Jacob Finding His Way
(© 2009-2010 by the author)
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Chapter 25
I was sound asleep wrapped around Joey when I was woken up with a sharp pain going up and down my lower back. It was so strong it woke me up. I looked over at the clock and saw it barely midnight.
I went for my pain pills and swallowed two of them. I thought it would take care of the pain. Boy was I wrong. The pain only got worse in my lower back and then it just jumped to my left side in front.
I just got out of bed as slowly and quietly as I could. I didn’t want to wake up Joey. At least one of us should be rested enough for school in the morning. I went into the bathroom as quickly as I could. As I was walking to the bathroom the pain shot down to my groin area. It was so bad I couldn’t stand it at all.
I went back to my night stand and grabbed my pain medicine and went back to the bathroom. As soon as I got to the bathroom I hit the floor by the toilet. I felt like I was going to vomit. I held it in; I surely didn’t want that to start.
I got back up and went to the sink and took another two pain pills. I just wanted the pain to go away. I didn’t care I was over my limit on pain pills.
I then had the urge to pee really badly. I went to the toilet and I couldn’t pee at all. All that came out was a couple of drops. What in the world is going on here? I thought to my self looking down at the toilet.
The pain just got worse. I doubled over because of the pain. I sat down on the toilet to see if that would make the pain go away. At first it did. The pain wasn’t completely gone, but I was able to stand the pain I had at the moment.
I got up to go back to bed thinking the pain meds kicked in. Once again I was wrong. The moment I started walking the pain shot back up my lower back and around to my side and groin. I didn’t know what was going on with me.
I sat back down on the toilet hoping that would settle the pain down. At first it did, but it started back up again. Then Joey walked in with a worried luck in his eyes. I was already crying because I couldn’t stand the pain anymore.
He came to my side to see what was wrong. I tried to explain what was going on. But the pain was getting even stronger. Then out of no where the vomiting started. I was lucky I was able to get up and turn around in time.
I kept vomiting until I had nothing left and then kept going after that. I think that was when Joey was so worried he went out called the guys. At first I didn’t know he called 911. All I knew was he came back in and covered me up with a blanket.
The next thing I knew David and Chase walked in just looking at what was before them. Me on the ground throwing up and crying in pain. Joey asked them to go downstairs and wait for the EMT’S. As the guy’s left Joey went back into the bedroom.
He returned and had clothes for me. I do not know what I would have done without my Joey being there for me. He actually dressed me while my head was in the toilet. It was no easy task for Joey at all.
Then the EMT’S showed up and was asking me so many questions I felt as if I was lost. I hoped I was answered the questions they asked me. All I wanted was the pain to go away.
Before I knew it, I was put on a stretcher and taken down the stairs. We went outside straight into the ambulance. I heard one of the EMT’S telling Joey where they were taking me and to meet me there.
As the ambulance took off with the sirens blaring the same thought was going through my head I told Joey. I thought the cancer was back. But this time it felt worse then before, just the pain was worse it seemed like.
When we arrived at the hospital I was pulled out of the ambulance right into the emergency room. As I was going down the hallway doctors and nurses surrounded the stretcher getting numbers and information from the EMT’S.
I was taken into a bay and asked to move to the bed. I was able to move myself around from one bed to another. I thought to myself if I was able to do that, it means I wasn’t that sick after all.
Finally a face I recognized walked in. He grabbed the chart and looked down at me.
“Jacob what in the world brings you back into this emergency room this morning?”
“Doctor I am in so much pain I cannot stand it any longer. Can you please give me something for the pain, please?” I sat there pleading with the doctor with tears rolling down my cheeks.
The pain was getting worse by the minute and I just couldn’t stop throwing up either. The weird thing was I had nothing left to throw up. Didn’t my body know that and if so why didn’t it stop telling my brain to throw up?
“Jacob we cannot give you any kind of pain medicine until we figure out what is going on with you. We need to get some blood tests right away and a couple of scans.”
“Doctor I cannot stop wanting to throw up at all. Please just do something for the pain and the throwing up!”
“I will work as fast as I can to find out what is going on!”
He started asking me question about how bad the pain is, where it was, how it started, and when it started. I answered all the questions the best I could. As soon as the doctor left, Joey and the guys walked in.
“Why are you still in pain and throwing up, Jake? Didn’t the doctor already see you?”
“Yes he has, but he doesn’t want to give me anything until he finds out what’s going on.”
I was in so much pain and dry heaving I didn’t even notice my mom walking in with my sister. Joey had called her the moment he got to the hospital. She had such a worried look on her face and it tore me up. My sister was crying but she was trying to keep me from seeing it. I felt bad for my mom and sister being dragged down here in the middle of the night.
Finally after being there for a while, Dr. Whitmore actually walked in. He looked like he just rolled out of bed and ran in here. He grabbed the chart and looked down at me.
“Jake my boy, what in the world is going on?”
“I don’t know Dr. Whitmore. I am in so much pain. Could you please give me something for this pain and throwing up?”
“Let me find your test results and see what they say before we do anything else.”
He walked out and returned a couple of minutes later. He had several papers with him he added to the clip board that was hanging on my bed. He left again and came back with a weird looking machine.
Dr. Whitmore pulled the machine up to me and plugged it in. While it booted up he lifted my shirt up. Rubbed some kind of jelly on my stomach and then put this device on me where he put the jelly.
He kept taking pictures of what ever he was looking at. Every so often he kept saying things to himself that no one could hear or understand.
“Jake, thank God this isn’t really anything to worry about. What I mean by that is the pain is bad. But it isn’t cancer at all. Your white blood count and red blood count are all over the place right now. That is what told me to look at your kidney. It was where the blood counts were at.
If your cancer had returned, the blood count would be a lot different then what the test told us. That is why I am thankful it isn’t cancer.”
As Dr. Whitmore was talking he had the nurse bring him two shots. One by one he put it in the IV that was going into my body.
“Jake your are passing kidney stones. They hurt like a bitch as you pass them.”
We all had a sigh of relief when he said that. The cancer didn’t return it was just kidney stones I was passing. I didn’t know what kidney stones were.
“Jake, the pain you are going through is as bad as the pain woman go through when they are in labor. Kidney stones can be caused by many things and we won’t know what caused yours until you pass them. Once you pass it we will send them in to get tested.”
“So how do I pass the stones Dr. Whitmore?”
“You will pee them out. So every time you go to the bathroom until you pass them you will need to strain you pee. I am so happy it is just this Jacob. When I got the call I was so worried my wife had to drive me here.
Jake, I worry so much about you. I don’t want any harm to come to you. More than likely the stone is caused by your eating habits. You need to start eating right as I have been telling you in last several of weeks.”
“I know Dr. Whitmore, I have been trying. We have even thought about hiring a maid to come in and clean the house as well cook for us three times a week.”
