Praying For a Hail Mary

By: J.P.G.
(© 2013 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 4 

Coach Campbell wasn’t happy at all with his coaching staff. One of their biggest complaints when he came in and took over the head coaching position was that the old coach and owner never allowed them to take part in any decision making on anything dealing with the team. Now he sees why after yesterday’s back and forth. When it was all said and done, no decision was made. They were all confident the decision was taken out of their hands with Favre informing Campbell his intention to step down once and for all from the game.


The lack on their part as coaches on deciding who the second player was going home kept Coach Campbell up all night tossing and turning. He had played the game before becoming a coach and the hardest thing for a player is to walk away. More so for a player that has been in the game as long as Favre. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that Favre not only wasn’t going to walk away, but will probably end up being on the short list of candidates for the first string quarterback position, which opened a whole new can of worms. There is no way he will be second fiddle to anyone.


Before Campbell could talk to Favre to see if he was going to continue or not, his question was answered as he made his way through the locker room. Sitting with the other five veterans of the game was Favre changing into his practice uniform chatting away. He knew there was no way Favre would change out of his street clothes if his intention was to walk away.


As his anger started to overtake him, he noticed there was a missing player in the bunch. The man he was rutting for was nowhere to be seen. The anger that was boiling up inside of him was replaced with worry. Frantically he scanned the room several more times, and just as he was about to ask the others if they have seen Jason, he walked out of the toilet area.


Seeing the young man that he is starting to believe more and more will be the man that will lead this organization out the wilderness and back to their winning traditions heading to his locker settled Campbell’s nerves. Then he noticed where Jason locker was at. He was nowhere near the other six, which confused him. Then he realized Jason was using the locker he was assigned when he came on board, but still the lack of sportsmanship between him and the others worried Campbell. The other six appeared to not even acknowledge that Jason was in the room.


Trying to think positive as he walked back to his office, Coach Campbell started visualizing the day’s schedule, but what he saw kept taking over his thoughts. Questions started swimming around his head. Questions that worried him that if he was right things are going to get worse for Jason before they get better. At the same time he started to hope it was only with those he was competing against, not with the entire Cowboy lineup.


Not wanting to think negative about what he saw, Campbell put a positive spin on it, allowing him to push it to the back of his mind and move on. As he walked into his office, he saw several of his coaches sitting outside in the waiting area, more than likely waiting for him. Seeing it was the same coaches that couldn’t see eye to eye on who to let go yesterday, Campbell ignored them and continued into his office. He didn’t want a rematch of yesterday’s arguments. Not minutes away from going out and holding the second most important day of the tryouts.


A knock on the door brought Campbell out of his thoughts. He didn’t need to look to see who it was, he already knew. “There is no time for this gentlemen!” Coach Campbell spoke in his commanding voice as he looked up and saw his special teams and offensive line coaches standing there. Coach Lewis wasn’t about to be brushed off that easily.


“Coach Campbell we need to decide who it’s going to be that we are going to send home since Favre doesn’t look like he is going anywhere on his own free will. It needs…” Coach Jackson interrupted Lewis. “Come on you still want…” Before Jackson was able to complete his sentence, Coach Campbell slammed his fist against his desk. “Damn it gentlemen I just said we don’t have time for this shit. I’m not about to get back into what was a shit storm yesterday minutes before we have to be out there. So shelve this conversation until after tryouts.”


Coach Campbell didn’t let either of the two coach’s reply. He grabbed what he needed and headed out to the field. Before he was able to get twenty feet away, he heard his name being called out. It wasn’t one of his coaches, which got him to stop. He turned and saw Kyle Orton running up to him already suited up to get out on the field.


“Sir, I’m sorry to bother you before tryouts, but there is something I feel you need to know about one of the players in your locker room.” Orton had a serious look on his face. “I know you already have signed Jason, Jason Engelmann to a contract to play on your special teams, but there is something about him that might change your mind on that decision.”


Campbell already had no respect for Orton and here is he is about to prove why he doesn’t. The guy can play with the best of them in the game, he has the skills, but he also believes he needs to be a butt kisser to get what he wants. That is something Campbell hates and can spot right off the bat with any player or staff member he is interviewing.


“As you know Jason was a year behind me in college, but when he hit the scene, he was the only thing anyone would talk about. No one could understand why with his talents he played for an unknown college like UTEP. The reasons he gave didn’t make sense to lot of people, but some bought it until the truth came out.” Orton turned and looked around to see if anyone was in ear shot of them. Seeing that, Campbell was uneasy on what is about to hear.


“Jason informed his team about his sexual orientation after getting caught up in a scandal with another guy. He first tried to deny that he was gay, but the more he denied it, the more the school looked into it. Leaving him no other choice than to tell his team the truth. After that, his team lost all respect for him. The coach kept him on roster and played him in every game, but he put in effect these rules to protect the other players from him. Then there was something in his junior year at high school that I don’t really know much about, but it’s bad and that is why the school covered it up.


Anyways what I’m trying to get at is that Jason is gay!” Orton looked deep into Coach Campbell’s eyes. “He didn’t tell you, did he?” Orton paused for a couple of seconds and then went on. “I’m not surprised after what happened to him in college. I thought you should know this so you could make the right decision on letting a guy like that on your team. It’s going to cause more headaches and problems than it will help the team.”


“Young man first let me start off by saying I don’t like gossip. I don’t like people who not only believes the gossip they hear, but spread it around.” It was taking every bit of will power for Campbell not to yell at Orton at that moment. “It’s not right and frankly I believe it shows the character of the person that is spreading half-truths and calls them facts.”


“Wait a minute sir, I was just telling…” Campbell put up his hand. “No you wait a minute Mr. Orton. I respected you and didn’t interrupt you when you were talking, show me the same respect is that understood.” Orton shook his head. “This little talk we just had I’m going to pretend we never had it. No matter how badly I want to kick your ass from here to kingdom come right now.”


Campbell turned to walk away, but stopped and turned back around. “Fuck that!” You know I despise people like you. People who feel they need to dirty others in order to get ahead in life. I don’t give a shit what my players do in their private lives as long as they are not breaking the law. If what you believe is true, Jason hasn’t broken any laws. He is a welcome addition to this team, which is more than I can say for you at this moment.”


“What, are you telling me that I’m cut for speaking the truth?” Orton chuckled. “Go right ahead and cut me, but on my way out I’m going to grab everyone that is willing to listen to me and tell them what I know about your little golden boy. I would like to see you dig yourself out of that mess once it’s out. There is no doubt in my mind once I do that, you will cut Jason because you don’t want to get dragged into that when you want the talk to be about getting back to the Super Bowl.” Once again Orton chuckled, pissing Campbell off even more.


“You go right ahead and do that and see if you ever again play in the NFL.” Campbell walked up so close to Orton that their noses were almost touching. “You little shit you’re going to stand here in my club house and think you’re going to get away with threatening me. Well let me tell you, you have another thing coming if you think that. No one threatens me and gets away with it. More so a little shit like you that I can destroy with a few phone calls and a few minutes of my time.”


