Jacob Finding His Way
(© 2009-2010 by the author)
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Chapter 12
As Major Moore was explaining to me what direction he wants to take the newsletter, it kind of hurt me. It was my idea. I told him about it, and at that time he gave no indication that he wanted a junior or senior to be the editor.
Who am I to say anything? If I want this newsletter to get off the ground I needed to fall in place with the senior instructor’s desires. I just hope whoever he does decide is to be the first editor, is the right person for the job.
I walked out of the building and headed to the parking lot where the Company was forming. I figured to just forget what just happened and get right back into the groove of things. As I approached the formation, Sergeant Haney stopped me.
“Jacob you should stay on the side lines for now. When you are one hundred percent, and both of us agree, you can start full time in class” the Sergeant said with concern.
“Sir, no disrespect, but I am ready now. The doctors released me with no limitations on my return to activities” I replied.
“I know Jacob! We just want to ensure you are, without a doubt, able to get back to drilling and everything” stating his decision leaving no doubt as to there being any room for further discussion.
Well, there’s another kick in the gut. What in the world is going on? I was ready to return to class and all that entails. But now, the Army Instructors are telling me I can't. I feel good, I’m not weak, and my doctor says I am ready, but Sergeant Haney and Major Moore are making me jump through hoops.
So I just sat there watching as the First Sergeant drilled the formation. We were getting ready for one of our major inspections of the year. It either renews our standing as an outstanding unit or downgrades us. I really have gotten used to wearing the gold star on the uniform. Austin High didn’t rank in the top two percent, either gold or blue star.
Finally the Company Commander called it. We marched back to the building in formation. Once inside, Major Moore spoke to us stressing the importance of the upcoming inspection. The bell rang and we headed out.
Joey noticed I was angry. At first he didn’t say I word to me. Then he decided to throw caution to the wind and ask away. “Jacob what’s wrong? I noticed you’re angry or hurting or something.”
“It is nothing Joey. I just don’t like to be told I am not ready for something when I know I am. Then, I get my pet project pulled away from me” I said in a dejected manner.
“The newspaper thing you were trying to put together before all this happened to you?” Joey asked.
“Yeah, but Major Moore feels the editor needs to be a junior or senior cadet. I think he is worried I am going to flake out or something” I responded.
“Just let it go Jacob. Don’t let these little things bother you” Joey said in a most supportive way.
At that point we met up with David. He started talking about other things he’d heard about. I was kind of happy he changed the subject. We reached sixth period class. The rest of the day was a total bore for me.
The bell rang and we headed out. Joey and I got into the unmarked police car and headed to my apartment. I think the day was rougher on me then I thought it would be. As soon as we walked in, I headed to my room and laid down to rest. Joey followed right behind me.
The next morning we did the same thing as the day before. I was grateful it was Friday. I was tossed into a bummer mood after ROTC class yesterday. The morning was going pretty good for a Friday. So far no homework has been given out.
By lunch time I was hungry. We grabbed our food and sat down. I went down on the food as if there was no tomorrow. I turned to David to ask him a question I have been meaning to ask.
“Hey David please forgive me on asking this questions. I was just wondering though. When we first met last year, you were already a sophomore. Now this year you are taking the same classes Joey and I are taking. I was just wondering why. Don’t get me wrong, I like having classes with your mug included” I inquired as diplomatically as I could.
“Don’t worry Jacob, I was wondering when you or Joey were going to ask the question. Last year I drowned myself in the hospital work and I started skipping classes. Then the classes I was going to, I wasn’t completing the assignments. So the end result is that I have to redo the semester again” David said with total candor.
“That sucks man, I am sorry. I was just wondering that’s all. That mug of yours is a mug anyone would like to see in their classes” I said with a cheesy grin.
We all started to laugh, and then went back to eating. The bell rang signaling the end of lunch. Off we went to start the afternoon classes.
As I was heading down the hall with David and Joey, I was pulled aside by the attendance clerk. “Jacob the principal needs to see you in his office right now” in a low voice.
“Do you know what for?” I asked.
“No, not really. He just asked me to find you; that’s all”, she replied.
“Yes ma’am, thank you.”
I headed over to the principal’s office. When I entered the office, I recognized the man that was standing in the waiting room. It was Mr. Sanchez, the District Attorney. I went up to the counter and let the secretary know I was here. She asked me to take a seat.
Right after the bell rang, the principal walked into the office. He looked over at me then at the District Attorney.
“Jacob, please come in to my office, son” the principal said in a somewhat ominous manner.
I got up and followed him to his office. On our way, he asked the District Attorney to join us. When we all got into the office, he shut the door behind us. Then he directed us to take a seat on the other side of his desk. “I am still waiting for someone else to join us, so be patient please” the principal stated.
A couple minutes later, there was a knock on the door. It opened, and the principal from Austin High School walked in. he headed to the back of the desk joining the principal from Newman High.
“I asked the principal from Austin to join us today. The reason we are all here is because what had happened at Austin High last year. The only reason I am involved is because Jacob is involved and is attending my school this year” the principal remarked.
“Before we begin, my name is Mr. Lopez, and I am the principal at Austin High School. Jacob it is good to see you up and around. You look in good shape. I also want to make sure we did get permission from Jacob’s parent for him to meet and talk with us today.”
“Yes we did, Ms. Hernandez has no problem with us talking to her son. She wanted me to tall you Jacob, to do whatever needs to be done” my principal reported.
“Ok then, with that let’s get started Mr. Sanchez” Mr. Lopez suggested.
“Thank you Mr. Lopez. Jacob we are together here today on the subject of the shooting that took place last year at Austin High School. As your mother has said, you need to give us what we need” the D.A. stated.
With anger and determination I said; “Well my mother may have said that, but she wasn’t in that field eight weeks ago. I was the one that almost died out there. You, Mr. Sanchez, promised me that I was going to be protected. Instead I was almost killed.
I did what you wanted me to do under the pretext that this was never going to go to court. If it did go to court, I would be protected and no one would know it was me who picked out the shooter.
So, I’m sorry if I don’t want to corporate with you, but I want to live. So you guys will need to go to court without me” I said leaving no room for discussion, or so I thought.
“Jacob as I told you before, we could force you to testify in court. You will have to take the stand and say what you saw.” The District Attorney said in a less than comforting tone.
