Jacob Finding His Way
(© 2009-2010 by the author)
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Chapter 9
As Joey and I were talking, I heard someone yelling my name. It sounded like it was David. I turned, and yes it was David! He was walking towards us from the other side of the sidewalk. ‘Just my luck to have the two of them in the same spot.’ I am really not cheating on Joey, but it feels like it.
David finally reached us, which seemed to be eternity to me as he was walking towards us. He looked Joey up and down. I was ready to protect Joey. David looked like he wanted to go to blows with Joey.
“Hey Jake, is this guy bothering you? If so, I will take care of him for you.” David said with a notable edge to his voice.
“No David he is not, let me introduce you two. David this is Joey and Joey this is David.”
At that moment David’s jaw fell to the ground, like the carpet was pulled from beneath him. Joey at first extended his hand, but pulled it back, when David didn’t shake it.
Joey looked at me, the look almost killed me. The look was like, who is he, Jake? I felt so bad when Joey was looking at me, and I knew I had to explain.
Finally David reached out his hand to shake Joey’s, Joey returned the hand shake. They didn’t say a thing to each other, nor to me for that matter. We stood there for several minutes in uncomfortable silence. I finally spoke up.
“Joey, David was volunteering at the hospital when I went in and had surgery. I met him there, and when we moved, we met again here at school.”
“Oh, now I understand who David is.”
“Can we walk and talk about a couple of things Joey?”
“Yes. I don’t see why not.”
“David I will see you on the bus home.”
“Sure thing Jake, meet you at the buses after school.”
When David walked away, I saw hurt in his eyes. I didn’t want to hurt him, nor do I want to hurt Joey. In my defense I did tell David about Joey and me and that I was waiting for him. When David asked me earlier to go out with him, I didn’t answer the question. Although I told him I was leaning to yes, I can kick myself for that.
Joey and I started to walk toward the houses across the street. When we found a park, we decided the park was as good a place as any to talk. We sat down on the swings.
“Joey I need to tell you this from the start, I never stopped loving you, and wishing you would come back, never.”
“Either did I Jake, I have always loved you.” Joey replied softly.
“Joey, David is gay. He told me when I was in the hospital.”
“Has anything happen between the two of you?”
“No Joey, nothing has happened between David and me. When I came out of surgery, and needed a sponge bath, David came in one day. All the woman nurses were busy on another case. He gave me a sponge bath, and I got hard while he was doing it. He actually jerked me off, and that’s was it.”
“What do you mean that is it? He was able to touch you, where only I am supposed to have.” Joey remarked, making it more a statement than a question.
“I know Joey, I know. Please don’t be mad with me. It was only that, we never went further than that.”
“How many times did he do that to you?” Joey inquired, still with the edge to is voice.
“He sponged bathed me at least twice a week. Maybe once a week when he bathed me he jerked me off.”
“Come on Jacob, and I am not supposed to be mad with you about this?” Joey, again, more stated than asked.
“You have to remember Joey, you broke up with me, and then left my house when I was sitting there crying for you.”
“I had no choice at the time. Remember I had to move with my parents. We couldn’t have succeeded on a long distance relationship.” Joey stated flatly.
“You made that decision for the both of us. You didn’t even give me a chance to weigh into the decision at all.”
“What about you? You decided not to tell me that you were sick again. You knew about being sick at least a week before I left.” Joey’s voice raising just a bit.
“I know and I was wrong on not telling you. I never wanted to put you through it again. Plus, I had a really bad feeling this time, before this surgery.”
We stopped talking for a few minutes. We just sat there on the swings looking forward. Then Joey broke the silence;
“So can I ask you, are you and David going out?”
“No Joey we are not. When I got out of the hospital this time, David came down to see me. I told him that day about you, and that I love you so much. He understood and respected my feelings for you, and we just left it as friends.
When I moved on this side of town, and started going to Newman, I ran into him my first day in second period. We became even closer friends, but not boyfriends. He introduced me to his friends, and all of them know that David is gay. I hit it off with his friends. To tell you the truth, if I didn’t meet David, and David not having taken me under his wing, school here would be hell on earth for me.”
“So you guys are just friends? It’s hard for me to believe that. When you introduced me, you could see his world went tumbling down around him. He thinks there’s more between you two.”
“This afternoon at lunch, David took me aside and asked me to be his boyfriend.”
“What did you tell him Jake?” Joey asked now looking right at me.
“I told him that I need to think about it, that’s all.”
“He seems to think he has you. Did you give him any indication otherwise?”
“When I told him I needed to think about, he asked me where I was leaning to. I told him more to yes then no.”
“You see? He thinks he already has you as his boyfriend. That’s why he was protecting you when he saw you and me talking.”
“I know Joey, and now I need to clean this mess up.”
“What about us then?”
“I don’t know about us, Joey. Look, it was you that ended things with me, and just left me in my room crying out for you. That hurt like all hell and still does. All you said was you were moving, that’s it. It would have been better if you would have a least said we could try to work this out.” You didn’t even offer to stay in touch. You didn’t even give me a chance to make ANY response!
“You know as well as I do, we couldn’t have had a long distance relationship. We wouldn’t be able to even call each other.”
“I know Joey, but the hurt would have been maybe a little less that day than it was.”
Once again we sat there in silence. We got up to head back to school. It was almost time to catch the busses home. As we reached the busses, the bell rang. I looked over at Joey as he looked at me. I pulled out a sheet of paper, wrote my number on it, and handed the paper to Joey. We hit fist, and he headed out.