Campbell stepped back a couple of feet. “No sir I’m not cutting you right now, but there is no doubt in my mind this will be your last day. You were on the short list yesterday on being cut and the only thing that saved you was Mr. Favre walking in and telling us he was thinking about retiring for good. By what I saw this morning, he has no plans to. That means you are going to go with two others at the end of the day. So no sir, you are going to be cut because you’re a shitty player.”


Once again Campbell started to walk away, but stopped. “Oh one last thing.” Campbell turned and pointed at Orton. “If you say a word of what you just told me to anyone, I mean anyone, I will kill you career before you can get it going and I won’t stop there. I will do what I can to help Jason sue the pants off you and your family. You’re from old money, which means there’s a huge pay day at the end of the rainbow for Jason if you slander him in anyway.”


Orton had to have the last word. “You had to wonder after last Sunday’s game why your golden boy didn’t win the Heisman Trophy.” Orton walked back up to Campbell. “Come on a guy with his stats and putting an unknown college on the map, he was a shoe in for that trophy, but came in second to players like me each year he was nominated. He lost out because he’s a fagot.”


Not waiting for a response from Campbell, Orton went running down the tunnel to the field. All Campbell could do is stand there stunned. He couldn’t believe first the balls on Orton. Never before has he been talked to that way. And second, what he was just told. It explained a lot of what he has observed the last couple of days with Jason, but couldn’t believe it.


Meanwhile back in the locker room, Jason was just finished suiting up when Favre walked up to him. At first it was small talk. How each of them thought the tryouts were going. Who they thought was going to make the final cut, which Jason didn’t comment on. And on and on for the first few minutes, but all of a sudden the conversation turned in a direction Jason didn’t like.


Favre sat down next to Jason and started to whisper. “Do you really think you are going to beat guys like me and Manning?” Jason looked up from tying his shoes. “Come on man you are a bug about to get splattered on a car windshield. There is no way you are going to beat me and Manning, so stop trying and take third if you are lucky to be offered that.”


Shocked on the way Favre was talking, Jason didn’t know what to say. “Look at you, a kid from what, UTEP. Where in the fuck is that.” Favre started to laugh. “On top of that, we all know about your sick personal life.” Jason scooted over away from Favre, afraid what was to come next. “I’m not going to hurt you physically here in the locker room. No that is going to be done on the field if you don’t settle down out there and stop showing me and Manning up.”


“I don’t know what you are talking about sir. Really I don’t….” Brett had an evil grin on his face when he interrupted Jason. “Na, na, na!”  Brett waved his right index finger in Jason’s face. “Don’t try and lie to me. Orton was in college the same time you were and knows about all the dirty little secrets that you don’t want out. He had no problem spilling it all last night over dinner. Your sex life, how you were treated by your teammates in college and let’s not forget what happened to you after the Rose Bowl in your junior year.” Jason started to visibly shake. “You’re now at the big show. What happened that year is nothing compared to what can happen to you if the word gets out about your sick love life. So why won’t you just be a good little boy and just…”


“Let’s get out there on the field!” Coach Lewis yelled as he walked into the locker room. “That means you two.” Lewis pointed at Jason and Favre. Favre was the first to get up, but before leaving, he leaned down and whispered in Jason’s ear. “As I was about to say, be a good little boy and just lay down and let us take the starting quarterback positions.” Before Jason could reply, Coach Lewis yelled for them to get off their asses and get out on the field.


Jason waited for Favre to leave before following. When he stepped out of the locker room, he ran into Coach Lewis who pulled him to the side. “I don’t know what was going on between you and Brett, but by the looks of it, it wasn’t good. So I’m just going to say this and let it be. Forget whatever he was saying or any of the other guys going out for the quarterback positions. They want it so bad they are willing to do anything to get it. Including screwing with your mind.” Lewis lightly tapped Jason on the forehead. “Get this through your thick skull. They know you are the person to beat. They can’t do it on the field, so they are trying to play mind games. Don’t let them get away with it. Play your game and I promise at the end you will win out.”


Somehow Coach Lewis was able to get Jason to smile as he agreed. With that, they both ran out onto the field and joined the others. Jason got on the line and started his stretches, while Lewis joined the other coaches. Just like the others when they saw Campbell, Lewis knew something was up. At first he thought his boss was still angry about yesterday, but the look on Campbell’s face was not anger but concern. That got Lewis worried.


Neither Jason nor Coach Campbell’s mind was really on the tryouts. No matter how hard Jason tried to push what Favre told him out of his mind, he couldn’t. Each time he looked over to the veteran he would do or say something to remind him that he knows something that will hurt him. To make matters worse whenever he looked over at the others he is competing against they would make a face that told him they knew. Jason tried to tell himself is was all innocent looks, but whenever they got close to each other on the field or on the sidelines they would do something that what Jason was seeing was not innocent.


On the sidelines, Coach Campbell went through the motions of the day, but couldn’t get out of his head what Orton had told him. If the young player wasn’t spilling out gossip and was right on the penny with Jason, he does indeed have a problem on his hands. There is no way he would be able to let things stand with Jason as they were. Not just for his protection, but for the other players as well. It is a predicament no NFL coach has had to face that he is aware of.


So he tried not to think about it and when it did pop in his head, he tried to put a positive spin on it, but no matter how he spun it, it didn’t come out good for anyone. Finally about half way through the day, Campbell needed a fresh set of eyes on the problem. However, he knew whoever he chose to talk to he couldn’t tell them the complete truth. It would not only hurt Jason, but it will go against everything Campbell believed in as far as a person’s privacy.


Still though he needed another opinion on this or he wasn’t going to be able to get his head back to where it was supposed to be. He looked up and down the line of coaches. Not one of them he trusted at that moment with the information. At the same time it really didn’t affect them one way or another. So he turned his attention to the stadium where he found a couple of his offensive players sitting. Couldn’t help but chuckle as he thought it couldn’t be any more perfect.


Handing the reins over of the tryouts to Lewis, Campbell walked over to his offensive players Witten, Miles and Bryant. Before he could get to them, they stood up apologizing, promising to leave. Not stunned at their actions since they were told the tryouts were closed to everyone except those that needed to be there, Campbell smiled and waved them down to him.


“Gentlemen I didn’t come over here to yell at you.” Campbell jokingly spoke. “If I wanted to do that I would have done it yesterday when I saw you guys sitting there watching.” The three players relaxed a little as they walked over to their head coach. “No I just need to talk to you guys about something. I need your opinions on the subject, but before I say anything I need to make clear this is all hypothetical.” The guys nodded as they sat back down.


“Good!” Coach Campbell put one foot on the first bench before crossing his arms and leaning down putting most of his weight on that leg. “In this day and age I don’t see why there would be a problem with what I’m about to talk to you guys about, but I need to find out. I’m no longer in the locker room changing among you guys or taking showers with you all.” The guys looked up at their coach with confused looks on their faces.