I responded without hesitation; “In order for me to survive, in peace and without fear for my safety and life, I will say what I saw if you put me on the stand. What I saw that day was nothing. I walked out the building, I was shot right afterwards and I went down. That is all to the best of my recollection.”
“You know that isn’t true Jacob. We have the principal of Austin High and the officers that were there that day taking your statement as a witness. They will get on the stand and repeat what you said. We then can charge you for lying on the stand. You will then go to jail on a perjury charge” the District Attorney said in an attempt to be intimidating.
Totally unaffected by the D.A’s intimidation tactics, I responded; “You do what you feel what you need to do. I will say this City give promises to their citizens, and doesn’t carry them out. Everyone will know my name was leaked, and as a result, I was almost killed.”
“Your mother told you to give us what we need. We need you to testify, truthfully, in court about what you saw that day” The D.A. again tried to ply my cooperation.
“Mr. Sanchez, I am a minor. There is no one in this room is representing my rights as a minor. Instead I am being threatened with jail. Since my mother cannot make here to be with me, I want to have another to stand in for her” I said refusing to waver.
“Who would that be Jacob?” the D.A. asked with a bit of shock at being outmaneuvered by a minor.
“Dr. Whitmore, please. I will call him and ask him when he can come down and sit with me when you talk with me. Until then, this meeting is over” I said with conviction.
“Jacob, if you walk out of this office and not finish talking with us, I will pull the police detail off of you. You will have to defend yourself” the D.A. threatened.
“As well Jacob you will leave me with no other choice then to suspend you from classes until you decide to speak the truth” Principal Thomas stated.
“Mr. Sanchez, you do what you feel you need to do. Dr. Whitmore and others have already told me I have an iron clad case against the City and State of Texas. You will just add more to that case.
Mr. Thomas, if you choose to suspend me for no infraction of school policy, I will add you, along with Mr. Sanchez to the law suit as well”, I stated, again, with firmness of conviction.
I got up from my seat and headed out. When I turned to shut the door, each and every one of those faces in the room was stunned. They had no idea what just hit them. I shut the door and headed to class.
As I was half way down the hall, I heard Mr. Lopez calling me. I turned around and stopped. “Jacob what is going on with you? This isn’t you! This isn’t the Jacob that attended my school.”
“Mr. Lopez those guys in that office make a person this way. They belittle you and talk down to you. You always respected me; always. From the first time I was in your office, you believed me. These guys just threaten and belittle me” I said with no small amount of frustration.
“I understand what you are saying Jacob. You shouldn’t let them get the best of you. Don’t let them turn your soul to evil Jacob. You’re a kind and truthful guy” Mr. Lopez said encouragingly.
“I was that person until the day I was on the side of the building begging for my life. Mr. Lopez, have you ever had your life threatened? Knowing without a doubt you were going to die that day. Have you, sir?”
“No I have not!” Mr. Lopez said without hesitation.
“Mr. Lopez that day was even worse than the day in front of your school.” I started to tear up, I couldn’t believe I had to relive that moment of my life. I just wanted to forget all about it. “I was dragged off the side walk. Pushed to the ground with a gun pushed into my mouth. The only time the gun wasn’t in my mouth was when they were shooting me….” I started to cry at that moment. Mr. Lopez was just looking at me as I was telling him what happened.
“They shot one leg at a time. Then the guy that was sitting on me ordered one of the others to break my hands and fingers. As he was doing that, I was screaming for help and help never came. I was begging for my life, but they didn’t care. Instead they shot me once in each arm then the shoulder.
I kept crying out for help, begging for them to let me go. I promised them I wouldn’t say a word. They didn’t care at all. They pointed the gun to my head and pulled the trigger. The gun jammed. That pissed off that guy, so he took the butt of the gun and just started hitting me in the face with over and over and over and over again. Blood was flowing in my mouth. I was drowning in my own blood. Blood was flowing down my face, into my eyes where I couldn’t see a thing.
I kept begging the guy to stop, and he just laughed and kept hitting me. I begged and begged, crying out for help. Still, no one came. I started to black out, and that last thing I heard before I completely blacked out was the gun going off again.”
I was crying as I was talking, I sobbed. I couldn’t hold it in. I was so angry. And these people want me to put my life in their hands again, when they failed the first time?
“So when they can show me some respect and know where I am coming from, Mr. Lopez, then, and only then, will I even discuss testifying for them. Until then I want them to leave me alone. I just want to live a normal life and not wake up finding myself in the hospital again”
“Jacob I am sorry you went through that. You should get some kind of counseling….” Mr. Lopez was saying with deep concern.
I just started to walk off. I didn’t need to be told I needed to get help. I just wanted to forget what had happened to me and just live: That’s all.
“Jacob son, please don’t walk away from me. I want to help you Jacob. I will go back in there and tell them to leave you alone. Whenever you’re ready, if that happens, then you will talk to them” Mr. Lopez said in a supportive tone.
I turned to Mr. Lopez and shook my head in the positive. Then, I walked into the restroom to clean up.
I couldn’t believe the story Jacob was telling me. When I saw the tears rolling down his face as he was telling the story, I broke down right there. How could they expect Jacob to testify when he has demons of his own he needs to fight beforehand?
I walked back over to Mr. Thomas’ office. When I got there I walked in. They were still in the same spot they were at when I left. I looked over at Mr. Sanchez and spoke; “Mr. Sanchez you need to respect this kid, he has been through a lot….”
“Mr. Lopez let me stop you…..” the D.A. interrupted.
“Please let me finish then you can say your peace. The way I got Jacob to open up to me and the officers wasn’t by talking down to him. It was by respecting him and his rights.
Mr. Thomas, I am a guest here at your school. Whenever a student’s parents couldn’t come, I acted in place their parent to protect their best interests and rights. I did that the day Jacob gave his statement. I went in knowing that I didn’t want any of my students taken advantage of. You didn’t do that. Instead you threatened him. That isn’t right.
He is fighting his own demons. When I was talking to the kid, he broke down out in the hallway with students passing by. You can’t begin to imagine what he went through that day. How it felt. He thought he was going to die. He was yelling, screaming out in cries for help and no one came.
Let Jacob get through this first. Do whatever you guys want to do. If Dr. Whitmore can’t be available to act in Jacobs best interests; I will, if he allows it” I concluded.