I got onto the bus and sat down in what has become my normal seat with David. A few minutes later David showed up, it looked like he ran to the bus. He sat next to me not saying I word. I was tearing up; I didn’t know what to do.
I never wanted to break up with Joey, and I know he never wanted to break up with me. I love Joey with all my heart, so this should be an easy answer to me. I’m just afraid to open up to him again, and then have his parents demand him to move back to Arizona. I couldn’t deal with that pain again.
On the bus ride home, David and I sat in silence, and for us, that was unusual. We arrived at the corner of Mesa Street and the street my apartment was on. Several other kids including myself got off at this stop. Always on Fridays David got off with me, he was spending Friday and Saturday night with me at the apartment.
We walked up the street to my apartment. I unlocked the door and went in. David helped me with my chores, as always, but today we did them in silence. We didn’t even play music. Once we were done, we went into mine and my brother’s room. We sat down on opposite beds. David broke the silence:
“I figure things have changed since Joey is back in town.”
“Yes, David things surely have changed.”
“Can I ask what is going to happen?”
“Of course, and I do owe you an answer. I never lied to you about Joey and me. On how much I love him, and we would probably be together today if he didn’t move away. But he did move. I had to decide what I was going to do; move on or stay in the same spot.
We became good friends, and through our friendship, we have gotten closer. Of all days for Joey to come back into my life, it had to be today. Why not a week ago or even a day ago? It didn’t work out that way.
I told him about us today. I figured you are out, so it didn’t matter whether I told Joey or not. I told him ever thing, I didn’t want to lie to him. I know I would get caught in any lie at some point anyway. As well, I told him as of now, he and I are not together either. He broke it off with me when he moved away. There was no discussion. I had no chance to react or respond.
David, I need to answer the question you asked me this afternoon. Joey is back and going to the same school as us. My heart belongs to him, but I will not give my heart back to him, because I am afraid he will break it again. But I can’t go out with you either David, no matter how much I have grown fond of you. I am falling for you, but I can’t have two guys holding my heart at the same time.”
“Do you think there would be even a chance of us getting together?”
“Right now David, I need to work out a whole lot of stuff in my head. Either way I just don’t want to hurt you nor Joey. I do know I have to choose, and that I will.”
“I will take that for now. I can’t ask for anything else.”
“Thank you David for understanding.”
The weekend went by fast. Nothing else was mentioned about the events of Friday or the situation. Sunday around mid-morning my mom took David home. All in all, I did have fun this weekend; the weekend before exams.
On Monday morning, I was sitting in the cafeteria eating breakfast with David and his friends. When I felt someone tap me on my shoulder, I turned and there was Joey standing with his tray of food.
I moved over to make room for Joey to sit down. I introduced him to the rest of the guys at the table. They seem to hit it off right away, I was happy. The bell rang for our first exams so we all headed off to our classes.
During the week of semester exams, instead of having all six periods in one day, we only had two in the mornings, and two in the afternoons, two hour classes. The first three days, were review, then Thursday and Friday were the actual exam days.
The morning dragged on and it was boring as hell. Finally it was lunch, so I headed down to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. While I was heading for the elevator, Joey caught up with me. We both got on the elevator, and the door shut.
“So Jake, how are you feeling now?”
“I still have a lot of pain in my legs, but more in my back, along the spine.”
“You still can’t take the stairs?”
“I probably can, I just figure to take advantage of having the key to the elevator.”
“I heard they put in metal screws in your back, in order to support it.”
“That’s true; now I can’t walk through metal detectors without them going off.”
We both laughed as the door to the elevator opened. Joey turned to me, and whispered in my ear.
“Jake, I would like to talk with you sometime today, if we can?”
“Yes, of course. Just find me.”
“Thanks, I will find you.”
The rest of the day, same as the morning, it was very boring. As I headed to the bus, David caught up to me. As we sat down, David was going on about something. I really wasn’t paying any attention. Joey never talked to me as he had said he wanted to.
To say the least, I was hurting and angry at the same time about what happened on Friday. I finally got up the nerve to ask Jake out, and Joey comes back into his life. I really wanted to go out with Jake, but I know I’d lost him to Joey. He will give Joey another chance? Most likely he will. That’s the kind of person Jake is.
When we were sitting in the lunch room eating breakfast, and Joey had the guts to sit at the same table with me. I was pissed but I held myself in check. If I ever have a chance to be with Jake, I can’t piss him off about Joey. Jake will defend Joey to the end, and I knew that.
As the day went on, I decided in second period class to speak with Joey, one-on-one. I might have lost, at least for now, but I will do anything and everything to get Jake. I’m not going to just roll over and give up.
After lunch, I saw Joey walking into the restroom, I followed him. When I walked in, I saw there was no one in there with us. I walked up to Joey and asked him if we could talk. We headed to the side of the building where no one hung out.
“Joey I know you and Jake spoke a lot on Friday. I never tried to move in with Jake. We never had sex or anything close to that.
From the first day I met Jake, I knew he was hurting, not so much because of the surgery, but in his heart. When he finally got home, he told me about you guys. We stayed friends.
When Jake and I spoke over the weekend, he told me about your talk and he answered the question I had asked him that Friday before. He said no, he just wants to stay friends.
Joey he loves you so much, but he is afraid of opening up to you again. He thinks you are not here to stay, and you can’t blame him for that. You have him Joey; take care of him, because if you don’t, there are several others lined up to take your place.”
“Thank you David for telling me this. I never wanted or intended to break his heart; I love him too much to have ever intentionally hurt him.”