“Let me just get to the point. What if one day I or another coach brings in a player that might be gay? Would you guys have a problem with that?” The coach didn’t get an immediate response. “I know you might need a little time to think about this, but would you honestly have a problem with a man that is gay in the same locker room, changing and showering with you.”


“First let me make sure I heard you clear when you first started talking.” Bryant spoke. “You said this was all hypothetical, right?” Coach Campbell nodded his head. “So right now you’re not looking at a player that might be gay and we’ll have to deal with it?”


Before Campbell could answer, Miles jumped in. “Come on man! He’s not asking this question for the fun of it. More than likely he is looking at a player that might or might not be gay and is testing the waters to see how we would react to the news. He didn’t come over here to waste his breath on something that isn’t on the table.”


“I know that, I just wanted a couple things cleared up that’s all.” Bryant shot a dirty look at Austin before turning his attention back to his head coach. “Look if you are looking at a player that fits our team well and can play the game at the level you ask of all of us, but might be gay, I have no problem with it. As long as there are rules set for him. Rules like he can’t be in the locker room when the rest of us are changing or in the showers when….”


“Wait a minute there Bryant that isn’t right.” Witten jumped into the conversation for the first time. “And you know it. What you’re saying is complete discrimination and shouldn’t be happening to anyone, anywhere.” At this point Witten was on his feet. “No one person, no matter who they love or the color of their skin, is less of a person than another. By putting those rules in effect we are going back to the days when African Americans couldn’t use the white man’s restroom. That wasn’t right back then and it sure in hell isn’t right today.”


“I agree!” Miles jumped to his feet and joined Witten. Bryant didn’t like being ganged up on and more so on something he misstated. He has no problems with anyone being gay or playing with someone that is. All he was trying to say was that he wasn’t comfortable being naked in front of someone because he had no idea what was going through their heads.


“Okay, okay guys settle down.” Campbell jumped in, trying to defuse what could turn into a huge fight if he let it go any longer. “I see this is going to be a touchy subject and one that I will have to revisit with the entire team. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that there was going to be a difference of opinion on this subject. If the day ever comes that I’m looking at a player that might be gay, I need to really weigh the pros and cons before bringing him on board.”


Coach Campbell grabbed his clip board from the seat as he stood up. “Forget about this conversation. As I said when I first approached the subject it was a hypothetical situation. So forget about it and go back to whatever you guys were doing and I will go back to running my tryouts. Just do me a favor.” The guys looked at him all at once. “Don’t stay out to late tonight and tell the others that. I need you guys fresh and ready to run the four that get to tomorrow through the ringer. Whoever is left standing at the end of the day are going to be our quarterbacks.”


All Austin, Witten and Bryant could do is shake their heads in agreement with Campbell as they sat back down. They watched their head coach walk away and rejoin the other coaches before turning their attention back to the players on the field. As they watched, they couldn’t help but get lost in thought on why their head coach would ask a question like he did. One by one came to the same conclusion. That one of the quarterbacks trying out has to be gay.


Once they settled on that, they started to really look at the seven quarterbacks. Not the way they played the game, but how they handle themselves out on the field. Right away they were able to take Favre, Manning and two others out because their private lives were out in the open. The other three they couldn’t weed out. And to make matters worse, they couldn’t tell by the way they were on the field if one of them were gay. That made them more determined to solve the puzzle.


Back on the field, Jason finally was able to get his head back into the game. He started to play at the level that he played at the prior Sunday just steam rolling over the Cowboy’s secondary defensive line. However, it might be a little too late. It took him over half of the day to get there, which didn’t look good at all when the others were playing at a much higher level.


Little did he know, even at his worst, he played a lot better than all the quarterbacks out there on the field going out for the same position he is, except for the two veterans, Favre and Manning. That gave him a leg up, barely. A couple of the coaches were going back and forth about how long it took Jason to get back to the level of play they have seen him play at. They felt they couldn’t put the reins of their team in the hands of an unseasoned player like him. With that, they were going to make a case at the end of the day to Campbell that Jason should be among those to be cut.


Even though a few of the coach’s minds were made up about Jason, it was going to be a hard sell to the others. Once Jason did get back at the level he played in his first game, he surpassed it. He just sliced and diced up the defensive line. They had no idea if he was going to left, right, back or forward. When they thought he was going to throw, he either handed it off or ran it himself and the opposite was the same. Even having the advantage on knowing the plays, they couldn’t stop Jason whenever he lined up. With the others, they were able to shut them down a good percent of the time.


Coach Campbell, Lewis and Jackson had big smiles on their faces whenever Jason was on the field. Even the players that played on the first string that came out to watch loved what they saw whenever Jason was on the field. They started rutting for him. Leaving no doubt if anyone from the outside was looking in who they wanted as their quarterback.


“Coaches I see our young player has found his groove again.” Coach Campbell and his staff turned to see Jerry Jones walking up. “I was afraid as I watched that Jason was a one hit wonder.” Jerry laughed as he turned his attention to the field. “No only problem I see is if it takes him half a game to warm up, where will we be. I mean a lot can happen in thirty minutes of play. If it takes him that long to warm up, we could be so far down that there is no coming back.”


“I just think Jason had an off morning that’s all.” Lewis went to Jason’s defense. “If you need any proof of that just look at last Sunday’s game. We put him in when we were twenty one points down, just lost our first and second string quarterbacks and he stunned us all just like he is doing out there right now.” Lewis looked around at the other coaches and then back at Jerry. “I will say here and now he is the guy I want leading our team on the field for the rest of this season and as many years as he is able to go out there and play the game.”


“Are you willing to put your job on the line for him?” Jerry looked Lewis directly in the eyes. “It might come down to that with the players your guy is up against.” Turning his attention back to the field pointing to Favre and Manning. “Those are the guys I would like at the helm of our offense. They not only have the experience at this game, but they don’t take half the game to warm up. From the minute they walk on the field, they are ready to go.”


“With all due respect sir, I don’t agree with you. Yes they have the experience at the game, but that experience comes with habits as well. Good or bad, they have habits that we might not like and could cause a rift in our team. With Jason we can mold him to how we want him to play. So yes I’m willing to put my job on the line for him. There is no doubt in my mind I won’t regret it.”


"Let's not get ahead of ourselves jut yet!" Campbell chirped in. “There is still tomorrow to come and a lot can happen in a day. Every one of them are showing us something out there and it’s going to be hard to decide who is going to go home today, but that decision has to be made.” Campbell turned and blew his whistle. “And if this afternoon is going to be anything like yesterday, I would like to get started on deciding who is going and who gets another chance.”


Not letting anyone of his staff or the owner respond, Campbell turned his attention to the players that had ran up to them and took a knee. “Okay gentlemen that was a great day. I and the other coaches saw what we needed in order to make our decision. So why don’t you guys hit the showers, but the seven of you that are going out for the quarterback position please stick around after you’re done.” Campbell turned and asked Jerry to hold on before turning back to the players. “Go ahead and hit the showers. Manning please stick around for a few minutes.”