“Well, Mr. Lopez we can’t wait forever. I cannot have officers guarding this kid for years. I will pull the detail off of him, and just wait on his time table” D.A. Sanchez said coldly.
I stepped toward D.A. Sanchez, looking him straight in the eyes and said; “You are not showing any good faith by doing that, but do what you think you need to do. Mr. Thomas you do know that, under the law, since the shooting and beating occurred here at your school, you can request officers present around the clock. It will cost the City more money; much more than leaving the detail on Jacob You need to think of all the students’ safety here since Jacob is back.”
“I can also suspend Jacob until this is all over. That would keep the student body safe as well and not cost the tax payers any money” Principal Thomas stated without any hint of caring.
A wry grin slipped onto my face as I said; “Trust me when I say this. It will cost the tax payers a whole lot if you do that. He will add you to the law suit along with Mr. Sanchez, here. Let me also state that I have no doubt that he will win the law suit. Then when the judgment comes down the cost will be high. Oh, and come to think of it, Mr. Thomas, do you have a proper liability insurance policy covering your professional life? I’d hate to think about the financial devastation that losing a law suit of this type would cause you and your family.”
It was quiet in the room for awhile. Each of us was looking at each other. I decided I needed to leave. “You guys do what you feel you need to do. I am just telling you what the best way is anytime you need to get cooperation on anything from Jacob. Thank you for having me Mr. Thomas.”
I walked out and headed to my car. Thinking these people are going to make the wrong moves, I know it.
I just sat in the rest room looking in the mirror. I couldn’t believe I broke down like that. I promised myself no one ever will do that to me again in my life anyone. I splashed water on my face and headed out to fourth period.
As I walked out of the restroom, Mr. Sanchez was walking down the hall. He called out for me to hold on. I stopped and waited for him.
“Jacob I have decided to pull the detail off of you. You can put that in your law suit if you want. As well I will be requesting your presence in court in three weeks time. I want you to tell the truth when you get on the witness stand.”
“Mr. Sanchez if you force me to testify in court, you will need to bring the officers and Mr. Lopez to court to rebut my testimony. I plan to testify as I said in the office earlier and that is it; nothing more and nothing less than that. Thank you for telling me that you are pulling the detail off. I need to head to class now.”
Sanchez added; “Don’t be surprised that Mr. Thomas suspends you from school Jacob.”
“Let him do what he thinks is best. In the mean time I do need to attend class” I said in a dismissive manner.
I walked off from Mr. Sanchez. At that moment the bell rang and the doors flew open. I waited until I saw Joey coming down the hall. When he caught up to me in the hall, we walked in silence to fifth period.
The normal roll call was done and we took our seats. Today was study day. We had to learn the names of our chain of command from Commander In Chief down to our squad leader. As the class wore on, each student was drilled on their knowledge.
About fifteen minutes before class was over, Major Moore came out to address the class;
“Class it is the time of year that we have our candy drive. This year will be a little different. You will be selling by orders. You have three weeks to get as many orders as you can. There will be prizes and awards given out for the top sellers.
Last year’s top seller is sitting in this class. He broke all fund raising records for an individual student. I believe he is the man to beat again this year.
Get out there and sell what you can. Remember this helps us with costs of uniforms, the parties we do, and events we go to. So please help out this program.”
He gave the booklets and order forms to the Company Commander and headed to his office. We were given each one, and explained how to fill out the order form.
The rest of the day was quiet. When school was out, I only had homework for one period. I was thankful for that. When Joey and I met outside, we noticed there wasn’t an officer there waiting for us. They were actually pulled. I turned to Joey and explained to him what had happened.
“Fuck them Jacob, who cares. We will walk to my house and my aunt or uncle will drive us to your house. Don’t worry about anything.”
“Thank you Joey!”
We walked to his aunt and uncle’s house. When we got there, they were surprised.
“We thought you guys were going to spend the weekend at your house, Jacob.”
“We are ma’am, just we ran in to a problem.”
“What is the matter you guys?”
“Aunty, the District Attorney is trying to force Jacob to testify in court. One of the ways he trying to get his point across is pulling the police detail from Jacob. So our ride to Jake’s house went with it. Could you please give us a ride to his house?”
“No need to ask, yes. Jump in the car boys” she responded without hesitation.
We headed out to the car and got in. All the way home we talked about what the District Attorney was doing. We drove up to my apartments. We said our goodbyes and headed in.
Shortly after we got home, my mom arrived. She was home early. I was surprised when she walked in and yelled for me to come up to the living room.
As I was walking out of the room, I told Joey to stay and ignore whatever he hears. My mom is angry so she will yell for a few minutes. When I got to the living room, I was right, she was upset.
“Jacob what the hell do you think you are doing? We do not have money to hire an attorney and sue the City and State of Texas as well the School District. I talked to Mr. Sanchez this afternoon and promised him that you will testify to what you saw to the fullest.”
“No I will not mom. I can….” I was cut off mid-sentence.
“You don’t talk back to me, Jacob. You will do as I say while you live under this roof. So you had better get it through your thick skull that you are testifying” Mom barked on the brink of rage.
“Mom with all due respect, no I am not. I want to live to see…..”
Before I knew it, she slapped me across my face. It hurt like hell.
“You will do it no questions asked. If you say another word about it, you will be grounded” she snapped back.
“Mom I am sorry, but I cannot testify. They will kill me if I do. I want to live. Please mom, understand where I am coming from.”
She walked to her room, and then returned with the belt in her hand.
“Jacob you are never too old to be punished or belted. You will do as I ask or you will be punished. I don’t want to hear any excuses you understand me?” she ranted on.
“I am sorry mom, but I…….”
I don’t want to hear that you are sorry. I want to hear that you are going to listen and do as I ask” she continued.
“No mom I just can…….”
She came around the chair, and started belting me. At first she was hitting me on my side then I turned. She started hitting me on my back. She hit me for a few minutes then stopped.
“Go to your room and tell Joey he has to go home. I will take him. You are grounded till further notice. By the time I get back from taking Joey, I want your television, radio, and video games in my room” she said still in a rage.
I headed to my room trembling from being belted. When I went in, Joey was sitting on my bed. I looked at him, with my eyes tearing up. As I spoke, I couldn’t get the words out without my voice breaking up.