“Just be careful with him, he can’t take another hit.”
“I will take care of him, and that’s why I am leaving it up to him if he wants to get back together with me.”
“Not only does he want to get back together with you, he can’t wait. I saw it in his eyes on Friday; just give him a couple of days, that’s all.”
“Thanks again David for being there for him. I know this is too much to ask for at this time, but I hope we can be friends as well.”
“With Jake being in both of our lives, we will have to be friends, for Jake’s sake, at least.”
“I agree with that, and maybe one day we can become real friends.”
With that said, Joey headed his own way, and I returned to my friends. I didn’t see Jake anywhere, and I wondered where he might have gone. As I was sitting there with my friends; I was making plans on how I could win Jake over. One thing is for sure, it will take time, so I must be patient.
I got home, and did my normal chores, and headed to my room. I sat down and turned on the television. Andy walked in and soon after him was my sister. Right on time, my mom walked through doors, she changed, and we all sat down for dinner.
The next day at school, nothing really happened. Joey joined us for breakfast and lunch. Then I headed out to JROTC. This is the only class I had with Joey this semester. We studied for the first hour, and the second hour we turned in our uniforms. Also, Major Moore, the senior army instructor, did the promotions. I was promoted to sergeant, which means I was in charge of a squad of men in a platoon. Joey as well got a promotion to corporal. I was happy for him.
He seemed to be happier living with his aunt and uncle. At least I could sleep at night now, knowing that he was safe and wasn’t being beaten anymore. I so wanted to go up to Joey and kiss him, just tear off his clothes, but I couldn’t. I was just afraid of letting myself fall for Joey again. I know I was going to lose this battle, but I just wanted him to know, I was serious about his having hurt me. I also want to do all I can to make sure it doesn’t and can’t happen again.
As class ended and we walked out. Joey walked along side me as we made our way to the main building.
“Jake, I’m sorry for not finding you yesterday so we could talk; I just got tied up with something else.”
“That’s not a problem, whenever you want to talk, I am here to listen.”
“Thanks Jake, maybe over the weekend I could go down to your place like old times.”
“Let’s plan on that. I will ask my mom if you can, and you ask your aunt and uncle when I get the answer from my mom.”
“Cool, I will wait for your answer then.”
As usual, I did the bus ride home with David, talking about whatever was on our minds. But today, my mind was wandering all over the place. I really wasn’t listening to a word he was saying. At this moment, I was thinking about the two great guys that want to go out with me. I do know this much, my heart and soul really belong to Joey.
David was the kind of guy that I was first looking for; he had everything I wanted in a guy. He was just so beautiful in his own way. When I finally saw him out of his scrubs, I saw a body to kill for. I haven’t seen him naked yet, but if it is anything like what I have imagined, he would have a great body that goes with that bubble butt. Plus he doesn’t come with a lot of baggage, as Joey does, family wise.
Joey is my first love. I fell head over heels the first time I saw him those many months ago. Plus, he was there when I needed someone the most, and I know he would have been there the last time if I had told him. In his own right, he is a very handsome guy. Ladies and guys will trip over themselves to go out with him. Just he left, I know it wasn’t his decision to leave, but he did. If I would give us another chance, I will always be wondering if his parents will try to take him bake to Arizona. And, if I don’t, I’ll always wonder “what if” on the other hand.
Before I knew it, I heard the bus driver yelling for me, I was in such a deep thought, I almost skipped my stop. David must have gotten off at his stop already. I didn’t know he had left. I go up, thanked the bus driver, and got off the bus.
The rest of final week went by in a blink of an eye. I think I did pretty well considering the changing of schools. After school on Friday, I met Joey at the buses, and David was there as well. As I got closer to them, I still was wondering what I was going to do.
“Hey Joey and David, what is happening”
“Nothing much on my part, just waiting for you!” Joey chirped.
“Same here, just waiting with Joey.” David added.
“Cool, I figure since Joey doesn’t have a bus pass, we would have to hike on the way to my place.”
“Jake I know that I don’t have a bus pass, but would you be able to do a walk like that right now?” Joey inquired.
“I figure we will find out, once we start walking to my place.”
“Hold on Jake and Joey, I know the bus driver well enough. Let me see if he will allow Joey to ride with us on the bus to your place.”
David walked over to the bus, got on, and talked to the driver for a few minutes. He stepped halfway out of the bus, and waved his hand for us to come over. The driver had no problem with allowing Joey to ride the bus.
We talked about a lot of stuff on the way home. I was waiting for one of them to bring up the question that has been weighing hard on my mind. But neither of them did, and I was thankful for that.
When we got to my place we walked in. David made his way to the kitchen. He always made himself at home, when he was at my house. Joey on the other hand, stood at the front door. I forgot he hasn’t been to my new apartment.
“Joey, my man, come on in, make yourself at home.”
“Thanks Jake, this place is a lot nicer than the ones we lived at in the central part of town.”
“Yeah, my mom liked them when she was looking at apartments for us to live in. All we did was to follow along.”
“So what are we going to do this afternoon Jake?” David asked coming back with a soda in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. He could eat us out of house and home, if given a chance.
“It’s up to you all, I will do whatever you guys want to do.”
“Let’s go and play Sega Saturn in your room.” David suggested.
“Sounds good to me. How about you Joey?”
“Its fine with me let’s do it.” Joey said.
We took turns playing several different games. I of course was the one out most of the time. I just didn’t play any of the games too good, except Street Fighter. My mom ordered pizza for dinner that night, so we played the games up until the pizza arrived. We grabbed our pizza and soda, ate it, and went back to the room.