The others gave Manning a worried look as they headed off to the locker room. “Manning please come on over and talk with us for a minute.” Campbell waved Manning over to him and Jerry. He was a little worried, but didn’t show it. “Last night I spoke with the owner of the Colts and we ran into a hiccup with the contract you are in right now.”


“What kind of hiccup sir?” Manning looked and sounded surprised. “I spoke with my coach before coming down here and he assured me that I will have no problem getting out of the contract with them if you chose me to be your quarterback. Are they going back on their word?”


“No, no they’re not! But they have made a couple things very clear to us they want in order to release you from your contract. One of which that we pay the remaining amount on that contract, but that at this moment is the least of our worries. The biggest worry we have is your health. They finally gave us your medical records that are telling us a completely different story than you did.”


Both Jerry and Campbell waited for an explanation from Manning, but he didn’t say a word right away. He knew what he wanted to say, but couldn’t get his words to form out of his mouth, and he knew the delay spoke volumes. He didn’t lie, but the way he was being looked at by the two highest people in the organization it made him feel as if he had.


“Mr. Jones, Coach Campbell I never lied once about my health. Every injury and surgery I have ever had since I entered the NFL has been front page news. This last surgery was yes a big one and many would say I shouldn’t return to the game, but my doctors gave me the all clear. I feel good and I know I can still the play the game like I did when I first came out of college as long as I have a great front line there to give me time in the pocket.”


“That’s just it Peyton you don’t have that right now here with us.” Campbell spoke in a soothing voice. “You and the others are here because we don’t have a good front four or three right now and I don’t know when we will get there again. All I know right now is that I need a quarterback that can move around the pocket and take a hit without me worrying that when the pile is removed I won’t have to rush out there with a stretcher like I had to do last Sunday. Twice!”


“Don’t get me wrong sir, I understand where you’re coming from, but you don’t have to worry about that with me. If I see the line folding I will scramble and make play where there isn’t any plays to be made.” Peyton looked out to the field. “Evidence of me able to do that was seen here today on this field whenever I got the ball and had to make something out of nothing.”


“Mr. Manning, Coach Campbell and I want you on this team, but there is no way we can take that big of a chance you want us to take on you. One hit is all it will take to either permanently put you in a wheelchair or worse, end your life. There will be teams out there that will be willing to do that, but that isn’t this team. I’m sorry, but that is the truth.”


Manning looked down at the ground for a few seconds and then back up at Campbell. “So you are telling me I’m being cut!” Jerry was going to answer, but Campbell stopped him. “No I wouldn’t put it that way Peyton. I want to give you a chance to walk and say that this team wasn’t for you so your value doesn’t go down. You and I know that is what will happen if you leave me with no other choice than to cut you here today. So please don’t push me into a corner.”


“Don’t worry I won’t do that.” Peyton looked out to the field once again, but this time he stayed staring a lot longer than he did the first time he looked out. “You know you’re right, this team isn’t my cup of tea. I don’t fit in the way you have your offense set up. On top of that, if I stay here I will not get a contract that I want, nowhere near it.” Peyton finally turned and made eye contact with Jerry and Campbell. “I’m not a quitter, but I know when things are not right for me and this team isn’t right for me. Thank you for the opportunity you have given me, but I’m going to stay for now with the Colts until a team that fits my way of playing comes along.”


Neither Campbell nor Jerry said another word except for thanking Peyton for coming down and giving his all. They walked together back into the building chatting about how the rest of the season looks, but when they got to the locker doors, they stopped talking. When they walked into the locker room together, everyone looked up at them, but didn’t say a word. They all could tell by Peyton’s facial expression that he was no longer a candidate.


“Mr. Orton as soon as you are finished dressing I would like to see you in my office please.” Campbell broke the uncomfortable silence on the room before he and Jerry turned and walked back out. All the way to the conference room, Jerry kept asking his head coach why he wanted to speak with Orton, but didn’t get an answer from him.


“Because of the circus atmosphere we had here yesterday I will not be getting into another shouting match with any of you. I value your opinions, but I will never get back the hours I wasted yesterday and I will not do that again. So write down who you think should stay, should go and why. I will look at each of your opinions, but at the end I will make the final decision.” Coach Campbell turned to walk out the door, but remembered he hadn’t told his coaches what just happened. “Oh by the way Peyton Manning has decided to stay with the Colts, so he is no longer in the running. Also I will be cutting Orton in a few, so there is no need to include him on your list. But we still have to cut one more, so look at your notes and tell me who you think that person should be.”


The coaches just watched Campbell and Jerry walked out the conference room. They all thought they were going to pull another late one, but now they see that isn’t going to happen. Campbell had his fill of the bickering and wasn’t going to take another minute of them going back and forth on cutting the guy they all know he wants and is shooting for.


“Coach I don’t agree with you cutting Orton at this stage.” Jerry spoke up as he and Campbell walked into Campbell’s office. “He would be a good second or third string quarterback. A guy we can develop into the player we want and need. A player that I see taking over this team when Favre retires in a couple of years. No one else out there can do that, including Jason.”


“With all due respect sir my job is the one on the line here. If the wrong person is picked, the fans and the press will be calling for my head.” Campbell looked at Jerry as he took his seat behind his desk. “Yes they will be calling for your head as well, but they can’t fire the owner. But they sure in the hell can get you to fire me like you did my predecessors. I want this team to be my last stop in my long career in this game and there is no way I’m going to do anything foolish.”


“By letting Orton go you are doing just that. Favre by far is the front runner and if the money is right, he will be in a Dallas uniform for the next couple of years. That leaves who is going to back him up and take over when he leaves. As I just said the only person I see that can do that is Orton, not Jason who took too long to get his head into the game.”


Before Campbell could reply his secretary was on the intercom letting him know Orton was waiting to see him. Campbell asked her to send him in and then asked Jerry if he wanted to stick around, to which he said yes. He tried once more as they waited for Orton to sell his theory to Campbell about Orton, but he could see that his head coach wasn’t listening.


“Orton please come on in and take a seat!” Campbell pointed to the seats on the other side of his desk. “You know the owner, Jerry Jones?” Orton shook his head as he nervously sat down. “Well I don’t see any need to waste your time or mine. You know by our conversation earlier that you were supposed to go home yesterday, but Favre saved you. I was hoping after having that conversation that you were going to step it up out there on the field today, but you didn’t. In fact, you were actually worse than the day before.”


“Um, yes sir, but do you blame me.” Orton couldn’t get comfortable in his seat. He kept wiggling around. “Right before going out on the field you had just finished telling me that I was supposed to be cut yesterday. So I knew no matter how hard I tried out there today, I was going home. That is why I’m here anyway, right sir?”


“Even though you left a really bad taste in my mouth from the crap you were spilling, I had hoped you would give me something to hang my hat on to keep you, but you didn’t. So yes I did ask to see you to let you know that I’m cutting you. Mr. Jones here wants to keep you, but this is my team and I need the right personnel out there on the field. I’m afraid you’re not it.”