“You need to do something, Jake or next time it might not be as simple as this. I do not want that call Jake. Please take care of yourself!”
“Dr. Whitmore I will start to take more of a parenting roll with Jake for now on.” My mom said looking at me with those mothering eyes.
“Mom I do not want to move back home.”
“I am not saying I am going to make you move back home. I am saying that I will be stopping by your house a lot more often to make sure you are eating and taking care of yourself better. I will not take away your freedom, but I cannot worry about getting one of these calls again!”
“Right now, Ms. Hernandez, let’s not change a lot in Jake’s life. Yes, stop by his house and check in on him. That is a great plan but Jake, it is up to you to eat right and get better. No one else can do that job. Hire a maid if that is what is going to take. Just do something.
In the mean time, we will monitor you for another thirty or so minutes then release you to go home. The pain medicine I put in your IV will take care of the pain enough for you to take your regular pain meds in four hours. I will be writing to a script for medicine to control the vomiting. I gave you some in your IV, but once it wears off, well you know the story.”
“Thank you so much Dr. Whitmore. Thank you for everything!”
“Not a problem at all Jake. Like I said before, you are like a son to me. I want to make sure everything is right with you. Plus I am enjoying the free sideline seats I’ve been getting to watch your meets every Friday.” He chuckled as he was writing on the chart.
“I need to get back to my wife. Take care of yourself Jake. If you need anything you have all my numbers to get a hold of me.”
Dr. Whitmore came over and shook my hand. I was getting drowsy when Dr. Whitmore left. The pain medicine was kicking in. The next thing I knew I was being helped out of the bed into a wheel chair.
My mom followed us home to Joey’s and my house. As we were driving up to the house I just remembered she hasn’t seen the new house. We have invited her to come over, but she has been too tired to come.
David and Chase helped me out of the truck and into the house. The stairs looked too hard for me to climb so I decided to stay in the den.
Joey went up and grabbed some blankets and pillow from our room and came back down and covered me up. The last thing I remembered was Joey asking me to take some pills and I did. As I was dozing off to sleep Joey was taking off my shoes and putting the blanket over me.
When I woke up again feeling the pain starting to come back! I looked around for my pain medicine and didn’t find it. I looked and saw Joey asleep in the chair near the couch close by. I felt bad for keeping Joey and the guys up all morning long.
I got up as quietly as I could, but I woke Joey up. He looked over at me and stood up right away.
“What is wrong Jacob? Do you need something babe?”
“Yeah could you tell me where my pain medicine is?”
“Babe I have it right here! Are you in pain right now?”
“Not a lot of pain, but it is coming back. I do not want it to come back to the point I can’t take the pills and I have to go back to the hospital.”
“Don’t worry babe just sit back down and relax. Here is a cup of juice and your pain medicine and take this pill as well. It is to make sure you don’t start to vomit.”
I took both pills and soon I was asleep again. I know my body has gotten used to the pain medicine that it didn’t put me to sleep anymore. That means it is the other pill I am taking for the vomiting. That pill must be strong if it is knocking me out.
When I woke up again I had an urge to use the bathroom. I got up to use the bathroom, but this time Joey wasn’t sitting in the chair where he was before. As I was making my way to the bathroom David actually stopped me.
“Hey Jake it is good to see you awake and walking around. Are you going to use the bathroom?”
“That is a weird question to ask, and yes I am!”
“The only reason I am asking is that you need to strain your urine. The strainer is on top of the toilet for you to use.”
“Oh, sorry about the way I answered you David! I will make sure I use the strainer.”
When I went in to use the bathroom it felt like I was peeing razor blades. Man it hurt like all hell. To top it all off I was peeing blood in my urine. I then heard the planking sound hitting the strainer. After I was done I looked in the strainer and saw these weird looking black like rocks on the bottom of the strainer.
I dumped the rocks into this small plastic jar that was sitting on the toilet along with the strainer. I rinsed off the strainer and put it back on the toilet with the plastic jar.
I headed back to the couch and lay down. I felt dizzy and tired at the same time. The moment my head hit the pillow I went to sleep. When I woke up the next time, it was because of the food I smelled cooking. I was actually very hungry and my stomach was growling.
When I looked over I saw Joey still sitting in the chair as before. He looked at me and smiled. He got up and walked over to me and put his hands under the blanket. He grabbed a hold of my hands and held them.
“How are you feeling babe?”
“I am feeling a lot better than I was last night; that is for sure!”
“That is good to hear! Are you hungry? Do you think you could put something in your stomach right now?”
“I believe I can actually eat something right now!”
“Good; Tom is actually here and cooking us dinner. Boy, can that guy cook a meal. I am thinking about asking him to live here just to cook for us!”
We both laughed at what Joey said. It was funny to think of bringing Tom into the house to just use him to cook for us.
“Jacob do not ever give me a scare like you did last night. When ever you are in pain, please, wake me up, babe! I love you so much that when you hurt I hurt with you! I was so scared when I saw your face last night!” Joey implored me.
“I know. I was scared too, big time. I didn’t know what was going on with me. All I knew was I was sick at one time in my life and it was bad. I thought it returned again.”
“Never think that way again. Dr. Whitmore is a very good doctor and he took very good care of my babe. You will out live us all. This cancer will never return and get you again. You are too strong will for it to come back.”
“Thank you for being here for me, gorgeous! What would I ever do without you at my side? When you came into my life, I won the partner lottery when you agreed to spend the rest of my life with me!”
Joey leaned in to kiss me. I felt really bad because my breath
and mouth had to be bad. But Joey didn’t mind it at all. We kissed for a few
minutes. We broke the kiss when we heard the front door open.
Joey got up and went to look to see who was coming in. He had a puzzled look on his face. When he looked out into the hallway, I heard him greet my mom and sister.
“Hello Ms. Hernandez and Marie! Welcome and come on in. Jake is in the den resting!”
My mom and sister came in and gave me a kiss on my forehead. After we traded greetings my mom and sister sat down in the chairs in the den.
“How are you feeling Jake? Have you passed the stones yet son?”
“Yes I did pass some stones earlier this afternoon!”
“So how are you feeling right now Jake?”
“A lot better than I was feeling this morning in the hospital!”
“Good to hear son!”
We sat there talking for a few minutes then I decided to get up. I wanted to clean up before we sat down to eat. Joey helped me up the stairs to our room. I am able to walk on my own. Joey just wanted to make sure I didn’t fall or anything likes that.
When I got up the stairs I went to the bathroom. There was another strainer sitting on top of toilet up here as well. I grabbed it and put in front as I peed. This time when I did pee it didn’t hurt as bad as it did earlier. Plus I wasn’t peeing out blood. I wonder if the worst is over and behind me?