We decided to go and see if any of the neighborhood kids were out hanging. They were all at the pool. I forgot to tell the guys the pools here at the apartments were already open. The complex in which we lived in was so large, it actually had four pools. They were not big pools, but enough to have fun in.
I offered David and Joey a pair of shorts to go swimming in. We were teenagers, good friends, so we started changing in front of one another. David and Joey were quicker than me. As I pulled off my shirt, my back was turned to them. I heard them both say wow, and I looked to see what they were wowing about.
“What’s up guys? Let me in on the joke!”
“No nothing really, just your back Jake, the scar looks still very fresh and big.” Joey said with a bit of chill in his voice.
“I forgot you haven’t seen that scar yet Joey.”
Then their mouths opened again, but nothing came out. I looked down to what their eyes were looking at.
My chest and stomach had several scars on them. I felt very uncomfortable with them staring at me like some kind of science project gone bad. I went and grabbed a t-shirt, and put it on in a hurry.
They realized they were staring at me, and that it wasn’t right. We finished changing, and headed to the pool. We didn’t say a word, just got there, and David and Joey jumped in right away.
I just sat on a lawn chair on the side of the pool. My mom reminded me as we left the apartment that Dr. Whitmore still hasn’t given the all clear yet. So I better not get into the pool. Who knows if the pool is clean or not, or what kind of chemicals they use to keep it clean.
David and Joey were getting a long pretty well and they appeared to becoming good friends. It really made me feel good they are becoming friends. I just wonder if the friendship will be there after I tell them, when I decide, who I am going to be with. This has never happened to me, and I don’t like it at all. Neither of the two deserves to be kept waiting, and, no matter what decision I come to, one of them will get hurt.
We stayed at the pool for several hours, when finally Joey and David got tried. We headed back to the apartment, taking turns, rinsed off in the shower. We sat up watching television till two or so in the morning.
Saturday we just hung out at the pool most of the day. Once again I couldn’t swim until I get the all clear. This time I didn’t even bother to change into swim trunks. When we were there, David and Joey were swimming and playing in the pool. I was noticing more and more Joey and David are getting closer.
In the last week of school, I found out that Joey and David were getting chummy. It really didn’t faze me much. I really wanted them to be friends.
Now that I see them playing in the pool, fooling around, I was getting scared that maybe they were getting too close. If that happens, I have only myself to blame, I couldn’t make up my mind between the two.
As they were swimming my neighbor came up and sat with me. His name was Felipe, cute, but not in high school yet. He still has a lot of growing up to do.
“Hey Jake what’s up? How’s it hanging?”
“Nothing much here Felipe, I am doing pretty well. How about yourself my friend?”
“Same ole same ole, that’s all. What more can you ask for, right?”
“You got that right; can’t ask for much more.”
“So I see your friends are having fun swimming out there.”
“Yeah they are really enjoying the pool.”
“Why aren’t you swimming with them?”
“It’s a long story, maybe one day I will tell you.” I have no idea why I just didn’t tell him straight out why I was sitting out on the fun.
“That’s cool, whenever you are up to it, I am here.”
We tapped fist and Felipe headed off. As I sat there watching the guys in the pool dunking each other over and over again, I was getting a weird feeling in my gut.
We headed back to my apartment, after spending the entire day at the pool. I didn’t need to shower, but David and Joey did. They took turns showering. We ate dinner, and played video games till three in the morning.
Sunday went by pretty fast! By mid afternoon, David and Joey were picked up by their families. I spent the rest of the evening watching television, but couldn’t get off my mind if I made the right move on trying to get David and Joey to be friends.
As David and I were playing in the pool, I could swear each time I got close up to David, I felt his dick getting harder and harder each time I rubbed it. Don’t get me wrong, I like it that I can turn on another guys. So I decided to get a little bolder with David. Each time he dunked me or came closer to me, I tried to feel him up.
One time I turned and looked at Jake, I could see he was looking at David and me. He had a concerned look on his face. It was as if he knew something was going on with me and David. At first, I wanted to make Jake jealous. So I decided to play around with David even more. Maybe by doing this, Jake will finally make up his mind and give as another chance.
What I didn’t think of was me starting to fall for David. I didn’t want that to happen. We finished swimming late in the afternoon, and headed back to Jake’s apartment. David and I took turns showering, and then we played video games the rest of the evening.
David started to sit closer and closer to me as the night wore on. I didn’t try to push him away. I allowed it, and I wanted it. By the time we decided to go to sleep, I was so turned on by David. I was surprised my dick didn’t rip a hole in my shorts.
I already knew that Jake was a sound sleeper, and with his pain medicine, he was out like a light when he went to sleep. When I heard the heavy breathing coming from his bed, I decided to talk with David.
“David, are you awake man? Hey David, are you awake?”
“Yes Joey I am awake, please keep it down, we don’t want to wake up Jake.”
“Oh, we won’t wake him up. He’s totally out. A marching band could be coming through here, and he won’t even move.”
“Still let’s keep it to a whisper. I don’t want to wake him.”
“Ok David, I understand. I was wondering something, I don’t know if was my imagination or it was really happening, but do you like me?”
“Joey it’s not your imagination, I do like you. I can see why Jake is in love with you so badly.”
“I know, but we are the ones being kept at a distance, while he is trying to decide who he wants to go out with. To me, that is not fair. How about you David?”
“I agree with you on that. I already know he wants you, so it’s just time. Soon he will let both of us know, and we just got to wait.”