“My mom wants you to go home. She will take you. I can’t have anybody over for a while. I am sorry Joey. Please forgive me.” I said with my voice shaking.
Joey got up and walked over to me, we hugged. While he embraced me, it hurt from the belting I had just gotten. He walked out without saying a word.
When I heard the front door shut. I unplugged my television, radio and speakers, and game systems. I carried them to my mother’s room and placed them in the corner. I walked back to my room and lay down.
When Jacob left, I just sat on his bed waiting for him to return. Then I heard his mother yelling at him. Each time he tried to explain, Gloria stopped him. Then I heard a slap, I knew Jacob got hit. I was getting angry, but I couldn’t do anything.
Then I heard his mother walk past the room and then back again. I heard yelling even louder at Jacob. Each time he tried to explain, she didn’t let him. Then I heard the hitting happening. I got up from the bed and went to the door. I wanted to go out there so bad, but Jacob asked me to stay in the room.
I went back and sat down on the bed again. Jacob walked in the room. I looked at him; I knew he was using every ounce of energy to hold back the tears. I don’t think he wanted me to see him crying.
When he spoke, I knew he was hurting. I couldn’t believe this, he just got out of the hospital and this happens. All I could think to do is hug him. Then I left.
On the ride home I didn’t say a word to Ms. Hernandez; I couldn’t even look at her. When we drove up to my driveway, I got out and walked to the front door of the house. When I walked in, my aunt and uncle were surprised at seeing me again.
I told them what had happened. They were just stunned on what they heard. We stood there in silence for a while, and then headed out to get dinner. We ate at McDonalds for dinner and went home.
When we walked through the door the phone was ringing. I went over and answered it. It was Marie on the other line.
“Joey this is Marie, Jake’s sister. Have you seen Jake since you left this afternoon?”
“No Marie I haven’t. He isn’t at home?” I asked in obvious surprise.
“No when my mom got home he was gone. She is worried about him. Please Joey if you know where he is, or he is with you, tell him to come home.” Marie pleaded.
“Marie he isn’t with me and I don’t know where he is. I do hope he is long gone though.”
“Why would you say that Joey?” Marie asked.
“When your mother got home, she beat Jacob for trying to protect his life and safety. That’s not right and you know that.” I stated with total conviction.
“She just hit him a couple of times for talking back to her, that’s all. Just tell Jacob to come home if you see or hear from him, goodbye!” and then the line went to dial tone.
She hung up the phone on me. I turned and told my aunt and uncle on what was happening. They were worried about Jacob.
Saturday rolled around I didn’t get a call from Jacob nor his sister or mother. I was getting worried now. When Sunday came, and still no call, I decided to call the house. Marie answered the phone and told me that he still hasn’t gotten home. They already called the police and reported him missing.
I woke up on Monday worrying about Jacob. Where in the world is he, I wondered? When I got to school and went down to eat breakfast, no Jacob. I told David that Jacob was missing, but I didn’t tell him what had happen before hand.
As the day wore on, I was getting more and more nervous about Jacob. Teachers and students were asking me where Jacob was and I couldn’t answer them. When I got to fifth period, Major Moore pulled me into the office.
“Joey, Jacob’s mom called the school very worried about him. She thinks you might know where he is. Do you know where he is son?”
“No Sir, I do not. Jacob’s mom is the one that made him run away.”
“I will not get into the way a parent deals with their child. We just want him back home safely. So if you hear anything or know anything let Ms. Hernandez know.”
“Yes Sir, I will.”
I walked out of the office angry as hell. Ms. Hernandez is playing the victim, and Jacob, once again, is being made out to be bad guy.
Weeks passed by, people stopped asking for Jacob. I think they wrote him off. Not me though, I was worried about him. I missed him so much. I just wanted him home, safe and sound; not being out there somewhere.
I heard Jake’s grandpa came into town and was pretty upset with his mother. She couldn’t explain why two of her kids had decided to run away. The biggest worry that is bothering his family and me is that Jacob doesn’t have his medicine.
He needs to take certain medicines throughout the day to stay healthy and fight off any bugs out there, plus his pain medication. When he left, he didn’t take any of his medicines. Even Dr. Whitmore got involved and is concerned about Jacob.
He told Ms. Hernandez if he doesn’t get back on the medicine within a week of coming off of it, he will catch colds, flu, and anything else out there really quickly. He has more of a chance to get sicker faster than anyone else.
We were all worried about Jacob. The bottom line I think is that he is afraid for his life. He thought if he stuck around, he would be killed. The district attorney and his mother were forcing him to testify.
The Friday of the third week Jacob was gone I was at home in my room. My aunt called me and said I had a visitor at the door. I got up in a hurry, I thought it was Jacob. When I got to the door, I was disappointed. It was Jacobs’s grandfather at the door.
I invited him in and offered him a drink. We sat down in the living room. Poor guy, he looked worn out, tried. He started to speak. “So, you’re the young man I have heard so much about. It feels as if I already know you. Is it ok if I call you Joey?”
“Yes sir, it’s perfectly ok.”
“Please call me Al. I need to talk with you about Jacob. I am very worried about him. I know I have spoken with you about this over the phone, but I need your help. Have you heard from Jacob? Either on the phone, in person, by mail, in any way he contacts you. Please Joey I won’t be mad, just let me know.”
“No sir I have not heard from him at all; not a single word. I am very worried about him.”
“Why do you think he took off? He of all of my grandchildren I would think would have stayed with his mother. He is the good one, Joey” Al said with deep concern and I could hear the confusion in his voice.
“Al, it isn’t my place to say why he might have taken off.”
“Please Joey tell me, I am asking” Al implored.
“The last day I saw him, he was very upset. First the District Attorney visited him at the school and threatened Jacob. He was going to force him to testify in court He really didn’t care what harm came to Jake. Also, the principal threatened to suspend him if he didn’t testify. By the end of school that day, the District Attorney had actually pulled the protective detail away from Jake.
Then when we got to his apartment his mother was very angry with him. She told him that he had no choice but to testify. When he tried to explain why he didn’t want to, she wouldn’t hear of it. She disciplined him instead and brought me home. The next thing I knew, I was getting a call from Marie asking me if I seen or heard from Jacob.