I took a quick shower and got dressed in clean running pants and shirt. When I got back down to the dining room the food was being placed on the table. David, Chase, Joey, my sister Marie and of course my mom and Tom were taking a seat at the table. This is really the first time we used this table and it was full of friends and family.
We sat around the table eating and talking about the night before. We started to joke around about it. We knew the worst was over and that we could tease about it now.
After dinner we all said goodbye to my mom and sister as they left for home. It felt really good on having them here and eating dinner as a family once again.
Soon after, Joey and I headed upstairs and got ready for the next day of school. We got our uniforms ready for inspection. It was an important day for us, because it was the DAI Inspection and we needed to be there.
Once we were done we headed back downstairs and joined the guys in the television room. They were watching a movie on the TV, so we joined them. David and Tom were sitting together on one of the couches. Chase actually has his girl friend over with him tonight. We met her a while back, but really haven’t seen much of her.
Joey and I took the other couch in front of the TV. Chase’s girlfriend, Linda is really the only one outside our group that has seen me and Joey together. She doesn’t seem to mind at all; in fact I think she likes it.
As always when we seat in front of the TV together, Joey would lean into my chest and stomach and rest his head. I always wrapped my arms around him intertwined our fingers together as we watched television.
It was getting late and Chase’s girlfriend had to get home. She had her own car so she drove home. Chase kissed her at the door as she left. They really do make a good couple together. I wonder if they went all the way yet. Well, that’s none of my business.
Joey and I headed back upstairs calling it a night. I took my medicine and curled up in bed with Joey. I love sleeping with Joey, he makes me feel secure.
We woke up the next morning right when the alarm went off. We both got and headed to the bathroom. I was able to sleep through the night. I felt a lot better this morning than I did yesterday.
We got ready and headed downstairs to eat breakfast. When we got down to the kitchen Tom was there. I figure he must have stayed the night with David. We grabbed a bowl of cereal and ate quickly.
David and Tom left together in Tom’s car while Chase came with Joey and me. When we arrived at school Linda was waiting for Chase at the entrance to the cafeteria. We dropped him off before we headed to park the truck.
As I was looking at Chase with Linda I thought they made a good couple. Chase has always liked her and wanted to date her since he registered for school here at Newman High. He never got the courage until recently to ask her out and she said yes.
I know it is getting more serious between him and Linda. She has been coming over at lot more recently and I know she has stayed several times at the house. Chase would sneak her out early in the morning each time. I need to remember to sit down and talk with Chase. I want him to know it is cool if Linda, or any girl, stays the night with him at the house.
I remember when Chase told me the main reason he had been kicked out of his house. Besides all the turmoil in the house at the time between his parents, the frustration of his parents landed on him in many ways. I never pressed for more detail from Chase when he was telling me what happened.
He put as simple as could be. He backed me and Joey up with his parents when they were telling him to end the friendship with us. They knew about Joey being gay and thought I may be as well. They didn’t want their son hanging with gay people in the fear they might turn their son gay. Stupid; I know, how can anyone think that to be true? Plus Chase was dating a beautiful young lady from school at the time. There was no way he was gay and he never looked down at me and Joey for being so. Instead, he has had our back so many times.
Well anyway, Joey and I got out of the truck and walked into the ROTC building. As with every uniform day, there was no surprise at finding all the offices sitting in the main classroom as we walked in. I walked over to Major Moore’s office. When I reached the office I found Major Moore already briefing the Battalion Staff.
“Jacob, I was told you were not going to be here today!” Major Moore said with surprise.
“Who ever gave you that bit of information misled you, Sir! I’d have to be tied up in the hospital to miss today of all days!” I said with enthusiasm.
Major Moore looked over at Loraine after he spoke. That fucking bitch really wants to take my position. She will stab me in the back as many times as it takes in order to do so. I just can’t understand why she doesn’t get it through her head that, even if I screw up enough to get removed from the position, she won’t get promoted.
“Ok then let me start over since I was given the wrong information.”
Major Moore went through the talking points that we needed to go over with the officers in the meeting. He made it clear what we needed to do. Before we left the office I spoke up to the Battalion Staff.
“Today is not the day we go out there and belittle our cadets. We can get our message across without the need of talking down to them. Most of us do not do that but there is one or two that still do.”
Everyone shook there heads in the positive except for Loraine. She knew, as well as everyone else, I was talking about her. So I continued to reinforce the point; “If I find or hear of anyone dealing with cadets in what I determine to be a less than positive manner, they will answer to me. Do I make myself crystal clear?” There was a resounding reply of “YES SIR” from the group, but I observed Loraine still being a hold out.
We walked out as the officers came up to attention. Major Moore, Sergeant Haney, even Fierro and the DAI were standing in the back. I asked them to take their seats to begin the meeting. As always I let the staff speaks first.
As always the staff was quick and to the point on the issues at hand. We have gotten better as the weeks gone by. And as always Loraine was herself. She couldn’t help herself but belittle the officers in front of each other. You do not point out the faults of a signal officer in front of the entire battalion of officers. But she did it anyways.
I finally stepped forward and stopped her.
“Major Luevano we will talk to each officer in question in private. Is there anything as you want to add to this meeting that is constructive?” I said, glaring at her letting her know I was totally pissed.
She looked at me stunned but said no and stood back with the others. When I stepped forward again I looked toward the back and saw that Major Moore and the others back there had a smile on their faces. I thought I was going to be in trouble, but it seemed I had done the right thing.
I spoke for a few minutes trying to undo the damage Loraine did with the officers. She completely ignored what I said in the office before we came out here. It was working and the room was getting lively once again.
I continued; “One last thing; as we are out there throughout the day, talk to any cadets that there you see. Pat them on the back and let them know there is nothing to worry about. If you see something wrong on their uniform, help them correct it before coming to their inspection.
I know Colonel May isn’t going to like this part. Sorry Colonel May.”
I looked back at him and he had a big smile on his face and he said; “Go ahead Lt. Col. Hernandez; tell them what you need to. Act as if I am not here!”
The classroom broke into laughter after that exchange of words.
I continued; “After first period gets through their inspection, talk to the other cadets out there. Tell them what is being asked in the inspection. And that goes on from period to period. Ok guys do we have that?”
They all yelled in agreement while pounding on the desks.
“Let’s go out there and kick butt in this inspection. Let’s show Colonel May that we are the best battalion he has in his brigade.”
They all jumped up clapping and yelling in support on what I said. Loraine excused the officers and headed to the outer office. I followed her to back. I called out to her:
“Major Luevano may I speak with you in Major Moore’s office please?”
She shook her head in the positive and headed into the office. Major Moore was in there with Sergeant Haney and Colonel May.
“Oh I thought I saw you leave with Colonel, Major Moore.”
“We did leave but came back because I needed to grab something. We won’t be in your way. Go ahead and deal with what you need to!”