“What if I say I don’t want to wait any longer?”
“I would say you are a fool, you won’t find anyone like him again.”
“What about you? Don’t you think you are his equal?”
“Don’t be asking me a question like that.”
I got up and got into the bed with David. At first David was hesitant of me getting in, and then he let me under the covers. Its summer here in Texas, we really don’t sleep under the covers during this time of the year.
“David I am really starting to like you more than as a friend.”
“Joey please don’t do this, we shouldn’t go there.”
“Why shouldn’t we? We cannot fight what we are feeling. Who knows, maybe this is what we both need in order to get over Jake.”
“Maybe you are right, but I don’t want to hurt Jake.”
“Neither do I, but I cannot help the way I am feeling in my heart about you.”
I leaned over and pressed my lips to David’s. At first David didn’t want to kiss back, and then he opened up. He is a great kisser, not as good as Jake, but I good kisser. I started to go up and down his chest, just feeling his smooth wash board stomach. I was feeling around his six-pack, and then I started to feel down his V. I made it to his shorts, my hands moved on top of his shorts until I felt his dick pulsing through the fabric of his shorts, throbbing as I held onto it.
I started to squeeze his dick through his shorts, he was leaking so much pre-cum that it went through his shorts. I went under the covers, pulled down his shorts, then his underwear, and out came at least an eight inch dick. I just couldn’t help myself. I went down on him, bobbing up and down. David kept his hands on my head, pushing me down on to his dick. He legs started to tense, I knew then he was going to cum.
David grabbed his pillow, put over his face, as he screamed, he started cumming into my mouth, I sucked and swallowed ever drop he shot. He tasted so sweet. I couldn’t get enough of him. Even when he was spent, I kept sucking on him. He moved his hands down to his dick, and grabbed it out of my mouth.
I got back up to the head of the bed, and just laid there, spent myself. Without evening touching myself, I had cummed all over myself when I was sucking David off. That never happened to me before, never. Finally we both caught our breath, and turned to face one another. We started to kiss, so involved in kissing David; we didn’t even hear the noise coming from the Jakes bed.
I was sound asleep, when I heard talking going on. At first I thought I was dreaming, but it was getting clearer and clearer. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My worst nightmare was coming true. I wanted Joey and David to be comfortable with one another, before I asked Joey out again. Instead, they have fallen for each other.
I never thought my heart could be broken again, but this time it hurt even worse than the first time. Tears were feeling my eyes. I was using all my power to keep the tears from falling. Then I heard the noise coming from the bed where David was sleeping.
They were kissing one another! I couldn’t believe they were kissing each other while I was in the bed next to them, in the same room. I couldn’t hold it in any longer, I started crying. My true love, the one I thought we would grow old together, was making out with another guy in my room of all places.
Then it got worse, I first I didn’t know who it was, but I knew one of them went down on the other. When I started hearing the moaning sounds, I knew it wasn’t Joey, I know his moans. I just laid there in shock, crying, knowing this was entirely my fault.
They finished. David got off, and they started kissing again. Finally about a half hour later, Joey got out of the bed, and went back to his bed on the floor. They went to sleep.
I couldn’t sleep at all the rest of the night. I laid there looking at the roof, wanting to cry still, but I had no more tears to cry. Kicking myself, this is my entire fault! I should have never cared about other peoples’ feelings. They don’t care about mine at all.
Around eleven Joey woke up. I was already up, just sitting on my bed. He looked at me, winked, and then sat next to me.
“How are you doing this morning Jake? You don’t look so good this morning. It looks like you want to throw up or something.”
“I am ok, just had a restless night, that’s all.”
“Are you sure nothing else is bothering you?”
“Yes I am sure, everything is fine.”
Then David woke up, looked over, and you could see the look on his face. He knew I knew what happen last night. He didn’t say a word. He got up, and went to the bathroom. After he was done, Joey followed. David walked back into the room. I was still sitting in the same spot on my bed. My arms wrapped around my knees up to my chest.
“Jake are you ok this morning?”
“Yeah I am fine. I just had a restless night, that’s all.”
Joey walked in at that moment. Looked over at me, then it dawned on him, he saw in my face that I knew what had happened. Joey realized at that moment, they were caught.
“Jake you really don’t look well. Maybe you should get out of your bed and splash some water on your face.”
“I really don’t think that will help. I had a bad night of sleep that’s all. I was woken up by a lot of noise. Afterwards I couldn’t get back to sleep.”
They both looked at each other, and then looked at me. Their faces were in shock, and they couldn’t say much.
“You know the weird part of all this is, I wanted you two to be friends, and I succeeded on that, and then some.”
“Wait a minute Jake, I don’t know…….” I stopped Joey right there.
“Don’t say another word right now; I am using every ounce of power to stay cool. Look, this might be all my fault; I didn’t want to hurt either of you two. I was truthful to you David from the beginning. I told you I had a boyfriend that I loved with all my heart. Even when you asked me out, I didn’t say yes, I wanted to think about it. I wanted to make sure I did you justice. I couldn’t be with you, and be thinking about Joey at the same time.
Then Joey you came back, and I was put on the spot. You broke up with me, and I know it wasn’t your fault. I love you Joey so damn much it hurts. It really, really hurts the love I have for you.
So I wanted you two to be friends before I ask you out Joey. That way I could have David and his guys as friends and you back as my boyfriend. We all could hang together with no body feeling awkward about anything.
Through it all, I am the one that got hurt.”
At this point I was crying. Tears were rolling down my face at a steady pace.