I sighed in resignation, knowing I had to do what is right and lay it all out; Al, he is scared for his life. He doesn’t know who he can trust or go to. Everyone he has trusted, in his eyes, is trying to force him to do something he believes will cost him his life. He almost died, and couldn’t live with fear for his safety and those around him if he does testify!” I blurted out.
“Joey I am sorry this is going on, more so about what happened that day. My daughter should have seen the fear in her son. She has so much going on; trying to keep the house together with just her income and the pressures bringing up three kids. I know it isn’t an excuse, but she is going through a hard time right now.
I just want my grandson back. He doesn’t have his medicine and he really isn’t fully healthy yet to be out there like this” Al concluded.
“I know Al. I agree with you on that” I said nodding my head in agreement.
“I spoke with Dr. Whitmore and he told me about a law suit he recommended to Jacob and my daughter. What do you think about that Joey?” Al inquired.
“I think if Jacob’s mother had the money, she should sue the hell out of the City and that scum bag D.A. They promised two things to Jacob. First, that his name would never be found out and the case wouldn’t go to court. And second, if it did get to court, they will ensure his protection. On both counts they failed totally. Now the School District needs to be added to the law suit as well” I told Al in a very matter-of-fact way.
“I agree with you on all of that. I have stopped in and talked to a few attorneys. My daughter may not have the money to sue, but I do. The attorneys agree we have a very good case, even a stronger one when they pulled the protection off of my grandson after the fact. So I am really thinking about going ahead with the law suit. I will be adding the School District to it as well. The suit will also name the D.A. and Principal Thomas. Both of them really left themselves wide open” Al mused.
“Someone needs to slap this City awake and some people in authority who have forgotten their responsibilities. You cannot force or threaten law abiding citizens. It’s just not right” I stated.
“Joey, thank you for giving me some of your time today. Please, if you do hear from Jacob, will you let me know? I will be staying in town until he comes home; and also to see the law suit through” Al said with gratitude in his voice.
“Yes sir. I will let you know if I do hear anything about Jacob” I promised.
“Thank you again, please call me any time, even if it is only to talk!” Al added as he got up and left. I was worried about Jacob even more now. No one has heard about him for now three weeks. Not a peep and that isn’t good at all.
I stopped hanging around with Joey. He was continually bumming me out. He was always talking about Jacob and worried about him. I was just getting tired of hearing that. Don’t get me wrong, I was worried as well, but I won’t let it consume my day.
Ralph and the guys told me about this party after the game today. I figured why not go. I have not been to a party in a while. They teased me, saying there is enough pussy to go around. Then they slap me on the back and say, 'and for you, enough dick!'
After the game, we went to one of the football player’s house. I didn’t know whose house it was. It was just like any party given by jocks. It was loud and enough beer to get everyone drunk two times over.
When I walked in, Ralph and the guys headed off to their own world. As soon as we got there, they already had a girl around their arms. I went and grabbed a beer from the kitchen. I wasn’t much of a drinker. Most likely I would nurse this one beer the entire night.
When I walked into the kitchen, there was the quarterback standing there with a couple of his linemen. Man was he hot! He stood around six two maybe six three, and looks to be like one hundred and eighty pounds of pure, cut muscle. Short black hair, the most beautiful brown eyes you can imagine rounded out the sexy package. He was wearing a t-shirt that fit him just right showing off his chest in the right light, a pair of cargo pants that fit him just right, and sneakers. He was one I’d always wanted to screw if I had even half a chance.
As I was looking at him, he looked over at me. I instantly looked away. I didn’t want to be caught looking at this guy. I walked out of the kitchen to the back yard where most of the people were at.
As the night wore on; I was hit on by several girls. I needed to use the restroom, so I headed back in. When I went through the kitchen, Tom, the quarterback, was still talking with his linemen. It looked like they hadn’t even moved an inch. I headed over to the restroom. I lucked out; there wasn’t a line. I went in, took a leak and then cleaned up. When I headed back to the back yard, I ran right into Tom.
I looked at him, and he winked at me. I blushed each and every shade of red. Then I thought that I saw it wrong. I know I have seen Tom with a girl on each arm. He had the pick of the crop at school. The women fought over him. So I just went back to the backyard and hung out there for a while.
As I was sitting there, I felt someone standing behind me. I looked around and there was Tom just looking out to the back yard. Man was this guy cute, I couldn’t hold down my excitement.
Tom sat next to me and started talking; “Hey man I haven’t seen you at too many parties this year. I am glad to see you came to this one.”
“Thanks, I didn’t even know you noticed me at these parties” I responded.
“Who could miss you at these things?” Tom laughed and jabbed me on the shoulder. “So what do you think about the team this year?”
“Not to sound mean or anything, but you guys suck. We have only won one game this year” I said not sure what the reaction to my candid reply might be.
“I know we do suck. That makes me lucky though!” Tom responded seemingly agreeing with my assessment.
“How does that make you lucky Tom?” I asked.
“Well I still have two more years after this year. Two more seasons to try and get it right” Tom said with a grin.
“I didn’t know you were a sophomore at the school” I remarked.
“What, you thought I was a senior already?” Tom said more as a statement than a question.
“Well, yeah, to be truthful with you. You are always hanging with the senior football players” I said, stating what I have observed.
“Those are the only guys I know. I really have no choice about it.” Tom replied.
We both laughed and just looked out to the yard watching everyone doing their hook ups. The way Tom was talking I knew he was drunk already. He slurred his words a lot. Then, he just got up and walked off.
I sat there a while longer, and then decided to call it a night. When I got up, I was heading out. I decided to use the restroom before I took off. When I came out, Tom was standing there.
“Hey David, you aren’t leaving are you?” Tom asked as he leaned against the wall for support.
“Yeah I figured I was just sitting there. I could do that at home” I said.
“Come with me to Angel’s room where we could talk in private” he said
I followed Tom to the room. When we got into the room, it was a typical jock’s room. Football gear scattered all over the room, posters of players hanging on the wall from different sports. It was just a typical jock’s room.
Tom sat down on the bed and motioned for me to sit next to him. I went on over to the bed and sat next to him.
“I know David you are open at school about your sexual likes” Tom stated.
“Yeah I am not afraid to say I like guys” I said mirroring his candor.
“Well for me, I think that’s cool. It takes a lot of guts to do that here in high school” Tom stated in honest respect.
I responded; “Not really. As long as you line yourself up with the right friends, you can pretty much live your life the way you want.”
