished for the day and she said, “If Gloria says ok, then I agree.’
“Gloria thought that Davey looked a bit pale but some pleading from both boys and for the sake of piece and quite she agreed. They called Carlos back who said his mom would pick them up in thirty minutes. Once again they dashed back upstairs to get changed and ready and Johnny was getting worried about his friend because he was moving slower and slower.
“Are you ok buddy?” He asked.
“Yea I guess so just feeling a little bit tired that all, I’ll be all right.”
Just as they got back down to the foyer Carlos came in to tell them the car was outside. They all squeezed in the back with Carlos in front with his mom and Kimberly in the back with the two boys.
Carlos’ mom said she would be back after the movie to pick them up telling them to have a good time.
The movie they chose was a comedy because they all agreed a good laugh right now would be good for them. Carlos sat on the seat closest to the aisle with Kimberley next to him then Davey and Johnny. The movie was good, funny but not great, and a couple of times Carlos and Kimberley had a kissing session. While Davey and Johnny tried hard not to kiss being in a public place they both decided that it was dark in the movie theatre and there wasn’t many people in there either, so Johnny leant across to give his partner a kiss.
“Davey your hot as if you have a fever are you sure your all right?”
“Yes, just a bit tired I guess and you make me hot anyway.” He answered with a grin. They continued giving each other a sly kiss now and again.
Once the movie was ended and the lights came up all four of them began heading for the exit and just as they were leaving the theatre four young guys about sixteen seventeen years old blocked their way, “Excuse me.” Carlos politely said.
“We’ll excuse you but not your two faggot friends here. We saw you kissing and it made us puke, you sick young bastards.”
“What they do between themselves is their business and not yours.” Carlos said, but these guys were spoiling for a fight that was obvious. Carlos mom arrived to pick them up wanting to know what was going on. She was always scared that if her son got into trouble by fighting he would end up back in detention.
“Nothing mom, these guys are just going to move aside and let us go home.”
“Like hell we are, we intend to teach those two young fags a lesson.”
Johnny had enough of these guys and was mad that they were not minding their own business and he stepped forward, “I might be smaller than you guys and a whole lot younger but I would be happy to take on you loudmouth’s one at a time. I know I wouldn’t have a chance with all four but that wouldn’t be fair would it?”
“Ok we’re game if you are.” Laughing they were talking among themselves when Kimberly stepped forward.
“Now you listen to me. You are prepared to take on a kid who’s shorter and at least four or maybe five years younger than you and beat the shit out of him. What a group of cowards you are, maybe you should take me on instead of the young guys after all I’m closer to your age than they are that would be fairer wouldn’t it?”
They looked at Kimberly in amazement and began whispering among themselves, “Look we don’t go around beating up girls. You call us cowards yet those two Faggots are hiding behind a girl anyways.”
“Let me make it clear to you guys, if you want to get to these kids you have to go through me first.” Then Carlos’ mum spoke up saying, “And me.”
That did it; still muttering all four of them turned around and walked away.
Kimberly breathed a sigh of relief and Carlos grabbed her giving her a big kiss, “Would you really have taken on those guys?”
“Hell no they’d have beaten me to a pulp but I certainly called their bluff.” Carlo’s mum spoke up, “I figured that was your plan Kimberly which is why I joined up with you.”
Carlos looked in amazement at his mom before Kimberley high fived her yelling, “Girl power rules.”
Everyone laughed but that laughter ended very quickly when they noticed Davey had moved away into a corner of the theatre and was sitting in the foetal position shaking all over.
Johnny dashed over to take him in his arms and cuddle him telling him over and over that everything was ok now. Carlos moved Johnny to one side and picked Davey up carrying him to the car. All the way back to the hotel Davey sat on Carlos knee his arms around while poor Johnny sitting next to them was so worried for his buddy.
It didn’t take long for them to get to the hotel in fact Carlos mom went over the speed limit almost all the way not caring if she got pulled over.
Carlos carried Davey into the hotel and all the way to his room laying him gently on his bed. Davey was beginning to come round but he was still whimpering and shaking.