Fierro walked in right when Major Moore finished speaking. He looked at me:
“Go ahead Colonel Hernandez take it away”
I looked at Loraine and then spoke up. This is one part of the position I do not like at all. “Major Luevano when we had our meeting in here I made it clear as we left that none of you were to speak down to our cadets in the meeting. I did it in a general way to not put anyone on the spot. Did you not understand what I had said earlier?”
“I did and I wasn’t talking down to any cadet. I was just letting them know what they are doing wrong and needed to be corrected” she responded apparently oblivious to her behavior being outside my order.
“Doing that is fine but there is a place and a time to do it. You never discipline a cadet in front of others. How would you feel if I had this talk with you in front of the Battalion Officers?” I asked, staring hard at her.
“I wouldn’t have like it all. As I didn’t like being under minded out there like you did.”
“Major Leuvano I had to stop you before you ripped the souls out of those officers. Further, you were in direct violation of my order. As of now on you are no longer allowed to speak in meetings. Until I have determined that you have learned the meaning of tact and how to apply it, Major.”
“Major Moore he isn’t allowed to do this. I am the Battalion Executive Officer. It is my right as such to be able to speak in the meetings.” Loraine whined.
“Major Luevano this is Lt. Colonel Hernandez’s Battalion. What he says goes without question. That is why I attend these talks when he has them. If I felt he over stepped his position I would have taken him aside and told him so. In this matter he has not.
He asked all of you not to do exactly what you did. You disobeyed an order. He could do a lot more than he is doing right now. If I was him, I would have gone further than just a slap on the wrist. I’d advise you to learn how to say “Yes, Sir” very convincingly at this point. The Lt. Colonel has it within his authority to make your life pretty miserable.
If that is all, you both have things to do before the inspection. Remember I need the Battalion Staff present in all classes today!”
We snapped to attention, said “YES, SIR” and were dismissed. I walked out and joined Joey for breakfast. He looked at me but he knew not to ask what had happened in the office. We started talking about what to expect during the inspection while we headed to grab us breakfast.
We found the guys and just sat there talking. I still noticed my stomach wasn’t ready to hold down heavy food. But I know I haft to eat in order to keep my strength up and not to loose any more weight. If I loose one pound, Dr. Whitmore is going to remove me from the track team!
It was time for me to return to the ROTC building. I left Joey in charge of the dressing room. This was something we put together for this years DAI inspection. We were able to get one of the large dressing rooms the school has.
If a cadet is seen without shined brass, shoes, wrong medals or ribbons, or just simply missing something from the uniform, they are sent to the dressing room. Inside the dressing room we left everything that is needed to make sure the cadets were ready.
I headed across the street for the inspection. When I walked in, the bell rang and the class started coming in. I sat in the back with the Battalion Staff. The Company Commander took out the Company to the lower parking lot, formed the Company and took attendance.
Attendance was done by the time Major Moore, Sergeant Haney, and Colonel May made their way to the lower parking lot. The Battalion Staff was formed off to the right of the of the Company formation. We were to be inspected first then the Company.
Colonel May came up as I brought the Battalion Staff to attention. Man, did he drill me in knowledge as if there was no tomorrow. As he was asking the questions, he looked my uniform up and down. From head to toe he was trying to find one thing wrong with my uniform. But the Colonel couldn’t find a flaw and gave up and moved on.
I felt good as I followed the Colonel when he inspected the Battalion Staff. I didn’t miss one question. I always prided myself as a book worm, but never a physical type of guy. Though this year I have been proving myself wrong on the physical front!
The Battalion Staff did very well in their inspection. No points were taken off in the knowledge area. The Sergeant Major had one of her ribbons flipped around. Too bad none of us caught that before the inspection.
As I went back to where I was standing, Major Moore told me I had to follow the DAI in the inspection. For the rest of the day I will be on the DAI’S right hand side and the Company Commander will be on his left hand side as he inspects the companies.
By the time lunch rolled around we were well ahead from the other schools that have already been inspected. Even Colonel May said throughout the morning, he couldn’t believe the difference in the Battalion this year compared to the years prior.
By the time the last bell rang Colonel May was in Major Moore’s office giving him a briefing. As soon as he finishes up with Major Moore, he is going to call us in to the office and let us know how we did.
It didn’t take long for Colonel May to call us in. As soon as we walked in Colonel May told us to stand at ease and started speaking.
“When I was here several weeks ago for the Brigade Promotion Board I stated to you that if the Battalion is as good as your Company D was that day, you were going to pass with flying colors. I left thinking there was no way you guys could get any better. I was wrong on that account.
I tried and tried to find things wrong with your cadets and I couldn’t. When I did gig one of your cadets, in all honesty, I wouldn’t have found the gig if I was not looking so hard for it. So, tell those cadets I am sorry for being so hard on them.
You guys did an excellent job here today and congratulations on your success.”
We started clapping in response to all Colonel May had said.
“The way I see it, Major Moore has the correct officers in leadership positions. The officers and non-coms alike are not afraid to lead and do what is needed to pass the inspection. Your Battalion Commander here, telling you all to help your cadets if you see something wrong and let them know what is expected is spot on. Although he was saying it as a joke this morning, still he did it right.
Good luck in the Drill and Rifle meets ahead of you. I will see you next semester for my inspection in Class A uniforms. I hope to be knocked off my feet as you did this time.”
He excused us after he finished the briefing on what he did see needed to be worked on. As always there is something that needs to be fixed. As we were leaving Colonel May asked me to stay behind.
The only ones in the office was me, Major Moore, Sergeant Haney, Col. Fierro, and Colonel May. I waited to see why he needed me to stay back.
“Jacob I need to talk to you about your XO. I have been talking to a lot of your cadets in this Battalion, and frankly they are terrified of her. They do not respect her at all. They’d as soon as run over her then help her up.
That is a problem Jacob that needs to be addressed. When I saw her disobeying your order this morning and talking the way she did to the officers. I see why the cadets are terrified of her. They simply don’t respect her as they do you.
What are you going to do about this, Lt. Colonel Hernandez?”
“Colonel May, there was a reason why she was promoted from the beginning. Don’t get me wrong with what I am about to say. The Battalion is more then one person. The drill teams, well all the teams, are more then one person. Any of us can be replaced if we simply do not obey the rules and regulations.
Although I do not agree with her way of doing certain things, I would like to have a chance to work with her and see if we can teach her tact. She plans to make the military her career. I’d like to try and see if we can train her here, the right way rather than brush her off and demote her.
She actually worked very hard to get where she is today. Some people, they forget where they came from. We all started out as privates and moved up the chain of command. We need to keep reminding her how she felt when she started.”
“Jacob I respect you as a person and a leader. You have faith in your people that are under you and I will leave the decision up to you and Major Moore. I have a bad taste in my mouth about her, so I cannot be totally objective. Good luck with this matter!”