Tom moved a little closer to me. I was surprised to say the least. I never would have thought he was like me. He then put his hand on my face and moved my face to face his. He leaned in and started to kiss me. I opened my mouth and before I knew it we were French kissing. He was a great kisser.
As we were kissing we laid back onto the bed. We started to feel each other up. Man I thought to myself, this guy is hot and he wants me. I was able to get my hand under his shirt. He had a smoothed chest and stomach, I could feel his six pack then his pecs. He was well defined, I just got harder then I have ever been.
We took each others’ shirt off. While he was struggling with my shirt, I moved down to his pants. I unzipped his zipper, and put my hand down his pants. He was wearing some kind of boxer briefs. I started to rub his dick through his underwear. He was hard already, but now he was leaking pre-cum.
I unbuttoned his cargo pants and pulled them off along with his boxer briefs. His dick jumped right out and hit his stomach. This guy had to be at least eight and half if not nine. I went down on him, sucking him. He grabbed onto my hair and pushing down on his dick.
“I have never had a girl deep throat me like that, never. Man are you awesome David.”
I went down further on his dick until I had the entire dick in my mouth. He was moaning so loud, I knew I was giving him the thrill I was aiming for. When I came back up, I licked down his dick to his balls. I started to suck on each ball. Tom was flipping and flopping on the bed like a fish out of water.
I got up and pulled off my pants and shoes. Grabbed my wallet and pulled out the condom. Tom looked up at me with a fog look on his face. His dick was still hard as a rock sticking straight up in the air.
I took the condom out of its wrapper, and took it and placed it on his dick. I then took out the packet of jell I carried in case I got lucky. I opened it up; spread some on Tom’s dick, then on my ass. Tom was just laying there and letting me call the shots.
I got up on top of the bed and slowly made my way down toward his dick. When I felt his head of his dick at the entrance of my butt hole, it felt awesome. Slowly I went down on him, slowly his dick slid in until I was sitting on top of his belly. Then I started to go up and down, at first slow, and then I gained speed. I heard nothing but moans coming from Tom, I knew he was gone.
“Man you are fuckn’ tight, I can’t believe this. Slow down or I am going to cum David, slow down man. Fuck, you are you damn tight” Tom was almost chanting.
I slowed down and let him come down from the edge. Before I knew it, Tom flipped me over on all fours on the bed, and he started to fuck me. He leaned forward kissing up and down my back. He grabbed my face and started kissing me. He was moaning the entire time.
Tom picked up the speed and was now fucking me really hard. He grabbed onto my hair and kept riding me.
“Damn man, you feel so damn good. You are so hot David I can’t believe how tight you are. I have wanted to do this for a long time. Man you’re hot. I am going to cum man; I am going cuuuuuu…….” Tom said sounding a million miles away.
Tom exploded in my butt. I felt each shot as it was shooting out as his dick pulsed. As he was shooting, I squeezed my cheeks together. He yelled out, and then fell on my back still shooting. This guy is so fuckin’ hot!
We stood like that for a while until Toms dick slipped out of my butt. His breathing came down, and then he rolled off of me. I then rolled onto my back. My dick was still hard as a rock as I lay next to Tom.
Tom looked down at my dick, and licked his lips. He went down onto his knees and started going down on me. At first his teeth were scraping alongside my dick. I knew I was his first. I leaned and whispered to him how to do it without the teeth in the way.
Before I knew it, I was yelling I was going to cum. Tom took his mouth off and started jerking me off. I exploded all over the place. Once I was done, Tom got up and sat down on the bed next to me.
“David that was awesome! I loved being with you” Tom said, still somewhat out of breath.
“I loved being with you as well Tom!” I replied.
With some concern in his voice, Tom asked; “I need you to do me a favor. Do not tell anyone that I like guys please. I really like you David, and if we could keep this on the down low, I would like to keep seeing you. Not just in the screwing sense either. I mean really seeing you. It needs to be on the down low though.”
I assured Tom; “I promise I won’t say I word to anyone. I want to see you as well. You are very hot! Every girl in the school is fighting over you.”
We both laughed and just sat there for a little longer. We then got up and washed ourselves off with the towel Tom got from the restroom. We got dressed and started to kiss each other. I went over to the window and opened it. I looked out to see if anyone was out there. There wasn’t, so I gave Tom one more kiss. Then I went out the window.
As in was walking home, I had this big, bold grin on my face. I actually had sex with Tom, the guy every girl wanted. I was in heaven. Then to top it all off, he was mine. We are going to start dating.
Monday rolled around and it was back to school. When I walked into the cafeteria for breakfast, David and the guys were sitting at the table already. I headed over and sat down. I noticed they are in a very good mood. Nothing was said to me, but I got into the groove of things.
The day was going by fast for a Monday. When fifth period came, I was kind of bummed out. This was the period where Jacob and I mended our bridges and got back together. I went in and sat down. Roll call was done, and then Major Moore came out to pick up the order forms for our fund raiser.
The top seller was beat this year. I figured he was beaten only because he wasn’t there. We went out and continued to get ready for our inspection. Major Moore had several of the cadets help cleaning the locker rooms and shooting range. He brought in a crew to paint the building.
By the end of the day, I was missing Jacob even more. I missed the way we just sat there and talked about anything and everything; the way he made me laugh and enjoy life. This poor guy has gone through hell in his life already, but he never lets it get to him. At least until the day he ran away. I really don’t blame him at all. I just wish he would have at least talked with me.
I pushed along through the week. It was slow and lonely. I did speak with Jake’s grandfather several times during the week. He told me he hired a law firm and started the procedure to sue the City and School District along with D.A. Sanchez and Principal Thomas.
Six week exams were on us, and I passed them. I am not as smart as Jacob, but I did ok. He helped me a lot during our study sessions.
I heard the District Attorney dropped the charges against the shooter and let him go. That couldn’t have made him happy at all. I started noticing around school, things were changing. I soon found out why.
Jacob’s grandfather’s law suit against the City and School District was going well. They were ready for court. It appeared that Jacob’s family had an open and shut case against both and the D.A. and Principal too.
Finally the court date rolled around. I decided to go down and witness the proceedings. When I entered the court, I saw Jake’s grandfather on one side of the court with Jake’s mother. Then on the other side was the District Attorney, both Principals from the high schools and what looked like, the Chief of Police. When I looked back to Jake’s side, sitting in the gallery were Drs. Whitmore and Mitchell, as well several nurses, and even Irene.