Looking down at him Johnny burst into tears and Kimberly took him into her arms hugging him tight telling him everything will be ok. Meanwhile Carlos mom had found Gloria and Andy who came rushing into the room. Gloria move Carlos to one side and cuddled Davey who put his arms around her neck clinging to her. She felt his forehead saying, “He’s burning up with fever I think we’d better get him to the hospital.”
Carlos once again picked him up carrying him downstairs while Andy went to get his car because there wouldn’t be room for everyone in one car.
Carlos went with Gloria, Andy and Johnny while Kimberly went with Carlos’ mom in her car. Carlos still had Davey in his arms who was whimpering and shaking all the time now.
Arriving at Providence Hospital Andy pulled up outside of emergency and the others got out while he went to park the car. The rushed in up to reception gave their names and explained what had happened to Davey and what his symptoms were. Another nurse was called who took them through to an examination bay were Davey was laid on the bed. He began crying louder asking for Johnny and Carlos so they both held on to him one on either side. Gloria asked if Dr Whitmore was on duty and the nurse wanted to know why, “because he has been treating Davey and knows all his past history plus he has treated my son Jacob in the past as well. The nurse recognized the name and went to check.
She came back almost right away saying that Dr Whitmore would be down in a moment. No sooner had she said that when the Doctor walked in. His face took on a grim look when he took in the scene around him, “What happened Gloria?” and she explained to him everything that had happened that evening, including the fact that Davey had a fever. Dr Whitmore went up to Davey speaking softly to him, “Hi Davey what’s all this about I was hoping not to see you in here like this again. I’m going to have to examine you because I suspect you have an infection which is causing the fever.”
Davey looked up at the doctor and gave the tiniest of grins. “Now can you all wait outside while I take a look at Davey?”
They all began to leave until Davey yelled out, Not Johnny I want Johnny to stay.”
“Ok Davey, Johnny can stay.” Once the others reluctantly had left he began taking Davey’s vitals before taking his pants off and getting him to lie on his stomach so he could examine his wounds, “I’m sorry Davey but as you may remember this will hurt but I will try and be as gentle as I can. Is that alright?”
Davey nodded as the Dr slowly pulled his cheeks apart so that he could insert a tiny camera so he could examine his old wounds.
Davey screamed at first but gradually relaxed, and all the while Johnny with tears in his eyes was holding onto his lover soothing him telling him how much he loved him.
Slowly he withdrew the camera and wrote something on his chart before telling Davey that he could pull his pants up now and turn over on the bed.
He stood looking at the two boys in deep thought, before deciding what to say next.
“I have to ask you two boys a very sensitive personal question and I don’t want you to get upset or think this is too personal but I do need to know.”
The boys looked at him wondering what on earth he was on about. “Boys I’m sorry but tell me honestly how far have you gone in your relationship?”
Once again the boys looked puzzled so he put it another way more bluntly which he was hoping he didn’t have to do. “Boys to put it more bluntly have you gone all the way when you are having sex?”
Johnny most indignantly replied,” No we didn’t, you told us no because of Davey’s wounds so we didn’t.” Smiling at the tone in Johnny’s voice he replied, “That’s all right Johnny I thought that would be the answer but I had to know.”
Dr Whitmore continued writing up the chart as Davey began to be more relaxed and comfortable still lying in Johnny’s arms.
“Well Davey you have an infection in your wounds, not a bad one and it can be treated with anti-biotic no trouble at all. Now that’s one problem solved but I’m no expert at solving the other one. Why you got upset during the confrontation at the movie house. A different expert has to look after that and I take it Davey that have still to go see someone about that?”
“I’m not going to a shrink Doctor, look at what happened to me the last time, I almost got killed.”
“I agree Davey but there are good and bad shrinks as you call them and the bad ones are in the minority. Doctor Jamieson is from England and only here for another twelve months but he is one of the best in the world when it comes to treating young men who have been abused like you were Davey. Now if I make an appointment for you promise me you will keep it.”
Davey looked at him nodding his head, “Good, and by the way he is gay as well so he understands what you are going through having been through the same as you when he was young.”