“I lost the one I truly loved and a very good friend in the same night. I did this to myself, I should have been selfish, and just taken what I wanted. Just like you both did last night.”
“Jake I am so sorry. I didn’t want this to happen.” Joey said coming closer to me, David just stood there with his mouth open. I got up from my bed, and headed to the door.
“Look I am not going to be a girl about this. I am hurting like hell right now. I don’t want my mom or sister to know anything about what’s going on here. I am going to take a shower, and we will eat breakfast, and then wait till you all leave. After that, I don’t want a thing to do with either of you two, not a thing.
You hurt me for the last time Joey and I can’t take the hurt any more. David I thought I could trust you, as a close friend, but you have proven that wrong.”
I walked out of the room to the restroom. I turned on the water to the shower, and got in. I just stood there under the spray of water crying so hard, I couldn’t stop. I lost Joey and a good friend, and I can’t do a thing about it.
I just stood there stunned. I couldn’t believe how badly I’d hurt Jake. He was hurting so bad, I wish I could take the hurt away, I wish I didn’t do what I did last night. I looked over at David. He was standing by the television crying.
I not only messed up something I really wanted, I also messed up a friendship between David and Jake. All I wanted to do, at first, was make Jake jealous; that’s all. It just blew up in my face. I never wanted to do a thing with David, but I did.
“Joey what are we going to do about this? How can we fix it?”
“I don’t know David, Jake is hurting really bad. I don’t think we can fix this at this moment. We need to stand back and let Jake think.”
“I don’t want to leave him like this. We hurt him Joey; why in the hell did we do that last night anyways?”
“I don’t know David, I don’t know. Right now I am so confused. I don’t really know what is going on.”
Right then I heard the shower water turn off, and Jake coming back. Jacob walked back in the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. I looked at his face. You could tell he was crying probably the entire time he was in the shower. His eyes are puffy and red, he just looked like hell.
I love Jacob so much and now I have lost him. I couldn’t believe what I did. I knew at that moment, I really didn’t feel a thing for David. All my love is for Jacob.
When I walked in the room, Joey and David were already dressed and just standing there. I looked at them.
“Why don’t you two go out to the kitchen and grab something to eat. I need to change, and I know my scars freak you guys out.”
“Jake please can we talk some more, work this through.”
“No Joey. Not right now. Give me time to think. Just give me time.”
They walked out, and I got dressed. I sat there on my bed until I heard the dishes being put back into the sink. I walked out of my room. My mom was already in the living room watching television. I waved to David and Joey to follow me out. My mom stopped me.
“Jake are you feeling ok? Why haven’t you eaten anything?”
“I am doing fine mom, I just had a rough night. My spine is hurting a little this morning that’s all.”
“Why don’t you grab you something to eat Jake?”
“Mom, it’s the medicine, I took some and that killed my hunger. Hopefully later I will be hungry again.”
“You better Jake; we won’t go down the same road again, as we did earlier this year. You know that is how you landed up in the hospital again.”
“I know mom, it won’t happen again, I promise.”
With that we headed out, Joey and David following me. We went down the stairs behind the apartment building. Nothing was said; we just sat there in silence. No one looking at one another just sat in silence.
We were there for a couple of hours, then we heard Joey’s uncle calling for him. We walked around the corner, and there sitting in their car, was his aunt and uncle. I slapped his fist, so did David, and Joey got into the car.
As Joey was driving off, David’s mother drove up, once again we slapped fist, and he was gone as well.
I went up stairs to my apartment to my room. I didn’t even turn on the television or radio. I just laid there on my bed, face down, crying. Before I knew it, I was asleep.
I woke up for dinner and I just picked at the food. I know that didn’t make my mom to happy. I just didn’t feel like eating, I felt for the second time in my life as if my heart was pulled out of my chest, and stomped on. This time it felt worse, it was in front of my eyes as it was happening.
The summer was flying by quickly. I was still not allowed to go swimming, Dr. Whitmore said that the surgical cuts were healing, but they were still too raw to go swimming in a pool that he had no idea what was used to keep it clean.
Every time when ever Joey or David called, I ignored the call. If my sister, mother, or brother answered the phone, I told them to tell whoever was on the phone I was busy at the moment. I didn’t know what to say to them, I still was hurting like all hell.
It was time to go and register, my mom had to work, so I walked to Newman High. It was a good walk, my legs by halfway were starting to tighten up, but I had no other choice.
When I finally arrived at school, the line was already around the building. I got into the line and waited my turn. To my surprise it was moving pretty fast. I knew what classes I needed to take for sophomore year. I was going to take another year of JROTC. I was surprised that I was starting to like this class.
As I was standing there, a couple of David’s friends walked by didn’t even say a word to me. Finally I was in the cafeteria, there were tables lined up all away around the room. It was divided in sections, freshman to seniors. When it was my turn, I got up to the table, filled out the classes I wanted, and handed the teacher behind the desk my schedule. She put it in the computer, and then I got a printed copy with my teachers and rooms.
As I was walking out, I saw standing in the line, was Joey. He looked over at me, and I looked at him. He waved at me, I returned the wave. I walked out, as I was walking toward the ROTC building. David was standing at the gate with a couple of his friends.
He looked over at me, and walked to me.
“Hey Jake, what’s going on? Why haven’t you answered any of my calls or returned any of my calls? I have left several messages for you to call me back.”
“I have been busy David, I have been meaning to.”
“I know you Jake, you are never too busy. You just seat around at your house watching television or playing video games.”
“Maybe, but I just didn’t feel like talking, that’s all.”