I went and sat next to Irene when the judge came in. He called for the jury to come in. Irene whispered to me this court shouldn’t take more than a couple of days. She was right about the length of the case.
The State and the School District didn’t have any defense to put on. They did call the District Attorney to the stand, but Sanchez was pulled apart on cross examination. When I looked over at the jury, I saw in their faces, they were not pleased with the way the D.A. handed the whole thing.
“Mr. Sanchez is it true that your office promised Jacob Hernandez protection if the case went to court?” Mr. Soto, Jacob’s family’s attorney asked.
“I didn’t promise Mr. Hernandez any such thing.” Sanchez said in clipped fashion.
“I didn’t ask you if you, personally, promised, but your office. When this first started, right after the shooting, didn’t your office promised Jacob he would get protection if the case went to court?” Soto shot back.
“Once again sir, I didn’t sign off on any such promise” Sanchez stated with conviction.
“Mr. Sanchez, are you sure you want to leave it like that?” Soto asked in a leading manner.
“I am sure!” Sanchez snapped.
“Then can you explain this document which has your signature on it? It states that, if the case does go to court, you will provide protection to Jacob Hernandez?” Soto asked, casting a knowing look toward the jury.
Mr. Sanchez looked at the form and then looked back to the jury. “I did sign this memo, but we never thought it would go to court.” Sanchez said, now a bit more subdued.
“But it does state you will give protection to Jacob, does it not?” Soto pressured.
“Yes it does.” Sanchez replied, again, in subdued fashion.
“It also states that Jacob’s name will not be given until the day he testifies, Is that correct?” Soto pressed onward.
“That is correct” Sanchez agreed.
“But your office released his name and address to the defense counsel of that case. Can you explain that to the court sir?” Soto said, tightening the net.
“We made a mistake doing so. Once we realized what we had done, we went to court to correct it.” Sanchez said trying to explain away the situation.
“It was too late though, sir. The name was given and address. That name and address got to the friends of the accused. They sought Jacob out, attacked and almost killed him. Why didn’t you place a protective detail on Jacob at that point?” Soto asked.
“I felt we had fixed our mistake in court” Sanchez stated even though you could see on his face he knew the response was woefully inadequate.
“The name and address was released already. You couldn’t take that back. The end result of your mistake was a young man almost lost his life. We heard the testimony about that from his doctor’s. So again, how can you explain your way out of not giving Jacob a protective unit?” Soto kept the pressure on.
“Again as I said at the time we felt we had fixed the mistake in court.” Sanchez reiterated.
“The facts prove otherwise, don’t you agree, Mr. Sanchez. Let’s leave it at that for now. When Jake was in the hospital, did you threaten him if he didn’t testify, you would pull his protection?” Soto asked moving on.
“No sir. I did not” Sanchez responded, somewhat unconvincingly.
With mock surprise on his face and in his voice, Soto continued; “Who is lying here? Either it is you or Dr. Whitmore, because Dr. Whitmore testified that you did threaten Jacob that day. Dr. Whitmore has no reason to lie, but you do. So let me ask again, did you threaten Jacob about his protection sir?”
Sanchez responded; “I told him that he needed to testify to what he had seen that day at Austin High School. If he didn’t want to take the stand, I couldn’t keep the officers posted to a witness that wasn’t going to testify.”
I amusement Soto continued; “You are playing word-games here, that’s a trait of a good attorney. Let’s move on. You visited Jacob once again when he returned to school, didn’t you?”
“Yes I did. I needed to get him on the witness stand” Sanchez replied.
“Is it true once again on that day you threaten to pull the protection he was getting if he didn’t testify in your case that was pending in court?” Soto inquired.
“Once again, I didn’t threaten that. I readdressed the issue if he didn’t want to testify in court, I would need to pull his protection.” Sanchez said, still hoping to somehow save his position.
“In fact you did pull his protection then isn’t that true sir?” Soto questioned.
“Yes it is. He stated he was not going to testify in my case” Sanchez stated thinking somehow this validated his actions.
“So you went ahead and pulled the protection detail from Jacob, knowing full well that he was almost killed the last time. What made you think the friends of the shooter wouldn’t return to finish the job?” Soto asked in a mocking manner, looking smugly at the jury.
“Simply the fact that he wasn’t going to testify so he was no longer a threat to the accused.” Sanchez stated.
“You knew Jacob would always be in danger until the shooter and his friends were put away behind bars. You were just angry and wanted this kid to testify for you, so you did everything you could to force him to testify, didn’t you?” Soto continued stepping real close to a sustainable objection from the plaintiff’s counsel.
“No sir I did not” said Sanchez.
“I have no further questions for this witness. We cannot believe a word that is coming out of his mouth. He has lied through his entire testimony today.”
After Mr. Sanchez got off the stand, Mr. Thomas was sworn in. He looked scared. When Jacob’s attorney got up, he was scared even more.
Mr. Soto started off rather low key; “Mr. Thomas let’s see if we can get the truth from you today. You had a meeting in your office when Jacob returned to school, correct?”
“That is correct” Mr. Thomas replied hesitantly.
“In that meeting, you stated that Jacob needed to give the district attorney whatever he wanted. Is that true?” Soto asked.
“That is correct” Mr. Thomas responded.
“Who was there protecting the rights of the minor student sir?” Soto inquired, getting right to the meat of the question.
“I spoke with Ms. Hernandez, and she gave permission for Jacob to speak with us” Mr. Thomas responded knowing full well the answer was totally inadequate to protect himself.
“True or false: Normally, in such situations when a student’s parents cannot be present, there is someone acting in the student’s interests?’
Mr. Thomas replied; “That is correct.”
“Let me ask you again then. Who was acting in Jacob’s interests in that meeting?” Soto pressed.
“No one was sir. You must understand Ms. Hernandez instructed me to tell her son to do whatever the district attorney needed.” Mr. Thomas explained, again knowing it was of little help to his or the D.A.’s cases.
“But Ms. Hernandez had no idea what was going to be asked in that meeting, is that correct?” Soto continued.
“That is correct. But she knew why the District Attorney wanted to speak with her son” Mr. Thomas said.
“So she is a mind reader then?” Soto asked, again casting his gaze toward the jury.