Colonel May dismissed Fierro and me from the office. As I walked out Loraine was waiting in the large class room. She had a beaten look on her face.
I looked across the room and saw my gorgeous Joey standing there in his uniform that made me pop a boner. I am really hot for this guy all the time, but even more so when he is in his uniform.
“Jake when do I turn in my rank?” Loraine spoke in a very low voice.
I sat down next to her as did Fierro. “Loraine you are not making things easy for yourself. I will never take a rank from one of the cadets under my command unless it is really necessary. You have got to learn to use tact when you speak with the other cadets. Don’t scare them as you try to get what you want. Talk to them with respect and they will respect you and do as you ask.
I have never been on a drill team before. So I will not sit here and tell you that you are not commanding right in that area. You know if you are or are not. Bottom line Loraine; I am not going to take your rank from you. Also I will not allow you to hand it over to me. Just give it some thought and remember how it was when we were growing in the ranks.”
Loraine smiled at me and she actually hugged me. Then got up and headed over to the small classroom. I looked over to Fierro and shook his hand as I left.
I wanted to be with my Joey so bad I couldn’t hold it much longer. As I was getting my stuff together as Colonel May was leaving as well so my presence is no longer required.
Joey and I headed to his truck to go home. I was surprised I didn’t see Chase anywhere. Then I remembered him telling us he was going to be with Linda for the evening. He didn’t want to be around just in case the inspection didn’t go well.
On the way home I held onto Joey’s free hand. I caressed each finger, moving up and down his arm. I just loved the way his skin felt so soft but manly at the same time.
“Babe I have something to tell you and before you say anything hear me out please!” Joey said.
“Ok gorgeous let it rip and tell me what is on your mind!” I said not having a clue what was on Joey’s mind.
“I have come to respect your mother as my own. I do not agree with some of the things she has done, but I can move on from the past. She really loves you and wants to be part of your life. She works so hard to keep the money coming into the household.
I was speaking with Marie the other morning and she was telling me that your mom was thinking about moving again. The rent was going to be hiked up when she signs another six month lease.
What I was thinking about is to give her our old house. It is just sitting there and we haven’t even put it on the market yet. It will be a gift to her from us. What do you think about the idea babe?” Joey asked.
“Well, first of all the house is yours and it was left to you by your aunt and uncle. I love you so damn much, and I love you even more now, if that is possible, by offering the house to my mom. I just wouldn’t feel right in taking that from you.” I said thoughtfully.
“Come on babe, I have never paid you for my part of the house we live in now. I always said I was going to pay you my half through the proceeds I get from selling the house.” Joey pointed out.
“Joey, whatever is mine is yours, no matter what. I never, in my wildest thoughts separated our wealth or property. I just wish we could marry to make it all legal. But since we cannot, I am doing the next best thing to ensure you will always have access to OUR money and property” I said.
“I know that babe, and I have never thought you thought that way. I really want to do this for you. I really love you and your family is my family as well. I want to take care of them as you do. I know you want to get your mother a house. I overheard you talking to your grandfather about it over the phone.
Your grandfather has invested our money very smartly. It has given us great returns. Let me give back to my family as much as my family has given me!” Joey said, telling me thoughts and feelings he had that I was unaware of. I couldn’t believe Joey considered my family his. We have grown so close together in the last year or so, I really never gave it much thought.
“You know if we do this Joey, we will have to come out to them. I do not want to hide the love of my life from my family, Joey, and even more so now that you want to give them such a big gift from your heart.”
“You know I have no problem with coming out to them. I already did with my family. I was waiting for you to be ready babe!” Joey explained.
I leaned over to kiss Joey while we waited at the stop light. I couldn’t believe I caught this great guy. He is all mine, and no one else can claim him.
“Ok, they are coming over tonight for dinner. Let’s plan on telling them before dinner. There is going to be fire works, trust me!”
“No babe, let’s wait until after dinner to tell them.”
“I really do not want to do that. I might chicken out if I feel it isn’t the right time.”
“I won’t let you chicken out babe. I have leaned on you for so much and probably will lean on you all of our lives. Let me do this for you tonight. Lean on me for support for once babe.”
We drove up to the house and got out. I was surprised to see my mom’s car already parked in the driveway. I looked over and saw my car sitting there. I thought to myself we need to start using my car more often.
We walked into the house and found my mother already cooking in the kitchen. Marie was watching T.V. and trying to do her homework. Both Joey and I said hello and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek before going up to change.
All through dinner Marie was excited hearing about our day. Next semester she wants to join ROTC. This was her first year of high school. We rarely saw each other at school due to the year difference. She even had a different lunch period than Joey and I.
As soon as we cleaned off the table and did the dishes we asked my mom and sister to talk with us in the den. I kind of took longer washing the dishes then I normally would have. Joey had to pull me away from the kitchen.
When we walked in the den my heart was beating a mile a minute. I was sweating so bad, we could have slipped on the floor by the trail of sweat I was leaving behind. We sat down on separate chairs at first. I looked over at my mom and sister. My throat was dry as hell. Before I could get a word out, my mom spoke up first:
“Jake are you feeling well? Maybe you went back to school way to soon!”
Finally I was able to speak through my dry throat. “No mom, I am feeling alright. I need you two to promise me a couple of things.”
They just looked at me then over to Joey. Then back at me nodding their heads!
“First thing; you must allow me and Joey to finish what we have to tell you. Second thing; no matter if you should get angry or upset and want to leave, you cannot storm off; you have to hear it all.”
Once again they both shook their heads in the positive.
I was really nervous that my leg was actually shaking. My mind was in a loop of worries and I just couldn’t think straight. I just spoke what ever came to my mind. I didn’t even think about it.
“Ok then I had better start then. You guys know that Joey and I have been friends since our freshman year of high school. We have lived together now for well over a year. We have lived in either in this house or Joey’s old house in this time period.”
They just sat there quiet looking at me as I talked. I looked over at Joey and he was looking at me as well.
“Well, what I am about to say is very hard for me. I know how you speak and think about what I am. That is why it is hard on me to talk to you about this. I have known since I could remember; since I hit the age to notice these things…”
I just sat there rambling on and on about nothing. I couldn’t get the words out of my mouth. I know my mom isn’t going to take it well at all. When I looked at Joey and saw the expression that was on his face. That is when I got the final strength to say it.
“I am gay, mom and Maria; and I am in love with Joey and have been since we met. We have been going out……”
“What in the hell are you saying Jake! You made him like this didn’t you Joey? He was fine until he met you. He never would have run away like he did if he didn’t meet you. And now you have turned my son gay. Damn you to hell, Joey! I know now why your parents beat you and then abandoned you!” Gloria ranted.
I snapped to my feet, looking down at my mom and in my best command mode I said; “Mom you will NOT speak that way to him! He didn’t make me this way at. I was born this way!”