“Why don’t you stop being such a bitch about this whole thing? So what that we did things to one another, it happens in friendships, we fight, but we make up. It isn’t worth throwing our friendship away.”
“David what was done cannot be fixed with a simple ‘sorry’, and we move on. If someone would have done the same thing to you, what would you have done?”
“I would be acting like a girl that is for sure. Fuck Jake, we made a mistake, we can’t take it back, but we can try to overcome it.”
“David, maybe you and Joey can overcome it, but for me I am out. You two had to know how I felt, but still went ahead and did it anyways.”
“Come on Jake, don’t act like this.”
I just turned and started to walk away. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder, twisting me around. Then a fist flew towards my face. I didn’t react fast enough; it hit me squarely on the jaw. It forced me back a couple of steps. I looked over, it wasn’t David. It was Brandon, one of David’s friends.
“I always knew you were an ass, I just never did a thing about it because of David. Now I am going to enjoy kicking your smart ass across this sidewalk.”
He threw another punch; I was able to block that one off as well. He started moving too quickly, the next one he threw got me squarely on my stomach. In doubled over, I couldn’t believe the pain. Brandon went to town on me, I was down on the sidewalk, and he just kept kicking me; to my back, my side, and stomach. He was now on his knees hitting me with his fist to the side of my head.
Finally David and the other guys pulled him off of me. I heard David telling him to stop, leave Jake alone.
I got up, my clothes torn, bleeding, I just dusted myself off. I just limped away. I passed David and his friends as I walk away. I was hurting all over, but I wasn’t going to give Brandon the satisfaction to see he hurt me more then he thinks he did.
As I was walking down Mesa Street, I heard someone honking their horn at me. I looked over, and it was David and a couple of his friends. I just kept walking.
“Come on Jake! Let me at least take you home. You shouldn’t be walking like that. Especially down Mesa Street…”
I didn’t even turn around to look at him, I just kept walking. Lucky for me, the other cars started honking their horns at them to get going. So David and his friends just sped away.
I kept walking, thinking about how screwed up my life has become. How I had someone I cared about, a lot, and now I don’t. Afraid to be outted at school, at home, just plain outted to everyone.
I couldn’t believe my eyes; one of my good friends just went off on Jacob. All I was doing was just standing there watching Brandon beating the living day lights out of Jake. He didn’t deserve this, no one does. I finally came to my senses and pulled Brandon off of Jake.
I looked at Jake; he was bleeding, curled up in a ball protecting his face. Then he just got up, and walked away. He was shaken up, bleeding, but just walked down the street as if nothing happened.
I like this guy, in fact I have fallen for him, and this is the way I show it to him? One of my good friends is beating on him. I turned to Brandon, just starring him down.
“What the hell did you do that for Brandon?”
“He was being a prick David. Acting all smart and better than us, it was time someone put him in his place.”
“What are you talking about? The beef is between me and him, not you and him. He didn’t deserve to get a beat down like that.”
“Hell he didn’t. Ever since he got here, he acts smarter and better than us.”
“Maybe because he is a lot smarter than us and he doesn’t need to act it at all.”
I looked at the other guys, waved them on.
“Let’s go and try to find Jake to make sure he is fine.”
We jumped in Fred’s car, and took off after Jake. To tell you the truth, I was worried about Jake. He was curled in a ball on the ground as Brandon was kicking him. That means he was getting kicked squarely on the spine, where he had screws put in.
We finally caught up to Jake. He already turned onto Mesa Street from Schuster Street. He was just walking, dragging his left leg, but walking home. I told Fred to honk his horn, and I rolled down my window.
I tried to talk Jake into getting into the car with me, but he refused. I really don’t blame him, he doesn’t trust me anymore. I wouldn’t either trust the person that allowed one of his friends beat him up.
The traffic behind us was getting inpatient. They started to honk to get us going. I finally just gave up, and we drove off.
I was so angry with myself when Fred dropped me off at my house. I tried to call Jake, but no one answered. I kept trying for hours, and still no answer. I am getting worried. I hope the beating didn’t put him back into the hospital.
When I got home, I went straight to the restroom. I looked in the mirror, I was lucky Brandon didn’t land any hits to my face. I lifted my shirt up, saw several bruises and scratches up and down my chest and stomach. I turned around, saw the same thing. I reached around to feel around my spine where the surgery was done. I didn’t feel any bones or screws popping out.
I was in pain though. I just hope there aren’t any internal damages that the naked eye can’t see. I took a quick shower, in order to wash off the dry blood and dirt. Dried myself off, and went to my room.
I heard the phone ring several times, but I didn’t bother to even look at the caller ID to see who it was. I took a couple of my pain pills, and lied down.
The next couple of days I was very sore, but I was dreading my appointment with Dr. Whitmore. My mom gave me bus fare to get down to Dr. Whitmore’s office for my appointment.
When I walked in, there was no one waiting. Dr. Whitmore was waiting on me when I arrived.
“Jake my man, let’s see how everything is healing. How are you feeling? How is the pain?”
“I feel pretty good, I have my off days. The pain is there as always, but I am learning to live with it.”
“Is there anything new I need to know about?”
“Nothing I can think about right now.”
“Well then let’s get your weight and blood pressure out of the way. After that I need you to go ahead and take off your shirt for me please.”
I sat there, didn’t really want to take off my shirt.
“Dr. Whitmore isn’t there any way we could do this without me taking off my shirt sir?”
“No Jake, there isn’t. I need to look at your surgical scars and make sure they are healing correctly. We don’t want them infected, and then it’s a new story.”