That made Davey feel a whole lot better. “Now you just stay there for a while and I’ll arrange for the nurse to get you your medication and then you can go home but take things easy please, otherwise you’ll be back in your old bed sleeping on your own. He chuckled as the boys blushed.
All the others came back in and were surprised to see Davey looking much better, and were even more surprised that he wasn’t being kept in. The nurse returned with some pills which she gave to Gloria along with instructions regarding taking them and also an appointment to see Dr Jamieson in a week’s time.
They left the hospital heading for home feeling a bit happier than when they went in. Before they left the hospital car park they said goodbye to Kimberly Carlos and his mother. “Thank you for helping my new son tonight Carlos. I don’t know what he would have done without you there.” Carlos blushed, saying,” it was Kimberly and mom who broke up the potential fight.”
Davey came up to Carlos and putting his arms around him gave him a big hug before kissing him on the cheek, “Thank you Carlos you saved me again buddy, I love you.” Carlos blushed muttering, “I love you too Davey, as a brother that is.”
Everyone laughed as the got into their cars and went separate ways.
Back at the prison Margaret Jenkins Lawyer arrived late in the afternoon with some good news. He had been able to find a finance company which was willing to advance the hundred thousand dollars which was needed as bail money and he had all the forms required for her to sign which would give her the money. When she read through the documents she was amazed at the staggering interest she was being charged but had no option but to take it. She signed the papers remarking to her lawyer, “This fucking world is being taken over by gays and lesbians, who should have been killed by their parents as soon as they knew they were faggots. Because of all this filth and perversion around today I’m in prison while they are walking around free, when it should be the other way around.” She paused to take a breath before continuing her tirade.
“Hitler had the right idea with the Jews and we should be doing the same with gays and faggots. Those camps the churches have are a good idea but the best way is to eliminate them just like Hitler send them into a gas chamber.”
All this time her lawyer had been watching and listening with more and more disgust showing on his face. When she had finished he picked up the documents she had just signed, tore them into little pieces, before throwing them into her face, “Hey what’s the big idea?”
“I think you’d better find yourself another lawyer.”
“Why what’s wrong with you.”
“I’m Jewish and Gay.” He banged on the door to be let out leaving Margaret Jenkins standing there covered in tiny pieces, of paper open mouthed wondering what the hell happened.
The guard opened the door saw all the mess and instructed her to pick every piece up or she will be made to eat it. Margaret Jenkins had no option but to clean all the mess up before she was allowed back to her cell.
In another part of the prison the other Margaret has her lawyer warned her had been placed on suicide watch. Not because they thought for one minute she was suicidal but it helped to keep the noise down.
“What’s the big fucking idea, I have no intention of doing away with myself?”
“Well we have other ideas so someone will be checking on you twenty four, seven every fifteen minutes or so and we have been told that if you start yelling and screaming we can put you in a strait jacket and place you in the padded room. So don’t say we haven’t warned you.”
She found this very humiliating because she had no privacy at all even when she was using the toilet bowl in the corner of the room someone would be watching her.
Gloria put Davey straight to bed giving him the medication which Dr Whitmore had provided. “I think it might be better if you slept on your own tonight Davey, there’s a spare room down the hall Johnny can use.”
“NO,NO,NO I want Johnny with me I’m not sleeping on my own I want Johnny with me.”
Gloria was shocked that Davey would be yelling at her like that, he’d never ever raised his voice to her before or to anyone else for that matter.
“Davey how dare you shout at me, just remember I’m your mother now and I have never allowed my own sons to talk to me like that and you’re certainly not going to.”
Davey’s face suddenly changed and he began crying it was almost as if he didn’t realise he’d even shouted at his new mom.
Gloria immediately went to his side cradling him in her arms, “Oh Davey I’m sorry I now you’re all mixed up right now. Of course Johnny can stay in the room with you, because of the fever I would rather you slept on your own but I know that will never happen even if I say so.”
“I’m sorry mom, everything’s just been too much for me today, I love you and my new dad and all the family, but I also love Johnny very much and he’ll look after me through the night.”