The evil chuckle of Orton’s returned. “And you think your little sissy boy Jason fits in on what you want to do here.” Jerry looked back and forth from Orton to Campbell with a confused looked on his face. He had no idea what was going on. “Let me tell you here and now he isn’t. Once everyone finds out about him, he will rip this team apart from the inside.”


“Well that is something for me to worry about, not you. And if you ever want to get somewhere in the NFL, I suggest you change the attitude of yours. No coach will take your shit.” Coach Campbell stood up. “Oh one more thing! Remember the last part of our conversation from this morning. I promise you I will follow through on it if you do anything to hurt this organization or any of the personnel that is part of it. That includes Jason and myself.”


Campbell had enough of Orton and his attitude, so he didn’t wait for a response. He gave him instructions of where to go and what to do as he escorted him out of his office. Once he was done giving Orton instructions how to get to the personnel office from here, he turned and walked back into his office. He knew he had another conversation to deal with that he was looking forward to.


“Coach I need to know what all that was about!” Jerry was no longer sweet and quiet. He was his normal self. “If someone is threatening this team in any way I need to know about it so I can get legal involved. If a current player on our team can harm our reputation in any way, I need to know about it so I can decide where to go with that player.”


“Reputation, what reputation?” Campbell chuckled as he sat back down. “Come on this team has been involved in so many scandals I don’t know where to even start.  From drugs to abuse of a spouse, this team has had a lot of scandals that you made clear to me you wanted me to clean up when you hired me. That is exactly what I’m doing by what I just did. I know for certain by keeping Orton on, we will be mixed up in so many scandals we will never see the light of day.”


Jerry didn’t say a word as he sat down. He just stared off into the distance, lost in his own thoughts of what was going on in his head coaches mind. A guy from the day he hired him he couldn’t figure out. However, he has one of the greatest minds when it comes to football and putting together a winning team. That alone is the reason he brought him on board and has put up with the things he has done like today going against his wishes.


“Your right when you said the fans and the press will be yelling and demanding your termination if things continue going the direction in which they are.” Jerry finally broke the silence. “I know when I say this it seems like an empty promise with my track record, but I mean it. No matter what happens I will not fire you. You have a contract with this club and I will not terminate it.”


Getting up from his seat, Jerry walked towards the door, but stop short of stepping out. “With that said Ross you getting an extension to that contract does depend on how you pull this team together. I truly believe Orton was the future of this team, but you are down here in the trenches, so you know best. I just hope you are not allowing your heart to get in the way with Jason. He is a good guy and did a good job last Sunday for us when he was called on, but he isn’t the future.”


Nothing else was said by either of the two men. Jerry walked out, leaving Campbell to his own, which he didn’t waste any time on asking his secretary to get the head coach of Jason’s former college team on the line for him. He didn’t have time to get his thoughts together when his secretary came over the intercom letting him know that Coach Richard Coleman was on line one.


“Good afternoon Coach Coleman, this is Ross Campbell of the Dallas Cowboys.” Coach Coleman returned the greeting. “I’m doing fine. Well to a point that is!” Campbell started to laugh. “I heard something that knocked me through a loop this morning and I was wondering if you could either confirm or deny what was told to me by one the players that is trying out for the team.”


“Let me guess it’s about Jason.” Not surprised that Coleman went there since he was Jason’s college coach and no one else’s, Campbell confirmed that Jason was the reason he called. “Look I can’t confirm or deny any rumor that you may or may not have heard about Jason. All I can say is that he is an excellent player and he will do whatever you ask of him. He will be an excellent addition to any team and you saw that in your last game. So if you don’t sign him as your quarterback there is no doubt in my mind he will get signed elsewhere and you will regret it.”


“Oh there is no doubt in my mind about that, no doubt. It’s just something was brought to my attention this morning and the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. You predecessor had his most successful two years of his career, winning two Rose Bowl games in a row before being released quietly in the middle of the night. You were brought onboard with an entire staff change and a few of your veteran players expelled from the school. Do you see where I’m going?”


“You are painting a very good picture that no one could get lost on where you are going. However, there is no way I can confirm anything you are about to ask. As you said a lot of changes were done in the dead quiet of the night and that was done for a reason, which has worked so far. I will not put my job in jeopardy to answer a question that you by law can’t ask the player.”


Coleman was right on all counts. Campbell can’t go up and ask Jason if what he was told by Orton was true because that would be breaking the law. So he had hoped on going around the system by asking his former coach the question he couldn’t ask the player. However, he didn’t think that he would run into the brick wall that he has ran into so quickly in the conversation.


“Okay I won’t put you in a position that could cause you to lose your job, but before I thank you for taking my call and letting you go, I have one more question you can answer.” Campbell barely heard Coleman say go ahead. “At the end of the football season in Jason’s junior year of college, the year that everything exploded, what happened at the Rose Bowl, or should I be clearer, after the Rose Bowl. Through the little research I have done so far and what I was told, something big happened, but it was all covered up by the schools involved.”


“I can’t comment on that either Ross! I wish I can, but I just can’t.” Campbell could hear in Coleman’s voice that he really wanted to, but there was something holding him back. “You have got far in your investigation so far and all I can say is keep digging. I promise you if you do you will uncover the truth on your own. But before I hang up I will tell you one thing that I really shouldn’t. Look for a recording that is out there. It tells the whole story of what is being covered up by this school in order to protect its football program.”


Campbell was more confused at the end of the call than he was at the beginning. The only thing he knew for certain was that he was going to get to the bottom of what he is calling the ‘Orton Gossip’ before the end of tryouts tomorrow. If any of what Orton said is true, it can put a rift in the team by the response he got from the few players that were there watching the tryouts.


Meanwhile back in the locker room Jason quickly changed into his street clothes and got out. He didn’t like how the guys were looking at him. They were actually even worse after Manning and Orton had been released than they were on the field with him and Favre was the worse. At least the others just mad dogged him, but Favre actually went up to Jason several times and put out verbally what the others were thinking, which Jason didn’t feel it was right.


Even though he felt that way, he didn’t feel it was worth getting to a fight with any of the guys. So he walked away being the first out of the locker room catching a cab back to the hotel. The entire cab ride back Jason tried to think of what he could do to get the others to like him, but nothing came to mind. No matter how hard he thought, he came up with nothing. So when he finally walked into his room, he was grateful for the friendly face that met him at the door.


It took only one glance for Thelma to see that her oldest friend was all stressed out. She didn’t need to ask what got him there because she knew. It was something at practice that got him in the mood he was in, but what exactly she wasn’t a hundred percent. The only thing she was for sure of is that he wasn’t cut from the team. That kind of news had a whole different facial expression.


“Jason come on over here and take a load off!” Thelma patted the cushion next her on the couch that she was sitting on. “You have had a hard day and by the look on your face there is a lot more to your day than just the second day of the tryouts. So why don’t you just sit down, put your feet up and when you are ready tell me what is weighing you down.”