I didn’t like the idea that he was going to give me grief about my bruises, but more if I didn’t take off my shirt. When Dr. Whitmore turned around, I started to take off my shirt, and then I heard.
“Jake what in the world happen here? Where did these bruises come from?”
“A couple of kids at school decided to use me as a punching bag.”
“What? Jake this cannot be happening to your body, look at this. Turn around and let me see.”
So I turned around, and I knew I was not going to hear the end of it.
“Jake this side is even worse. These kids were not just playing with you, they beat you up. Who are they Jake, tell me!”
“Just some kids at school I don’t even know. I came out of registering for classes and they jumped me. I curled up in a ball to protect myself.”
“Does your mom know about this Jake?”
“No sir and I would like it that way if we could keep it from her.”
“Let’s first do some x-ray’s your spine, chest and stomach. Let’s see if there’s any damage done.”
We went into another room where the x-ray machines were at. Dr. Whitmore took several x-rays of each area where I had the surgery.
Within a few minutes, Dr. Whitmore came back, and didn’t look too pleased.
“Well Jake by the looks of the x-rays, there is bruising, and that is clear by the color of your skin. We lucked out in that the beating didn't do any internal damage. It looks like you were kicked, not punched. If the force was any harder Jake, whoever did this would have broken your spine in two.
I can’t make this any clearer. You are a very lucky guy. You not only cheated death once, but three times. Do not let death take you over something as stupid as a street fight. YOUR BODY IS NOT AS STRONG AS OTHERS ARE! Do you understand me Jake?”
“Yes sir I do, I will be more careful in the future.”
“I didn’t mean to get upset with you, but I care so deeply for you. You worked so hard, fought so hard to live, don’t let anyone take that away from you.”
“Yes sir I do understand what you are saying.”
“The pain in your legs, is it still there?”
“Yes sir and I get a lot of knots in my legs now!”
“I am going to prescribe another medicine for you to take for that, along with the medicine you are already taking. I am afraid you might have to take this medicine also for the rest of your life along with your pain medicine, but at least you will be able to walk.”
“Thank you, sir!”
“No problem Jake. I need to see you in two weeks to do another set of x-rays, just to make sure this isn’t any damage done. In the mean time, use the summer, just relax, don’t put and unnecessary stress on your body than you need to.”
“Yes sir, I will see you in two weeks then.”
“Get on out of here, take care of yourself Jacob, I mean it!”
I walked to the bus stop and headed home. Finally my mind was at ease, no real damage was done.
The phone rang, I ran to pick it up. It was David on the other end.
“Joey how are you doing man?”
“I am doing alright. I haven’t heard from you all summer long.”
“I know, I thought it was best to let things settle down.”
“I heard you were in a fight with someone at school, is that true?”
“That’s why I was calling you Joey. I wanted to know if you heard from Jake in the last couple of days.”
“No I haven’t heard from him all summer long. I saw him while I was in the line registering for classes, but we just nodded to each other.”
“I am worried about him Joey. When he came out of the school that day, I tried to talk to him; he just ignored me and walked off.”
“That’s Jake for you. I figure he will be ok by the time school starts. I should have gone down to his apartment. I shouldn’t have allowed him to be alone with this as long as I have. Now too much time has passed, and knowing Jake, he thought way too much into it.”
“I know what you are saying, but we have another problem Joey.”
“What is the other problem David?”
“Like I was saying, I tried to talk to Jake that day. He was being stubborn and turned to walk away from me. So when he turned around to walk away from me, Brandon grabbed him. Before I knew it, he was beating Jake to the ground. Just kicking him and hitting him. I had to pull him off of Jake.”
“What the hell are you saying David? You had someone beat up Jake?”
“No I didn’t Joey; Brandon did this all on his own. I was stunned that he was doing that to Jake. I am not even talking to Brandon anymore, but I am worried. Jake was beat up pretty bad. When I finally caught up to him, he wouldn’t even look at me.”
“David you know Jake cannot take any kind of beating on his back. What the hell is wrong Brandon and even more so, with YOU?”
“I know Joey, I know. I have been calling Jakes house for days now, and I am not getting any answer. I even tried in the evening and there’s still no answer.”
“David he won’t answer the phone with me either, but I am going to try. I just cannot believe you allowed this to happen.”
I hung up the phone hard on David, pretty much slammed it down, I was angry as hell with David. No matter how bad things get, no one deserves to be beaten up. Right away I called Jakes house, and of course no answer. I kept trying all the way past nine that evening.
Now I am worried, even if Jake didn’t want to speak with me, someone would have answered the phone. The only thing that keeps running through my mind is Jake in a hospital bed again. I just couldn’t get it out of my mind. I dropped to the ground crying, begging that nothing bad has happened to Jake.
To be continued...
{Hey guys, I just finished up my ninth installment of the story, hope you are enjoying the story. I am having fun writing the story, what I went through. It is bringing back very good memories. I have been getting very good feed back of the story so far. I will try to post one or two chapters a weak, but if I get busy, please understand. In case if I do get busy, I will do my best to get at least a chapter out a week. If you want me the send you an email when I post the next chapter, let me know, and I will begin a list of emails, and send out a general email when I post. I hope you keep reading the future installments. It is based on my life in high school, just the names were changed, but the location is pretty much the same. So remember, this story is more about finding true love, than anything else. Keep reading the future chapters, and enjoy, please email me and let me know how I am doing at jpg@tickiestories.us , Thanks!}
Posted: 04/09/10