She kissed him on the forehead wishing him goodnight and left the room with a very worried look on her face.
Back in their own room Andy had just come up from parking the car and noticed the worried look on Gloria’s face. “What’s the matter what’s happened is Davey all right?”
“No he’s not and the sooner we get him to the Psychiatrist that Dr. Whitmore recommended the better.” She then went on to explain all that had happened just before in Davey’s room.
“He’s still a sick boy which is understandable considering everything that’s gone on in his life. We are both going to have to watch over him and care for him until he’s well again which looks like being a long time.”
Next Door Davey was lying in bed gazing at the ceiling tears still flowing. Johnny got undressed crawling in beside his boyfriend. Don’t worry Davey I’m here and I’ll look after you, keep you safe, hug and comfort you.”
Davey turned to face him kissing him lightly on the lips, “What’s happening to me will I ever be any good again?”
“Of course you will buddy now stay close to and try to get some sleep. You are safe now and someone who loves you dearly is by your side.” They kissed and hung onto each other, but Johnny stayed awake until he was sure Davey had fallen asleep.
He too lay there wondering if his boyfriend would ever recover and at the same time he vowed that whatever he would always be by his side.
Two other people were also worrying about Davey that night, well in actual three. Carlos and Kimberly were in his room talking about their young friend while Carlos’ mum was telling her husband all about the evening’s events. He wasn’t too happy about what Kimberly and she did regarding those louts at the movie house, “If they’d seen through your bluff or we’re women bashers they could have attacked you and then what would have happened?”
“Don’t worry Carlos would have sorted them out, but we did it so that it didn’t happen because our son could quite easily have finished up in detention again.”
“All I can say is you were lucky.”
Lying on the bed together Kimberly was saying more or less the same thing to her boyfriend. They began making out until Kimberly noticed how late it was getting.
“Your mom and dad usually come up and arrange to take me home when it gets this late.”
With a big grin on his face Carlos said, “We won’t remind them of the time and maybe they’ll forget you’re here so you can stay the night.”
“That would be great but what about my mom she’ll wonder where I am and call here.”
“Call her on my cell phone and ask if you can stay in our spare room because we went back to the movies to watch the late show.”
“Yea sure as if she’ll believe that, more than likely she’ll ask to speak to your mom.”
“Tell her she already in bed asleep.”
Kimberly made the call and was sure her mom didn’t believe her but said ok. Carlos had a look on his face that said it all as he crossed the room to make sure the door was locked before heading to his desk drawer and pulling and pulling out a couple of condom’s, “You see more than one this time.”
Kimberly laughed as Carlos once again lay down beside her on his side facing her has they began to kiss and remove their clothing ……
Luke arrived back at the hotel had a quick shower before dressing for his dinner date with his mom and Bethany along with Bethany’s family. While he had somewhere else to live provided by the Texas Rangers he has been spending more time at the hotel. While changing he thought that he would have to talk to Joey about maybe getting a room at the hotel and paying rent. If not he would have to look for an apartment.
Sally too was getting ready for her date but was a bit more nervous and taking a lot more care with dressing. One thought going through her head was that all this was happening just a bit too quickly and she was hoping that it wasn’t going to fall down around her leaving her hurt and alone once more.
She had just finished dressing when her phone rang. Answering she found it was Bethany and the first thing that went through her head was that it was all off her thoughts had come true, “Hi Bethany what’s happening?”
“Just thought I’d call and make sure everything was ok for tonight?”
“Sure I think Luke’s already at the hotel getting ready so we should be on time.”
There was a pause on the end of the line and Sally thought, here it comes the big letdown.
“Are you as nervous as I am?” Bethany asked. Breathing a sigh of relief Sally answered her, “Yes I’m petrified at meeting your brother and his wife.”
“You have nothing to worry about he’s a nice guy, but I’m worried about meeting your son.”
“Well don’t have to deep down Luke’s a big softy and I know he’ll love you.”
“I hope so because Sally I do love you.”
“And I love you too, see you soon babe.”
They hung up and finished getting ready.