Not needing to be asked twice, Jason walked over and sat next to Thelma. Little by little he slouched on the couch until he was half sitting and half laying. With both of his feet propped on the coffee table in front of him, he melted into the seat. For the first time since the beginning of the day he felt almost stress free, but the thoughts of his secret now out there kept popping in his mind, making him get all tensed up.


“To tell you the truth I really don’t know where to start Thelma.” Jason glanced over at Thelma who was looking at him with concern look on her face. “I mean it took me a while to warm up, but I think I did enough to get me over to tomorrow. At least that is what I’m assuming since I wasn’t called into Coach Campbell’s office that is. He could pull me aside before tryouts tomorrow and tell me to go back to special teams because of my bad performance.”


“That’s unlike you Jason.” Thelma reached over and took Jason’s left hand into hers. “In all the years you have played football, from high school to college, you never had a problem warming up. The field is your arena and you love being out there. The minute you get a football in your hand, you are ready without question. That means there is something else here that you are not telling me that has you are tied up in knots and you almost paid dearly for it with your dream.”


Jason knew he couldn’t lie to Thelma, not her. They have known each other all of their lives and because of that they can read each other. If either of them tried to lie or hold something back from the other, the other knew and took them to town on it. Knowing that, he knew there was no use on even trying to lie to her. He would be caught and then the conversation would go down a different road, a road that he doesn’t have the emotional strength to go down at that moment.


“I don’t know how they found out…” Jason stopped, made eye contact with Thelma as he chuckled. “I know how they found out that son-of-a-bitch.” Jason punched the cushion. “Why is he doing this to me? I mean he beat me out for the Heisman Trophy when he didn’t deserve it. He has been given the same opportunities I’ve been giving to start a career in the NFL. I have never said anything awful about him when there was a lot of awful shit I could spread around that is the truth. So why is he being an asshole to me, why dammit?”


Jason was about to jump up from the couch, but Thelma stopped him. “Okay, okay there is no need for me to ask who you are talking about because I know.” Thelma pulled Jason over to her before wrapping her arms around him. “That little shit is nowhere near you’re playing ability and should have never beaten you for that trophy. We all know why that happened, which is wrong, but that is neither here nor there anymore. He got it and should be happy, not causing you trouble now that you both are trying to kick start your careers in the NFL.”


“He doesn’t see it that way. By the way the guys were looking and treating me, I have lost all respect in their eyes. They don’t see me as an equal. They only see this gross faggot that they’d rather take out back and kick his ass than be in the same locker room. And you know to make matters worse, it’s only going to be a matter of time before the others on the team find out. When that happens life is going to be unbearable. It’s going to be college all over again if I’m lucky.”


“Before that happens Jason you get the hell out of there. I won’t go through that again.” Tears started to roll down Thelma’s face. “There is no doubt in my mind that your family and our friends won’t be able to go through that again either. We almost lost you because of that hatred and there is no way that’s going to happen again. If someone tries any shit like that again with you, I swear I’ll kill them myself. I mean it, I’ll take them apart piece by piece. There is no why they will get off with a slap on the hand like the last time.”


Anyone that knew Thelma knows once she got going there was no stopping her and Jason wasn’t about to try. He let her go on until she wore herself out, which helped him a lot. Seeing that he wasn’t the only one bothered by what had happened in the past and what could happen in the future was able to let him relax for the first time since Favre threw him through a loop in the morning.


Once Thelma came back from the edge, she and Jacob went out for dinner, dodging through the crowd as they left the hotel. Jason didn’t want any of the guys to see him. On the other side, Thelma did. She wanted Favre or any of the others to come up and say one negative thing to Jason. That is all she wanted was just one of them to come up say something negative so she could go to town on that person. However, she never got her wish since Jason stayed glued to her side, keeping her from even looking in the direction of Favre and the others.


The next morning when the alarm went off, Jason wasn’t as energetic as he was the previous days. He pulled himself out of bed after the second time the alarm went off, but he didn’t have a hop in his step when he got ready. However, he wasn’t about to be late for the third and final day of tryouts. Once he had everything he needed for the day, he headed out, bypassing the restaurant on the way.


When he reached the curb and yelled out for a Taxi, he heard one of the guys calling out for him, but he ignored him. Trying to play it off that he didn’t hear his name being called out, Jason slipped into the taxi not once looking in the direction the voice was coming from. Just as he thought he had got away with it, someone stopped him from closing the taxi door by putting his arm in.


“Didn’t you hear me calling for you?” Jason let go of the door, allowing Patrick Joyner to slide into the back of the taxi. “I was sure you heard me calling you when you stepped out of the hotel.” Jason just shrugged his shoulders. “Well if I was in your shoes I would probably wouldn’t want to talk to any of us either.” Patrick patted the taxi driver on the shoulder. “The Dallas Cowboys Training ground please.” The driver nodded his head as he put the car in drive and pulled out.


“Look I’m not like all the others. In fact I got into a huge fight with Brett and the others last night on the way they’ve been treating you.” Patrick started to chuckle. “And man let me tell you they didn’t take too kindly to me sticking up for you. In the end it was put to me I was either with them or with you, but couldn’t have it both ways. So I got up, walked out and haven’t said another word to those assholes since.”


Patrick turned and smiled at Jason, causing Jason to smile back. “I’m sorry that the guys treated you like that. I mean you shouldn’t have to go through what I’m going through because you chose not to listen to the rumors that were started.” Jason turned and looked out the window. “I really can’t figure out why Orton said what he said. I’ve been is nice to him all the time, and whenever we’re around each other he goes out of his way to be an ass.”


“It’s plain and simple, he’s jealous of you! Hell I’m jealous of your talent. You and I met on the battle field once each year and I dreaded that meeting every time after we first met. I knew there was no way of beating your team with you at the helm. So I knew we were going to be walking out of there with a big letter L.”


“Come on I’m not that good. Just like everyone else that…” Patrick jumped in. “Not that good! Not that good! You come on now, you are that damn good.” Patrick turned in his seat to face Jason face to face. “You are the only quarterback that I know that has the kind of winning record that you have. Not one losing game with you at the helm. I can go on and on, but I won’t because you know your record, but I will say this. No one will ever be able to break your records.”


“I doubt that Patrick. When I graduated there were a lot of good freshman quarterbacks about to become sophomore quarterbacks that have it in them to do just that, break my records. That is what they are there for and someone will do it one day.”


“Maybe, but not in our life time.” All of a sudden the facial expression on Patrick’s face changed from excited to anger, which got Jason worried. “And when they gave that dumb ass Orton your Heisman trophy, I was angry as hell and I wasn’t the only one. Everyone was as angry as I was when the announcement was made, or should I say stunned. You getting it was a sure bet and that jerk off got it. Once that happened, it went to his head.”