“No way in hell you got those genes from our blood line. We have no one in our family that is gay. No sir, this is all you fault Joey!” mom continued to rant in her ignorance.
I was still standing and my voice was no longer shaky. I was in defense mode; “Mom you need to stop blaming Joey for something he didn’t do. When I saw him for the first time out of our kitchen window, I was hooked. I love Joey and he loves me. We sleep in the same bed in this house and have been since we have lived together.
I wanted to tell you this because I love you and him so much. He considers you his family and wants to be part of this family.”
“No way will I allow him to be part of our family! Also Jacob Paul Hernandez if you do not leave him and this house, I will disown you as well! You will no longer be my son. I did not give birth to a gay son!” mom continued with her tirade of ignorance.
“Mom please stop this, Please….” My sister pleaded with my mom with tears rolling down her face. She was sobbing as my mother was talking.
“You have already run off Andy because he got caught up in the drugs. You didn’t even try to help him! Now, you want to disown Jacob for something he cannot control. We cannot control who we fall in love with, mom. You cannot tell me you didn’t already know they were together. I knew, even before he spoke up here tonight.
Don’t you see the love that is in their eyes for each other? I wish I could find a boyfriend that would love me half as much as those two love each other. Please mom, don’t be like this. Jake is your son, no matter what and you need to love him, no matter what. The same goes for Andy and me, no matter what faults we have.”
My sister sat there crying after she finished getting what was on her mind out. I loved my sister then more then ever. She stood up for me to our mom. I never knew that Marie figured me and Joey out.
My mom didn’t say a word for awhile. Joey just sat in her chair not moving an inch from where she was. We all just sat there in the quite.
“Ok Marie is right. I have seen and thought there has been something going on with you two. I kept pushing it to the back of my mind. Jake, I had so many high hopes for you in your life. Now your life is over before you can even begin.”
“Mom, my life isn’t over at all.” I got up and moved over to Joey and put my hand on his shoulder. “I have found the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. He wants to spend the rest of his life with me. The only thing this means is that it is going to be a harder road for us. We know that already and have had some hard knocks already. We have grown to accept what lies before us.
We love each other so much we cannot imagine living without each other” I concluded.
“I hear what you are saying Jake, and you are right. Times are changing and I need to change with the times. The reason we don’t know if there is any relative in our family that is gay it is because we are not open to it.
Joey, I’m sorry for what I said to you earlier. I have known you have loved my son since the first time he was in the hospital. He had a gleam in his eyes whenever you walked into the room. You never left Jake’s bedside even when we tried to get you to go home. Jake loves you so much I believe that is why he fought so hard to live.
I can say that with pure confidence because, when he was sick the second time and you weren’t there. Dr. Whitmore even said that Jake was giving up on life. He even asked where you were. He saw what I saw between you two. The connection of love and faith in each other that no one can take away.
Joey, I have said this once before to you. Now I can mean what I say. Welcome to the family Joey, my third son!”
Joey got up and went over to my mom and hugged her. He was already crying as I am. I really do not know if my mom really meant what she was saying to Joey. I hoped what I was hearing in her voice and seeing her body language was true. I dearly hoped she truly meant what she was saying at that moment.
When they finally let go of the hug I went up and hugged my mother. At the same time Joey was hugging Marie. Then we just all went into a big hug together. We broke the hug and sat back down.
Mom spoke again; “You guys need to give me time to get used to this. I promise I will and never say anything bad about you two. We also need to figure out a way to tell your grandfather, Jake. He already loves Joey as a grandson; I just don’t know how he will take this. He is more back dated in thought then I am” mom said with concern in her voice and on her face.
“We will figure out a way to tell him. We just don’t need to figure that out tonight mom. We will tell him in due course.” I said holding onto Joey’s hand.
We talked awhile but never went into details of our love life. I wanted my mother to get used to the idea of having a gay son before telling her any details. Also, I didn’t want to tell her about the gift Joey wants to give her. I just want to wait and see how she will react to what we have told her after she has had a chance to sleep on it.
We said our good byes. I hugged my sister so tight I think I heard a bone break. She actually stood up for me and because of that, my mom settled down and accepted who I love. She was just greatest sister at that moment.
As Marie and I got in my car to go home, I was still stunned with what my son told me. I never thought in my wildest dreams that Jacob was actually gay. I thought things I was seeing between him and Joey were weird for just friends. But I just wrote it off as them going through a lot in such a short period of time together.
My daughter wasn’t happy with me when I truly told Jacob what I thought. I don’t want to lose my daughter and my two sons at the same time. I just cannot live with my son being gay. How in the world did this happen to me? I need to talk to my dad and see what he thinks I need to do.
As soon as I got home, I went straight to my bedroom to call my dad. It was only eight in the evening when I picked up the phone. So I know he wasn’t asleep yet that early in the evening. I let the phone ring a couple of times thinking maybe he was asleep but as I was about to hang up my dad answered.
“Hello dad, how are you dong this evening?”
“I am doing fine Glorie! Is everything ok with Jacob?”
“Yes dad, everything is fine with Jake. In fact Marie and I had dinner with Jake and Joey this evening. I have a problem though, dad. I just do not know how to explain this to you!”
“Just spit it out Glorie and we can work it out together!” my dad said with encouragement.
“Well dad, like I said, Marie and I had dinner with Jacob and Joey this evening”
“How is my dear boy Joey doing? I have been meaning to talk to him for awhile now. He had called me earlier today but we were out” dad interjected.
“He is doing good dad. I wonder why he called you, not Jake. Never mind that for right now, dad. I need to talk to you about something important dad. Please let me say what I need to say and get your opinion in this matter!” I asked with respect, but trying to get the conversation focused on the problem.
“Ok then go ahead and talk Glorie, sorry for interrupting you!” dad said.
“Dad please don’t be mad with me before I tell you what is going on here. As I was saying Marie and I went over to eat dinner with Jacob and Joey this evening. Well, after dinner Jake asked to speak with us in his den. So we sat in the den and Jake was rambling on at first. I was able to tell what ever he was going to tell us wasn’t good.
Then he finally spit it out. He said that he is gay. He and Joey are in love and have been for several years now. They have been sleeping in the same bed for at least over a year now that I can figure. I don’t want to even think about the nights Joey stayed over when Jake was living here at home. I just do not know what to do, dad. I do not want a gay son with a boyfriend!” mom said getting it all out at once.
“Glorie that shouldn’t have been a big surprise to you when he finally got up the nerve to tell you that he was gay! That took a lot of guts for him to do that. I knew it the moment I met Joey and the way they looked at each other. They truly love one another because when they look at each other it is as if there isn’t anyone else on this earth when they are together.
To be honest with you, I do not know how they’ve kept it a secret this long from us. How did you react when they told you this evening?”