Finally happy with the way she looked Sally headed down to the hotel foyer to find Luke already waiting for her.
He gave a wolf whistle saying, “My oh my you look a million dollars mom. Bethany has really hooked you hasn’t she?”
Sally didn’t answer, she just smiled. They walked out to get into Luke’s car when he stopped, “I think we’d better go in two cars because you might get home a lot later than I will.” He said with a cheeky grin.
Blushing Sally agreed with him, secretly hoping that would be true.
They arrived at the restaurant Bethany had chosen and after parking the cars went in. They couldn’t see Bethany anywhere but realized they were a little early. Luke told the greeter that they had a reservation and were shown to their table. After ordering drinks Luke remembered that he hadn’t told his mom the news about his new job.
“I have some big news to tell you mom and I’d better do it before anyone else arrives.”
“That sounds scary son, what is it?”
“He went on to tell her about his meeting with the new chief of police and how Paul was now assistant chief in charge of uniform section, “And you are right now looking at the new assistant chief in charge of detectives.”
Sally couldn’t have been happier as she jumped up giving her son a big hug and congratulating him.
“That’s wonderful son so you will be staying in El Paso after all. That is a much better job than the one I had in mind to keep you here.”
“What was that mom?”
“As total head of security in Joey’s outfit and also a mentor for his young resident’s.”
“Wow that would have been a great job and I’ll be happy to help and of those young guys if I can but I think I can help the city of El Paso more in the job Chief Falster as offered me.”
Sally agreed with him just as Bethany and her brother and sister in law arrived.
Sally greeted Bethany with a kiss, before introducing Luke. It was then Bethany’s turn to introduce Mark and Maria. After handshakes and kisses all round they sat down to chat before ordering the meal. After about ten minutes of not talking about much at all they ordered the meal and that type of conversation continued right through dinner.
While the five of them were enjoying their meal. The two Margaret’s in jail were not having such a good time. Margaret Jenkins was worried about getting a lawyer, one that might just feel the same way she did about homosexual’s, although after thinking about it she decided that maybe the anti-faggot side of her mind should keep quiet until she gets off the charges which have been laid against her.
As darkness fell the other Margaret was lying on her bunk with her blankets tight against her body hoping that there wouldn’t be a repeat of last night’s humiliation.
Suddenly the light in her cell went out and she heard the key turning in the lock, “No please leave me alone I beg you please leave me alone and just let me sleep.”
“Oh honey this is your son Garrett come to please his mommy don’t you want me in your bed tonight mommy?”
“You sick bastard get out and leave me alone, please.”
“Oh honey I can’t do that after all you’ve had me in your bed since I was a little bitty baby. I’ll do everything you want me to do mommy just ask.”
Margaret began screaming non-stop begging whoever it was to stop. The light went back on and a couple of guards came in with a straight jacket. “We warned you what would happen if you began screaming again and now you sound as if you really have gone off your head.
No matter how much she struggled it was no good the straight jacket was finally strapped up tight and she was carried kicking and screaming to a cell with padded walls and floor so that she could do no harm to the cell and herself.
She lay on the floor unable to move as the door slammed shut and the key was turned in the lock.
She then heard a voice but couldn’t tell where it was coming from, “Honey, you should have let your little baby boy look after his mommy and then you wouldn’t be in the state you are now.”
She yelled, “Shut up and leave me alone.”
“Ok honey, maybe next time you’ll let your little boy look after his mommy. Goodnight honey sleep well.” This was followed by a ghostly laugh and then total silence.
All this made Margaret start to think that she really was losing her mind.
Sally was feeling quite pleased and happy that the meeting of her and Bethany’s family was going so well. Sitting next to each other except when they were eating Sally and Bethany held hands, squeezing them gently from time to time giving each encouragement. Every now and then they would gaze into each other’s eyes demonstrating just how much in love they were with each other.
Luke thought Bethany’s brother Mark and his wife Maria were nice people but there was something about Mark that had Luke feeling cagey about but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
Sally suddenly remembered what Luke had told her earlier, “I have some great news regarding Luke; he is going to remain in El Paso after all because he is now the assistant chief of police in charge of detectives.”