Jason agreed with him, but didn’t voice his agreement out loud. He tried to take the higher ground by saying the best player at the time won, but Patrick wasn’t hearing any of it and again he was right on every point he was making. In every area that they look at on, except one, Jason beat Orton hands down. However, it was that one area that tipped the scales in Orton’s favor.


“Let’s do this, stop talking about that damn trophy because as you can see I’m getting angry about the whole thing and I wasn’t the one robbed!” Jason agreed to move on. “I was wondering if you have given any thought of where each of us stand right now. I mean with Manning leaving yesterday, it threw everything I was thinking out the door. What about you?”


“To tell you the truth I really haven’t thought much about that. There has to be a logical reason why Manning left yesterday and we will never know what it is. Now with Orton being cut that wasn’t a big surprise to me.” For the first time Patrick heard Jason laughing. An emotion he thought he would never see come from Jason. “That guy will never become a starting quarterback with his attitude. You have to be a leader, not a divider.”


“That’s so true about that pompous ass. He’s full of himself and until he learns that the world doesn’t revolve around him, he won’t do much in the NFL. Now for me I think for now I will be lucky to get a backup quarterback position. No team will put me in as their starter.” Patrick chuckled, but Jason could tell it was a forced chuckle. “I just hope that I get one of the backup quarterback positions here in Dallas. There is no doubt that you are going to be the starter and you will help take this team to the Super Bowl this year. I just want to go along for the ride.”


This time when Patrick chuckled, it wasn’t forced. “We need to stop kidding ourselves. There is no way the Cowboys or any team for that matter will start me.” Jason spoke as they drove up to the Cowboys training facility. “Just like you I will be lucky if they sign me as a backup because these guys are not looking for a player as green as I am. They are looking for a player with experience under his belt and that player is Favre.”


“Sorry to jump into your conversation guys….” The taxi driver spoke for the first time as he put his taxi into park. “I, like so many others out there were watching the last time the Cowboys played. When their two quarterbacks went down and were scrambling to put a body in that slot, we all thought that was it. That game was lost and the season as well. Then you…” The taxi driver pointed at Jason as he and Patrick got out. “Walked on the field and stunned us all. If they choose that old man Favre over you, they deserve what is coming. You should be given a shot.”


“Thank you sir you don’t know how much that means hearing that from a fan.” Jason knelt down at the driver side door, fetching out a couple of twenties from his wallet. But when he tried to hand it the taxi driver, like before, he politely said no. “At least take a tip!” Not even that the taxi driver would take. “Well again thank you and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that at the end of this day I will be given the news that I want to hear.”


“We all want to hear.” The taxi driver laughed. “You will get the nod, I feel it my bones. So you boys just keep your heads up, blow Favre out of the water and what we all are hoping for will happen.” The taxi driver extended his hand, and Jason and Patrick shook it. “I have something that not too many taxi drivers have. A true story of what was going through the mind of the quarterback of the Cowboys the day he began his successful reign as their starter.”


The taxi driver smiled at Jason and Patrick as he drove away. Seeing the hope in that guys eyes of what the future of his team could be with him at the helm, put the bounce back into Jason’s step. All the way to the locker room, Patrick and him talked about what the day was going to present and traded secrets. However, when they stepped into the locker room they stopped talking.


Jason went over to his locker, and shortly after he started to suit out, Patrick joined him. Even though there wasn’t an open locker, he brought his stuff to sit alongside Jason. Not wanting any of Patrick’s stuff being dumped in the toilet, or worse, stolen. Jason offered his new friend to put his bag and everything else in his locker, which Patrick jumped at it.


The locker room was a lot livelier than the days before because the entire room was filled. The entire first string of the Cowboys were talking among themselves as they suited up to not only have their first day of practice since their last game, but to help the coaches decide which out of the remaining five will be the three they are going to keep. Not only keep, but their placements. The room went quiet when the coaches walked in one after the other.


“Good morning gentlemen!” Coach Campbell said as he looked around the room. When he got to Jason he was pleased to see he finally had a friend. “Welcome back and I hope you are all ready to get back to work.” Together everyone said yes. “Todays practice is going to be run a little differently. As you can see there are a few players in the locker room that you haven’t seen, or at least in a Cowboy’s uniform that is.” The room broke into laughter as they all looked over at Brett.


“Anyway, there are five players vying for the three open quarterback slots, but two of them will be going home today. One of those that will be staying will be our starter and the other two will back him up. You guys…” Campbell pointed to each player. “Are going to help us not only weed the field from five to three, but who is going to be our starter. So when we are out there running through plays, I want you to take it seriously. I want the defense to rip through the offense and go after the quarterback. If you get through, take the quarterback down. None of this red vest shit will be in effect today, is that understood?” All at once the defense answered yes.


“And my offensive line, do your thing. I want to see how each of these guys handle playing on a line like ours. Can they take advantage of the run game we have. Will they be able to read the defense and change the play in time at the line and execute it flawlessly? And a whole lot more we’ll be looking for.” This time all of the offensive players answered in the positive.


“Good, now let’s get out there and pick our quarterbacks!” Coach Campbell yelled as he stepped to the side knowing his team was going to be running directly at him. As soon as all of his players, including the five going out for the team had ran out of the locker room, he and his coaching staff followed them onto the field in a jog. When they reached the end of the tunnel, Jerry joined them.


“This is the day we are going to find out who is going to be our quarterback gentlemen!” Jerry asked them all, but was looking at Campbell. “Or should I say which of the remaining four are going to be chosen to fill the two remaining back up slots behind Favre.” That didn’t sit well with Campbell and Jerry saw it in his facial expression. “Hopefully all of you are thinking the same as I that Favre is for sure our starter and maybe Jason and another as his backup.”


“No sir I’m not thinking that.” Campbell fired back. “Favre isn’t my choice right now to be this team’s starter. There are a lot of things at play for me on that decision, but this is neither the place nor time to be discussing this.” Campbell nodded his head towards the field where the players were warming up. “We still have this entire day to look at the remaining five and decide who is going to stay, who is going to go and out of the three that are staying who is going to be the starter.”


Jerry wasn’t used to being spoken to in the manner Campbell was talking to him in. He didn’t want to be embarrassed any more than he already had been, and he didn’t want to embarrass his head coach, so he pulled Campbell off to the side. Campbell didn’t like that because what Jerry was going for actually backfired. His staff and anyone looking on knew exactly why Jerry is pulling him to the side. It wasn’t for a friendly chat. It was to make clear his place in the decision making and who at the end of the day has the final call on who is going to become a Cowboy.


“I let you cut Orton yesterday even when every fiber in my being wanted to stop you.” Jerry talked in a low voice, but in angry tone. “I didn’t agree with it, but I let it happen. When you came to me with Manning’s medical records, I backed your decision. But with Favre I will not. He is going to be our starter no matter who comes up on top here today. He has the experience we are not only looking for, but need. If I get him to sign on the dotted line, he is going to be this team’s leader.”