“I got mad dad and yelled at Jake and Joey. I blamed Joey for making Jake this way and told Jake I was going to disown him. I cannot believe I have a gay son. I didn’t bring him up this way dad” I said.
“It doesn’t matter how you bring up your kids. It isn’t in the up bringing. They are born either straight or gay. Even an old fart like me knows that. He is what was born to be. This is no different than his eye or hair color. To threaten to disown him because who he loves is wrong Glorie! I didn’t bring you or your sister up that way.
Let me make this clear to you Glorie. If you disown your son I won’t ever forgive you for that. I will not stop talking to you or to Jacob but, Glorie, family is everything. You can’t pick and choose when things are just the way you want them. You already lost one son and I do not know why. But in this situation, I know you have a choice. You need to come to grips with having a gay son and love him for just who and what he is. He is going to have a hard time as it is, being gay in this world. Then you are adding to it by not having his mother to fall back on when he needs her loving support!” dad said with total conviction in his voice.
“I know you are right Dad, I just cannot get it straight in my head!” I said with dismay.
“How did you leave it when you left Jake and Joey’s?”
“I told them what they wanted to hear. At least I think that is what they wanted to hear!”
“What do you mean Glorie? You said you yelled at them and blamed Joey for doing this to Jake and disowning him?” dad questioned.
“Yes I did say that, but Marie stepped in. She pretty much told me if I disown Jake I would lose her as a daughter too.” I explained.
“Marie is turning into a smart girl. Not in the part of threatening you. But in the part on understanding that this is Jake and it isn’t her brother’s fault for who he loves. She realizes no one has a choice in their feelings on this level” dad observed.
“Dad I understand what you and Marie are saying. At the same time neither of you are hearing me. I cannot have a gay son. It looks bad for me as a parent on bringing up a gay son into this world.” I said almost pleading.
“Glorie, you are the one that isn’t listening. Do not lose your son and daughter over this. Jake is a good and smart boy. I really believe, even with the road blocks before him, he will be going places in his life. He needs a supporting family behind him” dad said.
“I was planning on just not answering the phone when he calls. If he invites me over, I’d say I am too busy to go; basically, to distance myself from him slowly where he doesn’t notice it” I stated.
“Glorie that is wrong. Damn, you are not listening to me at all! He is your son and no matter what, you need to love him for who he is! A parent’s love must be unconditional” dad almost barked
There was silence on the line as my father’s words echoed in my head. I know he is right with everything he is telling me. I just don’t know why I cannot get my head around the idea of my son being gay when all the signs were there in front of me for years.
“Dad you are right and I need to learn to live with Jake being gay. He is my son and I will love him no matter what. It will take me time to get used to it, but I will do what it takes to keep my family together” I said but not with any enthusiasm.
“I hope you mean it Glorie. You had best not be telling me this because you think that is what I want to hear from you. I have to express my concern because you said you did just that with Jake and Joey earlier. I will tell you that doing what is right in this situation is the harder way to go, but it is the way that, once the hard part is behind you, will be incredibly rewarding. Look at the alternative; if you don’t do the right thing, you will pay a steep price in that you will destroy your family. If you do that, only you will be to blame ” dad said indicating he caught my ambivalence.
“I promise dad, I am not doing that to you. I do not want to lose all my kids over something I can control. I love you dad, and thank you for helping me see the light on this matter. Good night and I’ll talk to you over the weekend” I said being slightly more convincing.
“Good night Glorie and we love you too. Sleep well and don’t over-think this too much!”
I hung up with my dad and got ready for bed. I knew then I needed to figure away to love my son for whom he is. He is still my little Jake and I do really love him.
As soon as my mom and sister left I sat back down on the couch. I was still trembling from the talk I just had with my mom. Joey came over and sat next to me on the couch. He leaned into me and grabbed my arms. He placed them around his chest and started rubbing up and down them.
“Babe I am very proud of you. You did the most difficult thing with a lot of guts. I cannot love you anymore than I do tonight. Jake, I felt all of your love when you stood up to your mom!” Joey said in a low, soothing tone.
“No one talks down or at the ones I really love. My mom needs to learn you are now the biggest part of my life and will be until the end. But man, did you see her face when I finally got it out?” I asked, replaying the course of events in my mind.
“Yeah she looked shocked as hell. I think she was thinking what in the world is going on with my son?” Joey responded.
Both Joey and I started laughing at the scene tonight. The way my mom got mad and blamed Joey for making me gay and threatening to disown me. We just laughed as Chase and Linda walked into the television room.
“Hey guys what is so funny that getting you guys laughing so hard?” Chase asked as he and Linda sat on the other couch.
“Just what happened earlier with my mom and sister” I said
“What happened earlier that is so funny if you don’t mind me asking?”
“After dinner I took my mom and sister to the den and came out to them” I said in a matter-of-fact manner.
Chase’s eyes opened so wide I thought his eyeballs were going to pop out.
“That isn’t the funny part of the story. It was her response to me being gay. She tried to blame everyone and everything in the world before accepting I am gay and threatened to disown me.”
“No way she did that Jake? What happened next?” Chase asked wanting all the details.
“Well, she settled down after my sister told her to settle down and accept or you would lose her daughter as well. So she did and accepted that I am gay and Joey is my partner!” I said, giving him the short version.
“You don’t sound like you believe it” Chase said partly as a question.
“I know my mom pretty well. She never changes her stance on something as quickly as she did about accepting me being gay. Even with my sister stepping in on the subject!”
“Wow! I always miss the fireworks, man! I wanted to be here when you did come out to your family for support” Chase said.
“It was probably good that you weren’t here. She would have probably blamed you as well for me being gay!” I said with a slight chuckle to my voice.
“Still man, I wanted to have your back!” Chase said.
Linda looked over at Chase when he said that. She didn’t look happy with what he said. I thought Linda was cool with us being gay. By the look on Chase’s face he wasn’t happy with the way Linda was acting.
We were saved by the ring, the telephone that is. The phone started ringing so I got up to answer it. I was surprised to hear my grandfather’s voice on the other end.
“Hello Jake my boy, how are you feeling this evening?” Grandfather inquired.
“I am feeling a lot better than I was feeling yesterday. Still not able to eat a lot, but it will come in time grandpa” I reported giving out only half of what was on my mind.
“That is true Jake; do not rush it. Joey called me earlier and I was just returning the call. Is he around Jake?” grandpa asked.
“Yes grandpa he is right here. I know why he called you because we needed to speak with you about an important matter. Let Joey and I head to the study and talk with you there. I will be putting you on hold for just a minute. I am not hanging up on you!” I said.
“I understand Jake, go ahead and get to the study!” grandpa responded.