“I didn’t say that sir” Mr. Thomas reacted.
“Well, then, let’s clear the up the picture a bit more. Who stopped the meeting sir?” Soto asked, knowing the truthful answer full well.
“Jacob stopped the meeting.” Mr. Thomas admitted.
“What did he say when he stopped it?” Soto asked.
“If we needed to talk with him again, he wanted an adult present to protect him” Mr. Thomas said, truthfully and to his credit.
“Did he have an adult in mind sir?” Soto continued on.
“No sir he did not” Mr. Thomas stated creating a surprised look on Attorney Soto’s face.
“Didn’t he say if his mother couldn’t make it, he wanted Dr. Whitmore there?” Soto asked.
“Oh yeah, he did say that” Mr. Thomas responded reflectively.
“He further said that he had no problem talking with you guys, but not until the Dr. Whitmore could make time. Is that correct sir?” Soto continued.
“That is correct sir” Thomas responded.
“What do you say, if anything, to that Mr. Thomas?” Soto said, knowing that the snare was set to be sprung.
“I stayed quiet at first. I then told Jacob if he wanted to go down that route, I would suspend him until this issue came to a close.” The Principal said with unabashed clarity.
“So you are telling this court that Jacob requested to be protected with an adult present to defend his rights when he was being questioned. You in return told him he would be suspended if he didn’t comply without waiting for an adult to protect his interests?” Soto’s snare was snapped.
“Yes sir, but you have to understand. He promised to testify in court” the red-faced Principal responded trying to back himself out of the snare.
“Yes I understand that. But wasn’t Jacob promised protection and that his name was never to be released? Were not both promises broken? So he felt unable to uphold his part of the deal? You further attempted to intimidate Jacob; to force him to do something he felt that he could be killed if he did it? Is that true sir?” Soto pressed further.
“No sir it is not.” Mr. Thomas reacted.
Soto pressed on; “Well, you threatened to suspend him from school until he agreed to testify, isn’t that true sir?”
“That is true, but not the way you are putting it sir. All I was trying to do get a resolution to the issue” Mr. Thomas replied.
“I understand that resolution, as you put it, a reasonable and responsible person would see had a real potential to result in one of your students being killed. I am done with this witness your honor.”
The jury was angry and you could tell. There was nothing the attorneys for the City and School District could do. Following both sides’ closing arguments it was handed over to the jury.
We were sitting in a conference room waiting for the verdict. The attorneys for the City and School District offered a settlement. Jacobs’s grandfather turned it down flatly. He wanted a guilty verdict from the court.
Close to four we were called back into courtroom. The jury had reached its verdict. We sat down and waited for the judge and jury to return. Once they were seated, the judge brought the court into session and said; “I understand the jury has reached a verdict. Is that true?”
“Yes your honor we have!” the jury foreman responded.
“What is you verdict in the case of Jacob Hernandez vs. The City and School District?” the judge inquired.
“We find for the plaintiff in this matter, Your Honor” the foreman stated.
Cheers were heard around the court room. The judge hit his gavel a couple of times.
The foreman continued; “In the case against the City, we award and order a payment in the amount of 5.5 million dollars. In the case for the School District we award and order a payment in the amount of 1.5 million dollars.”
“Thank you ladies and gentleman of the jury. You have done your job in this case you are excused with the thanks of the court” the judge said dismissing the jury.
The jury left the room. The judge looked both sides of the court.
“To tell you the truth, I wish I could have instructed the jury to pay out more money than they have awarded. Mr. Sanchez, you dropped the ball in this matter. You almost had one of your witnesses killed because you were too lazy to follow up. Then you were so worried about your wins, that you then threaten this witness and took actions which placed the witness in grave danger. I will file additional charges against you in the disciplinary court. If I get my way, sir, you will longer have a license to practice law. I will, further, forward the transcript of these proceedings to be investigated for the possible filing of criminal charges against you personally.
For you Mr. Thomas, there’s nothing I can do. I truly hope the School District Board sees what you have done, and removes you from your position as principal of Newman High School. You took advantage of one of your students, and violated his rights. For that you shouldn’t be a principal or even a teacher any longer.
I am placing the judgment of the jury in the court records. This case is concluded.”
He slammed his gavel and walked out to his chambers. Jacobs’s mom and grandfather hugged each other. I hugged Irene and shook hands with Drs. Whitmore and Mitchell. I only wish Jacob would be here to enjoy the win as well.
The School District and City attorneys came over to Jacob’s grandfather and attorney.
“We will cut the checks tomorrow. What name should the checks be made out to?”
The attorney looked at Jacob’s grandfather and mom. Then Jacob’s mom spoke up; “My son’s name is Jacob Hernandez. It is his money anyway.” Gloria stated.
Al interjected; “I anticipated that the jury would find in our favor. I went to the First State Bank and set up an irrevocable trust in Jacob’s name. Please make the checks out to the Jacob Hernandez Trust. Al wanted to make sure that the money left after paying the legal expenses was there for Jacob and that it was not in Gloria, or any other adults’ single control. Al wanted to keep the money protected for Jacob and ensure that well meaning, but, perhaps misguided adults didn’t fritter the money away with graft or mismanagement.
“So it shall be done. You can pick them up at my office after three tomorrow.”
They shook hands and walked out the court. It was a big win for the Jacob and his family. I can bet you this; they would give every penny of that money back to have Jacob back in their lives.
I miss Jacob so damn much. I just want to see his face. Just be with him again and talk, just hang. I can’t believe he still hasn’t come home yet.
To be continued...
{Now that Jacob’s grandfather took the City and School District to court and won, will Jacob come home? Jacob has nothing to worry about on the other case. The District Attorney had to drop the charges. David found himself a boyfriend, but will this let him leave Jacob and Joey alone? Or is it just a mask he is putting over his hurt? Will the principal lose his job for the way he handled the issue with Jacob? If not, and if Jacob comes home, will he make it hard on Jacob at school when he returns? Jacob has been gone close to six weeks now. He doesn’t have the medicines he needs to keep him from getting sick. So, I wonder if even Jacob is alive anymore. There is a lot to answer in the chapters to come. Stick around and keep reading the future chapters, and enjoy! Please email me and let me know how I am doing at jpg@tickiestories.us, Thanks!}
Posted: 04/16/10