“The problem I have with your thinking is I don’t want a quitter.” Jerry looked at his head coach with confusion on his face. “On the first day he came to me to let me know he wanted to completely retire from the game. It was me that talked him into staying. Afterwards I regret that because his heart isn’t in the game anymore. If a player’s heart isn’t in the game, he might as well retire.”


“I didn’t know that. Why didn’t you come to me immediately with this when it happened?” When Campbell tried to answer, Jerry stopped him before he got two words out. “Never mind, forget what I just asked. He came back and is sticking it out. The guy is going to be the starter and that’s the end of it. Your job today is to figure out which of the remaining four is going to back him up that’s all. So make sure Favre doesn’t get hurt and as soon as practice is over, send him up to me.”


Campbell couldn’t believe how he was being forced to keep Favre at first, but then he remembered about all the warnings he got from his friends and people in the game. They all warned him how Jerry Jones loved to micromanage his team and that is why he couldn’t get a good head coach to sign on. Or his coaches to stay for that matter. However, he wasn’t about to rollover just yet and accept Jones’s decision. If it is the last thing he does as the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys, he will make sure the right person is in the slot of starting quarterback.


To be continued...



{Welcome one and all to a new chapter in the sage of ‘Praying for a Hail Mary’. Before I go into the summation of this chapter, let me get rid of all the legal mumble jumble I have to do by using real names of people in my story. This story is purely fictional and does not imply anything about the sexuality of the featured people. I also like to note that The Dallas Cowboys and any other team I write about in this story is a copyright and trademark of NFL and its affiliates.


Okay now you may not agree with me on this, but I believe this saga is getting some teeth now. In any new story, the first couple of chapters are the set up chapters for the story and yes they are a little boring. Now that this story is over that hump the action has begun, but before I get into that let me say one last thing. If you are looking for a story with a lot of sex, just like my others, you won’t find here. In fact, you won’t get any sex scenes for a while. Don’t know when I will write one in, but there will be at least a few more chapters without one.


Now with that said let me get back to why this corner is here, the summation of the chapter you just finished reading. From beginning to end it was filled with a lot of excitement and drama. Now for those Brett Favre fans out there please don’t get mad on how I have developed his character in this chapter. I don’t know the guy, never met the guy, but I’m sure he is a very nice fellow by what I have seen on T.V. He has been in the game for decades and deserves the respect that he earned on the field. With that said in my story he is not going to be such a nice guy.


Now we don’t really know what was being said in the Taxi ride to the Cowboys training center, but one thing is for sure, it wasn’t good by the way Favre was acting and Jason, looks up to the guy. I only hope when the tryouts are all over and done with Jason will walk away with the same respect he had for Favre. Only time will tell on that.


Manning, well what is there to really say. Again if you are a diehard football fan you would know the year I’m writing is the, 2011-2012 season, Manning had neck surgery and was recovering from it. In my story that has already happened and he has recovered. However, Campbell and Jerry were not going to put him in the squad. Not after what they had just been through. They were not going to put his life in danger, and I don’t blame them for that.


Now let’s talk about Orton. What can I really say about the young man except what an ass he turned out to be. With what we read in this chapter we should be happy he was cut on day two of the tryouts. This guy loves to cause trouble and he doesn’t care if what he says is true. Just as long as it gets him on top and others on the bottom.


He is an evil person to do what he did by trying to turn the coaching staff and the players against Jason with rumors. It looked like he succeeded with the majority of the players that are going for the open positions, but not the coaching staff. Coach Campbell stopped him from spreading it any further and then warned him to keep his mouth shut if he wanted a career in the NFL. Do you guys think Orton is going to do that, or cause trouble for Jason no matter where he is?


What is this recording that Coach Coleman, Jason’s college coach was talking about? Coleman wasn’t much help for Campbell, which got Campbell suspicious even more. Something happened to Jason in his junior year in college at the Rose Bowl, and it was bad. What do you guys think it is? Are we going to find out soon or is this going to go on for several chapters? There is so much we still don’t know about Jason, but we are finding out more about him in each chapter.


Thelma what can I say about her except that she has Jason’s back no matter what. I wish Jason would have let her go after Favre and the others. That would have been a fight I would have killed to see. There is no doubt in my mind that in the end, Thelma would have come out on top. Not because she is a woman, but because she seems to not take any shit from anyone.


Wow the ending! What can I say about that except it shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone that has read about the owner of the Dallas Cowboys? What I have read and has been reported about the guy is that he likes to micromanage as is written in this chapter. That is one of the reasons he can’t get a good coach to come on board to coach his team.


Anyway I went off of where I should have gone. Jerry put his foot down that he is not only going to sign Favre, but Favre is going to be the starting quarterback for his team. Campbell doesn’t like it, but what can he do? He has to listen to his boss. However, don’t think that is the end of it. Who knows maybe in the next chapter Campbell will challenge Jerry on that decision. Or just maybe Favre will hang himself. There are so many directions this plot line can go.


Well this summation wasn’t as short and sweet as my last ones, but a lot happened and I just couldn’t stop talking about it. I have big plans for this story, so come on back and keep reading this saga. You won’t regret it, I promise. And if I forgot anything in my summation that needed to be mentioned I know my Editor Trevor will pick up on it and write it in his editor’s corner below. Thanks again for giving this new story a chance.


There is going to be a lot developing in the chapters to come. Stick around and keep reading the future chapters, and enjoy! Please email me and let me know how I am doing at, Thanks! I have a home page for you to see what the characters look like or what the places look like. If you want to walk in their shoes, please go to:}




Well this story is beginning to get some juicy bits in it and poor Jason is the one who looks like copping the flak. I don’t care if he likes to or not but he’s got to use Thelma a lot more to put the hounds off the scent. She needs to be seen in public hanging off his arm so that the rumors Orton started are made to look non-starters.


I too have heard the rumors about Jerry Jones more or less running his team from the owner’s box and I can see some heated clashes between him and coach Campbell.


It was good to note at the end of the chapter that Jason found he had one friend in the shape of Patrick who we know isn’t gay being married with I believe a child as well. I hope he gets picked as third choice so that his friendship with Jason can develop (In a non-sexual way of course).


I have been scouring the media over the past few days to see if there are any real live gay players and while a couple of rumors turned up I did see quite a number of players who are on the side of equal rights and gay marriage. It could well be that Jason is not alone.


One point that comes to mind is, if Jerry Jones signs Favre as he has told Coach Campbell he is going to do. How will the fans react? We have already seen and heard from a couple of taxi drivers who have made it clear that if Jason is not number one on the team they will be unhappy and what about the fans who recognized Jason? Will they show their anger at Jason not being given the top job and stay away from the games as a result.


To make a profit Jones has to have bums on seats and will the fans tolerate his selection of Favre if it goes ahead?


Finally what is the story behind the tape which his former coach hinted at and I think Campbell made a mistake talking to the guys in the stand during the second day of tryouts because I’m sure they have put two and two together and come up with Jason.

Please let JPG know what you think about this story now that it is gathering momentum and becoming a lot more thrilling.






Posted: 06/21/13