I grabbed Joey and told him it was my grandfather on the line returning our call from earlier. We excused ourselves from Chase and Linda. As we were walking to the study I heard Linda talking loud to Chase. She wasn’t happy at all with his comments about wanting to be here when I came out to my family. Chase wasn’t letting her tell him how to handle his friendship with me and Joey by the way he was answering her back.
We got to the study and put the phone on speaker.
“Hello grandpa are you there?”
“Yes Jake I am still here!”
“Ok grandpa I have Joey with me right now!”
“Hello Al how are you doing this evening?” Joey said greeting grandpa.
“I am doing well for an old guy, can’t complain for an old guy, my boy! How are you doing Joey? Are you keeping my grandson on the straight and narrow?” grandpa quipped.
“Yes Al I am trying my best. Jake doesn’t make the job easy!” Joey quipped right back.
We all laughed at what my grandfather and Joey was saying back and forth.
“Grandpa the reason we called you is to ask your advice on a money matter!”
“Jake you can ask me anything about money matters. Just let me say this to you. I am glad you won’t touch the original sum of money we won, but you are spending a little more then you should be, Jake!” grandpa admonished.
“I know grandpa I have been spending big chunks lately. I promise you I won’t be spending like that any more. I needed to buy the house and a car to get around in!”
“What about the truck you just bought Jake? Do you really need to have a new truck and new car at the same time?” grandpa asked.
“No I do not need to have a new truck and new car at the same time grandpa. The truck was a gift I bought for Joey for his birthday. I will not be spending like that anymore. Most of the money I am getting off of the investments will be put either in the bank or back into other investments.
You taught us when we were young to never get into debt. If you don’t have the money to buy it, and that means you don’t really need it. Also if you have money to buy things, doesn’t mean you need to spend it. I am living my life that way grandpa” I explained.
“That is good to hear Jake. I was surprised to see the big amounts going out of your account. I don’t want to be on your case about the money. Just don’t spend it on others for their friendship. If people are hanging around you guys because you have money, you don’t need them. Well anyways, keep thinking it that way and you will never go broke. Tell me why you called guys” grandpa said moving away from the money spending subject.
“Well Al, you know that my aunt and uncle left me their house. It is paid for and all. But Jake wanted a house he bought and could build a life in. What we were going to do at first with the house was sell it. The market isn’t that good right now to do that. Look at the good deal Jake was able to get on this house for just that reason” Joey said.
“That is true Jake got away with highway robbery when he bought the house!” grandpa agreed.
“That is true on that! Jake has a good sense on getting good deals. I saw the deal he got on his car. I could only imagine the deal he got on my truck.
Anyways I am getting off base here. I want to give the house to Jake’s mom and sister. That way they don’t have to worry about moving or the rent being hiked on them. It is just sitting there empty” Joey said, beginning to lay out the plan.
“That is a good thing you want to do Joey. I am proud of you and Jake on the way you guys are growing up. If I was in your shoes and want to do this, I would do it in several steps.
First you guys should never tell Glorie how much the house is worth. It is her house to live in and grow old in. Second you will keep your name on the deed along side of hers. It is to only protect her from bad people out there wanting to take advantage of a woman living alone with a teen age daughter. And finally make sure that she gets your permission before selling it.
I am not saying my daughter is a bad person, far from it. A gift this big needs to be protected on all sides. I know she won’t sell the house, but if she remarries that guy might want to take her for ride money wise.”
“I understand that Al completely! How do we get the ball rolling on this? The sooner the better for all parties concerned!”
“I will contact the lawyer’s office I used down there for Jakes law suit and my divorce from my fourth wife. They do everything when it comes to the law. They made a lot of money off of me when I divorced. They still owe me several favors.”
“That will be great, Al and thank you very much!”
“No, thank you, Joey, for what you are doing for my daughter. You are a true friend of my grandson. I consider you part of the family. I will call them first thing tomorrow morning and get the ball rolling on this matter!”
“Thank you grandpa for everything you have done for us! We do love you very much and miss you a lot. We hope to see you very soon!” I said.
“I love you guys too. Have a good night and take care of yourselves guys!” grandpa said concluding the call.
I hung up with my grandpa feeling good about things. Joey and I headed back to watch a little television before we head to bed. Chase and Linda were still watching TV so we joined them. They seemed to have settled whatever they were disagreeing about.
Around eleven Joey and I went up to bed. As we changed for bed I was fooling around with Joey. Holding onto him as he tried to get his Levis off and then his shirt. We fell in bed together fooling around.
I love Joey so much I know he is the one for me. We will grow old in this house together. We are leaving or solving many of the issues that are haunting us. I really believe the future before us is going to be a lot better than the past has been.
After talking with my dad, I knew he was right and I was wrong feeling what I was feeling about my son. Still I could not knock this feeling. I never did anything to Jake when he was growing up to make him gay.
I now know it is Joey that did this to him and I need to find away to fix this before it gets too far out of control. I will put on a happy face but at the same time I will be planting the seed of doubt and anger in Jacob to leave Joey.
That is the only way to save Jacob from this life of wrong. At the end, if it means paying Joey off to go away quietly, then we must. At this point I do not care if Jacob loses everything he has gotten while he has been with Joey. Just as long as Jacob is free from him and back to living the right way of life.
To be continued...
{Well guys Jacob finally came out to his mother and sister. At first his mom didn’t take it well at all. And it still looks like she still isn’t able to accept it. Will she come to terms with having a gay son or risk losing her son in long run? It also looks like finally Jacob’s and Joey’s life is looking up. Jacob is feeling very up beat about the way the future is looking right now. You just wonder with the luck Jacob and Joey have had in the past, will this happiness last? Jacob needs to come to terms and tell everyone he knows or cares about at least, that he is gay. In time it may happen. Right now Jacob can live a normal teenage life. No more courts or gang violence in his life. His health is doing well so far as no returning of the cancer. So there is a so much to answer in the chapters to come. Stick around and keep reading the future chapters, and enjoy! Please email me and let me know how I am doing at jpg@tickiestories.us, Thanks!}
[Well, Jacob, no real cliffhanger this time but Gloria sure is adding drama to the pot!
I get so angry with the way that parents and family can put up such hurtful resistance to finding out a boy (or girl) is gay. The rate of suicide amongst gay teens is still frightening.
If you know a gay person, regardless of age, that is dealing with the rejection of friends and/or family, don’t hesitate; step up and be a friend. One of the saddest common denominators in gay life is the loss of family bonds. I have seen it so often.
As gays, we have had to create our own family units for mutual support, love and caring, sex aside. Jacob and Joey have done just that with Chase, and Tom and David to a slightly lesser degree. Even with Tom and David, I sense that they are truly “family” in that they would step up in any situation where any of the others might be in distress. Even in our supposedly enlightened times, there is still so much ignorance and intolerance flowing in our society.
There is true power in a hug.
“Daddy” Rick]
Posted: 05/07/10