Everyone congratulated Luke with Bethany giving him a big hug and a kiss, while Mark shook his hand.
Luke still wasn’t sure about Mark and was racking his brains but he was sure he’d seen him somewhere before.
Maria looked at her watch saying, “I’m sorry but we have to go, so we can get the babysitter home on time. It’s been a pleasure meeting you both and I’m sure Bethany has made the right with Sally.”
“Yes sister I think you might be on a winner with Sally and it was a pleasure meeting you Luke and good luck with the new job. This new chief looks like the right guy to sort out our police force.”
They both got up, moving around the table with Maria giving both Sally and Luke a kiss and a hug while Mark kissed Sally and shook Luke’s telling both of them that they are welcome to visit anytime like.
Bethany walked them out to their car leaving Sally and Luke at the table.
“Well mom I thought that all went well except for one thing.”
“What’s that son?”
“I’m not sure but there’s something about Mark that I can’t put my finger on right now and it bugging me. I have a feeling I’ve seen him somewhere but oh I don’t know I may be wrong.”
Just then Bethany came back into the restaurant and joined them at the table giving Sally a quick kiss, “Thank you both for being such wonderful company, I thought the evening went very well.”
Both of them agreed it was a success.
Looking at Luke before she said it Bethany asked, “Are you going straight back to the hotel Sally or do you both want to come round for a coffee or something?”
Luke laughing said, “I’ll take a raincheck on that Bethany but I’m sure mom would like to go round to your place for coffee or something.” He emphasised the something and both of them blushed then burst out laughing.
Bethany said, “Your son’s right on the ball. Anyway I need a lift back to my place because I came with Mark and Maria.”
Bethany excused herself to go to the restroom and Luke remembered we’re he’d seen Mark before. “Mom how long have Mark and Maria been married?”
“I don’t know son, they have two very young kids so maybe not too long, Why?”
“Because I know were I’ve seen his face and heard the name before and it put me in a difficult position.”
Looking worried now Sally asked why.
“Because the last time I saw Mark’s face was on a wanted poster and he’s wanted for ……
To be continued...
Writers Corner:
A lot of things happening in this chapter, with two big promotions in the EPPD, Garrett’s court appearance, Davey having a relapse, the standoff by the women outside the movie theatre, The two Margret’s getting deeper and deeper into trouble and finally the cliffhanger.
Anyway let’s start at the beginning with the hangover cliff thing from the last chapter. It looks like some of the prison guards don’t like the way Margaret Buchanan abused her son, Garrett for all those years and made sure that she suffered while under their jurisdiction. The final humiliation was being placed in a strait jacket and put in the padded cell.
The other Margaret, Jenkins that is, really put her foot into her big mouth when she raved about Jews and gays in front of her lawyer. I love the way he tore up the paperwork and quietly left after putting her well and truly in her place.
I’m glad that Luke is hanging around in El Paso although he and Paul Alvarez have a big job ahead of them helping Chief Falster straighten out the police force.
Turning now to poor Davey. The fever caused by an infection along with the altercation at the movie house was just too much for him right now, but at least he realizes that he has to seek professional help to clear his mind. I hope his new shrink is better than the last one.
I admired Kimberly and Carlos ‘mom about the way they stood up to those hooligans at the movies. Except they could have had their heads kicked in so I wouldn’t recommend that action to any women. Not that many would be reading this anyway.
Personally I reckon Garrett got off light by the new judge. Still after thinking about it he has been brainwashed for so many years so he deserves a break. In this chapter we didn’t hear anything about Jake is would be boyfriend, therefore we still don’t really know is Garrett is gay, Bi or straight. What do you think?
Finally the cliffhanger. Just what is the mystery surrounding Bethany’s brother and will this affect her relationship with Sally. Apart from Luke’s revelation at the end and of course it looks as if d the meeting of the kin went quite well, and Sally’s sure to have another sleepover.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always we welcome your comments and e-mails.
Finally we hope you have a happy holiday and may 2012 be everything you want it to be.
Posted: 01/13/12